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Trump banned smoking until 21. The Republican party wants to raise the voting age because they are losing. You can't drink until 21 unlike most of the rest of the world. Crazy how guns are the only "right" this shithead cares about.


Trump literally proposed "taking the guns" without due process. These fuckers have no convictions or credibility... Their arguments should be completely ignored.


They do have convictions, they can just hide theirs better because they are so outside what normal well-adjusted people think. They want to take guns from minorities. They did it before. They want LGBTQ+ people to be classified as having a mental disease so they can disarm them. Florida wants to be able to kill them for being LGBTQ+ They don't want gun rights, they want guns for them. And they want legal permission to use guns to hurt everyone else. Because they are a fascists. The GOP is a fascist party. GOP officials are fascist officials. The GOP party platform is a fascist platform. They are the nation, we are the other. It's that simple, but most of society either isn't aware, or is too reasonable to ever consider the possibility that a large portion of our government want what should be completely unreasonable.


I get what you are saying, but stand by my comment that they have no convictions. If the conservative zeitgeist shifts, they shift with it. It doesn't matter what the message is, as long as it keeps them "in the club" they believe it, parrot it and live it.


That's because the single most important tenet of their ideology is that they are the in-group, united against the out-group. They're not about to get silly things like morals or a consistent policy platform get in the way of that.


They have no convictions other than "I want ALL the money and ALL the power." The base is just too illiterate and uninformed to see what they're doing. They don't care about the base, any more than they do about you and me. They make it all about "culture war" because they have no actual policy to offer, other than "Rich people rule, poor people drool...and get sick and can't afford healthcare, and vets can all die, and disabled people, hungry kids, the elderly, Blacks, Jews, women, LGBTQ+, etc. they can all just die, too." It always seems to me that they would like 340M of us to just go away, and they'll divide the country amongst themselves, and have 10M to be their serfs and slaves in their fiefdoms.


Electric cars, gas stoves, bud light, Disney, and those are just recent examples. But I hear ya. It's pretty pathetic and disheartening when you here it from just about anyone, be it a close friend or relative, client, or stranger. First thought is "oh fuck, they've gotten to you too" or "you literally don't even know what you're talking about or why you're mad".


They don't have convictions, they have malice and hatred.


>Trump literally proposed "taking the guns" without due process. There were only two times I saw the base crack and this was one of them. The other was the 2 weeks following Jan 6. It was like someone turned the lights on in the club and everyone was like "oh yeah, that's what this place really looks like," before turning the lights off and turning the music up again to force everyone to dance.


There weren’t many parts of the Trump presidency I enjoyed, but always loved the rare moment where I think “actual” Trump came out instead of “Donald Trump playing Republican shithead President” and you’d see the GOP immediately freak out. “Obviously the President didn’t mean we should take away your guns” “I meant what I said”


Well of course you have to be 21 to drink in America, the 18th amendment does prohibit alcohol sales and the 21st reinstated it* * this is not actually why I just think it’s neat


I never noticed that. This really is the matrix!


Just in, voting age has been raised to 64


Fuck you, Kyle.


I read that like Cartman. But yeah, eat shit, Rittenhouse.


I’d be surprised if anyone didn’t read that like Cartman.


Wait. Kyle Rottenhouse and Eric Cartman aren't the same person? Prove it


Shut the FUK up, and sit the FUK down!


Screw you guys, I’m going home.


Check out https://www.everytown.org/ they’re pushing to end gun violence. The more people who make their voices heard the bigger difference we can make.


I've just seen a photo of Shittenhouse's mother -- she looks exactly how I imagined she would.


𓂺 Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw 𓂺




A Karen^(2)?


I just looked her up. Seems like a happy woman with loving thoughts.


Well now. You beat me to it. But I need to say it again. FUCK YOU KYLE RITTENHORSE!


Seriously, fuck this murderer. I really wish he would go away forever. I’m so mad he is free after what he did. What a terrible miscarriage of justice.


Came here to say that


Then why didn’t you wait to own/use a gun until you were 18 Kyle?


Couldn’t wait to murder people


Here it comes yet again: "No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Happens Regularly" Are we not tired of this? I sure as fuck am. Now that I have your attention probably after seeing this post for hopefully multiple times I’d like to get something off my chest and personal soapbox today. Buckle up, "The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes, so I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side and she had no face." We live now in a country in which our children are randomly put to death in public, so that our congressmen can pose with weapons of war, by Right Wing Terrorists. We live in a country where the amount of stickers in the back of our lifted trucks equates to how many rounds of AR ammunition are stockpiled in our closet. We live now in a country where we ban books, where we ban drag shows, where we ban doctors from helping kids in crisis, where we ban women from making choices with their bodies. We ban people from voting because some don’t like how they might vote, we ban representatives from state legislators for how they have voted, we ban immigrants, we ban some stem cells, and we ban transgender athletes, we even ban water bottles on planes. BUT WE DO NOT BAN ASSAULT RIFLES (or assault-like or lite rifles or especially Semi automatic ones as some ammosexuals like to point out) DO WE? Our children are randomly put to DEATH in public. Our Teachers, our friends. Our Family. Some of them just want to go and enjoy an afternoon at a mall together. Never to return. To protect somebody's right to randomly put another innocent person to death, once a month, once a week, once a day, once AN HOUR. Well since my last update, a 14-year-old was shot in the head. What did this child do? She was playing hide and seek. When it becomes unmistakably obvious with each death, a little piece of us dies inside, and within 10 years, or 1 year, or 1 month. The pain of that is too large to process, so we simply pretend that it doesn’t hurt anymore. We simply pretend that it doesn't hurt to think of the horror and the terror of those children and those adults in their final moments. We simply stop dealing with it. Or fighting back against it. Or recognizing that the gore and brains on the sidewalks outside the malls of this country and our streets might as well be our own. And it turns out the good guys with guns can’t stop it. And the responsible gun owners can’t stop it, and the politicians won’t stop it and insist that thoughts and prayers are working and if you disagree with them you are one of those who doesn’t believe in an almighty god who is absolutely in control of our lives? That translates insanely as the solution to all of these nightmares. God and we want the thirteen thousand nine hundred people shot to death in this country already this year? Did God want them dead? I say bullshit. Now we have news conferences, and without emotion, it’s read off the number put to death this TIME, and the number transported to the hospital and how badly they feel. Do you realize they now treat the public execution of more people, as if it was…BAD WEATHER? Gun massacres are not bad weather. So we ban licenses to carry handguns in Texas, give the ability for open carry all over the United States, and Ban mental health care by cutting the budgets. Ban abortion because we are pro-life, and ban books because the children are too precious to be indoctrinated, and ban drag shows because we must protect kids from grooming and we must make sure those kids are happy and fit so SOMEBODY CAN GET A WEAPON OF WAR AND EVERY OTHER DAY PUT GROUPS OF OUR CHILDREN TO DEATH. But at least those kids were not taught something as terrible as CRT. 80 percent believe in banning assault weapons. 80 PERCENT. 81 percent believe in raising the age to buy guns or at least keeping the age at 21. 81 percent believe in enforcing existing gun laws, and 87 percent want background checks for all gun purchases and these numbers are from 2 WEEKS AGO in a poll done by FOX NEWS. And yet non of this can pass our elected officials? BULLSHIT. It is time for a change. Spread how you feel far and wide. Copy this, put in your story (how many of us now have been personally affected or know someone at this point), and let your representatives and the whole goddamn Country know, the whole damn planet! NO MORE! So now to boost the signal on some actual honest to god things that could be done about this never-ending nightmare? For starters, the next generation is tired of this shit and is planning a sit-in at the capital on June 6th. Here is a relevant link: https://twitter.com/joncoopertweets/status/1655293349245452289 And also this goes without saying this group has some amazing ideas: https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/ This website is dedicated to having the media stop reporting the perpetrator's names to prevent glorifying mass murderers https://nonotoriety.com The Gun Violence Archive is also a really useful source on shootings. Their statistics are highly accurate and they have an up-to-date list of all that occurred in the last 72 hours https://gunviolencearchive.org @Emilyinyourphone on Instagram shares scripts and other resources for calling your local representative, it even has a campaign right now for mothers to get their loved ones to call instead of flowers for Mother’s Day. Copy this post or take their info but please. Take a minute and boost the signal. Some stats to back up this rant because Credible Hulk always comes angry and with sources. Guns deaths by state https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-deaths-per-capita-by-state and just because it’s becoming increasingly relevant by the day Texas Mass Shootings Up 62.5 Percent Since Permitless Carry Bill https://www.reformaustin.org/public-safety/texas-mass-shootings-up-62-5-percent-since-permitless-carry-bill/ This WaPo article on the damage that an AR-15 does to a body is sobering but important reading. THE BLAST EFFECT | This is how bullets from an AR-15 blow the body apart https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-damage-to-human-body/ And finally, Check out https://www.everytown.org/ They’re pushing to end gun violence. The more people who make their voices heard the bigger difference we can make. EDIT: It would seem that indeed some of them are not cowards and do have the guts to say what is really on their minds. Let's have a little look at one of the messages I received today... "You are a disgrace, a worthless mass of flesh that doesn't deserve to be called a human being. I hope your account is banned and your IP blocked. You are what is wrong with America. Please find a dark crevasse and fall in." WELL BOO HOO! (Also this goes without saying thanks for the random awards, I'm sending all of that karma back to others right away to show how tired we all are of this. So please boost those as well. I'm also banned in a few conservative and gun subreddits for some strange reason so feel free to take this and use it however you so feel. This goes for Twitter, Facebook, and others as I won't set foot in that cesspool of social media. PLEASE BOOST THE SIGNAL) The messages will REPEAT AD INFINITUM until something is done.


Louder for the people in the back!! I will die fighting on this hill with you.




The NRA is public enemy No. 1. They need to be held to account as the terrorist organisation they are.


Also, follow The Trace, a publication that focuses specifically on gun violence! Support their work!


YES. Post this shit everywhere colonel


You can as well!!




Go join the military, then, Kyle.


You saw him cry in court, right?


He's a bitch...the end.




Little baby bitch boy


We don't want him.


Brother is built like the Pillsbury Doughboy there's no way he'd make the cut even if he was mentally well




I don't think he could pass the physical, if I'm honest.


The military doesn’t want him though.


He couldn't hack it there... he's soft as pudding. He'll be a cop in a couple years, just watch.


For the (I’ve lost count) time… people who ACTUALLY join the military and ACTUALLY serve their country and ACTUALLY get trained in firearms…. Don’t get to walk around with firearms. That shit is locked up in and armory and checked out and in for training… Guess why? The military knows full well letting 18 yr old kids have firearms and ammo whenever and wherever is a bad f’ing idea


Can confirm. Am military and we are absolutely not allowed to walk around strapped without it being for a mission requirement.


Plus in the military they actually train you know to properly use a firearm, and how to take care of it and to respect it. Don’t just hand an m4 to literally any 18 yo with $500


Grew up on multiple bases, in the US and around the world. Can confirm. Carrying around weapons is not done.


And even when they let the recruits handle rifles with live ammunition, they monitor them closely. I remember our Drill Instructors tackling kids the moment they didn't keep the muzzle pointed down range. Anyone got some statistics on how many recruits turn their rifles against their Instructors or fellow recruits during rifle training?


Except they can own personal firearms and can take them wherever they’re legal


On base that’s, in your house if base housing, the armory if living in the barracks, and trunk of your car for transportation. I do believe if you got caught out in town open carrying your personal weapon at the local coffee shop that would fall under “boot ass behavior”, more points if your standing at parade rest when waiting in line to order your coffee.


Yeah, Kyle, cause fuck those kids who never get to be 18, right?


Yo ammosexuals I have something to tell you all. Fuck your feelings


This piece of shit is famous for being a piece of shit.


Not cool, man. Shit is fertilizer. It helps create life. If he’s like anything, it’s a mosquito. At best, a pestilential blood sucker that becomes incredibly irritating to anything it touches. At worst, killing people.


Hey man, that's not cool, believe it or not, mosquitoes are pollinators. They're actually useful to the environment. If he's like anything, it's like a tumour. At best benign and needs to be on a watch list. At worst making people suffer until they finally die.


Not cool, man. Mosquitos are low-tier polinators, their larva also feed on organic matter, breaking it down and recycling it back into the ecosystem. This process helps maintain the health of aquatic environments. They also are a valuable source of nutrients for other species such as bats. If he's like anything, it's a 2023 republican.


George Zimmerman is probably his hero.


Aren’t all famous people?


In fairness to most famous people, they tend to not be exclusively famous for having traveled across state lines to kill someone. Say what you will about the Kardashians but I'll take a sex tape anytime compared to that


Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, Mark Hamill, Robin Williams....


You’re right. Most


But they cannot: Drink or purchase alcohol Gamble Get a rental car Get a hotel room Become a police officer in most jurisdictions Because we don’t trust them to do so. Also fuck Kyle rotten house.


You forgot run for several government offices. Which to me seems like a much more important right -- your right to directly impact and create your government, than owning a firearm. And it's not even ALL firearms they're considering not letting you buy. It's ONE type of gun. What is so important about this ONE type of gun that you can't wait all of three years for it?


What a stupid piece of shit


I don’t ever want to hear about him and gun rights considering he was in illegal possession of one. He’s the poster child for why current gun laws don’t work


The right to kill as many people as you can...


can I just ram a VR headset over their head and lock it like a chastity belt and let them play GTA VR all day?


He is an example of why they shouldn't have guns.


But they cannot drink because we have determined that to be unsafe.


Or rent a car.


Kyle Rittenhouse marrying some poor woman might ruin her life, but at least it wouldn’t end it.


Depends on if he feels like "protecting property".


We already know he hits women.


When I was 18-20 i was more interested in getting laid than trying to get a gun. Priorities?


Bold of you to think that anyone wants to fuck that murdering little shit.


Oh him? Nah fuck him. I was talking about myself, see when i was his age i was busy trying to get laid. Kyle was too busy being a little bitch getting a ride from his mommy to go protect property he did not own in a location he did not live in.


more accurately, *don't* fuck him


Gee Kyle, what happens in the military that differs from when you buy a gun as a civilian. ​ jeopardy theme....... training and handling procedures are taught in the military.


We're talking about a POS who used COVID support to illegally obtain a gun...that's their spokesbitch?


That is like next level white trash.


Lets see what just the 18 year olds of the country would vote regarding gun control, then.


Kyle’s a Sobbing little bitch-boy with a very punchable face.


From the boy that bought his illegally before the age of 18. Next thing you know, he'll be advocating to being able to carry illegally purchased guns across state lines.


Lol. If this law existed you couldn’t have infringed on peoples right to life, you murderer.


I’d like someone to infringe on his right to see the outside of a cell for the next 15-25.


Hey Kyle, your buddies in the GOP are already calling for the “They can vote” part to be 21 and up.


And he can just fuck right off.


Is this supposed to be an argument because it seems much more like a fucking turdburger to me, almost reminds me of someone.....


Kyle fucked around and got away with it, so he thinks he's invulnerable, I hope he suffers immensely for the murders he committed and his malicious BS like this.


It was self defense so


Dipshits like Kyle don’t learn lessons - he will try some violent shit again and it likely won’t go nearly as well for him


Then go join the military you fat bitch.


cry about it fucking infant ![gif](giphy|aYYENxPS8rZE8x9xpQ|downsized)


How old was he when he murdered that guy?


Show me anywhere in the second amendment that 18 year olds can join a “well-regulated” militia.


Oh look the little killer wants attention Stfu shittenhouse


I have never seen a boy who so perfectly encompasses the definition of someone whose personality can be described as a stale bag of hotdog water.


"18 year olds can join the military." Kyle? Why haven't you?


Want a gun join the Marines at 18 and they will teach you how to use a fire arm! * I picked Marines because I served for 6 years


Hes why we need abortion on demand


Then join the military if you need to fondle a high power killing machine that badly. I would be willing to bet money this murderous clown shit wouldn’t make the cut anyway


Fu*k off murderer. What’s next in your maga bucket list? Impregnate a teen? Sleep with Graham or Stone? Harass voters? Pedo?


Just well regulating the militia.


Apply that same logic to abortion rights but remember that abortion aren't weapons of mass destruction


It says a lot about our society that this killer has become a spokesman for the conservatives. He should be reviled, not celebrated! Just an all-around garbage human being supported by other garbage humans with a bloody agenda to push. Of course gun violence wouldn't bother dear old Kyle here. He's a contributor to the statistic! I'm sure he must be proud of himself, in his ill-fitting suit and his little followers. He got all of that by killing, and he deserves none of it. I hope he chokes on his fame.


You know what also happens in the military? Guns are registered, you are trained extensively, and if you are mentally unstable and have some major issues (like the recent murder), you get kicked out. So if we are to take what he says seriously, he is arguing for: * Enforced training * Registration/licensing * Mental stability taken into account Also side note, there are those on the right who are also suggesting raising voting age too.


If we had gun control he wouldn't be famous or a murderer and he's proud of both those thing


If someone had infringed on his rights there would be another person alive today.


OMG why is he still talking???


Pudgy little murder boy is back


I'm not a conspiracy theorist but this piece of shit almost seems like a plant by the NRA. I really feel like most people who have taken someone else's life, regardless of whether they feel it is justified or not, are pretty changed by that event. This guy goes on basically a national book tour after what is looking like less and less of a "chance encounter" everyday. The main reason I can't actually believe this isn't a total astroturfing operation is because someone definitely died that day and Kyle definitely killed them, and I truly don't believe any organization would orchestrate that, but damned if they didn't swoop in the moment he hit the news and it seems like they've given him a PR team since day one. It's creepy.


Homie is literally the embodiment of why teens shouldn’t own an assault rifle.


For a moment I thought he was gonna make an actual good point about the drinking age in the USA being 21, but I suppose I expect too much from him.


That guy can suck a dick. I’m fine with his rights being infringed upon. Him specifically.


Go join the fucking Marines then


Why are we giving him free publicity? Let him rot in obscurity.


His boy just did a mass shooting in Texas you know he broke up inside about the death of the shooter


Can't buy smokes or booze, tho, can they Skippy?


Sign up you pudgy coward…


You crossed state lines to commit murder you fat fuck!


Hey let's not forget fish lipped in that.


Kyle, you're the perfect reason why there should be ban on selling guns to people under 21. You wanna play with guns join the army...


In the military, they actually train you how to use those guns for military purposes People usually don’t die when you vote or get married What is your next ignorant statement to support you obtaining weapons to kill people…


He was 17 when he committed his murders. Interesting he didn’t mention 17…


Hasn't he murdered enough people.


Gun freaks want to change the voting age to be higher, and for the marriage age to be lowered. That also your stance murderer?


Well Kyle, join the military. Then you can carry a gun 24/7 and no one will protest.


sit down, cowardly little murderer.


Is that what you mommy says?


Cry some more lil bitch


Maybe you should get your mommy to speak to the manager, Kyle.


Pretty rich for ***this fucking guy*** to be complaining about his "gun rights" being infringed upon.


Spazz with a gun.


- have to register to vote and prove residency - have to get a marriage license - have to be of sound presence physically and mentally for the military and register, plus conform to their required behaviors and do exactly what they say But I could go get a gun today with no oversight or registration, legally. These things aren’t the fucking same.


Fat fucking cheeseburger


Don’t infringe on Kyle’s rights to kill people, folks


The poster boy for legal murder*


Murderer complains that his rights to murder are in peril, tries to make it about something other than the murdering. This is the world we live in.


He is not a responsible gun owner and has no business with weapons.


Rittenhouse is among the illustrious few individuals I wouldn't feel bad for if they wound up hog-tied naked in a field filled with briers, nettles, and cacti after receiving an enema of a colony of bullet ants. I'm not saying I want someone to do that. I'm just saying I wouldn't feel bad for him if someone did.


Oh yes, pretzel logic from Kyle the murderer. You can't gamble or drink though until 21. Are you bondable at 18 in the States? But sure, go on about Gun Rights at 18, when the majority of 18 year olds barely understand human anatomy.


Can’t believe this miscreant is verified with a platform


The right's Elmer Fudd. "Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting wibruls."


Why didn’t kyle join the military?


He prefers dress up instead, people shooting back is a big no no.


Wasn't he 17 when he murdered 2 people across state lines?




Kyle Ritrenhouse is a murderer.


Kyle Rittenhouse was **17yrs old** when he was walking down the street carrying an assault rifle and killed 2 people.


Assault rifle?


When I was 18, I was allowed to drink alcohol. That changed because 18 year olds aren't mature enough.


Proposition: No one under 21 can own weapons unless they have served in the military, and were properly trained on how to use the weapons.


Only a matter of time before that little murderer is elected to office in one of the wonderful shithole states. He's a hero to conservatives.


Lol, thanks mr murder. Don’t forget that your party is trying to take voting rights away from younger folks.


Meanwhile this shithead probably won't say anything about the GOP's efforts to raise the voting age from 18


Someone show him the working end of an AR-15


Sociopathic narcissist murderer says what now?


His argument is sound, but it's sound towards the changing of the age to 21. He was too young and immature to make life and death decisions. He made a "death" decision and it cost people their lives. Had he been older and more mature, he may have made a less hasty decision and not put himself in a position where he was armed with a machine of death in front of group of protesters. Also, a huge part of the military is learning how and when to use these point and click dealers of death. They don't just hand you a rifle and say "you're good, right?". There is training and the rules of engagement.


You can’t smoke or drink either. Get fucked loser.


How many other 17 year olds…oh, I mean 18-20 year olds…would cross state lines to kill people in the name of defending some used cars for sale, Kyle? Go fuck yourself.


Hasn't this guy had his 15 minutes?


Nothing wrong with speaking up for freedom. He seems like a principled young man. I am sure he will soon be releasing his statement opposing Republican efforts to undermine the 1st Amendment (attacking the establishment clause by pushing for religious involvement in politics; gutting freedom of association and assembly through drag show bans, gerrymandering; and weakening freedom of speech through attacks on political dissent, the press and protests). /s


Kyle the killer speaks...😖


The movie Idiocracy comes to mind


His right to murder in cold blood in the streets and walk away from it. All it took was him crying like a little bitch to a jury. Fuck that POS


Child Soldier


Join the military get your gun


Not Just you, but ESPECIALLY you, Kyle.


You killed someone


The law didn't stop you before, KKKyle.


Kyle Shittenhouse


Is it just me or does he kinda look like Dudley Dursley?


Murderer said what?


Mumbling, stumbling little prick.


Yep. A gun is a privilege not a right




FU Kyle. You were a 17 yo and outright murdered 2 people and wounded a third before you were stopped after being driven over state lines by your mother. How does any of that wash on your own actions with your statements.


Brush up on the case, read in detail what happened and tell me it wasn’t self defense.


Murderers go to hell.


Isn't that the coward murderer who jerks off to children being slaughtered in schools?


Since when did being underage stop this little shit?




Dude murdered, how many? Three people? By all rights, his ass should be doing life.


I’m calling it now: at a certain point in this insane timeline, Kyle Rittenhouse will get caught fucking a guy, a minor, or a sex worker, because of course he will, and the GOP will 1000% rally around behind him, because of course they will. Can’t wait for someone to post a screenshot of this comment in ~~4 years~~ 2 months when I’m completely right.


Can you drink at 18? STFU


"they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are ***Life***, *Liberty* and the *pursuit* of Happiness."\*\* ​ \*\*Kids getting mowed down daily are ineligible


Dude straight up murdered people, but thinks making it harder for him to do what he did takes away 'his' rights.




You can't hold office until 30. The founding fathers knew somethings weren't meant for the Young. Want proof? Ask car insurance companies.


Shut up, you little murderer!
