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Australia immigration is currently running at approximately 4,000 a week incoming so if you’ve got any kind of professional or trade skills you can probably make the jump. Have a plan for housing (because there is none unless you have buckets of money - like most of the western world) and you might enjoy it.


Open to German trade skills? Specifically journeyman electrician / controls engineer/technician? (the exact definition/title only exists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland) German/American dual citizen that found out the hard way they do not accept my German professional background here at all.. “here” being the USA.. 20+ years experience in the field in Germany Any tips/pointers/websites etc. would be greatly appreciated..


I don’t have good info to share, sorry. There is a sub that is just the name of the country that I am not allowed to mention according to the auto mods. They might have better advice to share


Thanks! I got your original post attempts with the subreddit name included in my email inbox despite automod. I appreciate your continued effort 🙃 I’ve just glanced at the Australian version of indeed and it seems there are various companies that are interested in hiring foreign skilled electricians and providing visa sponsorship. I’ll try to write something in the sub you referred to regarding the many questions I have in this area.


Except instead of cute furry creatures like squirrels and raccoons every living creature in Australia wants to kill you… lols


As Steve Irwin found out, sunblock doesn't protect against every harmful ray.


Even koalas?


Are you kidding? They carry switchblades in their pouches… !!! Fact


Not actively trying to kill you, just give you chlamydia IIRC.


I knew it had to be something.


No. Just lay eggs, have fur, are venomous and webbed feet.




You might get shot if you offer to help a neighbor with a grass fire. > A neighbour, Alan Dare, investigating the grass fire, was fatally shot in the back. > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wieambilla_police_shootings But the chances are low.




Even less than that those people were conspiracy theorists nut jobs who had killed one police officer and were trying to use the fire to smoke out the survivor who was injured. Australia Homicide and related offences in 2021 There were 370 victims of homicide and related offences – which includes murder, attempted murder and manslaughter – recorded in Australia in 2021. This was a decrease of 7% (26 victims) from the previous year. The victimisation rate also decreased to 1.4 victims per 100,000 persons, the lowest rate recorded for this offence since the time series began in 1993. In 2021, most homicide and related offences: were murders (52% or 193 victims) occurred at a residential location (63% or 232 victims) involved the use of a weapon (61% or 225 victims) For victims of homicide and related offences: the majority (70%) were male (259 victims) most were aged 18 years and over (87% or 323 victims) More than a quarter (28%) of incidents were family and domestic violence (FDV) related (105 victims). https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-victims/latest-release Compare our 1.4 murders per 100,000 to Americans 7.8. You’re 5.5 times more likely to be murdered in the US.


And of the 61% that involved the use of a weapon, how many were a gun?


Exactly. And required mentally defective conspiracy theorists with a deliberate plan to kill and die, not just an otherwise inoffensive citizen suddenly blazing away because they got startled. The contrast is striking, I think.


I concur-you WILL enjoy it! I have family in Perth (Manning, to be exact) and am headed there ASAP. There is no reason to put up with this nonsense any longer-life is too short, as it is.


Nah we ship our refugees to a tropical island...


They sure as hell don’t take brown refugees, sending them to concentration/work camps on the island of Nauru for the crime of trying to migrate.


That’s Hanson’s idea of immigration policy.






Ah i see. It actually could be interpreted an alternate way. My bad


America’s conservatives put the dumb in freedumb.


My dumb ass thought you said thumb, and I was like yeah I can see they put their thumb over freedom’s spout until I noticed how you spelt freedom.


Username checks out


I feel like the majority of Americans dislike child massacre, our politicians however have the NRAs hand up their ass making them act like spineless fucking idiots




You guys should be in the streets all the time until you get proper laws. In my country we would freak the hell out after the first pile of dead kids, not just belly ache on Twitter and move on.


people can’t really protest when everyone has to have 3 full time jobs to pay rent :/


Working as intended. It's a feature, courtesy of the politicians and rich class, not a bug


That’s what I was thinking. I’d much rather protest for better laws than work… speaking of which I should be leaving for the first of my two jobs.


That's why they removed all the social safety nets, so people literally can't afford to miss work because then they wont have the money to pay for food/shelter. And that's before an unforeseen medical expense.


It's hard to protest when you have faux "patriots" showing up with AK's itching for an excuse to shoot.


Meanwhile women and men in Iran are literally getting slaughtered by their own government yet still keep fighting...


Oh, saving your kids' lives might be risky? Nevermind then, let them pile up.


It's not just risky, it's game over. If you die, then who cares for your children? The foster care system in the US is a death sentence for some children. Here protesting solves nothing. Not even our politicians have seen change through protesting. Change starts at the top. If you don't understand how our government abd society works, then there's no use trying to get through to you.


How does getting killed while protesting save anyone? The only actions and choices that matter are the ones ones of people in power. Changes will only happen when the government decides our lives have value.


Making a ton of noise and protesting despite the risk is how you pressure the government to do something. That's how we got stuff like the right to strike. Also calling the politicians regularly and being present for votes. If you think the kids aren't worth it that's your choice, don't just pretend that it's impossible to do.


You’re right, but it also does feel literally impossible. If we go to protest, we will most likely be arrested and possibly thrown in jail for it unless we protest exactly the way the government says we can (after obtaining the proper permits, of course, because protesting is a privilege in the US despite being a integral part of our first amendment rights). If someone doesn’t like the protest, and decides to show up and massacre a bunch of people, they’ll likely be treated better by police than the protesters were. Hell, the same people who won’t vote to stop the shootings also want to enact laws allowing people to murder protesters, so it isn’t like killing protesters is a fringe position in the US. It also is increasingly common for far right-wing counter protesters from groups like the Proud Boys to show up with their guns to intimidate protesters. If the protest looks successful, they’ll just send the police in with riot gear and tear gas to clear it out and then talk about how violent the protest was, not completely unlike how the CCP handles protests in China. If we call or email our representatives, they simply ignore them; after all, they’re getting hundreds of calls every day telling them what pieces of shit they are, they certainly don’t feel the need to listen to every one. And we have seen all of this several times, particularly in regards to the Black Lives Matter protests (by the way, instead of jailing the officers that killed Breonna Taylor, they’ve gotten new jobs for them, but at least the protesters got arrested), so we’re well aware of how that situation works out. And, if any of that weren’t enough of a deterrent, everybody has to show up to work every day, with most Americans working at least one job if not more, we have less time off than any other developed country so we can’t get the days off to protest because we need those for doctors appointments or emergencies, most of us aren’t making enough to make ends meet as it is so missing out on pay or losing our jobs isn’t really an option if we want to survive, and our employers can fire us over our missing work or simply because us being filmed at the protest is bad optics for the company (don’t worry, they won’t have to say it, they can fire us without reason) so we really can’t afford to do anything that puts our jobs in jeopardy. Going to a protest in the US really can completely destroy your life, and it likely won’t even accomplish anything in return. I mean, it isn’t like any of those Women’s Marches did anything to stop women from losing their right to bodily autonomy.


Oh it's tough as hell, I am NOT disputing that! Doing the right thing in that instance will be a BITCH! But, again, and I can't stress this enough, this is contrasted with "doing nothing while a lot of kids die". Surely you want to at least *try* to protect them. It sounds to me that you're saying that protest to protect innocent lives is only worth doing if success and safety are guaranteed. But also I suspect you know it's not true?


Most Americans can't afford to take time off, be arrested, or injured going to a protest. Doing so puts our loved ones at risk of homelessness, starvation, or additional violence. It sounds like a way to excuse inaction, but it's also a carefully constructed paradigm that the business and elite class have established to keep our efforts disorganized. Sure I care about protecting kids, but I don't see what getting shot or being in the crowd when a crazy republican plows through it with their Protest Crusher 3000 Hemi V10 will accomplish. Our enemies delight in our suffering, and many of them hold office.


That’s not at all what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that we have to weigh the risks vs the rewards. If we protest, there’s a high chance of losing our jobs, a high chance of getting injured, a reasonable chance of getting killed, a very high chance of getting arrested, and almost no chance that anything will actually change. It’s incredibly high risk and there’s unlikely to be any reward. Most likely, large groups of people go out to protest, a few people die, many are arrested, and even more lose their jobs (either from not showing up to work, calling off when they weren’t allowed to, or having been seen at the protest), and it’s all for nothing. Keep in mind losing a job also isn’t a small thing over here. That means your probably missing rent or mortgage payments and will soon be homeless, you’ll struggle for food, your unlikely to get any kind of assistance for this, and you certainly won’t be able to cover any medical expenses that may come up after your employer-sponsored health insurance is gone. Losing a job could certainly ruin someone’s life and for many it’s a death sentence. If the protests worked it might be worth all of those risks, but like I’ve said it’s very rare that these protests cause any change at all, let alone actual helpful change. Politicians will just write laws aiming to shut down the protests, and the gun nuts will frame anyone at the protest as a criminal and drive people further away from gun control. The other thing here is the difference between risk for others and risks for ourselves. A mass shooting might happen anywhere and to anyone, but the odds of me personally being wrapped up in one are relatively low. If I go out and protest, though, I’m immediately in for all of those risks I mentioned before. And if I had family to take care of, kids of my own, a spouse, aging parents, etc., those people would all likely suffer as a result of me trying to protect other people that I’ll never meet. It’s very difficult to justify taking a whole lot of personal risk, and subjecting your loved ones to those risks, especially when you’ve seen firsthand that your actions will likely be for nothing. And all of this has just been talking about a single protest on one day. To be out in the streets every day until change occurred? All of those risks keep going up, and the odds of change happening don’t really go up at all (because they’ll just arrest, beat, and kill protesters until the protests stop rather than enacting gun control). It’s a nice thought to say we could just go out and protest and fix everything, but in reality it’s about as helpful as going to a gay pride parade in Russia.


Funny how for example the people in the XIXth century who fought for unionization and the right to go on strike faced much more danger and way longer odds and still did it. Because it was right for them and their children. But ok you're stuck on a loop of "it's dangerous and I'm not sure we can do this so the kids might as well keep dying, we ain't doing anything about it." Well next time people from other countries make fun of you people or show visible disgust, that's why.


We have. Over and over again. Politicians who are protected by NRA funding and gerrymandered districts do not care.


No you haven't. In my country we know what a proper protest looks like, and what you did for these kids was about as punchy as a strongly worded letter. Step it up.


Please advise us, then.


Just look at what other countries do, they are risking everything to make their voices heard. In America, the only protests I see are people wanting to abolish women's rights, more guns and Trump. Where are the outraged parents to protect their children?? BLM had a bigger protest where is the CLM children lives matter protests?


It's as I said really, contact your representative, sit in in person when laws related to gun control are voted, and march in the street. BLM was a good example to follow. Of course a lot of people like to [lie](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/10/upshot/black-lives-matter-attitudes.html) and pretend they achieved nothing, but hopefully you know better than that.


That's how most revolutions start my dear


Learned helplessness is deeply engrained unfortunately


We can't. We can't afford not to work. We can't afford to interact with the police like that. We know that politicians don't listen to protestors. Our options are "some kids die, and they might be far away" or "*our* kids die, and it's definitely our fault." In your country, politicians would have been as outraged as you are, as I am, at the first massacre. In mine, they're not, and I have no influence over them.


With abortion mostly banned, you have to get rid of the kids somehow. So simply put them into a Texan school.




Gerrymandering. Look at Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. Minority rule where vote share is stolen from people




Totes true! You can remove polling places, eliminate souls to the polls (GA), prevent ppl from handing out water and other draconian measures to prevent voters (of certain demographics) from voting. Jim Crow never left




Voter suppression.


I recommend you go look up how voter suppression works, the many ways it is implemented, and how voteshare is taken from specific groups of ppl based usually on income and race. Voting is not less convenient for ppl; it is downright impossible. Don’t take my word for it, google voter suppression and find 5 ways states use voter suppression tactics. You’ll learn some sad stuff but then we get work together to fix it




Oooo so we agree then! I don’t think it is defeatist to acknowledge why the majority isn’t getting what it wants via voting. I think we both agree that these Jim crow policies need to be overcome. I t was hard to tell, but I read your comments as if ppl really just tried a little harder it’d all b ok. And my stance is it is systemic and will take a lot of hard/slow/consistent work to overcome. Tldr: pick a battle and help make voting accessible!


The thing is that the shootings are never where these people are. Malls, schools, cinemas…. They have nothing to worry about


Ugh. You Auzzies are so upside down. It’s *semi*-automatic weapons that we slaughter most of our children with… we’re not some automatic rifle-wielding 3rd-world “shithole”… those require a little paperwork.


Maybe Republicans systematically destroying the American school system is their form of gun control. You know, make everyone too stupid to fill out the paperwork for automatic weapons


The paperwork for purchasing a firearm is all yes or no questions, and the answer that will allow you to buy a gun is ‘no’ on every single one. They are questions similar to “Are you a psycho killer?”, “Are you planning to murder someone?”, or “Are you strung out on drugs?” It would be a challenge even for Republicans to make people dumb enough to fail that test. The hardest part is writing your name at the top. You point at the model you want under the glass, and while they are rummaging around in the back to find it in a size that fits in your waistband, you fill out the form. By the time they get back with your gun in the correct size, you will have already finished the form, so you hand it to them to process, go to the front register to pay the background check fee, and by the time you get back to the gun counter, they will have received the results of the FBI background check. You then grab your weapon, take it to the front counter to pay for it, and you are on your way. It’s so easy, even Billy Bob can do it, and that’s after huffing paint thinner and sucking on lead fishing sinkers since he was nine.


You have to answer 'yes' on the very first question, though, which asks if you're buying the firearm for yourself and not someone else. The rest are all 'no' though.


I can see that throwing some people off. It might have actually saved a few lives. It didn’t save Kyle Rittenhouse’s victims, unfortunately.


I've been to gun shows where people are literally on a video call on their cell phone asking another person what kind of gun they wanted...


That is by far the dumbest thing I have ever heard and you're probably right


aUToMaTic WeApOnS aRe IllEgAl iN 'mErIcA, wE UsE sEmI aUToMaTic rIfLeS. AlSo, bAnNiNg sOmE TyPeS oF GUns dOeSn'T wOrK!!!!


Fully automatic weapons are completely legal in the US. You need a special permit and you have to register it and all of this is very expensive and there's a limited stock of weapons available, but if you have the money and pass the requirements then you can legally own a fully automatic firearm. Before these regulations, fully automatic weapons were prominent in crimes such as the St. Valentine's day massacre. Since the restrictions were put in place, fully automatic weapons are nearly absent from the crime statistics, with a handful of incidents in the past 30 years. This is proof that even in the US you can take a type of firearm that was available with tens of thousands of them on the streets and regulate it in such a way that it is still available to responsible users but is nearly never used in crimes.


Although you are correct about crime and success in keeping them out of the hands of the "bad guys" for the most part who cause these tragedies, it is also evidence of if most firearms were regulated to that level the lower and middle class population would be completely priced out most likely even now just the fees to file the paperwork for NFA items like a suppressor is enough that a lot of people would struggle to come up with that money. I get your point just if it gets to a point where the average citizen doesn't have access because of finances or legal know how just like fully automatic firearms now it essentially completely gets rid of them. Not coming from the "need a good guy with a gun", argument just it is a right built into the countries origin and if we are going to try and keep that intact while also make changes for the interest of public safety we have to make sure we don't strip the rights of only us so the 1% can still do and have whatever with no limits and all we did was further restrict our freedom.


Yeah you make a good point here that guns are essentially subsidized because the costs of gun violence are externalized onto the public at large and if we required something like the strict regulations of fully automatic weapons or liability insurance for firearms then many people would not be able to afford guns. The second amendment is not a guarantee of free guns though, just access to them if you can afford it.


I get you yea man its complicated af and one of those things I don't have an answer for personally, I don't even claim either parties ideology I just think people deserve to be safe, happy, and free. Dude it is super cool to be able to have reasonable dialogue with someone about such an inflammatory issue though you are a homie!




Correct as is machine guns are regulated in such a way that makes them attainable, but due to the limits and secondary effects of those limits not just the lower class but vast majority of people will never be able to have access to them even if they should be qualified to do so. My point is that if we were to regulate most (or all depending on who you talk to) guns to the same level it would even if to a lesser degree it would follow similar trends and become unavailable to most people whether through financial reasons or lack of transparency of the legal process to do so. I don't know what "FFL" you are talking about is that a license to own firearms? In every state I have lived in, in the US the only license relating to firearms for common citizens aside from hunting licenses is a CCW or I have heard of other carry permits. For me when you say FFL though I personally think of is a "Federal Firearms Licensees" for business use. My other example was the tax stamp fee of 200 dollars for just submitting the paperwork for current NFA items and how that is a prime example of how even a seemingly small amount of money to some could be as of now and could very quickly with any inflation of prices relating to stringent regulation of most guns make most people lose access to something that is supposed to be a right that is accessible if you go through the proper channels and procedures. As another person said nobody was promised guns, but it is being treated as an innate right and freedom we as people have. That being the case my whole reasoning is that we just have to make sure that whatever type of reform we decide on it cant be short sited cutting off the peoples nose to spite our face and giving all of the power to the tippy top people in even more ways.


Exactly. And ammosexuals HATE when you point this out. Immediately it’s “sHaLl NoT bE iNfRiNgEd!!!!”


B-b-but hunters 😢




I think the issue is Americans are too far apart to really make a big stink about it. Like if major cities in all states had huge massive rallies, maybe it would look like something they’d care about, but instead you get internet propaganda making everyone look stupid and then people start to feel like the whole thing is pointless and don’t even bother. Personally I think gun being taken away is the answer, my family disagree, but meh this is America, I’m at the very least entitled to my opinion, right… right?


Of all the people i've met in life, Americans and Australians seem to have way more in common than they do different. Guns aside.


God these are all so disproportionate… “Hah the Brits say lorry instead of truck.” “YEAH WELL AT LEAST WE DON’T PAINT CLASSROOMS WITH CHUNKS OF CHILDRENS GORE HAH FUCKEN GOTTEM”


14,000 people have died of massacres in 2023 alone. That's nearly five times the death count of 9/11. It's gotten to the point where Serbia (the butthole of Europe) has enacted gun control and America has not, despite similar demographics proportionate to total population. Either vote and protest to fix the gun control issue (if you're American, if not then you can still signal boost Americans' protests and whatnot) so that we can be petty about each others' cultures again, or fuck right the hell off.


What is also very concerning and is sadly not discussed often enough are the suicide rates from those statistics. Over 50% or roughly [8,000](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/) have thus far come from suicides. That’s another problem that desperately needs to be addressed.


Those of us that are doing what we can are kind of tired of being yelled at about a series of tragedies that we're actively incapable of preventing. Bit like yelling at a person going through chemotherapy for not doing enough to look pretty.


Yeah we’re kind of a big country dude. New England doesn’t have even close to the level of gun violence that the south does. Don’t mind us in with your close-minded stereotypes about Americans. We’re the size of Europe.


Yep. And we have 10.68 deaths out of 100k due to guns a year. Britain has 0.24 out of 100k a year. The level is disproportionate no matter how you look at it


Never said it wasn’t it’s just not nearly as much of a problem here than the rest of the country.


Then why do no states have stricter gun controls than any other state? Or if they do, I haven't heard of it. Some European nations have stronger gun controls than others, so if the United States is comparable to Europe as a whole then that should be the case here. We may be the size of Europe, and to an extent we may be 50-55 nations (depending on how you consider Samoa, Puerto Rico, Virgin, Midway, and Guam) functioning as one state, but we still function as one unit, at least on this issue. And before you talk about concealed carry, which IS different from state to state: I'm talking about obtaining guns, not using them.


Wdym? Of course there are different laws surround guns in different states. Assault rifles are illegal in MA and CT and you need a proper background check and waiting period in basically every state. You candy even fire a gun on your own property within 500 feet of another residence unless your life is in grave danger. You need a permit to conceal carry in MA, and AFAIK open carry is not allowed at all.


Oh, so assault rifles are illegal in New England and carrying requires a permit? Then how come there's been shootings there? https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/incident/2584930 I will admit the gun is unknown, but you don't fire enough to injure 5 and kill 1 using a handgun or shotgun. That's at least six shots, and probably several more - most people aren't that accurate with a gun. If the laws are different, then they aren't being enforced as if they are different, and that's what really matters.


Well people can still obtain them illegally but as we know banning them does do a great deal to reduce incidents. You’ll notice when you look at map of mass shootings New England has had very few.


Dude do you realize that with basic marksmanship training it shouldn't be difficult to hit your targets from the aprox. ranges in that situation obviously its a fucking horrible situation that shouldn't have happened but between the and the fact a single stack 1911 the handgun used by the US in both world wars primarily was able to hold 8 rounds in a magazine. Not to mention revolvers that have been used for much longer and speed loaders for them have been around for like 150 years I think.


Vote and protest don't work when the people who run the system want it to be this way


No, they don't work because people are afraid that they won't work, and that's a self fulfilling prophecy. I'm afraid it won't work too. I live in Nebraska, one of the most conservative states. Realistically, my voice does not matter. The Nazi groomer Pillen will probably still be governor in 2024, for example. I just am more afraid of what happens if I don't even try to vote. If you are doing nothing to try and fix the problems with government, you don't get to hem and haw and go "Won't somebody do something about this?" That's your job as a citizen of a democracy. It's your job to do something about it.


This reads like the political insight of someone with blinding privilege >No, they don't work because people are afraid that they won't work, and that's a self fulfilling prophecy. They don't work because there are armed groups of conservative activists who salivate at the thought of escalating a demonstration to violence. >I just am more afraid of what happens if I don't even try to vote. Being afraid doesn't magically make your tiny, demonstrative act any more impactful. >If you are doing nothing to try and fix the problems with government, you don't get to hem and haw and go "Won't somebody do something about this?" The voting districts are gerrymandered. The protestors are arrested or killed. We're already in the endgame of state-sponsored police dominance. >That's your job as a citizen of a democracy. It's your job to do something about it. You're extremely naïve and, apparently, think that political problems can be tackled in 2023 the way they were in 1966


And this is the issue. Yes, one vote probably doesn’t matter. But we have what, 20% of the nation believing that and not voting? If those 20% got out and voted, gerrymandering wouldn’t matter. Almost all elections but the few deep red states would be overwhelmingly blue. But they don’t, because everyone thinks the exact same thing you’re saying.


It's actually closer to 40% of eligible voters not voting, at least for 2020 (where 1 in 3 did not vote) and 2022 (where nearly 1 in 2 did not vote), though it fluctuates between elections, and is generally lower during midterms.


And yours reads like the political insight of someone with blinding nihilism.


Nice clapback, Twitter Karen. Thanks for proving exactly what I mean about your shallow, privileged perspective. Maybe go spend 10 minutes on the wikipedia for "gerrymandering" and then tell me voting is the way to enact change.


Then what is the way to enact change, hm? Please, tell me. If the answer is "none," you're a blinding nihilist. If the answer is anything other than "none," then I'd like to know.




Protesting what?


Shall not be infringed.




As a canadian I am amazed by the wide range of emotions they can express with a single curse word. For them its a national treasure.


*Semi-automatic weapons... /s


most conservatives are cunts so there is that.


Ugh. They’re only semi-automatic weapons. This is why we can’t let you people make gun control laws! /s


Well a large portion of Americans aren't children, but they are cunts.


They’re not mutually exclusive. /s


yeah because here in america, we aren't capable of grieving because we're just a bunch of stupid fatties!! No. we are just as appalled at gun violence the rest of the world. stop pretending we don't care, because we do.


/Sandor Clegane has entered the chat


Love this!




Remember Janet Jackson exposed **Nipple** at the Super Bowl and all the ongoing mass hysteria and outrage by the conservatives? But **mass murder of children,** how dare you infringe my 2nd Amendment rights! ###


The issue is written into a core document of our legal system. There’s basically no fix short of an amendment and the bar for those is basically impossibly high. I’d imagine we could get a significant reduction in mass shootings, at least the suicidal spree-killer kind, if the press would collectively stop reporting on them the way they do suicides.


Just in general the sex vs violence views in the states are crazy. A vagina or a schlong in a movie will get you an NC-17 rating. A 300 person body count in an action movie will get you at worst an R rating. Just bizarre


"It'S SeMi-AuToMaTiC"


Yup, and this idiot doesn't know that simple difference.


The point is that the difference isn't really relevant here but conservatives think they're rocking a fucking checkmate. You're not.


The relevant difference is that automatic weapons are NOT used to "slaughter school children" since automatic weapon was not used in shooting. Why did he think an automatic weapons was being used then? Its because he doesn't know a single thing about this topic and so will be ignored.


It's not a relevant difference. They can both kill people and they're both too easy for mentally unstable people to obtain. He doesn't have to be a gun expert to see that this is a problem. What do you propose we do about this problem? Edit: typo


Relevent difference being that one was being used and the other not? Yes, both automatic and semi-automatic firearms can kill if you decide to point that firearm at a human being and fire. No, automatics are NOT easy for anyone to obtain. Both no new supply and regulation have made it prohibitively expensive for even fully vetted American citizen to own an automatic firearm. That statement you made was just ridiculous nonsense. Semi-automatic firearms have been made and still being supplied since begining of 1900s. It still cost money and various legal hoops you have to jump though to obtain it to prove you are not mentally unstable. Since he doesn't know the difference between the most basic info to identify the problem, he should keep his "solutions" to himself. What is the problem?


He doesn't have to be a gun expert to know regulations are too loose. The evidence of that is loud as fuck. The problem where mentally unstable people keep getting the firearms you're saying are difficult to obtain and slaughter people with. What do you propose we do about it?


He thinks automatic, which has not even been used in a crime in decades because single one cost 10k plus due to the heavy regulation now are being used to "slaughter schoolchildren" and thinks regulations are too loose for automatics..... It's hilariously ridiculous. It also shows theres no point to even correct this, since to make that statement demonstrate complete and absolute ignorance in american firearm laws in the first place. So... which firearms are we gonna talk about? You mean handguns? Semi-auto rifles? I don't see much of a problem with rifles being used despite the increasing usage of it in high profile cases due to the publicity. Handguns... I say if criminals can get the switchs to make their glocks automatic, its time to deregulate automatics to let regular people have the same firepower criminals are getting.


We're not talking about how much this guy knows about guns. We're talking about the gun violence problem in America. We're not talking about which guns are being used. We're talking about gun violence in America. What do you propose we do about it?


So why doesn't he say that? Because he doesn't have any idea or knowledge. Proposals? Sure why not. Shoot back. Mass anger management classes. Dose the population up a bit, circus for the masses. I don't really see it as gun violence issue but more like law enforcement and mental health issue anyway.




How would I know? Looool if they had made statment calling for regulation of automatic weapons used to "slaughter school children" they should care since automatic weapon was not used in shooting, or does actual facts not matter anymore?


Waiting to read the "it's SeMiAutOmAtIc" response


Republicans freak out over guns because they know that if they can't murder us, we'd vote for a better world.


"they're actually semi-automatic, your opinion is invalid" /s of course


So are Americans


They're *semi* automatic, for your information /s


There has not been a single school shooting the US that has used an automatic weapon. Also most Americans are against children being murdered.


I'm sorry I find these posts to be in poor taste, especially when its from countries that actively abuse their indigenous populations. People are dead, it's not a punchline for every smug non American.


I think it's valuable to remind people in the US that their tolerance for regular mass murders of their own children is *not normal*. Maybe this might nudge them towards waking up and doing something about it someday.


No average person fucking tolerates it dude, we just don’t want to get shot by our trigger happy militarized police force with republican money lining their pockets


Uh, my family is part of the American indigenous population and we aren't treated any better here. In fact, I'd say we're treated worse here. Don't make digs at another Countries shortcomings when ours isn't fairing any better with the same issues.


The US also abuses their indigenous population... Pot, kettle?


I swear. How did i know this would be the response? I literally am indigenous American. There is no pot kettle here, I'm just over smug non Americans using the deaths of children as a punchline when they literally engage in active violence against people where they're from, where day. They can criticize the US but they have no moral high ground to turn our deaths into a joke. If Americans took the few mass murders in those other countries and made it into some joke, people would rightfully be frustrated by it.


Let's not even start on the everyday misogyny that leads to the c-word being the lingua franca for 'dude.'


Shut up bitch. Oh look at that American can do it too lmaooo


Thanks for your contribution.


Yeah we’re having a bit of a disagreement here. In fact, we’re having a number of disagreements. We will continue to attempt to solve them in our own way. Mainly by screaming, insulting each other, burning down a neighborhood or two, suing the shit out of each other and occasionally resorting to our god given right to shoot each to death. Seriously, we have serious issues that will only be moderated through discussion, mutual respect and compromise, and we are less capable of these things every day. The rest of the world is not immune.


It’s the little things, huh?


He just said the little things are being slaughtered.


"Look how much better I am than you be cause I am from a different country." He is delivering his point in the most smug way possible.


No one said that. You are taking way too much personal offense to this.


Well, yeah. I'd also say that a country, that gives a fuck about School shootings being common enough for active shooter drills to be common place, is better than another country that doesn't. But you know. That's just me


Are individual human beings innately morally superior or inferior depending on where they are from?


That depends. Were they part of whatever change was made? If so, yes. Otherwise it's up for debate. But I for one definitely feel pride in my own country for not having to worry about having our children shot in the streets


Did you write your countries gun laws, or were you just born into it?


Oh, I was most certainly born into them, don't you worry. But I still feel pride about the fact that our government decided to keep guns banned and not cave to the pressure of both their own population back then and the US government. If me feeling pride about the fact that my country gives a damn makes me a bad person, then give me a mustache and call me Hitler but boy do I love the gun laws in my country


Let all of us unwashed heathens prostrate ourselves before your holiness. I hope that one day I can be randomly reborn into your country so that I can finally be a good person and feel superior to others.


Why randomly reborn? Moving is a thing. You speak english already and there is quite a few english speaking countries out there, including Australia. As long as you can secure a job on the other side beforehand, it's actually also not that expensive. The internet really helps with that stuff. Alternatively, if you wanna stay in your country, try to be part of the change. Demonstrations, send letters to your senators or the president, petitions, the works. Also, playing the 'Woe is me, other people think they're better than me' thing makes you at best look like an idiot. At worst it makes you look... What was the term you used? Smug? And looking at your very first comment, have you ever heard the saying about the Pot and the Kettle? Well, either way, I'll just be over here, apparently being literally Hitler for liking the fact that effectively none of the kids in our country have to ever hear the term 'active-shooter' unless the context is about how fucked the US is


Because no Yank has ever felt superior to others because they're from the self declared "Greatest cuntry on Earth"...


Comparing yourself to smug and arrogant Americans?


Lots of Semi Automatic talk from civvies - a pistol is semi automatic. Google sawn off shotgun— very dangerous more so than an AR. All weapons can kill.


less dangerous than a full-size shotgun getting proper powder burn off.


Exactly but I fear that it is lost on most. All weapons can be dangerous


This is something a white person would say at least


Thank you for your support in these troubling times for Americans. It really helps that our "friends" can muster only sarcasm.


Maybe because you are cunts.


I can be offended by both, thanks.


we too are offended but we have run out of outrage


The first motherfucker that mentions "drop bears" gets a downvote. Don't do it.