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What "other solutions"? We haven't even tried the ones proposed by Dems.


Focusing on "mental health," of course. By which they mean locking away all people they consider mentally unwell, which would be LGBTQ people, women that don't accept patriarchy and POC who don't accept white supremacy. After all people the fascists consider mentally unfit are locked away and either liquidated or re-educated, all the Nazi mass-murders will end, and the problem will be over.


No, locking them away still costs money. The Republican plan for mental health is "go die in a hole we don't care"


Actually locking up non-violent offenders is great business. Slavery is still legal for convicts.


You're forgetting the money-making potential of the 14th Amendment. Prisoners can be made to work, profits galore! And if you invest in the "mental health facilities," you can profit off of those expenses. Republicans don't mind spending public money if they can profit off of it. That's why they love the defense industry and subsidies for other favored industries like fossil fuels. They can guarantee a return on their investments. Icky things like welfare and Medicare don't have the same investment potential, which is why they are constantly seeking to cut them.


It's a hole when it's the Republicans, the streets are fine for the Democrats, though. Either ways both sides are heinous in their treatment of the poor.


To compare the two is heinous. One party doesn’t do enough to help and we should certainly criticize that. Meanwhile, the other party actively demonizes the poor and runs on defunding social safety net programs, creates work requirements for food stamps, is against free school lunch programs, etc. This both sides are bad nonsense is not helpful.


One party you can change, if you push. The other will shoot you for even trying. Your call.


Nothing will change until we grow up and stop allowing party lines to seperate us from uniting against the people who are keeping us down. Edit: Imagine a world where a message of unity is considered none contributing. Some people would just rather be "right". I would rather be happy. Cons and Libs aren't the enemy, the people running the show are. Every. Single. One of them.


Because dude you’re calling for unity with a party that wears AR-15 pins and wants to make it the “National gun” or some shit but refuses even acknowledge a problem when we have more children die from guns than soldiers die in war. A party that praises it’s former president as a god despite being a serial sexual predator and accused rapist and pedophile. A party that refused to accept the results of a free and fair election and attempted a fucking coup. A party has spent the last some odd years demonizing trans people for simply existing. Just for a few examples off the top of my head. A call for unity is bullshit. The only way to change is to absolutely destroy them at the ballot box and then push the Democratic Party further left.


Republicans and democrats are the same people, they just wear different coats. They all work for corporations. We continue to get poorer, they continue to rob us blind. Foodstamps et al wouldn't be necessary if people weren't treated like cattle for their employers to exploit. Try and call it out all you want, I live in a place where the Dems do nothing for the homless accept for push them along once their encampment gets too big.


free mental healthcare ? that's socialism !


Have they even actually put forward a policy regarding mental health? Or anything even vaguely solution shaped?


Right now, it's just words. So far, the only thing they've ever done regarding mental health is make it more difficult for people to get treatment for it.


I don’t think it needs to go to locking people up, how about psych evals for every gun purchase, it would also serve as an extended waiting period because I’m sure it’ll take time to get into see a therapist.


I guess it's just that I've seen enough Republican plans over the years to know they never propose anything that would actually be beneficial to people, and more often than not, they actually harm them. So when I hear them talk about wanting to focus on mental health, my mind immediately goes to, "what is the most draconian, evil policy that one could propose that does something about mental health," because more than likely the Republican plan won't be far from that and using mental health as a guise to lock up and dispose of all elements of society the Republicans hate is where it went.


You’re not wrong, but that requires planning and follow through, it’s much easier for the GOO to just say it’s a mental health issue, but don’t allocate any funds to it or create any programs because they don’t really care as long as the guns are safe.


Hopefully so, but a lot of them seem really bent on that remove all undesirables path, and this would be an optimal vehicle for that.


Fascists gonna fascist, after all


Right. The Final Solution. It's going to work out great /s


Guess she's all out of ideas too. Root cause is a great place to start.


I'm pretty sure the root cause of all our mental health problems is poor nutrition. Same root cause of all our other health problems. Human beings are biological machines. We require energy in our food but we also require many vitamins and minerals that are food has become depleted of. Even "healthy food", i.e. fruits and vegetables, has become depleted of nutrients. We are all literally malfunctioning. I don't really hear people talk about the nutrition angle though. If we can't get gun control from conservatives I'd love to see us all team up to fight poor nutrition.


Republicans attacked Michelle Obama for pushing for healthier lunches in schools, and have been slowly removing free lunch programs at the state level. I think nutrition is an issue, but making it so that healthy foods are cheaper and more widely available would most likely involve regulations or subsidizing certain types of food. Republicans are not interested in that. They are not interested in using the apparatus of the state to help the lower class.


This is true. We really need to put effort into showing both sides that poor nutrition is hitting all of us regardless of our political alignment.


The information is out there and pretty conclusive for anyone who wants it. Providing free meals increases academic performance and helps to remove some of the inequities involved in household income. The fact that providing food to children is politically devisive reveals the difference in governing philosophies. Republicans do not believe that the state should provide assistance for lower-class citizens. Democrats are not much better, but they at least put on the façade of caring about the less fortunate.


See how the average republican feels about food stamps. They don't want to feed them, they want them GONE.


Absolutely true. But more food isn't the solution to the problem. That will just increase obesity. Genetic modification of our crops is causing our food to become nutritionally depleted. We grow food for quantity and not quality because money drives policy not good sense. Even wealthy people are impacted by this because they eat largely the same foods as the rest of us. That's why you have people like Donald Trump who sounds like he's lost his mind. MF is malnourished. We all are. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/vanishing-nutrients/ https://www.bbc.com/future/bespoke/follow-the-food/why-modern-food-lost-its-nutrients/


Trump FAMOUSLY eats like a toddler,not the best choice of pseudo-billionaire


I also eat like a toddler 😔


Healthcare (which includes mental health) for all would probably be a good place to start, especially since the GOP uses mental health as a scapegoat all the time now. The party that got rid of mental health care services blames it, but does less than nothing about it. Is it coincidence that mass shootings rose after Reagan gutted it? Is it coincidence that the mentally ill homeless population rose significantly after that? The GOP needs to create problems, real or imaginary, to exist so they can complain about the problem they caused later. Any wonder the GOP now wants to slash Social Security citing the deficit one president after they made the deficit a problem by giving hand outs to corporations and the rich?


What Democrat (other than maybe Sanders) has proposed ensuring that access to food, shelter, healthcare (including mental health care), and a strong social safety net be treated as human rights? Or ending the war on drugs that leads to gang violence? We could solve the root cause of not just gun violence, but all violence, and also greatly reduce suicide, while making sure that nobody has to starve or freeze or die from lack of medicine, too. But Democrats are capitalists, and capitalism requires suffering to motivate workers to make the rich ever richer.


I agree with 100%. What I mean to say is we haven't even tried the bare minimum.


I'd rather see the energy spent on doing something that will actually benefit all of society than on nonsensical, ill conceived gun laws that will only leave weapons in the hands of the right, the rich, and their enforcers.


By that they mean saying "let's focus on (mental health/whatever other convenient dodge)" then doing nothing about (mental health/said dodge). Oh, and arming everyone even near a school despite the fact it's never worked in any discernible way. It's the equivalent of "Let's stop this forest fire. Get some water" Then, before anyone can grab a bucket, Dumbass Larry says "What if we gave everyone matches? Why won't you consider my idea?"


Dems solution- take guns hardly used in crime away from people who are not likely to commit crime … Dems : “ why won’t anyone listen to us “




Fuck conservatives on this. The republicans are openly embracing fascism. They don’t care about the American people or if kids are killed. If you are still voting for them you should question your values.


my mom just said gun control is the "only thing" she disagrees with republicans on (we don't live in the us). words cannot describe the emotions that passed through me


Just play a game of ´look at this awful thing that democrats did. Oh, nevermind, it was a republican’ a few time, should work


Imagine how us Americans feel. I’m a liberal in a conservative family. I’m horrified by everything Republicans are doing while my family talks about those things like they’re victories. For example, overturning Roe v Wade is one of the worst things imaginable and has led to millions of women losing the rights to their own bodies. Meanwhile, my Dad thinks it’s great that women are forced to stay pregnant now. It’s hard to reconcile the political beliefs of your family with their everyday actions.


>It’s hard to reconcile the political beliefs This is where I take issue. Not everything is politics but Republicans since the orange one arrived on the scene think that absolutely everything is "politics". Some things are just matters of opinion that have no business in government. Things like reproductive health, sexual preference, the books you read, the education of young people,etc. Being an intolerant asshole isn't a political stance, you're just an asshole.


i really do feel for you all. my mom is anti-abortion as well. haven't had the conversation about how the personhood of fetuses is just distracting from bodily autonomy. changing her mind about anything is an uphill battle


Changing my dad’s mind is impossible. If I mention something crazy that a Republican did without mentioning it was done by a Republican, then he’ll agree with me. The second I tell him it was done by a Republican, he’ll say that doesn’t sound right or it’s probably just fake.


mmm. the mental gymnastics they have to undertake is astounding


"When then it's the only thing you don't have to go fuck yourself over, woman."


The GOP is beyond redemption, but the Dems are scarcely better. Does Joe Brandon really seem on the ball regarding these massacres? May I ask: What is the most you have done, or would do, to turn the tide?


Me personally? I’m donating to campaigns in ohio for ballot measures. I’ll help young people get registered to vote. Im using my platform to promote this fall’s ballot initiatives in my state (science podcast). I’m fighting discrimination with legal actions to help advance queer rights.


Would you agree that much more aggressive tactics will be necessary to break the gun lobby's grip on the law?


What have you done?


I am the chairman of the NY Green Party's Gun Violence Solutions working group. We are building an agenda for direct action against gun retailers, especially those that arm mass shooters. We will need a much larger membership in the group before we will be able to make our moves, but we would certainly appreciate your help :)


>I am the chairman of the NY Green Party's Gun Violence Solutions working group. So you're cosplaying as someone who can influence gun policy?


The fact that they have 0 seats in any state or higher government and only near 300k members does not give me hope for the Green Party to do anything. I mean hell they disaffiliated a branch for endorsing Joe Biden in 2020!


Get fucked. “Joe Brandon”, bad faith from the get go. Just here to troll and antagonize.


Hey... Joe is unpopular, and there is no hiding from that fact.


The juvenile “Brandon” remark shows that you’re just here to push people’s buttons. Anyone serious about having a discussion about American politics is not going to lower themselves to stupid shit like “DEMONcrats” or the played out, shitty “let’s go Brandon” bit. Get fucked.


Conservatives always seem so proud to lack a conscience Then they act all pissed off when you accuse them of not having a conscience Cons: "I'm a violent monster. I have a bad attitude, I hate everyone, including you, and if anything I say offends you, **Good**" Libs: "wow, you're kind of a dick" Cons: "HOW DARE YOU"


Or how they're somehow baffled people show anger at Republicans after mass shootings. They're baffled, as they wear AR-15 pins instead of American flags, post garish family photos of themselves smiling and posing with guns like they're props or toys while people's children were murdered in their own schools, and make proposals to make the same weapon that murdered children the "National Firearm". They do all of these things, but shrug and tell people we can't do anything about it or even mock and talk down to mass shooting survivors and their families. Gee, I can't imagine why people are angry.


Thomas fucking Massie and his junior terrorist Christmas cards


Megan Kelly is making a strong case for 2a reform looks like. I concur. I don’t really care what some guys 230 years ago said about firearms. They lived in a different time. Guns took 2 minutes to reload. Diarrhea was a death sentence. Let’s stop appealing to the 2a like it’s above reproach


I would disagree that it's "strong." We always hear calls for "other solutions," but those are always shot down in other was. You wouldn't have to scroll far in this sub to find the tweet (can't recall of it's Lucy Li or Volatile Mermaid or whoever) that lists them all.


Here it comes yet again: "No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Happens Regularly" Are we not tired of this? I sure as fuck am. Now that I have your attention probably after seeing this post for hopefully multiple times I’d like to get something off my chest and personal soapbox today. Buckle up, "The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes, so I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side and she had no face." We live now in a country in which our children are randomly put to death in public, so that our congressmen can pose with weapons of war, by Right Wing Terrorists. We live in a country where the amount of stickers in the back of our lifted trucks equates to how many rounds of AR ammunition are stockpiled in our closet. We live now in a country where we ban books, where we ban drag shows, where we ban doctors from helping kids in crisis, where we ban women from making choices with their bodies. We ban people from voting because some don’t like how they might vote, we ban representatives from state legislators for how they have voted, we ban immigrants, we ban some stem cells, and we ban transgender athletes, we even ban water bottles on planes. BUT WE DO NOT BAN ASSAULT RIFLES (or assault-like or lite rifles or especially Semi automatic ones as some ammosexuals like to point out) DO WE? Our children are randomly put to DEATH in public. Our Teachers, our friends. Our Family. Some of them just want to go and enjoy an afternoon at a mall together. Never to return. To protect somebody's right to randomly put another innocent person to death, once a month, once a week, once a day, once AN HOUR. Well since my last update, a 14-year-old was shot in the head. What did this child do? She was playing hide and seek. When it becomes unmistakably obvious with each death, a little piece of us dies inside, and within 10 years, or 1 year, or 1 month. The pain of that is too large to process, so we simply pretend that it doesn’t hurt anymore. We simply pretend that it doesn't hurt to think of the horror and the terror of those children and those adults in their final moments. We simply stop dealing with it. Or fighting back against it. Or recognizing that the gore and brains on the sidewalks outside the malls of this country and our streets might as well be our own. And it turns out the good guys with guns can’t stop it. And the responsible gun owners can’t stop it, and the politicians won’t stop it and insist that thoughts and prayers are working and if you disagree with them you are one of those who doesn’t believe in an almighty god who is absolutely in control of our lives? That translates insanely as the solution to all of these nightmares. God and we want the FOURTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED people shot to death in this country already this year? Did God want them dead? I say bullshit. Now we have news conferences, and without emotion, it’s read off the number put to death this TIME, and the number transported to the hospital and how badly they feel. Do you realize they now treat the public execution of more people, as if it was…BAD WEATHER? Gun massacres are not bad weather. So we ban licenses to carry handguns in Texas, give the ability for open carry all over the United States, and Ban mental health care by cutting the budgets. Ban abortion because we are pro-life, and ban books because the children are too precious to be indoctrinated, and ban drag shows because we must protect kids from grooming and we must make sure those kids are happy and fit so SOMEBODY CAN GET A WEAPON OF WAR AND EVERY OTHER DAY PUT GROUPS OF OUR CHILDREN TO DEATH. But at least those kids were not taught something as terrible as CRT. 80 percent believe in banning assault weapons. 80 PERCENT. 81 percent believe in raising the age to buy guns or at least keeping the age at 21. 81 percent believe in enforcing existing gun laws, and 87 percent want background checks for all gun purchases and these numbers are from 2 WEEKS AGO in a poll done by FOX NEWS. And yet non of this can pass our elected officials? BULLSHIT. It is time for a change. Spread how you feel far and wide. Copy this, put in your story (how many of us now have been personally affected or know someone at this point), and let your representatives and the whole goddamn Country know, the whole damn planet! NO MORE! So now to boost the signal on some actual honest to god things that could be done about this never-ending nightmare? For starters, the next generation is tired of this shit and is planning a sit-in at the capital on June 6th. Here is a relevant link: https://twitter.com/joncoopertweets/status/1655293349245452289 And also this goes without saying this group has some amazing ideas: https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/ This website is dedicated to having the media stop reporting the perpetrator's names to prevent glorifying mass murderers https://nonotoriety.com The Gun Violence Archive is also a really useful source on shootings. Their statistics are highly accurate and they have an up-to-date list of all that occurred in the last 72 hours https://gunviolencearchive.org @Emilyinyourphone on Instagram shares scripts and other resources for calling your local representative, it even has a campaign right now for mothers to get their loved ones to call instead of flowers for Mother’s Day. Copy this post or take their info but please. Take a minute and boost the signal. Some stats to back up this rant because Credible Hulk always comes angry and with sources. Guns deaths by state https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-deaths-per-capita-by-state and just because it’s becoming increasingly relevant by the day Texas Mass Shootings Up 62.5 Percent Since Permitless Carry Bill https://www.reformaustin.org/public-safety/texas-mass-shootings-up-62-5-percent-since-permitless-carry-bill/ This WaPo article on the damage that an AR-15 does to a body is sobering but important reading. THE BLAST EFFECT | This is how bullets from an AR-15 blow the body apart https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-damage-to-human-body/ And finally, Check out https://www.everytown.org/ They’re pushing to end gun violence. The more people who make their voices heard the bigger difference we can make. EDIT: It would seem that indeed some of them are not cowards and do have the guts to say what is really on their minds. Let's have a little look at one of the messages I received today... "You are a disgrace, a worthless mass of flesh that doesn't deserve to be called a human being. I hope your account is banned and your IP blocked. You are what is wrong with America. Please find a dark crevasse and fall in." WELL BOO HOO! (Also this goes without saying thanks for the random awards, I'm sending all of that karma back to others right away to show how tired we all are of this. So please boost those as well. I'm also banned in a few conservative and gun subreddits for some strange reason so feel free to take this and use it however you so feel. This goes for Twitter, Facebook, and others as I won't set foot in that cesspool of social media. PLEASE BOOST THE SIGNAL) The messages will REPEAT AD INFINITUM until something is done.


With you 100%


(I think a bot may have taken don my response because it had links. Here is my reply again) >I concur with absolutely everything you said. You are hardly alone in having had more than enough of public indifference and impotence regarding these massacres. > >The US Green Party has been constructing a strategy for how to confront the arms industry directly, and force change in ways that the Democrats and Republicans cannot. We are ready to begin implementing our agenda, and with the help of people who are truly committed to putting an end to these massacres, it will be a movement that cannot be ignored.Below is an article that outlines our agenda, and below that, an editorial on the topic of maniac mass shootings written by a Green. Please DM me for more information.


No, we just don't trust the green party. Well I don't anyway. Especially after Jill Stein! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/russians-launched-pro-jill-stein-social-media-blitz-help-trump-n951166


State the Truth? The irony of you saying that immediately after misleading people with 14,500. Why don’t you use the actual number of gun murders instead of grossly inflating your numbers? I mean you want truth allegedly, just use true numbers then instead of padded numbers which diminishes your entire argument. Here I’ll do it for you so everyone can see, the actual numbers as of today reported by gun violence archive: 15,211 gun violence deaths(which includes deaths not from gun violence so you already see their bias) Included in that 15k is 8,646 suicides (well over half) so that leaves us 6,565 deaths. But wait, we also have to subtract 21 officers killed in line of duty, 510 suspects killed by officers, 390 deaths from defensive uses, and 541 accidental deaths from stupidity not violence. So the actual gun murders, which are the only numbers that should be included in “gun violence” is 5,103. Why do all of you continually include suicides in gun violence numbers? It’s not gravity violence if someone jumps from a building, it’s not knife violence if someone stabs themselves, it’s not drug violence if someone intentionally ODs, so why would you consider it gun violence? We all know why, it’s to simply pad your numbers as that always more than doubles it for you, but that also diminishes and negates your entire argument so knock it off and quit misleading people if you want to be taken seriously. The majority of the gun murders including with children as victims is not mass shootings (which only account for 211 total deaths) but happening in urban communities in random shootings and drive-bys. Like D.C. near me with some of the strictest gun laws, it’s in the local news basically daily of another shooting with deaths, often with victims under the age of 18. This isn’t happening with “AsSaUlt WeApOns!!!” but with pistols. The entire rest of your rhetoric centers around mass shootings directly after stating your 14,500 deaths which is again woefully misleading. Except it only accounts for 211 of your number. Do you know what is sad, is that mass shootings are your focus, but the total number of children deaths from age 0-17 is 640 deaths. Not all of those 211 mass shooting deaths were children, so the vast majority were killed not in mass shootings but likely killed due to urban gang violence. Why is this not the first and foremost issue being attacked? Hell, defensive uses have saved more lives than mass shootings have taken. Random child in anywhere, America has a massive order of magnitude less risk of death from mass shootings than a child in poor urban community from gang violence. But by all means, keep skewing your numbers along with your priorities.


You want a solution to reduce mass shootings without restricting gun access? Let's try deplatforming all the right-wing fascist media that inspires so many of these scumbags.


How could any solution NOT require gun control?


I didn't say it was a good solution, but if folks like Kelly want a solution that might actually reduce mass shootings (some) without gun legislation, then they're not going to like what the answer is. I'd be very curious to see what proportion of mass shooters consume Fox, OAN, Daily Wire, etc., because I have a hunch what the results would be.


2A is about a well regulated militia, it doesn't say what the NRA pretends it does. Here's a 2 part fix that doesn't have anything at all to do with 2A. It's based on treating guns like cars because cars don't kill people, people with cars kill people. 1. Gun owners must take a written & practical test to prove they know what the rules regarding guns are and that they can hit what they aim at. (Licensing like cars) 2. Guns & the people who own them require insurance. (Insurance like cars) No license or no insurance = no guns allowed.


And they must register them with the State and every single transfer must be documented and have a background check.


While the idea of a state-regulated militia may sound attractive, keep in mind who runs a lot of states. Do you REALLY want DeSantis to have 100K Florida Men militia that he is in charge of "regulating"?


He sure as hell is trying https://www.clickorlando.com/news/investigators/2023/03/09/desantis-seeks-98-million-to-fund-floridas-own-military/


The State regulated militia is call the State Guard. They’ve been around for a while and that’s a different topic. Yes, all guns should be registered with the State just like cars. Every transaction is documented.


Throw in multiple evaluations with one or more psychologists and this party is rocking. Make sure we have moving targets in that practical exam.


Let the insurance agency's make the rules re: psychologists then it has nothing to do with the government.


There's no way the current SCOTUS would let that fly. So basically America can have as many shootings as it wants (or doesn't want), as long as nobody shoots the *wrong* half a dozen people.


How about they need to belong to a well regulated militia (i.e National Guard)? No reason Joe Schmo needs a weapon of war. You hunt? I've heard that people can hunt with something called a crossbow.


That's not a militia. The part about a "well regulated militia" doesn't establish any kind of law. It's explanatory, not prescriptive.




It says: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." You can't just take the second part of the sentance by itself and predtend the first part doesn't exist.




You don't read well do you? It grants people to keep and bear arms BECAUSE a Well regulated Militia is necessary to a free state. No need to argue about it though because it has nothing at all to do with licensing or insuring guns. Those things don't invalidate or nullify (What Infringe means) the right to bear arms.


"You've failed because my RWNJ gun cult has successfully subverted the courts and instituted minority rule in some states, so the onus is on you to do something different! I don't care how many kids are murdered because of what I do - that's your fault for not stopping me!" - MAGA Asshole


Can’t we try other solutions? Says person who proposes no other solutions


arm the kids ! /s


“We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas.”


It's so incredibly complex and difficult that only about 29/30 of the world's advanced nations have accomplished it.


License firearm owners like drivers. Weeks long training and education process with multiple meetings with a psychologist for evaluation. No license, no guns. If you're really a good guy with a gun you have nothing to worry about.


All it takes is some cash, a few vacations and paid tuition and I have a few supreme court justices in my pocket and gun control is here.


Thoughts and prayers have not worked out, social curios to see what they come up with


We can look at other countries to see that guns are not the only piece of the puzzle, but guns are part of every shooting and mass shooting. Second amendment or not, gun control legislation *has* to be part of the solution. It doesn’t have to mean “they took our guns!”, but could mean increasing licensing, required training, background checks, red flag laws, a robust buyback program, and mandatory waiting periods.


Now I’m definitely not the smartest person, but I’m sure 2A was not originally in the constitution and it can be repealed. Given the whole pesky “amendment” word, which implies it was added afterwards.


Yeah sure Megyn (pays for Twitter lmao) Kelly, let’s hear your alternative solutions. Oh, it’s More God, less doors, more guns, less restrictions on buying guns? Then I guess you should probably go fuck yourself Megyn.


My school is under lockdown right now


"The 2A" you mean that part of the constitution that very explicitly says "a well regulated militia"? Which militia are you in, and what are their firearms control measures? Or are we just gonna keep ignoring that part




Mental health care is a good one, but republicans cry socialism when you bring it up.


Huh, and the conservatives wearing the gun pins, (same kind used in a lot of these mass shootings) are blaming mental health, yet not doing anything to help with that….?


That's why Negroes are still slaves and women can't vote. When the going gets tough, give up. Good lesson. Thanks for coming to her Ted Talk. 👍


At this point I just think they are in favor of mass shootings because young people trend liberal so gotta lower the number who will vote before they vote any republicans out of office


What these gun loons do not realize is that their own in-action and refusal to agree to any kind of restrictions on guns is in the end, what is going to lead to a total ban on guns at some point.


Yeah doesn't make sense to have a nation ruled by it's people and have rules that the people can't change..


I like how people act like 2A is unamendable


First off Megyn, every problem our country has ever faced was solved by people who refused to stop trying to change something that was inherently wrong. Imagine where our country would be if abolitionists said "welp, we tried to enact change and failed". Or desegregationists. Or the Suffragettes. Or labor unions. But additionally, we *have* tried other solutions to tackle firearm deaths. We tried to introduce expanded mental healthcare, which Republicans blocked. We tried addiction counseling services, which Republicans blocked. We tried tackling crime with guaranteed housing, livable wages, and ending for-profit prisons, which Republicans blocked. Every *single* moderate solution that has been proposed has been met with resistance by the GOP. There's no point in trying to find a two-party solution to this problem when one party actively promotes gun violence.


"oThEr SoLuTiOnS!" fuck all the way off conservatives, y'all say no to healthcare funding, mental health funding, basically anything that prevents despair literally tried nothing and they're all out of ideas


I wish there was a God that these people had to answer to some day. Preferably on live t.v.


For some reason right wing pundits think amendments are like tablets given to Moses. They are called amendments for a reason. Another one could be made changing the existing law.


Megyn Kelly? She's still a thing?


Well, the GOP likes to blame mental health (which I think we would all agree is important both in terms of mass shootings and, you know, in general) while simultaneously defunding or outlawing necessary healthcare. So maybe ask your GOP buddies about the zero ideas they’ve come up with over the decades while trying to deflect from guns as the problem. But hey, I have a great idea. Vote out all Republicans. They’re the root cause of all the inaction on most everything.


Same could be said about abortion. And yet they won’t quit going after women and rape victims until they implement as much suffering as possible. So, hell no it isn’t over! The 2nd amendment isn’t the issue. It’s domestic-terrorist sympathizing gun nuts and their enablers that OMIT “well-regulated” from the constitution to pretend that the founders wanted everyone to have mass murdering weapons while shopping at target.


“Could we think of other solutions to the problem of too many guns? Like maybe MORE guns?”


I had no idea Noah Get the Boat sub was so full of pro-gun people They are literally criticizing Hillary because she asked for better gun control and downvoting anyone who says guns are the issue and speaks about gun control This particular exchange was on a post about Hillary calling for gun control and the image of the Asian American family who died in the latest shooting, leaving only their 6 year old alive and orphaned. https://preview.redd.it/od77poy873za1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358fae966f70722e41e75224ddfe3f9e585b37fb


"Gun control won't work because we won't let you enact it." Quite the rhetorical titan


At this fucking point we need to stand in front of gun store with mass shooting crime scene and be just as annoying as the planned parenthood protesters


Seriously though, is there an Amendment that says Amendments can't be amended?


No, in fact, there are specific processes outlined in the Constitution for adding, amending, or repealing amendments. https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution


Of course not :) Any part of the Constitution can be rewritten.


This is the dumbest argument of all. We had the 2A since inception yet.... Old west towns often wouldn't allow you to carry We regulated automatics in the 1930s We regulated in the 1960s We regulated in the 1990s (with a sunset provision) They are compete liars when they say regulation is unconstitutional. It just takes will...and the removal of whatever judges are in the NRA payroll


The real question is how many murdered kids will it take for gun freaks to care? It seems as if no amount of murdered children will change their opinions.


They say its about mental health, but conservatives consistently vote against allocating any money to help. They say its about economic pressures, but they refuse to do anything to help the poor. They'll say its about anything other than the guns, but they won't even stick to their own lies. These are people who simply do not care about the lives of other people that aren't personally known to them. They just don't give a shit about your dead friends and family. They absolutely do not care. It didn't happen to them, so why should they care? They'd have to give up their power fantasies and pseudo-military cosplay if common sense gun reforms were put in place, and to them, some dead people they don't know is a fair trade for that fantasy. The lives of their countrymen are worthless to them unless they can be made useful, and if they're killed in an inconvenient manner, they'll just lie about that.


They CAN implement gun control even with 2A. The amendment refers to a fucking **well regulated militia** not any rando with a fucking gun. There’s nothing **well regulated** about this. If anything these dipshits are going against the amendment by taking away regulations.


Remember, murdered children isn't a bug, it's the system working as intended.


You can’t ask for other solutions when you’re the reason the current solutions don’t work. Stop making your obstructionism our fault


Megan is a real cu nt


If only our founding fathers, in their infinite wisdom, had given us some way to update the constitution for modern times.


"We stretched the interpretation of the Second Amendment to such an extent that making changes to the gun violence epidemic has become impossible" is *not* a flex.


The president of NBC News deserved to be fired for wasting money on this troll.


Other solutions? Like funding community workers, counsellors, feeding children, mental health, healthcare in general Cause these people seem to oppose all of these things, they just use them to shut down or divert talk of gun controls


Dear hand washing enthusiasts, I've read your handwritten pamphlets and am utterly unconvinced, thanks to tradition I will continue to perform my obstetric practice slick and pungent with cadaver juices. Now can you offer a practical solution for all my patients dying of fevers?


The conservative position is “you can’t change an amendment”… I don’t even know where to from here if that’s their level of understanding about the issue. If you ever get in a discussion with someone who’s entire argument is “well it’s the second amendment so I don’t have to justify it” ask them if they support changing the second amendment and then ask them why not. You will get some fun results.


sounds about right … anti gun person getting called out and just swearing and frothing at the mouth … we have 300 federal gun laws … none of which have been able to resolve the issue.. We used to have mail order guns w no background check … gun safety taught in schools , etc etc and you know what we didn’t have ? Mass & school shootings all over the media . The solution has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with our decaying culture


“Can’t do it because there’s a terrorist organization masquerading as a lobbying group called the NRA.” FIFY


Can we please stop talking about the only solution that works?


The Republicans are PROLIFE , PROGUN ??? They would prefer to have the children gunned down in school in a humane way with a high powered weapon and have pieces and parts of them splatter all over the floor and walls of the school floors . So are you PROLIFE ?????I am guessing no your not you want votes !!!!!! Think about this ,I have not seen this posted yet but think very hard about it , Can you imagine being a survivor of a mass school shooting in your class room and seeing the carnage ??? Than a week or so later going back to the same classroom remembering what you saw ??? How can these POS GOP people not realize what they are doing and have no remorse because it is not any of their kids . Their kids are home schooled and brainwashed or go to a private school. Lets see what they think when the next shooting is in their home school or private school and they are involved in a shooting ??? I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone but wake up and smell the coffee not the blood and guts of innocent children dead in mass shootings and you are prolife my ass your a pro moron .


“You’ve failed to effect change…. because we block every single thing you try to achieve to actually cause change. Therefore, this is all your fault.” I hate these fuckers


Gen X was supposed to know better, but we failed miserably and turned out to be mostly choads like every previous gen. But I have hope in Millenials and Gen Zers. The 2nd amendment's time is limited. Tick tock, gun humpers.


Other solutions they say?....Ask them "what solutions do YOU suggest?..they then look at you and say " i thought YOU knew?.🤷 back to square 1


Megyn Kelly will throw her two cents in no matter if she has anything useful to say as she is struggling hard to maintain some sort of relevance. We forgot about you a long time ago. I heard Fox is trying to fill a spot in their nighttime lineup of “entertainers”.


Because the only solution you've proposed is "thoughts & prayers" and that obviously hsn't done anything....


Yes, Megyn, what are your OTHER IDEAS? You don't have any. Child-killing fuck.


Stop letting them CLAIM the 2nd prevents gun control bills. EVEN CONSERVATIVE JUSTICE SCALIA ADMITTED AS MUCH! “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited,” Scalia wrote as he laid out certain exceptions. History demonstrates, Scalia said, “the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”


The infuriating thing about this is Republicans won’t support any solution. They say it’s a mental health problem but then don’t support mental health spending or services. They don’t support red flag laws or background checks. The most simple solutions the vast majority of the country wants they fight against.


She's right. We've not really had any change because the amount of guns out there is just too great. Gun control laws don't mean anything if people can just trade and sell them amongst themselves. It's time to go further. It's time to start rounding guns up and taking them off the street. Allow people to turn them in, maybe for a tax credit. After that make their possession illegal. Repeal the 2nd Amendment. Let us have the same peace of mind that the rest of the developed Western world enjoys.


The mass shootings will continue until we take away the guns.


Well when you call it a mental health problem and we offer OTHER SOLUTIONS, your people block those attempts too. You're not interested in *any* solutions


"Silly gun control advocates; we've tried none of your ideas, and that hasn't worked so far! Obviously, we should try something else!"


Gun control? What gun control? No change has been effected because no gun control has been going on. Guns are still in the hands of the people, guns still make their way into the black market, guns still get illegally distributed to whoever has the money in said black market, schools still look like warzones. When do we get to try controlling guns?


“We won’t let you do anything about this problem, why aren’t you doing anything?


Constitutional amendments exist, Kelly. If republicans quit reveling in the rivers of blood the second amendment is causing, we could correct it very easily.


Might also remind Kelly that her Orange Idol rolled back existing regulations to keep weapons out of the hands of people with a history of severe mental health disorders.


Was she fucking drunk when she typed that?


There should be some sketch where like, Republicans have held their ground for centuries and people are getting disintegrated at holo theaters and they just keep referencing a well armed militia.


Almost like it's impossible to do change with the nra owned party in majority.


Back when I was in the center over a decade ago, I really admired her. I thought she was smart and fairly objective. I haven’t paid attention to her since and holy shit she’s off the rails.


What they really mean is: “…let’s face it, you can’t do it IN THE STATES…”


“Your opponents can’t lose the game and you can’t win.”


It's time to stop the manufacture and sale of ammunition.


I’m sure she’d change her tune if it was her kid getting shot in the head


I love that these idiots don’t understand what an “amendment” is. Its been amended before. It can be amended again.


You guys n gals need better solutions that don’t affect my freedom to buy an uzi. There’s a guy from Cancun, I think he’s from Cancun because they call him Cancun Cruz, he talks about doors. He may be a shill for Big Door, but why don’t you people talk about doors and maybe hatches like they have on battle ships and submarines???


I hope that when Megyn Kelly is brushing her teeth every night, as she brushes her tongue, she goes just a bit too far back and ends up barfing in sink. Every. Night.


New solution proposition: shoot everyone who owns an AR-15. What? You guys don’t like it? Cry about it more? Guns aren’t the problem though, you shouldn’t be afraid of being shot.


They don't even attempt fake sympathy anymore. Quite the opposite.


"F off" is a good argument, but is doesn't change the fact the 2A still exists.


"My side doesn't care about governance so we don't even care to pretend to offer any solutions"


More Americans have been killed by guns than all the US soldiers who were ever killed in battle. In the history of the US. I didn't have 2022 or 2023 data...... the graph has been trending up.


"Why don't you consider the other half assed solutions we've already tried and prove don't work? You know, instead of that radical thing you're not actually proposing that we pretend you are."


Solution: Fine, don't ban anything. Require in depth background checks that take 90 days minimum, psychiatric evaluation, drug testing, competency testing, mandatory training, and proof of safe storage.


Do people like this actually know the meaning of the word “amendment”? Its a change. The constitution can be changed. Amendments can be repealed or replaced with something else. That’s the whole point to their existence. Of course it’ll never happen because people in the USA treat 2A like a sacred religious decree that comes down from the heavens.


I don't know the solution, but it is hard to argue that gun control is a lost cause in America. Worse is that the gun culture is so strong that 2A voters will side with theocratic nationalism, pro child labor, anti-choice, and corporatism before they will consider voting for candidates on the Left. Many don't agree with these other views, but are single-issue voters. I'm not saying we should give it up, but it is a hill that the Left, and our children, are literally dying on.


Make gun power and materials to create gun power cost 1 million dollars a gram. You would need to be really pissed and rich to shoot anyone. Chris Rock was right.


2A is not an argument for letting lunatic 18 year olds slide


Can’t fix it? Fuck that. _It is important to keep in mind that Heller, while striking down a law that prohibited the possession of handguns in the home, recognized that the right to keep and bear arms is not ‘a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.’_


Canada, your closest cousins have gun regulations, we've had 2 shootings...regulations work, they're not perfect, but they work well


I think guns are totally awesome. I have no desire to ever own one, however. At most, I’d go to a range with a friend if I was ask. Do people seriously think their lives are going to be so affected in a bad way if control law came out? Like what would happen if one of their kids got killed? Would they finally stand up against guns or just say it was god’s plan?


Slavery was in the constitution also, and it also was popular with people on the wrong side of history.


How about Medicare for All with better mental wellness coverage? Will your corporate overlords let you get behind *that* MEGYN?!


Also, the first 3 words of the 2A: “A well-regulated militia…” It’s not our fault that these right-wing fucks totally choose to ignore a whole portion of an amendment to suit their own sensibilities.


How they interpret the Bible tells you all you need to know about how they pick and choose


I’ve got another solution we could try, but her disingenuous ass would find an excuse for that too. But since she asked, maybe we deplatform assholes who incite hate crimes on the regular? She’d be out of a job, so like I said, not interested.


The 2nd amendment can be changed


One day, probably soonervthan later, a media personality will be got up in a senseless mass shooting. Maybe Megan. Maybe Carlson. Maybe Lemon. It's not question of whether it will or won't happen. It's a question of when it will happen.


So sad when a flash in the pan, has been tries to stay relevant by posting bs.


Of course they all change their mind when it happens to them. It’s a matter of empathy and foresight which these people lack.




The second amendment guys always love to talk about how important the constitution is, and the stomp all over the first amendment


Oh, no, it’s raining. Can we please talk about something other than using an umbrella?


The Second Amendment reads like this. " **A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.** " It does not mean Americans have unlimited access to any possible type of firearm they can get their hands on, including ones so dangerous the Founding Fathers couldn't have imagined. Gun control =/= banning guns. There are many responsible gun owners who support gun control. This 2A-free-for-all needs to stop


Serious q for anti lgbtq advocates: you’ve failed to effect change, they still exist. Pls face it. You can’t do it, thanks to human rights. We’re all aware you don’t like that fact, but a fact it is. Must we just stay here sad, concerned, lamenting? Could we maybe possibly talk other solutions?


The wrong people are doing the shooting. But more importantly, the wrong people are being targeted. What do you think republican politicians and the crew at Fox would say if they were the targets?


Gun control is racist and classist.


Amendments can be amended, it's happened before....


“come up with other solutions” universal healthcare so that everyone has access to mental health services? destigmatize reaching out for help and support when someone is experiencing mental illness? “no not those ones”