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They issued a call to arms implying violence before thinking about it, and now they saw people prepping for actual armed violence and know they'll be blamed. So now it's back pedal, back pedal, back pedal. EDIT: A few people have commented that while some other Republicans have back pedaled on this rally that Trump didn't actually post this. *That makes it worse.* It means that Trump is perfectly OK with the violence that could erupt.


I can't imagine that it will really cover their ass if something happens.


If shit hits the fan, Trump will got their backs, right? Right?


As president, I could have pardoned, but now I can't.


i thought trump was the real president and in charge of the real army biden is in charge of the "evil army" /s


Yes he’ll be aaaaaall the way in the back


Asking for money while bragging about how he doesn't need it.


Or he is just letting them know to mask up


They didn't wear masks to save their lives during a pandemic


They're willing to mask up to commit terrorist attacks


The guy who planted the January 6th pipe bombs wore a mask and still hasn't been caught. :/


Well duh, of course he hasn't. His mask may have concealed his identity, but it also forced him to rebreathe his own carbon dioxide, so obviously he is now dead. He knew the risks, and he martyred himself to accomplish his mission. Then his body was never found because it was lifted up into heaven, just like Jesus, and... Noah or whoever.


Everyone nearby needs to take as many photos as humanly possible. Take photos of cars in nearby hotels, take photos of random people in the area walking around before and after. Gather as much evidence as humanly possible for the next few days.


Yeah. They are dumb as shit.


I assume this is still a call to arms. Remember, his dipshit cultists think he talks to them in secret codes. "He has to say that to trick the Deep State. He's actually warning us about cameras, telling us we need to hide our faces. So clever!"


Only this timeline could be so stupid to have reached a point where the people trying to overthrow the government don't want to wear masks, and for a completely unrelated reason.


Oh they'll wear masks to do crime, just not to help others.


Sure some of them will, no doubt. But the majority of them on Jan 6th didn't, and it's how the authorities were able to ID so many so quickly, even beyond the filming and photos and livestreaming and all the other self reporting. I doubt it'll be any different now.


They believe that when the coup d'état is successful that they will be heroes for saving us from woke


It is. His camp will be facetious and claim he told them not to come once it turns into a legal matter, but to his followers the call to action has already been issued. It's the perfect combination of blatantly easy to see through for the bullshit it is but legally just enough to get him a pass in the right court.


And then they'll point to this tweet afterwards, claiming that "Trump told them to back off, see!" And, "the rioters were actually antifa or fbi plants"


“They did the thing that they did 2 years ago that ended up causing this whole clusterfuck and were surprised when it went exactly the same way.”


The worst part is, they think they’re in control of these psychos. They can definitely set them off, but I don’t believe for a second they can call them off again if the fever pitch gets too high. Too many hate groups out there just waiting for a chance.


“You can just delete Twitter and the tweet goes away, yeah?” Is what these smooth brains probably think, too.


Nah, they knew what they were doing. Rallying their terrorist base to increase donations and fear. Now they are just lightly covering their asses. So they can say “hey we said no violence right. We aren’t the bad guys”


Except his call to arms tweet earlier cancels out his stay away tweet.


They'll be wearing masks to protect their identities And using phones to record the event, sharing their location data, bragging about it online, sharing the videos, posting about it....and then wonder how they were identified since they *were* wearing masks Update: this actually isn't on Twitter or TS, so consider it a fake tweet. Link to original https://twitter.com/theliamnissan/status/1667616226456092675?t=9ijwcOMS1PxswVO46vUUIQ&s=19


But I thought they couldn’t breathe with masks on. 😆


Those were *different* masks!


Woke masks!


*”If the mask is any color of the rainbow, it makes it hard to breathe…”*


That just leaves a white mask. But why stop there? Instead of a mask they should wear a full face mask, a hood if you would. Make it a silly hood, maybe with a pointy tip. That's the solution, a white pointy tip hood.


I was going to say but what about black?! But now I see it’s the part of the rainbow that separates each of the other colors. I guess white is the only option. https://preview.redd.it/7opec5nava5b1.jpeg?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b921648448361069fbdcded48be12741dabbb16 *”Look, I went school with some gay people and one black guy. It’s not about that… it’s about comfort.”*


Nah I see white in your picture. They’ll have to go infrared. You know they won’t go with ultraviolet. That feels gay.


Oooo we can all dress up as spooky ghosts and have a spooky ghost party! And we can put up a big wooden T , for TRUMP, and set it on fire so it looks really badass! We'll all be dressed up as spooky ghosts and have a giant burning letter T behind us! That'll scare those wokies good!!!! I think I need to go to bed


I read that as wookies and was very confused for a second.


Go I will. Good relations with the Wokies, I have.


Exactly. Very different from the Freedom Masks that they'll be wearing


Maga 1: Damn! I can't see fuckin' shit outta this thing. Maga 2: We ready or what? Maga 1: Naw, hold on, I'm fuckin' with my eye holes.


Clarence Thomas be like... ![gif](giphy|9nREuIINenE5y)


Also https://preview.redd.it/a3q9erb1hb5b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=375d9388dd5842f8c4285011e6a98d8b2521f061


Not too good. I mean, if I don't move my head I can see you pretty good, more or less. But when I start ridin', the bag's movin' all over, and I - I'm ridin' blind.


Love that movie


Woke masks vs propaganda masks …. at this point I shouldn’t be surprised but I still am 🤷‍♂️


"The masks aren't hurting the right people."


Only freedom masks are breathable, not oppression masks.


Those masks got clogged with nanographene5gsquidmites and chips


If you break the Law when wearing a mask then it’s okay.


This was unironically used by some of my CCW acquaintances as a reason they legally *couldn't* wear masks. "It's against the law to carry a weapon with a mask on in case you commit a crime!"


> it’s against the law to ~~carry a weapon with a mask on in case you~~ commit a crime! Fixed it for them


Fewer functioning brain cells means they require less oxygen


If anyone shows up to a courthouse with a mask that’s not medical, they’re getting arrested. People aren’t playing after J6.


Most of them won't go to a courthouse, they'll show up at the Four Seasons Landscaping.


There’s a four seasons restaurant in my city… I secretly hope one day Giuliani does some dumb shit there by accident too


Isn’t it in Florida though? It’s hard to even predict how *that* angle plays into it.


Federal court house, it’s not a state court


r conservative was trying to spin Trump's lawyers resigning as a state practice issue nothingburger. They did not having it pointed out that it's a federal indictment.


Now they're going to wear hoods.


I’m guessing either sheer white, pointy ones with eye holes, or red ones that are basically maga caps.


Between Higgins and now him backing off. I get the feeling they were warned today that there will be consequences if another violent riot takes place.


Somebody reported ole Clay to the FBI, hopefully. Waiting to see if Kari Lake backs down.


Lake is not going to back down. Everyone in Phoenix, except for the hardcore maga crowd, are totally disappointed with her. She used to be one of the most popular news anchors here in Phoenix. But she has drunk so much Kool-Aid pretty much everyone disregards her. She almost never gets any attention from the local news anymore.


It’s so funny how no one cares about her anymore


What is really funny is that no one cares about her any more *because of* all the insanely stupid antics she did to try to get everyone to care about her more. She was like "Instagram Girl Goes Into Politics" and it was such a fail.


I just read his tweet and an interpretation of it and damn this guy is fucking dangerous


Can you link me please?




And somehow, worse than I thought.


You should always assume the worst when it comes to these fascists.


I did, they still beat that expectation.


Oh boy. Here I just thought the tweet was bad. Then I skimmed all the quotes from other congressman(R) and holy shit. Is absolutely no one on the right at all concerned about the huge national security problem that fucking orange Cheeto created?!


I don't think any of them are genuinely concerned about anything (except maybe votes, clout, or money).


How have they not been arrested for these sorts of threats?


I have been wondering the same thing. Like if I'd been making threats the way Boebert, Gaetz, Greene, Jackson, Lake, and all the other MAGA shitheads have been doing, I'd get put on a terrorist watch list before I finish writing this post.


I've been wondering the same for a few years now. Not specifically related to the more-transparent "calls to sedition" that these nutjobs are spouting, but in general some of the things that have been said relating to *all* the craziness. There's a line being blurred, probably on purpose, between freedom of speech and expression, and seditious speech at best, terroristic conspiracy at worst.




Higgens gets drunk and rants next to a fire in a facebook video upload and starts threatening to fight people in the comments, he's a fucking nutcase, but just like Florida, Louisiana deserves him because they vote him in time after time after fucking time.


>“President Trump said he has been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, at 3 PM. This is a perimeter probe from the oppressors. Hold. rPOTUS has this. Buckle up. 1/50K know your bridges. Rock steady calm. That is all.” -Republican Congressman Clay Higgins >“Take this seriously,” Sharlet wrote Friday. “’Perimeter probe’: Higgins thinks indictment precedes bigger attack. ‘rPOTUS’: real POTUS, Trump. ‘Hold’: stand back & stand by. ‘Buckle up’: prepare for war. ‘1/50 k’: military scale maps (mostly publicly available that show nearby military installations). ‘Know your bridges’: militia speak for prepare to seize bridges.”


Oh man he looks delightful and so calm. /s obviously


She might be too busy losing another court case over her trying to overturn the election she lost. Womp womp.


Just means her getting more money from the maga crowd.


I believe they were tagged (don’t use Twitter or know the terminology) directly in reply to his post.


Diehards will just say that they've been compromised by the Radical Leftists© and will bring even more guns to the 7-hour "rally" that is apparently now totally *not* going to happen. ​ In reality, though, I expect about 30 absolute nutjobs to show up... and that's it.


Only 30 people, and THAT's when RFK shows up. /s


I'm tempted to drive down there myself to check it out. It'd be like a 1500 mile road trip. BUT - if they keep him incarcerated until trial it'd be really neat to say "I was there that day in American history! Rot in jail you MFer!"


What I wouldn't give to sit in front of the courthouse with a big bowl of popcorn.


Is it wrong that I'm just imagining the event where dumbasses were going to Naruto run into area 51?


I did that! There was a vendor there (at A51/Alienstock) hosting Naruto races, the prize was a Frisbee with a Bluetooth speaker in the middle of it. Honestly, it was a great time in a relaxed party atmosphere, completely different from anything DT related. Don't bin us with those nut jobs.


Ah back in the fun timeline.


Because they need to be fucking warned that they might face consequences.


FBI should set up a sting and have all these guy show up somewhere to be arrested. Everyone will feel better with them off the streets.






My 94 year old MIL's phone is blowing up with emails begging her to contribute towards his defense. Thankfully, she doesn't have access to her money any longer .


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, these MAGA people are so easily grifted that they’re nearly in need of being considered a protected class like people suffering from dementia or those with severe mental impairments.


Bro, the amount of willpower it takes to not engage in grift is huge. I could literally ensure financial stability for generations just by producing easy content to validate the shit opinions of idiots. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why is being a dick so difficult?


I’m telling you😭😭😭 I stronglyyyyy considered selling “freedom masks” during Covid or red “patriot pens”, simple crap like that lmao. I live in the south and mannnn they eat this stuff up. I see it in the wild all the time. It’s such an easy cash grab with them! But I had the same hang ups as you about it. Sucks to have morals lol


They are victims of severe abuse and are acting accordingly.


Did someone with a brain cell get his phone?


“New lawyer, who dis?”


That lawyer is already suing him for not paying his legal fees this is his new new lawyer.


Each new lawyer Trump gets to replace the last one who dumped him: *"I can fix him"*


You have people in government calling for armed conflict within our country. What the fuck did you expect?!


elderly fuzzy snow like chunky placid retire upbeat hunt whistle -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


>He expected all of those people he did favors He never did any favors. He expected the people that grovelled before to keep going.


Or…the low turnout is going to be even more embarrassing


That could be it. Now he can say, "Millions said they were going to attend, but I stopped them."


This was my first thought. All he cares about is crowd size. With this tweet he can both have zero turnout and act like that's somehow a win.


I’m betting that he doesn’t want to have more charges piled on if they do something. I could see an incitement charge if these dipshits do something violent. This lets him say that he didn’t ask them to do anything.


Too late Kari Lake and Clay Higgins already put out the call to arms in trumps name. He has already been implicated, and now can be linked as giving the order.


All he needs is reasonable doubt. He can say that HE didn’t talk about violence, basically throw Lake and Higgins under any bus that comes at him.


Higgins walked back his message, too: “Patriots, we've manipulated the MSM to establish deep commo, now copy this... do NOT trip the wire they've laid for you. Maintain your family. Live your life. Know your bridges. Hold. Let Trump handle Trump, he's got this. We use the Constitution as our only weapon. Peace. Hold.” At 11:41 on 6/10 Someone must have realized they would bury themselves deeper for attempting this (again).


>“Patriots, we've manipulated the MSM to establish deep commo, now copy this... do NOT trip the wire they've laid for you. Maintain your family. Live your life. Know your bridges. Hold. Let Trump handle Trump, he's got this. We use the Constitution as our only weapon. Peace. Hold.” ffs, this is some Vanilla-Isis-plays-Call of Duty-too-much word vomit.


I'd describe this as righteous-posing self-shitting. "Come on boy, we in fact won, please don't fuck up your life in a way that would fuck up mine.


Is this real? The fuck? E: this is real. These people must drink each other's piss smh


They do. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/01/10/vaccine-police-founder-claims-drinking-your-own-urine-is-covid-19-antidote/amp/


Genuinely couldn’t believe what I was reading lol


He’s cosplaying being part of Delta Force or some shit.


Meal Team 6


he sounds like such a fucking loser


The MSM "laid a trap" by ...reporting his tweets? These people are fucking morons, always blaming others for their stupidity.


This sounds like how me and my friends would play army man in the back yard when I was a kid, but stupider.


By now anyone who doesn't realize Trump will throw you under the bus is a complete fool...


He keeps finding them. What lawyer would actually think that representing him is a good idea?




I missed that one.


Higgins has already walked his back.


Did he really though? *shrug*


*leans in Thor*


Walking it back is a really good way to turn your megaphone into a dog whistle lmao.


We know he only did it on the advice of his lawyer.


Or let's be honest, Don is a chickenshit geezer. When he gave his speech on Jan 6th he fucked off and hid in the white house while the capital was under riot. If a mob shows up at the court house, there might be *danger* since he's no longer the VIP that needs protecting. Hell, the mob is after HIM. Ostensibly to 'free' him. Imagine the ideal scenario for the mob, the mob shows up, breaks down the doors, they move the seize Donny, take him to safety. Little to no security between them and their abusive father. This is a nightmare scenario for Donny, He's swinging his arms, trying to get these filthy peasants off him. Suddenly, the crowd shifts, he gets yanked, loses his footing, oh no he broke a hip. He screams in agony as the mob starts pulling him up, they can't hear him, they don't know what is going on, they think he's invincible. The gravy seals are busy fighting against police, so it's just Donny and the mob. Just like old times.




It wouldn't look too good for him if there's an attempt to usurp national security during his trial for trying to usurp national and international security.


Or he can say it was ANTIFA, since he told the cult to stay home.


It’s amazing he thinks saying both things somehow exonerates him.




This is an interesting one too, cuz you know if that were to happen desantis wouldn’t call them, he needs ~~them~~ the voters that would turn up. But Biden would deploy them and then the right really would think that the government is “oppressing them.” Bad news all around. Edit: clarification


They already constantly say the governments oppressing them while getting favorable treatment. Let's let them see what equality looks like to BLM protestors, who were actually oppressed.


Spot. On.


“Hey why is that C-130 with poles sticking out the side of it circling slowly above us?”


Oh hey it's a camera! It's flashing at us! *thump*


I’m all honesty, I’m guessing his lawyers managed to explain that if shit hits the fan, the judge could (almost certainly wouldn’t but could) decide to let him sit in a cell. Or the other grand jury could/would use it indict him for the first coup attempt.


My mom is worried about the reaction to trump going to jail, the idiots that have guns. I’m like, mom, the us army will win. I’m not concerned.


Yes, but that doesn't mean that a number of your compatriots won't open fire with their semi automatic weapons on innocent civilians,


I’m not saying bad shit couldn’t happen. I’m just saying they’re not going to win.


Nah, lets take more MAGAs out of voting eligibility.


Yes, I love when they get caught and voting goes out the window for them


While I agree with the sentiment, I disagree with taking away voting rights from convicts. The justice system is very rigged and this affects poorer people the most. Trump should be convicted of dozens of crimes by now but hasn’t been, while a poor person has some weed and can never vote again.


I’m not sure Florida removes voting rights for felons.


They do, and it’s a tough process to get it back. John Oliver did a whole special on it.


Oh…these aren’t THOSE felons. These are white people. Turns out plotting to over throw the government? Lot less blowback than being black or brown and having an ounce of weed on you.


Again, he thinks he can do a "Take Backsies" to cloud the issue after committing a criminal act - calling for insurrection (again) is done - if folks act on the call for insurrection he (and other GQP lesser dragons) can be charged with inciting, among other things.


Just like they all got charged for inciting January 6th........ ahh shit


How freaking perfect - Don't stay home cuz you or someone else might get hurt - stay home cuz you're gonna get caught. So tired of this human.


But how do we know *THIS* isn’t the false flag planted by the deep state to keep us from taking action. I for one will be doing absolutely nothing because I am convinced that trump is absolutely guilty.


one of the most hilarious conspiracies I've heard recently is that some famous friend of Donnie(i think JFK Junior) faked his death to form a deeper state, to take down the deep state trying to silence him. This is one of those theories Q followers are saying is "too outlandish" and "killing credibility of the Q movement"


As if the Q movement ever had credibility to begin with.


Some of the MAGA will see this as a secret message from Trump and attempt something stupid that will get them shot or arrested, and then they might turn on him once they realize Trump won't help them stay out of jail because he's to busy trying to stay out himself.




Nah, this is just him covering his ass. Now he can say 'Look, I told them to stay home! So I didn't incite anything!'


exactly..., look i said both things everytime with a wink


https://preview.redd.it/08vsnwr12a5b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9d8112ccffa67568ef7d69b573dbb9b7fac629 Found it.


Oh god this guy is such a nerd…. Talking like he’s GI Joe ![gif](giphy|26tPoyDhjiJ2g7rEs|downsized)


G.I. Joke


College dropout. National Guard Military Police. Car salesman. Cop who got run out of multiple departments for unnecessary use of force and other policy violations. He acts exactly like you'd expect.


Fucking hell they are psychotic! That dude really is playing out some fantasy call of duty bullshit in his head.


Y’all Qaeda.


Yokel Haram.


kNoW yOuR bRiDgEs He cringely tweets from an Applebee's...


So he announces a “rally” in Miami on the day of his arraignment but wants people to stay home? Is it going to be virtual or something?


Thinking he probably got a call from his lawyer.


Letting him know he pre-booked 4 seasons landscaping


He is not telling them to stay home!!!!!! He is telling them to wear masks.


I hope they do, and all bring cell phones to record themselves and post to social media.


I’m certain trump didn’t post this. I don’t wanna go look on truth social though. 🤮


I agree. It’s too concise. Not enough rambling, blaming others, and misspelled words. Also the message seems to show some concern for others. I’ve never seen that in any of his messages.


I don't believe he did.. I went to see for myself and it's not there


He doesn’t want them to stay home. He wants them to cover their faces.


"OK, so lets be clear -- we want you *just* angry enough to give us money and vote for us, but *not quite* angry enough to actually go outside and do anything that might get us in trouble."


He's afraid of one of two things. 1. Not many people will show up and that would be embarrassing. 2. More anti-Trump people would show up and that would be embarrassing.


Did his lawyer finally pry his phone away from his baby hands?


Of course his reasoning is “you’ll be identified” and not “terrorism is a bad thing”


*FBI looks towards the sky* “We are going to have soooo much paperwork to do”


> Cameras will be identifying you and you will be arrested. Not if you don’t do anything illegal. So either he knows his supporters already are criminals, or he knows they they’ll likely commit a crime.


This is just to try and establish plausible deniability


and also save face if there's like 5 people waving flags.


It’s fake unfortunately.


Is it? I absolutely refuse to download Truth Social but I want to know if Trump posted this


It’s not on there. I just looked.


I did the dirty work for you lol. Ughh I hate him and TS. I hate myself for downloading it.


So many things posted here are fake and no one cares to check for themselves.


I’m thinking his lawyers convinced him that inciting another insurrection would be very, very bad. They must have explained it in a way that a third grader would understand.


He knows that no one is going to come and now he can claim it’s because he told them not to. Narrative control.


Thats funny considering most of the cameras that identified people on Jan 6 were the phones and social media accounts of the treasonous idiots themselves 🤣


idiots don’t understand that they are being watched by the “ deep state”!