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Just more proof he knows absolutely nothing about the legal system


The only thing he knows about the legal system is that money can delay or completely stop consequences.


As long as there's uncorrupt judges it can only delay... which is why there's been so many trials, gotta whittle down his money so law can be enforced... which is prolly why he doesn't get in trouble for breaking gags, the judge knows that only the verdict matters


Even if he did know, he’d lie about it. He lies constantly to try make himself out to be the victim.


Every good lie has a piece of truth... which is why he's such a shitty liar


I love the quote about Nixon, if he ever caught himself telling the truth, he'd lie just to keep his hand in.


The only time he ever tells the truth is when he is lying about something he occasionally accidentally tells the truth about something else. he never tells the truth on purpose.


While true, that’s not what this is about, this is to stoke outrage among his base to intimidate jurors and the judge


I once served on a jury. Even I know this. I'm smarter than Trump!


Sure he does he knows exactly how to violate it


I'm some random schmuck in the Northwest in a career that has nothing to do with law, even I knew there were only 10 juror strikes.


He can say the moon is bigger than the sun, and his supporters will believe it. So it doesn't matter


He slept through the instructions…


For those not familiar with the US judicial system, there are 2 ways to dismiss a juror during selection: "For cause" and "preemptive." You get an unlimited number of "for cause" dismissals, but they have to be real reasons: * the juror was sued/sued the defendant * the juror is related to the defendant * the juror posted derogatory things about the defendant * juror posted intent to engage in jury nullification Preemptive dismissals don't have to have a reason, other than they can't be based on protected classes. So dismissing a juror for being a Muslim or an atheist is out. Ditto for race, gender, age, or similar protected classes. You only get a limited number of preemptive dismissals in any jury selection. 10 (which is what Trump is complaining about) is pretty standard.


Do you have to disclose why you’re dismissing them if it’s preemptive?


Yes because otherwise it could be for one of the protected reasons… I think you need to give *A* reason, and from the coverage I’ve watched it can literally be “I have a gut feeling this person just isn’t genuine/good for our case, they are biased against me.”


Which can still be abused. The prosecutor in the Curtis Flowers case found soooo many convenient connections to the defendant that “just so happened” to remove most or all black people from the jury pool.


Not exactly. For peremptory challenges, attorneys do not state a reason. However, if the opposing side claims that jurors are being dismissed because of race, religion, etc., and makes a prima facie showing that is what is happening, only then is the moving side required to provide a neutral reason for the strike. After that, the court decides whether the neutral explanation was the true reason for the strike or only a pretext.


> You get an unlimited number of "for cause" dismissals, but they have to be real reasons: * the juror was sued/sued the defendant Trump: "Be right back, just suing the entirety of NYC."


I'm pretty sure it's 'peremptory' and not 'preemptive'. Relevant NY state law [here. ](https://newyork.public.law/laws/n.y._criminal_procedure_law_section_270.25) [Falsifying business records in the first degree](https://codes.findlaw.com/ny/penal-law/pen-sect-175-10/), the crime for which Trump has been charged with 34 counts, is a class E felony, which grants ten peremptory challenges as per the link above. So, of course, Trump is lying and bitching about nothing.


What does that say about you if you think more than 10 random strangers won't be able to judge you impartially because of how big an asshole you are?


Another case of either Trump’s lawyer explaining something poorly or Trump not paying attention when his lawyer explained something




“Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill.” -Blade


"Never fight uphill" was definitely said by Lee at least once but that's just standard military tactics


But did he then say, "Wow, what a big mistake!" when he subsequently found himself fighting uphill?


Considering Lee was a skilled soldier before the Civil War I'd imagine he didn't fight uphill unless he had no choice


I also don't believe he said "me boys" though.


Which is why I removed it from the quote when I said it


Bad legal strategy will hurt him worse than the facts. Ahahahahaha


Amazing how he gets all the way to the criminal trial before he apparently has been filled in on how any of it will work.


He somehow got all the way to the Oval Office without understanding how government works. It's a pattern with him.


Oh, I’m sure someone tried explaining it to him, but gave up after being interrupted a gajillion times.




His attorneys must be low key relieved when he nods off. But just wait, he’ll be whining about how unfair it is that the judge failed to wake him up and to make him pay attention.


Someone is taking his amphetamines away to keep him from admitting too/committing more crimes while he's required to be in front of a judge and a court stenographer.


for being so strong, he sure spends a lotta fucking time whining about how unfair life is.


I love how he was simultaneously the best POTUS of all time and everyone loves him and he's wildly popular and beloved and only made everyone in the country better off... and also literally everyone (including his former administration, lawyers, wives) is out to get him and lies / cannot be trusted including all judges (except the one in Florida) and jurors because he is so universally hated? FFS. Everyone hates me, put me in charge of everything!


So he can jail the ones who oppose him


What a f****** idiot, keep spouting the same. B******* to your base.... But the rest of us know what you are.


At least he signs off on all his whiney rants with his new name **ELECTION INTERFERENCE!**


Will this asshole just please die already? There is no bigger piece of shit in America than this insufferable pig.


The guy thinks he can pick courthouses like toppings on a big mac. No, Don Poorleone, you got to the court in the jurisdiction you're charged in, fuckwit.


He just wanted to delay the trial. Simple as that


Dumbass Donald playing a PhD game with a GED legal team again.


Still waiting for him to rail against the treatment of Hunter Biden.


So that was what he was banking on? That they’d just strike all potential jurors and go home?


That is 10 peremptory strikes. Those have always been limited. What is not limited are challenges for cause.


Michael, you cant just say "election interference" out loud.


As dumb as he is, I don’t think he’s *that* dumb. Even if he didn’t know it wasn’t unlimited, he knew it would be the same for the prosecution. What he’s doing here is relying on his supporters being dumber than he is and dumb enough to believe this crap.


First lie is in the second word: You don't think, Donnie. You just react with a lie to everything.


Maybe if he hadn't been sleeping during Day 1, he would know a bit more about the procedures? Don Snorleone has better wise up or he is going to the pokey.


Dipshit even I a dumb shit in a diff country knew you only got 10


FOR CAUSE strikes are unlimited - but the judge has to agree with the attorney that the prospective juror should be struck for cause (for example - if someone says they cannot be fair and impartial - that’s a strike for cause). PEREMPTORY strikes are limited. In Florida, where I practice, there are 6 people on a jury (except for death penalty cases) and for misdemeanors, you get 3 peremptory strikes, whereas for felonies, you get 6 peremptory strikes (except for death penalty cases).


Can we just decide if he’s guilty by popular vote?


Jesus fucking christ. He whines like a little bitch when his dumb lawyer fucked up and didn't tick a box asking for a jury. Now he's whining like a little bitch because he's got a jury but he wants to rig the jury.


Doesn’t matter. They will never get an impartial jury. At least one of those 12 will be a MAGA plant that lied their way in. Can already tell from the answers that have been reported that some of the ones that have been seated are completely full of shit. No jury will ever convict him of a crime because there will always be at least one cultist on any jury.


Not likely. He's in Manhattan. According to pod save America there were less than 100K trump voters in a district of 1.6 million. Then you factor in the prosecutor being able to thin out jurors in the same method the defense does and the odds skyrocket. If a true maga nut makes it in it will be shocking.


I remember during the Bundy trial for the national park takeover in Oregon. One of the jurors was removed after they went to deliberation. Apparently, that person admitted that they felt the Bundy clown show was guilty all along, another juror turned them in, and an alternate was used. First time I'd heard of that happening. If MAGAts get on this case, hopefully, it can happen again.


That's a lot of strikes. Most I've ever heard before is 6.


DA Jack McCoy taught me this.


This is a guy who has zero concept of the legal system.


Toddler needs a few days in jail. Then show up in a jumpsuit, no tan or hair done.


I love he has political tourette. "They come to me with tears ....ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!, sorry, a big guy who never cried on his lif....SAD!!, CROOKED JOE!!!...". Trump at night. "Honey, you are screaming on your sleep again", lindsay graham. "Could you two be quiet?, jim jordan. "The camera is still rolling ", gaetz.


If he ever watched anything else than Faux “News” he might learn something


In all fairness, he has no idea how the justice system works. Or the executive branch, international politics, basic physics, nutrition, or barcodes. It's not his fault he was born with severe affluenza.


Moron says what?


First worst. Lolz




He keeps squawking about election interference. Has he even been formally named as a candidate? Is there an election going on right now? What a mental midget pissbaby.


ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!!! Yes Donald that’s what you’re charged with. Very good.


There are unlimited strikes... For cause. But to use them, the attorney needs to state what the cause is: Does not have the proper qualification Is related to someone involved in the trial He has a state of mind that is likely to preclude him from rendering an impartial verdict based upon the evidence adduced at the trial He was a witness at the preliminary examination or before the grand jury or is to be a witness at the trial He served on the grand jury which found the indictment in issueor served on a trial jury in a prior civil or criminal action involving the same incident charged in such indictment. This then has to be shown. Any other challenge is called a peremptory challenge.. there are limits to this... Each side can challenge up to 10 potential jurors.


He'd ask for unlimited strikes in a game of baseball as well.


Squirm little worm, it will all be over soon….


He is scared as hell!