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So, a sitting US Senator is inciting violence. Seems that is a crime, if I remember correctly.


It's a new America now.




We need to go ahead and roll out new laws about threats and the like.  Especially when it comes to our politicians.  They're supposed to be better than the scum they currently are. And that's not me being extreme.  The above tweet are the words of a scumbag.  I don't care if someone has any kind of beef with any particular group of people and for whatever reasons  If they're doing something peacefully, you don't call for death.  Not hard.


No. No, they just want us to think it is. It's madness, but not normal. People need to remember it's not normal. They need to remember and fight to stamp it out like a wildfire before it spreads and become normal.


Big time this. We need to vocally call it out anywhere we see people who talk like this, or support people like this. Anyone who votes for Trump DESERVES to be shamed up and down the block. Sadly, conservatives keep escalating because we, and our completely pathetic "fourth estate", allow it to happen. We can only really combat it by calling it out, even when less comfortable, around the people in our immediate lives. Conservatives do EVERYTHING they can to make their batshit, shitty beliefs seem like "one side of a coin", "both sides", etc. When you are the objectively more unhinged, terrible person, it is always to your benefit to try and drag others down and compare yourself to them like you have equal standing. It is why they harp that the BLM protests somehow should be compared to Jan 6, and why "illegals" in the country justifies them trying to throw elections in their favor, and why they claim the Hunter Biden dealings are the "greatest corruption of our time" after Trump grifted his entire family with millions with his administration, and is the and why they straight up lie that liberals want "post-birth abortions". Their arguments and beliefs are SO GARBAGE that they only can defend them when they lie and make false equivalencies. And when all else fails, they can lie about caring about Christianity and faith, to cover any other gaps. And they deserve pushback, it isn't a "difference of beliefs", it is purposely choosing a fake reality, and that deserves to be called out for the pathetic thing it is.


I mean... our forefathers left England because the rest of England was tired of their shit.


A US senator just openly called for acts of mass murder against people exercising their first amendment right to peaceful assembly and he hasn’t been tossed out on his ass. *It has already become normal*.


How can you be a sitting Senator and have the audacity to type and actually send out a message like this. I just don’t undertake any of this. What the fuck happened to this country. And these protesters aren’t Pro-Hamas, they are anti murdering innocent civilians.


Exactly. Perhaps I shall park my car & join them.


"Fewer Democrate voters" MAGA


Not if you're a republican. Then you can campaign on killing Americans because you don't agree with them, or if they slightly inconvenience you.


I wonder if he thinks the speech and debate clause shield him from this shit...


What a piece of shit to have as a Senator. Jan 6 Insurrectionist coward.


It’s almost as if a lame duck president got away with it.


SCOTUS has previously said that the 1A does not protect speech intended to cause people to break the law (And IIRC which also causes people to break the law). So if anyone takes the senator up on his advice, he could probably be sued or even arrested for it. Of course in reality, he'll be let off because "He's a good Christian man" or "It was clearly a joke" or whatever, but we can dream.


You didnt see them on Jan 6th '21 promoting violence either?


Similar to what Josh Hawley promoted for Jan 6th right?


He isn't representing America! He's declaring war on America! These are the kind of people America has to rid itself of!


Not if they do it, apparently.


Republicans have a murder fetish and you can't convince me otherwise.


Evangelical Christianity is little more than a death cult.


They consider themselves warriors of God, so yes they will definitely kill in his name if they believe they need to.


No, they are a literal death cult. The foundations of most American evangelical cults are by definition death cults. They believe we are in a waiting period of the return of the messiah which will end all life on earth after a shitload of violence, and they are hoping for it, and believe their tenets say it is their responsibility to speed it along. I say this because 'Warriors for God' aren't necessarily death cults, but many Americans are actually part of death cult. And we don't talk about that the way we should.


>and believe their tenets say it is their responsibility to speed it along. This part doesn't get hammered in enough. They literally believe it is their job to bring about the end times and be catalysts for the Rapture. It's only a matter of time before they start organizing scheduled, violent demonstrations. These people have the potential to be worse than the Crusaders.


This is also the reason they oppose all attempts to save the failing ecosystems. Why take care of a planet when paradise is waiting for them when they die?


This is also why they support Israel. Not because they give a fuck about Israelis or any of the other bullshit reasons they spout. It's because Israel MUST EXIST WHERE IT IS TODAY to usher in their version of the end of days as described in the Christian Bible. They want to use the Israelis and anyone else in that region as a blood sacrifice to summon their god. And imo, any organization that focuses on what happens after you die is a death cult. And Christianity teaches that what you do while alive only matters because it affects how you spend eternity after you die. They are obsessed with death and dying because only after death do they get to meet their god. Like you said, *literal* death cult.


Their idea of "JUSTICE", which of course is just bastardization of what actual justice would be, is thumping their chests while "beating" the "enemy". Young woman dies in a forced birth, despite medical knowledge it could be lethal to her? Well, she was likely an amoral slut, so she DESERVES IT.


Evangelicals have more in common with Hamas than they realize.




Those flipped flags are a slap in the face to the Constitution and all American citizens, considering they are the reason the flag would need to be flown upside down in the first place. (**G**)aslight (**O**)bstruct (**P**)roject


Evangelical Christianity sunk its nasty hooks into me during a low point in college in my late teens. I then married into it. I powered through a hellish few years on manufactured faith until I woke up to the cult reality and escaped. Pastors waste a staggering amount of time on eschatology (end-times-fire-and-brimstone apocalyptic shit mostly) and shaming women for being human. I spent 5 years buried deep in that nonsense. I'm *still* rooting out leftover bits of brainwashing, almost 2 decades later. If my ex hadn't been such an abusive misogynist, I would 100% be someone the current and child/adolescent me would despise. It's terrifying how good TPTB are at propagandizing.


Glad to hear you got out


Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war!


it's a murder cult. they personally don't want to die, they just want to kill their enemies. this was made clear during COVID when they all had the mentality of "I don't care if people die of COVID, what about my RIGHTS?" right up until they were dying of COVID and were begging for the cure that didn't exist


They really do want to live out the worst parts of the Old Testament.


The Christ Psychosis.


It's why they love Rittenhouse so much. He got to legally kill people.


Bonus points that one of them happened to be a child sex offender. They lap that shit up thinking it somehow makes their argument that Rittenhouse is a hero immutable.


He was out past his bedtime with a rifle he's too young to buy, defending with deadly force an empty parking lot that didn't belong to him, shooting 2 unarmed Americans to death before going home and watching Disney's Frozen.


“Killing in the name of”


It's why they're so into the Punisher. Normal people don't try to emulate a brutal serial killer, but these are not normal people.


Which is really weird, because the Punisher killed crooked cops...


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.


They worship a muderous god. Old Testament.


God gives some commandments, people start making up crazy and stupid rules about hate and killing each other and crazy shit, God sees this and sends Jesus to say “No no, that’s not how that works😐, gotta love each other”, they kill him and continue to ignore his teachings.


I encourage people who get stuck behind pro Christian ideological policies to take matters into their own hands. Vote these cucks out


You know those Jesus Chrispies who protest in front of Planned Parenthood? They're blocking the sidewalk. You can run them down too. It's only fair. /s


They used to block traffic, too. And, horrifically, used to have their own children lay down in parking lot entrances to try to prevent cars from entering. I can only imagine the outrage we would see if a democrat had suggested running them over back in the day. Hell - Henry Hyde (R - of course) spoke on the House floor after a series of clinic bombings that the "pro-life" terrorists just, darn it, felt that "the system wasn't working for them."


I remember, Hyde was an absolute crazy, now he would be idolized!


Cucks don’t deserve that. Please refer to them as child hungry pedophiles


You mean priests and ministers?


I appreciate you making this distinction but cucks wouldn't find it arousing if people thought it was cool so it's important to keep insulting them to sustain a healthy cuck community.


Haha! Hey Tom, remember that Op-Ed you wrote encouraging violence and sending in the US Military during BLM protests? You know, the one that the NYT had to issue an apology for. I remember. You sure do have an itchy trigger finger.


Pepperidge farm remembers.


He's a fake army ranger


Guaranteed he'd never put his own ass in harm's way to wade into any of the situations he doesn't like.


But it's fine because he quickly edited it to a much less threatening "take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way." Edit just in case: /s


Can't un-ring a bell.


Not much of a surprise. Traitor Cotton has a solid history of being a blood-thirsty psychopath, set on reveling in violence done to any brown person or their allies. Remember, this is the same piece of garbage that literally committed treason against the US, by subverting the authority of the State Dept. and the Obama Administration, by authoring a Congressional letter to the government of Iran, encouraging them undermine and delay any deals with Obama, as his term was coming to an end. Cotton hates anything to do with peace or democracy, and it is only by the cowardice of the Federal government that they haven't gotten to him or any of the other Tea Party goons.


He's just a straight shooter with 'next republican presidential nominee' written all over him. ![gif](giphy|U1bCix41cllqYDdSFQ)


People say that, while forgetting how any GOP unique enough to stand out these days, usually turns out to be a fuckin uncharismatic weirdo the second people try to get to know them better. (Ref. See DeSantis) Trump only swooped in with his psychotic circus clown charisma because it was already scrapping the bottom of the barrel. It helps me sleep a little easier, knowing freaks like Cotton are such unlikable psychos, that there wouldn't ever be a shot at the actually winning a nation wide election.


It is a felony under federal law to intentionally “solicit, command, induce, or otherwise endeavor to persuade” another person to engage in a crime of violence against a person or property. **18 U.S.C.** **§ 373** And yet, probably nothing will happen to him. What a disgrace of a human being he is.


That’s a call to commit violence; jail his ass.


Didn’t he take an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution?


He wiped his ass with the constitution a long time ago. This guy is in it for personal profit like the rest of them.


Be fair. He could mean pull out your rifle and start shooting people instead.


Whoa, we’re not in 2025 yet.  But yeah that’s next.


Oh, I'm sure if that happened he would publicly condemn it with a wink while hiding his arousal.


Damn they really weren’t kidding when they said “we are all domestic terrorists”


Nobody is fucking pro-Hamas.


Didn't you know? Not supporting Israel on literally everything means your pro Hamas now. And give it a few weeks, then it'll be pro hamas and pro iran. And you can quote me on that.


Yep. It’s the same ol’ “if you’re not for us you’re against us” lie that dictators have used since the Roman Empire.


Do you condom hummus?


Me: I don't support Israel. Them: You must support Hamas, terrorist! Me: Yep! That's exactly what I said. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Thats how binary many see it.


Oh no, he means Anti Genocide, Pro-Palestine, or maybe just Democrat. I would love to ask him how to tell them all apart.


Senator, the only problem here is you, and tbh I think it would be perfectly justified for your constituents to take it into their own hands to remove you and your nonsense.


It’s time to put an end to sitting government officials encouraging Americans to attack Americans. Seriously, can these fucks be taken to court? Not everything is protected by free speech


Wow, that’s terrorism for sure.


Senator Stolen Valor can catch one for incitement, imo


In a news article dated from October 2023 the San Marcos police department agree to pay $175,000 and receive additional training as a result of their inaction regarding their responsibilities for assistance when a ‘Trump Train’ encircled a bus and harassed them. Violence is page one of GOP playbook. [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/17/trump-train-san-marcos-lawsuit-settlement/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/17/trump-train-san-marcos-lawsuit-settlement/)


The law and order party requires a safe space when their dinners out get interrupted by people who disagree with being stripped of their rights. Now inciting people to commit vehicular homicide.


Happy Cake Day!


GOP: “Trump would never incite a violent insurrection, it is unbecoming of an American politician.” Also GOP: “Why are we not committing manslaughter over blocking traffic?”


Dude was in the Army in Iraq and Afghanistan. Makes you wonder what sort of war crimes he got up to there.


In the same spirit as the inspirational senator’s recommendation, those whom are offended by Tom Cotton should take matters into their own hands!


Well. It is Arkansas so what do you expect. Every elected official they have is a Nazi with a 22 IQ, pig shit and hydro-fracking is all they know


Stochastic terrorism is in the GOP/Nazi playbook


but if I say the same about what I'd like to do to him, I'll get a reddit ban


I’ve gotten a Reddit time out for making a comment about Nazi’s. smh


It’s Tom Cotton. Are we really surprised? Let someone say the same about the masked MAGA’s and he will be the first to try to send someone to jail for inciting violence.


sounds like incitement to me.


If any American said this to him, FBI would come to our house and probably shoot us. He can just wish death on Americans before dinner time tho, fuck this guy to the depths of hell.


Of all the people who were casualties in Iraq, it's a shame Tom Cotton wasn't one.


Capitol Police should have taken matters into their own hands on January 6th.


Sounds like some boomers will be facing some real life consequences when they hop out of their Ford Ranger to try to move some of these protestors.


Ain't no fun when the rabbits got the gun...said bugs bunny I think....not me.


White man wants to murder people he feels are inferior. Big surprise there.


I started to hear "4 dead in Ohio" in my head,then I realized how much America has changed 😳.


I remember!


That’s a good way to get drug out of your car and beaten in the streets.


It’s okay. The only running Tom Cotton does is away from a crowd.


He’s from Arkansas. They don’t have time to fuck around on the road. People have to drop their 12 year olds off at the slaughterhouse for work at 5am before getting themselves to work on time.


Charlottesville, Virginia would like to remind this asshole that there's a neo-Nazi sitting in jail right now for doing exactly this. Not that it makes any difference to these people.


One thing for certain about the MAGA types, they really itch to kill someone for inconveniencing them.


What about pro-birth protestors or pro-israel protestors? Does this apply to all protestors?


You first, Tom.


Try that in a big town, Cotton Boi.


It’s time to put an end to nonsense like our elected officials acting like violent morons.


i see the republican DLC of the Bible launched early..... here's the actual Bible Mr. "***you are a chinaman singaporean***": * **John 15:12-13** My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. * **Ephesians 4:2-3** Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. * **1 Corinthians 13:4-8** Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. * **Luke 6:35** But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.


Didn't have much to say when the MAGAT convoys were trying to block traffic


How Pro-Life of him.


Not the best idea. You’ll probably go to jail for it and then this guy will not back you up.


Lead by example, Tom. You first.


"I encourage people who live under the representation of a Senator who actively lowers their life expectancy: take matters into your own hands. Its time to put an end to this nonsense."


While I think blocking traffic as a form of protest is counter-productive, I do think that being against what the IDF is doing is not necessarily the same thing as being pro-Hamas.


Sounds like he needs to be on the FO side of that type of speech.


"Stop killing children please" OH SO YOU SUPPORT STEAMED HAMAS?!


>STEAMED HAMAS I'm sincerely apologetic if the above wasn't intentional, but it cracked me the hell up. Please don't change it!


It was on purpose lol


And then Republican voter morons go through with it, expecting the party to back them up, only to find out that they're on their own and now they have a felony on their record. See: Jan 6 insurrectionists.


Let’s kill everyone!!!


Let's run Tom Cotton over when it comes to the next election. What is going on in the US with all these pro murder politicians?


You first senator, lead by example.


I'd get banned from this sub, any sub, and reddit in general if I said this. And that's just a fucking social media website for dweebs. JFC


He should be questioned, "what did you mean by "take matters into your own hands?" Make him publicly state it.


But but I was told both sides are the same! There's no difference, surely we'll still be able to protest if Trump wins??


and Arab Americans are willing to not vote for joe biden in Nov still right? (R) will look after them.


They tried to be civil and talk about it, y'all wouldn't let them in the building. They tried to have civil protests, y'all ignored them... Now that they've fucked up the flow of traffic, they're a problem? I'm not a part of either group, and I don't really support a side, however, I can't be mad or even annoyed at the fact they're doing this. They're watching women and children getting massacred using their tax dollars, and want it to stop. Again, they've tried the other ways to get people's attention and no one would listen, so I can't blame them for fucking shit up until someone acknowledges their issues.


1. No one’s “pro Hamas,” you can be for Palestine and against Hamas just like you can be against anti-semitism and against the IDF. 2. “Taking matters into your own hands” better mean a counter protest and not running people over, what the fuck.


Say the guy who has special laws protecting job and life.


take a bike to work


If someone does this, doesn’t that make Traitor Tot an accessory after the fact? I’m thinking he probably wouldn’t do well in prison.


fun fact: arkansas has a law that for public contracts over 1k, anybody who is awarded the contract has to sign a "restriction of boycott of israel" form.


These fuckers were the same clowns that were encouraging truck convoys to block roads. They are constantly flip floping!


Punishment for inconvenience is death, I guess.


Tom Cotton is inciting violence and he needs to be impeached and/or arrested ffs


When Trump loses and those fuckers start rioting keep that same energy Traitor!!




You first. Conservatives love telling everyone else to work. Murder, racism, fascism, and selling their country to anyone willing to buy are all cornerstones to Conservative ideology, but above all they cannot conceive of ever doing their own work.


What an irresponsible and disgusting thing to say.


Tom Cotton is one of the most insidious and capable Christo-Fascists in the US right now.


So, does this mean the Proud Boys are fair game? Asking for a friend.


Sounds like he is trying to incite violent criminal activity


In all fairness, Tom Cotton is a boob. He’s doing the best he can. At least he didn’t piss himself- well, lately anyway.


In Tom Cotton's defense he might have meant to simply shoot them. No point in messing up the Trump bumper stickers players all over your pickup truck.


Tehran Tom.


These people are great!!👍🏼


I feel the same way about people stuck behind Tom Cotton.


Same for republicans senators. Just "roll with it" folks.


Tom Cotton is ALL in. OK we see you when we see you tough guy.


Is he one of the new Trump Christians?


How about Tom here actually does what he tries to incite others to do. Otherwise he’s just a lead from the back coward who doesn’t want to get his hands dirty. Probably would run from any accountability if anyone actually followed his suggestions. Just to be clear I don’t want anyone to follow his suggestions.


Shitheads are going to shithead


I think the GOP loved the Constitution? Those people have a right to protest. As much as I think them protesting like that is counterproductive, it’s still a right.


Prolly following Florida’s lead after BLM.


what the actual fuck? this is appalling coming from an elected representative


There was a free Palestine car march where I live. It started as I was pulling out of the bank, must have been 200 vehicles long. I just went to the dunkin donuts next door got a donut and drink and let them do their thing.


Let’s see how that plays out in court, Cotton.


1st, 5th, 6th and 14th amendments are only applicable if you're white, fake Christian and like giving your money to wealthy assholes like Tom Cotton.


Typical bloodthirsty Southern-fried asshole and politician. His time in Special Forces damaged his brain more than usual.


Tom's got a great point. Honestly, i feel the same way about the existence of billionaires keeping me from having a functioning government, healthy infrastructure and quality public education. Time to run them over.


There’s no way this man didn’t purposely kill civilians in Iraq


Tom Cotton, Christian.


Is it really this easy for people to ignore the separation of people so they can justify killing thousands for no fucking reason? It's as bad as going after a terrorist group, and just thinking that all of a certain people are terrorists, so it's ok to kill all of those particular people. Which isn't a thing to be ok with. My god, bigots are what will destroy the world,


Serious question. Is anyone part of these protests in the US actually pro-Hamas? Or is he just being a dink and trying to make pro-Palestinians look bad? Cuz, you know, they're not the same.


Being a dick and lying about ... well, everything... is their brand.


Fake " war hero" says what?


Most I'm sure would prefer to identify as anti-genocide rather than pro-Hamas.


Anti-genocide is pro-hamas which is also anti-Semitic which makes you Hamas


This is why I no longer speak to my college roommate, because during the George Floyd protests he repeatedly posted that he wanted to do this. I called him out on his bullshit racist rhetoric and he blocked me. It's for the better. The sad irony is that he's a gay cis man who literally marched on Washington with me for marriage equality (and he is married!) and I asked him "So did you think WE should have been run over for taking to the streets for marriage equality?" and he told me "that's different". WTF.


Yet he endlessly whines that Ashli Babbitt got what was coming to her.


In assuming this is what he does ?


Yes become murders for Tom Cotton. blood for the blood god! Love how they encourage heir followers to do things they wouldn’t dare do. Cotton is a coward with a populist bullhorn.


It’s okay. The only running Tom Cotton does is away from a confrontation.


Any bets on if this asshole defended the y'allqueda insurrection?


Some real fascist shit here between the calls for killing people and calling people who are anti-genocide "pro-Hamas". Can we please stop voting for these utterly disgusting people?


Specific wording there with his use of "mobs"


Can anyone file a criminal complaint on this? Seems to incite violence.


What a terrible idea


Is he suggesting someone run over an imaginary mob?


Tom Cotton is a seriously disturbed individual.


GOP is killing democracy and non-voters are letting them.


“Blessed are the car drivers, for they shall take matters unto their own hands.”


Just another Republican traitor. Nothing to see here


More racist hate from Senator Pencil-neck.


This seems to be a lot of redditors viewpoint at the moment. Even in the most liberal cities, the comments on these disruptions that you get are absolutely wild.


Violence is a key component of the MAGA Trump party platform. As a true hater of all things MAGA, I welcome this opportunity. Challenge accepted.


God, I hate the state I live in...


Okay, hear me out: what about an anti-Hamas mob, or a pro-Trump mob, or heaven fucking forbid, a flash mob?


He should be questioned, "what did you mean by "take matters into your own hands?" Make him publicly state it.


TBF, he means this about ANY protest group he doesn't agree with.


What if the Proud Boys and all the other MAGA moron groups are doing the same thing?