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Sounds like he's mad he got cut out of someone's will. Owen Benjamin is a right wing "comedian" - which is why he hates social security. His twitter feed is a cesspool of racism.


He’s also a flat earther LOL


>right wing >flat earther Tracks.


OP knows 🙄 and likes it 🤷


Time to report and block OP. 


Yeah his parents probably don't like him very much.


Owen Benjamin is a racist homophobic nut job, FYI. Screw you for promoting him, OP.


Yep, appears on Infowars, and has been trying to rebrand himself by being a Outdoorsy weirdo cutting wrestling style promos in front of a campfire at night shilling woo shit


I liked him when his schtick was just comedian with a piano. Ugh.


That's how Joe Rogan was.... I would watch for his alien conversations, I didn't mind his stand-up, and I like UFC (despite Dana White's support of Trump). He's always been a roided out dumbfuck, but he was entertaining. Once he started getting politically stupid, that was it for me. I'm good on that.


I still quote his album I’m Gonna Be Dead Someday, that thing was hilarious. LADIES NIGHT OUT, HIGH FIVE! I can’t even listen to him now.


He was funny back in the day for sure


The only time I’ve really watched him was clips of his podcast where he and the guest would talk about psychedelics. Those were usually some interesting conversations, because the guest usually knew what they were talking about.


Yeah. He's gross. A bigoted contrarion for hire. Outrage clicks are still clicks.


Yea and it seems that the message of this post is “let’s get rid of social security”


It's all about sowing division wherever possible in our country.


see OP's history 🤷


OP is hitting a lot different subreddits with the same stories through out their history. They definitely appear to have an agenda.


And seems like a complete idiot for saying they don't deserve social security from the youth....they only collect social security because they were paying into it. They aren't really getting our money back, they are getting their own money back.


That's not really how social security works. Current workers pay for current beneficiaries, it's pay-as-you-go. They're entitled to it because the law says they meet the current requirements, one of which is having contributed, but they're not entitled to it because of their contributions. It's a subtle but very important difference. Many people contribute to social security but are not entitled to it, and people who are currently entitled to it could lose that entitlement if the law changes.


Who contributes to social security but isn't entitled to it?


People who work less than 40 qualified quarters and many non-resident non-citizens are the easiest examples. That can be someone who is working in the US undocumented or even someone who is working on a valid visa in a non-exempt position.


100% That was the actual takeaway. This is Nazi in sheep's clothing level fuckery.


Because he is so shitty his parents disinherited him.


And conspiracy nut.


Yeah, this person's list of shitty characteristics is pretty long, apparently.


OP is just a dogwhistler.


It just comes off as libertarian garbage.


So is OP. 🤷


Yea, this tweet is gross. Everyone deserves a retirement and social security.


This feels like propaganda to get younger generations in favor of cutting SS


And a flat earther. And an atom-bomb denier. He's the epitome of warning: "take one red pill, not the whole bottle".


OP is a conspiracy dude, he knows exactly what he’s doing posting this piece of shit here.


Amen. Fuck OP.


It’s crazy I went to school with him. He had diverse friends from what I remember, AND he’s married to a Latina. It’s all part of the grift.


Nut job doesn’t really cut it, the man is truuuly deranged.


I knew nothing about him, but the bear icon in his tag made me uncomfortable it reminds me too much of pedo bear. I might be wrong and just holding onto dead old internet culture, but unless there's some new cultural significance to tagging a bear in your handle like that it seems... weird and creepy.


I don't know what boomers are saying no one is owed inheritance. While I'm right at the end of being a boomer, I am doing everything I can to leave my kids something. If we don't, given the lopsided wealth distribution today, our kids will not have anything if we don't!


Same here. For the simple reason that I love my kids and understand how the world has changed since I went to a top ten law school for $4,000 tuition yearly plus $3,600 in yearly rent.




I'm an older millenial and tuition when I started college was $1200 a year. People don't realize just how recent a lot of this tuition increase is.


I was born in early 82, so I'd say I'm definitely on the elder millenial range. The only tuition I ever saw at what you're claiming was for community College. State Universities were already at about $4k a semester back in 2000. Those costs have gone up exponentially since then, but there's no way you went to college for $1200 a year without assistance/loans/grants/etc.


Same, I went to community college in 2006 and it was 1800 a semester for 4 classes that first semester, so one less than a full load. Granted, I was now out of county so paid roughly double anyone in county paid, but even if I had been in county it still would have been $1800 on the year before factoring in books and whatnot. I went because I had lived in that county until just after I graduated highschool, and the school was a lot better quality compared to my new county's choice.


I was born in 2002, lived in Kentucky my whole life. In 1997 Kentucky based a bill that would over time give state public universities less funding year over year. In 1997 NKU budget was only 10% student tuition payments. Today it's nearly 90%. Just absurd and it started right when I was born


When I started in 2003 full class load and room and board was $6k / semester in California at a CSU, taking a job as an RA dropped it to about $1200 for just tuition. I graduated in 06, and folks I knew who were just a couple years behind me were paying ~$10k / year in tuition by the time they were graduating. It ramped _fast_


Yes, but their $4000 in today's dollars would buy you a nuclear submarine. An attack sub, not a "boomer." (Thinking you could buy an SSBN for that kind of money is just silly!)


For sure. It's just a mind fuck to me that just *one* generation ago, $3,600 got you a year's worth of rent while now it's basically one month.


pft, you liberals, 3600 a month for rent in your fancy walkable cities. Why, 2000 a month can get you a nice small house rented out in buttfuck nowhere in a town with a walmart, four gunshops, and two dispensaries being it's biggest attractions. /s if it wasn't already obvious. I know it's hard to tell in this day and age when people would say that to you with a completely straight face.


>people would say that to you with a completely straight face This is *almost* as infuriating as the situation itself. They shit on everything and rub our faces in it.


I've learned to just live with it in a red state where people take great pride in standing up for the wrong things. "Bee's don't waste their time trying to convince the Flies that Nectar is far more delectable than shit". Let them eat shit.


Yeah, there's not much you can do. But it still makes me want to eat my own hair, lol.


Depending on how old you are that's not just one generation ago. Boomers were coming of age in the 60-70's depending on if they were early boomers or later ones. So if you were born in 1981-1983 roughly that start of millenials it's only one generation, but for many of the people on Reddit that's two generations removed. Point of reference. I am an elder millenial a guy I knew back in the day ~2002 paid $500 a month for a place utilities included by it was over a movie theater so he had to deal with the noise. We grew up out in bumble fuck cornfields of IL so factor that in too. That's 20 years ago same place today would go for $1800 a month no utilities. That was a generation ago for many people today. That's the reality that in the last generation the greed has gone off the charts. Housing is so damn expensive that most people will be renters forever and it's killing us.


I'm also a millennial so I watched it go zoom zoom. My first apartment was $650 for 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. This was 13 years ago. Last year when I was looking, I couldn't find a single (studio) apartment for under $1,800 in even the worst cities in my area. THIRTEEN YEARS. Insane.


Millennial here (06 college grad). My first apartment out of college cost me $350 a month for a 3 bed, 2 bath split with roommates, and that covered utilities and TV. Surprisingly the rent in that complex is only up to around $1900 now, but we are talking the panhandle of FL. Meanwhile the first house I owned as an adult has more than doubled in value, and that's even taking into account today's interest rates.


This made me want to throw up. Tuition, room, and board for my top law school in a HCOL city was literally 20x what you paid per year (and I've been out for 6 years, so it's gotta be even worse now).


Yeah I know, it’s utterly insane. I was basically poor at the time and I was still able to secure a permanent place in the Upper Middle Class. It took me just a few years to pay off my loans, and it wasn’t a strain.


That's really nice and for a good reason, too. Your kids are lucky! My parents never had much, and couldn't leave us much. But I'm fine with that! We wanted them to enjoy spending every hard-earned dollar and we never felt like we were owed anything. My sibs and I are Boomers.


May parents didn't have anything either. Everything I have today I earned all on my own, education, profession etc.. My dad is in his 90's and still enjoys technology. I'm delighted I can buy him things he enjoys tinkering with as well (even though he did run off with my iPad one day and didn't give it back until I got him his own LOL).


It’s a straw man Owen made up to appeal to people who hate boomers so he can turn them against social security to encourage the right wing idea that everyone works for pennies forever until they drop dead.


Honestly it feels like boomers get a lot of flack for things that are being pushed by media outlets. The reason that young's people think that boomers all believe these things is that a lot of them do parrot things they hear on fox news (young people are lazy, nobody wants to work any more, the people that make money off of exploitation are just smart), but we understand it's not the population as a whole. Even though Reagan won in like every state we know that not everyone voted for him, it's just how our elections work. Tbh there's a lot of young people who have these same attitudes so it's not just boomers either. The important thing is that we address the systemic issues that are holding back the working class from getting their fair share of the profits.


You’re in the minority. My family left me nothing on purpose. Many of my friends parents have started burning cash so that when they die the accounts are negative or empty and their kids have nothing. They won’t even cover their own funeral expenses and instead leave it to the kids.


Sounds like a good way to have your kids not take possession of your body


OP means none of this anyway. It's divisive rage bait.


I’ve spoken to a lot of millennials who have no intention of leaving their kids anything, because they’re not getting anything, and they don’t think anyone is owed an inheritance. I’m also a millennial, and I absolutely intend on leaving something for my kids, if I can, things are tough these days, because my parents will have nothing for me.


Yea that's kinda where I was. Most boomers lean left. I read this and was like he doesn't even know the people he attacks.


Is it actually true that most boomers lean left?? I'm a boomer myself and firmly center left but the trump years have me convinced most boomers are "I got mine" right leaning.


It depends where you are. If you're in California or NY for example, most boomers vote D. If you're in Alabama, maybe not so much.


Maybe in Cali, but statistically, people over the age of 50 are right-leaning.


The idea that boomers lean left sort of developed as copium for McGovern's loss, nothing more. Note that this particular fairy tale also excluded economics; in fact, many former McGoverniks leaned hard-right on economics for the sole purpose of punishing the unions, who they blamed for Nixon being reelected.


So the new strategy is to try and get the youth bitter about social security?


Bingo. It’s a new game of mine; ‘which direction are the influence bots guiding the crowd today?’


This has been ongoing since I graduated high school.  20 years ago.  Even if it takes them another 20 it'll be a win for the upper class who love to privatize the gains and socialize the losses.


Yep, and to stir up intergenerational conflict. There are many boomers who are idiots, just as there are every generation. But they're trying to redirect hate from the politicians trying to embezzle Social Security to the boomers for actually getting Social Security. The very fact that "entitlements" is a dirty word shows what they're trying to do. We paid for it, we should be *entitled* to it. But these people spend all day every day thinking how they can get away with enriching themselves and their friends by using Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid as their personal bank accounts, and they're trying to stoke a culture war to distract from that.


Yup, 100% and it’s sad that this tack appears to be working on at least some of the people seeing this post.


also why wouldn't they be owed social security when they paid for it, like for their entire working life via the social security tax.


Also, "inheritance is a two way street", is just dumb. No it isn't and never has been. At most, you could say inheritance is payment for taking care of you when you're elderly, but no one calls taking care of their elders, "inheritance".


And against the idea of retirement.


In what world are Boomer’s not entitled to the social security system they paid into? And why are we upvoting a right-wing shithead with terrible hot takes?


agreed. social security is not the problem. home prices and stock markets and executive job hoarding did this.




Yeah this has nothing to do with generation.


I could see this being engineered into a wedge issue to manipulate younger generations into giving up SS.


And don't forget that Medicare isn't free, it's $174.70 monthly.


They're entitled to it because the law says they meet the current requirements, one of which is having contributed, but they're not entitled to it because of their contributions. It's a subtle but very important difference. Many people contribute to social security but are not entitled to it, and people who are currently entitled to it could lose that entitlement if the law changes.


You are correct in that. But you know what they aren't owed according to their ideas? Medical care. Medical care is the one thing boomers and old people absolutely will need. You know the biggest reason people lose their homes is in America? Medical costs.


Im sorry but social security is 100 fucking % owed to boomers and to everyone else as well…thats their/your fucking money you idiot…you pay into social security your entire working life with your taxes every damn paycheck…then when u retire u get paid a fraction of what you paid into it….where do u think the money came from ??


Right and inheritance is not. I know people who choose to save instead of spend, for most of their life so they would be able to quit working and retire. Imagine thinking, after someone has spent their life saving that they owe you their money. They choose to save so they would have money later. What kind of entitled person thinks they deserve someone else's back account?


Ya that makes no sense, i would never be mad at anyone because they chose to have fun in life and therefor didnt leave me an inheritance…but social security is our own money…i cant believe everyday republicans agree with republicans that its a hand out or anything like that…i swear the brainwashing of most people in this country to the point of actively supporting policies that go against their own interests is mind boggling


Well republicans are stupid. How many of them still believe Biden tried to steal the election even though Trump is going to court for trying to steal the election? Facts do not matter to them, they just believe whatever they are told to believe. They are so easily manipulated that I am worried about the next election. The fact that they want to get rid of democracy and turn the president into a King is scary. The whole reason the Constitution was written was to escape that tyranny.


Exactly!!!!!! How the fuck do they support any of those magaists when they are literally saying they want trump as fucking king…its crazy


Is it the Boomers that are the enemy of social security...or is it the right wing politicians that Owen Benjamin is currently sucking off?


You’re a moron OP.


This man is an avowed nazi


Stop boosting this crazy fuck.


I cannot wait to start receiving my "free money tap." So far, it has only cost me 48 years of paying into it; only 4 more years to go, yay! (I'm waiting until 70 years of age and will keep working past that due to necessity.)


You have earned every cent! The rest of us in younger generations look forward to investing and earning the same.


tFascist make strawmen to try and divide Americans. People don't have money because the it is going to the rich. They want us to think it is going to immigrants, black people, immigrants, old people, etc. Anybody but the rich. Tax the rich again.


Strong agree. We peasants will continue to fight amongst ourselves, meanwhile The ultra rich will just be over there coming up with new and interesting ways to collectively fuck us.


Hey OP, why are you posting a right wing racist conspiracy nut like Owen Benjamin?


... OP *is* a right wing conspiracy nut


Yep, no one is owed an inheritance. But I'm damn sure owed Social Security, as is everyone who paid into it. I'm not having my wages deducted in my prime earning years to get dick when (if) I retire. It may not be enough to live on (different topic) but I'm getting my money back.


INCORRECT. Retired people ARE owed Social Security. They paid into the system their entire life with the guarantee from the government they would be able to receive monthly payments when old enough. And depending on their employer they ARE owed retirement income based on the retirement benefits agreed upon by said employer.


Sorry but if you paid into SS your whole life you’re god damn right someone is owed social security. wtf are you even talking about.


Uh this may seem like a minor point but SSI is *insurance* that has been *paid* for unlike an inheritance. People may or may not like social security but it’s not a freebie giveaway. Social security is a purchased benefit.


Social security is your own.money! You pay for it yourself.


Yeah...I'm not sure LESS compassion is the answer here...


Why the hell is this racist Holocaust-denying scumbag being posted here?


This is one of the dumbest fucking things I've read on Reddit. They earned their retirement AND their social security because they literally paid into them. And they DON'T owe you shit for inheritance. Make your own money, you lazy fuck.


“Inheritance is a two way street” is a nonsense sentence.




I’ve never known a “Boomer” against inheritance, hell if you talk to them they want everything they have to go to their kids. My wife and I created a will that splits everything between our nieces and nephews. Boomers (and everyone else) should get the social security they paid for. Republicans are on a kick to get rid of the concept of retirement in the U.S. so people collapse and die working and they’re hauled away and cremated because they can’t afford a funeral.


Anyone who groups an entire generation together for blame is a fucking moron.


What a stupid, ignorant comment.


Well owen Benjamin is a nazi so


Fuck this garbage post by this piece of shit human. And old people are entitled to social security, they pay into it their whole lives OP, you idiot. Signed, a millennial


Yes I am owed Social Security and retirement stipend. I Did pay for it! Idiot!


Ya’ll looking up to Nazi’s now? That’s a good look on you guys.


Why are we fighting inter-generationally when it's really a class war we should be fighting


“Free money tap”= $1,700/month from a fund that they contributed to their whole lives! Not exactly living high on the hog


Vehemently hating another generation in general, young or old is childish and pretty pathetic. Shouldn't be surprised by this weener.


Actually everyone who has ever paid into Social Security is owed it. That includes the retirees drawing from it now and the teenagers working their first part time job. Any humane society owes its citizens a retirement.


This late ‘50s boomer here did get an inheritance from the previous Depression era generation. Hubby and I also worked for decades, creating our own nest egg while paying into social security the whole time. We plan to leave a substantial inheritance to our kids, who are hard working and running a business of their own. I know that not everyone has had the opportunities that we have had, and that’s why I would be ok with paying more in taxes so that others could have universal health care, opportunity for education, and a safety net to help them succeed.


“And no one is owed social security.” Yeah they are because they paid into it for 50 years.


Jesus. What a nasty little fellow. He knows very little about history, and how these programs came to be. Let the old folks live under the bridge, and step over them when they pass out from hunger in the streets like they did during the Depression years. That's the way, huh, little guy?. What an uneducated and ignorant little dude, who seems to be under the impression he has some kind of 'power'. lol. All he has is resentment and misinformation. Sorry you're broke Bud. With your attitude, I'd cut you out of my will too.


Social security- people forget that we paid INTO it over our lifetime of working. As in, it’s MY money and not some entitlement that the younger generations have to pay for. (I’m a gen-x but can see retirement in front of me) . I realize the entire system isnt that simple, but still.


Tell me you don’t know what social security is without telling me you’re an idiot, Owen


Not for nothing, but a person who has paid into social security their entire career should be able to count on being paid out of that fund after they reach the age to draw. They are owed because they paid into the fund. That’s the point of it.


Inheritance is NOT a 2-way street. By definition, it is a one-way street. Also, I'm so tired of this 'if you I can't have it, you shouldn't either!' mentality. what kind of rational adult thinks 'You don't want me to get an inheritance? well YOU can't have retirement or social security! (sticks out tongue)!" Who is this ass, Owen Benjamin?


Someone tell this guy about FICA


I don't know if that dude understand how social security works. We all pay into it with the understanding that when we retire we will get it back. It doesn't just materialize out of thin air.


Erm…. I might be off message here… but isn’t inheritance absolutely a one way thing? Annnnnd if I’ve paid into social security all my working life shouldn’t I be able to claim it? I’m confused


Well no, we do owe them a retirement given that they have paid taxes all their lives.


This post is ignorant. What about the boomers (my dad) who is a war vet and does NOTHING but embrace and love everyone he meets?


If I had kids, I would want to leave them something. Having said that, this is just ignorant. It ignores the fact that retirees have paid into social security for their entire working lives. It is not a gift or entitlement or ‘stripping money from the youth’.


Except they paid into social security.


This guy is a failed piano comic. Who actually listens to him?


this is so stupid i literally don't know what to say. they paid into social security and medicare for DECADES, you fucking twat. go fuck yourself with the "no one is owed" social security bullshit.


I have no clue what this dude is saying, you are owed a retirement/social security because you pay into it... Through your own labor...?


Owen Benjamin is a Holocaust denier, a racist, and an anti vaxxer. Fuck him. That is all.


Sounds like someone was expecting free money but pissed Grammy off. He doesn’t understand that social security taxes are paid for a lifetime of work. I’ve worked my ass off for over 30 years so that my daughter & grandkids would have something to sustain them when I’m gone. I drive a Toyota, not a Bentley. Two of my grandkids live with me FOR FREE because of how REPUBLICANS keep trashing our economy and still the whiny generations online feel entitled to bitch as though boomers are one monolithic cohort. So, to all gen X,Y and Z: suck my ancient dick if you have a complaint. Maybe stop blaming a generation and put that energy toward not voting for Republicans or third party Bernie/Jill/RFK JR/anarchist spoilers. Put any savings you have to buy LTC insurance so you can have a full understanding of the costs incurred by the elderly just to stay alive. Can’t afford to pay for LTC insurance? NEITHER COULD I you clueless ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Owen is a fucking moron. You are owed Social Security because you paid into it your entire working life, that's how it works.


LOL Love how he mentions both retirement and social security. Both are earned items. They worked and paid into those things, they should have the right to collect them while living out their final years in the comfort of their home. Someone seems like they are pissed because their parents disowned them and told him he was not getting their inheritance.


Umm, point of contention…I believe those who have contributed to social security are owed at least what they put in.


Social security isn't charity it's a program we all paid into. Stop justifying conservatives stealing from people.


I know I will trigger someone... I am in my late 50s, pay into SS. My parents house that I inherited cost them $24.5k in 1968, and now valued at $1.2M, The house is in the SFV in Los Angeles, and is paid off and because of Prop 13, my property tax is less than $1k a year. My wife and I have no kids, and we set up a living trust for our two nieces since we know they are fucked in the riches country in the world. Hopefully what we leave them will help them out with surviving in the future.


There's no hate like Christian love


I've had social security taken out of my (55m) entire adult life. I'm owed social security compensation.


The Irony here is his name. Owen Benjamin Like he owes someone $100.


Owen has some issues it seems…


Owen Benjamin is a nazi, fuck him


I don’t know what he’s talking about, like completely shut down SS immediately?


I can’t believe anyone takes the loon seriously: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin


Someone needs to explain to him the government definition of Entitlement. Social security is called an entitlement because you pay in and are therefore entitled to the benefit.


I don’t know. Social security is keeping a lot of old people from starving. I would never vote to end that without a suitable replacement.


Boomers know that our parents, who lived through the Depression, sacrificed a lot for us. And most boomers have made sacrifices to help their children and grandchildren, and will hope to leave them an inheritance. The war on Social Security is a plot to make older people so poor they have to work until they die, and to save rich people the taxes they pay into Social Security. Here’s the truth: with some not terrible changes, Social Security will be here for our children and grandchildren.


Uh, the boomer generation already got theirs, in terms of retirement and social security. This guy is just trying to use anti-boomer resentment to convince everyone Gen-X on down to intentionally screw themselves to spite a demographic that won't even really be affected.


Like every other social divide, generational bigotry makes Putin and our homegrown billionaires happy. Divide and conquer.


Okay but everyone does deserve social security—we paid for it.


Social security and medicare are a trust fund that every employee pays into with ever pay check. Inheritance is something your relative gave you when they die. But don’t be holding your breath. Now a days there isn’t anything left.


I mean this seriously: This looks to me as though Mr. Benjamin has been bought off by agents of a foreign power to drum up generational warfare, as part of an overall plan to fracture American society. Look for his lifestyle to improve in the near future.


Social security is NOT "Free money." We all pay into it. It is not an "entitlement."


I say this as someone who hates boomers thoroughly... What a stupid fucking tweet. This guy knows nothing about how boomers accumulated their wealth.


There is a huge difference between an inheritance and receiving social security. Two very different things.


This guy sounds a bit unhinged. People have worked their whole lives and paid into SS and saved for their retirement. What they choose to do with it is up to them.


I agree, no one is owed something they haven't paid for or cobtributed towards. But is someone owed something they HAVE paid into? Like a pension or social security?


I sure as shit am entitled to MY social security as I’ve paid into it for decades. It’s the only thing we should be expecting.


I am sickened and sad just reading this rant. Everyone against everyone else…this is why we need a more equitable America…Social Democracy (Not Communism which takes away all individual rights and creates a dictatorship) is the solution to raising up all the people in the country. 🫶🏼🥹


Fuck all the way off with this anti social security propaganda


Not a Boomer, but I disagree with the SS remark. They paid into that fund their entire lives. For the most part, it's theirs.


Still waging generational warfare while CEOs make millions and corporations are creating artificial inflation for their shareholder's benefit. You're still eating the propaganda, Reddit.


I’m sure it’s already been commented on but, I’ve never heard anyone say, nobody is owed an inheritance. Yes people are owed Social Security because they’ve paid into it.


I don't get all this accepted generalized  hysterical anger to an entire generation. My sister is a Boomer and acts nothing like this. It's just alienating an entire demographic. This is just as immature and unproductive as older generations generalizing younger ones. I hate it all.


Owen Benjamin is a piece of shit, but regardless, fuck that. The whole point of government and policy is to take care of the people. If we protected and took care of the regular working classes, the disabled/handicapped, and our vets as well as we do the already rich, we'd be in a much better position. The government owes us that. We give them our money, we should be getting something back, not being told to keep working harder just to make someone else rich and that we aren't "owed" anything. Fuck you.


Just pay me back all the money I was forced to pay into SS though the years. I would have preferred to invest it privately anyway. But since it's mandatory to pay it, it's also mandatory to pay me back when I retire.


This might be the dumbest thing I've read all week.


If no one is owed Social Security, I'd like my money back, please.


"I'm just as bad as you are!" is such a shitty life philosophy.


I paid into Social Security. I better get it when I retire!


You're either incredibly naive about who this guy is or you're a problem op. Take this down


Boomers aren't stealing your money. The rich are stealing your money. Have solidarity with those impacted by your tormentors.


Pitting younger generations against Boomers... typical right-wing divide-and-conquer tactic.


Millennial here. I hope I'm entitled to social-security. I've been paying into it for 20 years. I still have another 30+ years of paying into it, if it survives that long. Boomers have also been paying in this entire time. Getting social security benefits is one thing I won't begrudge them. They paid into it and better get something out of it. You bet if I pay in for 50+ years and have nothing to show I'll be very non-plussed.


No clue who you are but Fuck You I worked for every thing I got Again Fuck You


We are absolutely owed social security, wtf. Sounds like a tool.


But the worked for that money. I don't get it


I love my in-laws to death but they spout they’re hardcore Republican anti-entitlement benefits people while *surprise surprise* collecting their benefits.


"The boomer will say..." Looks like we got a philosopher over here


Are people actually running with this talking point??? 1. I would absolutely want my parents to use the money they worked their butts off to go enjoy the last years of their lives. They raised me to take care of myself. 2. No child should expect an inheritance. This is one of the most selfish things I've ever heard in my life. Life doesn't hand you shit. You gotta go get it.


Wrong. I worked for 45 years with every paycheck money was withdrawn to Social Security and my retirement fund. Call me a stupid boomer if you must but the money I get in Social Security and retirement is MY money I am getting back. It is not a hand out


OP: You are a bit of a jackass, and you happen to be incorrect as well. Any person working pays into social security. No one gets more out than they paid in. Not an inheritance, just a pay out of your own money. Check your facts please, before being an idiot.


What a stupid fucking post. 


Yup inheritance IS a two way street. And if one of my children ever said this shit to me I’d write them right the fuck outta any inheritance.


No boomer says any of that. Boomer is a convenient scapegoat for ageists.


Owen Benjamin is full time of shit and Boomer hate. He’s only right on one thing, no one is “owed” an inheritance. 1. I paid into SS, it’s mine to collect when I’m 62. 2. I chose a profession and took a job with an employer that offered a guaranteed pension and I paid my portion into it, it’s mine to collect which I’m doing now. 3. I made deposits into a 401k with a 5% employer match, it’s mine to collect which I’m doing now.