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When they overturned Roe V Wade, I knew this was next. Unfortunately, it doesn't surprise me.


Gay marriage will be struck down too. It’s in their crosshairs.


The Republican party giveth as they taketh away though no worries. They aren't trying to erase gay marriage, they are trying to replace it with incest and child marriage.


They are fucking around and are finding out. People are getting tired of this shit. Look at states deciding to protect abortion through the voters. They come after interracial marriages and gay marriage next, they are gonna find out.


I really really really hope you’re right! I could see him winning again then cementing the Supreme Court for generations. They’ll overturn same sex marriage and interracial marriage, leaving it to the states to decide, then Uncle Clarence will divorce his wife for having the audacity to marry a Black man! “How dare she have the temerity to intermix!” (Probably said by Uncle Clarence in the divorce proceedings)


Sounds very much like the end of a Chappelle skit.


Clayton Biggsby or Clayton Biggs or something like that! He was the blind Black Klansman!


The funniest skit in the history of television!!!


That and Rick James!


What about the R. Kelly one?…piss piss piss!!!


And then when questioned why Uncle Clarence divorced his wife of 19 years of marriage he responded "because... she was a n***** lover..." this has been Check Wallace, thank you and goodnight


"Justice" Thomas was against interracial marriage in his early years.


I can see Uncle Tom Clarence Thomas overturning legal mixed race marriage even though HE Is in one. 🙄


Overturning interracial marriage would have extremely severe repercussions, both domestically and internationally, like mass rioting here and getting kicked out of the UN and/or NATO. They might try with same sex marriage, but I doubt they’d succeed. Maybe I’m being naive.


They even want to go after birth control too. It's like *forcing* couples and women to have babies whether they want them or not. The recommended method of birth control? Abstinence.


I happened upon a video of a campaign speech where the female speaker (whose name I didn't catch) said that sex is only for a married man and woman solely for the purpose of procreation, and casual, recreational sex should be outlawed. It amazes me that all those Christian nationalists applauding in the crowd cannot see the irony of voting for Trump, who obviously doesn't agree with them.


They they applaud because they know with Trump, As long as they praise his fragile ego and throw some money his way he will do whatever they want


Then they have surprised pikachu face when women say ok, no more sex then! Of course, that won’t stop some men, they will get it one way it the other.




I can’t believe I’m going to have to move back to Michigan at this rate. Protecting abortion in the state constitution and MI would never mess with interracial marriage laws given its dark history of segregation/riots in Detroit (I hope!). I genuinely cannot believe how backward these states have become - please remember state elections matter as much as than the presidency right now. The Big Grecht is doing me proud these days.


A national ban on abortion, or making gay marriage illegal will make Michigan's constitution protections useless.


It doesn't matter. None of it matters if Michigan votes for Trump.


Sure. And a lot of those voting to protect abortion rights will vote for House/Senate candidates who will vote for a nationwide ban on abortion. Don't people know that a nationwide ban will take precedence over even a state constitution? What's wrong with people?


The Republican party don't giveth a shit. All they do is take our rights away


"up to the states" is a dog whistle for segregation. Same country but vastly different laws. Feds need to fix their shit soon before Civil War 2 happens over states rights.


Theyll use gay marrige as the main issue but then sneak in the racial marraige ruling through in dubious wording


I got my tubes tied for my protection in 07 at 27 years old bc I was afraid of RvW being overturned. So many people told me I was just being dramatic bc that would never happen. I wish they had been right.


Me too. 😞


We were in the cutting edge in the late 60's and early 70's for women's right to choice. Never the less I had my tubes tied in 1973, tough, but not undoable. I was a teen, and in my early 20s, during the time when abortions were all back room, I feared that, and that birth control would be outlawed again. You are not alone. You have generations of women who have those same fears.


I’m so sorry multiple generations of us have had to be afraid to not have agency of our own bodies. But I LOVE YOU for owning your body and not letting it be just a vehicle for babies just bc that’s what society says.


Thomas probably doesn't realize he's black anymore and will vote to overturn it too.


Oh, he knows. He's always been willing to suffer - just so long as others suffer even more. That's why it's so darkly funny when people say him being in an interracial marriage means he'll uphold Loving v. Virginia; thinking that means you don't understand Thomas at all.


![gif](giphy|gw3BJEkBjalxwXDO|downsized) This is Thomas.


Well. Clearly, drinking is the only answer.


Clayton Bigsby has entered the chat. ;)


Yep, Thomas hates white liberals more than he cares about anything else. He is a very cynically motivated person.


That's not fair. He hates *himself* and other black people more than he cares about anything else.


Thomas will do anything for a good bribe. So will his wife


Oh he thinks being "one of the good ones" will keep him safe. This is total "leopards ate my face" territory.


I don't think it's even about that- I think he's mainly motivated by disgust for any deleterious effects (no matter how) loosely associated with the liberal Court decisions back in the 60s (of course he chooses to ignore the persistent awfulness that state legislatures were doing next to nothing to address without federal intervention.) And I do agree that the Court can't fix society, but part of its power (ironically) is its ability to protect smaller groups and lead the way. I guess he feels it should only do that in regards to the rich and powerful. It's really hard for me to understand Thomas without seeing him as some sort of dark cynic.


Title 9 is next. That’s why they are attacking trans kids.


Already trying to kidnap indigenous kids.


They’re attacking ICWA as a back door to dismantle tribal sovereignty and lay claim to all the mineral, timber and other natural resources remaining on tribal lands that weren’t stolen already.


I wonder how Clarence Thomas feels about that?


Well obviously the leopards won't eat his face too right?


Jesus Christ, Trump overflowed a lot of fucking toilets we thought were fixed and now we have to hear shit like this from the floaters.


This is a glorious metaphor




When Trump said he was going to drain the swamp, he failed to mention where all that swamp water was going to end up.


He didn't drain the swamp.. he just renamed it MAGA


That should be immediate disqualification


Indiana here. We wish. You should see our local news channels. Ads for only republicans. They all say they support trump and back the blue and hate illegals more than the guy in the next ad. It's disgusting. We live in Klan land.


Believe it or not, there are attack ads that say Braun is not conservative enough.


I saw one that said he supported BLM! LOL


“Of course Black Lives Matter! As long as they stay over… there! Right over there, away from the white women.”




As a black woman married to a white man with a couple of biracial kids, they can all get bent!


They all disagree with your lifestyle but 9 time out of 10 I'll bet they'd like to watch you two kiss each other's asses.


[“ebony” is the fourth most-popular search term in Indiana.](https://www.pornhub.com/insights/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/indianapolis-indiana.png) while only 10% of their population identifies as Black. Edit: [census source for second point](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/IN#)


As a white man dating a brown woman, he wont rot in hell for nearly long enough


Braun openly wants to repeal the right for interracial couples to get married. Crazy stuff.




I just don't know why BLM is so controversial. Is the Bureau of Land Management doing bad stuff? /s


From the state that brought you Mike Pence. Who refused funding repairs to a major industrial bridge since it was a democratic county but wanted to give a southern state our tax dollars to fix their bridge.


I live in northwest Indiana, one of the Democrat strongholds, and the amount of Mike Braun signage is frightening.


I drive between north central and northwest Indiana weekly…I see it all over…he’s terrible


Michigan here. It's scary to see how two neighboring states can be so far apart in so many ways.


We really aren't. Go 30 minutes away from the bigger cities in Michigan and you might as well be in Idaho.


That's the story of the entire country, pretty much- unless the state is either too small to have a rural population, or a big city. I grew up in rural areas, and while the racism and xenophobia was always there- it has gotten so much worse, so much more emboldened, and people are totally consumed by hateful propaganda.


One (negative) ad was about how one of the candidates supported BLM. Could this stupid shitty fucking state be more racist?


What's worse is one of the ads where they say he supported BLM goes immediately from that statement to calling BLM cop killers. Nothing but ignorance and hate in an echo chamber for a large portion of indiana. I live in a relatively liberal city because there's a large number of international students bringing money into the area. If it wasn't for that, then this city would probably be as bad as so many in this state.


There’s a pretty good chance we live in the same city lmao, but yeah the entire area is very intolerant to the point where politicians don’t even try to hide it since their bases are so big


Very sad but true. I mostly avoid my neighbors just as a personal choice. My wife isn't white and my kids took after her mostly appearance wise, I've seen the way people in some parts of the state stare at them if we stop for gas driving through even more rural areas. If one of my neighbors decides to say something I'll speak up, otherwise we all just stay away from hateful people.


The funny thing is they need the illegals to work all the farms in Indiana that's strange


South Bend checking in and those ads are indeed disgusting. I hate it here.


If I see one more ad about “the other guy” being a RINO squish, I’m going to lose it. It’s like they’re all saying “I’m MORE terrible than that guy; vote for me!” And the sad thing is it’s going to work.


I was born and raised in Southern Indiana. I have no disagreement with anything you said. My fiancée is black. We thought we had it rough living near Louisville, Kentucky. We hear the comments. She got pulled over once when we were driving home from the hospital (prelabs and an injection into my spine before surgery), and the cop kept telling her she should be with a black man (he was black, too. I think he just wanted her for himself). It really unnerved her.


Yikes. Sorry that you both had to go through that.


Move over here to Southern IL (but not too far southern 😆). We are interracial & get an occasional glance but nothing serious. 25 years married.


I'm in an interracial relationship and no one where I'm at really cares. There are a lot of people around here who are in interracial relationships.


Where is Leslie Knope when you need her?


A positive figure involved in Indiana government? Fictional.. lol


Also Indiana checking in…this is true. Hamilton county and besides me and my 2 neighbors all I see is Brain and Spartz signs. It’s awful. Life in noblesville and we started the book burning last year in the schools. Oh, and there’s also the Hamilton County library board spending 3 million tax payer dollars to reclassify all the “horrible rape books” in the library to adult instead of young adult so kids won’t find them. But hey, we have to stop that woke liberal spending🤷‍♀️ Not kidding, it’s awful. Add to that the emergence of the ultra conservative church leaders now running to “save our state from evil”. Indiana complains about how they can’t retain the top talent at state universities. They apparently don’t think rights matter to that generation. Now we’ve got IU faculty voting overwhelmingly to out their president who was hired by a conservative board of trustees (appointed) to get rid of the wokeness at IU. It’s currently to not going well for her. After all, she did end peaceful student solidarity camping in their tents on campus (allowed by policy) by bringing in the state police and putting snipers on the roof. She actually came out and said she was overriding the city police. We are a disaster over here. Trying to be Florida but still pockets of blue.


OMG the political ads are disgusting. Some ads are calling John Hostettler a RINO. Just how far out in MAGA conspiracy looney land do you have to be to think John freakin Hostettler is a RINO? And that grinning lipless troglodyte Mark Messmer … *shiver* We live in interesting times.


I believe you. Tuning in from Georgia where I had a boss from the middle of nowhere IN who moved back home because we're too liberal.


Ain’t gary, indiana where the Klan started? I learned that in a Michael Jackson doc, I believe.


No, it started in Tennessee in 1865: https://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/ku-klux-klan In 1920, the Grand Wizard sent Joe Huffington to establish a KKk foothold in Indiana…Huffington moved to Evansville and started the Indiana Klan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana_Klan


Indiana has always been hard Klan country. Lots of our little small towns have those spots that people talk about being Klan spots. There was a coffee shop near me called the Korner Koffee Kup that had clan meetings on the second floor back in the day. I dont know if they originated here, but their presence here was everywhere. Probably still here.


Subtlety ain't their strong suit...


I lived in Indiana in the 90’s. The Klan was indeed active in the shitty small town I was in. I can only imagine it being worse nowadays with the rise of Trump.


Unfortunately it probably means he’s gonna get elected. Source: lifelong Hoosier


It's insanity that we live in a world where, in the year 2024, not only does this statement not put an immediate end to their career, but it actually may help it.


Nope, it's on their agenda. "Small" government just wants to dictate your entire life. They are not your representatives. They are your rulers.


"should be left to the states" but then immediately refuses to support putting it on a state ballot....


Whenever they throw around arguments for how to govern, they actually just mean "Let me do what I want, without consequences. And let me deny you the right to do the same thing!", in other words they're self-absorbed and lack empathy.


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Oh ... he's so much worse ...


All people need to do is read Project 2025. There needs to be a lot more pushback on the claims leftists are making that this is all about money and votes. It isn't. They want complete and total control of our entire lives and no amount of money will buy that sort of power it can only be taken by force. It is incredibly naive to assume the GQP will chuck Project 2025 into the trash after elections.


Why is everything suddenly “left to the states”? This is only what they say when they don’t want to take accountability for unpopular stances. They’ll eat shit when the people in their states vote differently. They only say this in states where they have cemented their majority to the point of seemingly no return.


They really want to return to pre-civil war era before that pesky 14th amendment


Honestly that’s when they think America was “Great.” A time when slaves and women knew their place. I can’t believe this is even possible in 2024.


It always goes back to the Confederacy. We didn't deal with these people appropriately and now we are paying for it dearly. Just look at that video of those frat boys making ape sounds at a black woman at a protest. The GQP isn't condemning it they are fully supporting it. There are a lot more people like that in this country than many want to admit. Christian white nationalists and neonazis are amassing a lot of power very quickly and they absolutely will use it against the rest of us. We have allowed these people to be a part of modern society for far too long with zero consequences for their racist bigoted behavior and if we manage to survive this next onslaught of fascism we need to think long and hard about making major changes to the Constitution so these people are unable to organize and gain power ever again. How Germany handled the Nazis is how we should have handled the Confederacy.


yup exactly. perfectly said. we are paying for it all now. Ugh


The scary thing for women is that as much as these people hate black people, they hate women more. And with how much they openly hate black people, you really have to fear for what they do to their women behind closed doors.


EXACTLY. and eliminate the federal govt. agencies made after the New Deal, as well as workers protections. We can return to hard, short, brutal, and humble lives where no one wants to get beyond their station (except select white straight christian men, of course.)


It’s all “up to the states” until the people in those states start voting against them, and then they have to do something on a national level.


Ohio voted and the republics just said nah, we don’t like that. You didn’t understand what you were voting for. It’s all about power


Vote the bastards out, get over the political divide. Do it in secret and dont tell anyone if you must. That's my message for anyone in a red state who cares about not having the government keep you from traveling freely and policing your personal decisions. 2A will not protect you.


Like Colorado with cannabis legalization? GOPs flipped their shit and then suddenly it was all about the federal power of the DEA.


Everything they dislike but lack an advantage on at the national level should be “left to the states”, while everything they like but get an advantage on should be national law. National/state power is just a shell game. They want to impose their will everywhere and on everyone possible while avoiding anyone who disagrees with them having any say.


It's only "left to the states" until they control enough to ram it down every state's throat.


> Why is everything suddenly “left to the states”? Just look at the pre-civil war days. It was all "state's rights" until the northern states declared they had a right to free slaves and the territories declared they had a right to refuse slavery. That's when they got pissed off and started shooting. That's what they mean by "state's rights". They want rights, but they don't want anyone else to have rights. "State's rights" is just a temporary slogan before they take over all government power and make their tyrannical laws the laws of the whole nation. INB4 some mouth-breather propagandist comes in with "Republicans freed the slaves". Yeah, the Union Republicans that lived in states like New York, Maine, Michigan, and California (yes, California supplied troops to the Union). It was the Confederate Democrats of southern states like Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida who fought for slavery. The parties flipped after Republicans between the 1930s-1960s started peddling racist bullshit. Republicans ran away from it, becoming Democrats, and Democrats flocked to it, becoming Republicans. And that's why Louisiana went on to vote a Republican KKK grand dragon, David Duke, into Congress in the late 80s.


It’s weird how, like, the entire middle and southern parts of the country keep producing just the worst fucking human beings imaginable.


The weird thing to me is that it never used to be like this. Granted I’m working with a pretty small sample size, but I’m from the middle of bum fuck nowhere North Dakota. Still to this day I live in the state’s third biggest city, which only has a population of roughly 60,000. But when I was growing up, yeah there were some pretty loud outspoken racists and homophones in my town, but for the most part they were looked at as outcasts and terrible people by the rest of the town. But then in about 2015 everything changed when Cheeto Man stepped into the picture. Suddenly the same adults who were telling me and all my friends as kids to stay away from Old Man Jenkins because he was racist and they didn’t want us to think like him were all of a sudden saying the same racist, homophobic, and xenophobic shit Old Man Jenkins had been saying for 20 years. But they heard it from Trump so they all of a sudden thought it was ok. I don’t understand what it is about that fucker that allows him to hypnotize half the country and drag them down to his level but I’m sick of it. Also, pre-Trump my family was Catholic but I can probably count the amount of times we went to church in my 18 years before moving out on one hand. But now all of a sudden my old man is concerned about how “Christianity is dying in America.” And I’m like pops, 10 years ago you couldn’t have told me who the Pope was. Now all of a sudden you’re stressed out because “in the 70s 90% of America was Christian. Now it’s only 54%!” EDIT: homoPHOBES, not homophones


I do not know you or your circumstances, and I respect your experience, but Consider that when you were a kid the issue wasn’t what the racist said, it’s the fact that he said it out loud. Things were looking so bad for racists in the late 50s-early 70s, lots of bad press and images of burned churches, lynched bodies, and murdered kids, that the general feeling - outside of their own enclaves - was that those were crazy people. You could not say that stuff anymore among the general population without getting branded negatively by a large enough percentage of the population. Folks may have told you not to say it because they knew it would cause you / them trouble. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t feel it. Then DJT comes along and says the quiet part out loud. His popularity took the stink off of it just enough for people to start saying it out loud in mixed company again.


Well put. I hadn’t considered that


Those god damn homophones really piss me off! Note: I make my share of spelling/grammar mistakes/autocorrect errors. But this is funny


Well played 😂 I definitely did not catch that lol


> It never used to be like this Obviously I don't know the color of your skin, but as a 28 year old brown man it has literally always been like this. It's not that suddenly people changed, it's that they were given the green light because nothing will happen to them and they know it. The year my late dad came out as gay, he was given the pink slip the day after his work figured it out. Monsters always lived among us, they were just afraid to show their true colors. Now there's no reason to fear.


Let’s just say I have a similar complexion to a sheet of paper lol. You’re right, it was pretty ignorant of me to say that. I didn’t mean it like that, I guess I was trying to say the same thing you did. Back then I didn’t realize a good size chunk of my older family members and the people in the town I grew up were racist, homophobic, and xenophobic because they never showed it openly back then. They do now and that’s the part that hurts.


That just means they always felt that way but didn't wanna be looked down on for speaking their minds. Trump came and emboldened all the assholes to show their true colors without shame.


Yeah you’re probably right. It’s just hard to think of all the people I loved and admired growing up to have always been terrible, you know? It’s easier to pretend that Trump hypnotized them into becoming this way but maybe I’m just fooling myself


After decades of saying it with out consequences now they're trying to do it.


Some sections of the Nation have never gotten over losing the Civil War. Similarly, the Civil Rights movement probably felt like being kicked when they're already down. Now they're trying to make the South rise again through propagandist necromancy. I'm honestly concerned Abbot, DeSantis, or some similar bucket of ass will try and declare the US government illegitimate and try to secede in the next few years. I particularly see this happening if/when Biden wins in November. It's been simmering in the background of their cultural consciousness for over a hundred years. Looks like they may finally be at the boiling point.


It would be funny if Texas secedes and the Mexican drug cartels immediately invade to take their land back and wipes out the Gravy Seals


Except for all the people in Texas that aren't voting for these clowns, who would bear the consequences too


My husband had never heard of The War of Northern Aggression. We both learned it as just The Civil War.


Uneducated racists vote for monsters. Next up, the sun is hot.


>keep ~~producing~~ **electing** just the worst fucking human beings imaginable


Good lord ![gif](giphy|3BMtWpQEVqwNk1aNWR) They're going after everyone else like they said they would


And yet, people act surprised.


What the fascism is started to coming out? *


Abortion: Gone. Gay marriage: Next Interracial marriage: Batting 3rd. This has been the plan all along


women's right to vote somewhere in there too


Don't forget birth control.


Why do these people care so much about what people who they don’t even know are doing.


Hate is a drug and it rots you from the inside


How else are they going to get power?


Yet they are the party of sMaLL gOvErNmEnT. Hypocrisy is dead, I swear to god it is.


Because how else will they know they're superior if they're not oppressing people?




I'd rather they keep saying words so everyone knows what kind of scum they are.


I cannot fucking believe this shit FUCK these guys!! Fuck you MAGA. What a shit society you want, and gdamnit I am Gen X and shit used to be fun and cool and going to get better, and these power-tripping asshooles are fucking up YEARS of my life FUCK this shit Vote, people, damnit. Ffs




This guy sucks! I hate his fucking fake commercials. He can fuck the right off. Source: I live in Indiana.


Conservatives will tell you that the left is racist. yet no leftists or dems are calling for this now are they


Conservative lawmakers (primarily men) make abortion illegal because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Conservative lawmakers attack LGBT people's rights because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Of course they would have a problem with interracial marriage. Because it makes them feel uncomfortable.


Pretty sure we can find two of those things in their Pornhub history in abundance…


oh my god. the GOP is ruining america.


Man white people are really regressing. Its alarming.


And nothing is being done about it.


I cAn’T tElL tHe DiFfErEnCe BeTwEeN tHe TwO pArTiEs


Where do you even draw the line at race? Is it just if people *look* like they’re different races? Do they need to submit DNA tests? If they’re a mix of more than 2, do they have to find a similar mix? What percentage of a race do 2 people have to have to be okay to marry? What exactly is the rationale behind caring what races people are when they marry? There isn’t a single thing about this that makes the slightest sense.


I'm white, my spouse is mixed but white-passing. Are we interracial or not? It's all so dumb


The Republican Party is filled to the brim with racists, women haters, rapists, pedophiles, white and blue collar criminals, rapists, pedophiles, racists, Nazis, three percenters which are racists and pedophiles and rapists, proud boys (they suck each others sucks but don’t like the gays but looove dick) oh.. and dog murderers


But incest is cool, right?! [https://tennesseelookout.com/2024/04/12/stockard-on-the-stump-bulso-doubles-down-for-first-cousin-marriage/](https://tennesseelookout.com/2024/04/12/stockard-on-the-stump-bulso-doubles-down-for-first-cousin-marriage/)


IIRC, he is a child of 1st cousin incest, so I guess it's a matter dear to his heart. Only two reps voted for it, and the other is about at batshit as Bulso, including chem-trail conspiracies. Walking, talking stereotypes.


Where are the Libertarians? Why aren’t they blowing up Twitter and marching in the streets? Folks who advocate that federally established rights (body autonomy, marriage equality, etc.) should be “left to the states” are championing a transfer of power from individuals to the State.


For the politicians who are supporting any of this bullshit, history will remember them and their families will wear the shame of their bigotry.




So how would Clarence Thomas vote if it was before SCOTUS now? Torn probably, but not on the right issue, just whether to reject a GOP bribe or reject his GOP J6 insurrectionist bride. Just kidding, of course he'd take the money lol.


The one thing that Thomas has no moral quandary about is taking that “lobbyist” and “donor” money.


Just for clarification, this was actually said by him a little over 2 years ago, BEFORE the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Doesn’t make this any better obviously, but seems like a lot of people are thinking is much more recent than it actually is.


Yeah I remember either him or another Republican airing that statement out about a year ago,. I wonder what would happen after? No marriage between people of different religious beliefs?


Once upon a time it was, that’s what maga means, make no mistake.


This is your party Clarence Thomas, what ya think about that.


And then they call Democrats the real racists with zero irony.


For republicans, America was great in the 1850’s


He mad at big black cock


I cannot wrap my head around this. In this century we’re even talking about this. It’s nuts. And a woman’s choice to not be an involuntary EZ Bake Oven. It’s craziness. Fucking hell these people have to be rooted out and destroyed. 


So much for personal freedom and small government! Why do people vote against themselves and want authoritarian government!




And I've had people not believe how absurdly and almost comically racist rural Indiana is.


Can’t wait to see how disgusting pick me’s like “the Hodge Twins” will spin this and excuse it. Oh wait they already do and dehumanize other poc.


Why are all these Northern states trying to adopt Southern mentality? The South list that war. JFC




WHAT?? Isn't there some species of frog that lives underground, just hibernating for years and years? I envy that frog. The fact that anybody in 2024 feels able to openly say this shit AT ALL... and while *running for office*?? This is a nightmare.


Tell the base what they want to hear.


Clarence Thomas will be veeeeery conflicted on this if it goes to SCOTUS


Southern IN resident here. I voted for Suzanne Crouch in the open primary as a fuck you to Braun. If elected, he's dangerous for the state and his ideas are awful. Also gave me a chance to vote Nikki Haley for president as a fuck you to Trump before I vote all blue in November. If you're an Indiana resident and you're reading through these, the primary is on May 7th - two days from now. Vote against Braun now if you can. It may be the only chance to get rid of him in our state which hasn't elected a democrat as our governor since 2003. Vote.


Birth control and no fault divorce are next


Me as a mixed race person: ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


That’s what they mean by MAGA. let’s reverse all social progress since WWII


JFC how are republicans just not absolutely disgusted with how they represent themselves, fortunately enough though the rest of us are.


Imagine all the couples already in these relationships in the states that will make it illegal?


It’s insane that there’s even a law for this. So the government “allows” me to marry someone of a different race, and then threatens to take it away? As if that should stop someone? Who does this and for what reasoning?


Roe v Wade was the floodgates


Literally no quiet parts anymore.


When Republicans want to make something federally illegal, their first step is to "leave it to the states to decide for themselves".


Age limits!!!! If they are over 60 they should not be allowed to run for a govt position! They are too old and stuck in their ways!


Conservatives are some of the worst humans around. Just the worst.


Racism? From the Indiana Republican Party? Shocked! Shocked, I am!


I’m gonna go ahead and assume that some nice young black lady once exhibited a modicum of taste and rebuffed a younger Mike Brauns advances in his youth which led him to becoming the garbage human being he now is today.


I'm so far past tolerance now. I'm the intolerant left. I fundamentally do not believe the continued existence of trash like this is morally acceptable. Let consenting adults fuck or marry who they want to. If you have a problem with that, you can take a long walk into the deepest parts of the ocean, and good riddance.


Look, it's ENTIRELY possible to have a sincere discussion about where the line between state and federal rights should lie. It's also true that no Republican in my lifetime has had one.


Those who voted for Trump r scum of the earth, it’s made it ok to reach for shit like this, what next? Bring back slavery?


Don't be surprised. Taking away one right is the start. The GQP has taken a huge step in marginalizing women, again. Something tells me the women will have something to say about that come November.


Please.. tell me again how "not all Republicans are racists.."


impeach clarence thomas