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Project 2025 is the national movement, but places like Texas have already adopted crazy platforms and approved them. No gay marriage (no gays really), no divorce, no immigrants, strict control of women, and much, much more insanity. You can read the Texas GOP platform here: https://convention.texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-TEMPORARY-Platform-FINAL.pdf It should be more publicized, but the media seems to be ignoring it. To have all that in an official document and NOT having people talking about it is simply mad. ​ **EDIT:** *By the way, two planks in their platform concern seceding from the United States, so there's that.* >20. State Sovereignty: Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1 of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas shall be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified. **Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto and pass the Texas Sovereignty Act** as filed in the 88th Legislative regular session as HB 384. Retained with No Changes; 2022 Plank 33 >199. Texas Independence: We urge the Texas Legislature to pass bill in its next session requiring a referendum in the next General Election for the people of Texas to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation. This referendum should be a legislative priority. Adopted as Amended: 2022 Plank 22 **Edit 2:** I ran the platform through AI to get a summary of positions and received a warning that it was **Hate Speech**, and it couldn't give me an answer. I managed to turn off the filters (Gemini Pro) and it gave me summaries, and was rather critical of the decimation of minority certain rights. (It's seriously anti-gay)


There are absolutely some crazy things in here for those who won't take the time to read it. Some that stand out are Relabeling Carbon Dioxide as a non-pollutant. Repealing the Endangered Species Act of 1973 Penalties on Texan companies that lead or participate in protests about abortion, CRT, vaccine mandates, or trans rights. Repeal Minimum Wage laws Limit Social Media Companies ability to censor accounts. Eliminate funding for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting Eliminate funding for college and student loan forgiveness. Prevent the teaching of sex ed in schools. (Any grade level including high school). They want Social Studies to teach about the benefits of the free-enterprise and the failure of socialism. Schools cannot display any "progressive flags" Abolish the Department of Education Allow teachers to carry firearms in the classroom Limit international students at universities to no more than 5% of the student body "We believe colleges and universities should reject diversity as understood by the Left" Preventing students from going to school or day care for lack of vaccinations (even in an emergency or pandemic) Abolish the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium, trauma-informed care policy, school-based mental health providers, school-based or school-connected mental health interventions, and any other public school programs that serve to expand access to minors. "We oppose all mental, emotional, or well-being surveys, screenings, check-ins, assessments, and similar such instruments in public schools and demands that the Texas legislature ban all psychological or mental health questions, instruction, activities, surveys, check-ins in any capacity in public schools." "Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice. We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values." Make cannabis a Schedule I drug "We support completely eliminating public funding for, or contracts with, Planned Parenthood" "We urge the complete repeal of the hate crime laws" "We support reforming or replacing Child Protective Services" Penalties for destroying the American flag "Protecting against predatory sexual behaviors, including but not limited to the “Drag Queen Story Hour.”" "Abortion is not healthcare it is homicide." "There shall be no gun free zones in Texas" Abolish the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Health and Human Services (HHS). "We reject any assertion of authority over our nation or its citizens from foreign individuals or entities, such as the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and the United Nations." "We believe that the Department of Justice, some State Attorneys General, and a few local county district attorneys have engaged in a coordinated attack against former President Donald John Trump and his supporters, by falsely and maliciously indicting Republican leaders, lawyers, and past or present elected officials." "We reject and condemn this misuse of the legal system for political purposes and urge the American people to reject it by overwhelmingly supporting the election of Donald John Trump as the 47th President of the United States of America."


Boy I sure fucking hate all of this




This is a wonderful summary


That is straight up Gilead from The Handmaid's Tale.


No it's worse, they at least cared about the environment


They have such an obsession with mental health. They believe, as "traditional" Christians, that its impossible for Christians to have mental health issues, so banning any mental health programs to them means it doesn't exist. They also believe psychology is evil, and is the devil's work.


They want people to be as mentally ill as possible so they can groom mentally ill young men into shooting up a pride parade


and to rape women that aren't allowed birth control then raise ignorant children that sick pedophiles can abuse . 


Science in general is a big problem for them


Mental illness only exists for them when a white man commits a mass shooting.


I’m already not having fun here…


There are people that actually support this stuff? A lot of emphasis on Texas. I think Texas should leave the Union and establish itself as a country all to itself. Let's see how well they would do with Trump as their Leader while the rest of the world watches.


Oh they should secede…then the blue states can keep the money that ultimately gets sent to Texas from their coffers… And the military should move all bases out of Texas and the DOT should stop all funding for any maintenance on the hwys that are in Texas…. Better yet…make a plan to build a new hwy that skirts around Texas. Fuck Texas.


Would be hilarious to have an overnight 3rd world country bordering us


Mexico should just land grab it…stating it is theirs …like Russia did with Ukraine..


It’s what the US did with Mexico the first time around.


that money will just go to another red state shithole that can't fund for itself and needs blue state funding


I fucking hate this line of thinking. I'm queer, I live in Texas, I vote blue. I should just die, right? We all get what we fucking deserve?


The depth and breadth of the LGBTQ+ hate in the document is almost overwhelming. No rights, no marriage, no adoption, rescind anti-discrimination laws, eliminate hate-crime laws, and it goes on and on. In fact, they want to overturn every court decision that supports the ability of LGBTQ+ just to live their lives, and they list them all. And they make it clear that this is the divine word of their God, the one they want worshiped in public schools, and to set above secular law. It's really insane that they put it all in writing. If anyone thinks that, if given the power, they wouldn't start rounding up people to put in camps, they haven't read history. Or listened to what these people are saying.


Yeah there’s a significant portion of the state that is not okay with this but can’t afford to move. We can’t afford to take off work to protest. The few local politicians that are well meaning, including republicans, are getting pushed out by billionaire funded politicians. I’d love to make a difference or at least get out, but I have to focus on surviving.


What are you talking about? Texas is clearly doing a great job maintaining their own power grid. /s


Jesus, I scrolled and read through some stuff at random. Shits insane. That's the kind of stuff that you imagine a drink uncle screaming at Christmas dinner


Ah, yes, `TEMPORARY-FINAL`. Only to be succeeded by `TEMPORARY-FINAL (2)`


Yeah, they tried being their own country before, and they gave up on that. Then they were part of the Confederacy, and they became losers yet again.


You don’t deserve rights. You get what you get from the rich and you’ll be happy about it. The rich get rights.


They sold us exactly that in the 80s under Reagan, that's exactly what trickle down is. "YaY, we get whatever is left after they've gorged themselves." Why not for rights too?


Trickle down Trickle dow Trickle do Trickle d Trickle Trickl Trick


 rick   rick r  rick ro  rick rol  rick roll




Not even a link to the video! Damn we can’t even get properly rickrolled anymore. They really are taking everything away!!!


for the first time in my life i am *demanding* to be rick-rolled








Trick, led, own.


"Trickle down". It's even in the name. They get billions, we get cents.


For the life of me, this is what I’ve never understood. So many people hear that and think: “Yes! This is the plan! I’ll get *a trickle* of money! Did you hear that! *A trickle!* Yes!”


The expression always makes me think of pee.


“Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining!”


Tinkle Down Economics. You just get pissed on. That's it. Pissed on.


Even worse is that people still keep voting for this shit no matter how bad the politicians are. Like we're experiencing Stockholm syndrome or something.


Boss makes a billion, I make a dime. That's why I toke on company time


gettin’ paid to shit, gettin’ paid to wipe, the best forty-five minutes of my fuckin’ life


They get the whole pie, we get to fight over the last sliver.


Dude don't you see that immigrant over there? **HE WANTS YOUR CRUMBS**


Reminds me of that horror movie where they live in a elevator shaft like prison and first floor gets a banquet to eat as much as possible while as it decends more and more is eaten until by near the end there isn't any food left or people have shit and pissed on anything left.


Snowpiercer is kind of like that. The rich are somehow eating beef and seafood (grown on a train) while the poor are eating gelatinous food cubes made from cockroaches.


And the occasional arm...


I was thinking that too. Don't remember the name of it though


It’s called “The Platform”


It’s called, The Platform. It’s not in English but English dialog is dubbed over. I know some people don’t like to watch dubbed over movies because the words don’t match the lips.


Just watch it with subtitles, that's what I did. Great movie.


The preferred way is always to watch it with subtitles. Dubs never really get the tone or performance right.


Wasn't it originally called horse and sparrow? As in if you feed the horse enough there will be food left over in its shit for the sparrow. Guess they thought that didn't sound as appealing a sales pitch as trickle down


[John Kenneth Galbraith said it was originally called that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trickle-down_economics#:~:text=In%201982%2C%20John%20Kenneth%20Galbraith,for%20lucky%20sparrows%20to%20eat.), though he didn't provide a source. And then dude had to apologize to the Reagan administration to keep his job. Fucking Reagan.


I see. Ill keep that in mind when trying to drum up this random "fact" in the future but I do think horse and sparrow is a far better name and metaphor for what they want to do to all of us sparrows.


The horse , oats and sparrow. The sparrow loves eating oats out of the horses asshole. Horse = the rich Sparrow = the peasants Enjoy the scraps peasants. Gotta love Reagan. What a piece of shit he was.


I always saw it as " trickle down your leg" economics


Remember, it was originally called "Horse and Sparrow", after the idea that sparrows pick through the horse shit for little bits of corn after the horse gorged on all the food.




Why do you think the police have become more militarized?




I think you misspelled gang.


fact more money = more rights


Time to purge the ultra rich


The rich understand that the only actual right that exists is the right to commit physical violence. They’ve spent the last few millennia trying as hard as possible to make the masses forget this, while keeping the people most willing to commit violence in their payroll or locked up in cages.


There's always a right-winger trying to make people think Project 2025 is no big deal. No, it's not *just* a think tank, it's [The Heritage Foundation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heritage_Foundation). They have massive influence over right-wing politicians. Ronald Reagan took direction from them, and Donald Trump let them pick his administration. Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, and Jeff Sessions were some of the people they picked. Back in 2022, The Heritage Foundation completely reversed its position on helping Ukraine. Most Republicans followed suit. What I'm saying is that they have a lot of power and a lot of Republicans licking their boots. It's definitely something to worry about. And yes, Project 2025 will turn into Project 2029. They will keep going until they get their theocracy. That's why it's important that we vote so Republicans keep losing.


It's not just The Heritage Foundation, it's also co-written by 80 other conservative organizations and legal groups. Many more have also openly endorsed it. The Heritage Foundation also writes laws and give them to Republicans to put on the floor of their state and Federal government. This is a big reason why there have been [500+ anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced since January 1st of this year](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024) (already more than all of last year). The Heritage Foundation is also behind all the "pro-life" and anti-contraception crap. Oh, and the ID law passed in Texas to stop people from accessing pornography? Yup, The Heritage Foundation. This isn't "blue QAnon", this is reality.


Yea, the Heritage Foundation is one of the more mainstream conservative think tanks. Anyone who has followed politics for a while knows this.


Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse has a series of videos on YouTube explaining the dark money groups behind the federalist society and the capture of the supreme court. I highly recommend watching them all. He gave the first talk over two years ago and he's still adding to them. He also has an audiobook on Spotify if that's more your speed. https://youtu.be/mAplGu1RxPg?si=7vvRwA0APXMwfOmi


Let me tell you a dystopian future of when Trump gets elected. By electing him, the US are going to be well on their way to become the christian equivalent of Iran. Would not be be surprised if THF advocates to install a special council for them to “secure and embed the christian religion” firmer into the US branches and society, as they find that the christian faith, their morals and values are not present enough in the current US society. Essentially it would become known later as a silent revolution. Since when the time came, THF renamed it to “Guardianship of the Christian Jurist” and appointed some religious nutcase with actual power to act as the first Supreme Leader until his death. By then the US will be called The Christian Republic of The United States of America. The appointed Supreme Leader will be called Father, and will be preaching his sermon every sunday live on national television. The office of the President will be appointed by THF from then on forth, as will all the important stuff be decided by THF both domestic and foreign. This came into effect when they arrested Trump when he wanted a third term as President. They discovered Trump was a fraud and a threat against Christian faith. By then, women have been stripped of their rights to vote, birthcontrol will be banned and performing abortions will be punishable by death unless a pregnancy is life threatening. Fathers by then are given the right again to decide who marries their daughter. THF also founded the Christian Watchmen, essentially a religious police force, to search for any crimes committed against the one and only true faith. The rest of the world can only watch powerless. Is it unlikely? Yes. But is this the wet dream every night of THF people? I do think so.


It was originally project 2020 - but then Trump was shockingly elected and changed their strategy. Heritage and CNP have been dumping money into this since 1981. Russia started helping in 1991.




I think they escalate when he loses. The Devil has taken the whitehouse! Satan is upon us! Get out your knives, AKs, kill the demons!


Maybe you should let them know how [you feel?](https://www.heritage.org/contact)


How do you know I don’t ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


I see! I just send them links to things that may "strengthen marriages". Marital aides, if you will. ![gif](giphy|MuHJcSI9ySLsrNo59Q|downsized)




Don't be modest on The Heritage Foundation's behalf. They have a website and everything. No one here will abuse it. [It's got a pretty open communications link.](https://www.heritage.org/contact)


They just got a new message from a Korean immigrant named Fu Kyu. I hope they appreciate my kind words.


Pass it along to all the people who might wish to comment!


Oh you can comment? I hit send and left the page lmao


Sent a message, I hope they get flooded. 


The same people trying dismiss Project 2025 are the same people who tried to dismiss the 6-3 Supreme Court not overturning Roe v. Wade. And look how that went. When it comes to the current Republican Party. Every threat, every seemingly farfetched idea should be taken as serious.


Hmmmmm…..I wonder if they are deeply intertwined with Putin somehow 🤔


The Heritage Foundation has offices all around the world. So the chances are incredibly high.


Clarence Thomas, the supreme Court justice, is a member of the heritage foundation.


We have a simple task ahead of us. It's this: Vote in every election and vote out every Republican on every ballot. Every one. Every election.


The problem with 2025 is that it's so far out there, you can show it to ten people who voted for Biden in 2020 and 7 of them will say "ok, let's not go Alex Jones here and be just as bad as them. This is silly"


I've had that happen to me and it's so frustrating. It's all laid out and they aren't even hiding it; don't make me feel like a crazy conspiracy theorist


One of my biggest qualms on Reddit is people saying "we can't be like them." No, fuck that; we need some people on the left pushing back on the right JUST AS HARD OR HARDER than those on the right. There are objectively stupid, backwards opinions/positions out there and they need to be stomped or beaten out.


It's the paradox of tolerance. We HAVE to be intolerant to intolerance.


No paradox at all when you view tolerance as a contract or agreement instead of an absolute moral imperative that must be followed to the extreme ends. If you tolerate others, we'll tolerate you. If you won't why are you entitled to it? The Nazis, the KKK and their like, do not need or deserve to be tolerated. Feel free to throw fis... I mean milkshakes at them.


> No paradox at all when you view tolerance as a contract or agreement instead of an absolute moral imperative German has a saying: "The best man cannot live in peace if his neighbour does not allow it"; and that has always illustrated to me that tolerance is a reciprocal concept: I tolerate you, you tolerate me. We respect each other's boundaries. But if you start disrespecting mine, yours are up for grabs as well.


Yes! Vote Democrat for. Every. Single. Office! In. Every. Single. Election! This is about far more than Biden vs trump. Your US Senator, your US Representative, your State Senator, your State Representative, your State Supreme Court, your County Commissioners, your local judges, your Mayor, your School Board members… at this point in history, we have already been generally screwed because Republicans have been the party who gets their members to vote *every* time. While most of us haven’t been paying attention, Republicans have been able to win local offices- the ones that have the most effect on our daily lives. I’m not even sure that most Americans realize that their US Congressperson has to be elected *every two years.* It’s a combination of not voting, and Republican gerrymandering of House districts, which gives the Party an unfair advantage in the House. Don’t even get me started on the Electoral College and the Senate. No one is gonna save us. The courts and the judicial system aren’t going to save us. We have to save ourselves, and the only way to do that is to vote. Make sure you are registered. Talk to your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, and make sure they vote. Vote Democrat.


The Heritage Foundation will keep trying to ruin America until its members have died of old age, or until they implode into singularities of hate. If any single group of people could be jailed all at once in the US, I would pick them even over Patriot Front or Proud Boys or the KKK. They certainly belong in prison - down the very last member.


They are refusing the science of climate change, I mean who found this guys, the 👿?


yeah. think tanks like that also seem to have a much bigger role when the actual elected official doesn't really give a shit about policy. like do you think trump has two brain cells to rub together to come up with an actual stance on something? no he just parrots whatever right wing shit gets him applause. he would absolutely out source his administration to the heritage foundation for a second time if elected.


I mention to my niece on FB she might want to check it out since she is so excited she is gonna qualify to have her student loan forgiven in 2 years. Oh, did I mention she is a HUGE tRumper?! 😂


This disconnect is strong with your niece.


She's just a straight-up moron.


"They're so fucking stupid" is the end state of every person sincerely studying this situation. You might think 'oh, that's just pretentious' or 'that's a very unhelpful generalization' or 'that's just elitist' and you'd be right anywhere else. No, you don't understand, it loops around, they are SO. FUCKING. STUPID. Everyone in the globe needs to have improved education set at the top of their lists, this plague is issue #1.


Thank you for saying this, I really get sick of reading dumbass people making comments on reddit and social media. I know the obvious answer is just to avoid it, but you can't really. Some people just need to be told that they are stupid.


It's because it's a self cope "My friends, family can't be horrible people that deserve to be cut off. I've known them forever they've always been kind! There must be some kind of mistake... I don't think you're being empathetic enough!"


any trump supporter is a straight-up moron at this point, i understand being foolish in 2016, but to still be on the koolaid is wild


Sorry your niece is legally brain dead.


So ... she hasn't noticed that it's Biden that's trying to do the student loan forgiveness, and the GOP that's trying to stop it (including going all the way to the Supreme Court?) This just makes my head hurt. The neat thing about Americans is that they expect the government to work for them ... while continually voting to defund and break that same government. And the Democrats are expected to deliver while getting b!tch slapped and abused. Biden stands at ground zero of this - "hey ... old guy! Deliver for us, lower our gas prices, control our grocery prices, fix our highways, lower our taxes, get us a job, and THEN EVEN IF YOU DELIVER, WE'LL VOTE FOR THE OTHER GUY ANYWAY."


People are mad at Biden for not stopping the supreme court from overturning Roe. They think because we lost abortion rights while Biden was president, he is solely to blame. It's really easy to be mad at the president for everything when you think our government works like a medieval kingdom.


Hey, man ... I mean, it happened on Biden's watch, and he didn't overturn the ruling and have the Supreme Court justices declared terrorists and thrown in Guantanamo ... I'm kidding, but I've legitimately heard this same blame Biden stuff from other people. They really do have no attention span or understanding. And the GOP has their number.


> They think because we lost abortion rights while Biden was president, he is solely to blame. I always wonder what it's like to be that genuinely stupid.


And then vote for the other guy expecting to get them back. Fools.


It was up there with the people who voted for Trump and were SHOCKED when they had loved ones deported.


There's that guy in Florida who found out he's been here illegally pretty much his entire life. Found out when he tried to get Social Security.


Which is heart breaking. But didn’t he get a notice when he paid taxes? That his social was an issue? There was a few. One guy went to rallies, etc. His daughter kept calling him out. He didn’t have papers, and got deported. She voted against trump (she was a citizen), and finally was like what don’t you get?!?


...And then they turn around and say, "well, then they should have done it legally" all while being "illegal" themselves.


Exactly. One of the people deported was a restaurant owner, employed like 12 people, and didn’t have as much as traffic ticket. Paid his taxes. His wife knew he didn’t have papers and still voted trump! She has since relocated to Mexico with their kids. She said she was “rethinking” her decision to vote trump. Seriously?


Yeah, the family I know hasn't been deported yet. Keyword being "yet". They don't vote for Trump because they can't, but they they wholly support him and buy all the MAGA crap they can. Their child is asexual and non-binary. They'd kill them if they found out.


Which shows people consistently vote against their own best interest. It’s mind blowing.


I will never understand women who vote for Trump. I mean I unverstanden no one who votes for Trump but especially women.


Gawd, why does it hurt so bad.....


Is that student loan for clown college?? (No offense to actual clowns)


none taken! *honk honk*


When I took calls for a student loan servicing company, the most calls I got asking "is there any type of forgiveness?" Were from red state boomers.


My daughter said she’s voting for Kennedy, we had to have a serious conversation. I think I got through.


Pray for your niece, went to college and didn't learn a thing


So ... she hasn't noticed that it's Biden that's trying to do the student loan forgiveness, and the GOP that's trying to stop it (including going all the way to the Supreme Court?) This just makes my head hurt. The neat thing about Americans is that they expect the government to work for them ... while continually voting to defund and break that same government.


The "best" part is, we don't Even have to sit here and pretend that it's just speculation that they will do it because they're already doing it. - We don't have to pretend they're coming for women's reproductive rights, they already have across tons of states. - We don't have to pretend they're not outright banning abortions, they have in 14 states. - We don't have to pretend they're not going after contraceptives, 12 states allow for refusal of service. - We don't have to pretend they're not racially gerrymandering, they've been caught numerous times. On gun reform, on religion, on human decency, we know who they are because they've SHOWN us. It's time we listen and actually fight back.


And for those who are still concerned about voting for Biden still- who are still on the fence of voting third party or sitting out this election- you are using your vote as a valentine rather than a chess move. And in many respects it is *what got us into this situation in the first place*. For one, you’re going to have a hard time convincing those democrats who remember the 2000 election not to vote for Biden. Voting for Nader absolutely did not bring politics leftwards. In fact the whole nation drifted so far to the right that people actually thought John Kerry was liberal. Fast forward at the 2016 election. Hillary didn’t get enough votes (electorally) and now we have republicans devolving into talking about Jewish space lasers and eating horse paste. In the Weimar Republic, the German Communist Party viewed the Social Democratic Party, the center left party, as just as much of an enemy as the Nazis. Their leader, Ernst Thalmann, said "fighting fascism means fighting the SPD just as much as it means fighting Hitler and the parties of Brüning." The German Communist Party declared the Social Democratic Party to be "social fascists." Only after Hitler seized power in 1933 did the German Communist Party propose organizing a general strike with the Social Democratic Party, but by then it was too late. Thalmann died in the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1944, by Hitler's personal orders. Don't be Thalman. VOTE!


If you actually read project 2025, and know this is Trumps plan, it will scare the hell out of you! This just can't happen!!


Not just Trump's plan it's the whole Republican party. If they fail again this election season they'll just call it project 2029 and try again.


Agenda 47 as well


Just a few weeks ago only ~25% of the population was aware of the project 2025 bullshit. Once again the media is failing to get the word completely out there. KEEP SPREADING THE WORD. Don’t count on all of the conservative slanted media warning people about it - they probably stand to benefit. If you’re anywhere on the spectrum from far left to moderate right, you will suffer under project 2025. In case you thought you’d just leave - THERE *[edit: -MAY be measures in place to prevent brain drain - they’re not so stupid to think they don’t need engineers and scientists, how they use them is a different story…] Edit - I’m looking for the specific flee prevention measures, but It was a random blip in a random place Edit 2 - I had read somewhere (albeit somewhat drunk) that there was a measure in P25 to keep people from fleeing but I can’t find it anymore. Let’s just take this info with a grain of salt and keep your eyes n ears peeled when shit does hit the fan.


Can you expand on the flee-prevention measures? I’ve skimmed the doc but it’s like 900 pages…


In the State Department section they will require visa reciprosity. Work visas for foreigners would require that nation to offer the same to US citizens. [https://static.project2025.org/2025\_MandateForLeadership\_CHAPTER-06.pdf](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-06.pdf) So I guess you could escape via that, no? Some if this is just really sobering to read. I may need to do your wine trick to get through this, or at least a good 6 pack.


I’m looking… I interpreted it under the duress of…. Wine 😬 If I can’t find it I will adjust my statement, but I swear there was a tiny blip about preventing brain drain…


And let them know you know. [Heritage Foundation](https://www.heritage.org/contact)


And tell [The Heritage Foundation](https://www.heritage.org/contact) directly that it's unacceptable.


Is it nation-shattering? Yes. Are they competent enough to actually pull it off? Probably not. Am I interested in finding out? Fuck no. Biden 2024.


Who needs competency when you got collaborators in key positions? Disenfranchisement was already status quo in the US; in recent years they've been gutting rights hardcore left and right. Have you not noticed?


Yup and it's brought to you by the same people that gave Trump his short list for Supreme court nominees.


When I tell people about Project 2025, they act like I'm pushing a conspiracy theory. No, sweetie, they wrote and published it. They're going to do it.


Oh FFS....vote out all Republicans


people get the government they vote for and sadly most people are idiots


5 months to make people aware, as this shit is evil


My in-laws call it fake news. Hurts to see people you love be so goddamn dumb


So they simultaneously support the platform but deny it's real? Wild shit.


Yeah the mental gymnastics must be exhausting for them. They're usually in bed by 8


So true….that’s why we eliminated all those people from our lives….family or not…bye bye. We are so much happier for it.


So true….that’s why we eliminated all those people from our lives….family or not…bye bye. We are so much happier for it.


Tldr: EAT NOTHING AND DIE AND SLAVE AWAY AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. They're saying the quiet parts out loud. Don't know about y'all but average ass workers are the vast majority. Vote like it.


“Rights aren’t rights” - talking heads on the right, soon probably


Project 2025 is straight up religio-fascist crazy, I'm not much of a Biden fan, but he better fucking win.


If you are NOT a white, rich, Christian male. You will be negatively affected by a second Trump term. The clock will literally go back to the 1800's again.


Figuratively. Not literally.


Y do u think they wanna take everything from public schools they want us dumb


https://preview.redd.it/5mbbdjbsqe5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6ece6925903e216c4178769247f72f2f3f4430 Spread awareness 🙌


isn't this the definition of the "Deep State"? a bunch of unelected people who are working to alter the direction of America and subverting the will of the voters (aka anti-democrac)


Project 25 is fuckin wild and the people who put it together are sick minded.


But…but….protest vote? “Teach Biden a lesson?” TikTok said to! Surely that wasn’t MAGA propaganda! Surely that wasn’t some sort of disinformation campaign designed to help make Trump win and Project 2025 a reality? Surely people couldn’t be THAT stupid like they were back in 2016?! Right…..?


Yeah but like the genocide in Gaza carefully crafted and executed by none only than the Biden Administration. /s


What horse pucky. Trump and Bibi are exactly why Gaza is a wasteland now. Bibi knew the Qatari’s were funneling money to the terrorists there. He did nothing to excuse a land grab that’s been in progress for years. This was his end game. If Trump is elected, he and Jared will pay him a visit to set up a big ole parking lot and a water park where Gaza used to be.


This is an important conversation. Glad it’s being addressed.


Gotta say, as a Canadian it's been fucking exhausting watching the average american just... not pay attention to this kind of shit.


"It proposes criminalizing pornography" I feel this might be something that could backfire spectaularly.




Most people unfortunately don’t know what Project 2025 is. Those that do and are complicit with it, are only so under the promise they get slightly more bread crumbs than the rest (trust us, they’ll be millionaires after another tax cut that only benefits the already wealthy /s) and will gladly be whipped into the mines so long as the uppity women, LGBTQ, and darker skinned persons are whipped more.


Take away everything and give it to the republican mobsters running he country. We must prevent this from happening. Vote blue and remove all the republican criminals from office.


The point that should get pretty much everyone on board is that they want to ban recreational sex & porn nation wide. I think we can all agree that would suck. Buuuuut… I’ve pointed this out numerous times online and people either: a) don’t believe me (even though it’s right there in the manifesto) or b) think it’ll never happen. We said the same thing about Roe. Let’s not do this again.


If you don't pay attention... You'll lose everything.


If that clown wins….its going to set this country back 100 years.


Unfortunately, that’s what the party of ‘personal responsibility’ and ‘smaller government’ feels is needed when you think too hard on your own. When you engage with conservatives to point out what terrified lemmings they are and how most of us on the left aren’t…welp 🤔 they just seem to get madder 🤷‍♂️


Vote not just for the president. For your mayor, school board. Or, we could all slow production to a snails pace by working what we are being paid instead of what we are worth. Companies don't give a fuck about us. Let's do the same. I am not represented by these or any candidates. NO taxation without representation. IRS can't come after all of us.


You're voting for this if you don't vote


This is where social media can be a positive. Spread word of this white Christian nationalist bullshit far and wide. Show Americans what the nation’s traitors have in store for them and plan accordingly. Vote blue.


We basically have a group of Christian zealots trying to bring about the apocalypse and, therefore, the return of their savior.


Additionally Republicans, Trump included, have been pretty consistently spewing rhetoric consistent with Project 2025 for a long time, getting more and more brazen about it. It’s very very consistent with the laws they’re already trying to push through and things they’re saying they want so don’t buy into the “oh you’re being dramatic” or “oh you’re making it sound worse than it is”. No, they’ve already shown this is who they are and what they’re after, Project 2025 is merely the plan to rapidly put these things into practice if given the chance Actually go vote, this shit needs to be slapped down as hard as we can


I hope they are starting to pay attention because if trump wins that's it for America. I your head you always want to go "ehh they couldn't really do it, there's checks and balances" but trump truly doesn't give a fuck what the law says, he'll put people in place who have no qualms with ignoring the law and doing whatever he wants.


I just don’t see Trump winning. Nobody outside the MAGA cultists looks at Trump as their fearless leader who's going to drain the swamp. That concept (and many of the super-tight polls put out there by the MSM) is part of a myth that's intended to make this race seem competitive and keep folks tuned in to the media through November. The truth? The majority of the electorate sees Trump as a POS who has overstayed his welcome. And when 20% (at least) of a candidate's own party won't vote for him, said candidate is screwed. https://preview.redd.it/rcojbqo5ag5d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459569fcf294800132ac75f682573dec7fc92298


The shortest possible TL;DR: a playbook to create a violent, sadistic dictatorship on Inauguration Day (when Trump is sworn in). [Bye Bye Democracy ](https://thefulcrum.us/governance-legislation/what-is-project-2025) Slightly longer: Project 2025 is a playbook specifically created for Donald Trump and his minions to use in the first 180 days of Trump’s second presidential administration. The far-right Heritage Foundation proudly takes credit for facilitating the creation of the 887-page document, which if implemented would turn our democracy into an authoritarian country. Longer: A Feb. 20 article in Politico described Project 2025 as an authoritarian Christian nationalist movement and a path for the United States to become an autocracy. Several legal experts have indicated implementing the 180-day manual would undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers. Project 2025 proposes, among a host of things, eliminating the Department of Education, eliminating the Department of Commerce, deploying the U.S. military whenever protests erupt, dismantling the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, removing protections against sexual and gender discrimination, and terminating diversity, equity, inclusion and affirmative action. Additional mandates include: siphoning off billions of public school funding, funding private school choice vouchers, phasing out public education’s Title 1 program, gutting the nation’s free school meals program, eliminating the Head Start program, banning books and suppressing any curriculum that discusses the evils of slavery. Project 2025 also calls for banning abortion (which makes women second-class citizens), restricting access to contraception, forcing would-be immigrants to be detained in concentration camps, eliminating Title VII and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, recruiting 54,000 loyal MAGA Republicans to replace existing federal civil servants, and ending America’s bedrock principle that separates church from state.


Project 2025 - destroy everything America has built because MAGA’s hate it. Holy shit this is dark af.


People said ‘republicans have no idea what they’re doing’ and ‘they have no ideas / plans’ and the fascist component took that seriously. Get out and vote. These people want the end of America as we know it.


No shit Sherlock. If anyone who is not a white, Christian Evangelical Trump Magat votes for Trump, then they are stupid. If your skin is brown, black, yellow then your citizenship will be questioned. If you don’t go to a Christian church, your citizenship will be questioned. If you are not heterosexual, your citizenship will be questioned. If they can find any reason to take away your vote, they will. I hope we don’t find out the hard way, they mean it. When Trump won the last time, students protested, saying they didn’t like Hilary, but didn’t think he would win. Dumbasses, don’t be stupid twice.


If he wins again, anyone old enough to read this post will live in the fallout for the rest of their lives.


Yup. #Vote!


Ideally someone would break this shit down in a video and it would get pinned atop every subreddit that gives a shit about the US having a democracy. It boggles my mind how little this is discussed.


Everyone had better read everything about Project 2025 before allowing Trumo ba11$ deep into you!! Because this is no joke! These jokers have wanted to rip the government apart well before your precious Reagan was president and they had no takers. Until Mr. 34 felonies decided he had better stay in office or go to prison. I know ya think he is your new non religious messiah but ya better read all about those to whom he has just sold America to.


I think the people in favor of these policies need to watch civil war…


Every time I start to get homesick, something comes up to cure it.


They need to start running ads about project 2025. 90% of the country doesn’t know about it. Even the anti Biden lefties might have to rethink their bs. This is the end of checks and balances completely. The end of free and fair elections. The entire federal govt replaced with people who swear an oath to their agenda/leader and not to the country and our procedures/ rule of law. From the DOJ to the CIA. All nightmare christo fascists.


Project 2025 in trending in Twitter right now. Hopefully more people wake up and read up on this.


If you have friends or family who don't know what Project 2025 is, it's your responsibility to help let them know. This goes double for anyone you know who thinks "bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe". Try your best to repeat this sentiment to others as well. Everyone should know about this fucking Republican Cultist Project 2025 dystopian nightmare horseshit.


A 501c3 has made a website called [defeatproject2025.org](http://defeatproject2025.org) that lists the policies in their own words and how they will affect Americans.


The elite wants to control our freedom.


Sad thing is, a lot of people will bitch about it on social media, but they won’t go vote.


It's the same as people ignoring all the other things that are happening right now in front of them.


Just reading the summary on Wikipedia is just wild. Dear American friends, educate your friends and relatives about this, you can't let this orange POS win.


Bunch of rich, probably mostly white, out of touch dudes. Yeah, I wouldn't wanna box in the US population. How many guns do they own? Lol The morons behind project 25, if they accomplish what they want, will probably cross a line where certain people are going to retaliate. Would be a damn shit show.