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It’s not the suicides that worry me, it’s the mass shooters and family annihilators


Truth. I live in DC, they're already planning to have barbed wire fences and National Guard troops protecting key sites from Election Day through Inauguration Day. It's gonna be grim.


The last inauguration, they went ahead and lowered the constitution into its vault


*Nick Cage enters the chat*




I had a rough day and had never seen this gif before. It made me absolutely crack up for a minute. Thank you.


hope tomorrow is better dude!


same, that's the first genuine burst of laughter i've had in a minute


This is why I love reddit. I don't use Facebook anymore because I know the people there, and rarely have interactions like this.. having a stranger brighten your day on a common topic is so much more powerful than being shunned by your peers on a general basis..


oof the realness of this...


The national treasure.


Yikes. Heading near there for college in the fall. I’ll be avoiding DC.


Don't get me wrong-- DC is normally a nice city, especially for college students. But May 2020 through Inauguration Day 2021 was *crazy*, and people here are worried about that shit happening again, especially January 6th. So they're gonna be prepared this time. So when you get here in the fall, enjoy the city. But if there's any tourist stuff you want to do near the White House or Capitol Hill, do it before November or plan to wait until spring.


Certainly. It’s a lot of fun. But always good to be safe! You never know what could go down. It almost feels worse than 2020, but I wasn’t as informed then as I am now. Maybe some bias there.


It's nicer in the spring anyways.


I work 2 blocks from the White House and was wondering about this. Not looking forward to November 6.


Keep in mind, no matter who wins, President Joe Biden will be in charge for the transfer of power. He will decide about security, National Guard etc. The only reason January 6 nonsense happened was because the then President couldn’t accept the will of the people. He’s literally the only US President to mess this up. I do hope people in the US keep this in mind when they vote. Voting for the leader of the January 6th insurrectionist, might be the last time US citizens have a democratic election.


"the only US President to *mess this up.*" The fake electors scheme was an attempted coup. Can't believe it is 4 years later and no one is in prison for that yet.


I expect the federal government will be on maximum telework that week.


Hopefully the private sector is, too.


Shit. And any sleepers that delay that reaction for years to come. Worrisome shit, for sure


I’m not even in America and I’m genuinely worried for you guys. Because there’s like no way this next election is going to end well. The last time he lost, he tried to overthrow the fucking government. What’s gonna happen if he loses again? What’s gonna happen if he wins? There’s no way this ends well.




I’d still say that we’re at less risk if he loses.


Long term, definitely. I worry for the short term reaction. Last time the Trumpers were actively trying to catch people to lynch. It’s very Canadian of me, but I would really rather just everybody get along.


I was just arguing with a dude who threatened to find me "on the field of battle" in the war he's convinced will happen if Trump loses. You can't just get along with people who are being told day after day, by people they trust, that anyone who disagrees with them is part of an evil conspiracy to destroy their lives and families or somehow brainwashed by drugs and socialism. I know it has to be a spectrum, but the more I hear talk like that the greater the percentage of people who could see me as a direct threat to their lives. And I find that incredibly scary for our political process because there's no compromising or civil discussions with someone who views you and your political views as a real physical threat.


I don’t know any any of you are still there. I would’ve been gone by this point.


I would have left a long time ago, but it's a no-go from my wife and I won't leave her or my children. I did tell her if shit gets crazy we are leaving and it's non-negotiable.


A lot of us can’t. My husband could just as easily telecommute from overseas as from here - but getting his cancer treatments in countries that aren’t going to be arid Mad Max sets or fascist hellscapes or both, **we-ell**…. Plus son is an adult and engaged, and trans - I wouldn’t leave him behind.


I have two neighbors I’ve already told my extended family about just in case we end up murdered in our suburban northern VA neighborhood. I was very vocal about my distaste for Moms for Liberty (I don’t agree with book banning and putting Christianity in public schools) and I want everyone to have healthcare. But unfortunately these two things put me on the radar of the alt-right moms group in my neighborhood. They are actually a terrifying group of people, and it won’t surprise me if Trump asks his followers to unalive all the liberals we will be targeted. Just absolutely insane, but we aren’t dealing with rational people.


I have multiple family members who have threatened to kill me or wish me dead for not supporting him. One of them is my cousin who was raised with me after her parents died. We were in the same crib, literally, but she's so fucking far gone now that I have told my wife and girls that if they ever see her on our street, run for their lives. I miss the old her and the beautiful times we had, but she's a literal life-and-death threat. I will never forgive MAGA for the families they destroyed.


That’s what I’m talking about. Like the Trump supporters literally just in a cult now. We’ve seen the crazy shit that Cults can get up to.


We can’t even get along in Canada—hello, “Freedom Convoy”😭


Short term reaction should not be feared. It just gives them more power, the last thing they need. Don’t bow down to people like this. With Biden in office, if trump loses, the National Guard will be out doing their jobs instead of told to stand down like trump told them to on Jan 6


Then I must be a Canadian at heart. Fortunately, I live on the outskirts of a blue city; but those idiots are everywhere. I don’t think I’ll exhale until sometime next year.


It’s like parenting they’re going to throw their hissy fits don’t give in


You’re not wrong, but this time the orange guy isn’t the commander in chief of America’s military 👍


Somehow, I don’t think any of that’s gonna make any difference to the crazy Trump supporters


On January 6th, Trump intentionally made sure there wasn't defense at the Capital, and they still didn't get shit done. Meal Team 6 isn't going to do jack shit against a President actually trying to stop them.


Couple of things. You want to rally in DC you need a permit. No permit issued, no rally. Say they decide on a date, time and place to meet up without a permit. On Jan 6 thousands of MAGAs went up against 150 cops. This next Jan 6 it will be the National Guard and it won't be the same ratio. If they fire on the Guardsmen they will have return fire that will dissuade them very quickly.


There are very few situations that can be improved by giving donald trump access to a nuclear arsenal. No, not even hurrican season.


not punishing politicians responsible for egging on and encouraging the insurrection was the mortal wound that is going to slowly bleed out America, because all it taught them was they won't be punished for failing




It's ok, because this time Trump isn't the president. If any of his followers try the same thing they did on January 6th, Joe will deploy the National Guard to take care of them.


The craziest part is we’re giving him another chance at overthrow, 4 years later…. You got an vacant ADU by chance?


My adult child left the USA and I asked if he and his partner would come visit for Christmas. They said the risk of violence (after the election especially) is too great especially with her being from a country MAGA hates. I understand especially with the level of racism and hate crimes here. My teen's math teacher said he's never seen this level of racism at school as this year. He has a desk drawer where he keeps confiscated swastikas. My teen is considering leaving the USA too and I can't blame them.


That is scary tbh, the fact swastikas are circulating at that age group is a huge warning sign. Hell never understoid why the US never banned nazi items or the use/display of them like most european countries have. They symbolize nothing but hate and destruction.


I haven't felt safe putting up pride flag to be honest.


Or a Biden sign. I live in Phoenix where there are quite a few Qultists with guns ready to start killing liberals if trump wins. Or loses.


Or being a woman 😔


I’ll be honest I have second amendment upped since 2016. I live in AK and the MAGA idiots think they are more ‘manly’ here. They openly pack to show how small their penises are.


Here in FLA, they just jack the truck up 5 inches for every inch they lack. Lots of tall trucks around here.


My Biden lawns signs were stolen. I’m not bothering with signs or bumper stickers this time.


I got fired for having an Obama bumper sticker It's these little acts of terrorism they want us all to feel, so we stop talking about our candidates successes and organizing for continued progress


Who did that? That can’t be legal.


There's illegal and then provable. All but 1 state can fire you for no reason as long as you can't prove it was a protected discrimination (religion, age, gender, etc). But MAGA people are literally unhinged dipshits. Like a bad dog, they need to be put down. But also like a dog, you don't know to put it down until it bites. Best to not make yourself a target for getting bitten.


Nope, us either. I live in a very blue state, but even so, I’m not drawing any attention to us. Let’s just crush these fuckers at the ballot box and keep ourselves and neighbors safe in the fallout. I’m not advertising where they can take out their frustrations.


My Biden sign went up this weekend. But I live in CT ... the Constitution State.


I'm laying low in Phoenix also. With Kari lake and Andy Biggs and their violent, hateful rhetoric I'm genuinely concerned


Same. We live in the East Valley and are surrounded by "Patriots". I can stand on my porch and see at least 4 Trump flags. During 2020, some asshole literally painted a 20' Trump flag on his block wall. I was too scared of vandalism to post a Biden sign


West Valley here. I live almost right next door to old people hell (Sun City) and I'll tell you that the Trump signs that were everywhere in '16 and a lot of places in '20 are almost all gone now. Two of my neighbors who were big MAGA guys in '20 now have both told me they're not sure if they'll vote this year. I don't believe 'em, but the doubt in both their voices is nice to hear. I honestly don't think that AZ is gonna be nearly as close for Biden this year, and Kari Lake being on the ticket is cancer for the GOP. I can't wait to vote for Gallegos. I hope she debates him, I really do. She's a coward though, like all MAGA are, so I know she won't.


I live in Louisiana. I’ve never seen a Biden sign, at least not one his campaign would have anything to do with.


I don't know why people bother with yard signs, anyways. I've never driven by a hosue with signs and thought, "That's who I will vote for." Seems like an unnecessary way to draw attention.


Meanwhile, some asshat near me is flying this shit https://preview.redd.it/huo0azmyfm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1b217911af33a56e71323dd93b67487b787e9b


You live near Alito?


Nope, sadly that's a horse farm in a very multiracial and liberally minded small New England city.


It would be so funny if you went over in the middle of the night and put it right side up and never said anything, but I'd be too worried about cameras to actually do it.


I’d be worried about bullet holes.


Took my stickers off my car after 2 hit and runs


Yeah these are not the “poison ourselves quietly in Guyana” kind of people. They really want to inflict their pain on other people.


Neither was Jonestown. Most people were forced into dying. It was a mass homicide, not suicide.


The people who get the mentality of “how many biden voters can I take with me”… chilling


Gotta say, as a visibly queer person, I'm very uncomfortable right now.


This. 25% of the US population offing themselves after Biden wins is just a flat win for the planet.


Yeah I'm prolly gonna isolate in my house in November (maybe for the first half of December just to be safe)


He has just put the idea in their heads that dying for him is the right choice. Us or them. The next step after assuring they're willing to die is to incite them to violence. I fear that's the GOPs plan for this fall.


Yup it’s the innocent victims I’m concerned about.


Like lemmings over a cliff.....




So all I gotta do is dig a big hole? I'm in!




Ugh! One of the most disturbing cartoons I've ever read. Gives me chills when I think about it.


I tend to make the younger technicians cringe at work because I'll reference this meme any time I have to crawl into the tail of an airplane.


What is it called?


The work is called The Enigma of Amigara Fault, written by famed Japanese horror manga writer Junji Ito.


Outer Range


Yes! Though that's a old wives' tale spread by the Disney animal snuff film "White Wilderness".


Yet he'd never jump/drink the koolaid


Naw, he is going to lost in November and then flee to Russia before he can get convicted more. Calling it now.


I want to see him in Russia, at Putin’s mercy, all his wealth seized and enjoying the view out of a very high window.


Russia wouldn't take him. He'll be of negative strategic value. Putin: "You want your ex president back?! You need to agree t..." US: "Nah. We're good. Send the Bone Spur Commando to fight for you in Ukraine."


I envy your optimism


Jim Jones didn't drink the koolaid, he did kill himself tho.... he shot himself in the head instead


Flavor Aid. Jimmy didn’t even spring for the name brand shit.


He would charge them for the Koolaid and they would gladly pay him for it


But Trump would be too cheap to put enough poison in it.


Just like Jim Jones. All poison. Not enough pain killers




Man been a while since I've seen the whole thing. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.


omg it’s perfect


What did you search to get this gif?? I need to use it lol it’s perfect


Kombucha girl


Thanks Weenerstein! You’re a doll 🌟


I wish I could give you an award for this. 🏅 close as I've got


But not in a cult 🙄


I once told a dude he was in the cult and he rolled his eyes at me and went, you guys let trump live rent free in your head, you’re the ones in a cult. And I was like, do you not even know what a cult is??


That's all they ever do, if you point out anything about them, nope - YOU'RE the real \[whatever you pointed out\].


The messed up part was that he had a cutout of trumps head on his truck’s backseat window, the lack of self awareness was painful. I couldn’t fathom how I was the one who let trump live rent free in the exchange.




His followers are entirely comprised of cowards, cowards don’t do that, they just talk about it


They will hurt others, though


Yup. They had no problem attacking police officers on J6, even as I'm sure some of them had back the blue t-shirts.


According to Megyn Kelly no one got hurt that day. And there were no cops even there


damn that's a name i forgot about. good riddance to her.


Most people are just too cowardly to go *first.* Inertia is really the only force preventing them from taking violent action imo. But I think there are plenty of possible catalysts that could change that in the upcoming months, and the cowards you speak of might not be so still at that point. Cowardice and violent action are not mutually exclusive.


The majority are, but there’s enough that are so cowardly they can’t do it on their own but are willing try to take a bunch of people with them that are concerning, they are the ones to be worried about. 


They fantasize about killing people but are too afraid to get shot themselves to ever muster up a militia capable of starting their civil war.


Maybe Trump will convince his followers to leave the country also


I’ll contribute to the cause. 😏 Edit: they’ll need gfm for plane tickets to Russia.


Just get a big boat, maybe it'll titanic on the way over


I’m in.


Spirit Airlines doesn't fly overseas


Damn if only Trump had his own airline 😏


Russian army is always hiring.


Is there a position for armchair warriors? Cuz that's all they'll get


Hey, human fodder is human fodder. I don't think they're that picky.


Like these idiots [from Canada](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13116159/Canadian-family-russia-bank-frozen-apology-feenstra.html)


Talk about FAFO, they definitely found out


Trumptown: coming soon to Guyana




Let’s sell tickets! Come get an autographed Trump diaper to wear and eat arsenic-laced hamberders to own the libs one last time.


Pluease. It’ll be rat poison in the covfefe for sure.


I had forgotten about Covfefe! ![gif](giphy|3o7btNwEjMDVdPTD3i|downsized)


You know, I keep saying we’re going to have to figure out a way to integrate these asshats back into society because they exist, they’re not going to evaporate, and we can’t kill them. But if they kill themselves…




One of my German friends said her parents were unrepentant Nazis to the end. They are not fixable.




Let's be honest, he's not leading them into literally committing suicide, he's getting them used to the idea of laying down their life for their politics in anticipation of starting another coup.


Throwing their lives away for a guy who wouldn't even piss on them if they were burning alive.


Right? I literally, today, had the thought, that Captain Cheeto would not piss on any one of his supporters if they were on fire, but that, he would likely, gladly, be pissed on for campaign contributions or even an "attaboy" from a rando that asked semi-nicely.


Or give them a drink of water when they’re suffering from heat stroke.


He literally said “I don’t care about you I only want your votes”




*Before* the election though


Yeah they've already chosen to leave society so by all means finish the job and leave earth


Trump is the first person ever whose grave I would willingly piss on.




Jackie Daytona 2028


Regular Human President


Jim the Vampire for VP


My MIL has been gearing up to piss on McConnells grave for years but he just keeps going


I will hold her hand. The trick is: wear a skirt and bring flowers.


Dunno. I offered to pee on my grandfather’s grave for my aunt, an incest survivor.


What about Margaret Thatcher? Honestly, her, Reagan and Trump are a trifecta I'm willing to defile


Seriously. Someone should give Trump the idea of having his supporters name him as sole beneficiary in their wills and then doing a mass suicide. He’d do it in a heartbeat.


I mentioned this to a co-worker last week. I said that I bet at least 200,000 Americans have Trump as the beneficiary of their life insurance policies.


Dude that would be fuckin awesome. That would teach the libs! Getting to heaven before them so they can keep them out! Make Heaven Great Again! /s Fucking knobs


Build a wall around heaven! And make the liberals pay for it!


How about suicide AND Biden?


Don’t be fooled. He knowingly tests the base with each new outlandish statement. It will continue to get worse closer to the election.


Nowww we're talking!


welp, this is gonna be the most depressing "I Told You So" I'm about to witness.


WWG1WGA, right?




Where we go 1 we go all. It's one of their stupid chants from one of their little clubs. Like proud boys or oath keepers or whatever.


Mike Flynn is heavily involved in Q   https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/former-trump-adviser-michael-flynn-at-the-center-of-new-movement-based-on-conspiracies-and-christian-nationalism   "When Flynn was appointed to run the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012, Waldron said he worked at the DIA’s clandestine service. Flynn was an intel expert. Waldron’s specialty was psychological operations, or PSYOPs – targeting foreign adversaries, as an Army field manual describes, “to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately, the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.” Now the two military veterans, along with at least two other retired and reserve officers, are engaged in a new mission, this time with a domestic target: They are central to the far-right effort to persuade Americans that the 2020 election was stolen from then-President Donald Trump."   https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-military/


Oh good, does this mean after they drink the poisoned Flavor-Ade he’ll do us a favor and eat the end of a revolver?


Please don't threaten me with a good time


I thought if he lost in 2020 we'd never hear from him again. That's what he promised


I'm pretty sure we're gonna hear from him every day for the rest of his shit-stained life.


I am actually okay with this.


Ikr? Let the man cook.


They are going to need a lot of flavorade


Um. I'm a tad confused. Is Trump saying that suicide is an option if Biden wins? I'm strangely OK with this.


He's trying to rile up the extremists. He can't just say "When I lose I want you to take a gun and go shoot liberals until you die as revenge" so he just vaguely implies "suicide" as a way to say "lay down your lives".


That would suggest they are a cult, am I right?


FFS we'll now see bottles of Cheeto Jesus branded Kool Ade (actually Flavor Ade) being sold at the Nazi rallies to the cult members.


Finally a Republican plan to save social security I can support.


Anyone have a link to the video?


PleaseX please, please, please…


More projection. If convicted felon Trump wins he will get us all killed.


Trump's really going for the full 1945 experience Doubt Melania will go out like Eva tho


Not a single person at that rally has the courage of their convictions.


If the Trumpster really believed this he'd top himself. Show us you're committed to the cause, Donald!


Oooh.. wait .. nooo.. well I tried




The only difference between Trump and Jim Jones is that Trump will charge them for the Kool-Aid.


Do it and the collective IQ of our country is gonna soar to new heights


republicans are terrorists. they just want to install fear in you. just keep moving forward. Im not afraid. there are more Americans than terrorist republicans. Vote blue.


Wait, you're saying Biden could win AND his followers might off themselves?


Homeland Security needs to start looking at these people as potential terrorists.


I would love to hear a single way that any of these people’s lives are so much worse under Biden that suicide would be the only viable alternative.


i don't need to hear anything. let them go. I'm already mourning the family i used to have.


God if they adopted that the world would be much better off after his loss


I hate to break it to you, but Biden is already President. So... what are you waiting for?


I can’t believe he said that, I mean he did, I watched the video but who would say that?!?