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This man has lost his mind. He is not fit mentally to run a dumpster fire.


He is the dumpster fire.


He also dumps his pants


And it's fire.


That's a safe bet with his diet.


"I am the one who dumps" - Heisentrump


He's not fit to run himself, either.


![gif](giphy|9VyXtiyGwPNFPL51sA|downsized) šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ šŸ”„


Oh cool he got a cybertruck


I bet his button actually works though..


Not for long, according to Stormy.


Elon sent him a prototype.


This remind of this kid I knew back in high school. Every time he walked past me, he would pretend to be on the phone with his friends talking about all the parties he's been to and planning to go next weekend. Yes, our former president has the mindset of a teenage boy.


Honestly, if you gave him a list of basic tasks, he could not complete half of them.


But he's passed 2 Alzheimer's tests, which are really hard!


Iā€™d be fine if he jumped into a dumpster fire, though


Ugh! Imagine the smell!


Like burnt hair in a White Castle fueled shit filled diaper


Like Bigfoot's dick.


I think he does this on purpose. He knows cameras will focus on him and not any lack of crowds around him and if he does this a lot he will basically look to those who donā€™t know any better like he has adoring fans around him all the time. Itā€™s a deeply narcissistic and cynical move to need to appear that way but I do think he knows there is no crowd.


Exactly. People are saying heā€™s hallucinating adoring fans when Occamā€™s Razor says heā€™s just doing it for the cameras. Simple as that.


Its not just Occam's razor. Its a complete misrepresention of mental health disorders.Ā  His behavior is **exactly** what you'd expect to see from someone with NPD (I'm not just flippantly throwing rhe term narcissistĀ  around) and has literally nothing to do with psychosis. His behavior doesn't even slightly resemble it. Its really frustrating redditors insist on making psychotic into the newest catchall slur for any person they don't like doing behavior they find odd or morally wrong.Ā  Especially because people are not responsible for things they do while psychotic. Like not just ethically, but also legally. Saying Trump is psychotic is A) creating unnecessary stigma and misunderstanding of what psychosis is B) saying Trump is not responsible for his actions, that this isn't the "real" trump


Really good points all around. I hadnā€™t considered this argument doing more harm than good.


Yup, I have family that suffers psychosis. Its still such a wildly misunderstood, highly stigmatized disorder. Its really frustrating to see it continue to be used as a catchall term for "any 'crazy' behavior I deem suitably morally repugnant". Most psychotic people are just sitting in the corner being verbally abused by ghosts on their head. They do not need Trump's antics and every mass murderers bullshit attributed to them for no other reason than it's a convenient one size fits all slur.


I totally agree with you, but I'm going to play the devil's advocate. You know how he lies so much. What if his reality is actually warped? Maybe he actually sees 80 thousand people at his rallies. Maybe he thinks his inauguration speech had the most people attending. Maybe he really thinks he won the popular vote twice. A crazy person doesn't know they are crazy.


You're sincerely alleging a high degree of psychosis? TheĀ  man has been hamming it up and performing for the press for his entire adult life. We don't need to create convoluted nonsense theories to explain it. This has been his SOP the entire time. The man literally photoshopped a fake magazine cover of himself and then hung it up. This is just who he is, no mental illness (aside from a personality disorder or two) neededĀ 


Sincerely? No. Please re-read my first sentence.


Slapping playing devils advocate in front of your statement doesn't change anything. Its still supposed to be a sincere take from an *unpopular* stance, not making up ludicrous head cannons for no apparent reasonĀ  I have family members who have experienced chronic psychosis. It isn't just a catchall to explain odd behavior and I keep seeing redditors doing it. Its not playing devils advocate. Its misrepresenting a serious mental problem and applying it up every action people find inconvenientlyĀ  on people they find difficult. Not every killer or monster or delusional narc is psychotic.Ā 


Got it. You don't think he is crazy. Move along now.


No what I'm saying is psychosis isn't a catchall term for "crazy", and it's *enraging* people still use it that way. It ABSOLUTELY perpetuates stigma against those suffering from psychosis when it's thrown out everytime a person is acting like an asshole or unhinged but in no way shape or form appears psychotic. Its not a catchall term for "behavior I think is weird and annoying". Ā  Its no different than the people saying they're "so OCD" cause they are type A clean freaks or they "have such a bad case of ADHD today" because they almost forgot to grab their coffee on the way out the door. Its bastardizing *real* medical terms on a way that perpetuates public misunderstanding and harm for those who actually have the conditions being misappropriated . Except it's slightly worse because instead of using it for innocuous disorders, it's being used as a catchall to apply to any terrible person behaving particularly badly.Ā 


Dude whatever. Go argue somewhere else. I don't even care about what you are talking about.


Its beyond obvious that you don't care. That's my entire point: how little you must care.Ā  Like I said, this affects my family. So yeah, I do absolutely care. And I am pleading with other people to start caring as well. Because there's already so much stigma against psychosis, and it's getting worse again.Ā 


Let's not get personal now. You were civil until you got personal. I don't know you. Don't assume you know me.


I think he knows he has people who will photoshop crowds in later.


First one looks like he's trying to hail a taxi


oh, he's heiling


And if Biden did something like this it would be the top story on Fox News every day for 3 months


And it would be top news on every other media outlet for weeks.Ā 


> Maybe Trump sees dead people the 6th Sense sequel no one asked for.


Pretty sure he just auto pilots a wave whenever he exits a building. Same as when he goes into his double jack off dance whenever their is music.


Two dicks


That man. Has no clothes on.


Heā€™s waving at COVID victims. Those are the size of crowds he wanted.


Letā€™s get you to bed grandpa.


Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) isĀ a type of progressive dementia that leads to a decline in thinking, reasoning and independent function. Its features may include spontaneous changes in attention and alertness, **recurrent visual hallucinations**, REM sleep behavior disorder, and slow movement, tremors or rigidity. He's ticking a lot of those boxes.


Robin Williams committed suicide after he got his diagnosis, while he still had the ability to. It sucked and still sucks, but he decided to go out on his own terms instead of slowly losing everything that he was.


Itā€™s all theatre, look at this photo, notice the smug smirk on the spawn child of trump in the back taking a photo, itā€™s all a false reality. One they hope to make real again. This was directly after he was convicted on 34 felony counts. https://preview.redd.it/bzc5zru5uy5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b2f9947c5c1e2bc5ebf0b3e8f8c280c5415e20


All them dead people who died because of covid, and even they ain't cheering, more like menacingly looking


He could be pulling a Newt Gingrich (making fiery speeches to an empty congress because he knew the cameras wouldn't show it), since he knows Fox and others will only show him waving and not the empty streets. But most likely his brain is imploding under the weight of undiluted racism


He never made America great again. He just made the shitty backwards ignoramuses in this country 10x fuckin worse.


Go to them


I think it's a shame that the first clip is included. Cause in that clip, when he gets outside, you can hear a cheer and he waves down the street where there is a crowd behind barricades. It can just be seen. Which then becomes the basis for people too decide all the others are manipulated or taken out of context. People defending him acting like a concert was his crowd, using that first clip as 'proof' that everyone is blind and manipulate things for an agenda Can't just be that the guy is nuts, and an egotistical loon. Which all the other clips clearly do show


I read that the street was blocked off but there were people at the corner he was waving to. I hate him but letā€™s not make up something out of nothing.


With the nearly a million dead Americans due to his mishandling of the Covid-19 Pandemic, there should easily always be a crowd of ghosts around him. I imagine that they are all flipping him the birds.


šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”. Hmmm, didnā€™t the people who ā€œsaw dead peopleā€ find out that they themselves were indeed also dead? šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ.


Deid Jeffrey


The only reason he does it is so that they can add the sound of crowds in post. Then show him the footage later that day telling him how much everyone loved seeing him. So that he can continue to delude himself into thinking his diapers are full. I know it sounds far fetched but that doesnā€™t mean it can be so.


All the saints come out to cheer him on, heā€™s waving to them.


This is fantastic.


He's just waving to The Reaper and Ghost of Convictions Future, no big deal.


Well can they hurry up and come get him then?!


Only Donald can see and hear all those hell hounds barking for him.


Mustard on the beat, ho!


But Biden BLINKS for too long and itā€™s a story for 2 or 3 days




Something tells me he expects those dead people to vote for him and this is how he'll plea.


![gif](giphy|WUsOgqfcpOBRlJPrUM) Also, when reading these lips ā¬†ļø , looks like he's saying Mr potato fwtw


His staff will use this to superimpose it over a crowd thatā€™s there to see the Pope at a Vatican service.


An embarrassment of riches


Maybe its the ghosts of all the American agents that he helped Putin murder.


He's just releasing man sweat from his pits you can tell she's throwing up..


Typical liberal fake news




The original tweet is a video bro


Presumably the link underneath leads to a video. I'm not going to click it, though