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https://preview.redd.it/9yaf2pzi2c6d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866bedeba4ced3e5d361bf4273747abf01e875e7 Maybe they’re liking this


The next move will be to make the likes public again and put hiding your likes back behind the premium/pay wall as it had been suggested as a premium feature some time ago.


“Well I’m not going to go back and unlike all the trans porn and Nazi content I liked on the account with my real name and face on it so sure I’ll pay” -the target demo


Racists and notzees hate this one simple trick


Likes will be made public eventually and all of your likes during this time will be made public.


Or perhaps this https://preview.redd.it/iks0kd21lc6d1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=c03ad0f44cb3c49d72968b45d16a8d957fb731fa


This was real?


It's fake, but its based on the real thing: https://imgur.com/Lu3Anrn


That's actually worse imo


Hurt CoPain called it a year ago


could be real


looking into it






Big if true


I don't care if it isn't, this is gonna be my go to response whenever I see him say some stupid shit on twitter. Also side note I checked out of curiosity and this caused the Princess Jade person to private both their twitters, likely out of harassment from it which sucks.


What are we looking at? Resolution poor, no labels.


racism and boobs.


Allows porn, makes likes private. “Likes have increased! 😮??” Lol


The conservative husbands are definitely liking the office assistant’s pictures showing cleavage now. They are going back a year or more to like the posted pictures they couldn’t in the past.


My local strip club is filled with them on company expense accounts causing huge inflation in the VIP room!


A woman I follow posted a screenshot of just this. She said he had gone back to 2022 at the time of posting.


Trans porn which they then feel guilty about and go on "SCREEEEEEE"s where they threaten violence against trans people. Edit: grammar good


“Conservatives liking Trans porn” needs to be the next big hashtag.


Someone will create a browser extension to make likes public soon. It'll be interesting to visit conservative demagogues after.


"It was a staffer that inadvertently liked all those."


Option 1: "I barely knew the guy. He just delivered me my coffee." Option 2: "During the 15 minutes that those were liked, we're assuming we were hacked."


Ok then I guess you won't have a reaction when I show you this... **TRANS INTERRACIAL FURRYxFEMBOY INCEST PORN** >Ted Cruz starts furiously, involuntarily jacking it


You don't even need an extension, you can just add "/likes" to the end of someone's profile. EDIT: They've apparently fixed this but it was working when they first removed the likes page.


Lmfao Edit: I still wanna see generally how many likes a post has, though


This is still there. Like counts are still there, and authors can see who has liked their posts. What you can't see any more are all the things a particular user has liked. Honestly I think it's weird that likes weren't private before, at least as an option.


I saw a woman's post earlier how some dude went back to all her boob selfies to 2021. She's able to see, so it'll be fun to see posts putting people on blast


I have the popcorn ready for just such an occasion


iirc the author of a Tweet can still see who like it. I expect a lot of trans sex workers leaking their right wing Likers in the following months


The potential for a honey trap has just massively increased thanks to Elon.


Thank you 🙏 I needed this.


As a trans person, this is sooooo true. I get comments from mostly conservative men about my looks.


I was thinking wholesome BBQ videos and kittens


I figured they were just blindly clicking. https://i.redd.it/ydxwqftulc6d1.gif


BBQing kittens isn’t wholesome, dude.




But it's exactly the depravity they touch themselves to, thinking they're Deadpool ![gif](giphy|13Kle4oYaK8HVC)


Big Black Qocks


I came to the comments to write Extremist Views and Thirst Pics, but you beat me to it and were more concise.


Was gonna say... titties. Lots and lots of titties.


And community notes! They rarely disappoint. Prudish Conservative: Sydney Sweeney's boobs aren't that big Community notes: Yes they are Or one of my faves Nikki Haley: Illigal immigrants are not criminals! Community notes: entering a country illegally is literally a crime


And I only like one of those-


That chart is so deceptive


This is a week-over-week analysis, holy moly, that is worthless.


Also from the times of 2pm to 5pm… it’s very selective


This isn’t Elon being deceptive. This is someone who knows that Elon has to feel like he was right, so they found a chart that supported his thesis.


That’s why I thought it was deceptive. It just validates his thoughts… but looking at the chart, that’s where it shows more


And let’s not ignore that nice y-axis range. If I did this at my work I’d be laughed out of the meeting room. Absolutely absurd.


Overall it’s a terrible graph and example. To me it further validates being a hype man that has no real hype


It is not even a full day so this may just be the normal daily variance in voting over a few hours due to timezones!


Also doesn’t say whose account it is… I assume it’s his but 187 million followers and only ~18k like is kind of weird


Dead twitter theory


Can I ask why that's worthless? My business looks at WoW data regularly.


I mean, if musk likes it, it's probably something objectively awful.


It’s only from 2-5pm on the 12th… it’s definitely hyper focused on a selective piece of data…


The point it’s making is dumb even if it was properly done. “People feel more emboldened to like porn and bigotry in private than publicly! Huge win for X!” Yeah no shit Elon.


went from 18 to 20. An 11% change. Whoopty Doo 🙄


Yeah. Because now you can like stuff without being criticised


king of "transparency"


> transparency That’ll get you a ban. Cisparancy is the reclaimed term.


Well, yeah, except elon can still see what you’re liking and use that to his advantage if he sees fit. But of course more pastors are liking their fav child porn as well.


It still blows my mind that companies can’t be criminally charged for the distribution of CSAM when it’s common knowledge that they barely police that content on their platform.


I'm mildly surprised that after his announcement to embrace porn (to add to the flood they already have), that none of the states that rail against porn sites are even mentioning a site called X.COM.


I hope Twitter burns to the ground. It’s a cesspool for racists and hate. Fuck you Elon


Elon: Absolute freespeech! Elon: Also bans the word 'cis'


I wonder why there are all the spikes on the hourly marks? It couldn't be bots could it? Elon got rid of those /s


This was my question as well


Honest question, why is ANYONE still on Twitter?


I think it’s the racism, bigotry, and porn.


“Come for the all out nazi fest, stay for the child porn.”


I used to use Twitter to organize niche kink porn and interact with people into my weird niche thing. I stopped because the replies kept having telegram links with CP images for thumbnails, so the creators had to disallow replies, which ended the community part. If you literally search "NSFW", click the top tweet, and show replies, you will have committed like seventy felonies. It is absolutely insane that Twitter is legally permitted to exist. Disgusting.


> It is absolutely insane that Twitter is legally permitted to exist It's because the same people who are supposed to hold Elon and all the other social media companies accountable for that crap are the same who love Elon and his ideas about Jews.


But mostly The last


I was there for the furry porn so I know there’s some truth to that


I mean, when Twitter declared that porn was allowed from now on I was really confused like, 'it wasn't? There's literally major porn trendings"


There were no rules that were against or for it so it just existed


I've seen the racism and bigotry, but today I am learning there is porn on Twitter. How have I gone like 10 years with this app and never stumbled on the apparent trove of porn?


Not looking very hard? I was th opposite of you. I used Twitter to follow a lot of artists. A lot of artists are horny mother fuckers. I had super limited run-ins with toxic bullshit and other things that people called twitter a cesspool for. I figured it was overblown beforehand. Changed pretty quick when half my front page started getting suggestions for political posts, conspiracy posts, and other dumb shit I've never interacted with. That was about a week before it changed to "X."


PSA: Bluesky is live for everyone. I've posted this before and I'll keep posting it whenever the opportunity presents itself. I have no vested interest in Bluesky; I just want Twitter to die.


You're doing a public service.


Patiently waiting for bluesky to slowly overtake twitter. I believe it will eventually get there


Ukraine war updates. There's not really anywhere else I can go and get a bunch of different sources shoved into my feed at once.


Because a bunch of people I've been interacting with for over 15 years, mostly back in the blogging days, are still active there. Most of them have moved on to Blusky but not all and they still post interesting stuff that I wanna keep taking part in.


Because artists still post there and not regularly in other spaces.


All the major media outlets, including Reddit, still use it daily.


Literally here, talking about a tweet, wondering who will uses the site lol. These posts also drive up engagement to Twitter.


It's the only place where sports reporting is done in real time. I honestly have no idea what will happen to beat writers if Twitter goes away


Trolling Andrew Tate's young muslim cultists, it's great because they always bite back 


Despite everything, it’s still the best way to follow my favorite journalists and artists


Not private to Musk. He can look at anyone's likes. He can sell the info to advertisers and right wing politicians for targeting.


It’s not even private to the person who tweeted. The poster can see the likes too


The only things it truly has stopped is *"this you?"* and *"your likes are public."* posting, and crawling across likes to other accounts to uncover networks.




I put fiddy on it


I might put tree fiddy on it


First thing I thought when I saw this is that it’s a Russian Kompromat goldmine.


Racism, misogyny, homophobia, calls for eliminationism, ableism, conspiracy of every stripe


.... is it wierd that this kinda proves likes aren't really private if Twitter itself knows what you like? It's like one bad hack away from everyone knowing what you did in the dark because you trusted a company who wants to make money off you. Edit: guess people missed the rhetorical question part. I know what the like button does. The issue is somehow elon convinced people that they are no longer being tracked so they can like away at everything they wouldn't like before... when the company is still tracking them and they have been hacked many times before. These people are just making themselves perfect targets by feeding into this false notion nobody can see them anymore just like that.


I can see a future where Musk uses this to blackmail certain politicians or high-profile people in general, using their "hidden" likes history as leverage.


He could possibly do that now with bookmarks. Edit: spelling


[The people who's posts your liking can also see.](https://x.com/notsofiacoppola/status/1801012560780534144?t=_KaK5H0vnAK2QuHvxouEoQ&s=19)


This will be the next thing…exposing people for the gross shit they do but it’s up to the poster to do so


It's not like it's tracking your phone every minute of.......nevermind.


How do you expect the website to function otherwise lmao. Of course Twitter itself has to known what you liked


With very few exceptions, on any platform when you do something private this is visible to the platform owner. This is not cynical, it's just a general fact of how most systems are built. What you _hope_ is that they have really strong controls inside the company who has access to this and what they can do with it. But generally if you want private, keep the data to yourself.


Ummm.... This is all of the internet, or anything with electricity running through it. It's all gathered under the guise of telemetry and metrics and performance monitoring. If you TOUCH your phone, it's recorded. Google knows when you pick up your phone, how long you hold it, and when you put it down. It knows which room of your house you are in. Same with any website you interact with. EDIT: Ever noticed how you'll get a notification ping as soon as you put your phone down and turn away, only to pick it back up and see nothing new? You are Pavlov's Dog.


When nobody can see your likes, nobody can verify that the likes are legit.


Ding ding ding. Twitter just wants to make it easier for users (especially some of Musk’s own buddies, and even he himself) to buy/farm likes.


Trans porn probably


Removal of public shame. 1000% things to allow intentional influence of hate and anger to thrive.


Buying likes doesn’t count, Elon.


It'll be hilarious when he randomly changes his mind for whatever reason and makes them public again.


Russian bots are working for Elon


Some chick said some weirdo has spent the last 2 hours liking all her boob pics. How does anyone still participate in that dumb fucking webpage?


Someone else in this thread said that you can still see who likes your posts but others can’t. This REALLY makes me want to open a honeypot puppet account and just post the most vile and hateful shit I can find. Or content that the right screams about being evil in public but wanks to in private…. Then publish the list for everyone to see.






Not publicly visible is not the same as private. Xitter will be harvesting away as usual.


why do likes need to be private? oh is it because you all are liking stuff you probably shouldn't be? and don't want the public to know? thought so..


Now Elon can "like" all gay and trans porn he wants and can still pretend he's a hetero alpha! LoL


I'll take "things you wouldn't do in public" for $200, Alex.


Step 1: Make likes private Step 2: Entire user base goes on liking spree of unsavory stuff Step 3: Announce likes will no longer be private and all likes will soon be viewed by everyone and no way to un-like Step 4: Offer to keep likes hidden if you buy blue checkmark Russian Kompromat 101


A direct inverse to stock value!


I'm getting ready for an entire life of watching fat, greedy fucks try to sell sex to us. It's a Brave New World, and I want the fuck out.


Funny…I just removed my Twitter handle from my email signature ![gif](giphy|ekvv0VTMS1fRNI6SW5)


Am I the only one confused about what thing is the "they" that went private is? It's a pronoun. I thought Elon didn't like those. Is this supposed to be Twitter's stock? Some other random company? And this doesn't exactly look like massive corporate success. It's basically as flat as my grandpa's EKG.


later he'll making them public again unless you pay $100/month. this guy deserves the billions


this, just below this post on my feed https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/ULL4Ekn0yK


He's just going to pivot and let people buy other people's likes. Anyone still liking shit on Twitter is gonna learn, probably. Twitter is an absolute garbage filled cesspool now.


Its because Republicans can finally like their gay porn in private!!!


I know Elon is a twat, but it would be the greatest troll of all time if he made them private for a week and then made them public again.


ok but, likes are private on reddit


This will obviously make astroturfing way easier.


You can't track how many likes are from bots now.


We all know the truth. He made them private so the automated astroturfing of conservative posts was way less obvious and trackable. He is a russian asset and it is an election year.


Now to wait for some infiltration attempts to get that sweet sweet hush money


Makes sense to me. I'm a lot more cautious about what things I say when I'm held accountable for them. When you can show your support secretly.... You can play a lot more fast and loose with it.


Private likes let's them hide the bots.


He sounds exactly like his Uncle Donald the convicted felon.


There’s no chance more than 300,000 people liked his post and I’m willing to bet the majority of his followers are also bots. What a piece of shit Musk is.


Bots, Bots everywhere!


Well yea, when you mask the bigotry and racism they tend to speak out more freely.


Elon going hardbody karate on the hentai


I look forward to them being made public again


One day he will reverse this and suddenly lots of people will be caught with their pants down. I wouldn’t trust Elon if likes being visible or not is something of importance to you!


Ted Cruz is liking so much milf porn right now!


That is not massive, I don’t think this would even trigger a monitor massive . I work in tech


Now turn it back on and let's see what weird shit famous people are into.


Nick Fuentes is probably elbow deep into some gay porn right now.


I bet it was removed to cover up bot activity. It will allow his content to be promoted without shining a light who is doing the actual promotion.


When I took Human Sexuality in college long ago we covered homosexuality and lewd acts. The professor had a chart that showed the majority of men arrested who were not living a gay lifestyle for lewd acts (sex in cars and park restrooms, etc.) were over 40, were married and had kids. Then he went on about how most people who were arrested were extremely anti gay. A theory was that the men who were most anti gay were doing so because they had homosexual tendencies that they had been suppressing. So acting repulsed by gay men was their coping mechanism. Then there’s Senator Larry Craig…


Whatever he wants his bots to like. This is all part of a plan to boost what he wants seen and increase engagement data to peddle to investors (as already evidenced in this tweet).


Mostly porn.


It’s almost like the ability to be checked for liking creepy shit was a check on how gross the site could be. I can’t wait to watch the value of that company drop to 0.


What does that mean though? How does it translate to ‘success’?


"This just in, massively drawing attention to something, draws more attention to it and makes people more likely to do it." Short term that is as meaningful as Elon pumping stocks and pretending that it is proof the stocks are good. Only the long term effect of this change will matter.


It would be really funny if was a social experiment and they decide to reverse this and reveal everyone's likes in this period


So is this supposed to show something good for Twitter? An increase in likes is not an increase in money or even necessarily traffic as far as I’m aware.


Or who’s liking what and what a click farm’s fee is these days.


Oh, you know it's Republicans liking pictures of little kids and gay porn.


Totally liking funny cat videos and not hate speech or calls for violence.


Didn't it say the content creators can still see the likes? They should out some folks.


It's almost like people didnt want to like things because they know other people will judge them for it. It was self-policing. Curious but you can probably track increase in likes of posts with a certain tag. Just further promoting incel behavior....


Twitter is a parasite


I have a right wing "friend" who I have been "debating" for 35 years and he has some weird ways about him. You never knew what he really believed until other people gave him the courage to (almost) say it. It is the strangest game of hide and seek.


|>u$$¥ in bio pages!


eventually the elon shit show will run its course and months or years later these will be visible again and i cant fucking wait for that!


Imagine being surprised that people on the internet love porn but don't want to share exactly what type of porn they like


I am confused what’s the point of liking something if it’s private I know what I like I don’t need to tell twitter like it


And since they are private there’s no way to verify so you just have to take his word for it. lmao


He's weaponizing likes by creating a false sense of safety and privacy.


This seems like an amazing way to harvest data. Musk now knows a lot more about people secrets.


Now that bots cannot be detected it make sense.


And a lor of bots probably


He misspelled Heils.


Why do the likes drop way down at the beginning of each hour, then jump back higher?




~7% is massive? I see a relatively flat trend line and another relatively flat trend line slightly above it.


Whatever they are programmed to like \*beep-boop\*


Watch it needle public again and accounts are deleted in mass.


Wait. If all the likes were made private, then how would he know . /S


Probably trans porn lmao


Allow porn Remove visible likes Seems like a pretty logical way to go


It’s all the faux xtians diving in there liking the extreme hardcore goatse porn.


Wait, I can be racist and no one will know :D


It has to be porn, right? Lol


Yeah because they know that they can like racist shit and boobies, as much as they want, without consequences.


massive? not even a log scale smh my head


Porn, its porn.


I can finally like porn on main


What do you want to bet a cash-strapped Twitter turns around in a year and starts saying likes will be public again but hiding in them will be a feature of the paid sub. Gotta let all the little potential paypiggies incriminate themselves first.


People who tweet can still see who liked their posts. Honestly, this isn't a bad move. I hate what Musk has done to Twitter, but I still use it some to engage with people that I follow. People on all sides have weaponized likes for years, going so far as to cancel people over liking a tweet, which is utter nonsense. If this had been a thing a few years back, JK Rowling may have never fallen down the rabbit hole of anti-trans ideology. It all started when she liked a couple tweets. When she was called out on it, she doubled down, and it created a feedback loop from there.


Yes let’s enable the ability to hide your bigotry and racism.


Inb4 massive data leak tracking likes and listing weird fetishes of celebrities and politicians.