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I did Matt’s mortgage before I knew who he was, back in like 2014 when he was still working at The Blaze. So I’ve met this absolute douche canoe in real life and, let me tell you, he is a mute fucking pussy. His wife runs everything and he doesn’t open his mouth for a second. Every bit of his online persona is a grift, through and through. He is absolute scum. The very worst of society.


I met him too a few months ago, unfortunately my brother was there and thrilled to meet him. ruined the rest of my zoo trip.


I was sitting outside my job a few months back and this older guy comes up to me and starts talking about my widows peak. Telling me how he wishes he had one because he thinks they're like a sign of uber masculinity or some horse shit. He tells me how he has some appointment coming up to see if he can get hair plugs or a transplant or something idk I was already starting to tune him out. So just when I think it can't get any weirder he pulls out his phone and says "I want my hair to look like this guy, doesn't he look cool?" and I shit you not he had like 20 pictures of Matt Walsh in his gallery lol. I told him "looks like kind of a pussy actually" and he looked very sad to hear it. Anyway sorry for the long message I just hadn't had an opportunity to tell anyone this story and here we are.


I, for one, am glad you shared this story.


Hahaha ![img](emote|t5_35n7t|3148)


You mean one of the zoo creatures was out and about with you…that loose scum sucking animal..


This story reminds me of that fishing guide who went off on Tucker Carlson for being a shit human.


The one when he’s cornered while at a restaurant? Lmao That was great. Wish this happened more often. Reap what you fucking sow.


While Fucker stood there like a pussy


Is there video?




> ~~His wife runs everything~~ **He puts all the mental load on his wife** and he doesn’t open his mouth for a second.


That’s the template for every single one of these people. They’re the bravest and boldest assholes going who don’t give a fuck what they say or what anyone thinks………as long as they’re behind a computer screen or protected by layers of security. The instant you get them in a one on one situation with someone who is willing to fight them verbally and/or physically they wilt quicker than a flower in the Sahara. I knew a guy in college who was sort of a peripheral member of the group I’d often hang out with who was that. He was always running his mouth about what is wrong with this or that and what he’d like to do to take care of it. I ignored him for as long as I could for the sake of group harmony, but one night I finally had enough and I walked right up to him and said “if you open your mouth one more time, I’m going to start punching you and am not going to stop until someone pulls me off.” He stormed away in a huff and was a good 100 feet away when he shouted something back that I just laughed at. He stopped hanging out with us shortly after and several people thanked me. They’re all like that and Donald Trump is the biggest one of them all.


His whole schtick just screams of self loathing.


“All trans people should be killed” “Why are the trans people’s response to me so violent?”


The first quote about defacing historical landmarks but the Maga gravy seals completely trashed the capital and killed police and wanted to kill the Democrats in the building to prevent the outcome of a presidential election. Then faced some laughable charges for such a treasonous crime. But TrAnS people are the problem? Like one of the most anti American thing’s IS Matt Walsh and his compatriots who are actively screaming freedom while removing a large portion of the population’s freedoms. They seem to think it’s ok to be the human equivalent of a steaming pile of dog shit. I’m so fucking sick of being gaslit by these fucknutz.


Oh, you mean that Jan. 6th "peaceful protest started by Pilosi"? 🤣


What's he referring to? It sound like the Just stop oil stonehenge incident in which "Trans extremists" weren't involved.


And it used corn starch which will wash out the next time it rains


That does not make it right.


It’s a lot better than gloss paint. It’s only a few rocks anyway.


There was also a recent incident people linked to the Stonehenge thing. Some parkour group tried to go viral (I forget where) and one of them fell into a wall which subsequently fell. It was an historical site. So now, obviously, historical sites are under attack. From liberals, of course.


Yeah they’re now using Trans people as their new target of rage, harassment, abuse and scapegoating. Even though in my experience trans people are very sensitive and kind. They are not people to draw too much attention to themselves unless they want to. They understand that there are people who will weaponize their choice to be trans which by the way is/was a really tough road because of the stigma attached to it and GOP trying to get involved in people’s medical and personal choices. Then shove god down everyone’s throats. And women, back to pre 1970’s, maybe even 1919 before we could vote or know our “place”. How dare we want equality. (Heavy sarcasm here) I’m so sick of these hypocrites. Should be great.


I would like to say I'm kind and sensitive. And I really don't like drawing attention to myself. Unfortunately because of these nutjobs screaming for our deaths or for our rights to be taken away, I have gone back in the closet for the most part while I'm in public. Dressing as my assigned at birth gender rather than what my gender actually is, all out of fear of people and what they will do. I hate it here.


These bullies are pathetic. Live your truth. Know that you have allies.


Thanks, it's just hard to see the allies when the idiots have louder voices xD. But you're right. ❤️


We ARE here!!! ❤️


Well, if they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.


He's ramping up the violent anti-trans rhetoric in the hopes it'll compel some of them to become as violent as he says they are.


That’s one of the first stages of genocide. Either blaming an issue on a group of people or flat out lying about them




This epidemic of violence must end with death to all!


Fascists inevitably turn on each other. When they run out of outgroups to oppress, they make outgroups out of each other.


Matt will find himself in one of the first outgroups.


Yeah I do think Catholic Christofascists have thought it through given the history of our nation…


And Protestants.


A consistent message and ideology is not what conservatives have. It's pretending to be morally superior while demonizing whoever is the current target of the day.


Correct. Upvote^^^ **[REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


It’s definitely been exactly that as long as I can remember.


Lol these people think me going to the grocery store in a dress is an act of violence


Only because you’re fucking killing it. ![img](emote|t5_35n7t|3148)


I just wish people would stop paying attention to this douchebag. Deplatforming him not only makes the world saner for the rest of us, but hurts him financially. Win/win.


The best part of Twitter’s decline is that we hear less and less from shit stains like this guy


Walsh. I hate him only half of what he hates himself and still I would REDACTED him.


"The trans violence epidemic will only get worse" Ok when 🥹


What are trans people being attacked for this time.




I am trans I was just wondering what I had done now.


You just did it again - that whole breathing thing. How dare? (Obvious /s just in case)


Whenever there is a natural disaster or school shooting or some other fucked up event I always say " I wonder how long it's gonna take for someone to say it's my fault"


I remember hurricanes being blamed on ‘The gays’ and being ‘retribution from God’… until by what almost seemed like actual divine Providence the RNC convention was in Orlando and was hit by a massive hurricane. Funny thing that, God’s vengeance wasn’t mentioned much for some reason.




Damn, you have the power to summon natural disasters? How do I learn this power?


Be part of the alphabet mafia.


You're very violent and liable to hurt poor little Matty.


Classic DARVO. "Look what you did to me after I beat the crap out of you!"


Maybe you mixed fabrics. Wasps are very particular. The republicans are hate-filled assholes. You (and other trans and lgbtq+) did nothing wrong. The bully’s are the loudest.


Hypocrisy and hate are the foundation of today's right-wing/GOP/MAGA movement


It’s been like this for 40+ years. Ha


It's the foundation of all right-wing thought,, I dare say. Ingroups the law protects but does not bind, outgroups the law binds but does not protect. Rules are for those "other" people. The only moral abortion is MY abortion. So on and so forth.


Hey look! Its another one of those morally superior sociopaths who wouldn't bat an eye to millions of LGBTQ Americans losing rights and being killed.


M.walsh- "You deserve to be put to death for vandalism!!" Random person- "they shouldn't have defaced Stonehenge, but that seems pretty harsh" M.walsh- "Beware the trans death cult!" Transfolk- "Wtf? We weren't even a part of this conversation. Could you just leave us alone? We litteraly want nothing else than to just exist.."


They don't give a single fuck because they think they are morally superior to you. It's like some sort of Supremacy, but for a certain group of people. I can't put my finger on it but I'm sure there's a name for that.


They use a flour based paint (no shock there) which rinses off easily.


Trans dude here: hey Matt, project much? Jesus


Fuck. Matt. Walsh. This dipshit, not the delightful actor.


You really don’t understand MAGAts if you’re trying to shame them with their own hypocrisy. They are not ashamed of hypocrisy (or almost anything else); they are proud of it. The more hypocritical you are, the more celebrated you are in the MAGAts’ world. I understand that it’s hard to comprehend for normal people.


What does he mean by "ancient artifacts"? Memorials to Confederate soldiers? White colonists from less than 500 years ago who slaughtered natives?


Ok Matt. I'm one of those "transgenders" you're advocating to kill. Come to my house. Come on my property. Find out that where I live has a castle doctrine, so as long as you don't make it out of my house or fall out my window, I'm good. I'll even let you choose which to use, my sidearm, shotgun, rifle, or numerous blades ranging from pocket knives to a full tang, sharpened katana. Put your life on the line like you're forcing us to bitch.


I think he just came out of the closet...


Bearded dildo.


All that for corn starch


“unstable” ummm yeah.


Matt Walsh a hypocrite??? I refuse to believe it.


Supposed Christian guy wants to kill people.


Christians have a robust history of killing in the name of…🔥


thats a pretty clever reframing of reality. There is an epidemic of anti-trans violence but he removed the "anti" and used the far right wingers love for personal property to make it seem like all the news of trans violence is a "both sides" issue. Then sliding monuments and artifacts together to dredge up the animosity over the confederate statues being removed. Can we start gaslighting these people? Like pretending the famous pundits dont exist and only talking to mid sized content creators with weak arguments or bad debate skills. Kind of like how destiny built his audience on yt.




Remember folks, alt righters literally want people who steal food to be shot dead in the store right then and there. Yes, I've seen Les Miserables.


Hm. I’m fascinated with this horse shit narrative of predatory trans people molesting people in restrooms, destroying school athletic teams, and violently threatening cis people. Where are all those reports coming from? Odd that this epidemic of trans terrorism hasn’t been widely reported via other outlets. What are their sources? Can they cite actual statistics of this trans crime wave? Names? Cities? Police reports? I’d love to see/hear/read all this “proof.” It’s all made up. They just spout bullshit to fit their views. It’s all lies. These fucking people are just a bunch of worthless bigots, cowards, & hypocrites. As always.


What "trans violence"???


While there are of course extremists from every walk of life, speaking as a trans person myself, most of our "extreme" views are "please don't kill us for being trans" and "please let us have access to medical care".


Lol it's the standard. Hypocrites gonna hypocrite.


Conservatives are incapable of stringing together two consistent ideas, and they lack the self-awareness or critical thinking skills to realize it. Double-standards and contradictions are the foundation of right-wing thought.


"Trans violence epidemic" of 5 individuals


What a stretch. Not that I dont think the guys who did this to stonehenge deserve to be kicked in the face, nuts and all other parts of the body. But what does that have to do with trans people? Does he think they tried to transition Stonehenge?


Pro life until you definitely aren’t voting for the GOP


Like dressing up as a Viking and storming the capital DERANGED??? or are we not considering those people mentally unhinged and defacing a historical landmark??? Just need to know for a friend...


Funny that Mattie's getting the vapors over Stonehenge, a prehistoric pagan monument/burial site/astronomical tool, getting defaced with colored cornstarch when, at any other time, he DGAF about it...


matt seems to have a fetish for trans people, judging by the amount obsession he has over transgendered people.


The Just Stop Oil people weren’t even trans as far as I know. Not sure why trans people need to be killed because cis people threw corn syrup on some rocks.


Destroying the only planet we live on is a crime. Earth: it's where you keep all your stuff. Most of us are going through a crazy heat wave. It's hard to ignore rn.


With that beard growth, Matty looks like he should be running to replace the late dead president of Iran. As I always suspected, he's likely an Iranian mole sent here to destroy America by spreading bullshit and hate. Stop your mindless posting, Matty - your wife says it's time to put on your Spandex short shorts and wash her car because she has a date later. Your discussion of morally justified murder of people you don't like is remarkably Joseph Goebbels adjacent.


What a hypocritical douche.


There is no trans violence epidemic.


I do think people who damage and destroy stuff like this should be punished more severely in the US. Not executed, but more. What comes to my mind first is actually about ten years ago, when three men destroyed rock formations in Utah goblin valley State Park. They got probation instead of any serious punishment. In England last year, the Sycamore gap tree was cut down, and the culprits were charged with "criminal damage" which could be up to ten years, but we will have to see.


They didn't damage and destroy anything You should be worried about people damaging and destroying the environment.


It was fucking *powder!* Powder! Hit it with a hose for like a minute and Stonehenge is good as new!


Thanks to unstable and deranged people like Matt here, the cisgender violence epidemic will only get worse. These are unstable people who've convinced themselves they have the moral license to kill anyone who doesn't play along with their expectations and delusions. I mean seriously, this idiot believes he has an imaginary friend in the sky who tells him what to do! Tells him it's ok to kill people who disagree! Just like Hamas!! How am I doing?