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A "cultural ban on hookups"? What does that even mean? All dates are chaperoned?


No hookup apps, no casual sex except for procreation, and jail for sex out of wedlock is my guess.


The GOP will secretly be livid when their Grindr accounts stop working


Thats ok, they'll be allowed, they are hypocrites


"Rules for thee, not for me"


That’s what those armbands will be for.


The pink ones?


I honestly believe sometime that these people get off on doing cultural taboos so they make rules that they will never have to follow just so it can be more of a turn on for them when they break it. It's either that or just the party of projection.


Ive literally seen people go and protest at an abortion clinic only to turn around and bring their daughter early in the morning because she "has too much of her life ahead of her to be bogged down by a child". Then they turn around and continue to protest. Fucking hypocrites.


“My abortion is the only moral abortion.” They will have their abortion then turn around and tell the doctor she will still burn in Hell as a baby killer. Then go right back to protesting.


> they make rules that they will never have to follow just so it can be more of a turn on for them when they break it. Breaking cultural taboo is just a bonus, what they get off of is ruining lives over rules they don’t have to follow. > Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


It’ll be like Gilead, there will be secret places for the ruling elite to satisfy whatever sexual desire they have. It’s all the normal people whose behavior needs to be changed.


Margaret Atwood knew exactly who she was writing about and what they are like.


I know all of her stuff referred to real events. Anyone know what she was referencing with the special scary brothels?


It was published in 1985 after she had been living in East Germany. Many of the things she referenced were not US and not modern day.


Many of the abortion laws in Gilead are based off of Decree 770 in Romania. In the 1960s, Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu wanted to boost the population of Romania, so he banned abortion and contraception within the country. While it did result in a small population boost for a few years, what it really did long term was overload the orphanage system in order to deal with all the unwanted children. The neglect within these "orphanages" led to the children developing all sorts of deficits, as well as opening the children up to unspeakable levels of abuse from the orphanage workers, as well as the other abused children. It also led to Romanian women getting killed or permanently maimed because of backalley abortions. The wealthier Romanian women were able to get contraception through the black market and from outside of the country, but poorer women were SOL. By the late 1970s, Romania had one of the highest infant and birth mortality rates on the European continent, by some metrics it was over 10x higher than the surrounding Eastern Bloc nations. This is the future MAGA conservatives want. (Edited for grammar and clarity)


Really? I didn’t know that. I mean some of it is obvious; I knew she was writing about the ideal society that those ghouls really want, but I didn’t know that certain stuff are references to actual things. Can you elaborate a little bit on some examples?


Epstein island/manor would be my guess


They've been talking about it for decades. None of it is new. It's just way more mainstream now and they are a lot more vocal about it


They view the Handmaid’s Tale as documentary filmmaking.


Rules for thee not me sort of thing


They are usually the ones claiming that they only have an account for "research."


Eh. The higher ups just pay male escorts.


> No hookup apps, no casual sex except for procreation, and jail for sex out of wedlock is my guess. Famously, people were never able to hook up for casual sex before apps were invented for it 15 years ago.


I'll never forget when Ashley Madison invented extra marital affairs back in the early aughts.. a dark day indeed. /s lol


I'll never forget when Ashley Madison burned the fuck out of a whole bunch of family values politicians.


Hard to have casual sex if there are "consequences" I saw someone from the gop talking about how sex is meant for reproduction so anyone just hooking up was shitting on God and his intent for it. So their plan was to make condoms, plan b, abortions, any contraceptive banned because then you "have to deal with the consequences of your actions, not just hook up randomly for fun"


Christian Taliban indeed.


Y'all Qaeda


Howdy Arabia


That made me laugh a lot harder than I thought it would. Thank you for that laugh


So, I'm orthodox Christian. We're okay with contraception.  The reasoning is, children should be wanted and should be able to grow up without 16 siblings mom and dad can't afford.  We use medical help to get pregnant, so medical help to not get pregnant is okay. And sex is important for a couple to bond and show live, it's not just for procreation. It's a fun couple's activity.  Abortion is still only allowed in case of danger to the mother's mental or physical health.  I don't agree with the last point. If you want an abortion get an abortion.  But, I'm Christian we're notorious for picking and choosing what fits our world view. I just like to pick the stuff that let's people be happy and be who they are, as long as it doesn't harm anyone. 


yeah for some reason I thought that all religions were cool with sex as long as you're married. Like I'm pretty sure somewhere in the bible it explicitly states to have sex with your spouse for reasons other than procreation but I might be wrong?


Pretty sure Paul talks about it somewhere, calling it the marital duty or some such.


Paul actually says the most devoted Christians would be celibate. He says husbands should tend to their wives _if they have to_. Ultimately though Paul says every Christian should give up sex altogether if they really love Jesus.


Yeah, people also go on and on about how the biblical view of marriage was one man and one woman, but early Christians were pretty anti marriage and pro celibacy but if you HAD to get married - which they'd prefer you not - you could have 1 wife but no more than that! Because 1 wife was the closest to not married that you could be. It's really not this "one man one woman" thing current Christians make it out to be at all, historically.


It must be amazing to fully understand all of God's plans, even the ones that no one ever wrote down. /s Here's an idea, you go and actually read your fairy tale and leave other people alone if they aren't hurting anyone. I've never been a big fan of random hookups, so I just don't do it. Pretty simple. If you want to, then go ahead, I advise using protection, but as long as it is concenting adults you do you. This whole focus on "sex needs consequences" comes across as a bunch on incels that don't have a good sex life, so they just want everyone else to be miserable.


It's solely about punishing women. That's it. That's the entirety of the whole kit 'n' kaboodle. They want women poor, suffering, and slaving their lives away to men who don't even want to know their names. Every time you ask "why?" That's why.


Sex needs consequences for women.


Women will be punished for them, you mean.


Last step is making it illegal for women to initiate divorce and it's the complete trap. Well, I guess you'd also want to ban (ignore) rape like Abbott or the menfolk will get restless with women not wanting sex.


Sounds very Incelligence!


How bout casual sex while you're in wedlock, just with a minor you're not married to. Because it sure seems a fuckton of GOP officials are into that...


That explains why conservative men hate tattoos and body piercings, you have to be 18 to get those.


So, these guys seem to hate everything Muslim, but seem to really love policies of majority Muslim countries. Except, my husband is a surgeon from Egypt, but was able to perform a termination of an ectopic pregnancy. Because women shouldn't necessarily die, just because their worth is half a man's worth. Mind you, my husband is Christian working in a Muslim hospital and this still wasn't an issue. 


Well Islam has a date for the ensoulment of the child, which is 120 days into the pregnancy. Before that, you aren't hurting the child, because its soul isn't in the body yet; you're just removing a husk of a body. And both Islam and Judaism teach that if the pregnancy is going to be a threat to the mother's life, then it can be terminated.


"Rape will only be illegal if he pulls out." - Some republican trying to make law, most certainly.


Weren’t they *just* scared of Muslim immigrants like a few years ago, ranting about “they’re going to impose sharia law”?


That wouldn't be "cultural" though, so they would just state their advocacy for a "total ban" like they did the other points I would think.  I can only assume they don't want that one to be actually illegal because they have or aren't confident that they won't ever "hookup" but they still want to have the anti-hookup position attached to them so they're advocating for like public shaming or something like that.


Reporting your neighbor for the person doing the “walk of shame” out of their house


I assume it means public shaming of people who have sex outside of marriage or something.  Guess they're not quite brave enough to want it outright illegal; maybe something to do with them having done it before.


Lauren Boebert denies that your eyes saw her giving a handy on that video…


Stoning people for premarital sex. See the Taliban.


I’ve read more than one article with them talking about banning “recreational sex”.


The old joke is that the existence of "casual sex" alludes to the existence of "ranked competitive sex". So, does "recreational sex" imply that there is "medical sex"? Like recreational and medical marijuana?


Intercourse with intent of procreation


In my middle school, we had a 2-ft. apart rule.


Basically inching toward what the Taliban have going on.


They want Gilead


Gilead, here we come!


The only reason the Gilead wives want to ban porn is so their conservative pervy husbands stop jerking off to gay porn.


The want to follow in the footsteps of the Taliban


The only difference between them and extremist Muslims is they love beer.


And the capitol city version at that.


While I'm doing everything I can to prevent this outcome through phone banking, donating, writing post cards - more and more my thinking is now pivoting to what I can do to help folks if this nightmare indeed comes to pass. I think we need to establish some kind of Underground Railroad to help get pregnant women, queer folks, brown folks - basically everyone who is not a white anglo-saxon protestant man - out of the country, up North to Canada or something similar. Maybe I'm being alarmist and ridiculous. All the same while I hope for the best, I tend to prepare for the worst. While I am very good at survival in bad situations, my life, my hopes and dreams for myself are not anymore important than anyone else's simply because of the color of my skin. If this truly does come to pass, there's gotta be something we can do, some way we can organize and work together to help save as many lives as we can.


How are all the incels gonna be ok with a ban on the only place they see tits. 


They probably think they'll get a woman assigned to them by law or something


This is said in jest but is scarily prescient. This is exactly what they think / want.


It's what they still do in the more radical churches. That's what they mean by "good Christian values." Literally the same thing they accused communists of doing 150 years ago.


Not assigned. It just won't be illegal to *take* one however they see fit.


They won't even have to take one, they'll be gifted or sold one like they're livestock


In the world they want to create, women have no rights, and men are entitled to anything they want. There will be no such thing as "consent". They will redefine "rape" so that it only applies to situations where non-white men have sex with white women... consensual or not.


It’s how they sell the alt right to the incels. It’s not a mystery why incels are flocking to right wing politics.


Did you see the guy at a recent trump rally holding up a big sign saying "Biden is the reason I can't get a girlfriend!!"


When you control people’s most basic needs and urges, you control the people. Guarantee an assigned wife after X number of years of military service and you’ll have a huge amount of meat for the grinder. Gotta motivate folks to go out there and steal resources somehow. They already do it for a college education.


In incel lore, because women are free to live their lives how they please and sleep with who they please they choose to sleep with Chads and not with them. They blame this on feminism. Women didn't used to be able to work jobs that allowed them to support themselves. They weren't allowed to even have their own bank accounts. Before feminism women were basically property. They belonged to their fathers until they got married and then they belonged to their husbands. It was woman's job to have babies and cook and clean the house and the man made the money. Back then women had to marry losers like them and their dream is to bring back those days. A lot of them also want to see a return of segregation because they see black men and their legendary penises as a threat.


The irony is that for most incels, they don't have a job capable of supporting a family. They were losers back then, they are losers now and unless they change their own behavior they will be losers in the world they want to create.


Yeah, historically, every man didn't have a wife. Historically, lots of men got sent to the various meat grinders of war and hard labor, and the wealthy men supported a wife, multiple mistresses, and many many female servants who often remained unmarried and childless. Middle class men had wives as well. The incels? They'd still be unfucked in this scenario. If they can't support or attract a wife NOW, they certainly wouldn't be able to in a society where an attractive woman would have a better shot as a courtesan and an unattractive one going into service.


“Well get an exception, we’re the good guys”


I've heard this several times regarding contraceptive bans. Mostly from men. It takes some time, but after a while they realize that when conservatives want increased birthrates, they'll pull condoms from the market as well.


They see this as a solution, because in their minds if women can't use dating apps "gigachad" can't steal all the women and there will be plenty leftover for them. Basically incels believe if they cut all other options off women will out of desperation have to settle with them. 


Which is so funny bc women also despise dating apps and the men in them 


Yeah. Men outnumber women ten to one on some of them. That's why so many men struggle with them. Because women aren't using them that much compared to men. Of course in that environment that small number of women that there are will have their pick. However, all the women who aren't on dating apps are still out there, not being on dating apps. They're not what's standing in the way of these guys getting a date.


Which is really funny because there is a growing movement among women to stay single rather than be in a relationship with a man baby.


You say that as though terrorist larvae don't know what VPNs are.


Literally, unironically the Christian Taliban


Right-wing extremists come in different flavors but they’re all pretty similar, that’s why you get groups calling themselves “the base” after al-Qaeda. It’s wild to me how we tolerate this, political violence and terrorism are almost exclusively a far-right phenomenon in America.


I find it fascinating how they all seem to migrate to the same kind of “policy”.


Tbh, reading these peoples plans makes me think beheadings went out of style too quickly. For the pearl clutchers, miss me with that "different opinions" bullshit, these are plans and actions we're dealing with.


Yea I agree. Pearl clutchers don’t have a chance to justifying this as “just differing opinions” Last time I checked ‘different opinions’ meant arguing over if apples are better than oranges… not an active movement of *Group A* trying to oppress and strip *Group B* of their human rights while *Group B* is fighting for the right to simply be alive and exist peacefully.


A lot of people tolerated to this point because they’re afraid of confrontation. I personally think it’s because worsening working conditions lead to people having much less energy during and after work to deal with shit like this.


Wasnt this what fuentes wanted before he got banned?


"We will not stop" is a chilling threat when it comes from unhinged, shameless people hellbent on taking away the freedoms of others. I wonder at what point the nation's discourse will turn to addressing those words as a credible threat to democracy and the personal freedoms it represents.


It's from a TradCath. They're like Evangelicals but without any performative philosemitism and waaay more militant. TradCaths are also considerably more likely to go full Nazi on a range of topics. All the coverage of Harrison Butker missed this. Yeah, there's the open misogyny (but that's old news) . The stuff about the evils of diversity, the "elite," and the entitlement to power was straight Mein Kampf shit... and people didn't seem to notice.


> "philosemitism" TIL there's an actual term for the Jewish equivalent of weeaboos. Neat.


And their love of Jews is typically as authentic as neckbeard love for Japan.


A cultural ban on hookups!? What the fuck is this? For all of recorded human history this has been a thing. For every culture for ever. What they want is to be able to socially shame and punish women who dare to have sex and enjoy it. Fuck these people and their agenda. Fuck off


Wouldn't it suck if this is literally all because they can't please a woman in bed and want to ban women's pleasure as a result instead of just taking the L?


Wasn't this proven in the case of Ben Shapiro v WAP?


😂😂 His poor wife!




I'm just trying to figure out what a "cultural ban" is.


It will probably be like the KKK. It won't be illegal, but people will look the other way when 'defenders of the faith' start lynching people.


Yeah they gotta enforce all this bullshit first.


And just like 2016, the “they’re equally bad so I’m not gonna vote in protest” crowd will look around on 11/6/24 and wonder what the fuck happened.


They'll just blame Libs for not standing up for the little guy. Same old story.


There were people I didn’t (and some I still don’t) talk to for a long time because they decided to exercise their privilege to pass on exercising a Constitutional right and then wanted to whine about results.


No, they’ll think “why didn’t the democrats stop this?? If they want my vote they need to earn it!”


A few years ago I saw an analogy about voting. Don’t remember the exact wording but the thought was that if you want to go someplace and the bus doesn’t go all the way there, you still get on the bus that gets you closer to your destination and you go from there. That is how social progress happens.


Sometimes these days it feels like "no, no, you blow up the bus because it doesn't take you exactly where you want it to go, to show the bus company you mean business." Then you hop in a Tesla that takes you the opposite direction you wanted to go in the first place for some reason.... You also have to charge it on a gas generator.


Well why isnt the bus appealing to ME and MY needs exactly as I want them to? - "undecided" voters.


Reminder that the left historically has always been able to hold their nose and vote for their self interest because our survival is at stake. The people who are loudest about "both sides" and regularly fail to vote strategically are usually white, middle class, suburban voters.


I feel like fucking Cassandra here. I can sound the alarm all day that very bad things are going to happen if they don't take a good look at the stakes and vote accordingly. "But Biden isn't doing enough about Palestine." You want Trump in power instead? He'll personally help Bibi wipe Palestine off the face of the earth and build a new Trump Tower and golf course on top of the ruins.


My friend is adamant that she won’t vote for Biden because he has dementia. But she agrees Trump is awful and she’s very excited about RFK and will not listen to me telling her it’s the same as throwing away her vote.


But, she is cool with brain worms?


Everyone needs to read/watch The Handmaid's Tale.


It was written as a precautionary tale but some see it as an instruction manual.


There’s so many similarities of how religious fanatics slowly crept into government enacting their fascist polities.


Hooray for ameristan.


I don’t get the IVF ban(or any of them). I’m assuming they’re banning these because they want more children to be born and more families. IVF helps with this goal for those wanting children but are struggling to have them. But I guess nothing they say or do makes sense.


Not all embryos are implanted, only the viable ones. Thus to them = murder. Also IVF is the only way LGBT+ can have kids, which is probably the cherry on top for them.


Just to add a minor detail, IVF is one of the only ways LGBT+ can have biological children. 


Lol. Tell that to my sister and her wife and their three kids. Oh wait the youngest just turned forty. When they wanted a kid one of them would go to the bar and hook up until pregnant. And gay men? Lots of them were married and had kids as well. My gay uncle had a wife and his "best friend" lived with him. It was an open secret that the real couple were the men. The wife was well taken care of but he loved his best friend. She has two kids. One liked like my uncle and the other like how best friend. She lived the worst life of them all because only the kids really wanted her.


Not everyone can easily get pregnant like that


They say it creates a “morally ambiguous” “marketplace for babies”. 


They prefer their baby market place to sell babies that are ready to use, not ones you have to wait 9 months for delivery.


They also want to end no fault divorce so that women can be trapped in marriage.


The no-fault divorce scares the shit out of me. In Missouri, you already can't get divorced if you're pregnant.


Who says they’re in denial? Everyone in the Republican Party knows this but is scared they’ll get cancelled if they say it


My prediction is that there is going to be a huge increase in oral and anal sex. Either that or this is going to be a bonanza for menopausal women. All you guys are going to be chasing us begging for our attention.


By the legal definition, menopausal humans adults are no longer Women. They recently passed legislation that defines a woman as an adult human that produces Ova. The only time that happens is when a female is pregnant with another female. Mom of 5 boys? Not a woman. Prepubescent? Not a woman. Past menopause? Not a woman. They only place value on reproductively viable women. They use words like “Ripe”.


I have so many questions. If I am no longer ripe am I rotten? And if I'm peri/post menopausal and no longer a woman, what am I? This is giving me an existential crisis. Where do we crones report to after our "usefulness" is over? Do they have cake there?


Maids, you’re all maids. I’m convinced that they want to bring slavery back. Creepy, disgusting, vile human beings.


Jokes on them. I'm a shitty housewife and would make a terrible maid. Best they let me have unproductive sex and work my job out of the house.


Soylent green is people.


Dammit! You stole my line!


"BuT tHe MOsLiMs aRE gOnnA bRInG ShARiA LaW!"


“That’s just campaign talk, Trump won’t appoint justices to overturn Roe. Why, he’s pro-abortion, not pro-life. Why are you worrying?” “No one in the US is trying to ban IVF, you’re crazy.” “There are no states banning porn, no one would be in favor of that. You’re being alarmist.” “Trump won’t put people in cages, that was an Obama thing.”


But but but both sides are the same!!


“Yea that’s bad but we have to send a message to democrats!”—people who think the be another election if Christian nationalists take over


"No Im not voting for Biden because of the genocide taking place in Gaza" Okay so then.....youre voting for Trump who gives absolutely zero % fucks about everything INCLUDING Gaza and will likely take away your rights as woman? "No, Im just not voting for Biden. He doesnt deserve my vote." Okay but you realize that voting third party is essentially a complete waste of a vote and helps Trump in every way, leading to you basically voting for him by proxy then, right? "No Im an independent" An actual summarized conversation I had with a girl I know.


Every fucking new generation has to learn this lesson, unfortunately. We got the national catastrophe of George W. Bush because of leftist Nader protest votes in Florida in 2000. And GWB is almost quaint now compared to the monster that the GOP has become in the last quarter century. You will not further liberal objectives by protest voting 3rd party while the electoral college stands as it is now. A liberal vote for a third party is a vote for a Republican!


🤣😂 that's what some would say


They cannot be shamed out of these positions. They will not compromise on them as they fully believe they are serving a vengeful magical force greater than themselves. They are people who enjoy the cruelty of their actions so cannot be reasoned with on that front. Do not waste time arguing with them, vote for the dems even if you really fucking don’t want to and get yourself ready for what happens if the R’s win


If this bothers you or upsets you, dig into [project2025.org](http://project2025.org) because they literally spelled it all out right in the open. And the pic in this post is just the tip of the iceberg


Does that mean their spouses would stop cheating on them?


I read an interesting article about that once: https://lamag.com/news/report-fear-of-promiscuity-could-be-fueling-anti-abortion-sentiment Basically they're so worried about their spouse cheating they want to make sex outside of marriage illegal. If that's not the foundation for a strong marriage, I don't know what is 😂


"ban on porn" Go ahead, see how long those right wing pervy old farts last without their trans porn and ebony porn


Spoiler: they are after all these things for others, not themselves.


Why don't they all just move to Afghanistan


Why are they so obsessed with sex and babies? Yes, the usual culprits of religion and barely masked racism spring to mind but this is pathological.


Does anyone else remember the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and all the conservatives frothing at the mouth and screaming, "we don't want sharia law here?" Even then we all knew the only part of sharia law they didn't like was that it was based on the "wrong" holy book.


I'm constantly amazed by the how much mileage the right gets out of its median voters not knowing that it's outlier voter even exist. If you're on the left, you know that you're voting alongside a ton of people who don't share most of your values. Liberals are under no delusions about leftists, and leftists know that their coalition includes people who are conservatives in every way except their support for worker's rights. On the right, by contrast, most people don't even know how much of their party still supports banning gay marriage. Last I knew in 2022, it was still a *majority* ffs. They think racism is an overblown problem while voting for the party racists rally around. We've got cross burners and Reaganomics fans in the same coalition, and the latter denies that the former even exists. I'm pretty sure what I'm describing has been called 'onion theory'; the idea of an ideology that's separated into layers, such that everyone thinks that they're as deep as it gets no matter how many layers they have left to go. Fox News is designed to cater to conservatives in the outer layers, until they become *more* conservative and angrily declare that Fox is woke now, and switch to the NY Post. Which is owned by the same people. And exists to push them another layer deeper.


But we want small government!!


That's an impressive tally of bans, some might even call that a Tally-ban


Get laid. People like this who are so hyper-focused on other people’s sex lives don’t have much of one themselves.


If this all weren’t so terrifying, it would be absolutely laughable. Do they really think guns, beer and monster trucks are going to replace screwin’? Good luck with that And all these old farts with post menopausal wives, put away the Viagra. Your limp dick ain’t goin nowhere, unless you be knocking up your teenage gal pal. Not sure this whole thing got thought through completely, christofascists


This is hilarious, considering the ones who have kiddy porn on their computers are the right wingers.


Once we do all of this we will force women to talk to us. Lmao what losers.


But recreational sex is the only kind of sex I do! 😭


If there's casual sex does that also mean there's ranked sex?


Absolutely. Thankfully I have a partner and I only do 1v1. I'd bet we would do alright in 2v2 tho.


Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I mean I know *why* but I want these miserable bastards to just articulate a single good reason for banning any of these things that does not involve bigotry in any way, shape, or form. Explain to me why completely banning abortion and birth control is a good idea without a hint of misogyny. Explain to me why banning IVF is a good idea without a whiff of misogyny, homophobia, or ableism. Explain to me why banning hookup culture and porn are good ideas without any prejudice or malice whatsoever. (Full disclosure, I’m personally of the opinion that hookup culture and porn aren’t the best for society as a whole and can think of a few reasons why they should be discouraged, but would I ever dream of trying to legislate my opinions or force them on anyone who isn’t interested? Absolutely fucking not because it’s none of my damn business what people get up to or how they prefer to express their sexuality) If one of these miserable bastards can do the above, and no, the murdering babies argument definitely doesn’t count, I’ll listen and then tell them to go eat shit because they’re still wrong. Exhausting, the lot of them.


They're after a civil war is what they're after. Nobody in their right mind goes after these things thinking the outcome will be peaceful.


I think the enemies of America are behind this Project 2025 bullshit. They want the country destabilized, they want us fighting each other. The scumbag politicians pushing this crap don't give a shit, because they're getting rich.


B0tH P4rtI3s ARE tEh SaMeeeeeeee


If you have not heard of it yet, please familiarize yourself and the folks you know about Project 2025. It’s the republican plan to basically dismantle democracy that largely hinges upon a trump victory. Women’s rights? Gone. Porn? Banned. Gay/Trans rights? Criminalized. Free speech? Gone. Freedom from religion? Gone. This is extremely scary and they are not even attempting to hide their efforts at this point. This is not democracy: https://www.project2025.org https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do.amp https://www.project2025.org/playbook/


This smacks so hard of “if I can’t, you can’t either.”


We need to keep in mind that these are the ideas that they are totally comfortable sharing openly. The ones they talk about secret are far more disturbing. The MAGA cult is gearing up for a genocide that would make Hitler blush.


This stuff works for them because Americans suffer from hilarious amnesia. It is getting exponentially worse by the year, especially in the Trump era. People may notice this stuff and vote against Republicans. But not even two years from now, they'll be back to saying "but what have Republicans ever done to hurt me? Maybe it's time to give them a shot. Why did I ever vote against them to begin with?" If these shitheels aren't actively shitting on their face *as they walk into the voting booth*, they'll completely forget and go right back to voting for it. We're to the point that articles are launched every week with "video resurfaces exposing (Republican insanity!)" And it's like a one year old video that made national news when it first came out, that was the only thing anyone talked about for a month, but somehow is once again a shocking revelation.


A porn ban is functionally impossible. People *will* find a way to see dem titties. The internet is too vast and VPNs are too accessible.


After 2 ish decades of behind the scenes shady shit they’re confident to try to bum rush democracy and take total control. Come November I have enough confidence in my fellow Americans we will tamp down these corrupt SOB’s back down the hole they’re coming out of. Regaining our country back and finally getting back to some normalcy. We can do this! See you at the polls in November!


That’s just the beginning. Their after same sex marriage, women’s rights, divorce, the separation of church and state, and so much more.


Sharia law


Bet they would lose their minds if it was Sharia law though. So dumb it literally is hurting how confidently ignorant some people are.


Yes, they also want to indoctrinate our children into religious alignment and rigor. Indoctrinate our children. Sounds awful familiar from what I keep hearing the GOP say. Every statement is a confession.


See, but they don’t find it to be hypocritical at all. Their indoctrination is the good kind. They are saving souls. Remember, these people are so fucking arrogant that they believe they are the “normal” setting for humanity. Everything that isn’t them is a deviation from the norm. That’s why it’s bad to teach kids anything else. That’s why it’s pandering to include minorities or whatever in media. In their mind, it takes a conscious exception to include one of “them”. You can’t reason with folks like that. They absolutely believe that God is on their side and that what they are doing is a moral imperative. There is no discourse to be had. No compromise is possible. And they also believe that this country is their Promised Land. They won’t leave and they’ll fight to the death for it. It’s not just Project 2025. It’s every election year from now until forever or until they fall out of favor enough for the Republicans to jettison them from the main platform. But they vote as a bloc and they vote exactly how you tell them to. That group is way too valuable to Republicans as it stands. We have to stop thinking of this as rational discourse with logic. These are zealots.


You'll notice they aren't banning medication to get men hard, are they.


Vote Blue. Donate Volunteer


Dang. Can I at least masturbate?


Depends, are you male or female?


🎶*Every sperm is sacred...*🎶


So we're becoming N Korea and Iran. Isn't the US against the way these countries treat they're citizens?


Banning porn will go over about as well as banning alcohol did.


Why are they against ivf? I’d have thought prolifers would want more people getting pregnant. That seems to be the goal here.


Weird how they aren't trying to stop rape or sexual assault. Then again, Donald Trump is the head of the Republican party.


vote. arm up. train. be prepared for violence no matter which side wins. they’re going all in on fascism and we are the resistance.


The USA turning into the wests equivalent of Iran


Religious zealots will always use religion to justify almost any action, no matter how depraved, vile, or unconstitutional. And when given an opening, they won’t stop. For them, there’s no such thing as half measures. Be vigilant.


They are scared to become the minority


Keep in mind, these laws are only for the poors. The rich and church leaders can still get their nut on.




Let's not forget to mention freedom of religion.


Is this the new season of Handmaid’s Tale?


We want to stop people who want kids from having kids! 


Boy …I tell yah..these people should just move to Afghanistan.


Elon does IVF all the time!


It's not very kind, but when evangelical Christians start dying in childbirth, I won't be sad.


They want to ban hookups because no women will sleep with them lol How pathetic. *"I'm not getting any so let's make sure no one gets any!"* This would be hilarious if the GOP didn't want to make rape legal...


For the party that’s supposed to be all about freedom they sure do love banning things.