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I know Trump loves to project but the comments about Biden “being last in his class” and lying about his golf game are next level projection


I think his brain is now too dysfunctional to keep track of what is and isn't his own lie anymore.


#"All right, who shit in my pants this time?"


Eric: I’m sorry dad. Dad: Who are you? Eric: I’m your son. Dad: Fake news. I only have one daughter. Have you seen her? She’s gorgeous! If she wasn’t my daughter I’d be dating her.


He remembers Tiffany since she married a billionaire.


In his eyes, she probably appeared out of thin air fully grown at the instant she said her fiance was a billionaire. How much do you want to bet that he tried to get him to split the bill for the wedding?


>How much do you want to bet that he tried to get him to split the bill for the wedding? He didn't need to he never intended to pay anything.


Trick question! Trump doesn't pay for shit.


“Sorry, sir” - Ted Cruz, probably


Did you touch my ass?


Sir, from here that’s a physical impossibility.


He didn’t grab her ass, she put her ass in his hand! ~ MAGAt, probably.


That's what he calls "getting your ass handed to you".


It's a copy-paste compilation of his mudslinging one-liner 'greatest hits'. Perhaps the debate will show some original content?


For the last 40 years…


Always has been


So Trump was last in his class and lies about his golf game. That’s what I get from that




The economy, Israel v Palestine, Ukraine, all that can go screw. You just KNOW there's that voter whose key issue is their *GOLF SCORES*.


Trump sucks at golf and cheats at golf, it’s so weird how he is obsessed with trying to make people think he’s good at it. He’s a petty, hollow piece of shit


He also gives himself trophies when he wins his own ~~championships~~ smh EDIT: *tournaments


Even when he's not even in the same town when they're played.


This is correct. Fucking slime ball


He gives himself participation trophies? What a boomer.


No he actually will play a round of golf and count that score towards a tournament happening at another one of his golf courses.


What kind of person does something like that? How sick do you have to be to think like that?


…different courses entirely? That’s fucking hysterical and completely nonsensical.


I don’t think it counts as winning since he always cheats. Apparently he plays by himself the next day after everyone else’s scores are in so he knows how much to fudge his own scores by. The caddies call him Pelé because he kicks the ball so much. The fact that trophies even mean anything to him at that point is so bizarre. The man has never worked hard and earned anything in his life, it’s all a facade.


I was literally thinking that I could not care less about my president’s golf abilities.


I don’t think Biden plays golf much. Last time I heard of him playing golf was around Christmas a couple years ago with his grandson.


my friend who has a normal human work with a wife (no children) constantly complains about how he's never able to get out and play trump had the most stressful job in existance, a wife and several children, constantly able to golf


Getting out to the links once or twice a month is a big deal for most golfers. M-F are off limits due to work, and you gotta hope that the weather is fair enough on Saturday/Sunday AND that you don't have any other obligations to attend. Trump did 91 days in 2017, 75 in 2018, 87 in 2020, and 54 in 2021. Three MONTHs of golf days for the PRESIDENT. Most people are thrilled to get like 10 rounds in per year, and they're not the most powerful person on the planet.


Trump's an expert at hiding in the bunker.


I was leaning Biden but now that I learned he can’t golf, I just don’t know. Important people play golf - Ken Bone


Michael Cohen threaded trumps schools with lawsuits if they released his transcripts. Enough said.


I’ve never even heard Biden mention his golf game. Pretty sure this is just his handicap claim?


I’ve never even heard of Biden golfing.


I don't think Biden golfs?  He seems to prefer more cardio type stuff like biking. 


It’s his recorded handicap with the USGA, except he doesn’t have a recorded round since 2018, after which he started running for and doing arguably the hardest job in the world.


seriously, like, those are literally some of Trump's most famous and well-attested lies. Truly insane- and I mean the man, not just the claim.


He didn’t write that. Too many correctly spelled words. Too few caps.


I agree. It’s a staffer and/or ChatGPT.


Crooked Joe Biden shit my pants and cheated on Mercedes


Kim Jong-Ill once scored 18 on an 18 hole course. It’s a delusional dictator thing.


The golf thing 100% projection but joe was in bottom 10% IIRC of his class and did have a plagiarism scandal in college, but he learned from that and owned up to it. VOTE BLUE


If you have to reach back to something that happened before the majority of voters were alive to trash your opponent, you might have a problem.


If I actually cared about my president's golf abilities, I would write in a multi PGA winner.


Bro could single-handedly keep multiple drive-in theaters lit up at the same time with the amount of projection he casts.


He wasnt last biden but neither first as he once claimed in the 80's? 90's? Idk. But its been 30years or so, they need to dig deep to find anything on biden. Its pathetic


It's very odd, but in the same way I can tell when something is written by AI, I think that this Tweet wasn't actually written by Trump. It's all stuff he would say, but I just don't think he actually wrote it.


It's far too coherent to be written by Trump.


Probably yelled it at some poor schlub who had to type it.


Any original thoughts his brain can come up with…nevermind, there are none


I feel like Biden is gonna straight dust donny


Does Biden even play golf? I cannot recall ever reading or seeing anything about Joe on a golf course. 


I doubt he plays regularly, but he's a man in his 80s with a law degree, so it would be surprising if he'd never gone golfing. Also he and Jill seem very much like the type of old couple that go mini golfing and are both awful, but are so cute together no one wants to ask them to let them go ahead of them...


No mention of his average bowling score or whether he saved the big game at homecoming


More projection than a drive-in movie.


I like my presidents how I like my veterans. I don’t like the ones who have been caught. Just like Trump said about POWs and hopefully Trump will be behind bars soon.


If the pearly gates count as bars I hope so too


If he gets to go to heaven, then I don't think I wanna be there.


Oh, you didn't know? The Devil can imitate the brightest light. Those 'pearly gates' are at the entrance to the gated community down in Heck, built specially for all the MAGAts.


It's literally insane how much shit trump gets away with that would instantly decimate any other political figures career.


If they projected any harder you'd be able to see it emblazoned on the moon.


Like a Bat Signal. A batshit insane signal


I hope Joe gets him to go full send tomorrow night for all the country to see and cringe.


"Will you shut up, man?"


Or he could test drive this baby: “Shut up, felon.”


“Shut up, loser.” Trump hates being called that. But nobody wants to say it to his face.


Biden: "You lost the 2020 election. You lost the popular vote. You lost the Electoral College. And to use a term you can understand, you lost all of them BIGLY."


Don't forget "you lost your trial and are a 34 time convicted felon."


And an adjudicated rapist


Don't forget "you were deemed liable for sexual assault"


I'd just say "you're a rapist."


This comment gave me Meet the Grahams energy. "You lied about COVID. You lied about those bone spurs, you lied about the election and it's outcome all is purgery"


Fuck I hope Biden brings up the bone spurs.


I’m pulling for Joe. I hope he kicks some ass like he did at the State of the Union.


Trump would lose it lol, omg starts calling trump “maybe the biggest loser in history”, that’d be awesome.


The biggest loser in history 'period'.


I will never, ever forget this moment. The thing the whole nation wanted to say to his face. It might have played a role in his election victory.


I put it on a tee shirt and wore it around town! Wish I still had it


"Tell us about sharks and boats, felon man!"


Like Captain Queeg in the Caine Mutiny. (Great movie if you haven’t seen it.)


so what are the current top guesses for how trump will justify pulling out at the last minute? i know, phrasing.


Drugs most likely. They’ve been ramping up the drugged up Biden theory.


More projection.


If there are drugs that can do for a person what they claim they are doing for Biden, then they are a medical miracle and Trump should be on them too. Hell, I want some.


CNN treated my lackey unfairly by not accepting her lies. If they won't tolerate her lies, they won't tolerate mine. Which hunt. Russia Russia Russia. Obscure reference only the chronicly online will understand.


Which hunt? In this case, it was Kasie Hunt.


Which hunt? Hunter Biden.


Which reminds me, the MAGAts dropped the Hunter Biden crap really fast after his sentencing. Almost like they didn't get the reactions they were expecting, and realized it was a non-story, especially compared with the convicted felon.


Especially silent after Joe said that he won’t be pardoning Hunter for it either!


While I have been doubtful about Trump showing up to debate, at this point I actually think it's going to happen. They've simply put far too much effort into "of COURSE Biden is going to kick Trump's butt from here to China and back." If Trump was actually planning to drop out at the last minute, he'd be showing a lot more bravado about how well he's going to do. The massive lowering of expectations only makes sense if Trump actually plans to show up.


I think you've hit the nail on the head, it feels like they are throwing as many "debate not fair" arguments around as possible. It's a tactic that works, make enough separate claims with a root message behind them and people that wouldn't normally engage/listen to an individual claim will have a general feeling that there must be something to the underlying message. No smoke without fire, etc. As an example, here in the UK this exact tactic was used by right wing media against the EU. Each and every claim could be disproven or was insane or exaggerated, but over enough time with enough repetition, previously reasonable people got the idea in their heads that the EU was bad or broken in some way.


I'm just worried the expectations for Trump are so low that as long as he doesn't literally throw his own shit the pundits will praise him.


Too bad poppa trump didn't pull out


Sigh. Just to think, he could’ve been a pale milky stain on the lower back of a knockoff SS uniform


Goddamn, dude. Roasted.


This is poetry, my friend.


I thought this meant pulling out of the whole election and not just the debate and got excited for a moment


Dollars to donuts Trump is a no-show. No teleprompter, no audience, mic cuts so as not to interrupt Joe? There's no way he could handle that. His team would have to drug him to the gills just to make him coherent.


Probably something like “I have video evidence Joe is not only taking drugs, but met with the moderators to get the questions ahead of time. No I will not share the video because it might be doctored.”


Does Joe even golf? I mean, I know it's a popular past-time for the rich, famous and political, but I don't think I've ever seen him on a course.


He does, but he doesn’t do it basically constantly like you-know-who. I’ve heard about him playing only one or two times during his term. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t gone more than that, but certainly not enough for me to have heard about it or for anyone to make a big deal of it.


Not that republicans have any right to make a big deal out of a president golfing after Trump.


Trump never golfed. He was too busy working as President. very, very, very /s


He cost the tax payer over $165 Million just on golfing. But we can’t afford school lunch programs!! 🙄🤬


Most of which was funneled into his own golf courses.


they didnt have any right before trump either but it didnt stop them


I remember in the Obama days how the right (mostly radio and Fox News) kept track of every single time he golfed - funny how that was a non-issue or even a positive for Trump 🤔


Yeah, but President Obama was ... well, he was ... not 100% White!


Did you see his tan suit? It really offended them.


They were jealous that they could never look as good in that color suit as he does 🥵 Michelle is a lucky woman! Not to mention the fact that Obama’s suits actually fit him properly. All those wealthy Republicans and not a single one appears to be able to afford a tailor.


On top of that, what a fucking weird thing to call out when questioning his ability to govern. It's a sport. It'd be like saying, "He couldn't kick a 15 yard field goal!" Cool, what does athletic ability have to do with leading a nation?


Biden should challenge Trump to a golf game, but it has to be televised. Trump wouldn't dare to agree, because then everyone would know just how badly he plays.


On the other hand I think it’s better to not give air to the fire burning the house down. Biden should do his job (as he has been), not start petty golf beef. The results of the game would not swing one single vote. 


Agreed it would not swing a vote, but it would annoy Trump.


Now I'm imagining Hunter Biden challenging the Trumpster Fire to a game of golf, televised of course. And how they'd probably want Hunter to use his hog as the club.


My own speculation of course- but it tracks with trumps record It’s because Trump golfed (and j guess still does) an absurd amount. But rumors came out that when he golf’s, he cheats an extraordinary amount. So—- when called out on it, he now feels like he needs to bring it up all the time and reassure the world just how fantastic he is!


So weird to bring up his golf game, since one thing that is commonly heard from people who golf with Trump is that he fucking CHEATS. And nobody ever calls him out on it.


There's an entire book published solely about his golf cheating.


What’s the title? I’m interested in this


Think it’s ‘commander in cheat’




To be honest, I feel like this is too much credit and more likely coincidental, but still beneficial... this could get "Biden" & "Handicap" trending...misinterpreted could be a smear




He's going to be Adderall'ed to the max tomorrow night (assuming he doesn't cancel first).


Yes - especially since he’s been taking about Biden being on drugs recently - which can only mean one thing….


Trump is on drugs.


MMW, Trump’s gonna have a “medical emergency” on stage at the debate, which will make people pity him. This will lead to some “diagnosis” from Ronny Johnson that will then cause Judge Merchan to be lenient with him, and the RNC will have to scramble to pick another candidate. But that won’t matter, bc Trump will have already raised all the money he needs to fight his upcoming legal battles and will have won his most important battle- that against prison. His MAGAs will love him and praise him even more and call him heroic, and he’ll be happy with that bc they will still idolize him, he’ll stay out of prison, and it will likely allow for leniency in his other legal cases. They will call him a brave warrior. 🤮


Nope, Biden's the one all hopped up on drugs, not Trump still up at 330AM shit posting!/s


I am just so tired of The Former Guy.


"The Felon Guy" also has a nice ring to it.


Love it…he will now and forever be referred to as the “former guy”


Awe it's now 'beloved military '. Didn't he say they were suckers. Or liked the one who werent captured....or what's in it for them... Or excepting the purple heart and saying he always wanted one, and that he got it the easier way.......he shouldve respectfully declined that man's earned purple heart ..but his greed and arrogance knows no bounds


Oh he did But I can’t post links to other subreddits So Copypasta (a text I wrote): Suckers and Losers So for another comment I wanted to know exactly when Trump said the now-famous words “suckers” and “losers” referring to dead American servicemen. I thought it was at Arlington Cemetery. It wasn’t. Quote from [The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/), hyperlinks by yours truly: > Trump said “Why should I go to [that cemetery](https://www.abmc.gov/aisne-marne)? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at [Belleau Wood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Belleau_Wood) as “suckers” for getting killed. So not just any soldiers, but the Marines who lost their lives in a winning battle, a battle that held together the front defending Paris from the final massive German WWI offensive, a _month-long_ battle that saw one brigade of Marines stop, counterattack, and clear the field of elements of five _divisions_ of Germans, a battle that sometimes came down to bayonets and _fistfighting_, a battle that has given the Marine Corps at least one motto (2/5: “Retreat, Hell!” — the whole sentence was “Retreat, hell, we just got here!”) and also “Come on, you sons of bitches. Do you want to live forever?”, a battle that has given names to two major US Navy ships, a park in NYC and a square in Boston, and that has left enough memories in France that a sapling from that wood was presented to the US by the President of France in a state visit one hundred years later. I see a sucker and a loser, but it’s not someone buried in that cemetery.


Thank you for sharing this, and it actually makes trump look worse.


I don’t know if that’s a hard thing to do or not… it probably is, he’s at rock bottom and still digging.


I have a pretty bad feeling that every election from now on is gonna be a referendum on democracy. What a shitshow of a timeline


Only get to start climbing out of the idiocracy hole about 25-50 years after continuously winning and funding education to the level it should be, and with media literacy as a mandatory high school class. Anything short of a mandate in any given year will allow Project 2025 proponents to claw back 5+ years of gains.


Media literacy is going to be necessary before high school if you want kids to do any thinking for themselves. By the age of 10, they pretty much believe everything they've ever seen on TikTok is real.


Project 2025 is going to undo **far more** than five years of gains.


Project2025.org talks about the "next conservative Administration." It doesn't depend on Trump, and it doesn't have to be this year. (But they are 'recruiting' now!) In fact, Trump might be a liability. Everything might go more smoothly with, almost anyone else.


Honestly, it is frightening to have the next republican president that is actually intelligent. The republican side is forever changed, they have been radicalized and have no fear saying what they truly believe. We have been lucky that Trump is as dumb as he is, because if he was any smarter things could get uglier really fast.


Yeah, how long until it is Charlie Kirk or Don Jnr?


Typical Trump measuring importance by likes and ratings.


And golf scores... Don't forget the cheating golf scores.


Didn't you know? Trump is one of the world's greatest golfers! At his own courses. With his own custom golf cart, which he uses to speed ahead of other golfers before they can reach the hole. And he magically doesn't do as well on courses he doesn't own. Hmmmmmm.....


He has never lost a single tournament on any of his golf courses either. Even the ones he didn't show up to play in he still won.


lol. Biden didn’t start any of the stories he references. The suckers and losers thing came from his own Chief of Staff, General John Kelly.


And corroborated by several of his senior staff members.


That is a helluva self-reflective admittance if you take away the deflection and realize it’s about himself like everything else.


Shit, I've always said that he thinks of himself first and always, but now I realize it's so bad that even when he *tries* to talk about someone else, it's still really all about him. Like his brain is missing a big chunk, in the area where you realize you're not the only person in existence.


He comes off saying, "Russia, Russia, Russia", in tweets like it's a code phrase. Like when a little kid secretly calls their mom to pick them up from a slumber party they are too scared to stay at.


All I hear in my head is “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!” from The Brady Bunch movie.


Donny whines like Jan, but she only whines for some scenes. He whines constantly.


I love how everything that Trump accused Biden of lying about is everything that he’s either done or lied about


Every day Trump becomes a bigger dick than the day before, it’s amazing to me than anyone would consider putting him in the White House.


It makes sense if you think of it like vandalism. A bunch of stupid rubes who think the government is evil are collectively sending a big middle finger to DC. Of course, that middle finger is also a trust fund baby who would sooner spit on them than pass any policy to their benefit, so it's not exactly going the way they planned, but they're not smart enough to realize it.


Trump: "JOE BIDEN IS A LYING LIAR THAT LIES" https://preview.redd.it/yl5nm24tc19d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc3f1f2694b2c0ef839bda24771eb99193f938d


God, I’m so tired of him. I’m tired. I just want him to shut the fuck up for once.


Yes golf stats. What the American publican really cares about. Coming from the guy who spent more time golfing than actually working in the white house and gives himself awards at his own tournament.


If I remember correctly, which I do, the Fake Intelligence Agents, Russia, Russia, Russia, the story about Trump calling military vets "suckers and losers," and being last in his class in college, are all true. About Trump.


FFS, this guy! Enough please perish soon Trumpskin.


Plot twist, since Trump insist president Biden is a liar and that he only speak the truth, 1 fact checker will be gathered last minute to prove him right, proving him in the process in a beautiful leopardatemyface moment... If only.


I'd love to see a live golf match between the two of them. Let's see how well Trump plays with the cameras on every shot!


If Joe gets petty about anything, please let it be about Trump cheating in golf.


Whose the one with people tracking and documenting over 30,000 lies and falsehoods told during their time in office? Pretty sure it wasn't Joe.... [Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/)


Does anyone else not believe trump is writing most of these tweets? There too well constructed and with proper punctuation than the more obviously ramblings in all caps


It wouldn’t shock me if he just has someone take down notes of key things to talk about and then that person writes the posts.


Donald makes claims like TV and the internet doesn’t exist. I know his followers will never go against him regardless, but for the rest of us, every shitty thing he’s done is recorded and factual


The Bitch is bitching. Who’d have thunk? 🤔


Has Biden ever actually talked about his golf game? Does he actually even play?


If his projection was money I could tap into, I'd never have to worry about another bill in my life


There is enough to go around for sure


Bringing up the suckers and losers bit and trying to spin that is absolutely bonkers. If that were something that was quoted to me I’d never bring it up ever fucking again. What a fucking piece of shit, this guy.


Especially when it was Mark Kelly, Trump's former Chief of Staff that stuck around for many Scaramucci's, that made the allegations on live TV interviews and in his book. It wasn't Biden, it was Mark Kelly, another one of the many former cabinet members that claimed publicly that they would not vote for Trump again. Fuck TFG....That Felon Guy.


If they actually get close enough to shake hands, Biden should pretend to be disgusted by the smell of shit.


I think/hope there is a great chance that head to head the older guy shines over Donny Dementia! 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Oh man, I just realized the stark difference that appears when you take away the like button on xitter. Is Elon up to meddling to hide the popularity of Joe? Or the chronic spread and platforming of Nazis? A little of both...?


This is so pathetic and petty! And that fact he passes as the republican nominee for president is disappointing and sad.


Doesn’t syphilis affect the brain?


Yes. I believe thats where the term “Syphilitic insanity” came from


I remember when Trump was first elected thinking surely some member of his staff will vet his tweets but he still just spews absolute nonsense online. The scariest part is all the cult members who lap it up.


Thoroughly impressed…This is gold medal level projection




Hey Americans…. Just so you know about what us ‘other countries’ talk about: We don’t ‘worry’ about your views on Trump - it’s pretty clear that most of you (including most republicans) don’t like him - what we talk about is that when a republican person walks into a ballot box, what’s the likelihood that this republican person will tick the ‘democrat’ nominee instead of the republican nominee in order to make sure the crazy republican person doesn’t get in? It seems that many of you just vote along party lines that are basically ‘religious’ in nature. So, all the best in November. If I’m honest, I’m so exhausted about watching the madness that I almost feel fatalistic about it. To channel The Joker: What do you get when you cross a narcissistic, insurgent driving, philandering presidential republican nominee who wants to be an autocrat, along with a base who are too polarised to vote for anything else? You get what you fucking deserve. Be careful my amazing USA friends. Xxx


Donald Trump is a complete and utter moron. All the idiots who support hima re cult members and the dumbest people on the planet


This person is absolutely deranged! LOSER!


After the debate they should play a live televised round of golf.


I like my presidents how I like my service members. Don’t like the ones who have been caught.


not a chance tRump actually wrote that himself bec it has punctuation and isn’t in ALL CAPS…


Well you heard him folks, let's get those fact checks added back in!


Can Trump just go away now. We’ve had nearly 10 years of this obnoxious twat.


Someday, Trump will be dead. Just imagine the relief.


I'm surprised the GOP is going to let him go through with this debate


3:25 AM. If I ever make angry posts on any kind of social media past one in the morning assume I have gone mad and put me out of my misery.


Every accusation is a confession


Call his bluff, Uncle Joe. Publicly leave it to him.


I just realized who he is. He’s that guy that you argue with online and then he makes up a ton of shit about you just to make himself feel better. You know the guy I’m talking about. He tells you to move out of your mother’s basement when you’re a married guy with 3 kids and earn a good wage but he says stupid shit anyway.