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MAGA: Release the Epstein docs Also MAGA: no not like that


They, of course, already have the "Fake News" mantra drilled into their brains to shut out any information that might make them shake out of the cult.


This is the scary part. They built up the wall, and only they can tear it down. It would probably take at the very least one of his children to confirm this to get some bricks flying from that wall. This won't happen though, at least while he's alive


Nah I think most of them are too far gone and even if Trump himself came out and said these things were true they’d claim the “liberal left” was somehow forcing him to do it.


Lol yeah. Remember when he finally got the covid vaccine and told his followers to get it too? They BOOED him! He may have been the catalyst for this lunacy, but it's its own beast now.


He wasn’t the catalyst. A bunch of my family are MAGA cultists and they’ve been like this for decades. Trump is a symptom, not a cause. They’ve gotten worse in the sense that the rhetoric has advanced and gotten scarier, but I remember the post 9/11 hysteria. I was there for them jeering “love it or leave it” when we suggested maybe multiple unjust wars was a poor response to terrorism. The problem is a fascism infested culture.


I mean catalyst in the sense that crazy was always there, but him being elected made them united, braver, and gave them "legitimacy" in their ravings. His rise allowed them to clump together and gain much more power and influence. Thats what I mean by catalyst.


Trump didn't even have to build the wall for the majority of MAGAts to believe the wall was actually built. Now *that's* Republicans building up walls only they can tear down.


But but Bill Clinton! You’re right! I’m not going to vote for Bill Clinton anymore after learning about his ties to Epstein.


Exactly. Oh Bill Clinton is on there? Good. Go ahead and do something about it, but make sure the same thing is applied to all of the people in that document and not just the dems in that transcript. *Crickets*


SaVe ThE cHiLdReN!!!!


Every accusation is a confession. I am getting real worried about their child sacrifice accusations.....


Oh god, I hadn’t even thought of that one


Wouldn't surprise me and yet it would. Q rabbit hole is so weird.


Didn’t they accuse HRC of being part of a cabal that drinks the blood of babies? Really makes you think about “after birth abortions” yam-tits rambled on about with such fervour.


The only people performing "after birth abortions" are those that couldn't get a medical abortion. There used to be dead abandoned babies before medically accessible abortion was available. No doubt this has upticked since the end of Roe v Wade. And will continue to increase as medical practicioners leave the cruel red states. Allowing abortion prevents murder.


Worth mentioning here that anyone reading this should look up child sex crimes and where their occurence rates per capita just so happen to be the highest, and what demographics just so happen to commit the most. It's not the usual scapegoats of the gays, drag queens, evil liberal city folk, immigrants, or whatever other bullshit we've all heard. Its rural areas, especially in red states. Thats where the most per capita child sex crimes happen, and you won't *believe* what the demographic is that commits the most. For an extra bit of fun, cross reference what you find with the voting demographics of the parties.


Ya what ever happened to Q? No one can really answer that for me. Strange it was like their religion until they changed to anti-vax and then anti-trans and books. Now I guess they're taking off because it's summer? Getting ready for the fall push. And by they I mean Russian and Chinese bots.


They’re all too busy getting vetted for Project 2025 to spout new conspiracies.


Actually, Save THE Children is the legit organization helping children worldwide for over 100 years. Princess Anne has been a Patron for ages. Save OUR Children is a similarly named joke the flakes glom on to.


>On the fourth and final sexual encounter with the Defendant, Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff. Katie Johnson, was tied to a bed by Defendant Trump who then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff Johnson. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff Johnson loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to "please wear a condom". Defendant Trump responded by violently striking Plaintiff Johnson in the face with his open hand and screaming that "he would do whatever he wanted" as he refused to wear protection. After achieving sexual orgasm, the Defendant, Donald J. Trump put his suit back on and when the Plaintiff. Katie Johnson, in tears asked Defendant Trump what would happen if he had impregnated her, Defendant Trump grabbed his wallet and threw some money at her and screamed that she should use the money "to get a fucking abortion". There has to be a word that exceeds evil, and this would be the use for it.


Imagine doing that, then later appointing judges who would overturn a women's right to an abortion. What a scumbag.


Imagine doing that, then later *bragging about* appointing judges who would overturn a women's right to an abortion. Beyond sumbag.


"But it's a states rights issue" A states right *to what* exactly? Deny women their bodily autonomy?


You misspelled "children" in this


There's a hell of a lot more than just "the forth" rape. You can read it all here: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf >12 Defendant Epstein had sexual contact with Plaintiff at two of the parties. The second sexual encounter with Defendant Epstein took place after Plaintiff had been raped by Defendant Trump. Defendant Epstein forced himself upon Plaintiff and proceeded to rape her anally and vaginally despite her loud pleas to stop. Defendant Epstein then attempted to strike Plaintiff about the head with his closed fists while he angrily screamed at Plaintiff that he, Defendant Epstein, rather than Defendant Trump, should have been the one who took Plaintiff’s virginity, before Plaintiff finally managed to break away from Defendant Epstein. But her emails I guess. E: And just so we're all REALLY FUCKING CLEAR here. Plaintiff/"Katy Johnson" was **13** years old, and both trump and epstein knew it.


So how long before one of Trump's attorney's states that the pedophilia was an official act?


Going to Epstein's island was an official act. Raping his first wife was an official act. Defrauding his charity was an official act.


And when he's president again he's going to start doing all these things again with impunity.


Anyone with a brain can recognize that a 13-year-old is a child. Criminals.


The word you are looking for is Pedophile.


Rapist pedophile


**Ergotic.** I have never read actions of another person that have made me so sick. The cruelty to innocence. What kind of odious demon strains against his greasy, bulging skin? What kind of wild ass, mad god allows impunity for such violations of human law? May Donald Trump rot in the most crooked, hot, and decayed depths of hell. May his existence be stretched to infinity and his every moment exult in awesome anguish. May he feel sevenfold the despair and impingement by powerful malevolence that his victims felt. And may he be forever haunted by the longing for self-annihilation and pure guilt he has earned but evaded on Earth. Edit: Someone made a very fucking important point: >While this is nicely written, please punish Trump now, while he's alive. >Don't hope for some fanciful force to apply justice when it's too late I wish I would have included this sentiment earlier. This comment above all is the most important spirit to maintain and nourish. I reject vehemently the premise that one man can capriciously impose his whims for cruelty, and control on me. My will shall not be impinged and the basic principles of decency and dignity afforded to me by human law will not be compromised. I expect all of us to hold ourselves in such regard as anything less is willful submission to subjugation. While I am here on Earth I will act with all the cunning and persistence of a beast from Hell to ensure the integrity of my liberty. No government shall threaten my Human Freedom. And while I have you attention, this is a quote you should read: Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject. - John Stuart Mill


This is very well-written and makes me wish I believed in heaven or hell, because he deserves every minute of it.


Hey bro I'm with ya but I'll still throw out an earnest amen for this one


Thank you. I meant every word to the core of my being.


>...and screamed that she should use the money "to get a fucking abortion". **Trump:** Get a fucking abortion! (to his rape victim) **Also Trump:** Abortion will be illegal across all 50 states if I'm elected


BuT He'S a GoOd cHrIsTiAn man!


And I am Queen of Romania!


The closest thing he resembles in regards to Christianity is the fucking anti-Christ.


This man has been president of the US. This man has represented the strongest military force on Earth and a superpower country in the world. Even if he does not get elected again, the fact that he was elected once is an immeasurable stain on US history. With great concern, my fellow Belgians and I will watch the next few chapters of your history unfold.


Yeah idk why the lesbian sex acts part was called out when there was this


Good thing I have garbage can next to my cubicle. How is this guy allowed to walk free, much less run for President? I know we like to joke about things around here but reading this makes me sick.


The DA who let him walk for this clerked for Alito and later Trump appointed him to a cabinet position.  I am not kidding. The corruption is in plain view. 


Probably another one of those total coincidences


I guess Trump sued stormy Daniels for slander somewhere over her saying he slept with her and he somehow won. He got awarded $600k she also has to give him information about her minor daughter for some reason. She’s refusing bc the judge won’t do a none disclosure agreement first to protect her daughter’s identity and information. You’re right about the corruption. He literally won a lawsuit against someone who was forced to testify in court. It can’t be libel if it’s not a lie. And there’s nothing she can do. Who’s she going to appeal to? Another Trump appointed judge? The best thing she can do is sue him in say New York. Hope she gets mershaun or the other judge that did the civil cases. sue him for damages and maybe get him and the crooked judge. I just don’t understand how he even got in front of a judge with that claim.


It’s like every movie that was pulled because no one would believe it, has now become our reality, and it’s terrifying!


It gets worse, trump and Epstein later threatened Katie into silence by telling her they could disappear her like they had already done to Maria.


I remember this ^ She was supposed to make a statement and then backed out.


>much less run for President? Not allowed to vote for president though... Somehow that seems like it should be relevant. Ya know, like there should maybe be a higher standard for those running for office than those voting for them. Great show though, although if someone had actually written and produced it they'd be lambasted as ludicrous and unrealistic.


I thought trump could still vote, the felony conviction is in new York and felons can vote there?


More like Florida won’t recognize his NY felonies and will still allow him to vote.


Not exactly, Florida follows the law of the state where you are convicted. so if you committed a crime in Ohio which would make you unable to vote in Ohio, then you move to Florida, you still can't vote. I kinda feel that it's Florida deliberately making it confusing, so they can accuse folks of voting illegally. Trump could still vote in new York (I believe) so he can still vote in florida


New York only disenfranchises people while serving a prison sentence, so assuming Trump is not sentenced to prison time, his rights would be restored by New York law and therefore also in Florida.


> New York only disenfranchises people while serving a prison sentence honestly I feel like that's how it should work. like why does a 2 year stint for shoplifting at 19 mean you can never vote again even at 40? that seems dumb as hell to me.


This is a wild take but maybe you should be able to vote even if you're in prison


I agree. I'm a voting rights extremist in this way. If you're a citizen, and you're over the legal voting age, you should be able to vote.


Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't seem extreme.


Orange foolius could not even get a job at fuckin Wal-Mart as a 3rd shift stocker, and he still owns guns, is walking around free, has another 50 felonies that he's been charged for, ~30 SA allegations that ran out of time, he can't wait to plow his daughter, he's already said that he will destroy the planet if the oil barons gives him a fuckin billion dollars, and this pathetic piece of fuck is allowed to run for POTUS? HE fuckin said in 2015 that he would drop out of the fuckin race if they gave him 5 billion. He was trying to make sure that the goppers had to out fuckin bid Russian oligarchy, and it fuckin worked. Putin only paid a fifth of that, but they all got ensnared anyway. Remember, both the Gop and the dems were hacked, and only 1 of them were released. Voting day needs to be a national holiday. If they are taking away poll stations away from dem districts and adding more to the gop districts? Take the fuckin day off, save up and buy nothing that day,bring water to your friends that are Voting for sanity and buy nothing from any single company that backs him. Fuckin fuck it, buy nothing from them until the following week! The only fuckin power we have is their need to make a profit. Vote like your fuckin life depends on it, because it fuckin does! Don't vote gop for any reason, any time, nor any house. Scotus already told us what they want. No FDA, to get in the way of pesky regulations like making sure a drug is safe, leave it up to the judge, no making sure that the food you're eating is safe, leave it up to the judge, all the sister fuck states are getting their lakes, rivers, ponds and reservoirs polluted from Voting for these assholes for 40 fuckin years,but leave it up to the judge. We're spending fuckin millions of dollars to protect these fuckin assholes year round. The 3 fuckin women on the court who may be religious, aren't the fuckin quiver assholes, need this because of what they did in the last 40 years. The fuckin bribe taking white men, and Barrett, who can't fuckin wait for the handmaiden tale to become non-fiction are the fuckin one's who made this necessary! Look at every single decision that they have made! Are any going to make sure that you have rights? No! Are any going to make sure that you have water, food, or housing? Fuck no! Are they going to article 25, the useful idiot that will enable it? Fuck yeah! His dementia is a fuckin feature, not a bug. Be very afraid of who his VP is! That's who will be implementing 2025! He will get a couple billion, truth social will be the only fuckin news source that exists and he will do his fuckin job and destroy the fuckin US! They only need him for the first year. Then we have the Fuckining! Pain, suffering, misery. All because we had the fuckin audacity, nay, the fuckin gall, to elect a black man for being potus!


My registration card is on my fridge, with two calendar events.


I think your ability to be president should be directly tied to your ability to vote for president


Is this real? Confirmed? Not fake?


The document is real, the claims in the document, we just don't know. This is stuff we all heard before the 2016 election. It didn't dissuade people from voting for him then and it probably won't now.


He's not just allowed to run, but aa not insignificant portion of our government has been burning our nation down to protect this vile scumbag. The odds of them *not* knowing this are slim to nil, but they fell into lockstep with him anyway. They're fucking evil. If Hell exists then it's too tame for them.


conservatives are going to claim he is immune since birth. watch


"Donald Trump was born to be president, thus every action he has ever taken is an official act and immune from prosecution." - Fascist fucks


Seriously. Felons in many states are not allowed to vote, but this guy, this guy, CAN RUN FOR PRSIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES!?


Hillary was right Trumps supporters are deplorables.


But Biden is old and not good at debating anymore so this guy has to be president now sorry...


His cult will say this shows how alpha he is - they are that lost


??? no they won't. His cult says this is fake. This accusation is pretty old, so we don't have to "guess" how his cult will react. They already have.


Reminder this came out before the 2016 election. The accuser dropped the suit and went into hiding it seems.


Bc of death threats to her and her family.


Not saying she shouldn't be believed but it is not new and the accuser is probably not going to make any more statements ect... This will not even phase the MAGA cult.


if there was a way to prove it was true it would not move MAGA. They'd blame the 12 child for seducing him or say she looked 18, etc.


"Look, she was asking for it, look what she was wearing, ect". And now seems an appropriate time to remind people that it's literally always Republican lawmakers who complain when states try to enact laws stopping child marriage.


They'd be like, "Trump is so brave!"


More like "she knew what she signed up for"


There was a clip going around where they got a bunch of Trump supporters and played some "leaked audio" for them. The leaked audio was fake. But it had Trump saying super vile racist and sexual things, and the Trump supporters were bending over backwards to make excuses for him. It was so weird.


Can confirm. I have a family member, a woman, say nearly this exact thing when a distant 20-something raped his 14-year-old cousin that he'd persuaded family members he'd be able to watch while they went out of town. She's a vile fucking human being. So is Trump. Guess who she's voting for?


Meanwhile they'll storm a pizza joint fully strapped because they heard a rumor about the basement.


Didn't faze them back then. Probably won't faze them now. He didn't do it, but if he did that's not how it happened, and it's not that bad, something something Bill Clinton - maga rationalization process. Edit: spelling


This occurring live during one if hus rallies wouldn't phase his supporters


They cheer him for getting away with it


And 3 years before epstein was arrested and well known.


Epstein had been known for a long time before that but was considered by a lot to just be part of crazy 4chan conspiracies. I grew up near Interlochen, a performing arts boarding school for 8th-12th grade kids. Jeff Ep went there as a kid too and was so close to the school later in life that there was a "Jeffery Epstein Scholarship Lodge." They stripped the dorm of its name after his 2008 conviction. Victim number 1 in the Ghislane Maxwell case was picked up from the school in the 90's. The last time he flew the "Lolita express" to my hometown was 2016.


Heres the Vox story on it https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation >It was the end of an incredibly strange case that featured an anonymous plaintiff who had refused almost all requests for interviews, two anonymous corroborating witnesses whom no one in the press had spoken to, and a couple of seriously shady characters — with an anti-Trump agenda and a penchant for drama — who had aggressively shopped the story around to media outlets for over a year. >Those shady characters — a former reality TV producer who calls himself “Al Taylor” and a “Never Trump” conservative activist named Steve Baer — had been mostly unsuccessful in getting the media to bite.


Thank you for the context.


This is the girl he scared into withdrawing the complaint. I think he said he would kill her family. That is why he has so successfully brainwashed he followers into believing everything but his word is "fake news." He gets to lie his way out of rape and he knows it. Melania doesn't give s fuck as long as she gets her payout.


Did he threaten her while President? If so, it was totally legal and official.


No, he didn't do it while President, but if he gets re-elected, he can have her killed and get immunity.




And then everyone stood up and applauded. They put their hands over their hearts and sang the national anthem. God Bless America, every one and all. Good night.


Likely got a payout for it, but overall you are correct. The timing of dropping the suit is all you need to know. Trumpets won’t care and call it fake news while they superimpose his head on Stallone body from the 80’s.


https://preview.redd.it/e5i6ghd0v6ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7468d1a6e65c36491569473bd75c784d7cba534 Too fucking real


Whenever I see these types of banners, I always wonder how upset the owners would be if someone were to shoot the darn things with red paintballs…then again, lets not, no need to fuel the victim complex…


The better way to own them would be create your own business selling these and donate all the money to a group they oppose.


Donation is a nice thought but honestly if I'd feel pretty good keeping the money.


Imagine being an Amazon driver pulling up there, imagine that driver is a POC, fuuuuuuuuccccckkkkk ttthhhhaaaatttt.


Can't they deny delivery for fear of bodily harm?


Whenever I see that image of Cadet Bone Spurs as Rambo, I don't know whether to laugh or vomit.


Your last sentence should be a joke but it’s sadly accurate


WOW!!! He really is just like Jesus… Or the Antichrist But at least he’s not old… wait Well he stands for truth and justice… sigh… He’s for the rich, lying and cheating and taking advantage of anyone and everyone he can and that is truly the American way


Is this another one of those official acts they are talking about???


“I am officially going to rape this minor” - Trump sometime in 2025


“I could rape a minor on 5th avenue and not lose a single supporter”


1st true thing he's said in office.


The king of the United States




Maybe just Mar-a-Lago? there's a few nice spots left he and his minions haven't yet corrupted




Allow me to scream this into the void: REPUBLICANS. DONT. CARE.


This isn’t meant for republicans. It’s meant for those “he’s not so bad” people more towards the center of the aisle.


There is no center of the aisle anymore, those people would read this and say "ehhhhh well I'd still take him over Biden"


> There is no center of the aisle anymore, Sure there are - they're the indifferent people who usually don't vote.


“I have not read the report yet so I cannot comment on it”. Will never read it so don’t care - Any GOP


This is why he had Epstein killed. One known for blackmail does not have information implicating a sitting US-president named Donald Trump in sex crimes and survive.


Look here Bill Barr never specifically heard Trump call for the death of Epstein, only lots of others


Bill Barr's father personally got Epstein a job teaching at a high school. His father also authored some really odd sci-fi literature about an alien society where it was socially acceptable to have sex with children.


There is actually a virus called the Epstein-Barr virus.


IMO Barr took care of Epstein for his master.


~~Master~~ Father. Bill Barr's dad gave an incredibly unqualified Jeff Ep his first teaching job at a highschool.


Oh nooo it's soooo hard to decide do I want the old guy or the old guy who fucks 12 year Olds and wants to openly demolish the country and replace it with a dictatorship oh lord it's sooo hard


*rapes 12 year olds.


A pedophile, a rapist, a criminal, and a liar....walk into a bar. Someone complete the joke for me.


A pedophile, a rapist, a criminal and a liar walk into the Oval Office. Half the population thinks he deserves another shot to destroy America. That's it... That's the joke.




And the bartender said, "Hello, Mr. Trump!"


Soooo not a drag queen?


I dunno have you seen his makeup, hair, suits, and truss? Maybe not a professional performer level but still.


Trumpy Faye Baker


Tammy Faye doesn’t deserve that comparison.


Well he tried to fuck one of them too but it turned out to be Rudy.


Political ads this fall should just be a full minute of this on the screen.


Nobody is going to read all that, better have Morgan Freeman narrate it.


I think this poor person remains in hiding along with her entire family and we all know why. Threats. Because yes it's quite genuine so of *course* the *victim* of a violent child predator rapist would be the one to have to flee. I sincerely hope she's safe. Because rampaging psychos apparently have free rein to pursue a victim of this level of heinous crime I'm frightened for her. She COULD have the entire weight of what COULD be the best system in the world on her side. Both prosecuting the rapist and defending her life. I fucking hate this place.


If she showed up on the news now, the MAGAts would chase her down. Trump wouldn't even have to threaten her again because his idiots would take care of it. I feel so bad for her. I hope she is safe somewhere and has a new identity.


I really thought most people knew this? I am an idiot.


They just decided she's making it up for all that delicious clout, so it can't tarnish the image of their orange bull


There's a spectrum...Some will dismiss it as simply not true...Some don't care...Some think he's cooler because of it...And there's a group that thinks "Yeah but he was a democrat when he did those things."


Short memories. Or maybe there's just so much garbage around this guy that its hard for everyone to keep up with it all.


I wonder if that’s the case for a number of people; this shit show just feels like another post in their feed. Shocked, react, move on to a cat video. There seems to be a sort of disconnect in the realization that this is real life with real life consequences.


It's been out for years. 37% of Americans do not give a shit.


Honestly getting kind of hard to keep up with the details of all of his crimes.


Look, it’s hard to keep track of even just all the rapes he’s committed, much less all the other crimes.


This should be headline news on every single news channel


The news channels are too busy running stories about how the DNC should finagle a replacement for Joe Biden. I have yet to see or hear story that the RNC should replace Trump at their convention.


This is because the news channels are owned by billionaire conservatives that only promote negative news about Biden and are silent about Trump. https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/articles/no-joe-biden-didnt-poop-his-pants-plus-the-supreme-courts-factchecking-problem https://popular.info/p/sinclair-floods-local-news-websites


Because the “news” is all run by right wing people who want Trump for clicks and views. It’s all money to them


It’s funny that the party that claims there’s so many pedophiles in the world, are the ones that are full of pedophiles.


More projectors than a movie theater




I'm most surprised the Intel agencies have done nothing. Trump specifically requested a list of spies, got it, and later the CIA was forced to hold a press conference admitting a whole lot of their agents and informants were being killed.  He's a traitor who tried to sell anything and everything for personal profit. He has openly insulted his own Intel agencies. I thought they would have arranged a heart attack by now. 


This whole thing definitely confirms that the CIA is not pulling the strings behind the scenes.




OP Forgot to mention Trump did all of this during his decade long friendship with his best buddy at the time, Jeffery Epstein. Amazing how all this just get’s swept under the rug and ignored.


Certified president? Certified pedophile


Democracy dies and for whom ? A confident, tall, white, broad-shouldered narcissist, a failure who shits his pants, a coward who lies & rapes underage girls


I'm no longer hopeful that any kind of consequence will ever happen to this piece of shit. He's never going to do a day of jail time and will probably be elected president again because, for some reason, people just keep doing stuff for this guy and making him fall upwards. I give up.


The only joy I have is knowing he’s old and will die soon, and we’ll all be better off


Well, he is old. Unfortunately, evil pieces of shit like him have a way of just surviving out of spite and fueled by hatred. See: Henry Kissinger, who lived to see the ripe, old age of 100.


Did kissinger live on a diet of hamberders? Was kissinger obese? Was kissinger constantly hopped up on Adderall? Let's hope Cheeto boy checks out a bit earlier.


By then the GOP will be not only the ruling party, but the only party.


DJT is literally a pedophile that promoted trafficking. No pizzagate here, no Hilary or bill here, this guy is literally a pedophile having sex with children. Donald Trump is a part of the pedophile cabal that his supporters are against.


Much like Piss Baby Greg Abbott, we need to make calling him Child Rapist Donald Trump a thing.


And literally none of his followers will care. At all. Granted most of them are pedophiles or excuse pedophilia so.....🤷🏻‍♂️


And they will be the first ones to claim the Left is just a bunch of pedos.


Trump will say it was an official act as president. /s


He raped a 13 yo. The case was dropped because the girl became homeless and used her old address since she didnt have an address at the moment. It doesn't seem important that the case was dropped after the results of the 2016 election


We live in the worst timeline.


Find complaint here: [https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/1/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/1/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/)


no wonder the right is always calling everyone a pedophile. all they know is projection. reading this made me sick, i hate this. i hate the gop, i hate conservatives, i hate anyone who calls themselves a patriot and doesn't feel extreme shame at what the US has become.


This is why all the right wing is pointing the finger at every Hollywood actor, every LGBT person, and every Democrat. Trump is a rapist pedophile who had sex with slaves.


Conservatives: fAkE nEwS... *shows literal proof* C: COMMIES!!


Unfortunately the lawsuit was dismissed and the victim vanished, so back in 2016 they very much called it fake.


Poor woman was terrified for her life.


Yes. I remember seeing a video interview, they had her face pixelated to protect her identity


Meanwhile at the NYT "Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome". Seriously, fuck the US media, they are complicit in this disaster unfolding in front of our eyes.


What makes you think it's important? His male followers will say "Lucky him." His female followers will say "Lucky them."


So true, but incredibly gross… sick fuckers!




CNN and the NY Times will tell us why this is bad for Joe Biden.


Disgustingly, his supporters will excuse and accept this. Very sad. The very people who are afraid trans are grooming kids. Admit it MAGA, it’s not about trans and the kids.


I hope this shows up on every headline tomorrow morning in big bold font. Add it to the list lads, Convicted, pedophile trump


Considering this is not new (from 2016) it simply won’t be aired at all on any news channel. That said I think we should be reminded of this every day and it should be headlines daily reminding everyone that he’s a monster, pedophile, felon, traitor, and sad sack of shit.


See why this is bad for Biden at 8


Is this real?


Filed 6/20/16 https://www.scribd.com/document/463829562/Trump-Epstein-Pedophilia-Suit


What is this from? What is the context??


A lawsuit that forced the named victim into hiding, fearing for her life.


Wow. Trump is really lucky that the people who spend all their time yelling about groomers in schools don't care about child rape.


I wish he would drop dead


This is obviously fabricated to misdirect from the Democrats drinking the blood of murdered children. My God King would never commit any crime, even if he admitted things like "inspections" of kiddy pagents and partying with Epstein, or grabbing women because "they let you do it" where it is obvious that Biden worships the devil with child sacrifices which is why he can run an international crime ring and leave no evidence. 🤦


“It was an official act.” -Justice Roberts


The most unbelievable part of this is Trump paying someone 


Convicted Felon and Certified Pedophile


Innocent question from Germany: Why is this guy still free, and why is this guy still an electable person?


That's not even the worst thing in that screen shot.


We already know trump could eat a baby on live tv and his base would still claim it's a fake. These guys will never admit they've been conned by the prince of lies. They will dismiss this as easy as anything else. So, no one can expect trump to lose votes with this. He needs to be properly prosecuted and trialed according to the law.