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The message is clear "We are seizing power for ourselves. Any resistance will be met with violence." This is, without exaggeration, a fascist takeover of our country


When people say elections have consequences we are about to see consequences one way or the other. They win it is over, they lose they will riot.


If they lose, it will not be over, we now know, we will have to fight for the rest of our lives. Wasn’t really planning for that, but here we are.


Not exactly how I saw my adulthood


It truly pisses me off that I’ve worked so hard to come from a rough childhood to a nice life I’ve been building for adult me and now they’re fucking destroying it


It's easy. All you have to do is be a straight, white, Christian male. If you can't do any of that, then it's your fault, and you deserve to be punished.


Bud, they're fucking it for those guys too. Rural whites are barely hanging in there. Neo Liberalism has resounding failed them and they are rightfully pissed. The problem is their politics are purely punitive and misguided. Instead of going fash they ought to demand the system works for all. I have no idea how to reach them.


Neo liberalism failed them, but so did neo conservative. The gop didn't want to help rural whites, they just wanted their votes. (Trump literally said so "i don't care about you, I just want your vote" ) they don't give a fuck.


After I left the service over 10 years ago. I thought I'd have a mostly chill rest of my life. I never thought I'd have to drag out my Oath and dust it off, and actually have to use it in the manner it is expressed when you take the Oath. Democracy needs to survive.


Your oath to defended from foreign was a given but when they said domestic you probably thought yes but never have to?


Well it's sort of still a foreign threat... the Russian on the phone is calling from inside the house!


Yep...[since 1997](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics)






And how history will tell our story


Fuck it. Gotta do what you gotta do and this is what we gotta to do


They like to make us think that we’re powerless - true individually but collective action is our superpower. I have a quote by Margaret Mead that I keep above my desk. Never doubt that a small commmitted group of people can make a difference in the world. Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has. Think of this group of unhinged extremists - they are clearly in the minority but look where motivation ( in the evil genius model) has brought them. Time for us normals to push back hard and to keep pushing back at every single opportunity from library superintendent to President


Yeah but they are backed by an insane dragon horde of wealth and a well oiled propaganda machine. This battle has been waged already for a long time, now they’re just openly telling us to feel like we’re fucked.


That’s just more propaganda, we are Americans, that will fight for America


Ive already told myself that despite the fact it terrifies me to no end if trump wins and they go through with their insanity I will be enlisting with the nearest resistance cell, if he loses and goes batshit and starts another civil war ill be enlisting in the military even if it takes lying my ass off to do so


“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” I don’t wish to spill blood or have mine spilled, but if that’s what it takes then so be it.


Agreed. California would really become the NCR (got a flag ready to go and everything!) and we’ve got food and sunshine! It’ll be safe here, at least, if things go to shit. A good place to start moving against, if necessary and what it takes. It’s frustrating that we have to speak in such roundabout terms so much of the time while those assholes can talk about disemboweling us and get a pat on the head for it.


I'd say, for now at least, the best most effective thing to do is move to a swing state if at all possible, register there and vote your ass off. I know it's a relatively small number of people for whom that's a possibility, but damn if we COULD get that to happen in great numbers we could freeze this fascist takeover shit in it's tracks. GET INVOLVED! KNOCK DOORS, PHONE BANK, REGISTER VOTERS, CAR POOL PEOPLE TO THE POLLS, JOIN YOUR LOCAL PROGRESSIVE GROUPS, DONATE MONEY AND TIME TO PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATES, NO MORE CORPORATE DEMS.


I’m getting old, it’ll be up to you whippersnappers when the fight is out of me. But it ain’t out now.


Nope. Not yet.


Just one life changing tragedy after another. Im a reasonable person, at least I like to think I am as someone who happily throws politics and prejudice to the side to help her fellow humans, but I, along with many of my friends whose lives, safety, and livelihoods are being threatened, are being pushed to unreasonable means.


We literally cannot ever allow a Republican to become president


Actually though, this will require incredible diligence and a constant resistance to the apathy that time brings. It's funny a lot of us were ridiculed for suggesting that this was going to be the inevitable destination when this all started and yet here we are. And like any disease america is a global cultural megaphone and it's spread to many allies countries and is infecting there. Go vote Americans, vote for that old husk of a man. His presidency has done a lot of good whether he is aware of it or not.


Apathy is a drug, and when America sneezes, the whole world catches a cold.


When the Imperium became a thing, the Romans didn’t realize that they were seeing the last form of self-government for 2,000 years. People better vote the right way in November or it’s buh-bye representative democracy.


History rhymes as much as it repeats itself. This is code red and we are sleep walking into it. I will die soon with or without tyranny, but i may die fighting tyranny, I’m ok with that. Someone take care of my little Mongolian bear dog, if she gets loose, with no structure, it may be over for all of us, she is diabolical.


An unsavory as it was at the time, maybe the North should have finished them off in 1865.


Damn Sherman half ass’in it. I’d be written up at work for that performance.


Should’ve had more Shermans than Grants. I’ve been thinking about this for about 15 years now.


The way my wife and I are looking at this is, "if they lose that gives us 4 more years to save and work to get out of the US." If they win, we do the same just with a LOT less prep.




Let’s hope not, I’m older than the Air Force pilot, but am well armed. I should be ok tho, got a bunch of Cuban friends.


I bought a gun today. I never thought I would. I feel gross, like I’ve soiled myself. However, I don’t know what else to do. These people are not so subtly threatening us, and vicariously my children and their mother. I will protect them with my life.


Accept it, deal with it, know how to store it, clean it, arm it, train with it. There are likely plenty of places that will offer you cheap instruction. Then put it away, know where it is and don’t think about it, it’s not your identity, nor your personality. How often do you think of your fire alarm? Look at it sort of like that.


I agree, and the fire alarm analogy is a good one. I grew up in a rural area where just about everyone had at least a hunting rifle or shotgun, but no one strutted around with a handgun or assault rifle. It was something to bring home meat. (And, I'll admit, plink beer cans or road signs, but that's all in good fun for certain ne'er do wells.)


Don't feel gross. Our ability to own firearms is incredibly important and everyone should exercise that right. Scary times ahead. Train and learn how to be effective.


When they riot, we 2A.


I'm fine if they riot. They only get themselves killed. National guard will shut down their butt hurt rebellion pretty quick.


You are not wrong, on any of it. Project 2025 is a fascist dictatorship in the making. 1 leader supreme, minorities will lose all their rights, anyone not conforming is an enemy of the state. Don't believe me? Read their goals and plan and yes, that is the end goal. The far right has dug in deep into the goverment section of the US, They were always working on it but Trump's 4 years was the booster they needed. The Russian ally of Trump is only securing the east of the world. Imagine Russia and the US as buddy dictatorships? World be fucked. I still stand by the saying MAGA's = Traitors.


Time to clean house


This, a thousands times THIS. They’re threatening anyone who would dare stand up to this. I say we march, and vote like our lives depend on it. And, most importantly, don’t take this lying down. Like I said earlier today, START no shit but TAKE no shit. Be an impenetrable wall against the tide of fascism and hate. Defend your rights as much as you need to, as peacefully as possible. But fight fight fight as much as we can. Just remember which side said “we are all domestic terrorists” and DON’T be like them. Nevertheless, FIGHT.


If they react to protests with guns we fire back, the time for peace is quickly ending and we have to be ready


It's funny how they think the left doesn't have any guns.


The only correct response to this is force. Treat them like the bullies they are.


Not necessarily saying this is the best approach, but in middle school, I beat the shit out of both of the bullies I had, and in high school I mystically had no bullies.


At this point it may be the only approach left, regardless of it being the best one or not. I think we’ve been there for a while but just don’t want to cross the point of no return. Because once that ball really starts rolling, it’s gonna be bad times for all.


Again, no coup succeeds without military support. The members of the armed forces swore an oath to uphold the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We may soon see if that oath means anything to today's military.


Yeahhhhhh I'm gonna go ahead and say that putting all your beans in the "the military will bail us out" bag is a pretty bold move there cotton. The military is trained to follow orders. I don't doubt there are some folks out there who joined out of an actual sense of duty and feel like they're protecting their country. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and just go ahead and say that a vast majority will have no problems marching/firing on whoever they are told to. Its hard to imagine what a civil war in america will really look like. The party in power essentially has access to all the information it could ever want about finding people who want to organize against them and... well whats a few drone strikes right? How do ordinary citizens fight back, how do they organize, how do they find and source supplies, all without being immediately found out. And its not just the military. You have federal "law enforcement" that will absolutely fall in line day 1 with whatever they're told.


It sounds like they're holding people hostage. Yeah, the whole country. But also maybe actual people


How come American has zero laws on the books that can be used against these people?!


Decades of eroding our justice system with this exact thing being the end goal


"Legal" system. SCOTUS has been clear this week that there is no justice involved anymore.


It's not that we don't have enough laws on the books, it's that our Justice Dept is headed by an Attorney General who absolutely refuses to do his duty and go after these MAGAt domestic terrorists. Merrick Garland seems to think his only job is to PROTECT rich/powerful MAGAt coup plotters in Congress and all the white supremacist groups and "militias" that threaten our election workers and politicians. Truly Garland is the worst must ineffectual AG in modern American history. Shameful that Biden puts up with it, although Biden seems to still believe in some 70's fantasy of "bipartisanship" and being conciliatory towards these fascist scumbags.


Let’s give them the blood they are so eager for. These McDonald bred MF can’t run 100 yards


This is the face of a fascist. Don't let history repeat itself.


I miss hyperbole.


Believe me so do I. I *wish* I was exaggerating but anyone whose been paying attention knows the writing's been on the wall for a while now


And not only that, a hostile one that aims to do incredible damage. Fuck the Heritage Foundation.


This is a coup with a press corps


They are only insane if they aren’t correct. If Republicans win in November it is Gilead.


Imagine saying out loud that you are actively in revolution against your country’s government and that if you’re not allowed to do it you will become violent. And just like, facing zero consequences.


The insurrection set a precedent for Project 2025




Isn't that exactly what the Mango Mussolini has been doing, with the same results?


OMG I thought Apricot Ayatollah was good!


Or Algolf Von Shitzenpantz


The only ones who could enforce any consequences (the judicial branch) is controlled by fascists so idk how they will ever face any consequences lol


Sadly they're not insane as in "fucking crazy". They are clear headed about what kind of shitheels they are and they have no illusions about it. They are insane as in "sociopathic monsters".


The guy is a righteous Catholic. He could drive drunk, kill a man, and think his decisions were in the name of God and that he should face no consequences.


Just repent and it's all good anyway


I actually hate religion for this reason. Do the most horrific shit to people and then go "sorry, god" and god 'says' "you're good." It's so monumentally stupid it infuriates me that anyone still believes it.


It's good in theory but terrible in reality. The idea of forgiveness for your wrongs is awesome. You made a mistake years ago, you feel awful, apologize and make it right, then move on. No wallowing. The key is feeling remorseful and making it right. You can't kill someone's dog, send them a card, and be fine. That's unfortunately how some people view forgiveness in a religion. They don't have to do anything to make up for their mistakes because their god forgave them.




Anyone else says crap like this on their socials and the Secret Service and/or FBI shows up, why is this guy getting a free pass?




Because they're friends


Honestly hoping the DoJ chooses to investigate Charles Koch and all his thinktanks.


Yes…why AREN’T they doing anything about it? I think you may have answered your own question.


The fucking audacity that they're coming out and saying that they're taking absolute power and daring us to do anything about it makes my blood boil. But if he thinks that we're going to go down without a fight, then he's got another thing coming. If we don't win this on election day, then we'll shed and lose as much blood as needed to protect our democracy.


right? i’m reading that shit going “it sure as fuck won’t be bloodless and your lily white christian nationalist ass better buckle up buttercup” lol


I find his belief that only "the left" will oppose them hilarious. They actually try their whole-hog betrayal of everything this country was founded on, and they'll see just how much in the minority they are...


Let’s hope.. the delusion runs deep


I betcha the reason why he has the confidence to come out and say this is probably because he's one of those people who believes that leftists don't own guns. There's a lot of conservatives who think that way simply because we want sensible gun laws so in their minds that means we're all anti-gun and would never own one. I guarantee that if it comes down to it he'll find out just how wrong he is


It's wild. In their mind, the cities are both an active war zone *and* all the Dems are unarmed. Dems simply don't post selfies jacking off their tools as it is uncouth and frowned upon. There are 393.3 million firearms in the US, plenty for both sides to kill each other.


It's part of the fascist playbook. The enemy is both weak and strong and the people on the right definitely see the people on the left as their enemy. Just look at their propaganda for Biden. They say he's old and senile and doesn't know where he is half the time WHILE AT THE SAME TIME he's a criminal mastermind who rigged the election and runs a crime ring. It makes ZERO sense but they're fully bought into it. These people don't live in reality


As a non-US citizen, if Trump wins, I really hope to see this in full force.


There's no reason to suspect that they're going to wait until election day.


Let's all raise a few rounds to thank them for protecting our 2nd amendment rights all this time!


He would not last a second in actual civil war


War is always the rich getting the poor to fight. They have all their idiots do it for them. They will just watch and comment and instigate.


That isn't completely true anymore. Look at Ukraine. With cheap drones and open source intel, gunning for the leadership is *very* much a thing on the modern battlefield.


How isn’t the FBI and Homeland Security on these fools yet? This is a fucking terrorist threat.


...do you ask where Miley is when Hannah's on stage?




No, Kevin, we will not. And get out there on the front lines instead of invoking terror and letting others handle it. Jackass.


"we won't spill blood unless impeded" Classic right wing, blaming the resulting damage of their own actions on the left.


"See what you made me do" is the first resort of the abuser.


Arrest this fuck for sedition right now.


You can report Kevin D. Roberts for terrorism [here](https://tips.fbi.gov/home). Click the button for terrorism, and in any boxes asking you how you know he's a terrorist or what event to describe, feel free to link any of the numerous articles mentioning his quote about there being a "second American Revolution," one which will be "bloodless if the left allows it to be," like some kind of abuser who blames their victims for the abuse.


It's the rhetoric they learned from Kremlin.


“We’re going to boot stomp all over your rights, and if you object, we’ll boot stomp all over you too if you let us.”


Insane, but also much closer to real power than most people would like to believe. It’s not enough to vote for Biden, vote blue all the way down because we need to cut these people off at the roots they have spent the last 25 years nourishing


The Republican Party is insane.


He's suffering from an acute lack of cranial ventilation.


We need to give him some speed holes, so he can think faster


Republicans = traitors to America Funny how 10 years ago they would HATE the people they have become and especially the man they worship. Bunch of "christians" worshipping a pedophile, lying, stealing, cheating, adulterous, criminal Donald Trump should tell us all we need to know about their "faith"


They are done with code words and phrases they are loud and proud but not like that. They do not care if we know what they are going to do if they win because they believe there is no possibility of losing.


The calibers you want are 556 and 308.


Also I like double ought buckshot. Bit of a kick, but appears to be effective. Against large deer of course. I already got the other 2 you mentioned.


Oh yes close quarters deer hunting always good


Effective, and if you miss, you have 5 more chances. Before I reach in my pocket…


> Before I reach in my pocket… For the sand, right? Just want to be prepared.


.22LR, 9mm, 5.56/.223, .308, and 12GA.


I’d say .223 just because it can be fired from barrels rated for 556 & 223. There’s probably more 7.62 floating around that .308 and I’m not sure on the cross compatibility there. 9mm,45 and 22 are all honorable mentions, most police departments use either the prior 2 and 22 is the most abundant round in the US.


Kevin Roberts should be receiving a visit from the CIA. This is a threat against the US citizenship.


The FBI needs to get into his hard drive, yesterday.


You can report Kevin D. Roberts for terrorism [here](https://tips.fbi.gov/home). Click the button for terrorism, and in any boxes asking you how you know he's a terrorist or what event to describe, feel free to link any of the numerous articles mentioning his quote about there being a "second American Revolution," one which will be "bloodless if the left allows it to be," like some kind of abuser who blames their victims for the abuse.


You can report Kevin D. Roberts for terrorism [here](https://tips.fbi.gov/home). Click the button for terrorism, and in any boxes asking you how you know he's a terrorist or what event to describe, feel free to link any of the numerous articles mentioning his quote about there being a "second American Revolution," one which will be "bloodless if the left allows it to be," like some kind of abuser who blames their victims for the abuse.


Time to shoot a gun for the first time in my life I guess.


He is forgetting all us RINOs out here….. big mistake you treasonous son of a bitch.


As a dirty socialist, I’d be PROUD to resist these treasonous acts with you, friend. 🤝


Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a RINO What about side by side with a friend? Aye. I can do that.


Am good with that


lol all good bro, my wife is actually an immigrant and socialist so we will get along.


Depending on what ends up happening if anyone is in need of advise regarding migration to the Netherlands feel free to send a dm. I cant speak for other countries or people but least I can do is offer a path that isnt insanity. Wishing you well America


If you don't think this will spill over outside of the US you're dreaming. If I was in Europe, I'd be worried about Russia being emboldened further.


It already is. France elected a strongly right wing party this week. My own country Ireland is seeing gains by the right. In our case they are small, but a significant number of people see nothing wrong with electing these goons. Will it be as bad as the US? Time will tell but the US, I feel, is distracting a lot of people as to what is happening in their own counties.


It's spilling out because the political right formed a global alliance to hand out a unified message worldwide. The reason you see such a rise in conservative governments in so many places all at the same time and a with a similar message is because they are all getting the same marching orders from the same people. Now that they have control of most, if not all, major media entities in the world, it's only a matter of time. Meanwhile, we are all too busy fighting the super-important battle against "wokeness" to notice. IDU.org - for the uninformed.


Canadian here, and yeah. We're nervous as hell, seeing the concerted campaign against our current PM, by a skeevy little rat-man who takes his cues from south of our border.


I wish we could abolish all of these think tanks. All they do is come up with more ways to completely destroy this country’s principles


America is under attack


It’s sad right we are going to have to fight back with everything we have got to destroy this tyranny


These fuckwads think only conservatives own guns. 🤣


Not insane, the word you're looking for is treasonous.


And sedition.


If I were to comment how I feel about shit like this, I’d get banned for inciting violence


Make this nazi famous.


Maybe someone with money should look into doing something about this guy. He's such a dick, he's legally required to be censored in Japanese porn.


Are we really going to let them openly threaten us like that? This guy needs to feel unsafe leaving his house.


I’d also settle for unsafe in his house


Seriously though, can we really keep letting these people actually threaten the country publicly? If are government isn't going to take care of it, I honestly think it's time to get the pitch forks and we start at in this guys bedroom one night.




Hopper said it best: “Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life!” Come and Take It, weakling.


“Let us do what we want or we’ll start shooting you.”


Where’s all the BREAKING NEWS stories about this?


It was on msnbc tonight. The poll shows only 12 % know about project 2025.


He’s got the deadest eyes I’ve ever seen.


They could be deader.


Dude fuck this. Arm up fellow Dems, if we're going down the we're fucking going down swinging


I don’t see how this can be construed as anything but “submit or die”. This is movie villain level shit.


Try it, bald.


Won't be bloodless, I guarantee


Ah, so the onus is on the left to not interfere with a fascist takeover, otherwise they’ll be killed - did I read that right?


That’s certainly my interpretation.


The dude can kick rocks. Christo-Fascism has no place in America.


Who wants leaders with that kind of mindset? "Bloodless if the left allows it to be" - Just fuck right off.


Time to use those newly granted powers, Biden! Save America from Project 2025 and Trump


In other words : submit to fascism and there'll be no bloodshed. We are at the "we don't need to hide it any anymore" stage.


Tolerance for fascists just makes you dead 


Remember, it's always morally correct to punch a facist in the face


Bring it on, twats.


Fun fact! The original Molotov cocktails made by the Finnish , were made of gasoline, or ethanol and a little bit of tar! Modern day Molotavs are made of something a little different! Modern ones are usually made of gasoline and oil ( this creates a “sticker” substance then just gas) and an extremely popular version using Styrofoam instead of oil to create a “napalm” like cocktail!


I have never wanted to own a gun in my life but I think it’s about time I purchased one. These people are fucking scary


If it’s blood he wants.


Time to establish a group text named Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo


Make killing fascists socially acceptable again.


And I hate how people just ignore it like it isn’t some actual organized group of people in positions of authority just waiting for the pieces to fall into place.


Excuse me? You drew first blood when you killed police officers at the capitol on January 6/2020 during the attempted coup incited by donald trump, who was calling for the assassination of Vice President Pence. Do forget that maga because America won’t!


How did we end up in a timeline where this Dr. Phil-getup lookin' mfer is a genuine threat to American citizens?


Has a real, "Look what you made me do" vibe.


I worry that Biden is too "nice" to deal with this the way it has to be. I'm not saying start anything, or even that he should tell us (and thereby them) what he is doing to prepare. But I hope to hell he knows which Generals, Marshals, Agents, Secret Service etc. are loyal to the Constitution and can be trusted if the time comes.


But they are only threatening it because they know drumpy can't win, all those fake polls saying he's close but they know the real facts that they have Fark all chance. These are cockroaches 🪳 that scurry away when the shoe comes down.


Editor: It won't be bloodless and this clown better hire security or go into hiding


Remember the second amendment exists for all Americans to be able to fight against tyranny. These fucks want tyranny and are willing to kill to get it. We might have to kill them to prevent it if voting fails. So for the love of god VOTE.


Mike Flynn is his pick for vice president, 🍊 too


Guns and ammo. It’s almost time.


It is ridiculously easy to infiltrate magats, especially if you are white. Think of the worst takes to have on issues. Keep talking baldy.


so here's the thing everyone, right now they would benefit greatly from an act of random disorganized violence. Read about the Reichstag Fire Decree if you're willing to. I'm convinced this panic mongering is bait, for now. Look ahead to the legal structures in place. Because of the electoral count reform act, and because kamala is VP, the strategy the GOP used last time to throw the presidential election to the house would be really hard to pull off. They'd have to sweep both chambers of congress in the general, or do something violent of their own. So what's left - state level election challenges. The one to watch is Georgia, because the GOP has pulled off some really concerning legislative change there. But even with recent legislative changes in Georgia, there is still a remedy in state court if the election board just goes rogue. Don't do anything stupid. Try to influence 3 or 4 people if you can, and show up to vote. Demographics are still trending against conservatives, for all the good that does right this second - but it's also why they're pushing so hard right now. Like, demographics look SO BAD for the GOP for the next 40 years, that if they lose this year, it could begin a slow road to party realignment.


Democrats better be ready to expand the Supreme Court, make PR and DC states, and get rid of the electoral college, because if they don't, there will be a Project 2029, 2033, 2037....


![gif](giphy|VcIfpmBBzNDZ9BjQPx) How to appropriately treat Nazis


Can Biden declare the heritage foundation a terrorist group and have their leadership arrested? I mean it seems to be in the realm of official acts.


So basically terrorists.. Man I gotta break out the gear hope it still fits and blow the dust off my oath to protect against foreign and domestic threats…


I really hope the majority of Americans are waking up to how crazy and dangerous the right have become.


This isn’t about Joe Biden or ‘R vs D’ anymore. It’s about hope for a future, freedoms and better standard of living. It’s about mitigating climate disasters and making the rich pay their fair share. It’s about rebalancing a corrupt Supreme Court. If it doesn’t get done in 2024 there won’t be another chance.


So basically, "bend over n take it bitches". That's what I read. Am I wrong?


It's like in action movies after all the henchmen have been defeated, and the real bad guy shows up to reveal his evil plans and how far they go. The Heritage Foundation is fucking evil, and they must be stopped at all costs. They're the real bad guys in all of this.


Apparently he believes that only extreme right-wingers have guns.


And what are we going to do about it? My soul is ready and my body is willing to fight for the freedoms and ideals this country insists it was founded upon.. How about you?


Bring it, baldy


This is a reason that I will be arming my family in the very near future. I don’t want to use them, but if a fascist wants to threaten my family, my country, and I, they will meet resistance.


And when all of his rhetoric invokes actual violence and it doesn’t go the way he thinks, may he be the first lined against the fucking wall.


Come knocking at my door and see what happens.


This guy is in the same circle of influence as my family is. They absolutely want to ban any sort of contraceptives, a nationwide abortion ban, just to name a few.