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So the black woman is a 10 in racism.


Her bull ring already says it all!


she culture apropiating bulls


I always call it a bovine piercing. 😁


You said what everyone was thinking.




Insufferable 🙄


Just a completely dump take lmao


the rule is that you cant choose the same number. the fat whyte bitch already said 10.


So people don’t exactly have the same definition of racism… I took a government class a year ago and in one lecture the professor asked the class who had the ability to be racist. Since most people define racism as bias against race, everyone that answered did so with “anyone”. Professor goes on to explain racism is bias towards race by the race that has the most power. So by this definition, in America, where majority race is Caucasian, only white people can be racist. To be clear, this isn’t my belief, this is just what the professor was saying. I think this raises an interesting discussion of the importance of definitions vs what people mean with their words (also relevant in reference to the common political disagreement of what gender means), but overall I think it’s kinda strange that despite most people not meaning this when they say or use the word ‘racism’, this is the definition that was taught.


Your professor is confusing systemic racism with actual racism.


it's intentional.


Oh for sure. It’s a “we want to say racist shit about white people for a while and suffer no consequences” card. That’s it. It’s nothing more than a manufactured way for minorities to be racist with impunity.


That's the thing that really gets me. If we want to have a conversation about systemic oppressions and racism on a large scale, fine, let's do it. But why co-opt the word racism which has historically been used to describe anyone judging somebody by their race? For instance, you can say 'black people can't be racist to white people', but that doesn't make it okay. However, people seem to think 'since there is no negative word to describe my negative sentiments toward white people because of this new loophole, that means it's okay for me to be shitty to white people because they are white'.


Exactly this!!!! When I try to tell other brothas and sistas this, I'm just cooning. The fuck!? "It's literally the definition, bro. Systemic. System. How does this not tick your root word box?"


Shitty professor


So your professor told you the real definition and then went on to explain how one race had a different set of rules? That’s literally racism lol


Your professor is an issue and when people claim institutionalized education is indoctrinating people, this what they are referring to. Your professor is wrong. Anyone cam be racists, its simply judging someone off their skin color. There is only 1 definition, and anyone saying anything different is false, period, end of discussion.


Tell that to the Asian Americans who are being overwhelmingly victimized by African Americans.


It's crazy how much vitriol by black people you'll see on social media when any type of raising awareness of Asian hate is brought up.


I was in a psychology class at 17 years old, when a fellow classmate came with a comeback to this exact argument . He basically said "if your definition is true, I could hypothetically go to China with a group of five friends, all of whom hate Chinese people. We could pick a lone target, verbally, psychological and physically assault him simply because he's Chinese. However, what we've done, wouldn't be an act of racism according to your theory, because Caucasians aren't the majority in China?" (obviously you can replace China with anywhere. It was just the example he gave.) Anyway, my professor ummed and ahhed over it, and eventually conceded that it was racism, thus negating his own definition.


Sorry, but your professor is an idiot. The only criteria that determines racism is the belief that another race is inferior based solely on their race. "Political/economic power" is nothing more than a modern liberal SJW addition to attempt to lend some form of validity to the current trend towards "white bashing" and to pander to minorities.


There shouldn't be more than one definition for it. People like this professor want to absolve themselves of the guilt of having racist thoughts because of their skin color which is racist. I get that it's not your stance. It's troubling to think this is being taught anywhere..


Agreed. That entire class was not at all what I expected it to be. Thought it was gonna be a class that covered how our government works, but honestly it was mostly about leftist politics. I’ve always thought the right’s claim that people were being indoctrinated in schools was a bit ridiculous. But in that class, it wasn’t.


It’s funny you see the news about the left agenda getting pushed in college, and nobody really believes it, until you find yourself in a class that shouldn’t have anything to do with political subjects, yet it’s in all lectures.


The professor was also not suitable to be teaching the material. To illustrate this, I’ll tell you about a day of class I remember quite well. I don’t remember exactly what the conversation was, but it became religious in subject. A student who I believe said he was a preacher mentioned something relating to his church that was relevant to the discussion, and the professor said “yeah, historically my people (he was black) haven’t been very welcome to those kinds of places”, which is an odd remark to me. The student (who I will refer to as student A) took this as a bit of a bash against his religion, and after another student made a comment in support of the professor. Student A, evidently (disproportionately) aggravated, then said “yeah I used to be like you people”. The professor then decides he’s going to make that comment seem like student A meant black people by “you people”. He interrupts him, tells him he didn’t like that comment, student A tries to explain that that’s not what he meant, and the professor mutes him. Student A then starts making passive aggressive comments in the chat, the professor starts laughing going “oh man, this guy” and further provoking him until either student A left or the professor kicked him from the session. Not that student A was blameless, but the professor intentionally provoked him and was overall super immature about the whole thing. Student A never attended the class again after that.


Lmao, of course the professor who had that opinion on racism was black. Professor just used his class to push an agenda


Yah it’s wild how our school system just glaze over the fact that almost every president commits felony and terroristic level deeds of destruction once they’re in office.


I agree as well. There’s also a significant difference in institutional racism, individual racism, ignorance, and bias. But for some reason they’re always lumped into the same thing.


I mean, if you look at Merrium-Webster, most words have 3-7 definitions. Hell, some *concepts* even have multiple words. But still, this is important shit, and we *REALLY* ought to strive for clarity.


Words are defined by how we use them. Although it’s kind of a bullshit sleight of hand to be like “aha! I can’t be racist definitionally!”


Yeah, and the professor was wrong lol look at that, kids, school can be wrong 👍🏻


That professor should site the take, the official definition in the Oxford dictionary, or any definition anywhere that I can see, does not even hint at what they said


They changed the definition to allow for the sort of backwards thinking that the girl in this post is emulating.


But each situation can change the “power balance” then. Anytime I (a white person) is in a room with more PoC than me, they would have more power in that situation. Does that mean I can start spouting off racist comments because in that particular situation “I can’t be racist?”. Seems like the stupidest definition of a word ive ever heard.


Lol what by this logic, if I‘m racist and go to a country where the “race“ I hate has the most power, I‘m no longer racist?


😂 I could see this being a comedy sketch. Just a bunch Chads going to Chad yelling their favorite slurs. Good point though. They would have to back pedal into outer space and claim the whole planet is racist in one direction. A space Racism if you will.


I took a history course at a Canadian university about 20 years ago and the professor told us the same thing. It was a little bonkers hearing that First Nations people and Asian people are incapable of racism in Canada according to their definition


Your professor is an idiot.


I thought racism meant you were just prejudiced and bigoted toward someone because of their race?


Annnnnnd you would be absolutely correct.


That is what 99% of people mean when they say it


That tells me that there is always going to be hate cemented in the people who aren't holding power, for the people who are.


Professor was wrong


that logic has been enormously helpful in spreading and normalizing antisemitism this past year


That’s such a problem and it’s done so intentionally.


Next time ask your “professor” where they are getting their definition of racism. Because there is one universally recognized definition, which can be found in Marian-Websters dictionary. And not a single sentence has anything to do with “the race that has the most power.” Your professor is one of the worst examples of a “teacher” pushing their politics on students. So disgusting. If he wants blab about a different phrase/word that means that you can’t be “racist” if you are not the majority race, then he can call it something else. But he doesn’t get to redefine the definition of racism


That professor was full of shit. That’s not the definition of the word that’s a definition of a twisted way of thinking


Yeah, your professor is wrong. I mean, I’m not the smartest person in the world, but even I understand that. He’s just wrong, completely wrong.


This is a shoe horned definition that only relatively recently gained traction. It’s literally just a way to be able to be as literally racist to white people as you want with no consequences.


It’s a little dangerous to have a professor that doesn’t know the definitions of words they’re using


fuck that. name and shame.


It’s hilarious how triggered the responses to this are. These same people whining about different definitions of racism are the same ones that will demand that they be seen as the Real Victims (tm) while bitching about anyone else being seen as victims, including their own victims.


The professor was a Marxist. This fetish about every every two groups in contact representing a power struggle with one oppressor and one oppressed is 100% Marxist. It's a pretty dangerous ideology.


So when Obama was president did that mean white people didn’t have the power to be racist vs other races ?


This was never the definition until 4 years ago. A woman wrote Webster’s and complained and they [changed it](https://www.voanews.com/a/student-union_why-merriam-webster-changed-definition-racism/6191215.html). Definition #3 was the only one prior to the change


Because race and whiteness are the racism in the first place. A group of people called themselves white and anyone else some form of not white in order to excuse or justify their white supremacy and racism. Whiteness doesn't exist except to use as white supremacy to do a racism. "White people" aren't historical. They're entirely fabricated. They only exist in our minds as a social construct, as a tool of subjugation. What ethnicities get to be white people is ambiguous and change's over time. There is only one human race.


Yeah I’ve often heard it defined as the difference between “racist” and “prejudiced.”


She also talks like she is singing a song to school aged children.


How racist can you be when you think an entire race of people have a difference versus another race?... Ohhhh


She is also a retard.


Just need to reframe the question. How prejudiced are you? There's no power dynamic tied to prejudice. People want to go at it about using the term racism/racist when you just need to avoid it and get to the point.


Did that lady just "um acktually" racism? The dictionary definition is "prejudice based on skin colour", there are ZERO caveats about power structures.


She paid $69,000 to her gender studies university to learn those caveats


this guy gets it


And she can't even make a decent latte.


"I'll have a coffee, black" "That'll be $3.79", white"


And then she blames institutional racism for the fact that she can't get a decent paying job...


And a lifetime of victim hood.


I have a white friend who has parroted that talking point and thinks black people cannot be racist by definition. It's a silly talking point that breaks down when you meet an actual racist person of color. Yes, racism primarily hurts minority groups, so racism is much more of an issue for people of color than it is for white people, but racism against white people absolutely exists.


If you look around the world too. Usually white and black people overall are the least racist ethnicities too, I'm not saying they aren't racist. A lot of Asian ethnicities are usually topping the racism charts.


Hell, the more you look around the world, the more you realize that every group has a specific group they are racist towards. It doesn't even have to be white/ non white. I know a lot of Puerto Ricans that will talk mad shit about Mexicans. People be wild, no matter where they come from.


There is a difference between systematic racism and personal racism. Everyone can be personally racist.


I mean I think even her statement “black people do not have the capacity to be racist due to lack of power in America” I would consider that statement to be racist in an of itself. It’s a prejudice based on skin color. I have faith in the black community that they can be just as racist as the rest of us


Your tax dollars paid off her college debt, the college that trained her to do that.




Pete Davidson?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My Asian friends would argue that some of their family members top the list




I’m from California where my circle of friends are from every part of this world with mixed beautiful children. I’m non white, married to a white person. I have to say the most racist is Korean friends’ black wife always singling my wife out giving her long speeches about what white people have done to black people. I wish she’d confront a real racist instead.


Throw a frag grenade into that relationship and Introduce her to the [long history](https://youtu.be/KMPAAuG2pH8?si=VnH1Vs3VPGDLnbvf) of Korean racism, slavery, and oppression.


Lol 😂, I may have mentioned it…. But of coarse, it’s not the same.


Get him a nicely framed print of the famous Rooftop Koreans picture. Good conversation piece for the racial dynamics of such relationships.


She's right on a macroscale of culture norms and applications of rule and law. That being said that, I'm biracial and of all the women I've dated, black women have been the most racially focused and brought up both my white and black side CONSTANTLY. It's a huge turn off for me.


Black is 100% racist.


*Literally had a legitimately elected black president for 2 terms* Her: we don't have the power.


It’s that black privilege.


Yeah but that President was voted in by a majority white peoples so it still doesn’t count /s




You have exactly 11 upvotes so I won’t ruin that




Downvoted you to get you back to 11, sir. Just doing my part! *swings away*


As did I 🫡


You still have 11 upvotes and it’s been a day, im curious to see how long this lasts


It's bumped up and down a little, but people keep getting it back


I'm saving that message and also gonna save by upvote or downvote to keep the status quo


Downvoted it to make it 11 again after it’s been posted for 11 hours 🫡




Me too


Gotta give you props for being upfront about it


Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions about the racism community


Eleven, exactly. It’s one racister.


upvoted to get it back on track. Eleven army represent






Black people are actually the most racist I’ve ever met 😅


“What?!?’ How can I be racist to ANYONE? I’m black!” Ok great but black people get off on being “shitty people to non-blacks for no other reason than race” but heaven forbid anyone call THEM racist when they act RACIST towards other minorities too. “But I’m not an ‘oppressor’ so don’t call me racist when I tell that girl she got chinky eyes.”


my fav racism is how much real africans hate AAs


She a mega racist.


Everyone is racist. It's how far so you want to take it.


it's not like it's against the law or something. that being said, anyone with a nose ring is a piece of shit anti-farmist. the whole point of nose rings is for cattle to plow the fields.


She's the type of person that does a live reveal of her 23 and me then gets pissed when she finds out she got a good bit of white ancestory.


I feel like the white 10 was cut off before making some other point, not that she was saying she is 10 racist.


The black lady was conducting a symphony of BS with her hands as she was talking. She thinks the same rules don't apply because she's black. Obviously anyone can be racist regardless of situation. I hate racists.


I am 0, because I hate everyone equally


I was a 2 before the video. Now I'm a 4


Black chick needs to stfu lol


Black people definitely racist but people on here trying to say they are the most racist is laughable.


I think they recently changed the definition of racism so that isn’t the case anymore




I’m prob a 3.


She looks like one of those extremely pale queens from the renaissance era so I understand her rating


Bias, Prejudice, racism, institutional racism, cultural racism all exist and are different things with different names for a reason. Black people CAN be racist in the US. But we weld no institutional racist powers.


It only took two seconds for the black lady to reveal how insufferable she is.


Saying "I'm between a 3 or 4 in racism" is just the pathetic version of saying "I'm not racist, but I'm white and am too much of a bitch to stand up for myself" Like dude, if you're not racist that's a good thing. White people supposedly being more powerful doesn't make you racist Anyone who thinks they are partly racist (or not) due to their skin color is a little bitch and I have no respect for them


Ok well. What if a white person didn’t want their kid to date a black person? RASIM right? What if a black person didn’t want their kid dating a white person? Raci…..


So white people can scream the N-word and murder black people just because they hate black people and it's not racist because they were standing in the Congo at the time. Anyone who thinks the ability to be racist is geographically based, is mentally retarded and likely very racist.


Even though my phone was on mute I could still sense the tone in her voice


I'm a 1 I have hate for everyone and I do not discriminate based on something as trivial as color. Assholes come in every color


The way around this arguement over the definition is to start fighting "bigotry". Racism is just a form of bigotry, and bigotry is the basic problem we all fight. Let people say they cannot be a racist for whatever reason.. the real question is "are you a bigot?"


People who think Black people cant be racist are almost always the most racist person in the room. It is SO simple to do research and understand the basic differences between *racism* and *systemic/structural racism* but they are literally too dumb to use Google, let alone read scholarly articles.


I'm black from a predominantly black major city and black ppl reacted asf, and black person use her excuse is racist asf


I get less racist all the time. For the first time this weekend, I saw a person of color on the screen, and didn't have an intrusive thought. It was pretty sweet. I'm in my late 40's so it's not cool that it took this long. but it was pretty pleasant to just see a person, and not have some sort of "that person's black, oh no I noticed their skin color before seeing a person, I'm still that guy, great. Let's spiral over that for a while now, instead of paying attention to the plot" reaction.


The black chick is retarded


sick of all these race fights. let people be themselves. I thought that was the motto to the free-doom?


How can someone be so fucking dense to believe the shit that came outta #2s mouth






Wow. So arrogant. She's wrong, she definitely can be racist. She is confusing Systematic Racism with Interpersonal Racism. Her assertion that "only white people can be racist IS RACIST by the very definition of racism which is "believing in the inherent superiority of white people." [https://fitchburgstate.libguides.com/c.php?g=1046516&p=7602969](https://fitchburgstate.libguides.com/c.php?g=1046516&p=7602969)


lady… stfu. racism doesn’t exist only if society has a structure to support it. racism, more commonly and unfortunately, exists and even thrives at the smallest and most personal levels, alongside the larger and more dangerous variant that this woman is referencing: racism survives and, as mentioned, thrives in the individual, regardless of whatever federal support for it is, or is not, in place. that said, federally supported and even funded racism? yea, that’s that top tier level of harmful.


Dude people of color are way more racist than anyone I've ever witnessed


Acktually that’s called oppression sweetie


Black people are the most racist people in America just take a look at what’s been going on the last few years


It took democrats 3 years to destroy 100 years of progress


It all that’s about to change this November


Good thing black women looks like lesbian means she ain’t gonna bring no kids in this world


Guaranteed lady #2 has a degree in de facto racism.


I am 100% racist when it comes to anything that is not human. While we are at it we can also burn the heretic, kill the mutant, and purge the unclean.


The black lady is completely full of shit.


“Akkktually I can’t beeee racist. Soooo”


Way too much from #2. As if she was trying to compensate or something.


Black woman is definitely the lowest fucking IQ in that video 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


AKA: I can be as racist as I want and it’s not racist.


Crazy how people define racism these days...I'm the only white dude on my wife's side of the family, Brooklyn folks that never left. I never experienced a single word of racism from them ever in almost 10 years beside the normal back and forth choppin it up type of shit. Then her big ass cousin (who I'd met a bunch of times) pushed this old Asian lady onto the train tracks one night and straight up told the cops it was because she brought covid over...dudes doin 20 now and I yet I can still walk around Redhook with no problems...wtf is even going on anymore?


Lmao I actually heard that in my Africology class. It's weird that because you don't have social power or under privileged you cannot be racist? What a joke. So you cannot be racist against Native Americans or what?


Structural power ?


Luckily, I pretty much don't like anyone


Rage bait for days.


She is just as racist as I am a perfect 10


White lady only took about 1 solid Mississippi to respond.


Why do you need structural power to have a personal opinion?


They should get that guy in black face off the supreme court. So racist.


I remember one time as a kid I walked through a black neighborhood, a black kid threw a basketball at my head really hard a said take that Larry bird. Felt like he was being kinda racist


🤓☝️ “actually black people do not have the-“ shut the fuck up


to see my new menus txt me💛🧸304//8442586


Omg, actually - voice of irritating nerd. Nobody gets a pass, nice try racist woman.


She is referring to “Systemic Racism” which is not the question. Black people can absolutely be racist. Anybody can be racist. Except for Captain Planet……he is just [Anti-Human.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TwJaELXadKo) ….but Pro-Tree!


The second girl makes me want to kiss the pavement from 1000 feet up


Damn, the second one has been brainwashed into being racist. Sad, really.


Racism (noun): prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.


And they wonder what the problem is. Wow


The definition of racism was changed maybe about 10-15 years ago to what that black woman said. That is a new definition and in error. Sadly, that lie has been told loud enough and long enough that she believes that lie and that black people cannot be racist. That explanation will not float on judgement day if there is hatred in anyone’s heart for another due to skin color regardless of the skin color of the perpetrator. Let’s all repent and change our hearts if there are any ill feelings toward any other human due to race. I hope one day people will just see people and not color.


Depends on the race😏


Making up new definitions as we go.


I ain’t no racist buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I am hella prejudice tho 🤷🏽‍♂️😂💯


Yes they do. I consider racism with stats. Black people are a small part of American society. They cause more violent crime by percentage then any other race. How many liberals will admit to walk in another direction when they see black teens? Be honest.


I wants link to full video ….


My heart is an 8 , my brain is a 1


"black people can't be racist" is an incredibly racist, ignorant, and short-sighting thing to say.


Everyone’s a little bit racist.


Mexicans don’t have any structural power and were racist as fuck.


Anyone can be racist. The idea that one racial group cannot be racist is the most racist statement in all of racism.


That depends. Sunny day at the park… probably 0-1. How dare you be racist at all. F-ing bigot. On the other hand… It’s an hour past last call on a desolate street. Gonna go with a solid 8-10. Don’t care what you are, you are the worse version of that human and will remain the way until day break. Fucking vampire /gargoyle rules mate.


Lmao anyone making excuses for why they “can’t” be racism instead of why they “aren’t” racist, is in my books, a racist. They’re point blank saying “I can do something racist but because of the color of my skin, it can’t be considered racist.” Such dumb racist ideology


Even though this definition of racism is valid, people's perception on how it's used anyway won't be replaced by the systemic definition that this women presents. It's like Latinx, well intentioned but, nah we ain't getting down with it.


All ethnicities of people have the *structural capabilities* to be racist. You’re not special.


That black woman is a 11 in the scale.


If you remove the black lady then this would be pretty funny


Do black folk actually think this shit or is it just a loud minority


Any sentence that starts with the words “actually black people…” is a racist sentence.


The amount of people in the black community that is getting away with open racism is fucking crazy


W comments.