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I worked there 20 years ago, I got paid 7.50 an hour. Never saw a cent of the crazy jar of tips we would get. Its 3am on 4th of July and the whole damn place erupts in a giant bar fight. After we clear out the fight there is a massive puddle of blood on the floor and the Manger was like "alright time to clean it up." I was like "fuck that!" walked the fuck out and quit. No way for 7.50 an hour was I going to clean a giant pool of blood at 3am. Never went back for the check. The manager guy never even knew my name he just wrote it on the schedule as Leo because I looked like a Leo, lol. Let's not talk about the secret trap door behind the counter and the hellscape that's below it. I got a lot of fun stories tho from that year. We would constantly smoke weed in the walk in and pig out on buckets of bacon! Edited: I forgot about the cable TV descrambler side hustle they had going on out the back and the Roma mafia type dudes that would come in from ny to inspect the joint smoking cigarettes down to the butt while the ashes fell in the food. id still eat the pizza tho.


That's an amazing story đź‘Ź


Oh i have a better one, craziest of them all. For years after working there I would stop in and shoot the shit with the current employees and we built a solid repour. It's 2:30am on a Friday night, my buddy and I are leaving the bar after a long night. I tell him I want to grab some slices before heading home. He's like don't do it shit is ruff tonight. I was like "naw I got a system to beat the line". I would go in and ask the homies for my slices "medium rare" which means no oven just plate it and roll out. So I grab my slices and get ready to pay. Behind me are 3 of the finest girls I'd seen all night, one hotter than another, the most attractive one is wearing a solid white dress. In front were three marines and to be expected the marines were harassing's the girls. The girls assume I'm with the marines so next thing I know I feel a fucking kick to my back. I'm thinking " just ignore it, get the slices and get the fuck out of dodge." Well next thing I know I feel another kick even harder than the first. Again I just ignore, well that's when a 3rd super hard kick gets landed. At that point, I turn around to the girls and say "don't kick me again, I'm not with these guys!" Well that's the time the hottest girl in white says "fuck you faggot" and knocks the pizza out my hands onto the floor. The whole places stops and stares and starts laughing and mocking me saying "faggot" stuff. So I bent over grab the slices of the floor, then some major rage just came over me and I bitch slapped the girl in the white dress with the slices of pizza! She was mortified and covered in pizza sauce and pepperonis. She then starts scream more "fuck you faggot" noise. Next thing I know the marines that started the whole damn thing start punching me! Then the whole place starts trying to punch me to get in on the violence so I covered my head boxing style while making a dive move for the front door. Soon as I make it out I start screaming for the police and luckily they were right outside. She was still going berserk trying to attack me too all me covered in pizza sauce screaming obscenities' and telling me I'm going to prison! Well I just sat down and was calm as can be as the police questioned us about what had transpired. The police are telling me I battered the girl so I told them from experience working at I Love NY there was a camera directly on both her and I. Truth be told I was def thinking "yep I'm going to prison, but it was worth it". The guys at the pizza place I knew were taking her side and asking me why I did it and I simply replied, you guys owe me two slices, look at the camera footage. She's still screaming "fuck you faggot you're going to jail", but I stayed calm and kept repeating check the cameras to the police. Well the police could tell she was plastered drunk and out of her mind, but I was cool a cucumber so the police asked if I wanted to leave. I said "hell yes" and jump on a rickshaw and rode away with my buddy who had been waiting outside, but not before saying "bye princess, hope you enjoyed the slices!" He said "I told you not to go in there" and we had a good chuckle with the rickshaw driver otw home. The next day I returned to I love NY and told the guys I knew that were defending her "you got those slices you owe me?" and they tossed me a whole pie on the house! What a ride!


Sir this is a Wendy’s


I just want to know what's in the trap door


a ladder into the pits of the roach and rat hell. We would throw pepperonis down there to watch them scuttle. I hate to break it to anyone not in the downtown loop, but most basements Dt are like this...




Damn that’s a good story.


Hate I missed that! They didn’t have those rickshaws long and they’ve never been back!


Really, I thought I saw one at live oak Pavillion a few years back? My buddy knew the a couple of the drivers and we would get them to take long routes and smoke them out for ride discounts. Good times for sure...


I saw a chick absolutely hauling ass in what I'm assuming was an electric pedal assist one downtown a month or two back. And if it wasn't electric, more power to her--she was flying. 


Crazy how quick people take a females side. Especially when she is hot. I’ve had some negative encounters where I was just minding my business, much like you were in this story. And then next thing I know, potentially in serious trouble. Glad you got your pizza.


I went to college at UNCW and this picture gave me feels.


Greasy, stale, yet somehow delicious feels?


The pizza is good, but the memories are great. The ones you can remember, anyway. I'm old now but what I wouldn't give to go back to my 20s with all the old gang and end the night there.


Rio Rancho!!!!!!


This is the way.


I had a slice of pizza here on 9/11/2001. It was silent and somber and we all just stared at the TV in shock.


Is this why everyone from New York keeps moving here?


One of the few places I miss in the week since I've left Wilmington


it's that good?


It's perfect at 2:30am when you've purged the last three shots of fireball you did on the way out of Blue Post and have to wait an hour for an Uber.


Blue post, it’s like a regular bar, but worse.


Most accurate thing I’ve read all year.


No, it’s drunk pizza good


Brooklyn is better, imo


Every time I get brooklyns it’s super greasy. That is so people things but it is meh for me.


I need to try them too. I used to work at Wheelz and I thought that was the best.


Wheelz is really good too! Do they use a sour dough or something? The crust tastes a little different to me than typical NY style crusts do.


They do


Yeah Wheelz is Sourdough


Brooklyn’s is about number 1. Mama’s Italian bistro was 1 prior to the owners husband dying then subsequently shutting down about 6 months after the fact. Very unfortunate, those garlic knots were otherworldly and no one else could compete with her on those. Brooklyn pizzeria in Goldsboro is 100x better than the brooklyns here in Wilmington. They’re not connected, just same name. I love NY pizza is better than Michelangelo’s though..,idk how everyone raves about it. Has to the most bland pizza I’ve ever consumed. I’m not sure if it’s the sauce or the cheese having lack of flavor. To each their own 🤷‍♂️


Is it downtown and open late night?


Slices are better than their pies, but their slices are A+


nothing's better than a drunk slice at I love NY. People watching is fantastic when you're in line too. I don't really go downtown during the summer. More of a Vito's guy during the summer months.


God, I miss this. Watched my hammered homie eat a slice that fell face-down right in front of the door, at 2ish am, on a Friday. God only knows what else he consumed that night.


Pizza is ass horrible name nothing like ny


Hoobies. Ride or die.


Used to go here every day for lunch break in my med class


This place is the best


One of the best pizza slices outside of NYC


Speaking of good pizza, does anyone know the story with Frank’s on the boardwalk? I used to go there every year with my family on vacation between 2005-2015. I had been maybe once since I moved down full time in 2017 but that was years ago. Last I saw, they were opening a second location in Leland but now they’ve disappeared


It’s called Fentoni’s now, I think one of the employees bought it.


The OG Pizza Chef there works at the spot in Carolina Beach if you want the old school I ❤️ NY


Where are they in Carolina Beach?


There’s a restaurant named, “The Spot” at Carolina Beach. I think that’s what he’s referring to.


Where are they in Carolina Beach?


On the boardwalk next to Britts donuts


what's his name? Rich or Frank?


We went in 2019 when you could go in and it was amazing. Went there a few weeks ago and it wasn’t as good as it was back then. The pandemic ruined that experience I guess.


Every time I go some one throws up in the trash can.


I loved the inside vibe. Will they ever open their seating area back up?


I miss going here


I remember when they first opened, and pretty much everyone that worked there lived at St Andrew’s Place apartments. I was couch surfing with some friends that lived next door, and just about every night they’d roll in at 4 or 5am with a box full of slices, and at that point we didn’t care if it was hours old, since we were still up drinking, and we would eat like kings, or at least what we thought kings must eat like at 5am when you’re barely keeping up with your tuition at UNCW. God, it’s a miracle I survived those years. Then when I worked downtown I went there almost every day for two slices for lunch, back before they regularly had buffalo chicken and they’d just throw some chicken and buffalo sauce on a slice of white for me. And now I avoid downtown as much as possible.


I think Bar Stool would give it a 7.5ish. Personally, I prefer their NY Stromboli to their pizza, but appreciate them either way.


What do you think Dave would give Wheelz?


I’ve had great times there - pizza is pretty decent


Bless your heart


It’ll do when you’re drunk downtown, but has nothing on Fentoni’s at Carolina Beach.