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The condition for Furin to lose is if everyone is down. Fighting to death has never been established in this universe. Despite how villainous the villains have been portrayed, murder has never been brought up, so I don't think the story will go in that direction. That said, I don't know if Ume would win. Takiishi has been established as the strongest, so it would be rather lame if he were to lose in his first fight. Then again, I don't know how the story will progress if Ume loses. I doubt Sakura is strong enough to take both Endo and Takiishi, and I don't think other characters could do it either. Maybe it would be a double KO? Or maybe something unconventional happens so Furin can still survive even if Ume loses? WB sometimes ends its arcs in unexpected way, like with Roppo Ichiza where everything was resolved in peace.


Honestly although you're right, i feel like there's a chance that takiishi will do something crazy and either kill or cripple someone. This would really show how much of a monster he is.


I feel like it always ended at a stalemate between Umemiya and Taiishi - I feel like it'll be a stalemate again. Although for some reason, I feel like someone is going to fall off the roof - keep thinking about Umemiya's past arc, and how he almost jumped off a roof. True about arcs ending in an unexpected way - maybe Sakura leaves, or maybe even Umemiya leaves? Seems like Takiishi is fixated on him somewhat.




Part of me feels like he will eventually die but that’s only because I might have trauma with anime. It’s just he’s kinda the “savior” of the anime/manga. He’s loved by so many people and he’s kind and keeps people together which is similar to a lot of characters in anime and they end up dying. I hope he doesn’t tho


So another white haired OP character gets killed by another OP villain… Also voiced by the same person


I’m dead 😂


Takishi destroys Umemiya and then leaves the school campus with Endo and calls off the attack on the town. Endo stated their intention was never to attack the townsfolk but to harm Umemiya. Sakura also loses against Endo but both of them eventually make their way up to the rooftop where they find the defeated Umemiya and triumphant Takishi. The series continues with several different arcs following this, each one focusing on a different character in class 1-1 (the order would be Tsugeura, Kiryu, Sugishita, Nirei, Suo). The four heavenly kings and Umemiya all graduate and go on to work/university. In the final arc Kaji Ren fights Takishi and eventually wins, while Sakura gets his revenge against Endo. The reverse might be true actually, where Sakura becomes strong enough to surpass Furin’s former #1 as well as the man who beat him. Kaji Ren takes on Endo instead since the both of them might be weaker than Sakura and Takishi during the final arc.


I don’t think Ume is going to win this one… but I don’t think he’s gonna die either because this manga feels too wholesome to have a major character die lol. But I can imagine Ume getting beat to the point of hospitalization which would put him out of action for awhile


The panel you showed is referring to Sakura having a similar aura as those three. Potential wise Sakura is either equal or greater than Ume, Takishii and Endo. However, Umemiya has never won against Takishii before and I don't think it's going to change now. I'm intrigued how the fight between Sakura and Endo is going to conclude, although being totally honest I don't think Sakura is going to win this one.


It might end up a tie again, or it will be umemiya's loss, since umemiya has never lost or beat takiishi, it might be the most likely outcome for him to be cornered, this is because takiishi is crowned the strongest in the history of furin, its kinda looking like how gojo vs sukuna went down and kejaku(Endo in this case) had to be the catalyst since even umemiya is not sure if he can beat him.


Nah, he’d win




He survives but loses heavy


Is this picture from ch 142? If so, where can I read it? The website I use hasn't uploaded ch 142 even tho it's already Saturday, usually new chapters get uploaded by Wednesday itself 🥲


My thoughts on what is going to happen is this: Sakura and Endo stop fighting soon and both go up to the roof, there we see both takiishi and ume fighting with what looks like ume losing. Ume proceeds to get the upper hand and somehow breaks takiishis arm and in response umes leg gets snapped. Seeing this endo and Sakura run to their responding side and the rest of the fight is called off thus ending this arc. Ume is hospitalized for a but and while he is out of the hospital for the next big arc he’s still out of action.






Sakura will came in clutch so it doesn’t really matter


I think they’ll fight to a draw or Sakura will help out and stop him.