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This is a ridiculous take


Airports might be the single most difficult place to run a business, especially a restaurant, so I don’t think that’s the best measurement on a regions quality. That being said, I’ve certainly had all my best wings in the northeast region of the US


Buffalo sauce is packaged so I wouldn’t say it’s a reflection on the overall quality. The second thing you said is my main point


Places in Buffalo make their own sauce or they don’t last.


You're not just crazy for this take, you're even crazier for basing it off an airport restaurant of all places. Even my experience at the BUF airport Anchor Bar was drastically different from the Anchor Bar off Main, even the one in DFW was more authentic than the airport one (we only ate at the airport one because we ended up with some time to kill and there's basically no other options there, and I wasn't paying). The best wings I've ever had were in Houston (RIP Houston Wings N Mores), though they couldn't consistently deliver them at that level. You might be able to say proximity to Buffalo matters for blue cheese though, because while finding good wings isn't hard, good blue cheese is much more rare.


The anchor bar in the airport here is completely different, it’s run by Delaware North and not the restaurant itself. Only thing that’s similar is the menu and name, it’s basically a different restaurant quality wise




There are plenty of great wings in Denver. King of Wings comes to mind. Airport food struggles.


Woodys wings and things, trust me denverites


Been meaning to try this when I’m out that way, the menu options look fantastic


It's a very strange shop. They definitely have a white and non white menu, and mostly cater to very authentic East Asian meals. But, the wings are absolutely perfect. Also for what it's worth I found out about covid and it's severity several months early from the guy who runs it


Fire on the Mountain




Be civil!


My experience is that the farther East you go, the more people enjoy just giant buckets of small ass wings. Which I get. I was watching the Superbowl with like 5 friends, and someone said, "So-and-so is picking up 200 wings." I'm thinking, "Fuuuuuuuuck"... But each one was 1-3 nibbles... We did have something to munch on for the whole game though. I live in the Western US, and my favorite kind of wings are where they're so fucking Teenaged Mutant Ninja huge that 5-6 is a full sized meal. Sauce is totally subjective.


Too wet for my tastes. They lose all their crispness drenched in sauce like that. .