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I walk into Blady with a Star of David necklace and tzitzit weekly. If they hate Jews, they hide it well. Amazing hummus.


But wait what about the narrative that some rando is saying on insta???


This must be considered with all the scrutiny I give to the rogue Alphagetti I discovered in my latest plate Spaghetti-Os.


Blady would really have to fuck up for me to stop going there. It's one of the best stores in Winnipeg.


The babaganoush is where it’s at


I do not like their babaganoush, it’s like weirdly salty.


Well I guess I’m just a salty bitch cause I can’t get enough of it XD


Local,Red-Flag-Potemkin is a salt hating person


Haha I just need more balance.


Ha ha, just jokes


What’s that phrase again, any kind of publicity is good publicity. Need to go there for their hummus now. Thanks fellow redditor


Get the red beet hummus, some labneh and some za’atar. Maybe a malt drink or Lebanese coffee.


Apparently it took some post about a schizoid posting about a potential jew hating business for me to find a new beet hummus to try, do they have a roasted red pepper hummus?


I’d also like to know


They have walnut hummus. It’s so good!


It's kinda like a Streisand effect. I've never heard of Blady before, but I'll be visiting soon.


Thank you for clearing this up with the top comment. Seems like I just got a list of businesses I will try to support.


Can also vouch, the hummus is amazing!


>because they have called for a ceasefire How did we get to the point where saying "stop killing each other" is some radical polarizing political statement?


First day on the internet, I see?


Parcel Pizza is delicious, you should all check it out


Yes absolutely my favorite pizza I’ve had in winnipeg


i pass it when i go to the arcade all the time.. .is there an convenient place to park near it to grab a pie?


They have a parking lot just by the side of the building


any recommendations on what to order? my test pizza is always peperoni for new pizza places (i know it's boring but it's a classic)


Ain’t no shame in sticking with what you know is always good! My boyfriend and I had the Nandor and we really enjoyed it. The other one we got was Tony Serrano and just personal preference, didn’t like that as much. https://preview.redd.it/2sgqebtj6a3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c1d28b0713b0ead17e68fc210bac89c81bc406


I tried to go there on my birthday and it was actively on fire. I don't want to go again and wreck it for anyone else because it looks lovely


The restaurant was? Or the roof of the attached apartment building? As far as I know the restaurant wasn’t really affected by the apartment fire, other than the day of and maybe a few days afterwards.


Well we approached the actively on fire building, people were being evacuated. You're right, it wasn't the restaurant but the building was. It was not a good omen on my birthday


A literal towering inferno.


What kind of oven do they use?


It's a deck oven I believe. It's basically New York style pizza so it's not cooked at a super high temp.


Anti-Zionism =/= Anti-Semitism.


I think that there is a misunderstanding here around the term ‘Zionism’. 1. For some people, ‘Zionism’ means “Israel has a right to exist”. 2. For others, ‘Zionism’ means “Israel has a right to expand to encompass whichever territories in the middle-east it desires, regardless of who is living there currently.” And, 3. For some people ‘Anti-Zionism’ means “Israel doesn’t have a right to expand indefinitely, and should negotiate a permanent two-state solution, ensuring the human rights of Palestinians in the process.” 4. And then, some people believe ‘Anti-Zionism’ means “I want to eliminate the state of Israel and its people”. There’s a ton of bad faith arguments on either side, but the ‘Zionism’ term really muddies the water. There are people on both ”sides” of this conflict that fall into all four categories. Some Israelis and some Palestinians want to live in peace with the other side and others want to exterminate them. Unfortunately this term sort of fuels the fire because it means different things to different people so it gets defined by whoever is writing the article.


You know how children will hear an interesting word the adults are using and will use that word out of context and inappropriately? Same energy. If other people want to make up their own definition of a clearly defined word and the beliefs attached to it, that's on them. Too many people who don't bother to understand the topic they're speaking on and just parrot keywords without understanding what they mean.


I would argue that "does any state have a 'right' to exist?" is a whole can of worms on its own. And does any one country's 'right' to exist supersede any other country's right?


Also, does any single state have the right to dictate that its citizens follow a particular religion or be of a particular ethnicity or culture?


What’s missing in what you wrote here is that there is a foundational difference between statehood and people. So one could argue that Israel as a state should not exist while also opposing violence against Israelis. Eliminating a state does not have to equal eliminating a people.


One could say that it's racist to think all jews are Zionist. If its not you can equate them but it is racist. They are not the same


So many Jews are also anti-Zionists. People are lazy and like to conflate the two because it's convenient for whatever self-righteous statement they want to make to sound knowledgeable on geopolitics.


Anti-Zionism would simply mean you don't agree that Jews should have a homeland because all Zionism means is that people believe they should & especially where they originated. That is all. It means nothing else.


Yes, and how they're choosing to go about it is fucking obscene. That's where people take issue.


Disagree.   You can not like Israel’s actions as a state, but to say Jews don’t deserve to have a country or self determination (in their indigenous homeland) is inherently anti-jewish.  The downvotes on this is hilarious, especially coming from Canadians. Edit: I can’t reply to anyone in this specific thread.


That's literally Zionism my guy. Not the same as Judaism. Sorry you're confused.


You can't reply cause your original post was enough stupid for the thread


As far as I know, Jews, Muslims and Christians were living peacefully side by side in British occupied Palestine. So why exactly does Israel have more claim to existence as a homeland for Jews. Then an independent Palestine as a nation open to all.


Vera's has been putting up with that insane shit for a week or so now. People are such morons. They're getting review bombed now too (still at 4.7 stars though). I feel so bad they're going through this


Same. I left a positive review to combat the negative ones! I love Vera Pizza… especially the meatballs ❤️


Nice. The legit have some of the best Napolitano pizza I've ever tried in the city. They seem like a best kept secret. Love their meatballs and pizza.


Never heard of Vera Pizza. Care to expand on what you love about them? I'm looking for a new pizza place to try out.


Great pizza, good prices cheap but good wine. The crostinis are amazing too


Their crostini are *incredible* - I cannot stress this enough. Basil, ricotta, tomato, balsamic, flaky salt. I’m sad to hear they’re getting harassed like this. I’ll be getting their food soon.


Def eat in on the patio. 


I think it's the best pizza in the city of its kind. Very authentic-feeling neopolitan style pizza made with high quality ingredients. Really nice vibe in the place too, it's an excellent date night spot


Great food, not pretentious.


Just left a positive rating for them too.


Where is it? I really want to go there.


Osborne. Bit South down Osborne


Thank you


Thanks for this. I just visited Vera for the first time last night based on this post. It was awesome.


Nice!! What did you have? Was it busy?


I sat on the patio, and it was about 20% full. I'm not sure about inside. We had the Salsiccia with mushrooms & the house red. It was a lovely dining experience, and I'll definitely be back.


I love how people can post whatever they want on the internet with no proof or sources whatsoever. Smh.


The troublesome part is the people who beleive the posts with no source or proof.


Edna's Bakery? Do they mean Eadha?


Somewhere some poor lady named Edna is getting review bombed by morons


Edna from eadha. Real talk though eadha is one of my favorites in the city. I have food allergies and they make delicious vegan cinnamon buns and also their bread is the best.


I love them too. I'm glad this goof posted their name wrong.


Cause I'm going to believe some random post from a stranger with no evidence to support their liable.


High recommend Yafa cafe. Best hummus in the city


The spicy Zatar bread. My lord.


Is the best eh??? I also love their Koshary.


The makloubeh and koshary are some of my go-to takeout meals. They are just so good and incredible value for how much food you get. And the Arabic lemonade? Omg so good


Fantastic Makloubeh and chai lattes as well


The Sayadia ("fisherman's delight") is one of my favourite things to eat in the entire city and it is an absurd amount of food for the price


i used to get a chicken plate several times a week and it would last me 2-3 meals. i moved to vancouver 2 yrs ago and haven't found a replacement for that flavourful chicken :(


Get some knafeh next time too, Palestinians know how to dessert.


And best Shawarma!


Everyone should try their Msakhan. It's the best thing I've eaten since moving to Canada. And I've had some really good food.


They are really the best! I only wish it was closer to where I live lol


What restaurant was there before? Been ages since I ate out that way . Another one on the list .


And definitely libelous too!


Gotta love zionists claiming everything is anti Jew cuz we don’t like genocide 👍🏻


30,000+ people killed, but I'm sure supporting a ceasefire for the benefit of the innocent civilians is the worse crime here. /s


It is, when it goes against their state-sponsored indoctrination that muslims are all terrorists that should be eradicated. Why think and look at the facts, when you can just recall government infomercials and classroom lectures at the height of the hysteria after the events of 911?


I put positive reviews on each of them And over the next 30 days will spend money on each


Go to Blady twice.


That will quickly turn into twice a week, every week. So good.


Thanks for the list. Now we know where to spend our money. Blady on portage is amazing, and has great deals on some everyday vegetables. And fresh Falafel and Manakesh. So good


The OP of this on Instagram (which I don't believe is the account this screenshot is from, ie. someone screenshotted it, reposted it with the comment, and now OP screenshotted and posted that one) is pretty much running head first into libel territory without a care in the world.


For a crumb of contexts, are these restaurants ***actually*** antisemitic, or are they just pro-Palestine and that's being viewed a certain way? If it's the ladder, ask me if I give a shit what the pro-genocide people have to say about what's "discriminatory" or not bc 30,000 casualties and counting has my attention more than someone whose "pro-lsrael" being in a tizzy.... If they're legitimate antisemite's however, I'll take my business elsewhere (even though I really only go to oh doughnuts now and then). Edit: after opening and seeing the description I see it's just someone whose pro-genocide. This lsrael "vs" Palestine predicament has become so painfully tedious because everyone is trying to claim a side as if its a war, rather than a heavily militarized government (lsrael) committing a genocide on unarmed families and children (Palestine) and you have to be deaf and blind or have a brain made of **literal tapeworms** to think that 30,000+ dead civilians in, this is somehow still a "war." It's not a war, it's not Palestine "vs" lsrael, it's armed and heavily trained military lsraeli soldiers opening fire on civilians, hospitals, schools, and residential blocks. The ethnic cleansing needs to stop.


100%. Israel has been instructed by the ICC to stop all military operations as they are racking up war crimes. Criticizing the actions of a state and its political identity, Zionism, is not to be conflated with hating Jews or Judaism. WTF do people who cannot fathom a call for cease fire to save the lives of children stand for?


Read the judge declarations, it’s actually not that clear. A bunch of them say they can continue but chill essentially.


A bunch of who say who can continue what?!


4 Judges wrote that judgement meant that military operations in Rafah can continue in so long as they don’t cause genocide.




I am not sure if there is a different document but i watched the ruling with the orders to cease all operations the votes were 13 for and 2 against.


You can read about it here: https://www.timesofisrael.com/icj-orders-israel-to-halt-rafah-operations-that-risk-destruction-of-civilian-population/ You can also read the individual statements made by the 4 judges on the ICJ site. 2 of the judges that voted against and 2 of the judges that voted 4 issued statements after that the judgment doesn’t preclude all military action in Rafah, only actions that would violate the convention on genocide,


Can you find a source that isn't the god damn "times of Israel".


I am not sure what your point is. The ICC ordered Israel to halt all military operations, yes or no? You wanna debate semantics go ahead and waste your time. You are either for or against genocide on this issue, no middle ground.


4 of the judges said no, that is not what the order says.


But 13 of 15 voted YES. Again, you are wasting your time and mine.


And even some of the ones who voted YES say that the order doesn’t require a halt to military action in Rafah. I am not sure why you are arguing with me, go to the ICJ site and read their statements. The exact order was ““Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”” That could be interpreted as “Halt all military offensive as they may cause genocide” or “ Halt all military objective if they would cause genocide” 4 of the judges, including 2 who said yes released statements that they interpreted the judgment as meaning the latter and not the former. Arguing with me doesnt change that.


4 out of 5 dentists recommend Colgate toothpaste


Oh donuts?


The only danger they are is the diabetes they cause.


They also attack you straight in the wallet I've only ever gone there with other people, and every single time I think "fuck this is expensive. This better be the best donut I've ever had" Then I take a bite "hmmm... They got lucky this time"


Lol every time.


Possibly trying to hit them during Pride season? They usually sell out the variety of Pride doughnuts every day and you know haters hate across areas.


I'm frothing with anticipation for the reopening of the Broadway location. FROTHING. The other one is too far away to get to :(


Worth it!


Israel is bombing Rafah under multiple charges of war crimes and amidst an investigation of genocide by the ICC. They claim dropping 2000lb bombs on tent cities is targeting Hamas leader, as if they're bunking out in cots alongside the refugees. Videos of children burning to death are circulating. Let's support those guys 😠


Yesterday Hamas fired rockets into Tel Aviv from within Rafah. What do you think Israel should do exactly? Israel exists because of widespread, ongoing persecution and brutality against Jews throughout history. Jews residing in Muslim countries have been reduced to a tiny fraction of their former sizes. Where did they all flee to? Israel And the same people who drove them out still want them dead.


I’m not against the existence of Israel and I want Jewish people to be safe but you know what does not create safety? Radicalizing generations of people by taking away their right to self determination and murdering their family members. That creates much less safety for Israel in the long run. What I think Israel should do is agree to a ceasefire and negotiate release of the hostages, which they have very recently refused to do for inexplicable reasons. They have then murdered even more innocent children, burned alive in tents where they were supposed to be “safe”


Israel proposed a ceasefire months ago! HAMAS keeps turning it down. I don't get how so many people have so much to say about a ceasefire, but clearly don't read the news regarding it. **EDIT:** every reply to my comment with a link to articles about "Israel denying ceasefire" was actually **AFTER** the initial ceasefires proposed by Israel that **HAMAS denied.** "The Hamas offer, which was first reported by Reuters, **was a response to an earlier proposal drawn up by U.S. and Israeli** spy chiefs and delivered to Hamas last week by Qatari and Egyptian mediators." https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gaza-mediators-search-final-formula-israel-hamas-ceasefire-2024-02-07/


One more thought-I am not pro-Hamas. They are a terrorist group. However, we know that terrorist groups sprout up precisely because of the conditions that Palestine has been forced to live under for generations. Terrorism is brought about by desperation and trauma. This breeds the type of hatred that causes a horrific attack like October 7. Israel is also collectively a traumatized nation led by a far-right fascist, these conditions have created what I believe history will look on as a genocide. I truly have empathy for all people in this situation HOWEVER I believe firmly that continuing to deny Palestinians the right to statehood and self-determination will only create more October 7s in the future. It will not lead to safety for Israel. We need a ceasefire and a two state solution and we need Israel supporters to stop calling anybody opposing the carnage in Gaza anti-Semitic. It’s really ridiculous and it could lead to people taking true anti-semitism (which OF COURSE exists) less seriously. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


https://www.npr.org/2024/02/07/1229823811/israel-hamas-war-netanyahu-rejects-hamas-ceasefire From February


From May https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/wrapup1-israel-begins-evacuating-part-rafah-ahead-threatened-assault-2024-05-06/


Also from May https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/7/the-goal-is-to-destroy-gaza-why-israel-rejects-a-ceasefire-with-hamas


I have linked several news articles below. I source news about this conflict from diverse sources including mainstream Canadian media, American media, Al Jazeera, bodies such as the UN, Amnesty International, Save the Children and MSF.


I’ll also add that many within Israel are furious with the Netanyahu government that he has not yet secured the release of the hostages. This has been widely reported on by diverse sources.


You have linked articles of **AFTER** the initial ceasefire request. And I have already pointed out, "Al Jazeera is NOT a reputable unbiased source. It is literally an independent Arab news outlet. You have not done any deep reading on this conflict whatsoever.


I have. You just don’t like my opinion and perspective so you are now falsely assuming I am making a rash judgement on the situation, which is untrue. I’m actually feeling like you haven’t done much reading on the subject 🤷🏼‍♀️ I am also feeling like you lack empathy and critical thinking, which I wouldn’t ordinarily say but since we’re making assumptions about each other, why not!


I have. You just don’t like my opinion and perspective so you are now falsely assuming I am making a rash judgement on the situation, which is untrue.


Israel shouldn't use human shields to protect their military bases. There's an IDF headquarters behind thousands of homes in Tel Aviv. They should stop hiding among citizens.


I don't necessarily disagree with your statement, but nothing you said permits an ethnic cleansing and genocidal-level murder. I'm not against Jewish people or Israel, I'm against Likud, the terrorist organization of Zionists.


Jew hating or Netanyahu hating?


I wish Russia/ Ukraine got this much attention.  At least we can all agree Putin is bad. And if you don't then you're balls deep into some Russian psyop.


To be honest, it did for like a year and then it died down. You'd see posts on Reddit and even this sub-reddit


The attention sure died down but there are still bombings and hundreds of people dying daily. Daily.


>I wish Russia/ Ukraine got this much attention. The interesting thing is, this is likely by design.


Someone doesn't frequent /r/combatfootage ...


It’s sad how trendy getting behind a country or movement can be until it’s not. It was trendy as hell to show support for Ukraine but after October 7 that shifted to Palestine. I’m not criticizing actual support but fuck do I hate fair weather bandwagons jumpers when innocent people are getting slaughtered.


If you're not with us ENOUGH, you're against us!


I would rather know which businesses are pro Isreal and IDF... I know an owner of So Over It shop posts about it on her personal account.


You know what? Fuck that too. These are all small local businesses that in general make the city better and more livable. I would just assume that there are Palestinian and Isreali owned and run stores that have "predictable" opinions going on inside them. By trying to affect their business who is really benefiting from that? What change is the likely outcome from it?


How about no lynch mobs one way or the other?


This ain’t no lynch mob


Probably https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/bermax-warrants-issued-1.5752423


Vera Pizza is the shit, I need that chili oil in my life. Fuck extremists, all of em!


Perfect! A list of pro Palestinian businesses we can all support. Free Palestine!






Literally proving a point of all y'all's hypocrisy in this. Lmao WOW...


It's never a good look to be the one guy in a comment section of someone else's post trying to argue with literally everyone who's opinion differs. Doesn't matter what topic or side you're arguing, just an FYI for you.


It sounds to me like the person who made that list just hates Muslim people... Using antisemitism as an excuse for racism/religious discrimination. Probably the same type of person that gets a bad mark on a test in school and files a complaint that the teacher is anti semitic.


What a convenient list of places I need to visit next time I’m in the city, based off of most of these comments my tummy is in for a good time.


Very distressing and disgusting. I won't go into what I've had people tell me that makes it 'acceptable' what's going on. If we act like the 'evil terrorists' we want people to hate so much, are we really in the right?


Did they provide proof????


I don’t give a shit about what side of a conflict a business is “supporting” across the bloody planet. Hell, I even lean generally more pro-Israel, but people jump on political issues like they’re cheering for their favourite hockey team. I’ve wanted to try Vera pizza for a while, and I’m still going to try it, regardless of their political views. THEY’RE MAKING PIZZA. Not rockets for Hamas. This nonsense drives me insane.


Yeah, it’s not hard to say “Israel has an absolute right to exist” and ALSO say “Israel shouldn’t be dropping bombs on civilian-filled ‘safe zones’ they themselves created”.


Oh no.. someone was probably wearing a Palestinian pin or something lol


They must be raging after the r*pe story was debunked, they need to bring the anti semitism card again.


What rape story?


The NY Times article "scream without words" that accused Palestinians and Hamas specifically of using organized sexual violence a weapon. All individual accounts in the ny times story have been discounted by the IDF and the families of those painted as victims of sexual assault. Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html Journalists objections: https://truthout.org/articles/journalism-professors-nyt-risks-credibility-with-inaction-on-oct-7-article/ Facts debunked: https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/


Equating covid to this is deplorable imo. One was a incredibly dangerous pandemic whilst one is just hateful bigotry. Can't stand the false equivalencies this day and age seem to toss around with reckless abandon.




Someone on the internet has a stupid opinion that everyone else knows is wrong... why give them the attention they want by sharing their post on reddit? We all know how dumb it is - just ignore it and stop giving them attention.


Who made the original post? How is this giving them attention when they've censored it?


We’re all sitting around talking about an opinion that we all know is stupid, getting this opinion to the front page of Reddit, and giving it validity by showing that it needs to be disputed.


I was so confused. I thought they were pro-Israel at first, took a few reads for my brain to process.


Hamas did dumb out of desperation. Israel did even more dumb with an outsized and way over drawn retaliation. People were on Israel’s side until N’Yahoo went absolutely bonkers filling his militaristic fantasies. When one side of a war is funded well be the richest nations in the world and the other is a trapped, poor population whose army is a terrorist organization it ain’t a war.