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I seriously wonder how any of these officers would react to someone barging into their homes at 4am and calling their wives a cunt. What reason is there to talk like that? So disappointing. Also - the threat of the drunk tank is absolutely unnecessary. Edit: Absolutely unnecessary and illegal!


If they threatened her with the drunk tank it would also have been an illegal threat. The Intoxicated Persons Detention Act only applies to people found in public places.  It does not apply to your private homes.


Well, you might be surprised how many people are not only threatened with that, but subjected to it as well, just to discredit them. Its disgusting and should have more oversight. Who's enforcing that police dont make "illegal threats", it's laughable.


Someone should call the police police.


someone should call the police police "po-po" for short.




Coastguard? Edit: nobody gets the Simpson’s reference, huh?


Narrator: there was no police police.




Is it illegal to threaten to arrest someone under false pretences? Also, did they have any authority to enter without permission?


Unnecessary but all too common.


Privilege… that’s what it is. These guys are text box smart… not street smart. their high chins say it all.


This is why the Winnipeg police don't want bodycams. No other reason. The idea they might be held accountable for their actions terrifies them.


I don’t understand how police have time for this BS but not… robberies? Break-ins?


Was the original call not for an unsupervised toddler at 4am? I would hope the police have time to investigate that pretty quickly.


I would have thought the first conversation of “I don’t have a two-year-old” solved that angle pretty quickly. Now I have to wonder the eternal question of “would they have reacted the same way if she was white, or if she had a male partner”.


Maybe it's just best if we don't answer the door when the police are on the other side. Seems we'd be safer just not opening the door to them these days.


They will kick in the door depending on the call


Sure, let them. They'll have to show they had cause for it or a warrant and you'll get a new door for free. I mean, I know I haven't or won't have done anything to warrant them kicking in my door at 4 in the morning, and anything they need to talk about can be discussed through my doorbell cam. I just feel safer having a door between me and them.


You won't get a new door.


Good luck proving in court they weren’t justified and getting a new door haha. “Dinner ne”?


They’ll also need to navigate a system designed to prevent easy reimbursement, and probably hire an advocate (maybe a lawyer). That’s out of reach by design for most of the owners of doors they’ll go kicking in.


Best call the police so when the police are at the door


Honestly, this is the answer


I’m not saying I agree with the way this was handled but I think the point a lot of people are missing here is the frequency and severity of child welfare calls in this city. Child abuse and neglect cases are horrifying and should be investigated, that’s what I care about. Not speculating about what MAY have happened if it were a white person.


It is pretty suspect though. She told them she didn't have a child and therefore couldn't help them. I do wonder if she weren't indigenous and/or female if that would have been the end of it. For some reason they knocked again, and when she opened the door again in good faith they immediately bullied their way in and assaulted and threatened her. Obviously it is speculation, but the fact that this type of treatment happens so often to indigenous people and not to non-indigenous people means you cannot rule out that this wasn't an underlying cause.


Also, if there was no video it would've been just another case. Think about how the pig relations dept wrote their response to questions. "Just another CFS call? What's the big deal?" was essentially the underlying message


Frequency and severity of calls do not matter at all. If a cop has PTSD, then he should get his ass and therapy and figure out how to treat each call like a separate call.


I don’t know if these cops have PTSD. What I meant was, because of the unpredictable nature and potential for negative outcomes, these calls must be treated quite seriously. Therefore the response time would be much quicker than a retail theft. To be clear, I’m also not saying response times for thefts/robberies are appropriate.


That doesn't supersede this woman's rights.


Ma'am are the children in your private residence unsupervised?? Let me break in real quick to make sure you're in there with them.


Much easier to bully and degrade a woman in her own home at 4 am than to put effort into a robbery. What if the robbers fight back?


They're under fire for not responding to a robbery until the next day, and told the person to go back in and look everywhere to see if the robber was /still in the establishment?


Use that thing between your ears for more than a few minutes. I'm sure you can eventually figure out why the safety of a child takes priority over a robbery or break-in that's already taken place. The amount of upvotes you have is absurd.


Amazing advice. I’ve never used my brain before! So I wrote a sound-bite comment that got a lot of likes. I watched the video, read the comments, and related this to my own experience as a former child. I get what you’re saying, but here’s a [CBC article with the woman’s side of the story](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-police-assault-allegations-1.7236139) Further, I have called the police on an aggressive situation involving a parent screaming and swearing at me in a restaurant with their child in tow. Police didn’t show up until long after adult and child left. I suppose the child was supervised, though. And with the robberies - would the police have come quicker if there were a child involved? If a child might have been in danger? These are my genuine questions, and your answers might help me in future scenarios. As it stands, my own personal experience being a child seeing police aggression and escalation take place says ‘he’ll no brother.’ I don’t really care about anyone’s opinion on police - I have my own based on experience. I didn’t write this comment to get likes. I wrote this comment because I genuinely want to know why the search for an unsupervised child’s parents, for the child’s wellbeing, results in this bullshit.


They can pick and choose what calls they want to attend to


All the more reason we need the police to be wearing body cams. This one was caught on camera because they had one recording inside the house (likely for this very reason - I don't think I'd want a camera recording in my house like that all the time). Imagine how many of these situations are not caught on camera and the people affected simply have no recourse. This is not an isolated incident or a one-off. This is a snippet into what happens on a regular basis, and this one just happened to be caught in camera. It's time that everybody records every interaction with the police, until they start doing so themselves.


This was my biggest take away that I could detect from their police's official response that basically amounted to "what's the big deal?"


Ignoring the fact that they barged into her home without permission because there was allegedly an unaccompanied child outside: There are 5(?) officers that I can see on this camera at one time. Our response times are in the toilet and you send 3 cars to ask about an unaccompanied child? What a joke.


Winnipeg police act like this because they know they won't face any real consequences. Manitoba needs an **actual** impartial body to oversee law enforcement, the current system is built to always favor the words of police over the public. "The chance of conviction is very unlikely" is heard far too often. Change the system.


I have a close friend who is still traumatized from 2 cops busting into their home late at night back in the 90s, addressing her mom as a drunk bitch, refusing to tell them why they were in their home. When she came downstairs because strange men were yelling at her mom, she confirmed this was her mom and their home, they headed back to the door, but at some point wanted to come back in and continue looking around, all while referring to both of them as bitches and tefusing to disclose their names or badge numbers. Her mom yelled for them to tell her why they were there or get off her property. The one cop grabbed her from the doorway, threw her on the ground, mounted her and punched her face in until she was unconscious and then some, in front of her (16)and her younger brother (8). They then dragged her unconscious body into the cop car and disappeared. They threw her in the drunk tank where she was further abused and humiliated. They went to court but ran out of money. They charged her with some ridiculous stuff, in the cops words "to ensure she'll never work again". She almost died, has never been the same and her kids were deeply traumatized. Came out in court that the cops were at the wrong address, but the family ran out of money and had to abandon the case. For the record they are caucasian and lived in housing, it happens to all sorts of people. There was NO JUSTICE and NO ACCOUNTABILITY for these monsters. My friend still shakes when she sees police.


This is horrible. In the 90s/early 2000s, someone called the police on my mom at about 5am. It was a noise complaint. My mom was watching Celine Dion sing and she might have turned it up too loud, but it wasn’t a problem as I was still asleep in the next room. When the police banged on the door, however, I woke up. They were rough, ripped a poster off the door for whatever reason, and called my mom a bitch. They were loud, intimidating, rude, and way out of line. They didn’t know I was seeing this whole thing. That shit sticks with you forever. Also? Police should be experts at de-escalating situations! Swearing and name calling and acting macho is insane behaviour!!!!


Please have one trick. Do what I say, when I say it or eventually I will escalated it to a point where your life is in jeopardy. Which is fine, in so far as I understand thats how unaccountable authority and power always works; it just infuriates me when people talk about how Canada has "freedom"


Im really sorry that happened to you, it's so scary especially for a child to witness. The sense of utter helplessness, terror and confusion is shocking and overwhelming to the system. Fearing for your loved ones safety and your own should not be at the hands of those we pay to protect us. They all need to have bodycams 24/7, no excuses and there needs to be real consequences for these animals.


What the actual fuck


Lots of negative experiences happen to people of every ethnicity, you just don’t hear about it as much from Caucasian as you do people of colour which includes indigenous. They are much more vocal over any perceived or actual incidents and usually use the race card to inflame the situation, whether they or a party of authority instigated the incident. Most caucasian are more intimidated and or embarrassed to air their situations in public when dealing with authorities.


Of course they are. No white person feels totally relaxed when they see cherries in the rear view and thinks to themselves "Its totally fine I've done nothing wrong. Nothing bad will happen to me." They know the real power the police hold, even if they can't recognize it consciously. Keep cops out of pride.


I wouldn't make generalizations like this


Then don't.


Mmmm you shouldn't either tho lmao, lowkey racist toward white people. No body should see cop lights and feel scared because of what colour they are. wtf?


I can see you're new at being a topkek troll. Come back in a few years when you can hang with the big dogs, k.


what the fuck was that even english? you spend too much time on the internet please go touch some grass, dumbass




> usually use the race card to inflame the situation Ah, so **that's** when races comes into it.


So you think minorities all across North America are just more vocal than caucasians? Or do you truly believe race has no play in how you are treated as a person, especially by law enforcement?


/u/South-Nectarine-7790 > people of colour which includes indigenous. They are much more vocal over any perceived or actual incidents and usually use the race card to inflame the situation, You’ve lost all credibility here /u/South-Nectarine-7790! Anyone who justifies such abhorrent behaviour from authorities while using the term “race-card” has only shown themselves to be wholly prejudiced! Only racist bigots use that term to discredit marginalized peoples. Give your head a shake. Disgusting and shameful.


This is what 27 percent of the entire civic budget of the city of Winnipeg looks like.


This is one of the reasons why we can't afford better sewers that don't constantly dump sewage into the rivers, bridge repairs/replacements, better transit service, better snow plowing, etc. because we're paying one city department so much of the budget, and this is the service we get in return.


Biggest and most violent gang in the city strikes again.


Bikers with Badges


That's an insult to bikers. If you mind your business the bikers are perfectly respectful to civvies.


It's a phrase my pops uses. He's dealt with both a few times in his youth, and has nothing nice to say about either.


uuuuuuh no. no, they're not.


Then you have no clue what respect is


The fact that the official statement labelled the lady as uncooperative but didn’t apologize or comment on the disrespectful behaviour of the officers, speaks volumes.


I bet they didn't realize they'd been recorded at that time. Now they got caught, I'm sure there tone will change.


I’d be uncooperative too if anyone,including cops, barged into my home like that. The fact that they expect to initiate the encounter in this manner and that people will just… “cooperate” also speaks volumes.


The statement says ‘attending officers confirmed the wellbeing of the child despite the uncooperative caregiver’. That reads to me that despite her resistance, police were able to confirm that child in question was okay and that she was that child’s caregiver. It doesn’t say that it was her biological child, and definitely doesn’t say the child was found at another residence. I think there is more to this one-sided story, but we will never know.


Even if that’s the case. Still no excuse for calling someone a cunt while in uniform. It would never be ok in any other job, why is it ok for cops?


I don’t think it’s okay, in fact it’s pretty vile. This story, like every other, has three sides - the truth lying somewhere in between the woman’s story and the police. We are only getting a portion here.


This video highlights one of the biggest problems with law enforcement and their over- and under-policing of Indigenous communities, especially women. When the police decide there’s an issue, they have no problem charging in, but when an Indigenous woman actually needs help, the police will be nowhere to be found.


Even if they would have just listened to her and engaged in dialogue instead of authoritarian bluster, this interaction would have gone so much differently. Checking on the welfare of a young child is good. This….. was something else.


Marge: "I thought you said the police were powerless!" Chief Wiggum: "No, no, powerless to *help* you, not *punish* you."


This needs more upvotes


☝🏼☝🏼 this one gets it


Obviously the officer’s behaviour is due to a decline in the morality of WPS officers… /amidoingitright?


If only they had a higher budget, things like this wouldn't happen!


315 million dollars isn’t enough??


Not if you want things like "respect" and "fairness" and "service to the community". Those things cost extra.


You actually can't buy those from cops.


I don’t reckon these guys want to give any of that.


I blame their hippie parents for not raising them right. (/s for those not understanding the joke)


I think so. We just have to keep licking the bottom of the boot


Good thing these 'relationship building' experts are approved for all that overtime.


Funniest thing to write on their cars. I genuinely scoff every time.


Why blur their faces? Fucking scum. 


Winnipegs finest. God why are our police so terrible? They cost enough not to completely suck.


The other day I told a cop car they’re in the bus lane and a bus is coming (that I needed to get on) and he straight up said “OH FUCK OFF GET AWAY.” So, it’s pretty typical behaviour from them. Good use of the 315 million dollar budget, boys.


This is disgusting. Fuck those cops.


fuck *all* cops.


Friend of mine knows a family where the dad was a cop. Dad cop took his life a while back because he was despondent about (among other things of course) of the growing animosity of citizens toward cops, in the wake of George Floyd, and his powerlessness to do anything about it, including resistance from higher-ups to address worsening problems. This cycle is worsening, imo. A video like the one above enrages me about cops but not all cops are bad, I guess and a few take the criticism way too much to heart and are powerless to change anything and they eventually wash out or die like my friend's friend, the cop Dad.


This is not an uncommon view amongst officers.  The police are not powerless against public perception. If good officers don’t like increasing animosity against all officers because of the bad ones, then they should do more to root out the bad ones instead of protecting them. I am not sure the public view of police is getting worse because the police are doing anything differently.  I think with the proliferation of cameras we can see how some officers act when they don’t think they’re being watched - presumably the bad ones.  They’re acting as they always have, they’re just getting observed now. Maybe they should act like they are always being watched.


>Maybe they should act like they are always being watched. Maybe they *should* always be watched. Body cams have been desperately needed for many years now to protect the public from the WPS, and have always been denied from the police themselves so they can protect their own bad apples from discipline.


100% in agreement, but what more than body cams do you do _(as an individual officer)_ to root out the shit heels in an environment where the behaviour is deeply rooted, wide-spread, and trying to fight it results in serious if not—in extreme cases—deadly consequences? From an outsider it feels more akin to martyrdom than activism. Is the system irreparable?


This was not a single office acting alone.  Someone out of these multiple officers made the call to go charging in. All it takes is one officer to say “are you should we should do this”?  “This sounds like a terrible idea”.  “She said it wasn’t her baby - should we call CFS and ask them if they have a file here”?


Ask a sincere question that isn’t an ACAB circlejerk, get downvoted lol. Never change, r/winnipeg.


meh, when you tell me its not all cops; but the bad ones have enough power to make sure the good ones (if they even exist) can't do anything about it; then it might as well be all cops.


I have been harrassed and threatened by Winnipeg police, they’ve called me a homosexual slur that rhymes with ”baguette”, and I’ve had guns drawn on me on two separate occasions by officers. I did nothing to deserve any of this, by the way. And I’m a white guy. I have no doubt I’d be treated far worse if I were an indigenous person, which sickens me. I’ve seen them do worse to native people. I’ve never had a positive experience involving Winnipeg cops. Not one. They are all pieces of shit. ALL of them. Fuck the WPS.


that whole "baguette" part threw me. Because of the pronunciation of baguette. "Maggot" maybe? Although that just seems meaner. Baguette does have phallic connotations. Delicious. Agree with everything else, though.


You know what would be swell, some accountability. This should be suspension without pay for at least a month. I get that they typically are dealing with people who are having a shitty day, but when you bang on a door, find out it’s’ not what the 911 caller said, oops, sorry, we just had to make sure. That would have been the end of it and this wouldn’t have become a news story.


There’s a good reason why communities are getting angry about the police situation in Canada, and that anger is needed. Here’s an interesting article/interview on the power of Indigenous women and critical rage, for those who are interested. [https://gutsmagazine.ca/critical-rage/](https://gutsmagazine.ca/critical-rage/)


I'm sick of this. Our society is crumbling and this is what cops are doing with their time? It's not even surprising it's been known that police act this way WHY are they above the law when they are not smarter, better trained or better citizens than average??? They always seem to fall below average.


The only people who want to be cops are bullies that are too useless for any other form of employment.


The police are allowed to enter private homes to check well-being of people inside private residences when they have specific information in exigent circumstances. The most common example is neighbours hear yelling in a neighbouring home, the second most common is a 911 hangup call.  In DV situations the police have an obligation to check on the safety of people in the home by entering. I’d need to know more about the specific call in this case.  If a neighbour called and said they recognized the child from that home, although the information was false, they would have at least had a good faith basis for entry. If this was a basic “there is a child on the street” call, you’d think their time would have been better spent searching the streets.


The threats and curses are unnecessary, end of story.


You'd think "I don't have a 2-year-old, my youngest is 7" would have solved the whole conflict.


Sure as shit this wouldn’t happen in a neighborhood like Charleswood or some other upper class area.


I'm so glad that we hold the police to a lower standard than the general public.


Average winnipeg cop.


They're under fire for not responding to a robbery until the next day, and told the person to go back in and look everywhere to see if the robber was /still in the establishment/


When the people who are meant to maintain safety end up contributing to not feeling safe, that’s a failure. I hate these bullies with pensions. Fuck


So… they get a call of an “unsupervised child.” Then they find a GROWN ASS WOMAN answers the door? That should have been the END of it. Absolutely no reason to enter the home.


How long until the boot-lickers sign on.


Not long


On the other hand the body camera defenders will probably not log on.


Personally I think cops should wear body cams regardless of whether the service pays for it or not. Every thing they do is a legal incident. In today’s world there’s tons of people looking to make people look bad at their places of work and make it look like they’re the victim. It’s not just cops, it’s paramedics, cashiers, nurses, bank tellers, you name it. I even record all my driving with my dash cam cause when people realize they screwed up royally they’re always going to try to pin the blame on someone/something else. If they don’t it’ll just get to a point where they are being painted in a bad light and no one will believe them.


So there was no 2 yr old around at all? Who the hell called this in in the first place?


The video says there were multiple calls and the statement says police confirmed the wellbeing of the child. Seems a number of people genuinely thought a child was in danger.


Right. But the youngest was a 7 year old.


Racism personified. Exposing them on camera was a smart move on her part. Not that anything will come of this.


This is obvious racism on behalf of our Winnipeg police services


What a bunch of fucking losers .


I've been putting off buying cameras (out door and dash) for a while. Never occurred to have one indoors point at the exit. Any suggestions on brands that don't need subscription services?




So police officers are apparently too busy to respond to bakeries being robbed and can only show up the next day. But at 4:00 am they have nothing better to do than violate their own laws and the privacy/security of an innocent civilian over "a call about an unsupervised child roaming outside". If they had conducted even a 3 second investigation they would have realized she was not the mother of the child (which she even informed them of) and maybe even find the actual parents or even the child themselves. Which in my opinion is a much better use of police time than harassing an innocent women while an alleged two year old is still potentially roaming around unsupervised. Almost like protecting and finding the child isn't their first thought or priority. On another note, if we assume Winnipeg Police are harassing innocent civilians at every call before determining the actual suspect(s) and evaluating the situation, it'd make sense that they are too "busy" to respond to every situation.


Oink oink


Is there a petition somewhere to have WPD wear body cams. All I hear is horror stories about them, I’ve honestly never heard a good story about the police here. Thankfully I’ve never dealt with them before, but I fear them.


Conduct Unbecoming.


What a waste of tax dollar that would've been better invested somewhere else. What in the fuck is going on with this city?!


This is horrible. My question what happened to the unsupervised 2 year old while they were busy harassing this family!!!


winnipeg police breaking their employers’ respectful workplace policy.


piggies doing pig things




I’d that’s how he treats his mother…


WPS could have been more Professional. But the Mom was showing passive resistance too. Yelling at cops doesn’t work. I’m curious why they came back? What did they see ??


If the cops came to my door at 4 am on these grounds and my children were in bed sleeping, I'd be resistant to let them into my home too.


They saw a good chance to fuck with someone. Man, I live in a nice area in the city and there is no way in hell cops are coming around here if they get a call about kids playing outside in the middle of the night. They know they can do pretty much whatever they want around poor people because they assume they are too dumb and scared to do anything about it. And most of the time they are right, too bad for them there was a security camera running and they can't just say, "well we thought we saw a weapon"... Or any other typical bullshit excuse cops give to fuck with people. What you saw were a bunch of butt hurt cops that could not get into an apartment the first time so they decided to fuck with this lady to teach her a lesson.


this is standard operating procedure if the perp isn't white, or if they are white but are also poor.


When it comes to exigent circumstances, sometimes politeness goes by the wayside.


I'm sure the police had a reason to be there, they weren't there for no reason at all, but why interrupt her chance to play the victim on camera.


It sounds like you didn't watch the video or read anything about this incident but have instead decided to engage in racist tropes.


Let them boots... Yum, yum, yum...




There should be a female and male Officer. Disrespectful and degrading.


This is the reason wab   wants a camera in every house in the province