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Can you give a rough idea of your budget?


Hi. Sorry for late reply. Let's say 1000/1100 dollars all charges included. I'd like to add that we do not have a car for now.


So you'll want somewhere walkable and with decent transit options. West Broadway, Osborne, Old St. Vital, and the little Italy area of Corydon are probably your best bet. I was able to find a 1 bedroom on Corydon back in 2022 for $1130. Keep your eyes open, it can be done!


That's going to be a challenging budget - 1100 is pretty much the floor for an older building in a decent area, and you're probably paying some utilities on top of that. (they're also probably the worst for rent hikes/discount removals so even if you find it it's not guaranteed to stay that low) They're also hard to find since everyone else is looking for those units so the vacancy rates are effectively zero.


Are you going to have a car? Any places west of Polo Park along Portage Ave aren’t bad, and there’s direct bus access.


No. Unfortunately, we do not have the budget for a car right now.


**I'm happily married** Then stay away from Transcona. Nothing ends a marriage faster than living there.


Lol why


Oh sorry, thought I saw the "Satire" tag above. LOL


There's no neighborhoods magically free of crime or undesirable behavior.


Where in the post does it say they’re looking for a “magically crime free neighbourhood”? They’re asking the best and worst. If you think crime is spread evenly in every neighbourhood then you live in a shlt area and are just trying to cope lol


I don't think that but please grind your axe.


I currently live on West Broadway. My advice would be don't move there. The north end isn't as bad as people make it out to be as long as you go north of Mountain and west of salter. I loved living on Corydon Ave as well as South Osborne. Everything you need is a short walk away. Corydon was loud on weekends in the summer. But I grew up in the hood where we referred to police sirens and helicopters circling your house as a "North End Lullaby." I never could afford an apartment in more saught after neighborhoods, so hopefully someone else can help you out there. Good luck and welcome to the peg.


Avoid downtown, west end, north end, point Douglas, elmwood. There’s pockets elsewhere. South end is generally considered “safest” by most folks.


There's good parts of elmwood still, but I'd definitely avoid the rest you named


East is usually better, closer to Val village the better, if your closer to talbot its more prone to crime


There are great parts of the west end. Basically cheaper wolsely.


West end is totally fine past Arlington. Point Douglas gets a lot of flack from people that haven’t actually lived there. The people I’ve known to live in point Douglas never felt unsafe living there. Elm wood has plenty of good parts to it. North end in general yeah not so great, but some blocks are still not really so bad, especially past Mountain Downtown, okay you’ve got a point there. Although it’s “safe” during the day.


THe West End west of Arlington is fine. Good people, safe.


I like Westwood and Charleswood areas personally, they are cozy, not crowded, a lot of greenery and nice for evening walks. But some may call these areas very boring, as there are not many attractions here. 


South Osborne.


I don't think there are any best, but worse for me is any stop that buses 17 and 33 go through, I can only remember Flora and everything else before and after that. Mountain, McPhillips, McGregor, Logan, are the only ones I could think of at the moment. The grocery stores my family frequent to to these places have employees who would always tell us that its common that their store gets robbed on the daily. Selkirk, for some reason, I always see it on the news, but I have coworkers there and they seem alright lol I grew up in Maples and not really scared to go out past 12am or walk to gc at 4am here, but I heard the rich areas (ambertrail, waterford) often get their backdoors broken into on facebook groups. Personally, I really like Grant and Kenaston. I used to work in one of the homes there, but v expensive for such really old homes with low ceiling.


I grew up in southdale and really like it there. Osborne was okay 10 years ago, not sure how it is now, I was also a lot younger and didn’t care about ‘scetchyness’ Also used to live in garden city, just north of Leila and I miss living there quite a lot. Right now I’m in st boniface and like it quite a lot as well


What kind of lifestyle is "desireable"? They can get away with charging 1600 a month for a 1-bedroom in Bridwater, so, the market speaks, but it's very suburban and that may not be what you're looking for. A couple very fancy blocks downtown, but don't go outside after dark. St. Boniface comes up a lot for the urban minded, but the urban areas and even the older suburbs can be rough around the edges. Most people seem to find a comfortable middle ground in the older inner/middle suburbs, which balance reasonable rents with accessibility -Fort Garry or St. Vital, out along Portage Ave to the west. The map the other psoter put up is pretty decent,. Transcona and the Kidlonans are probably fine too, people just kind of make fun of them for being less affluent.


I live in st vital and when I was younger (90s) it was the “rich area” - now it’s definitely sketch. Likely the close proximity to 4 dollaramas, a Walmart and numerous broken bus shelters. The area has more and more abandoned houses being used by squatters too… it’s not BAD but like… not the st vital it was 7-8 years agob




St.Norbet, East Kildonan, North Kildonan, Old Kildonan, Transcona, St.James are all fine.. no clue what you have against the north half of the city.


I swear some people have literally never crossed to the other side of Portage before


“Me area good, you area bad.”


This is an oddly... Confusing take. OP, at least half of the areas here - old Kildonan, east Kildonan, north Kildonan, Transcona, and parts of what's labeled mynarski - would be totally safe places to live. Parts of Elmwood (like Glen Elm) are also fine!


Why is St. Norbert red?


If I read Crime Stats correctly, violent crimes went up 183% last year in St. Norbert.


Violent crime calls were down over 20% in Spence in the same period, from 359 to 277. They jumped from 6 to 16 in St Norbert, a 166% increase.


So from 2 to 6


Transcona isn’t unsafe or really inherently undesirable. Everybody in Winnipeg likes to shit on it, but that’s like more of a good natured inside joke for Winnipeggers. I’m not really familiar with any of the Kildonans, but I agree with you on most everything else, don’t see a problem with St. Norbert though.


Neighborhoods are made or broken by the people that live in them. People with shitty attitudes like you are both what makes a neighborhood less desirable and exactly the sort of thing we don't need in Winnipeg. .


Don’t be an asshole. How on earth would wanting to live in a safe area give any indication of a shitty attitude? For most people areas with lower crime rates would be more desirable, I don’t see how that offends you. Crime rates are based on statistics, not opinions or judgement of people that live in those areas. There are plenty of nice people that live in the North End for example,I’m sure, but based on factual evidence there is also more violent crime than anywhere else in the city.