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Any idea?


Some poor person with mental health needs set themselves on fire as per Facebook. Incredibly sad. Hope they are ok but not sure on any news of their well-being. Definitely need more availability for mental health for people that are suffering. May God save this person's soul. Inna Lillahi wa Inna ilayhi raji'un. (Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Allah we shall return)


Salam alaykum, I am his younger brother and he simply had mental illness


So very sorry to hear about your loss


Do you have the link to the Facebook post?


I heard it was self immolation in response to the conflict in Palestine… do you know if that’s true?


There have been no reports of a note left or other indicators of motive other than "mental illness" (which Health Canada says is characterised by "Alterations in thinking, mood, or behaviour associated with significant distress and impaired functioning.").


In fact, here's one post that says otherwise: "Waverley mosque incident: Salam alaykum, I am the younger brother of the person who lit himself on fire 2 days ago. You might be wondering what exactly happened and if he did that for the genocide in Gaza. He had a severe mental illness that affected his way of thinking, which ultimately prompted him to commit suicide which is unbearable pain for my family, but please stop thinking he killed himself for Palestine." [Edit: Punctuation for clarity only.]


Thank you so much for clearing that up




I don’t see anything, could you screenshot what’s there?


This looks it might be it from the fire calls: 2024078300 Fire Rescue - Alarm 15/06/2024, 14:45:46 14, 18, D4, D75, E15, E231, FI2, FIK9, L13, R22 Waverley West B Waverley West


For anyone who comes across this story or a press release & wonders about the implied motive/s: "Waverley mosque incident: Salam alaykum, I am the younger brother of the person who lit himself on fire 2 days ago. You might be wondering what exactly happened and if he did that for the genocide in Gaza. He had a severe mental illness that affected his way of thinking, which ultimately prompted him to commit suicide which is unbearable pain for my family, but please stop thinking he killed himself for Palestine." In fact, the Islamic Association issued an apology for implying in their initial press release otherwise.






















Heartbreaking 🥺💔 #freepalestine 🇵🇸