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**zooms in to try and find my bike**. Anyone seen a black and red Devinci Chameleon?


I also zoomed in. Black Sekine, rip.


I've been working on the restoration of an old Sekine if you're interested! It's a XL frame though. But NOT from stolen parts.


Thanks for the offer. I bought a new one to fix up already. The one that was stolen was very sentimental, not all that great, but irreplaceable.


How much?


… you just made me very worried for my bike. Pretty sure my shed is locked but I can’t check until the morning…


I looked for my daughter’s bike. Ugh.


I also zoomed in lol


There was one on marketplace a few days ago. Black with red accents.


Didn't find my blue and silver legacy carrera https://preview.redd.it/t8o01vbsgy6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c348a1e38fe8b79a3ad3827dc5e8914b0eb9980a


Clearly something very, *very* disreputable.


It's obviously a bike repair start up


Nice to see new businesses popping up. 🤦‍♀️


This should be the absolute lowest of low hanging fruit for police to act on but I see it every summer under the Osborne and Donald bridges  and clearly nothing is done about it.


If police could go around arresting and locking up bike thieves that would be great, but with the way the modern criminal code works none of these people would see a day of prison


We already have a bike registry. I think we could easily enforce a law that having more than 2 - 3 bikes in your possession should require you to provide proof of registration. Maybe give a year grace period then start seizing bikes.


They can confiscate and charge them with bike theft. It's pretty obvious. We don't need an additional law - just enforce the existing ones. The issue is, of course, that arresting someone for petty theft like this is not worthy of jail or prison, nor will having a fine or harsher punishiment will deter them. It's somewhat a waste of their time to enforce this law.


> They can confiscate and charge them with bike theft. It's pretty obvious. We don't need an additional law - just enforce the existing ones. Don't they need probable cause? I don't disagree that it's obvious but I thought the need for proof was an obstacle... > The issue is, of course, that arresting someone for petty theft like this is not worthy of jail or prison, nor will having a fine or harsher punishiment will deter them. It's somewhat a waste of their time to enforce this law. Not any one instance of it, no, but the general pattern over time arises to the level of warranting intervention. This is not the only crime these people will commit. The point should be to get them in the system *and then keep them there* until they turn their lives around.


Hmmm you seem like a very unhappy person.


Did they change the criminal code?


And take valuable resources away from their more important duties like standing at the exits in Superstore or providing "security" outside events they weren't asked to be at?


Honestly if they caught bike thieves they wouldn't be able to complain about how much property crime there is and ask for more funding to not actually combat property crime.


lol if you try to report property crime over the phone, you're directed to a website to fill out a form. My assumption is that form goes straight into the recycle bin.


No way. I guarantee they don't put the effort into recycling their paper waste.


No effort needed https://i.redd.it/zxrng1zkqbj81.gif




Those cops are off duty, and superstore pays for them to be there, just like the cops that direct traffic at Costco on St. James. There's literally a page on the WPS website for this. Everyone knows this. Quit spreading bullshit.


People are going to keep shitting on cops until theft, violent crime and missing and murdered people’s crimes are brought to justice and crime rates drop. The fact that they have one of the biggest budgets of any police force in Canada, and our crime rate is still so high, might have a lot to do with the cop hate. Do better for the people they’re supposed to being serving - and there wouldn’t be so many shots at WPG cops. Stop saying they need bigger budget - when that’s exactly what taxpayers have given them and we haven’t seen crime rates drop significantly..


Private businesses should not be able to hire police officers as security. They are still wearing uniforms, have their guns, and are acting as police officers. It's completely ridiculous that this is allowed.


It's almost like I was making a joke or something. Those cops also aren't "off-duty", they are working overtime hours in their official capacity as police officers. The WPS calls it "special duty", specifically because it cannot be called off-duty, which is term to describe a lack of official capacity due to being off-the-clock. Yes, the stores are paying for it but every OT hour worked by a cop at a store is pensionable, meaning the tax payer is ultimately getting stuck with part of that bill for their on-duty overtime. Not only in terms of future pension guarentee, but the WPS still pays out the employer portion of the pension contribution for those hours worked. The hourly rate paid by the stores doesn't offset 100% of cost of the WPS officers being there.




The Overtime they are paid is pensionable which comes out of our pockets.


Boooooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅 Those hours are pensionable, we pay for it down the line. You are the one spreading bullshit.




The city pays for these pensions down the line, the public subsidizes these earnings even though it’s privately contracted. Yes, the store pays for the cops pay for the duty but not the pension pay down the line. Thats us. No, the cops just check their phones for $130 an hour. Directing traffic might actually help someone so I’m not sure that’s something a cop would actually want to do.


I called the police non emergency line yesterday. Not sure if it helps by having other people call? Incident: C240136585. (204) 986-6222 press 8. Would be great to see Redditors on this community help be the change!


Bike theft, obviously.


A bicycle graveyard is a place where, according to legend, old bicycles instinctively direct themselves when they reach a certain age. According to this legend, these bicycles would then die there alone, far from the group.


Legend has it they also disassemble themselves into their respective components: frames, rims, tires, each stacked separately for ease of re-use by future generations of bicycles


Policing is complaints driven. They don’t investigate things on their own. Please file the online form and get the incident number. Send a message to your city councillor and the councillor for this area with the incident number asking them to check in.


Alter-Ego open up another shop?


A methheads wet dream.


I bet Winnipeg police looks at this post and just laughs.


Building up inventory before they open up a bike shop /S


Same shit as usual. People that should be in prison harming society.


Walk yourself in there too bootlicker


How to tell us you're a criminal without telling us you're a criminal.


How to tell us your uneducated without telling us you're uneducated .


uneducated about what bro


Crime prevention, poverty and social welfare. Calling for the poor and homeless to be jailed for petty theft is peak unga bunga


What?? You don't work, you sit around getting high all day, and you get to rob people and places without consequences? Well now there's a life goal.


So what you're saying is these homeless people are CEOs? Bro thats actually apt affff


What I'm saying is that this is not working. A life with zero accountability isn't healthy for anyone. Most of us come from some type of trauma and a lot of us struggle. Most of us don't rob people or steal. Many of us have addictions (drugs, alcohol, food, sex, you name it) and we still have a life indoors and don't harm others. We've swung so far from a "hand up" to absolute chaos "do what you want, when you want, no consequences and the rest of society can just deal". Are things better for these people? No. Are things better for society? No.


I had my bike stolen as a teen and never got a new one. It's been decades and I'd love to bike again but what's the point. Fuck these guys.


Doing alchemy to turn bikes into meth.


The just thing to do here is obviously steal the tent, live by the sword...


It’s sad.  We’ve allowed, normalized, and justified stealing. Why build anymore bike paths?  No one brings bike downtown unless they can lock it up indoors. Regularly go to forks but would never lock up my bike and go inside. It would be stolen. Go to many other Canadian cities, don’t have problem to the same extent. Who is doing the stealing?


There’s actually a bike valet run by The Wrench at the Forks now.


Things to consider before even thinking of owning a bike in Winnipeg: 1. Don't.


When a car kills a bicycle for sport instead of to satiate its hunger, it deposits most of the bike's remains somewhere out of sight like this.


Obviously, just like owl pellets.


Hobo chop shop


Just saying, the movie [Bicycle Thieves](https://youtu.be/uQkDYXzsHJE?si=zT_7sTni8H1QcCI6) is fully available on YouTube for free. It's very good, and it's not like any movie you've ever seen. Unless you're into Italian neorealism.


Sunflower is another film made by the same director. It stars [Sophia Loren](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_Loren) and [Marcello Mastroianni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcello_Mastroianni) check it out for free [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vo8bs](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vo8bs)


Clearly they're bike enthusiasts from less than stellar financial backgrounds and they're trying to start up their own business repairing bikes, and this is the first batch of customers! /s They're skid marks on society.


Bike orgy.


People who can’t get hired making their own jobs, thinking the life they’re living makes sense... Sorry and RIP to everyone’s bikes- and the souls of these peoples that once existed.


Oh a new bike shop has opened. I wonder if they have any good deals.


Shit, is Gooch back in business in a popup location?




Across from the Number One Evergreen Tower would make for a really cool album title


Wrench must have lost their accommodations


Bubbles moved from restoring carts to restoring bikes


I appreciate the reference to the Wire, one of the best tv shows of all time.


Small business owner setting up shop. Gotta live the entrepreneurial spirit!


Saw a guy in Windsor park last night that looked like he was swiping a bike. Nowhere is safe


Looks like my neighbors backyard


Too bad nothing can be done about this.


there is more than one perpetual motion machine down there


Pop up bike shop


There is a bike chop shop on young street in west Broadway too. It is known to police yet they bust it up then it’s back months later.


There's another one like this off of Logan in Dufferin Park. We called that one in a couple of days ago. Wonder if it's still there...


Honest days work


Credit where it's due, at least there's a discernable system to whatever the fuck's going on there.


There appears to have been a struggle 🤣


Pop up bike shop of course


Stealing ikes in Winnipeg is Quite common- Police have no resources for property crime and home invation.


Have you put in a police report???


Cult of the Bike


I thought it was only a myth! You found the ancient and majestic Winnipeg Bicycle Graveyard. You’ll be telling your grandkids about this 🦄 Edit grammar


Looks like this guy fixes bikes


Isn't it crazy that there is less threat of someone stealing any of those bikes than there is if they were in your garage




They are getting ready for a ride


Not sure about the pile of bicycles, but I'm damn sure there's a soup kitchen going on in that tarp courtesy of dirty Mike and the boys....


Recycling bikes?


Bro is building the super bike


It's a circus abs they are making unicycles for the jugglers to ride.




i sincerely hope you're joking


Free bikes? Sweet!


Looks like someone is starting up a bicycle shop


beginnings of a local business !


The effects of cutting social programs, that's what's happening. You voted for this.


The problem is people normalizing and allowing stealing. This is suggesting people in poverty more likely to steal.


Until I saw the photo up close I was gonna say maybe some group of Gen X went back to their roots lmao.


When you speak, you leave no doubt. Your level of education speaks for itself. Have a nice day.


I bet Loblaws looks at this posts and just laughs. And then they visit kijiji and shop for a nice "used" bike - at a steal of a deal...