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Something happened there again? Feels like just a matter of time till they decide to close up shop like the Starbucks.


Shoppers will not close i can assure of that. Maybe consider closing earlier for the safety of the employees. 


It will be closed. There will be a point where loss prevention costs and losses exceed revenue as well as violence etc. the city is dying from the core and moving outwards. It’s been mismanaged and mishandled by pandering to those that cause the problems. Downvote me fine. Look at the stats.


Ha. For a second I thought you were going to say close up Osborne Village. LOL




There is a video on tik.tok of the hooligans.


All the people leave the subway and then go to shoppers I guess. Osborne used to be fun.


Subway doesn't even let people sit inside anymore. Takeout only.


I remember the good old days of 4am subs after Chaos Chameleon.


Papa George's 


Fuck, again? 


More crimes


I was not out, but what did you see?


A whole group of people trashed the store stealing stuff. Drunk jesus tried to stop them to no avail.


Sounds like Osborne after dark


Yep. Osborne can be super sketch once the sun sets.


Sounds like a screensaver pack I would never install.


I can't tell if you're joking... It sounds so far fetched but very believable for that location.


Not a joke, there is a local man called DrunkJesus on TikTok who’s made quite an online space for himself


man I love drunk jesus


Met him once, very kind guy.


What do you mean drunk Jesus ? Lol




who is Drunk Jesus?! lol Edit: nvm I just had to scroll


Ah! I saw that on TT wondered what it was about.


I swear I saw the video from in tbis thread but now I can’t find it. Any chance you remember what account you saw it on?


I can’t find it. I’m guessing maybe they took it down?


I'm not sure but the police presence in the Village currently is for the Marathon. BUT I saw people lined up outside of Shoppers..a worker was standing at the door explaining something. Supposed be open at 8am and it was about quarter after..didn't look like they were letting anyone in at that time.


They’re open now - the were taking the sign down and unlocking when I arrived (about 8:30). Cleaning staff was still washing floors when I went in - aside from that nothing looked out of the ordinary WPS has the bridge closed for the marathon


The store was trashed by the hooligans.


The stores in Osborne Village should do what the MB Liquor Marts did. Set up a screening system and scan id. Seems to be working good at the OV LiquorMart. Maybe even take it to the next level and screen for weapons as well like they do at the Downtown Library. This is one of the few times that the Province and City have set good examples for us to follow.


I see zero problem with this at all. The only people who tend to have problems with this are dishonest people. It's their store. They can do what they want. You have zero rights to enter that store. It's private property. People need to get a grip and stop acting entitled.


So you suggest private business take on additional financial burden because WPS’s bloated budget still renders it useless and a general joke? Security and weapons checks at a pharmacy? In Canada no less. Give me a break. I propose the government do anything, more than the current nothing, to curb the increase in theft and violence. Ineffective social programs. Ineffective “policing.” Ineffective government.


Would you believe that I'm suggesting that the employees hold to account their employer who is required by Federal Law to provide a safe workplace. This is the time for unions to shine and push to improve employee safety.


Ah yes, the old tuck and dodge. Trying to avoid the real issue. This isn’t a labour relations issue. It’s a public safety issue and the shortcomings of those meant to provide it.


Isn't it both though? High security is only a temp measure. The long term solution is there. It's done within cities and countries all over the world. We just need to have a Vision and Mission, and deploy.


If the government and police can’t provide a safe community how the fuck do you expect an employer to do it.


I wonder if someone asked that question when Canada was passing the law on workplace safety...


Agreed! Yes, yes and yes!


"Social issue" in Winnipeg 🙄..(wink, wink)


not applicable -- the LC sells alcohol therefore is legally required to expect a customer to produce ID upon request (just as true before the new checkpoints). you cannot require someone to scan an ID (let alone to *have one*) coming in to pick up a prescription or food or other non 18+ products. it would cause more problems than it solves.


I would prefer the airport style security at the City Library downtown. It shouldn't be as simple as just flashing ID.


I would prefer we dealt with crime at a larger level. Big Businesses investing in security checkpoints just to push the violence and bs a few feet out the door makes Big Business look thoughtful, justifies overhead and cutbacks, and doesn't reeeally help much for the world around it.


The city has given the keys to the people causing the problems. It’s game over. Just wait until the development happens in tuxedo and all the folks paying the most tax dollars leave. It’s game over for Winnipeg. Every wrong move has been undertaken for the last 30 years to help this process unfold in the worst way possible.


We are seeing Wild West 2.0. Downtown game over indeed. We don't need tough policing, but we absolutely need enforcement and detainment for repeats. Winnipeg - Made From What's Real™


I wonder if management at that location could treat it as a 18+ facility. No different than a private club. Minors can buy their staples at adjacent businesses. Vulnerable adults getting their Rx should feel safe inside.


A 17 year old shouldn't need her abusive father to pickup her birth control. And that's just one scenario with an ethical conundrum. Not a lot of adjacent businesses for their staples. And if you say Safeway what Will you say when shit goes down at Safeway.


Agreed in principle. For clarity, I meant that Shoppers should acutely do what they need to do in order to protect their store, staff, and customers. If they decide that ID must be provided to get in, then they should be able to do it. As for the abusive parent, which may or may not be her father, could this be done elsewhere instead of a pharmacy where there has been a lot of trouble lately?


I'm not going through hypothetical casebycase with you. Point is not to make life difficult for a ton of law-abiding people in the process.  Second point is patrol and checkpoints reduce crime in one area by pushing it to another. No, a business shouldn't be able to "do whatever" even for safety. Aside from this most recent event, you just decided unilaterally that the largest problem is minors. I was once attacked by Two middle-aged men outside that shoppers. They followed me in. When I told security they said they don't care about the parking lot.


Sooo... You don't want security inside, or police in Village because police services will be siphoned from another neighborhood. Should the owner do anything? Big angry dogs drooling should be used instead? Paintball gun? Castles used boiling oil at the entrance gate, along with a moat. But we aren't going there. What is your solution? I don't think asking for ID is an inconvenience since you would be buying something from the store anyway.


Like the last time with [unfortunately fatal results](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/osborne-village-assault-death-man-charged-1.7226934), probably another robbery and/or handshake.


Actually I think it was an attempted car jacking this time.