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Failing to comply with an undertaking, shocker


As someone who used to work in parole, I can’t count the number of times I saw that sentence on peoples records - it truly is a major societal problem at this point


The bigger problem is that we impose too many conditions on people that are unrelated to the charges they are on.


Such as?


>Legally innocent individuals are processed through a bail system that is chaotic and unnecessarily risk-averse and that disproportionately penalizes – and frequently criminalizes – poverty, addiction and mental illness. Canadian bail courts regularly impose abstinence requirements on those addicted to alcohol or drugs, residency conditions on the homeless, strict check-in requirements in difficult to access locations, no-contact conditions between family members, and rigid curfews that interfere with employment and daily life. Numerous and restrictive conditions, imposed for considerable periods of time, are setting people up to fail – and failing to comply with a bail condition is a criminal offence, even if the underlying behaviour is not otherwise a crime. >Across the country, an administration of justice charge was the most serious charge in over 20% of the criminal and federal cases completed; about half of these cases stemmed from violations of bail conditions. Moreover, the number of administration of justice charges before our courts has risen in the past 10 years, and the increase is almost entirely due to allegations of broken bail conditions. Our research found that some jurisdictions penalize bail breaches more strictly than others. In Manitoba, for example, policy requires bail supervisors to take a zero tolerance approach to bail violations: being a few minutes late to an appointment will frequently result in a breach report, criminal charges and a return to jail. Even when the original charge is withdrawn or dismissed, the Crown will frequently still pursue a conviction for charges of failure to comply with a bail order. Source: https://ccla.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Set-up-to-fail-FINAL.pdf


Sorry but this has nothing to do with this and hurts not helps your cause. Kids brought guns and machetes to the ex -they deserve the charges, period. They aren’t innocent and many other criminals aren’t either. Send them away, they don’t deserve to get to go to things like the ex until they learn what they did was wrong.


According to the most recent [Provincial Court of Manitoba Annual Report](https://www.manitobacourts.mb.ca/site/assets/files/1541/mb_prov_court_2021-22_annual_report_-_web_-_revised_feb_10.pdf), 41% of the court's load is Administration of Justice offences - Fail to Attend Court, and breaches. Imagine how efficient our courts system could be if we could cut that in half.


Or they just show up to court?


Or if we issued summonses instead of warrants. Or if we issued warrants but didn't lay breach charges. There are lots of ways to enforce the law without overincarcerating the poor, the mentally ill and the addicted.


I wish more went to jail: too many people committing repeat crimes out there. You can’t convince me on this one. Don’t do the crime and you don’t do the time.


Tell me you don't know much about winnipeg in one comment thread.... And go..... Wow that was fast


Scott Newman best lawyer out there !!




Just need a canada day stabbing for my summer in winnipeg bingo card.


That doesn't count, its such a sure thing that its the center/free spot on the card


Yeah, it's gotta be a refugee to count as a square.


Have been getting too many bingos this year. I don’t want to play this game anymore. 😞


Canada Day *dabbing*.


I see what you did there. Nice.


i miss my grandma.


Sadly stuff like this is the reason I don't bring my young kids to the ex. I know it's rare but it usually happenes once a year at the ex now that someone has a gun.


Our motto is "we'll go to the Ex once the guns or knives pop up" because typically AFTER these incidents take place, the rest of the event is good lol.


this is the way lol did that this year


Underage suspects (repeat offenders with a weapons charge) were actually detained in custody? Not released with a promise to appear? Please tell me this will be the new norm.


It won’t be the new norm because it’s been this way since the introduction of YCJA - actually tougher than it was.


Sickening kids.


Don't go to the Ex. It's just not worth it because of all these stupid fucking little losers trying to be tough with weapons. Man I wish we had tougher sentencing. Some people just can't be with others in society.


Ship these tough guys out to Baffin Island and let them eat each other out there. Sick of the dirty thirty.


Have their parents serve time along side their kids and appear for probation hearing. Make them responsible for their spawn.


What is the dirty thirty?




If we ever had a version of Survivor Canada ..


Last time I went was about 15 years ago remember getting stared down by three people. Stare down as in looking for a fight. Was so trashy there never went back. There are incidents there every year and we only here above the very serious ones.


One in a million chance, fuckoff with this fear mongering. 


Is the Red River Ex sketchy during the day on weekends too? Or is it mainly a problem with violence at night




I'd like an answer for this, too. Been thinking of taking the kids this year but, like, fuck that noise....


I've tested this theory when I worked at an adult group home taking small groups throughout the week at a time. The answer is YES. It's LESS sketchy during the day...but still sketchy. after 6pm WILD WEST DO NOT ENTER This was 7-8 years ago so i would imagine its much worse. I remember once it starts smelling like weed you need to leave because the crowds get super intimidating (red river ex 'gangsters') and the amount of profanity you hear is pretty gross.


Well, that's answers that! Haven't been to the Ex in 20+ years, had no idea it had fallen so low. Thank you


No. They have more strict polices so not as bad.


It is incredible that the criminals are STILL throwing weapons over the fence just like they have done for years before hand. Set your clock to next year when it happens again.


As long as the baby goats are safe


Ah I see the ex is still ratchet as hell. Pure scum as always!


Agreed. I don't understand why carnivals always attract such scummy people


Fucking Rachets. Haha




Sounds like they need to build a wall around the Ex


And make Headingley pay for it!


The Ex Grounds and Assiniboia Downs are part of Winnipeg.


(That's the joke)




The ex is a shit hole. Brings out all the trash. No thanks


I'm more surprised that the Canuck Amusements carnival at Kildonan Place finally went on this year without a bear spraying.


There is a segment of society that lives for parking lot carnivals. It’s the highlight of their year.




I shall stick to playing pool at the New West Hotel. Less machete-ey.


Less machete-ey *so far...*


Why are there always incidents at the ex? Seems like a weird place for weapons / violence incidents.


Repeat failure to comply. Sorry boys, we're gonna need those ring fingers on your right hand. Get the bolt cutters. For the rest of your life, every time someone sees your hand, they'll know you're a piece of shit.


This is why I no longer take my kid to the Ex.


Too dangerous. Fuck the Ex.


The Plague of Stupidity rages on.


When I used to go to the ex, we would just go on rides and eat junk food. Never felt the need to bring a machete


Quelle surprise. Like no one expected a Winnipeg Handshake at the Ex


I’ve lived here 34 years and have never once been to the ex. I plan on keeping it that way.


Surprised the Ex doesn't use entrance metal detectors at this point. How many years now has it been an utter failure of a security shithole? Most families I know have actively avoided the Ex for at least a generation.


Not like that will do anything when they’re throwing weapons over the fence to collect once they’re in.


I understand violence is a problem, and I don’t really have solution to offer up. Other than maybe don’t keep trying the same damn crime strategy and expecting different results? But the pearl clutching from this subreddit anytime a crime is committed is funny as hell to me. The Ex isn’t really any more dangerous than going to Polo Park on a Saturday afternoon. Anytime people gather in large groups, there’s risk of sketchy people being around and sketchy things happening. Cops are called to Polo Park for violent incidents all the damn time, most of them don’t make the news. The ex just get more media attention.


Idk why the downvote someone didn’t read the whole thing lol


I get the feeling this sub is afraid of its own shadow.


...17 and 15 year old were given free passes to the Ex and an apology for having been arrested and charged. ...probably.


This doesn’t sound all that safe. I was planning to take my little sister and her friends to the ex on Friday, but we haven’t been since the 80s and assumed it was just a fair. Is this kind of violence common? 


Yes. If I recall there was a shooting last year. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.


Shooting happened two years ago, per this article https://winnipeg.citynews.ca/2022/06/21/shooting-red-river-exhibition/amp/?consent=true


There was. I remember reading about it and thinking it occurred merely one day after I had taken my kids there.


Yikes on bikes. 


It's been a drunk and high rumble for teens for quite a while now. A lot of people going there to fight and settle scores. And a hell of a lot of weapons and bear spray.


There's just something about clowns, balloons and Ferris wheels that hardcore gangsters just can't resist!


Would we be alright during the day? The plan was to stay from around 12-6pm. 


The Ex sees 200,000+ visitors each year and there are only a handful of incidents. You'll be fine.


Thanks. I hate fairs, but it’s my turn to go. Thankfully my mom laid out some rules, so if something does happen, we’ll be able to get out together. 


Btw as long as your kids aren’t involved with people who tend to fight, they are likely fine, the majority of the time these things happen, the victims know the perpetrators, and leave before 7 or 8 if you want to be on the safer side


No, she’s a nice little country girl and so are her friends. They might be passive aggressive sometimes, but they don’t physically fight. My mom made it the rule we have to leave at 6, because I’m driving my brothers to their cousins in Saskatchewan, so luckily I have an excuse to shoo the girls out. 


While this is true, you don't have to be involved in a confrontation to be affected by it, especially if a gun in involved


We had an incident with a racist security guard when we got there. She had a good after that and I bought her ice cream on the way home. 


That’s so sad I’m sorry about that :( I’m glad she was able to have a good time, tell her the racism says everything about who they are, nothing wrong with your girl ❤️❤️


[Relevant](https://youtu.be/pQEopQNxqi4?si=hwVrzxrGKTKf6Oxt) Surprised this didn't happen sooner.


I mean, Sunday was literally the third day it was open lol


I'm surprised it didn't happen on the 14th then, if there isn't at least three stabbings during the Ex, it's considered a dull affair. To be honest, if the Ex is in town and there isn't a weapons involved incident, I'd probably be convincing myself I need to wake up. That's not a good thing, but it is what it is. We're made from what's real.


Snotty nosed little 💩's can't even wipe their asses properly yet.


The crime and punishment mentality of this sub is fucked, along with the paranoia.  How come it’s sane here until stuff like this happens? Winnipeg isn’t some special case, all cities have violence and crime. And of course got so many who want to be Batman for some reason. We see you and know who you are


Can’t we all just have Krispy Kreme’s and get along?


How are the little bastards getting weapons in? Is security that lax???


They threw them over the fence somewhere and then retrieved them once they were inside. I'm pretty sure multiple incidents in the past have happened as a result of basically the same thing, so if anything it's probably time for the Ex to get a higher fence.


There’s a reason I haven’t gone to the Ex for more than 10 years. I thought they were doing metal detectors? Guess not eh? Just a place for drug addicts, criminals and people with mental health issues to congregate. Cancel it or spend more money on security and searches. If they can search all the people at Bomber games why can’t RRE?


Because these pieces of work threw them over the fence somewhere before coming in and then went and retrieved them


Usual suspects?


What do people think about reinstating capital punishment for violent crimes causing permanent injuries and/or death?


On an unrelated note- is there a way to ban/block GIFs because they really add nothing but annoyance to posts. They're not even funny or clever...










If you're on mobile and bothered enough by it to install boost with the revanced app, It makes gifs show up as little green squares that don't show the actual gifs unless you tap on them.

