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Not quite - it's more of a mix. The clans and tartan colours are a Scots thing, the raiding, Irish did that as well as Norse (as is Rag Na Roog, Raknarok, obvs) but the general location feels Irish too (landmass off to the west) and Druids feel more Irish than Scottish to me.


You're correct.


What I wanted to write, but you did with fewer words. You are very efficient sir!


An enemy has a kilt theres bagpipe lessons, and the only two places that avoided colonization until the the past few hundred years were scotland and china. Granted they got scotland eventually, but the whole legend of skellige where its impossible to take over and written off as an annoyance by kings is spot on to how scotland was thought of by kings. So its def a total mashup, but leans towards scotland in my opinion. Also plenty of spot on scottish accents to boot.


Wait, what Scotch accents? All I remember is Northern Irish and Irish accents.


Sorry but 90% of the accents are Northern Irish/Irish, also the main island is named after skellig Michael and some other islands are Norse, there's some Scottish integration there but your over stating it


the accents are irish mate


ever been to the isle of skye? Went there this week and the entire place just reminded me of skellige so much. I’ve been to ireland plenty of times but skellige’s landscape feels mostly like the hebrides of scotland!


I don't think they're supposed to be seen as Celtic, everything I've seen always pointed me to a Norse oriented culture. The focus on maritime navigation, the raids, the paganism. All of it seems to point to Norse.


Don't forget the accent - Scotland without mistake. Birna and Cerys above all. But imho it's a mixup of northern geography and names with Scottish accent and both Scottish and northern attitude.


Northern Irish accents actually, with the occasional West Ireland.


I guess you know better - I only assumed by what I saw on TV, never been there meself unfortunately


I'm from Ireland so I was able to recognise the accents. I'd probably mix them up too if I weren't though.


I think it’s more of a problem for those across the pond - I’m English and picked up on the Irish easily enough.


anyone whose seen braveheart can spot the scottish accents. Plenty of irish accents ingame too. But especially the enemy in a kilt as a prime example, he def has one, and so do others.


I find the fact you’re using a comparison to braveheart amusing, just because braveheart was slammed for being too historically + culturally inaccurate.


Bravehearts amazing, the accents were definitly scottish. But youre right william wallace did not have sex w/the princess and allot was inacurate.


he also had a terrible scottish accent and was played by an australian. Braveheart was actually robert the bruce not william wallace. Source: I’m scottish


The bravery of legendary scots like wallace is def what inspired robert the bruce to switch sides back to scotland though.


right about everything but this lad, mel does a tits accent


Some Irish wore kilts and the accents were primarily Northern Irish. Source; My SO, whose family is Irish. She both watched me play and then played W3 and she has no idea where these Scottish accents were because she didn't hear them.


I mean u only need to watch braveheart once to hear it. Its not hard to spot 🤷


I’m scottish, there weren’t any scottish accents there.


For a scotsman you lack imagination. It's more of a case of what regional accent the fake witcher accents are closest too. They say the ability to draw connections is what separates geniuses from smart people. Im 65% scottish myself and believe I descended from the highland picts 💪


Yeah, in the end it's a mish mash of the two of them.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skellig_Islands Name comes from Irish islands, accents are Irish, but the culture is a mix of Irish, Scots and Norse.


Sorry for reviving. To be fair the landscape is more Highland Scottish or Norwegian fjords to me than Ireland. The culture started off irish/Scottish when I landed then became a lot more norse once you hit the villages. It's very similar to the cultures of the vikings that settled the isles around Scotland and Ireland and mixed their cultures with the celts (Gaels, Picts, Gauls etc) Also larvik and lofoten are places in Norway, it's a interesting island.


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Good bot.


I say it's based on the [Kingdom of the Isles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_the_Isles) (which mixed Norse and Celtic culture IRL)


I would have to disagree with the idea that it's solely based off Scotland. It's an amalgamation of different cultures. There are actual Irish islands called the Skellige Isles. Irish words are bastardised to good effect e.g. Clan Tuirseach, tuirseach being the Irish word for 'tired.' The accents range from Western/Northern Ireland to Scotland and, lesser still, Scandinavia. The main theme, The Fields of Ard Skellige, is a take on the song 'Fear A Bhata,' an old Gaelic Scot ballad. Then if you look to the Eastern Isles of Skellige, you have villages like Lofoten and Larvik, real places in Norway. These are only a handful of examples of the multicultural inspiration of Skellige but there's much more.


Clann is also Irish for family


More like the isles (Man, Shetland, Skye)


It’s an amalgamation of Scottish/Irish (Gaelic) as well as Old Norse (Viking). Tbh I’m surprised you completely missed the *very* obvious parallels to viking, especially when you seem to have picked up on the more nuanced Scottish/Gaelic comparisons. Based on your comments, though, you seem to be dead set on arguing that it is solely based off of Scotland, which explains how you’ve missed these factors - confirmation bias can be a nuisance.


Im 60% scottish so thats the only reason I know. I dont know much about vikings. Listen Hadreans wall with the army disapearing before its construction & britans inability to capture scotland and labeling it a nuisance is exactly how skellige is portrayed, so its base similarity is to scotland. But Im sure it has plenty of viking too. Games an amazing mashup of really cool cultures.


Interesting. I’ve got very little Scottish, Irish, and Norse blood in me and yet I was able to discern the references to their culture just as easily, if not more, than yourself. And I still have to insist that it is much more explicitly based on viking culture than Scottish. That is not to say, however, the Gaelic parallels do not exist.


you really dont seem to know about hadreans wall, why it was built, and how the scottish were too difficult to take over and labeled as a nusciance. Thats Skelliges exact foundation story, so Im sure theres plenty of viking, but it was 4sure built on a scottish soul.


That’s a very bold - and ignorant - statement to make. By now I’m certain that you’re either trolling, or very *very* dense, and in either case talking to you will prove tiresome, so I bid you goodnight.


You seem to be Ignoring allot of facts when drawing your conclusion. I think your the one trolling to be honest. Your points are weak and your arrogant 🤷


By the way you speak you seem to be not native to even the UK And you also seem to be clinging to the couple facts you know about Scotland, you love hadreans wall Also your little knowledge on Scotland's biased and wrong Scotland and your special hadreans wall have been penetrated multiple times, try watch some timeline maps of the control of the uk


I have highland dna and probably descend from picts, its something to be proud of. Your mums been penetrated more times than hadreans wall 😂


I can see heavy Viking inspiration


randomly browsing google maps and i saw something interesting. if we check the [witcher map](https://preview.redd.it/4r7qcrgtj0z51.jpg?width=542&auto=webp&s=ce8cbb6193e292d71269ba78451b59b91f117138) it does kind of resemble the coastline of Poland eastwards to Estonia. Estonia being the little hook up top on the witcher map. and if that is the case then i can totally see Gotland being skellige. with a little bit of that bagpipe stuff thrown in there [rotated real life map of Poland etc with Gotland being the little island](https://imgur.com/a/iGTaGB4)


Very interesting 🤔 could be! My girlfriend's Polish.


Wow! That was actually enlightening always wondered where the inspiration for Skellige came from.


The Nilfgardian ambassador from the start of the game was very quick to dismiss the relevance of Skellige in the grand scheme of things.


Rightly so, I’d say. Skellige is very much geographically and politically isolated from the war on the continent, and they are also quite far behind technologically. Whilst coastal raiding and brief naval skirmishes will be somewhat bothersome for both sides, perhaps even more so during wartime, ultimately Skellige cannot doesn’t pose a serious threat to either the Northern Realms or the Empire of Nilfgaard.


What about the accents? Sounded Norwegian to me.