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It was the the time where demandred was planned to be taim and Lews would react angrily when taim was present. So there may have been a thought about taim before that.


Ha, See! Until the reveal where Demandred was I was convinced he must be Taim. I wonder why they didn't go through with it, it would have made a lot of sense and not much difference in the plot...


Because while it makes sense for someone of the Shadow to infiltrate Rand's side, it doesn't make sense for it to be Demandred. Before he went over to the Shadow, Demandred had been second in absolutely **everything** compared to Lews Therin. He was born a day later than him and was just a tad weaker. In everything they did before the War, Demandred proved second to Lews Therin. Writing books, politics, sports, academics, even their love life. And so when Lews Therin was named Commander of the Light ahead of him, he'd had enough. He quite simply could'nt stand being second to Lews Therin for one moment any longer. And that is why I believe that Jordan changed his mind about Taimandred, because the character of Demandred would never bring himself to become second to the Dragon ever again.


That's precisely why I never really believed Taimandred: I didn't think Jordan would commit to it because having Demandred skulking around Rand would just not work for the story. It would escalate things too fast. Neither Rand, nor Demandred could tolerate it. At Lord of Chaos Demandred's entire characterization is essentially a manipulator with a hatred of Rand so intense that other people who hate Rand consider it to be irrational.