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Im perfectly fine with them. It brings in more variety and the gameplay is completely unique. Not to mention what happened to all the complainers complaining about people sitting at the back and not being able to shoot back at the carrier? This is literally the solution to that. Some people are just never happy and will make sure everyone knows. These ships were 100% gonna come to our version sooner or later. It happened later. I can guarantee the ships are not going to be the problem. Its the players. 99% of people arent skilled enough to use both classes effectively. Either people will just sit at the back and be a worse carrier or get farmed through their superstructure while having a lower BB damage output. Really my only complaint is that not only are they not based in anything historical, but the physics dont even support whatever it is thats going on with the design.


I'm assuming you have never played the PC version. These ships lead to the exact opposite of what you claim. These hybrid ships unbalance the game more and drive players away.


Bold claim. Most of the PC issues are because of their spotting which we dont have. Not to mention even then its certainly not a universal opinion that they are broken. Really feeling Deja vu from the De Zeven panic and its airstrikes…


Personally, I'm not a fan of them adding the ships, but I don't think it's the end of the world. Im just hoping there's a longer cool down on the airstrikes, since when the de seven first came out my gripe was that I was getting bombed by the CV, and multiple de 7's at once.


Who complained about DP7? Nobody gave two shots about that boat, everyone has been talking about the ridiculous CV buffs. Which I think we all now know what the real reason for that buff was, the new hybrid 🤡boats.


Honestly I was lucky enough to not be focused by the CV's most of the time, and when I was, I had good enough AA to persuade them not to continue attacking me, so the only annoyance for me at least was the constant airstrike and fire spam from the 5 de 7's somehow all on my flank


I typically run a DD with close to no AA, Yudachi. Boats like that will become completely unplayable once there are equivalents of multiple carrier games. One carrier you can scoot around and sometimes be ok, add in hybrid clown boats and forget it.


Everyone and their grandma held a community riot due to “sky cancer” now infecting their cruisers. Then the CV changes overshadowed D7P pretty quickly


If they are running airstrikes and not controllable planes none of the CV buffs would effect them except maybe health and speed.


Why would they be more unbalanced than CVs?


More planes=bad. The only player defense against planes is RNG. This means the player has zero control in interacting, as in playing, when being attacked by CVs and battle carrier planes. Adding more planes to the game takes control away from the player. The same thing applies to subs when WG adds them eventually, which is a certainty at this point. That is also why subs and CVs can never be balanced nor fun to play against. WG hasn't learned anything from emptying out the servers on WOWS PC with these same additions to the game, which is pretty sad, but WeeGee is gonna WeeGee.


So you'd be happy if this class took up the one CV spot in a match?


>Not to mention what happened to all the complainers complaining about people sitting at the back and not being able to shoot back at the carrier? This is literally the solution to that. X to doubt. Best case scenario, you're going to get BB sniper drivers posting up behind islands to launch aircraft every few minutes, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to see these things hugging the map borders. However, the skill ceiling looks very high, so the handful of people who can make them work to their full potential will be monsters.


Yeah, from what I know the way most people play them on PC is sitting outside gun range using the planes on cooldown.


We'll see. If rumours of them operating like Dutch cruisers are true, they'll at least have to be useless at closer range.


Only seen wiki page for one of them but not sure how good they'll be for sniping as apparently the dispersion is worse than German BBs.


It's not the solution to people sitting in the back because nothing will change that. People said that carriers were going to be that solution. They weren't. People saind DDs with 15km torps were going to be that solution. They weren't. They said that the change to carrier spotting was going to be that solution. It wasn't


You're 100% right those things didn't work so lets do nothing right? 


Only nerfing BB gun range can change something


>People saind DDs with 15km torps were going to be that solution. They weren't Strawman?


You assume people don’t play this game for the historical aspect. Say someone on here is a navy vet and enjoys the game play for the fact you play historical ships, why would they want these clown boats? You just assume your opinion is the majority and anyone who hates the idea is automatically wrong. In fact, one of the things people have been “complaining” about, as you say are events which are recreations of historical battles, on maps of those actual places they took place. Instead we get Hiss Laesar and boats that make laser sounds instead of giving people what they ask for, accurately recreated ships and better artillery sounds. 🤷‍♂️


They're definitely going to have a high skill floor. You basically need to be able to effectively use both a BB and a CV simultaneously. It's going to be a hefty task to track everything you have going on and use a controller to direct it all.


After all the doom and gloom people love posting here, this is the best take I’ve seen of them yet. Especially after seeing the teaser video, they’ll have an airstrike mechanic more like D7P rather than fully controllable squadrons. Everyone seems to love D7P and want Dutch cruisers but not when they’re US BB’s apparently. I think alot of players are going to get skill checked by the airstrike mechanic if they haven’t played D7P and we’ll probably see a ton of “Hybrid BBs need buffs badly”


So these aren't real ships? And will they be in a campaign, making it a 2-ship campaign?


In my opinion, the game doesn’t need more variety. It has plenty already. The real variety comes from the unpredictability of human players. Look at sports. The game of football has been unchanged forever and no one is suggesting to add new “features” to it. Focus on perfecting the existing mechanics, graphics and user experience/UI. Sell skins and guises for added income. The subscription works well also.


T h a n k y o u . I'm getting really sick of all this doom and gloom "Legends has fallen, billions must sink" posting. Personally not a fan of hybrids since they're a bridge too far for my suspension of disbelief but I don't think the game is ruined forever and ever. Edit: I am so vindicated


No. I don't even want **carriers**, but WG seems to want to ram them down our throats.




Quality argument there, chief. Way to push that logic and rhetoric to make your point.


You cry!


The answer is no. And WG has a long history of not listening to their player base. Refer to PC captains.


They destroyed WoTC because of their arrogance, what makes people here think it won’t happen again?


Maybe if we all collectively say that we want this then maybe they won’t add it


Reverse psychology, I like it!


Nope, they’ll just talk about all of the positive feedback and start adding carrier decks to all the ship classes. It’s funny to me how something the IJN did out of desperation is something they want to normalize. When is someone at WG going to realize the range of airplanes completely negated guns and almost all sea battles involving carriers were fought without surface combatants firing on each other? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


If the hybrid takes the carrier slot, that’s fine. If it takes a battleship slot, hell no.


Only ise and tone off the top of my head


Because they are historical?


I don't think they were even considered viable back in their respective historical periods. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlecarrier Seems to be more of a fantasy vibe trend to me.


Who said viable? The Ise, Hyuga, and Tone were actually ships that were converted into hybrid ships (or purpose built as such in the case of Tone). CWhite is a fan of historical things, that's why I asked if that's the case in this situation. Also, I am a firm believer in "Battlecarriers have a role they can be very effect in, but if you are in the situation that a battlecarrier would be effective in, you are in a situation that a battle carrier cannot help you.".


Pretty much


I thought Hyuga was the other halfbreed?


Hyuga is already in game in her BB configuration, and Tone is the all guns forward heavy cruiser hybrid (which is also a historical design that was also actually built).


*halford crying in the corner*


Halford carried a spotting aircraft through, not aircraft with munitions


That's not a hybrid irl, it's just a destroyer with a floatplane catapult like on most cruisers and battleships. Even Tone is marginal, it has a lot of planes for a cruiser but it's just floatplanes, no flight deck.


And Chikuma, obviously.


I agree. I hope that the introduction of these hybrid battleships from the US Navy opens up the possibility of seeing the Ise and Tone in the game, I have nothing against "paper ships", but my preference will always be the historical ones. But it seems that unlike on PC you control squadrons of planes like those on aircraft carriers, on consoles/mobile they will be used with the Airstike system similar to that of De Zeven Provinciën.


The general consensus is no. On PC they’re not very good for the health of the game, and the player base would much prefer fun, balanced, and preferably real ships. Plus, they are just abominations. As much as the “star destroyer” concept is cool, there is a reason why actual militaries didn’t really advance too far with them, because in real life these hybrid designs sacrifice so much of their battleship capabilities for poor amounts of carrier capabilities. I hate them specifically for that. However, they have said that the hybrids in legends will perform differently than they do on PC. I suspect they’ll be more along the lines of D7P’s air strikes, which are fine as is right now. So we’ll see if they will be better or worse than they are on PC.


I am pretty certain that it will be like this. They tested the air strike mechanic with the D7P, and now we will get a line of ships using this.


I'm not that fussed. I'll wait and see, plus the planes lose both their infinite duration and spotting that made them so busted on PC


They might still be able to spot for themselves, but we'll see on patch day. Either way, I don't think they're going to be that big a deal and certainly not worth all "the sky is falling!" moaning that's been happening since the trailer dropped.


To me they seem like they will be a jack of all trades master of none, they have less planes in a strike then a cv with a longer cool down then any cv and they have less guns and armor then a comparable BB so they will need to play carefully or else they will just get sunk before they do anything meaningful.




I hope you and all the other whiners feel ashamed  D7 airstrikes all over again 


Wdym all over again? My main concerns with D7P are exactly what happened.


Lol delusions 


Now that they've dropped and almost everyone likes them it's funny to see how wrong (as usual) the Debby downer guys in this sub are😂 which they're almost always wrong. "New things are bad" is the only thing most of these men say. They need to add a "get off my lawn" emote in the qick text wheel.


Yep, these clowns are 0/2 the past two updates  Think they'll learn to wait and see before the temper tantrum?


This right here 😂 it's not wg, it's not the ships and it's not these hybrid ships it's the people. They cry about everything and anything. They never like any new ship line because "that ship is the same ship as the level 7 cruiser destroyer it's just re-skinned" or "who are these content creators? Never heard of any of them, why didn't they use the more popular wow Legend creators that have 100 subs?" When irl the people wg picked had millions of subs and I'm sure brought lots of younger people to the game which is a great thing but this sub hates it.


I just think it’s terrible timing, this last update made carriers really powerful, and now they’re gonna add more carriers before balancing the ones we already got? Maybe they should address the plane problem we got right now before they go and add more planes that potentially come with their own set of balancing issues


No, simple as that


Maybe try speaking for yourself next time.


He is you simpleton.


Post asked "does anyone".


He is one of any so.....


Question: "Does anyone want this thing?" His answer: a definitive statement without personal qualifiers. The correct way to answer the question: *I* don't, not in *MY* opinion, *I* doubt it, etc.


Hes giving his oponion after the post author made essentially an informal poll. Its semantics. This has the same petty energy as correcting someone saying "can I" instead of "may I". Arguing semantics will earn no favors or sympathy.




Getting BBVs before Borodino or Hindenburg is just insane to me, I never thought they’d add them.


Exactly this. We’re missing some pretty big mainstays with long histories on PC and yet we’re getting hybrids first, feels bad


I think they're going to drop them OP as hell to make us want to buy them. I hope I'm wrong


No not really. What we really want is ww1 new mexico.


No, simply because they're ugly as hell.




😂😂😂 with only 9 players on each team what will they contribute? matches will become more lopsided..


Where is my Hello Kitty Yamato? That's the hybrid we need.


Sanrio x Wargaming would go unfathomably hard, I’d actually whale for it




*raises hand*


I’m cautiously optimistic because I’ve always wanted to try these out sense I don’t play the pc version of the game and I really enjoy the DE 7 and if these hybrids are anything like that but in a battleship form then I’m all for it since I’m primarily a BB player


I got upset way back when they brought in the Russian battleships. That was like April, May 2020. And to be clear, the Russian battleships are just as ludicrously ahistorical as these hybrids, if not more so. Then there is the Russian carriers--a complete fiction. The German carriers--someone's fantasy. The German battleships. Look, there is a lot I don't want in this game. I have a feeling that if I got my way, a lot of the people complaining about the hybrids would be howling that their favorite ships are missing. Probably the reverse too. Let's see how they play.


Yep this is the point I should stop playing


Edit: I feel like these hybrids would have worked better back in the old old days when you didn’t manually steer your planes and instead clicked what ship/angle they should drop their payload on and then it was hands off while you selected another squadron and the first flew off to do its mission like a baldur’s gate three game except not strictly turnbased The new format is much better, but that downtime while the planes auto-attacked would have left time to sail around firing the main batteries these hybrids will have


As someone who played PC back in Ye Olden Real-Time-Strategy Carrier days, it was...mixed. It was so different (and difficult) to do well, you didn't see them that often. (I never played them.) Most of it was a CV-vs-CV minigame, and you could get deplaned because of the enemy CV, and AA mostly worked. But when you *did* have a CV match, the skill difference between the two carrier players would determine the game for everyone else. And they could cross drop you, leading to countless dev strikes. There was a female streamer whose name I wish I could remember who was a master at them. She must have had 100+ Solo Warriors from just hard carrying game after game. Flambass was amazing at them, too. The best PC days were when they were removed for the rebork. It was what the game was meant to be. :-(


I remember her, Femenenly was her name.




If she was on your team, it was a guaranteed win.


One of the best things about this game is the balance between the three ship classes. Hopefully this doesn't undermine that.


I do, it adds more variety to the game, and more play styles for me to learn.  The WG stream last month also *implied* that they will be using the D7P style airstrikes on legends instead of just  being bad CVs with big guns. That also interests me.


No thank you


The issues I can see without having patch notes yet: 1. If the planes still spot for the hybrid itself, it will effectively have 15km+ (whatever the planes' range) radar. Odds of this happening are low given they'd have to code the planes separately from all others in the game. So that's good. 2. If there is no division limit, you could have a 3-person div of all hybrids. Given there isn't a De7 restriction, I doubt there will be one for these. That's bad (IMHO). 3. If there is no MM mirroring like with CVs, you could have that 3-person div against no hybrids or CVs on the other team. See #2 for why I think there will be no mirroring. Also bad. 4. The recent plane spotting changes should make them less toxic overall. That's very, very good. 5. WG has hinted that they'll operate more like the De7 than traditional carrier planes. So maybe just bombers...? If so, that's not all bad. If it also has torp planes, then they could force folks to go broadside, thus allowing the BB guns to do the rest. That's not great, but depends on the gun stats. 6. The playerbase is...well...let's be honest. Most BB mains can barely play one ship all that well. Adding something as complex as airstrikes to the mix might break their brains and make hybrids XP piñatas. (Note that I'm a BB main. lmao.) I wasn't happy at first -- at all -- but the more I've thought about it, the less worried I am they will be a toxic mess. We'll know more tomorrow.


No, because they will neither be good BBs nor good CVs




WG completely ignores all of the community requests for basic quality of life features and add things we didn't ask for. They treat us like crap if we message them about anything at all. Honestly I regret spending (so much) money on them because they literally just don't give a sh*t about any of us.


Wargaming knows how to get money out of the silent majority. Do people who comment on Reddit want them? Probably not. But the super casual players with deep pockets will buy them nonetheless




No. It's infuriating seeing these assholes sit 30km away from the battle playing as Walmart CVs contributing zilch to the battle.


Hell no!




Not even slightly. It’s the classic WG, “we broken the game, so now we’re breaking it even more so it’ll be fixed now” response.


We broke the game So now we’re trying to squeeze as much as possible before it dies


Ah! I see you’ve you too, are familiar with the WG business model. Lol


I'm impartial to the other ones, but I do want Ise


I think they are cool looking


I’ve only been asking for Hindenburg for years, but nah lets add one of the goofiest classes from PC instead🤦‍♂️I don’t completely hate it especially since the Japanese historically had a couple and if it works the same as D7P airstrikes i don’t think they will be too bad, i just don’t think theres any need for them and theres better stuff to add/fix. Especially with how controversial carriers have been recently. Plus i shot down 70 planes yesterday in a non carrier match against 2 D7Ps, imagine one of those and a few hybrid carriers per team, the amount of planes would be insane haha


Im always down to try something new, will I enjoy it? Will I suck at it? Will it just be one of those ships I play when I don't feel the vibe for a BB DD, CL, CA or CV? Who knows It aint like weegee is outright forcing me to play the ship, soooo.....why not?


Can someone answer me this? If a ship launches bomber planes (like the D7p), while those planes can't directly spot a ship, after the new update, do they not spot at all, on the map? I had a game where something was capping a nearby cap, so I dropped the airstrikes in 3 random spots in the circle, hoping to get the minimap spot, but got nothing.


I’m on the fence, not having played PC so have no idea what to expect, but given The First Descendant is dropping next week also, I’ll probably be playing that instead and taking a healthy break from Legends, which has become quite boring (but that happens).


Yes, I want more bbs to play, also for those complaining about pc, Blip has already said they won't work like they do on pc, also keep in mind Legends balancing is much better than pc


As a newb who’s too lazy/exhausted to wade through the google soup right now: What are they?


Battleships with carrier type attack planes.


So no more WWII stuff? Just going for whatever now?


Uss Nebraska hybrid... this should be interesting!


This is aircraft carriers coming to wows legends all over again, according to Reddit and CCs no one wanted them yet you see a bunch of people happy they are around


As long as they're not broken I'm happy to have them as they add more variety


I’m enjoying the new CV rules. I don’t play carriers. I generally play American cruisers so I’m having a great time shooting down planes, getting clear skymedals. I like the hybrid ships, I’m doing pretty good in De 7. But the thing I love most about this new update is listening to you guys all cry about carriers.


Yes, actually I like the airstrike mechanism. What I really dislike is that they now have chosen a path of total fantasy stuff. There WERE Japanese hybrids. Why not do a line for the real ones? Yeah, Japan already got CLs. And it is US time now. OK. I see. Then just wait till later. This campaign is about CVs, eh? No need to rush hybrids NOW. They look ugly. They are pure fantasy, not even blueprint stuff in at least a state of serious design work. Hell, even the fantasy Zao ist better since If FEELS like real design (even from a military historical POV a total useless Design --> Torpedo place ment, back observation/ fire control tower etc.). But those US hybrids are no better than warhammer ships running around - and those at least I can disable for myself... WG. You had one job. You want hybrids? Take the existing ones!


You don’t know the experience to judge fool


These are discarded designs. The Old Admirals wanted their battleships but history proved the aircraft carrier could win the day. So they tried a compromise- but it never took hold. These are really just battleships with a D7P airstrike capability within their prescribed armament range, It's just another gimmick that won't appeal to everyone. Stay in lower levels if your not interested.


Dont play the ship you want if you arent interested in getting attacked by a New ship type? That isnt nowhere near right on any level.


Monk- I respect your gameplay and enjoy your videos, but I have no idea what you are saying or if it's to me or not. I have no problem with the hybrid ships- play what you want, when you want and where you want.


I must have misunderstood you, i took your comment more negatively than it was intended. My apologises Sir. I agree with your statement of play what you want. My comment was for me reading what you said: If dont like something at higher tier then play lower tier. We should have balance at all tiers at least imo. That was the purpose of my comment.


I understand now- I was being way more pragmatic. I will be more clear. Looking forward to your Master Class on hybrids.


DE 7 is really really strong in the right hands. Anything stationary in front of it is dead or chunked Heavily. Overall fun but a tad rough to fight. The planes you can shoot down but you wont be able to shoot them all (tested using another De7 with DFAA) and it means nothing since the planes are made of Magic anyways. AA does nothing but slightly reduce the damage you WILL take. DE 7 is not even a fully fledged Hybrid. Hybrids are not good for player interactions or balance. Ergo this will cause the game players experience to drop. A Lower gameplay experience means player drops. So yeah its a No due to all the issues with DE7 does but with hybrids its worse aswell as a Armoured carrier Deck shattering HE making the BBs harder to kill (if they like PC)


Pan european cruiser line when?


For me it kind of depends how they function, i’ve never played PC wows. But i’m assuming they work same as torpedoes, where you use your mains guns the most, then can bomb somebody ever 100 seconds or so. If my assumption is correct, then I’m fine with that. Side note though, I do feel like they should probably be limited to how many you can have in a match, like maybe one carrier and one hybrid, or maybe only one or the other person team.


Doesn't particularly appeal to me, but if they're well balanced and so long as they're not every other ship in a battle then it should be okay.


No, what I wanted was 4K and 60fps on my PS5.


I want them, they look kinda fun.


Over glorified armed Cargo ships


I don’t like them one bit. But that’s only because I’m old school. I want ships that at least somewhat existed.


Wows was real now it's some syfy shit I am out


It's funny because these ships aren't even a problem on pc.


I love the concept but hate carriers, though I think they can be fixed


I don’t play WoWS, are these even real ships or just fictional?


They are extremely fictional. The British and Japanese both played around with the concept but they never really did anything with it because it was a really bad idea. The Americans never made any of the ships that have been advertised in the newest trailer.


No. I think they could be fun if they have D7-style airstrikes, but they will ruin the game if they have player-controlled squadrons like CVs.


Yes. Especially if the rumors are true that they're not CVs with guns like PC, but D7P style BBs with placed airstrikes.


On one hand I do blame WG for dropping their reveal at the end of the trailer *and* then releasing absolutely zero other information other than a vague statement on discord going something like "they wont be the same as pc". Not a good way to share what little information that gives. With that said though people are also making assumptions and accusations with zero information. Wait till the details are revealed and/or the update drops and there's better information.


Why not. If you don’t change things it gets stale and boring.


We already have hybrids with the D7P -- literally a cruiser that can drop a manually targeted air strike. That's a hybrid, son. Guess where the outrage went? Oh, wait, it was mostly nonexistent. There's a very vocal minority here who want this game to just be stagnant BB vs. BB only shit flinging fests and who bitch and whine against literally every single thing that counters single brain cell BB gameplay. You can't even get a consensus in this whine post, so no, your belief is wrong, regardless of your personal opinion on them. Speak for yourself and stop speaking for others.


Im all for diversity, so definitely. Legends players have the tendency to over exaggerate things anyways


Yes,maybe im weird but i want it




Talks to 3 friends in-game and they all think "new stuff sucks, they seem fun i hate them" so he comes to the conclusion "general consensus is that this isn’t a wanted feature " everyone I've talked to loves them. Most of the post people are making about these ships are "they're fun".


I’m assuming that you either haven’t realised that this post is 5 days old, meaning that it was made before the new update, and that you also haven’t read the other comments where the majority range from agreeing that they dislike them to indifference at best.




Omg.... FOUND IT "100000000000% It is basically a Vanguard at tier 6 that is faster and has better turret angles. It’s somewhat similar to Rooke but has more forgiving armour" hahaha some of you are very predictable...... You can't make this💩 up hahaha i also see you gaslight and strawman others like you did me😂


I don’t play World of Warships very much nowadays like maybe an hour at most a week, so I’ll probably have a little fun with it (it better not be a premium ship/line you have to pay doubloons to unlock!), but won’t be playing often enough to have my gametime ruined if its bad for battles 🤷‍♂️ Then again, I think submarines EXACTLY as they were in their first appearance during that first halloween event they showed up in on PC should be in the game. (Ie, without homing torpedoes or the infuriating infinite pings I hear PC players complain about). I haven’t played on PC since 2020ish, only Xbox since the start of this year tho


Since they're bringing 4 of those hybrids, one being Louisiana at PC tier X - our Legendary, it's probably gonna be a tech tree VI- VIIi and a bureau project for doubloons/credits


Everybody saying no, yet will 100% play them and still keep putting hundreds of ££ towards the game 😂💀


Yes. See my flair.


Give a battleship player a super radar that can sink that pesky DD and watch them complain…


Constellation exists...


Lol I agree, but some people still complained it was weak when it came out


I'm kinda excited for it actually, I'm not a huge fan of the last campaign ship but that's mostly cause I don't have any dutch commander maxed out not that there's really many to look at, but I'd be curious to use a British hybrid especially if the airstrike works the same as the latest campaign ship, I think the ship adds some excitement to the game and breaks up the boredom a little with the same old ships, I'm happy to welcome this and pleasantly surprised we didn't get subs, that would've upset me greatly


CVS enterprise


Yup and bring subs too. Might as well.


Yeah, they are huge and going to be easy to blast


I do. Anything to mix up the gameplay same ol same ol is getting really stale.


Me. I want hybrid ships


I wanted them so I can deal with dds by myself as a bb as opposed to relying on my blue dds. I like having my 16 inch boom sticks not being helpless against nuclear tipped demon fish


I am totally fine with it and quite excited. I can’t help but laugh at everyone who complains and rants so hard about this game, yet are the first to log in after the update. When those children grow up and learn that complaining gets you nowhere, then good ol weegee might actually listen to you. The, “Weegee never listens to me, waaaaa”is simply comical. Enjoy the game or stop playing, no sense in living miserably. Regardless, anything that brings variety is quite exciting, and, big surprise, the game is still great and never ends up broken after an update. Weird how that works. Every new update mentioned is the bringer of end times introducing incessant hate, but somehow is still perfectly fine. These ships do have some historical context even if never officially used. Sure they are strange, but it will be fun. Will it be the solution to all problems? No. Will there be kinks? Absolutely, but that keeps the game spunky.


Bring on the submarines. If you're going to screw the game up WG, why hold back. Does the US tech tree start with the OG Nautilus? [Fultondesign7 - Nautilus (1800 submarine) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nautilus_(1800_submarine)#/media/File:Fultondesign7.jpg)


I'm so stoked for them. I love the variety it's going to add. The only people complaining about them are the ones who whine about carriers being in the game. Before carriers, the gameplay was incredibly stale. Guns and torps, nothing extra. Then they added carriers and completely changed the dynamic, which is something the game desperately needed. I think it's time for another revamp, and this is a great way to switch things up.

