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Yeah play destroyers forget about it and eventually you’ll get it


This is the way. I got mine a couple of months into trophies being available (so years ago), but I think I got mine in the Clemson. Just play dds and you'll come across it at some point.


This. And hunt for lone BBs that are far away from the rest of your team. Otherweise most times someone else wants to take the kill for their K/D ratio 🙄 Torpedo them once, twice, observe when they repair. Then another one, till again flooding. Never shoot full salvos, because you will more likely kill the BB than flood them. Use british DDs for It. They are perfect for this single pricking strategy.


While true, I don't like the advice to "hold your punches, to medal hunt"... that kind of play is detrimental to the team. Dev strikes would surely slow you down though, but... there are also DD's with lower torp damage that can help prevent that. Using partial salvos to try and score perma floods/fires is a legit all the time strategy though. The best advise is to just be a DD main, and play the game while trying to just forget about the medal and let it happen on it's own.


Yeah, done that for thousands of hours, recently being getting the in-game medal for flooding, but no dice on the achievement 🫠


I got one long ago unintentionally on an afk player in a Texas, found him parked in the back dumped a couple torps driving by “let him bleed out” an bam. Although I got a second one just yesterday on a Nevada who’d very recently used his damage control an he bled out slow to destruction. Also unintentional so good luck with that one almost gotta not try for it haha


Got mine finally a couple months ago with Halland against a Yamato, the pan euro torps are pretty good for it due to low alpha. Stagger torps, wait for the DCP and hopefully by the time the DCP goes down your next set are upon them


Carrier is the way to go. Especially the tier 3s


It ultimately depends a lot on luck, playing lower tiers may help


Generally, Pan-European destroyers are a good choice because you need to damage through flooding, not from the torpedo itself. Pan-European torpedoes are low-damage, fast-reloading.


I have over 2,400 hours in the game and still don’t have this achievement


After 5 years I finally got mine, got it on the pan Europe did line, they seem to have almost a 1 to 1, hit to flood ratio. Luckily enough to hit a Nevada right as he use damage control and took him down from 60% and sunk him


Pan Euro DDs do seem good for it. I'd only ever got the medal a couple of times in years of playing, but then managed to get it 3 times grinding that line 


Been playing since the first year and only just got mine last year. I had already lost all hope on getting it after trying hard so many times. I did it in a Suzuya against a Nagato trying to close me down. I had used torps for area denial and he ran into one and bled out after I had earlier harassed him with HE. Was a pleasant surprise.


Pan Euro T4/T5 with max conceal and reload build? seems like easier targets at T4/T5 and the Visby and Vasteras are decent to conceal and torp stuff. die in one and switch to the other and keep rolling?


That actually sounds like the best plan, cheers!


Got mine with Graf Spee after played about 6months. It just happened, not intension to do that.


That’s only achieved when you sink the boat by flooding I achieved it a long time ago


It's the only achievement I've not got. Probably never will, I don't go dds.


I got mine in a aircraft carrier just last week and I been playing this game since it came out lol. For some odd reason there been a lot of afk players and I happened to get a flood on a Leander on the first run with torps and he died from flood damage.


Honestly, Pan Euro DDs! Play their torps like a pro, and you’ll get it! Shoot one set, get a flood, and then hit them with the seconds I typically will wait the rough duration of a DC before firing the second set, usually while the first set is still in the water. You’ll be amazed at how many perma floods you pull off.


I've played many thousands of games and never could get it, except on my first low tier carrier game funnily enough. I stuck a flood on an afk battleship player in the middle of the map, as it was low tiers people didn't have the range/accuracy to finish him off faster. My observation is that it's all luck, but low tier carriers might be the easiest way to grind for it


I got it when i started playing like almost 5 years ago. I got it in the V-170. Got lucky


Either British or Pan-European destroyers. The British destroyers are great at fishing for fires with the short burst smoke generator and getting battleships to use their damage control, opening them up for perma floods. Meanwhile, the quick reloading and low damage Pan-European torpedoes make them excellent at fishing for floods. The fire stating capabilities of the high tier destroyers also helps with this, getting battleships to prematurely use the damage control, setting them up for Perma floods. Halland, Daring, and Småland in particular are excellent at this, as they are the top 3 destroyers in the game for fires per minute and have a fast enough torpedo reload to fish for perma floods.


I feel for you. This is mostly a luck-based achievement. You need to get lucky in the enemy not stopping the flooding. You need to get lucky that a teammate doesn't steal the kill. To add insult to injury, as you point out, the medal isn't synchronized with the achievement. I agree with others are posting about playing DD. Finding an AFK enemy definitely helps but you can't plan for that. I posted once before that if you're desperate and it might be close, consider getting on the microphone and simply asking your teammates to leave that ship to you, so they don't steal the kill or unintentionally mess up the achievement. Good luck!


Use a cruiser or a destroyer that has a lot of torpedoes and when you know there ships coming your way send them all out. You will get it when you’re not expecting it, keep trying. I got 100% completion on world of warships legends