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An angry, bitter, farting, bar-hopping, gross 50+-year-old dude whose dick doesn't work? Please, my good sir, grace us with your thoughts. 🙄


“If it please the Crown…” (fixed it 😂)


He is such a catch! Where can I find him?!!!!


I will NEVER date a man with ED again. ED is a sign of countless other health problems that need to be addressed. ED is very fixable with lifestyle and medical changes. These men don’t WANT to fix it. They won’t go to the doctor. They don’t want to change their lazy, dirty, health ignorant ways. So I’d end up sexually unfulfilled and begging partners to see a doctor constantly. If they don’t care I sure as fuck don’t.


Same. I dated a guy and he didn’t mention the ED until, well, we were in the thick of it and then just pretended like it wasn’t an issue and I should somehow be grateful for him trying to jam his half-limp dick inside me. He didn’t want to talk about it, see a doctor or really do anything about it. The lack of action was a dealbreaker. Then it turned out he had diabetes and wanted me to drop everything to comfort him and help him manage it. We had been casually seeing each other for two months. I distanced myself and we ended things. He was so mad about it, but I seriously dodged a bullet. Blocked him on everything and am grateful not to be dealing with that hot mess.


If they are under 50, it's a sure sign of porn addiction. I am anti porn so it's a hard pass. Also, d!ck is the only thing they have to offer me. If they can't offer that then what's the point? Like they would stick around if our bits were broken.


I am extremely anti porn. I will be single forever before dating a user. And you’re right about them rejecting us for being unable to have sex. They want it all.


I’m so with you on that


This! There is NO other reason a man under 50 shouldn’t be able to get hard from kissing and cuddling. They’ll blame ANYTHING but themselves.


That is so sad, I did not know this


Sad for who? Only people I'm sad for is all the trafficked women and girls r@ped on camera so p@rn sick coomers can break their d!cks. May karma rain on all of them.


Same. I've dated two or three men with ED (in various stages), and I will never do it again. Occasional trouble lasting? Yeah, of course, that happens with age - to some degree. But if they have an unhealthy lifestyle, drink, use porn (automatic dealbreaker), or any one of 100 reasons that contribute to their dicks not working, I'm out. I dated one guy who was struggling after a prostate biopsy, but he was healthy otherwise, seeing his doctor for whatever follow-ups were needed, and making sure everything was taken care of one way or another - including me. THAT'S how you manage ED; figure out what's causing it and take the necessary steps to remedy the situation. And if it can't be remedied? Be up front about it from the very beginning so you can find a partner who's okay with it.


Eh, to me it depends on why they have it. There's the whole thing where if they live long enough, most of them will get prostate cancer and old men are more likely to die with it / having had it than die of it. But now we have this epidemic of men who give themselves porn-induced ED, so it's probably wisest to stay on the safe side and assume if he has ED, it's because of addiction to violent porn until proved otherwise. ETA: The farting a lot thing IS due to not taking care of their health, so it's reasonable to assume that's involved in the ED. I have no idea why men consider gas attacks an accomplishment instead of something to check with the doctor about.


Alcohol induced ED is another biggie. I have an acquaintance who, rather than cut back on the enormous amounts of alcohol he consumes and maybe see a doctor, orders testosterone supplements from India in hopes that it will help his sex life.


Yeah, whiskey dick is funny *once* when you're 27. After that? Get your shit together.🥃🚫🍆


Exactly. And a lot of the time with middle-aged alcoholic men, the whiskey dick is chronic and not just something that happens sometimes.


It's carpal tunnel of the peen...hard jerking disturbs the spongy tissues, nerve endings, and blood flow. It can create scar tissue and numb the nerves. And the tight hand grip makes it hard to get stimulus from a normal vagina.




It's even a problem with guys in their 20s.


I’ve dated men 35-50 with ED and if they’re on the younger side it’s usually porn addiction death grip so I have a bad taste in my mouth and it ain’t cum.


That or they're already in poor cardiovascular health because of a shit lifestyle and can't make any changes.




I dated a man with ED that he said was caused by anti-depressant medication. But he drank a bottle of wine every night -- a depressant drug, which also contributes to ED. He didn't want to consider Viagra because it would interfere with his anti-depressant, and he didn't want to stop drinking. Not surprisingly, there were other problems in logic, too, which led to our inevitable parting of ways.


Since when does viagra interfere with antidepressants? 🐮💩


It can, depending on the medication, dosage, and patient profile.


Alcohol interferes with antidepressants


I was with a man for two years who had ED. I loved him even though it was devastating that we couldn’t have intercourse. He was also not the healthiest and an alcoholic with anger issues and a felonious record, but I had a warped picker when I met him. He tried viagra towards the end of our relationship and was so aggressive, painful and distant; shortly after discovering that I didn’t like sex with him, he told me he’d never live with a woman again and we broke up. Waste of years and my heart.


This is 100% true. Do not accept it.


Hello, BOB👀😍💦 😂😂😂




To the mods: If this isn't what you have in mind for this board, please delete it or tell me to. I was mainly aiming for cathartic sharing with other women who get these DMs.


He reads like *pick me pick m*e, plus send me some Gas X, please! He also sounds like he assaults women with his pestering, that is what men who do not take no for an answer have done to women. What a relief Sir Farts Alot does not want us, I can sleep peacefully tonight knowing that he and all of the other Nice Guys^(TM) are moving out of the way, this is a day to celebrate! Let's all pour a glass to the one's who have a penis and are not afraid to share it with everyone, even if it is broken :(


Porn sick dick --- no women want it.


The simultaneous audacity and cluelessness is truly astounding. It would be infuriating if it weren’t so hilarious. I got such a good laugh from this. Thank you OP! If there were a contest for “most revolting man” described in this sub, Mr. Flatulence McLimpdick might have a fair shot of winning.


Porn sick dick --- no women want it.


![gif](giphy|K55exy0toWjQc|downsized) 😂😂😂


😂😂😂 who is this loser?


No idea. I blocked him, so I couldn't find his lusername if I wanted to.


Oh no don’t go looking for him, you won’t be able to get rid of him!


I love it when they rant all their deficiencies, it's so amusing. Their tears give me life. I hope you reported him for harassment before blocking him.


You know it's come full circle when they then wonder why they're single


got dam

