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Katie is going to hate this.


The refs already make enough mistakes. Feels like this is just making their jobs harder 🤦🏾‍♂️ and I highly doubt they will let VAR intervene with these blue cards.


They’ll be analysing facial expressions. Added time will be in the double digits.


Ah yes the blue cards for the popular players and teams and the red cards for everybody else. 


They’ll just lead to teams sitting deep defending for ten minutes. It won’t improve the spectacle. There’s times where a player will see that getting sin binned will be better than letting play continue.


I think there’s a reason Soccer/football has way more dissent than any other game. A yellow card is a warning, not a punishment. Anytime a player commits dissent or intentional/tactical foul they should get punished. It disrupts the game


Or pretends to be injured to delay the game. Adding on 15 mins of overtime still doesn't help the delayed momentum when you have a team that's winning. I swear I saw less faked injuries in women's soccer 10 to 15 years ago but now not so much.




I’m a big fan of having the time outs in place but I don’t see a reason to get a separate card for this. Should just be yellow = x amount of time out imo.


Or referees could just book players that do this *like the rules say to do* and stop being weird about second yellows...


Please, please, please, stop fucking with the game. We already had the world's most popular sport. Women's football has been bringing in new fans in droves. Football was even starting to win over the Americans thanks to that. Global supremacy was going to be ours. So please stop messing about with changes to the game like VAR, everchanging new handball rules, ideas to change offside rules, new blue cards and sin bins. The game was fine! Sure, people moaned a lot, but they only moan more now, and for all their moaning they loved the game as it was. What football needed was better training and support for referees. Raise the standards. Make it a game that's not miserable to referee. Not major rule changes to introduce even more subjective standards for people to argue about.


VAR is overall a good improvement to the game. As was goal-line technology. People also moaned back when they introduced the card system, increased tournament roster size, added cooling breaks and introduced substitutions (and later increased the number of subs). But guess what? IFAB got it right. And we don’t think twice about these changes now. You’re right. They’ll moan until the sun envelopes Earth. AND they’ll moan about change. But that’s why we try new things. If the blue card doesn’t work, it’ll be scrapped and forgotten. As if it never happened. Anyway. I’m personally waiting for IFAB to trial a stopped clock during dead-time at the pro level. An “Americanization” that would prob remedy the game of time-wasting.


The sin bins are already in used in grassroots women football in England. Having a blue card will only make it easy to understand.


If they use it in the men's game I don't see why not it the women's game, it the same game. But yeah it'll definitely be interesting. I heard that it's been used in hockey so it's not completely new.


For me football has died from now on


Every single match of the day or other similar aggregate tv show has at least a couple of minutes on poor ref calls please do not add to this I BEG. Tactical fouls have also always been part of the game. It’s a contact sport. If your player is willing to be a wee shithouser and get a booking then fair does, that’s the game. Your average Rodri or McCabe will have to serve that match ban anyway, and you’re always riding on the risk of a red


Is there any way to shut down or defund IFAB?


Tactical fouls are part of game management. I see no reason why we can't stick with yellow and red cards depending on the situation. Same with dissent, there's been a lot less of it since referees became significantly more strict this season. STOP MESSING WITH OUR GAME.