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I think Cheetah would actually like the Joker more than Luthor. Cheetah is unrestrained, she relishes in being free to do whatever she wants and inflicting pain on her ennemies. She's partly rejected her humanity and would see no real issue in partaking in the atrocities that Joker does. They'd certainly have a lot of fun together in indulging in their whims. However, whereas Joker ultimately justifies his evil with his nihilistic philosophy, and would certainly try to convince Cheetah of it, Cheetah herself would cal it up for the bullshit that is it and refute it, instead basing her own thirst for evil and justification of it all on her relationship with Diana : the jealousy, the love, the hate. All those emotions that fuel her crimes. Cheetah doesn't put a facade with an ideology, she centers her worldview on her relationship, on Diana and people. She probably sees Joker as poser in that sense. Luthor on the other hand, she would like him even less. He too has the same delusion of grandeur with his ideology of human betterment, but unlike Joker he wouldn't even be fun and would spend most of his time thinking of the plan, the execution, and the desire to rpove his superiority. Cheetah would only stay because he provides some great toys with his inventions and money, and maybe he could also try to convince her he can cure her of the Cheetah curse if he helps him. But not much else. Really Lex would have much better relationships with Circe when it comes to WW rogues. Of course the quesiton is, what does Cheetah brings to the table ? Lex brings intellect, money, technology. Joker brings cruelty, fear and imagination. Cheetah, with her fromer life as an archeologist and her own transformation through a dark ritual with a god, would bring knowledge of mythology, dark, unknow and forbidden places, lost religious texts. Objects of magic and the occult that have almost beeen forgotten by history but wield a terrible power, and she knows how to find them or how to use them. Also, she would bring actual muscle to the team. Joker's only a threat to Batman, and Luthor uses a suit or gadgets to fight Superman. Cheetah can fight Diana or Calrk without anything, she'd be the most reliable of the three and she can absolutely wound and strike fear in Superman or Wonder Woman. She's an apex predator for superheroes in that sense, just imagineher ambushing Superman in a dark forest and you get the idea.


> with her fromer life as an archeologist and her own transformation through a dark ritual with a god, would bring knowledge of mythology, dark, unknow and forbidden places, lost religious texts. Objects of magic and the occult that have almost beeen forgotten by history but wield a terrible power, and she knows how to find them or how to use them.    damn this is brilliant, it should be something that is brought into Wonder Woman's own stories, a criticism that some fans have is that Cheetah as archnemesis doesn't exactly have any great tricks like Lex and Joker have.  the idea of Barbara Ann Minerva being a scholar who uses different connections with the supernatural to her advantage is perfect, that's exactly what she used during the time she lost the title of Cheetah to Sebastian 


Joker logically brings nothing other than a useful chemical lol I doubt current cheetah would be big fan


Joker brings don't killing them , the Big rule of the DC supervillains Is invite the Joker or else he Will do something horrible more horrible than usual to you


Kill them how lol what is he gonna do them realistically


He's the Joker most of the times he has more plot armor that Batman himself


Yes but in universe what are they afraid of


He is too unpredictable and i quite when the Bad guys want to scarw each other they tell Joker stories


Unpredictable about what he kills people and people know what his arsenal is


You literally encapsulated everything perfectly


Thank you !


This scene was fun and I wished we had actual "villains hanging out" scenes like this but Cheetah protesting Dr. Light because he's a rapist and a murderer doesn't really make sense because A) Barbara tried to rape the Flash and B) I'm pretty sure she's eaten people.


I didn't take that moment to as trying to rape Flash, just toying with him (with some assault in her forced kissing, yes). But I can see why you'd think that. And if Geof Johns intended that, then just even more reason to never put him near WW or her world again.


It's still rape, dude. The victim being male doesn't make it any less so. Imagine if it was, say, Parasite grabbing Supergirl and forcing her to kiss him.


Forcing a kiss is assault, not rape. And where did I say anything about the victim being male?


Right now, I think she should be the one that the others trust the least. Because Lex and Joker have been around each other enough to think they know how to handle the other. Barbara is different because she for starters is the only superpowered one of the three, but more importantly, her condition makes her unpredictable, so the other two can never be quite sure when she looks at them is looking at a partner or a meal. And by unpredictable, I mean more so than Joker, Lex knows you just have to amuse him or promise him something good and he is manageable... Barbara on the other hand isn't entirely in control of herself, which means none of them can tell if or when she might leap at them in fit of hunger or rage. Actually this is a kind of setup where I would think the Priscilla or Deborah versions would make more sense.


I think she should have a lower tolerance for Joker's bullshit than Lex, and poor Lex is pretty stressed over having to reign them in and not have them kill each other. Joker should be a bit afraid of her, but (him being him) also unable to resist trolling her and has to hide behind an exasperated Lex so she doesn't tear him to shreds. She and Lex would have a more respectful working relationship, but both would roll their eyes at the others tendency for irrational petty jealousy (without a hint of self awareness). And if the Cheetah in question is Priscilla, it becomes interesting that she's *actually* insane in a way the Joker only pretends to be


What I love about Cheetah as part of the Evil Trinity is that she's the pure powerhouse of the team. It's rare to see that for a woman. I think she'd respect Lex Luthor because he thinks big, whereas beyond killing gods she isn't really a big picture kinda gal. She'd tolerate Joker... reluctantly. I guess because he's such a big name in Gotham. But I feel like he'd have to watch himself around her. Beyond them, I like Cheetah working with Black Manta. Not sure why, just find them a good team. I also like the idea of Cheetah and Giganta (often the only two women in the LoD) as gal pals.


It would be nice to see Cheetah and Giganta have that villainous friendship (especially in the version where Giganta is a monkey) I imagine they would be in the Legion of Doom because one named the other. In fact, I think Cheetah might be Wonder Woman's most gregarious villain. has worked very well with Angleman, Reverse Flash and even Doctor Psycho.


I rarely see these three interact and isn’t cheetah less evil 😈 than either of these two 2️⃣. Another note 🗒️ isn’t Amanda Waller zurr en arrh the brainiac queen the trinity of evil what about the sovereign in Tom king Wonder Woman.


>I rarely see these three interact and isn’t cheetah less evil 😈 than either of these two She's definitely less evil than all versions of the Joker. Pre-Crisis Lex had potential to reform, so I'd say he might be comparable to her, depending on the version


There was a Batman brave and Bold episode that had Cheetah team up with Lex and the Joker (when he was less crazy and more scheming). They made a great villain team, but they squabbled and it fell apart.


I have to say in the Headcanon that Cheetah is an elistist who didn't like Luthor at start he's new money from poverty, she obviously doesn't say that to his face because whether she likes it or not, she knows how dangerous it is to irritate Lex Luthor.


I have never seen this. XD it’s so good


I like the idea of Cheetah being redeemable, so any time she works with the Legion of Doom, I want there to be a very good reason for it, and isn’t a part of the more evil aspects of the team.


oh wow i really like this depiction of her


This is pure "I might be a \[blank\] But at least I'm not rude on the internet" vibe from Cheetah.