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Art, i draw mostly dnd characters for many nerds around the globe


You do great work, soldier.


How do they find you?


Their Reddit profile is right there...




Im on etsy for 3-4 years, i have a website and a solid email list. i dont sell through reddit


What’s dnd?


Search engine evaluating. Doesn't pay much but it's easy and no phone or meetings.


Hi I used to work for Appen. The "client" (think: the biggest search engine) decided not to continue their contract with them around the same time as big layoffs were happening in the company, and the project stopped in March. Appen does have other projects though, so it may be worth checking. Additionally, all those memes about the Ai at the top of the search result being extremely incorrect? Gee, I wonder why......


Never heard of this, how did you get into it?


Try Lionbridge, Appen,


Lionbridge carried me hard through parts of grad school with the extra cash. Could get like $14 an hour and worked somewhere between 8 and 16 hours a week whenever I had a free minute. I didn't have time to do it with the kid on the way but they were pretty good if you kept to their schedule and rules. Will note they definitely make you value your time weirdly though since you can literally fit in 10 minutes here and there. I constantly was like "hrmmm do I have time for another task?" Every free moment I had. Really invaded my psyche not really ever having a break to breathe.


Me but Data Annotation as a college student. Truly met with the opportunity cost of $25+ per hour work everytime I want to relax - invading the psyche is a great way to put it too!


I’ve been wanting to get started with Data Annotation, do you have any exam tips?


Isn't lionbridge, telus now? I thought telus acquired them shortly before the pandemic.


Yes, you are right


Appen lost their contract for SEE - you'll want RWS Global for it now (or Telus, or Welocalize.)


How do you get into that? What skills do ypu need?


How do you get started with that?


I’ve seen some of this as an option. How much is pay and do you have to try to consistently find work or is there abundant work? Can you explain a little more of the details? 😊


The pay varies depending on the company, project, and location but the pay usually isn't enough to survive on and many projects are 1099 and offer no benefits. The amount of work can also vary but majority of projects are only 20-hour weekly projects with some being less and some more. Some projects will offer bonus hours. But work is never guaranteed and these projects can let you go at any time even if you're giving quality work. So they are good if you're looking for "Work when you want" type of work and only looking to supplement household income but you're looking for an actual job that you need an income to survive on, I wouldn't rely on companies like Appen, Telus, etc. Even if you get lucky to get a project paying over $20/hr, you might struggle to actually have enough work to get full-time hours (if the project even allows you to work full time).


Pretty much answered all right here. Thank you!!


Thank you for the details. That gives me a better understanding of where to spend my energy of work


Product data analyst, literally any factory from your country has this job. You process boms, quantities, build products in excel.


Do I just look up “Product Data Anlayst” on LinkedIn? What looks good on a resume for this role?


Do you have a data analysis degree?


I’m a business intelligence analyst, fully remote, and I have a bachelors of science in business economics. I’ve never used the information relevant to my degree even once in my current job lol


How did you get started?


Started in tech sales seven years ago, then transitioned from that to a bigger tech company in a contractor position doing back end licensing support where I built great rapport with my boss. Did that for about 10 months then leveraged it into a non-contract analyst job at the same company (with a great rec from my boss). Have been in this position for 5.5 years and have been promoted from a somewhat entry level analyst to a senior analyst in that time.


I'm a software asset management data analyst. My degree is in education 🤪.


I'm a teacher now. Any suggestion on how to transition?


Certifications. That's the route to go. Lots of companies are looking for people certified in AWS. I used A Cloud Guru (part of Plural sight now I think?). Courses are extremely beginner friendly if needed be. Highly recommended. My company uses it as well to keep developing employees. To elaborate, teachers are pretty skilled in multiple things. You just need the experience in the area that you want to work in. Be confident in interviews and prepare well. Your teaching experience may not translate directly into the field, but trust me, we adapt fast. The current work I'm doing is way easier than anything I did in the classroom.


Wow, nice. I saw a lot of demand for Azure as well. Makes sense AWS is in demand also. Ya, I love teaching, but long term I don't see myself doing this forever. We get worked to death for little compensation. Really appreciate your response. Thanks man!


No degree required. They teach you anything from doings bids, boms, process client data and maintain it in system, how to read a technical drawing like fabrication drawing, layering, what is a schematic, how to properly put all these files in the system. What multi level structure of a product is and how to generate it in different platforms like arena, SAP, or just excel. The cool stuff is that this is not a engineering job, but they want to make the data analyst have basic basic knowledge of engineering, so they offer full training in the first year. You usually start at associate level which will probably be +30% higher than minimum wage, + bonuses. In 1.5 to 2 years you get promoted to analyst which is 80% increase or more, with even higher bonuses. In 4-6 years you're specialist with double to triple initial salary, and a steady 8-15% per year. Next after that is a advisor position but usually these are managers/ team leaders with atleast 8 years experience.


What's the name of the company?


can be any of the following + ask google or chat gpt for any of their competitors: Plexus: A provider of product development and electronics manufacturing services Ultra Clean Holdings: A company that develops and supplies critical subsystems and components Katoen Natie: A provider of logistics and engineering solutions Sanmina: A company that designs, manufactures, and repairs optical, electronic, and mechanical products KEMET: A producer and supplier of electronic components Benchmark: A competitor in the electronics manufacturing industry Flex: A global supply chain solutions company Foxconn: Known for its electronics manufacturing services Jabil: A provider of manufacturing and supply chain solutions TTM: Specializes in printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing Celestica, Sanmina, Pegatron, Wistron, any factory from your country, any cars manufacturer.


think about all my past mistakes and how i can be better with the free time i'm granted but usually never take full advantage of


Graphic design. Gotta go in once a week to show face but i live a comfortable walk away from the office so not a big deal


For the last 18 years or so I was a freelance transcriptionist. I'm currently going to school, and since transcription is dying down I'm doing data annotation/AI training work.


There’s still a lot of transcription work needed for AI training!


That's precisely what I'm doing at the moment. The robot takes my job, I get a job training the robot while I'm in school learning how to fix the robot. Adopt, adapt, and improve-- motto of the Round Table. :)


More than half of my income comes from a mix of Appen, Lionbridge, and TELUS.


So you work for both Lionbridge and Telus? Does Telus allow that?


Yup. All very different projects with different clients.


Hi! This seems to be along the lines of what would work for me and my family. I've never heard of these companies before. Can you tell me how they work? I'm a little confused lol. I had assumed the website would hire you and you pick up jobs but it looks like that's not the case. Also, how do you juggle jobs between them? Can you share what that looks like for you? Thank you!!


customer representative for experian, been doing it for about 4 months


Do you like it? Is it stressful? How's the pay?


honestly i do get full time, but i do 4 hours most of the time, sometimes 5 cause people stress me out, i have to enroll people that call in. They mostly are old people and i don’t have patience lol. It’s not a bad job but i only get paid minimum wage, i do like it cause i don’t have to spend anything on gas unlike a real job


You can pick your shifts? What are the minimum hours a week and what hours?


It’s incredibly stressful, often times you’ll get calls back to back with no downtime full of customers who are angry for being on hold so long. The pay is alright, I don’t like it but it’s one of the jobs I’ve hated less




Same, but chat only.


I narrate audiobooks fulltime. [www.bennyfifeaudio.com](http://www.bennyfifeaudio.com)


How do you get into this?


From what I have heard, making a portfolio of how you sound reading different things, different voices you can do, etc is an important step




What’s a great place to start?




Thank you. I was told I have a voice for erotica 😂😂


How's the pay?


Probably breaking 6 figs this year for the first time in my life. That's after 6 years doing it though. 2022 was the first year it exceeded what I ever made at a dayjob.


I used to do customer service from home. Due to a back injury I can't sit down very long so now I'm doing AI training and other online tasks. They don't care if I do the work with my hands or feet, laying down or sitting up. As long as it gets done accurately and on time.


Can you drop some names? I'm working with Connect (Cloud Research) and Prime Opinion but I need another layer to survive. I'm waiting on Prolific. Having issues with MTurk and UserTesting I'm trying to resolve. I'm signed up and accepted on Data Annotation but I get -zero- tasks. I'm also signed up and apply for all those supposedly amazing paying studies where you do a Zoom interview for an hour and get paid $60, but obviously my acceptance rate is a big fat zero 😒


Software Development. Since I graduated in 2021 I’ve never actually worked in person, I can’t relate to most of the human experience with work. Sunday night doom probably feels the same tho


Is your place hiring? Mine has recently had me going back to the office, and it's not great.


You could try looking for Mercos, the company’s name, but I’m actually Brazilian so Portuguese is kinda required for this one


idk if you're in an agile development environment but having my work cut out for me in very small pieces has done so much for my Sunday scaries.


I'm trying to find work as a freelancer. It's hard.


Search engine evaluation for one. Search algorithm for a specific website for another company. Ai training/annotating for another 2.


Is one of them Data Annotations . Tech or something? I did like 2 hours of work for them & my application is stuck in pending.


No, lol. I did signup with them, but haven't heard back yet.


I work for call center. Got hired last year. Took me 3 months, and 10 applications a day to land. I really love it. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. I have thick skin and take nothing personal


Did you apply through indeed or linkedin or get the job through a recruiter?


I always apply through the company site. I may see it on a job board , but always apply through the company website. I’m not comfortable with sharing where I work because people will snitch based on your post. When you say things they don’t agree with. It virtually every retailer has some type of call center/customer service roles. And are usually remote


Who do you work for? I’m looking for something like this. Thick skin here too. lol.


Osrs gold farmer




Networking, Cloud and Linux


QA Engineer




Any advice on how to break into this field? I've been thinking of joining a bootcamp.


Medical claim chat support


How did you get into this


Via talent recruiter , prior to this I only had customer service experience I got recruited for Covid-19 contract tracking project on 6 month contract which lead to 18 month all together at the end I was promoted twice to case investigator then team lead After the project ended I reach out my recruiter and updated her then ask me to keep me in mind if any other project pop up This company was keeping tap on performance so they reach out to her and ask for me for this medical claim position, no prior experience other then customer service and call center My current position started 3 month training contract to hire contract and call center , now I was promoted to chat because of my efficacy on the phone


Also curious how you got in to it


Via talent recruiter , prior to this I only had customer service experience I got recruited for Covid-19 contract tracking project on 6 month contract which lead to 18 month all together at the end I was promoted twice to case investigator then team lead After the project ended I reach out my recruiter and updated her then ask me to keep me in mind if any other project pop up This company was keeping tap on performance so they reach out to her and ask for me for this medical claim position, no prior experience other then customer service and call center My current position started 3 month training contract to hire contract and call center , now I was promoted to chat because of my efficacy on the phone


Architect, I own an architectural practice (3 people in total: myself, my husband and 1 architectural assistant), but we all work from home.


Internet safety evaluator/AI training/academic research studies


May I ask which companies you work for currently? Thank you!!


Of course! Telus International, Data Annotation, Prolific/Cloud Research Connect


Awesome!! Do they offer consistent work? The pay ok? Thank you for your quick reply!


Yes. Telus you have to get up early to catch the tasks. That’s a W2 job for me and pay is $14 an hour. Data Annotation i make $20 an hour but it’s 1099 so you have to set money aside for taxes. Same with the research studies. My income is secondary to my husband’s but I enjoy my gigs :).


Awesome! This has been very helpful!! Appreciate it!!


Medical coding


What experience is needed to land a job doing medical doing?


Generally an Associates in medical billing and coding. I got mine taking remote classes at my local Community College and then there's a certification exam that's pretty pricey but you can't get a job without some kind of certification. Landing a job is hard because nobody wants to train but once you get a job you're solid. A lot of people have to take medical billing jobs and move up to medical coding to get their first coding job. I got lucky and was hired as a medical coder off the bat but it took me several months and a lot of hustling to find this job.


I write content for a network of very popular adult websites.


I’m in social media management. It’s the easiest job I’ve ever had, it pays me more money than I’ve ever made, and it’s almost no real work. 2-3 hours of my day is real work, the rest of my day my employer is paying me to watch YouTube.


So how did you get accounts to manage?


The one I have right now is nepotism but you’d honestly be surprised about how often things like this pop up on indeed


Any advice on how to break into this field?


By social media management, are you just running local businesses social media accounts? What’s the best way you get engagement?


Building websites (I work for a company, not independent contractor)


Peasant cold caller


Online college teacher since 2010. Asynchronous work, I choose my schedule.


I'm a recruiter for several multilingual BPO roles in Major cities in Europe. This is a commission based recruitment role






Data scientist


Senior Customer Service Technical Specialist for a international software company. Started here back in 2020, still chugging along. I have a team of my own that I helped hire and train, so I pretty much own this entire department. The pay is decent, the benefits are good.


Legal hearings transcriber


eScribers...they're a great company to work with! Escribers.net/join-our-team/


Not really if you're a decent typist and have good grammar knowledge. They have tons of resources you can use to research terms you're unfamiliar with. The only downside is you do everything online, no personal interaction is required. But I've made friends with coworkers just the same. I love doing legal work. I have a friend that does medical transcribing and that's her passion.


Do you find that it is a hard career to get into?


Admin specialist working for a state agency. I support many remote teams and we’ve been adding more/expanding our teams since Covid.


I train captive dolphins on their implanted AI chat generators for the military.


Self-employed digital bookkeeper.


Happy cake day!


I'm a mechanical engineer who also runs the 3D print lab at my office. I'm in-office as often as needed right now for 3D printing jobs but not much else. There are rumblings that they're going to try to make us all come back to the office again but we'll see.... I'm trying to find the courage to start job hunting again. I really hate interviews though. Definitely not my strong suit...


Learning and development program manager


Revenue cycle manager for a Healthcare provider. It's always a battle. Twice a year or more RTO comes up. The only thing saving us, everyone on my team has been here 6-10 years. We're efficient, and have threatened to walk out if we're forced back in. The execs know they'd spend a lot more in new hires and extra staff, and we provide results above expectations.


I worked for both Conduent & Kelly Connect; Call center jobs.


Freelance translation, but looking to branch out / switch to another field because I’ve been burned out since 2022. I only kept a small flame inside me because it helps to pay the bills and have savings..


System engineer. Half support, half project work. Very flexible but very demanding at times.


What industry did you get into for system engineer that allows remote work?


Executive Assistant


Data Annotation mostly. However, I am looking to get into customer service to supplement my income. I am also attempting to get a contract on Appen, no luck yet. Oh and I also do research studies to fill gaps of income whenever I can get into one.


Purchasing Manager


CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) and design. I work from home but I worked at the engineering firm in office for three years before I was trusted to be able to keep up with projects etc from home lol. In reality I had a baby and the owner of company asked me to stay on the team remotely and I said sure thing 👍🏽 I set up construction documents for custom sound proofing solutions in residential, commercial, educational, and hospitality projects such as for theaters, yachts, restaurants and opera houses. Our projects vary in scale, both locally (in CA and international). We are consultants in sound and vibration mitigation as well as presentation technologies (for theaters). I have experienced in interior design and a bachelor’s degree in interior architectural design. The acoustical design aspects I learned on the job. I came in with practically zero knowledge of sound and vibration solutions BUT I did have a strong foundation in CAD and other rendering software so I was offered a position in 2020.


Authorization specialist for a health system. Completely remote. My team went remote during covid and the company decided it was working out fine. Im definitely more productive wfh.


Medical Claims Specialists


Paralegal. It’s hybrid with great PTO


I work in academic publishing!




Team lead on conference room support. Conference rooms break, they put in a ticket. I work with vendors to get it fixed.


Work for a major life insurance agency. Like retirement accounts not actual insurance. Been WAH full time aince 2020. As long as i go into office 4 days a year they are happy.


Finance, stare at spreadsheets, answer emails, clean up old funding, provide charge numbers, track spending, purchasing and labor, etc.


Underwriting side of workers comp insurance


Account management for a marketing company. There's LOADS of us out there. If you're good with people it's the easiest job in the world. I get paid to yap on the phone and I've done a good job at relationship building so my clients are chill. As long as the work gets done and you're honest and proactive, even bad news can turn into a decent chat.


Marketing. I market the things from the comfort of my middle aged social anxiety.


Loan Underwriting. 100% remote and loving it!


Remote graphic designer.




I’m looking for a remote job. That’s what I do. I can’t find anything though.


Software development


Artist. But working towards transitioning to UX design or anything more stable.


Board dogs


Healthcare executive admin


I’m a malware researcher and incident handler as needed for my company. But I’ve been remote since like 2015.


I'm a consulting arborist. My time at home is spent writing reports, working in AutoCAD, emailing people. I also have time in the field doing site assessments, building fencing for trees, site monitoring. Was a tree climber for years but had to get out cuz it was kicking the shit out of me.


Teaching a bit of chess/science/English.


I was working for a suicide hotline for a while. Now I’m part-time WFH and I am a housing coordinator for homeless veterans.


Social worker, partially in the office, at home or doing my home visits. I do docs at home.


Stock broker!


Running my own websites and earning via affiliate marketing and display ads.


Interesting! What kind of websites do you run? Are you blogging on certain topics?


Started as a freelance writer working for online publications and then transitioned to my own sites.


Yes, I run a couple of blogs and a dropshipping eCommerce store.


Electrical engineering for oil/gas


I'm corporate HR. 60% WFH ratio




I'm a web application developer for my county government.


I work for a software company


Sales and customer service 4k+ per month


Manage in a call center.


Pharmacy tech. I data process and bill insurance from home.


Customer service call center manager ✨️ Which I do love but mostly because I have some pretty fun projects lol, I'm trying to go that route once I hit my time in seat next year :)


Clinical systems analyst for large EMR.




Software as a service (saas) consulting. I love it!


Customer service chat and sometimes I send emails on cases.


Project Management for an international start up :)


I develop videogames for mobile devices. Is a challenging work but i still love it


I'm a 2D Artist for a videogame company!


Cybersecurity intern


I work for a bank, helping customers over the phone.


SCADA engineer in the solar industry


Search quality rating freelance work at the moment but I’ve also been a benefits advisor for health insurance remotely. I’ve also worked for L’Oreal remotely as a CSR. My girlfriend has also worked remotely for years as a data analyst for insurance companies however she got her foot in the door young.


Processing FMLA paperwork


Software developer and papa taxi (getting my four kids to their lessons/hobbies)


Corporate event planner. Basically I just book hotels, flights, and meetings for groups of companies meeting twice annually. I facilitate about 15- 20 groups, each group has about 7-12 people with their own companies. I had no prior skills, just mostly customer service type jobs. Although, I did work in escrow as a title clearer before, which is very detail oriented, meticulous and repetitive in certain areas. But due to the covid era I was laid off unfortunately. The event planning job requires professionalism, both written and verbally. I have daily meetings with my manager about my tasks since I am exclusively remote. I can work anywhere I please, on only my laptop, and I don’t need to sit at the screen from 8-5, as long as the work I get done is excellent quality, and is done right, I can spend my day doing what I want. The pay is on the low side, but I get to work remote, travel sometimes for work (all paid for), and it pays the bills for now. I got lucky, because the owner of the company is a family friend. It just fell into place and ended up working out at the right time! I highly enjoy this job, and I don’t think I’ll be leaving anytime soon.


Higher Ed. Student advisor and success manager. Requires a degree and higher education experience though.


Data annotation, but I've been doing it long enough to snag a contract directly from a major tech company instead of through a third party provider, so slightly better pay, some benefits, and better terms. It takes at least couple of years grinding it out with third party contracts though (and I took courses from Coursera and LinkedIn as well.)


Ui design, 4 days at home, one in the office


I own an art business. Sooo art, graphic design, editing, print making, product design, web design, balancing the books, and whatever else comes up.


Hotel customer service.


Video game designer!


Watch YouTube


I work as an art director at a video game studio and do other art stuff on the side


I work in electronic medical records (EHR) so clinical data abstraction, data integrity, data validation, MPI, etc. I also work side projects with Remotasks, Appen & RWS.


Life and Health insurance


I’m a study coordinator and lab manager in a clinical research lab. I LOVE working from home, but need some serious ergonomic upgrades. Been WFH since 2020.


customer service for a bank 


Risk and compliance for a regional bank


RN case manager 20 hrs a week 80k a year


respond to these questions so our internet overlords have another data point on me