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# When corporate America sends senators, they're not sending their best. They're sending morons. They're sending nepo babies. And all of them, I assume, are bad people. # Join r/WorkReform!


Bernie looks so embarrassed.


Dude. Imagine being *decades* a senior to that congressperson, and seeing what is being elected. I’d be embarrassed. Hell, I fucking am.


Am from Oklahoma, we're embarrassing


Am from Boston. Also embarrassing in our own way. But holy shit, cowboys, if I can give you any hint at all, it's this – Don't pick a fucking fight with a guy from Meffa named Sean O'Brien who runs the Teamsters and got the job by kicking out Jimmy Hoffa Jr. – and whose father, and grandfather, and great-grandfather were high up in the Teamsters during the bad old winter hill gang days! I don't care how many Armalites you own, I promise they have more, and plenty of FBI on their payroll to boot.










Everyone who spent their childhood within 100 miles of Boston knew a knucklehead kid who had brains but only seemed to use them to get a rise out of other kids on the playground. It's great to see there's a career path where they can do some good.




It does seem like a poor life choice.


Unless your life goals include taking a ride in the spinny part of a cement truck...


Same. I heard him speak when he first ran for the house and he was so stupid, I thought he will never go anywhere. I overestimated Oklahoma.


Who the heck got this idiot elected I want to boycott thier business


Mullin Plumbing is this guy's business. Unfortunately, being Oklahoma, the neanderthals that live here are probably applauding this and giving him business.


That's an insult to neanderthals. They're more like barely sentient industrial waste.


Just moved out of Oklahoma. So glad to get out of that dirty, uneducated, fascist, racist, garbage, embarrassment of a state. Oklahoma has no redeeming qualities and the decade that I lived there seriously affected my mental health.


"Hold my beer" Any of the states in the southeast.


Honestly? Oklahoma is worse.


I spent 5 years in OKC around college age and it made SW Ohio look pretty nice. It was full of the "proud to be stupid" type people back 15 years ago, I can only imagine how bad it is now.


Yeah but the plutocrats and oligarchs are laughing from atop Mt Olympus. Look at the plebs and ineffectual representatives squabbling amongst themselves, just as we like it. History Of Rome podcast by Mike Dunkin, can't recommend it enough.


Forgive my ignorance. Synopsis on the podcast and how it relates here? I am interested.


You're going to hear about all the same things we're seeing today. Same manipulations by the ultra wealthy, the same contentions. Fighting or attempting violence in the senate because we commoners want to try and make a slightly better life and the puppets of the aforementioned plutocrats doing the bidding of their masters.




Our civilization in a nutshell; adult immaturity is the Great Filter that will destroy the human race. AI does not need to be better or smarter, just not immature.


I’m fascinated by the topic of mental maturity in human beings. What causes some people to mature and others to behave like adult children? My father to this day does not think like an adult. As a result I had to grow up fast and matured at a young age…. Why did I not grow up to be like him?


> What causes some people to mature and others to behave like adult children Kohlberg's stages of moral development may interest you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Kohlberg%27s_stages_of_moral_development What I think you are asking is that why some adults manage to get to the end stages of moral development where morality is no longer seen as black and white. A person who is in "post-conventional" moral development understands that situations need to be judged individually and can't be judged quickly. An adult who is stuck in or regressed to the "social order" stage takes their morality and "rules" from whomever is in power, which causes them to come across as children... because it's exactly how children behave: they beat up other kids, they tattle on each other, they are unable to soothe, they require external authority to solve conflicts. These adults aren't impacting their world, their world is impacting them. Why exactly this happens... I am not sure. Maybe if you pull on the above thread, you'll find people discussing it and the data gathered supporting these stages. There was data showing the 5th stage _("social contract driven" eg: I'll give you 50% of what you want if you give me 50% of what I want)_ is a concrete state but no data at the time supported the 6th stage _("universal ethical principles driven" eg: it's morally right to hide Jewish people and lie to Nazis to prevent them from being killed)_ existing as a persistent / concrete state of development.


Probably the same reason girls/women tend to mature sooner than men/boys/guys: they are held responsible for the immature behaviors of others. Guestimating here: you father's behavior was obvious to the degree it shocked your young mind into maturity, because you saw and experienced the ramifications of his immaturity, triggering ethical questions forcing a more mature mindset. A guess.


Oof, that's a deep question. Could be genetic capacity, you're the sum of two parts and maybe the parts that aren't him did the heavy lifting? Lots of genetic factors are responsible for our greatest minds, like the breakthrough mathematicians, they aren't trained it's just how their minds work. Then again many have the capacity for greatness and never achieve it. Maybe they all had potential, but didn't have an upbringing that forced them to utilize it like you. All I know is it's shocking how selfish the narcissistic the world has gotten.


History of Rome is good and all... But have you ever tried Revolutions also my Mike Duncan?




This is what 50 years of partisan political fuckery and abject crony capitalism has done to the US. People are so head fucked and fed up that this is what they are electing. The 2 party facade is going to bring us all to misery if it doesn't stop. We don't have a government, we have a confederacy of dunces.


Its worse as he is a fucking senator. The Senate is supposed to be the cooling saucer of Congress. https://www.monticello.org/research-education/thomas-jefferson-encyclopedia/senatorial-saucer/


Bernie Sanders is Danny Glover from Lethal Weapon. "I'm getting too old for this sh\*\*"


This troglodyte is not Congressman, he is a goddam United States Senator. As is Tommy Tuberville. If these are their best and brightest for “the greatest deliberative body in the world”, it’s pitiful. But at least they are debunking the myth of white superiority. 🤷‍♂️


He is a member of the U.S. Congress, like all Senators and Representatives.


It really took 2 hours for someone to point this out. We need adult civics classes in this mf. People are full grown voting adults saying shit like that


I am Bernie's embarrassment.


I legitimately thought this was a state senate hearing, and was baffled to hear Bernie's voice; like why's Bernie involved in Oklahoma's politics lol


We were all hoping that was the case, sadly these asinine fools have found ways into our federal congress. Fun fact he is the only senator without a Bachelor's degree, currently. Sure he wont be the last at the way this shit show is going! He also proudly boasted of his MMA and wrestling acumen on his senatorial webpage, as if that means anything for effective policy-making acumen at the national level.


That’s exactly what I thought too


Americans in general should be embarrassed. They elected clowns to congress


I mean, being fair, the districts are so gerrymandered at this point that in a lot of places it's not possible for the majority to win. Republicans have drawn maps to ensure that their minority is given power, bc it's the only way they can ever win anything.


Senator is a state-wide election, so the entire state of OK can own this one.


He’s just flabbergasted. Like what’s happening right in front of him is something that he never considered was possible. A senator squaring up to fight a witness in a senate hearing


Ended too soon, i wanted to see Bernie reprimand them.


Must be exhausting when you're the only adult in the room. Love that man.


I don't know how Bernie has the will to keep fighting. The political establishment continually fucks him over, and the many working people who would actually benefit from his policies oppose him.


"You're a United States senator, sit down." Such a good line, honestly.


After seeing the teamsters president, that would have been a quick fight. Mullin would have been crying for sure.


The "fuck your feelings" crowd certainly seems to always have a lot of feelings.


Somehow manly anger doesn't count as a feeling in patriarchal circles. See also these dudes saying women are too emotional for leadership positions.


It is *always* projection


and don't forget it is also always an *admission*.


It's because they never finish the phrase: "fuck your feelings, only ours matter"


Fuck *your* feelings. Important emphasis to them.


Granted the Teamsters are different than they were say 50 years ago, but if I were Mullin I wouldn't have been worried about winning that fight had he started it... I would be worried about what happens to me later when they decide it's time to get even or make a statement. But it was all performative anyways and the idiot didn't realize he was proving O'Brien's point. Wish we would elect more grown ass adults instead of these petulant children.


I'm on the other side of UPS in corporate and I remember learning about Sean O'Brien during our negotiations this past summer. He seems to be a good dude - hard worker and well liked across the Teamsters. I'm sure he is a tough SOB (see what I did there) and the senator had no chance.


I literally don't need to know a damn thing other than "Represents the teamsters in an official capacity at the national level." There are lots of smart people, and there are lots of badass people, and you don't get those roles without being both smart and a BAMF.


Who the fuck fights a Teamster without a deathwish? Let alone one that looks like the fuckin poster boy for the Teamsters. That's how I know this dude is dumber than a shoebox full of marbles. I'm half Sicilian, half Irish, I've seen a Teamster kick someone's shit in more than once in my life...


Step 1: fight someone who works with their hands Step 2: gather lots of ice packs


Mullin was [3-0 in his 4 months as a 'professional' MMA fighter](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-markwayne-mullin-mma-how-many-fights-republican-senator-belt), so he might view himself as a badass.


Two of those fights were against the same person -- the opponent's record was 1-12. The other fight was against someone with a losing record; Mullin may have been overweight by 5 to 10 lbs in this match.


Controversial take, but if he trained MMA enough to go 0 and 3, nevermind 3 and 0, he should be more than capable of beating an untrained person in most situations That being said obviously he's wrong in this situation


I mean I'm gonna be honest I know teamsters He may have won the fight but they'd have crippled him with a pipe in the parking lot. Which honestly? Slay queen.






His name is Markwayne?


Oklahoma shit.


Right? Its almost a shame the fight was stopped. Gop is all about posturing "strength", one getting their ass handed to them swiftly after trying to start something would damage the party with their actual base


He knew a fight wasn't going to happen... this is 100% impression management


I know, but imagine if it hadn't been stopped, and he had to concede himself. I feel like some of the lefts problem is not ever calling the rights bluff.


He could win that either way, he either gets up, sits down, gets to say he was held back but would have destroyed him, goes and fights him and loses, gets to cry persecution like a little fucking baby (anyone remember Rudy successfully crying bout being ASSAULTED!!!! for two whole months because someone tapped him on the shoulder in public?) Which lets him paint teamsters as violent when Fox spins the story harder than a shock website from 2007. Last he could fight and somehow win and talk about how weak they actually are. There was no reason for him to not act like a jackass because the party craves that shit at this point and the propaganda machine behind it can doctor anything unfavorable that could happen.


Dude.... I'm speculating of course, but I bet Mullin would've gotten his ass absolutely kicked and tried to pursue legal action against O'Brien when he lost the fight. That is something I would bet an outrageous amount of money on. Fucking loser.


yep, more mass= kickurass in most cases


Imagine if senators/representatives like him, and those who vote for them, had any semblance of shame. We'd be living in a completely different world. I'm convinced at this point that we are where we are, mostly because a significant portion of our population not only accepts bully behavior in our elected officials, they **celebrate it**


No such thing as shame in the absence of honor. We stopped valuing honorable people and here we are in a completely shameless society.


"HOLD ME BACK BRO" lookin ass 🙄🙄


"You're a United States senator, sit down." Really, that line is excellent.


Republicans trying to brand themselves as the working class party and trying to assault organized labor leaders. Classic


and noone from OK is thinking that right now... This is literally a boot licking property owner that happens to be a senator asking to throw down with a union member. IF you are anti union, you are anti american worker, period.


Once again Bernie the class act


He picked anytime anywhere to be the one place he knew it would definitely not happen.


That's after pissing his pants on Jan 6th


That was embarrassing.




This was quite humorous. I have to admit that our government is absurd; I fail to understand why anyone would consider these hearings to be important.


“You’re a UNITED STATES SENATOR. SIT DOWN.” Bernie wondering why he has to be everyone’s mom




He’s just trying to get in the news again. He had a flash in the pan when he was talking about Matt Gaetz being a huge perv on the senate floor and he’s looking to make more noise.


The fact he said “butt” instead of “ass” or anything stronger shows this was all measured and for show, right? I’m not American but no adult man talks like that when actually starting a fight…right?!


Oh no, he's a good Christian man, dontcha know....


Christian? Man? That's it, stand up.


I figured this was the Oklahoma state senate. Then Bernie jumps in, and I'm like, holy shit, this is the US senate! Unfuckingreal.


This was my experience exactly




Because they’re blow hards that like blow hards.




Most of the people who voted for Mullins will love this ridiculous bit of theater, and the others will probably forgive it because at least he’s not a democrat.


As an American living in America, it’s beyond me how any human being voted for these trash cans.


It’s because 50 years of Reagan/Nixon propaganda has been done on the population. Democrats are evil, dumb, and operating a massive conspiracy to destroy freedom all at once. Evil because someone told us that in the case of abortion, life begins at conception and we’re not gonna question that or any other consequence of that position (i.e. miscarriages due to stress, body, etc. would be the biggest humanitarian issue in the world. Dumb because everybody who has less than others is due to a personal moral failure and helping them doesn’t help. And lastly, operating a vast worldwide conspiracy to ________ fill in the blank with anything you choose.


Convert to some form of American style Christianity and then watch nothing but Fox News and even more extremely right wing media options exclusively for a year and see how you feel then. Right wing media mainlines fear of the other and socialism on a minute by minute basis, with tons of shock exaggerations and an emphasis on the culture wars, and all of their accusations are simultaneously admissions, to boot.


Because today's republican voters are the dumbest people in human history.


And they respect this sort of toxic masculinity because it's what they'd do, right down to the performative "Oh no!! I have been stopped"




Most Republicans are born, not converted. It's why conservatives hate college. A lot of "good small town kids" get "brainwashed" by college... because they leave their small insular community and meet people from different backgrounds and cultures. Instead of trans people being scary pedophiles trying to groom our children, that's just Rhiannon who helped you with your math homework. She's a bit weird, but seems harmless, just someone like you trying to get a handle on their identity.


This. Additionally, most institutions of higher education can't be bullied the same way that public schools can. Many students pay their own way through loans, scholarships, grants, or other means, so there's less pressure to bend to the backwards-ass beliefs of parents who don't believe in science or have a distorted perception of history. Stars forbid they lose control over their adult children and can't brainwash the poor souls into thinking exactly how they think.


For a lot of them, (I'm surrounded with and related to too many of them.) they absolutely believe Democrats are blood drinking, baby killing, demon possessed people and God sent Donald Trump to save America from them. Good luck arguing with that crowd.




The gif of Putin's reaction to this would just be a straight copy of a Montgomery Burns "yesssss" gif.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markwayne\_Mullin#Early\_life,\_education,\_and\_businesses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markwayne_Mullin#Early_life,_education,_and_businesses) Handed all his businesses... "worked hard" for a maximum of 2 years before being elected to congress? Abunch of shady deals and apparently now is worth much more money and a Senator. Weird how that works out. Hard work I guess.


"In April 2017, Mullin drew criticism when he was recorded during a town hall meeting telling his constituents that it was "bullcrap" that taxpayers pay his salary. He said, "I pay for myself. I paid enough taxes before I got here and continue to through my company to pay my own salary. This is a service. No one here pays me to go."\[31\] As of 2022, Mullin still collects the U.S. Congress base salary of $174,000. In a 2018 report,\[33\] the U.S. House Ethics Committee said that “Mullin made a good faith effort to seek the Committee’s informal guidance on numerous issues with respect to his family business.” But the committee noted that Congressional ethics rules state that members of Congress should not endorse products or services, particularly if they personally benefit financially from the endorsement.\[15\] Along with all other Senate and House Republicans, Mullin voted against the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.\[34\] In August 2022, he came out against President Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness plan, but subsequently received criticism after the White House Twitter account pointed out that Mullin had benefited from $1.4 million of federal PPP loan forgiveness.\[35\]\[36\]\[37\]\[38\]\[39\]\[40\] Mullin also voted against the TRUTH Act (H.R. 6782), a bill that would have required public disclosure of companies that received funds through the bailout program.\[41\]\[42\] In 2022, Mullin introduced resolutions to remove the first and second impeachments of President Trump from the Congressional Record.\[43\] House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik supported the resolution.\[44\] At the time, the House had a Democratic majority and the resolution did not pass."


Base salary of 174k? Are you fucking kidding me?


He’s also worth something like $30-75M


Inherited from his dad.


No he sold his dad’s company for 2-3 mil before he was elected to the house the first time. The vast majority of his wealth was acquired thru the political insider trading scandal we’re currently living thru.


Just because of those plumbing trucks, of course. /s


Not to me he isn't.




Those on the left know damn well what happened and those on the right don't care since this guy is willing to physically fight somebody in a hearing which they admire


A fucking leech that thinks he is the hardest worker of all time.


Wonder who pays for the streets, running water, and countless other amenities of modern life that he enjoys if all his taxes go to his own salary. Moron.


>He \[Mullin\] is the only currently serving senator without at least a bachelor's degree Great. I'm not saying that education is the most important thing, but if someone is actively working on laws in our country, they should at the very least have some form of higher education.


They don't read the bills, they vote how their sponsors tell them to.


This is what an Oklahoma republican senator thinks about supporting the working man.... Fighting against the worker all day, every day.


Senator was ready to throw down in fisticuffs about it. Teamster didn't even flinch


Just baited him into looking even more of a fool


like a toddler whose binky just got stolen.


He was smart though, and absolutely was not going to be the first to stand up.


O'Brien is a hard man. I can say with all honesty I am very glad I voted for him in the last IBT election.


And yet Oklahomans will continue to line up in droves to keep him in power because… (check clipboard)… the gays?


Please help. I'm stuck here and every vote goes to the dust 😭


The class war is beginning to get real. The union victories are telling blows. The recent blue wave was a flash flood and they are in full panic. Stupid does and stupid is.


As the generation totally brainwashed by Reaganomics and facebook memes dies out, so does their base. And surprise surprise, a bunch of mouth breathing incels, 4chan edgelords, and handmaidens won't keep you in power.


Mullin gonna get an ass whoopin.








One rule everyone should know in life: don't fuck with a Teamster. This comment in memory of Spero, a scrappy little Teamster who would beat your ass if you looked at him wrong. RIP, you crazy motherfucker.


Nobody speak, nobody get choked.


Pinch your momma on the booty, kick your dog, fuck your bitch


Fat boy dressed up like he's Santa and took pictures with yo kids.


They called it like they saw it.


Still the most passed on line "Fuck you faster, than Trump fuck's his youngest"... they told the real truth with that banger.


First thing I thought when I watched “Does this dude really wanna throw hands with a teamster?” I wish it happened. Would’ve loved to see it.






What a clown


Always will be.


Honestly at this point let them fight.


Winner takes the Senator seat.


That would be more pure than how most get there, at least


Getting Republican senators to fight and lose to union leaders is how we get progressive labor legislation passed.


Sadly Mullen would press charges after O'Brien beat his ass.


True, but I'd wager the teamsters have some *damn* good lawyers on staff...


What. A . Tool.


And Republicans will see this and absolutely love it. There's a thinnest of line between Conservatives wanting peace and advocating for violence. Yet, they love to go on about the "violent Left". It's classic Conservative projecting.


That senator's first name is Markwayne, one word fuckin Markwayne. He ain't beating anyone's ass.


It's not, actually. His name is "Mark Wayne Mullin," but for some reason he insists on "Markwayne." It's bizarre.


So he just wants people to openly know that he makes poor decisions based on stupidity, good to know.


Beautifully said.


Does this mean we are living in the Kimmy Schmitt universe? It would explain a lot.


Completely unserious people, a COD lobby in real life


The woman behind him look super embarrassed.


As she should be. Not enough people in the orbit of guys like this ... give them resistance at all.


And yet again, Bernie is the voice of reason


What a joke of a senator. This was pretty funny. I have to say our government is a joke, I dont see why anyone would take these hearings in any seriousness.


That's the Republican game plan. They want you to think government and governance is a joke.


The GOP is a group of young boys trying to one up each other in how tough they are while be offended by anything that calls their bullshit out.


And the SECOND they have to cooperate with each other on anything other than punching down they fall to infighting. See: then electing a speaker. it had to be the most vile, unqualified christo-fascist in the electorate for them to agree.


The classic bully mentality. Might makes right. Sen. Mullin is a child and should not be in office.


The adult in the room, perpetually. Thank you Bernie. We needed him in 2020 and in 2016.


Man's not going to live forever, and who's going to take his place when he's gone? *things that keep me up at night*


Let them fight, then ban them from governing forever. Ezpz. Why stop them, let them solve the issue.


Mullins is really worried his employees/slaves will get the idea that they can organize.


I don't like it here. For anyone who might say "then leave" - I'd very much like to, but I'm not rich so I can't afford to.


I love how O'Brien says why do you have to use violence to solve everything


Let them fight.


I would like to hear O'Brien's rebuttal.


He said he would throw down before clown face stood up


I wanted to hear what Sean O'Brian was going to say. It really sounded like he was ready for a rope a dope. "Is that your solution to every problem" after he goads him into trying to fight him. Lol It really shows which of them was smart enough for the job they were hired for.


Bernie should have been president ten times. More than half of these senators and people in higher power than that should have never made it past the homecoming dance at their high school .


I adore Bernie!!!


Bernie is the best part of this video.


He’s a voice of sanity in a crazy world.


No fighting in the war room vibes


I bet this clown is already fundraising off of this bullshit


How embarrassing for Oklahoma


Republicans are an embarrassment to the United States


Mullin made that story up because he inherited existing businesses. Watching Markwayne Mullin make a fool of himself and get lampooned by Bernie Sanders and whatever witness he is harassing is the most interesting thing that has been going on in the Senate for a long time. Someone should make a supercut of mullins embarrassments.


Absolutely pathetic,a grown man with zero impulse control. I bet he still has meltdowns that would shame a three year old


Bro what do you do when your own senator tries to fight the guy getting you equal rights?


God damn.... Bernie shoulda been president, I cant believe he's still out there just scolding adult men.


Wish they would fight for women's rights like that.


Keep in mind that if the threat is credible, it constitutes assault in several states, including Oklahoma. He's not being charged with assault because no real man will ever consider Markwayne Mullin a threat.