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God I’m so glad we finally got a Great White Fleet camo for one of the Iowas, I’ve been wanting to see this forever lol It’s literally the main reason I’m tryharding the dockyard (17k base xp away), I just wanted that damn camo lmao, I hope we get a standard one for Monty at some point. 


And what a damn good ship too. Currently rocking 170k average damage, by far my highest. The guns are beautiful.


Yeah, today i devstriked Azuma from 23km


Just got It. Doing some sea trials in co op. That dispersion/grouping is magic. If you know how to aim you can do some serious damage.


sad that i definitely won't be able to get it in time




bit late to the missions and don't have a lot of cash to throw at the remaining stages


Still got more than a week. The D-Day Ops can help alot since it's not halved like normal Ops. Last time I cleared the 45 kills BB mission in WV44 in D-Day Ops and now at the last phase in Atlanta. But I can't help you for potential damages and capping missions.


the D-Day op sucks lmao


The op sucks, I'm just there to clear dockyard missions. I'm not even bothered to get the D-Day loot boxes. I'm not saying all missions but many of them are easy to clear in D-Day Op.


trouble is the slowest missions are the class specific ones and you do very little damage in d day ops,


Randoms for potential damage in a GK does the trick, averaged over 1.5mil per


Honestly it took me like 20 hours to finish everything with the paid 10-Stage-starter pack, so it‘s still possible


maybe if you’re superhumanly motivated and fast


As always, the Art Department doing their best to carry the game


Make sure to also take a gander at the Colorado- Independence Day camo (in the community tokens page). It is another nice looking Great White Fleet themed camo


https://preview.redd.it/6h555bxhk04d1.png?width=2986&format=png&auto=webp&s=28c0769af7f60c260463df945b6cc4bdec2ccb8e Decepticon edition


You’ve defaced one of the most beautiful ships not only in this game, but on this planet. You have brought dishonor to your family


Now I want to rush it just to perma camo the worst camos available.


Me at phase 2 knowing I won’t get this beast in time ;-;


Got her yesterday. She's the first dockyard I followed through. What a grind! Personally I prefer the historic camo, but damn right she's a fine looking ship.


when do the missions expire? i’m 3/4ths done the second last set of missions. would love to get a near free t10 prem


Haida still looks nicer than every ship in game


huron haida and cossack are beautiful DDs tbh kinda wish I had haida over huron


Honestly. I got both. And I have to go with Huron for what Huron and Haida are supposed to be


only thing i know is that haida doesnt have a secondary mount and has smoke consumeable where as huron has secondary mount, no smoke and a bit faster gun reload and heal


Only difference between Haida and Huron is that Huron gives up Smoke for Heal. Other than that, HP and armament, are exactly the same. Reload, speed, and conceal and barely any different. They both have 3x2 120mm main guns and 1x2 102mm twin mount dual purpose secondary


for real? haida also has secondary mount? i thought it was additional aa mount instead


Yep. The canadians changed their tribals from the British ones and removed the aft superfiring 120mm which could only effectively engage aircraft up to a elevation of 45° which was around a dead zone starting from 4-5km iirc. So they decided to remove the superfiring aft turret in favor of a high angle 85° elevation twin mount 102mm dual purpose (secondary and AA mount)


It's an Iowa. Beautiful ship. That white and gold camo, though, looks gay. I'm running mine without it. Because I'm not gay.


hmmm pretty sure you're gay dude sorry


Not according to your mom.


That camo is the reference to [the great white fleet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_White_Fleet) Usually the real photos you find on the net are black and white but many are post processed in colors so that you can imagine the majestic of the color scheme and now WG put it on this ship. I'd not call it gay. It's historical but putting the tomahawk on this camo is abit 'off' IMO, I prefer it be put on the normal camo instead.


Chester and St Louis (T2 and T3 US cruisers) have a Great White Fleet paintjob on their base model.


Are you telling me that the camo on the Wisconsin, orange / gold over white is a historically accurate camo? I looked for pictures of the Wisconsin to see what camo it wore through it's operational career and I did not see this. Lots of color pictures of WWII Iowa class battleships including the Wisconsin.


No that's not what I mean, completely 2 different things, different era. First we have the great white fleet, see the wiki I linked in my prev comment, then we have Iowa class BB like we already know which is around WW2, but those Iowa class didn't had the great white fleet color scheme because those are completely different era ships serving different purposes. Then with WG magic (like we have paper ships in the game) now we can see the same color scheme from the great white fleet on Wisconsin. To see what the color scheme was just google great white fleet around instead of Wisconsin you'll find plenty pics in color which are mostly post-processed from black and white photos because during that era no color film yet (?) so literally it's a story told from like your great grandfather who witnessed the great white fleet and was able to tell the younger generations how it was look like. https://x.com/Drachinifel/status/1272264606438830080 (wow what WG did isn't even original, this tweet was from 2020) I know history is boring, and [this](https://youtu.be/2fLvidsZeQE) is one YouTube video about The Great White Fleet which I find more interesting.


Thanks for the background info. I still think it's ugly. But that's just my sense of aesthetics.