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If its face on to you, spam HE at it while reversing while hoping someone gets a crossfire on it


And broadside? What points should I aim for with ap? Or just GTFO and run?


If it's broadside expect 10k salvos if you're in a CA and not a CL, quite literally the thing is gifting itself to you.


Aim towards the rear, you can citadel it there. Part of the myth of invincible Napoli is that most people just hammer it midship and don’t get citadels when they should but the rear 1/3 of the ship is the sweet spot


Napoli is hard to cit, I just aim halfway up to waterline to maximize pens


against broadside napoli shoot waterline with AP and try to hit under the turret closest to your ship.


Break the Napolis guns with AP spam, DMs have the potential to be a huge pain in the arse for Napoli players because of their sheer DPM and smoke-countering radar.


Ping it on the minimap and hope for concentrated fire from your team.


Try to stay out of secondary range and pummel it with your main guns is probably the best option generally.


Stay completely bow in to minimize SAP secondary damage, it's guns dont overmatch, and you have radically higher he DPM bow in vs him. If you are the same health you will kill him first assuming he doesn't get frisky and rush you


Aim for waterline, and lead so your shells land in the middle of the ship. If you go to the Napoli in the armoury and click preview ship, on the right you will see an option in its stats to show the armour profile. Highlight the citadel in that and thats the baby you want to aim for


Turtle back means that very few cruisers can hope to get cits and only at close ranges too… I think in most cases and in most ships, you’ll get better results aiming for upper belt


Napoli can be citadeled more easily by aiming at the rear half of the ship


Yeah, DM needs to get real close and personal and even then it’s not super consistent.


cook. A narrow napoli has no useful secondary DPM and the guns are anemic AF. You literally shoot three times as fast.


Napoli has 20 degree firing angles forward on the secondaries. That's incredibly narrow fiy. On the other hand, Desmoines is good at dealing with napolis thanks to its dpm, assuming you keep distance.


Napoli has miserable DPM so angle and stay out of sec range.


Save your Radar for when he decides to use his smoke, or at least stay dark until it’s smoke runs out. But if he is pushing into you, then aim at his bow with HE to get full penetration and hopefully a fire, your DPM is better so you just need to be careful with your own hp (try to avoid taking damage from a second ship), if you do get a fire then try to damage his guns with AP, but I’d keep putting HE into his bow until he shows broadside. He probably won’t shoot his guns in smoke as they sometimes want to use their secondaries , that’s why I say save your radar or just stay dark.


Well considering your Des Moines has about 4 times the DPM of Napoli main guns and if you are nose in its secondaries do zero damage to you, and if Napoli angles to shoot more secondaries or torpedo you, you AP him for 10k every 4.5 seconds...kill it.


If you're nose in SAP does nothing to you? Since when?


Since Napoli secondaries up close target the bow if you're nose in and don't over match des moines sooo....since always.


If you are in a desmoines and you both are nose-to-nose without going into brawl the you already won. Angle around 5 degrees for bouncing his AP and either HE spam him or use ap and perma-destroy his front guns. I usually do a mix of both. If he turns in a bit to use his secondaries you can hope for a oversteer and use your ap (improved angles) to fuck him up. If he knows hat he is doing try to knock out his secondary guns. He has more success with aoe module damage, but if you know where to aim you can target his secondaries with ap and destroy them. If you knock out his few bigger ones then his dpm goes down quickly.


Unless DM has an atoll in front to block torps, it's in big trouble squaring off with a Napoli in close range brawl scenerio.


That's why i said this works as long they don't go into brawl. The napoli torps change everything as soon as it gets to a brawl.


Napoli is a potatoe proof ship it has become inherently busted and broken after the recent secondary skill got added to the game. The combination of the armor shcheme with the concealment and the dumb secondaries makes it near imposible to effectively counter it . So unless u have all your teammates focus firing the napoli and keeping him spoted all the time i have to say there is no way to make it go away. Wargaming should defenitly nerf this ship it makes no sence to have this types of charactiristics on a ship like this.


Main guns are a joke that become a tragedy beyond 13km. Torps gimmicks. Handles like a brick. No utility, but tanky as fuck with great secondaries in a ranged meta. Napoli is fun to play, but its stats show less than what you'd expect in terms of impact.


I would disaggree . Even famous streamers such as Flammu and PQ have admited that napoli needs a nerf in its current state. There is a reason why u see people bring napoli to Ranked-Brawls and clan battles and in the upcoming season of CB ships such as napoli are gonna be completly bannes due to being busted. U say it handles like a brick but u dont see it has very good turning radius for being a heavy cruisrs. ship like hindenburg-stalin-moskva-goliath are the ones who actually handle like a brick not napoli.


You disagree but you didn't really bring up any points except Flamu and PQ thinking it's busted. PQ's opinion can be immediately discarded, his whole schtick is cackling madly when scores a cit and telling you it's awesome, and Flamu has taken on this "Gandalf the ship Sage" persona where he is so unicum that any ship that isn't mediocre is OP. Let me repeat: Main guns are a joke, torps are gimmick. All it has is tankiness so it can roam around trying to get DDs in its secondaries. If no DDs or CLs come close good luck having any impact. Yes once you're down to 5-6 ships per team or less in the modes that come occasionally, the tankiness becomes its own thing and you can spearhead an offensive. Still not much impact by way of kills, but hella annoying. Then yeah she's a port queen till the next CB or oddball mode.


I think 2 of the best players in the game with 75 percent winrate and lots of experience cannot be discarded just because u dont like or disagre with them. There are others as well such as gang from RAIN and etc but its not important. Second u say this ships dammage output is low this only is true if u sit in spawn and shoot HE and dont try to get close and personal which is what napoli is tailor made for. As i said if u put a survey right now most people would aggree that napoli power level is just too high with very little to counter it. Lastly i did explain napolis main issue in the upper commnet if u pay attention


Mate don't bring up streamers if you won't go into detail about their analysis. PQ declared the Moskva "Can still do it all" 3 months ago, and a couple of weeks ago declares "it's been powercrept" while he's dominating with it in the review game. What changed? Nothing. Your main point is that tankiness/detect/secondaries make it hard to counter, well by WHOM? Napolis are a snack for any torp boat or fire starter for example. And while you're being 'hard to counter' what are you doing exactly? Nothing. Still hoping something squishy gets within 11km without an armada of support behind it. It's a fangless titanium tank that most dummies focus then cry it doesn't die quick. 🤷 Also, it hasn't been banned or restricted for ages. As a matter of fact yesterday we did a team of Napolis and one Schlieffen for the lulz in CBs. We lost, because they weren't dummies and sniped us from range.


Napoli with petro and some other ships are gonna be banned next season of clan battle not the current one we are right now with support consumables. Not sure what makes napoli fangless with its hardhitting 254mm guns which are accurate if u dont build full secondaries on them .and having 11 km secondaries which excedes its concleament by 700metres and smoke screen. With tutrle back and 60mm belt armor which even most bbs dont have and on top of that being crazy fast for being a heavy cruiser going about 37.5 nots . In terms of balancing a ship napoli was powerfull but okay before they added the secondary skill but right now its really not fun to fight against it. And speaking about being snack for torp boats not sure why u say that because u can eat torps litteraly in any ship class with or without hydro.


Burn her to the waterline.


Either don't be in secondary range and burn him down, or if you've misplayed into secondary range be perfectly bow on and break his turrets with AP before burning him down.


Napoli DPM is poor nose in, so you can HE spam it to death with some angling and kiting. Broadside is vulnerable to AP.


At longer range spam HE at superstructure and hope for fires, at close range AP at the turrets if angled well or at the sides if showing you broadside. Up close stay nose in against the secondariesbacking up and keeping it head on. Whole point of Napoli is that the ship is a tough nut to crack and DM isn't the best ship to do so but it's possible.


Destroy guns if youre facing each other head on, keep the distance and reverse if you can. Once you broke his guns, spam HE


If you can’t beat them, join them. Thats what I did yesterday.


The rear IS the weak spot. Napoli player since this week xd. The times i most die IS when im kitting and get cit on the rear.


it is situational & people will disagree but you can full pen Napoli if you take IFHE on DM, you can also full pen other meta ships like Marseille & Petro with that.


In what world do u take ifhe on a Dm??!! The fact that u can do damage to a napoli doesnt make it a okay ship. U can do damage to a stvincent with AP and HE .Does it make it a balnced ship?


In a season plagued with everyone getting a bonus dmg con/repair rendering fire useless, ifhe was good (support consumables season)