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My very limited experience in it is stay angled on a flank, spam SAP into superstructures and cry when they turn broadside because I don't have AP loaded :/


Laughs in Sansonetti sub-10s shell switching skill Seriously, get it, get him, it's game changing


Where did you get this pic? it looks like it sailed into Dredge😂


I sense a fellow Jingles enjoyer.




By "Italian Thunderer" people mean that she has fewer, bigger and more accurate guns. And that the "other" ammo (not AP) is stupidly powerful. With R. di Lauria, move quickly to a crossfiring position and start spamming SAP. If pushed, she has the speed and concealment to disengage. Learn some armor schemes: Yamato's upper belt is vulnerable, Kremlin's isn't, for instance. Shoot cruisers as much as you can: DM, Henri IV, Yodo, Hindenburg, etc. are free real estate, and you can citadel a Mino or Colbert directly, with that SAP, so there's little point switching to AP (even if you miss, better a SAP penetration than an AP overpenetration).




And, for goodness’ sake, shoot surfaced subs with the SAP. You will nearly always devstrike them.


Just a note on her armour, her citadel is pretty large and awkwardly shaped, and while the armour plating is generally pretty good, 460+mm guns should be EXTREMELY scary to Lauria because they’ll go right through her less protected regions and basically can’t miss that citadel.  I’m fairly sure she also has the ass-citadel weakness found in a few other Italian ships, essentially don’t kite too close to people or they’ll smash your citadel through the stern. 


Lauria has a big hump of a citadel. Angle and kite as needed to protect it, and pew pew at ships with your guns.


First you R. , then you Lauria


People say “Italian thunderer” but it’s a rather surface level comparison. She has the same guns (but with SAP) the same amount of guns and the same conceal, but the other features of the ship and the playstyle in general is very different and draws more comparisons to Vincent in the regards of playstyle. She is a much more aggressive ship, if theres an opening, she likes to push. Shes very much a mid-range ship, she likes to keep enemies at shouting distances using her speed and conceal. She can tank pretty well (will get into that later) which helps her play agro. She can do the perma kite gameplay pretty well too but the moment she gets to push and/or flank she feels at home. When I say push I dont mean brawl like a german BB, I mean press your advantage, take map control but still keep distance to go dark/disengage; you push the enemy back while pressing for map control. The speed is such a huge factor, it offers so much flexibility for initial positioning, repositioning, and controlling engagement distances; you can get yourself into positions where the enemy doesnt expect you to be in the early game, once you’ve won your flank you can quickly support your other flank and if your under heat you can disengage and keep enemies at a comfortable distance. In terms of **base speed* she is the fastest BB not only at tier 10 but also in the game tied with Daisen and Tsurugi at 35knots, with brisk and the speed flag she’ll go 40.4knots. Her armor is *very* good with a 120mm deck armor that says you shatter all HE in the game (including thunderer HE, *only* 114mm pen) her super structure is very minimal so its hard to farm, her gun angles are 30/30 so you can angle comfortable in push or kite while getting all your guns off, these features paired with her speed and conceal make her *very* hard to take down despite her low HP of just under 80k HP. Her guns are great, as mentioned before these are the same guns that Thunderer and Vincent use, just with SAP. The AP is the identical( tho its shortfuse like Vincent), the SAP behaves exactly the same as the HE of the other 2 and it even pens as much as thunderer’s HE, they have the same dispersion formula in battlecruiser dispersion but have different sigma values; Thun: 1.9, Vin: 1.6, Lauri: 1.8. She does have weaknesses tho, her citadel is rather… *unique*, its detailed which is a downside, in the very center of the ship it raises up as a box and is easy to hit, and even in kite she can citadel from behind her super firing rear turret (look at the armor layout) Shes one of my favorite ships in the game, tied only with Wisconsin, shes crazy powerful and a ton of fun and I highly recommend her.


Compare it to incomparable please.


They’re relatively similar but also very different The playstyles are relatively similar, use stealth and speed, push flanks, be closer to the action, click people for pretty much guaranteed damage Incomp is more gimmicky, its like literally the poster child for over gimmick-ification; absurd conceal, high speeds, 35mm overmatch, super heal, hydro, torpedos, battlecruiser dispersion, backed in improved acceleration, she has a lot going on. Shes an objectively good ship but one I personally don’t find much enjoyment in. Her guns dont feel very consistent, seems like eats damage from every angle even tho her armor is actually pretty good, shes narrow but because shes so long she still presents a good size target to hit, and even tho she has a super heal it really doesnt heal that much back having the worse super heal of all the super heal BBs. *I know it’s a strong ship* but it’s just frustrating for me to play. Despite my dislike for the ship, trying to be as objective as possible, I strongly believe Lauria is just the stronger ship. She has less notable features, only really coming down to her high base speed, her conceal, her armor and her “thunderer-guns-but-with-SAP”. Even without the a super heal and worse conceal, Lauria is the more survivable ship, she can just shrug off all HE spam with her deck armor, she seems like she’d get punished a lot more than Incomp but in my experience it really hasnt been the case (again, thats my experience). She also has a pint sized super structure in comparison so theres less surface to farm. She doesnt have the 32+mm ovm but her 457mm SAP can still overmatch 30mm so cruisers cant angle to it anyways and *its still SAP* so angling to it is hard, and the alpha damage is MASSIVE so it just eats chunks out of you. Shes not as fast and doesnt accelerate as well, but her speed isnt tied entirely to a skill or consumable, she just *always* has her speed. Also, even tho she has worse conceal, I find myself overextending less often, its still very good conceal but its enough to make you more mindful. Her range also makes her more flexible, better base range, spotter % bonus goes farther and she can use Sansonetti which is another huge thing for her; not just the range but also the ability to get the Confederate talent which is easy to activate on her, Incomp is never getting Cunningham’s reload buff because you’re never shooting HE to get Witherer. Lauria is a more flexible ship overall and Incomp feels limited often times. Also Lauria doesnt suffer from CVs as much because she can take hits better. Ill have to play Incomp because I havent touched her in months, I just havent felt much desire to do so, I adore my Lauria tho and play her often. Ill leave these with you to form your own opinions: Incomp videos: https://youtu.be/5Jpk0zRRyKA?si=Uhi1z3NHGR0Lp-B2 https://youtu.be/1gfQ99cpuxU?si=J3yJYpSWitUkKvpo https://youtu.be/uBLuDK9g8IE?si=U6ZrLlqqCmpkRMYo Lauria videos: https://youtu.be/ZauQICFHWz8?si=-ml-NQ4-36FFk1sn https://youtu.be/iD4OGLywBVk?si=Kr5pFJH5LsOLcENF https://youtu.be/Xhrqb1ewWmg?si=-zpHQLfQb10DKhqW


I'll probably get Lauria then, Incomp is my favorite T10 and fits my play style. Thank you for the well though out and lengthy reply.


Glad I could be of help, enjoy Lauria shes a monster




Use your concealment and speed to get in positions and don't overpush. You have very powerful guns that will murder anything that has under 100mm armor and you'll get 31mm overmatch. Build in range and speed + turret traverse so you can kite, hide and ambush cross over the map. Also build your Capitan for survivability(bc of better heal) and gunfeeder. That's the build I get consistent 120k games in but try to experiment yourself. You have to get familiar with the ship and the more you play it the better you get, don't be afraid to dictate the engagement and know when you retreat and when you'll fire your guns.


She's the ultimate anti-meta ship rn. She punishes those that spam Wisconsin or Maine


Isnt that more like italian incomparable?


use sap for bow in ships..use ap for broasides....cry with both because regia marina gunnery is awful and youll be hitting nothing even at arms length close


That is not true. Lauria is actually pretty accurate, with the odd bad salvo


Only use sap (the ap shells aren’t bad but Italian sigma/dispersion fucks up golden chances). If someone goes bow on to you, aim for the bow. Surfaced submarines? Dev-strike them.


This is not how titles work.


Sec spec or bust.


If you want a red winrate, this is the way. 


thanks for the reply, it let me know I went negative. people are apparently unable to recognize sarcasm.


…I had a member of an old clan that unironically ran a full secondary slava.  I just accept there’s a brain dead portion of players that spec every battleship, battlecruiser and CA (and 1 or 2 destroyers) for secondaries.  I’ve had too much experience with the secondary fanatics to assume that’s ever sarcasm. 


> there’s a brain dead portion of players Playing for fun =/= brain dead. Not everything needs to be optimized.


So then you weren’t sarcastic? Got it. 


Oh I was being sarcastic, but even if I wasn't it doesn't mean the secondary fanatics are wrong or brain dead. They just find enjoyment playing a different way than you do. You're just being an asshole to be an asshole.