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No premiums whatsoever, don´t want to draw them again and again. Nothing from T7 onwards because snowflake rewards get serious from there on. Everything below T5 because low tiers suck and don´t give rewards for anything and I utterly hate playing those ships and tiers (except premiums, reason see above) T5 and T6 only when accute credit starvation sets in and a new tech tree is in the "grind" process.


I recommend keeping the low tiers as well, because if you have many ships in port, you get a bonus that makes collecting snowflakes easier.


Yep, I started purchasing the cheapest ships once that extra-snowflake thing got implemented just to reach the 200 treshold. I never play below t8 so anything there is a permanent port queen.


Same. I used to sell a lot of the non premiums below Tier V since they didn’t get any flake rewards. Once WG added the bonus flakes, I started buying a lot of the low tiers back (and even unlocked a couple Tier IIs and IIIs I had been able to bypass via early access events). Having those bonus rewards is *so* helpful once you get a big enough fleet. During the anniversary last year, I was able to skip most of my Tier V to VII ships; at Christmas, I got enough bonus flakes from asymmetric that I only had to play IX and X and a handful of VIIIs. Port slots aren’t an issue and neither are credits, although constantly selling and rebuying the low tier ships will eventually drain credits. Now, once I have a ship, I don’t sell it regardless of type or tier.


> I used to sell a lot of the non premiums below Tier V since they didn’t get any flake rewards. The 1st year of snowflakes (2018) T2-T4 Premiums got flake rewards even though the tech tree ones didn't. T2-T4 Premiums got 300 Coal each. T2-T4 Premiums got flake rewards for the 4th Anniversary in 2019 too. They got 1X Anniversary Camo each (nothing again for the tech tree T2-T4's). WG sure took that away fast. It was just those 2 flake events and then they went T5+. Would be nice to see it come back even if the rewards would be small. It all adds up.


Would be amazing if they earned like a voucher or something that, if enough were saved up, could be redeemed for some basic rewards. Would be really nice to have some sort of purpose for all of my low tier premiums


Agree. WG just gives no reason of any kind to play low tier and in fact incentives us to only play T5+ 99% of the time. I wish they would allow T3+ towards missions and that they would bring back the T2-T4 flakes.


Am aware of that. All the ships that I don´t own atm wouldn´t even be close to breaking the next stage for the extra "ticket" so I can comfortably sell them.




But T5+ ships take a longer time to get. Considering that the game throws free port slots at you at every opportunity, you're just objectively slowing down your snowflake-collection-process if you sell low tier ships.


I got shit faced and bought Tirpitz. I got shit faced again months later and sold it. Luckily, someone told me I could do a buyback of in game currency through wg. Phew


Stop getting shit faced ,😜


Lol, that was a few years ago and I was away on a work trip 😅 both times lol


Very good answer, thanks a lot!


My rules for keeping ships: * Premiums - Never sell. * Any awarded or free ships - Never Sell (I still have all ARP Myoko and Kongo variants, for example). * Any ship which has an econ bonus on it - Never sell (Many were grandfathered in from the camo rework). * Any ship with a permacamo is unlikely to be sold (Future proof against possible camo changes in the future). * T1-5 Techline - Sell, with one notable exception. St. Louis. When I got to that ship right after launch I promised myself never to sell it. * T6-T9 Techline, if they have a 55% WR when I elite them, keep *and* put a perma camo on them. If they have under 55%, they're not working for me, sell. * T10 - Never Sell *and* put a perma camo on them. While I understand there are reasons to keep sub-T5 techline ships, and T5 techline ships , and people would be aghast at selling anything over say, T7 I have a good reason for this. Right now I am sitting on ~28 tech lines at T8 and T9. At approximately ~40M silver per line to get the line to T10 I will need 1.1 Billion silver to finish up those lines. I currently have.... 5 million as I recently completed by Haragumo RB grind. Selling underperforming techline ships which I can easily replace at a later date means I can get those lines to T10 quicker. That will change once get past the hump on my techline ships and I will eventually backfill my techlines from highest tier to lowest tier. And yes, that means WeeGee can suckle my left nut on this trade-in bullshit. Oh, and as part of the above, when selling a ship upgrade slots are sold. Upgrade slots 4-6 are demounted. Why? Because that is the *best* dub to silver value in the game. You get 50% of your purchase when you sell a upgrade. It is a flat 25 dubs to demount upgrades. This means the following silver per dub (SpD)breakdown: * Slot 1 - 62.5k - 2,500 SpD * Slot 2 - 125k - 5,000 SpD * Slot 3 - 250k - 10,000 SpD * Slot 4 - 500k - 20,000 SpD * Slot 5 - 1M - 40,000 SpD * Slot 6 - 2M - 80,000 SpD 75 dubs (which is what, 52 cents?) for 3.5Mil silver? Sure beats the 1500:1 they offer in game and the ludicrous prices in the premium store.




I’ll sell my ships as I work up a line. I don’t get caught up in collecting the ships, I only started a year ago so I don’t have the currencies.


No Never. T5-X\* due to rewards for Snowflake/Christmas events. Each ship in port gives something back at least twice a year. Kept lower tiers, although there has ever only been a single Campaign that includes T2-T4. More reason to keep them now due to the rework of snowflake type events due to bonus rewards based on ships you own. Never sell a premium. I did once, the Marblehead, then in 2016 first Christmas event I got it back in a free crate. Lesson learned, could have got something better. I trade coal ships for rare doubloon/event ships. Can always buy back a coal ship. Would never trade or sell a RB/steel/event/dockyard ship. They generally don't come back.


I do. If I don't use something, I'd rather have the credits so I can buy something I will use.


There's an incentive to keep premium ships as you won't draw them in a future crate. WG also encurages the players to keep ships around as the anniversary event rewards based on fleet size. The only incentive to sell is to acquire credits and maybe free up port slots. That means I keep Z-31 even though it's a complete piece of junk. You can reset a line which technically is a sell, but you do that to re-acquire the same line. Therefore I never sell anything from tier 5 and up. Tiers 1-4 tech tree I never keep as the game is silly in those tiers (except Minekaze....my only tech tree tier 2). Tier 1-4 premiums are kept for the above reasons.


Minekaze is a Tier FIVE. If there's a Minekaze at Tier 2 I want it.


Umikaze o/c


^- this


I'm a hoarder


I have all T5-T10 tech tree ships. A ton of premiums. 543 ships in port at this time. Tech tree 2-4 is not worth keeping at this time, because you get nothing for holding on to them. It is worth holding onto those low tier premiums, because it stops you from getting them again in crates or events down the line. Something I have done, though... For all the tech tree ships from T5-T9, I have reset all upgrades back to base (hull, guns, etc), and sold off module slot upgrades. Only my premium ships have modules on them. If I play a T5-T9 match its in a premium ship anyways, so why not get the credits I can, back? The only exception to this rule is the Harugumo line, as it is always in flux as I reset it for RB point stacking


The higher end modules, if I buy them during tech tree grinding I demount and move to the tier X when I get there. But the lower end ones just get sold, usually. I keep a couple of really good tech tree ships fitted out with economic boosters and all the modules (Sinop, for example) but generally I am like you and keep everything stripped down


I quit spending a lot in this game, and mainly rely on dubs from ranked, so I prefer to sell/rebuy when necessary


No. Never. In fact; a few years back I repurchased everything I had sold to fill in slots on my tech trees. Collector; and I’m almost to 500 ships. (The highest achievement level for ships owned.) As mentioned; premiums/specials especially never; so they won’t show up again in containers. Part of the reason why is because I have so many credits I don’t need to sell anything to get them.


I learned way too late to keep all 5s and up! In the long run you'll make more doing that.


Tech tree yes unless they have a special camo, anything else no.


Almost always


I've sold almost all my t5 and most of my t6 and t7 tech tree ships, I've still got 0 empty port slots, keeping lower tier ships means fewer t9 and t10 for snowflakes for me.


Other than rupprecht and Mogador for ranked I haven’t kept any non-tier10 tech tree ships.


Premiums never. Regardless of tier. Tech-Tree T5 and above also no. Even kept some T1-T4 ships. Why? For premiums it’s obvious I guess. For TT ships it’s mainly about collecting and snowflakes, but I also like to play a lot of them — occasionally. I really don’t see a reason to sell ships but I’ve also been playing for quite a while now. Credits are not an issue and neither is port space.


I'm rarely out of port space, even as someone who only started playing early last year. While credits are always my limiting factor, I play enough that it usually only takes a couple of hours of credit farming to dig out of any credit holes.


I keep everything T5 and up for the snowflakes


I sell off ships that I really hate but otherwise I don't. Really I don't need credits that much and the snowflake rewards are nice to get when that comes around. I really don't play anything under tier 7 though except on rare occasions


I keep premiums, but otherwise I sell almost everything. I usually keep the ship until I buy the next in line, since I wouldn't have a captain for it anyway. Sure, I'm missing out some rewards, but they give the best rewards at T10, so I'm pushing to get as many of those as possible without spending too much time grinding credits.


No, I don’t need credits.


When you first start out, credits can be a problem but re-buying tier 5+ tech tree ships at some point will help with the snowflake and anniversary events each year.


I have kept almost every tech tree ship because losing half when selling them annoys me. Once you reach a certain point you don’t need to sell ships for credits as your income is steady enough to keep up. Never sell premiums.


Everything above tier 5 I keep for the snowflake event, but I only buy upgrades for the ones I need for ranked battles etc. and if I do sell any it is only to reset the line for research points.


I dont buy ships lower than T4 and i dont sell ships T=/>5. Ships i dont play (which are many...) i will just use for xmas/snowflakes


No More snowflakes


Not selling my Bismark as I got into the German line to get it. Was going to sell my Amagi on the road towards Yamato but I am enjoying it so much I might keep it around


I don't sell premiums, though I did sell Collingwood out of rage, and I regret it. I will sell TT ships from lines I'm not too fond of when I need a little extra silver.


I sell all T6 and below, some 7's that just suck, no premiums.


Yeah. You don't?


I ran out of shit to do in the game a couple years ago, so I turned to “gotta catch ‘em all”. I’m up to 430 atm. Basically as others have mentioned ruined buy and sell tech tree as you want. (Almost) Never sell your premiums, the gain is just credits which are easy enough to come by.


I only sell my tier I-IV ships, everything from tier V onward I keep as long as I have space for it


no, because every Christmas having them turns them into about 200k coal, 10k steel, and enough mega crates to gift me a premium ship from one.


No, that's why I have 500 + ships. This is to my advantage when the annual anniversary and Christmas events come round. That's because for every 100 ships you have when you play it and either win or score 300 bxp you can collect the reward of that ship and upto 5 others of your choice. That way I don't have to play 500+ games to collect the rewards from every ship.


No. Cuz I don't wanna.


I don't sell any premiums. I don't buy any tier ships below tier 6 so there's none of those to sell. I don't sell tier nine or ten ships and tier seven and eight is contingent on whether I like the ship or not. I sell most tier sixes unless I find them extraordinary. Other than top tier ships and premiums, I try to run as lean as possible. I really don't give a shit about keeping low tier ships around for coal.


Don’t sell ships for Christmas event. Higher number of ships in port the better, even the tier 1. Prems is same as others say


Keep everything t5 and higher. Because i like to collect them, got 1.7Bilj credits so no point in getting more credits. Even have not sold my cammo's.


Every T5+ ship I get is kept. Premiums and tech tree. I actually have every single T5-T10 tech tree ship currently in game, including the Subs (despite not playing them at all), and all the SuperShips. I have tons of Premiums as well. Even if I dislike a ship and don't or won't (Subs) play them I keep it for flake rewards. They can really add up when you have almost 600 ships as I do. I also keep T2/T3/T4 Premiums and any T3/T4 tech tree ships I like even if I don't play them much. The only ships I don't keep at all are T1 and T2 tech tree ships.


Oh yeah, I’ve sold plenty of T10’s for coin over the years. Yes, I’m crazy


I sold Bismarck after getting absolutely mindmeltingly mad at watching salvo after salvo scatter in the wind like parade confetti. I gave it so many chances, granted U had a few good games (striking a citadel is loke a jackpot) but nearly every time I got the "dafuq-you-land-there-I-aimed-at-the-ship" rage. RIP Bismarck.


I keep anything T5 and up for snowflakes, but I've sold nearly everything under T5. I kept a few that I thought would be fun to play occasionally, although I can't recall the last time I actually played one of them. I even sold most of my tier 2-4 premiums after they stopped counting for snowflake events. Just kept those I can't replace, like Konig Albert & Arkansas Beta. Might be a couple others, but I can't recall them off the top of my head. Some say not to sell a premium because it might drop from a crate, which is valid for T5 & up, but T2-4 premiums don't drop from crates or super containers, so I have no problem with selling them.


I always see players advice to keep Tech-tree ships tier 5 and up, but when you never intend to play them anymore I don't think it is worth leaving several millions of credits on the table (both for the ship and the modules) only to get 700-800 coal and some tokens each year. For reference, you miss out on 1200+ coal just from containers alone when you skip a day of play. I also feel tier 7 ships get shafted during events: they cost 4x as much in credits compared to tier 5, but only get 25% more rewards at best. Therefor I would ague to sell most 7's. Keeping tier 5's is much better value: you get a lot more coal for credits invested (ROI). Also notice BBs and CVs cost most and DD's hold least value. Sure, some players swim credits -or love to grind- and thus won't ever need to sell. But for the average player I think those credits hold a lot of immediate value that you can use to unlock more/higher tier ships which will also come with their own rewards.


Each time there a T8 or 9 brawl or ranked I regret having sold Zieten and Ruppy when I grinded the line. It was my first T8-T9 BB (I didn't have any T9-10 premium ship) and I couldn't afford the next ship without selling them.


I have no reason to sell the ships.. And I like that my ship count is going up! there was a day MANY years ago, I would BUY SHIP SLOTS!? *GASP* but they give away so many now it isn't an issue.


Don't sell Premiums or Specials. Don't sell tech tree T5 and up. Why? T5 and up get rewards twice per year. Sell a Premium? You'll get it back in a crate at some point.


I sold T2, T3 and T4 Italian cruisers (because I hated weak and fireless SAP rounds) and kept T5 (because it is highest in tier Italian cruiser in my collection). That was before the battle passes which granted many port slots. Now I could rebuy all of them, but I still hate them :P


I used to sell tech tree ships under T10 after I'm done with them. Now I have bought all tech tree ships from T8 and above (including T11s) mainly for the snowflakes. I will start buying T7 and below at some point but I don't have too much money now (I play T11s a lot lately). As for premiums, I have not sold any and will not be doing so. I am pretty much focused on collecting what I can in the game, so that would be very counterproductive. I still don't have Somers, Marlboro, Atlantico and maybe a few others that slip my mind now.


I sold low tier TT ships (not many, just 2 or 3) in my first year of playing. Only because I was out of credits or ports slots. Now I have enough of both, so I don't feel the need to sell anything anymore.


Nothing over t5, and no premium or special ship ever. I used to sell anything I wasn't currently leveling because port slots were limited, but I now have every t5+ TT ship in port and some spare slots. Why not? 1. anniversary/xmas rewards, especially now that you can knock off more snowflakes per ship played the more ships you have. 2. why sell them? It's easy to filter ships with the carousel, I have 500+ and don't have any issues finding any specific ship, or highlighting my regularly played ships. 3. this only applies to premiums, but the *second* you sell any given premium, you will get a lootbox with it again. why take the high of a shiny new ship and replace it with the low of one you know you don't like?


*I do not. You can get free port slots rather easily. Every update pass gives you at least three free port slots. On top of that I have bought my fair share back when they would occasionally go on sale for 50% off. I currently have 444 ships in port with 18 open slots. Soon to be 19 with two more update pass phases completed. 24 ships in port are tech tree ships below tier 5, 11 are premium and special ships below tier 5.* Why? Well there is the anniversary event in a few months. I will get a pile of anniversary tokens I can use for whatever it is they will offer this year. And then there is the Christmas snowflake thing, where I will get a lot of coal, steel, and certificates I can get free Santa mega containers with. Why keep the tier 1-4s? If you have less than 100 ships in port you knock off one snowflake or anniversary flake per game that you win (I play coop for this). If you have 100 -199 one game can knock off two flakes. 200-299 gets you three, 300-399 four, and so on up to 500+. Also having 500 ships gets you the final collector emblem. With 409 ships that will have flakes of one kind or the other (and growing with every additional tier 10 tech tree ship I buy, every new coal ship I get, every ship I get with community tokens, and so on) those additional flakes really help get through it. If I run out of vacant port slots, I will sell the tech tree ships lower than tier 5. I do not do it now because I want the 500 collector emblem. Once I get that I will get rid of all tech tree ships from tier 1-4 so I can have more credits for other high tech tree ships I do not have.


None, horder


I keep all premium to not get them back later and t5+ ships because free rewards twice a year


I try to keep ships from the lines I like playing a lot. This gives me the ability to play those ships in brawls, ranked etc. when they require lower tier ships.


Yes I do sell. I do not have infinite space in my port and i don't see the point in wasting it