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The game is fun. The playerbase is kinda bad though.


Bad as in not good players or bad as in toxic?




It's free, give it a shot. If you find yourself enjoying it, buy a month of premium time and see if you still enjoy it in a month. Rinse and repeat. I enjoy the game a lot in it's current state so I absolutely would recommend especially since you've played before and know what the game is about, but you see people here complaining about various things daily.


If you want to play to have fun and have good ships that you enjoy playing, then yes. If you're trying to play competitively or get frustrated easily, then no.


Best time ever. The new D-Day ops give free money and XPs Godspeed


Bet a hotfix is already on the way


Without a doubt. Get it while it’s hot. As with any gamemode they’ve released before that made grinding less of a burden……..


Don't jinx it, guys! I need money for my new Duncan !! Godspeed


I don't think so, it was the same when I played it on public test. If they didn't bother to fix it after PT, why do it now.


What kinda money we talking here compared to normal ops?


I have no data to support my claim but closer to double the rewards if you do at least descent. Plus, it s hard to lose. Godspeed


So...my recommendation is: stop playing when it isn't fun. Don't keep trying for the win or whatever else. Just enjoy the game for what it is. It's not in a great place right now, but it's still the only game of it's kind, really. And yes, I know WT has boats. It's worse in almost every aspect.


recommend to come back and just not pay. Then you wont be frustrated. plenty of good tech lines


Wait for maybe a month, Wargaming is experimenting with premium flags now (basically a pay-to-win feature), you don't want to join the game now just for them to implement that update right after you have joined.


Wargaming is afaik not doing that, that is Lesta on the Russian server.


Didn't Wargaming try that idea first with rubicon patch in attempt in world of tanks?


And you want to bet that they are not having some droll on their mouth to implement it on our version as well?


Considering that there is a huge backlash about it from the playerbase they probably will not try that stuff for now.


Man, give me one time when Wargaming stepped down and followed the community after a huge backlash. If this was any other developer I would believe in them more than this dented company.


This is not WG trying to implement something. Lesta is implementing and WG can watch from the sidelines. If they themselves try to do something they almost always double down, that is true, but this is simply a different situation.


I guess we can all wait and see then


Depends on what you played. I got some premium time from crates I had saved up I guess so I got 2 weeks in but it’s in a worse condition than when I left last time. Spent a majority of that time in ops instead which wasn’t bad and I made a lot of money but I feel like I’m working towards nothing in the end. If you like cv or battleship with range mod you’ll fit right in. Otherwise…….


With the D-Day operation currently going for 12 more days, now is as best a time as ever to get as many credits as you can. I was just gifted with several days of premium time from a supercontainer, and I have been easily averaging 300k credits per op. As for random battles, they seem pretty normal to me.


Subs aren't too bad don't let that stop you. 3 cruiser lines have surveillance consumable now, they can't shotgun anymore since their close quarters damage got nerfed and you can fairly easily remove homing and dodge torps ( search Yuro on YouTube for a great tutorial). 


The game is fun, and exponentially more fun if you find some people you vibe with to div up. I don’t touch random battles with a ten foot pole anymore but there is still plenty for me to do at any given time I feel. If you are a returning player I assume you left cause of subs and or CVs. Just stray away from randoms and forfeit the idea that this game is at all competitive. You are simply playing rock paper scissors and sometimes trying to convince rock to beat paper can be fun. I guess lol.


Facts. I’m grinding ops now and they’re HELLA more fun than before with the improvements they did a year or two ago while I was gone.


Anytime a good time to hit the water...andblow up boats...


I also put the game down around the same time. Reinstalled a few weeks ago and have been enjoying myself.




No this game is dying just like world of tanks. There are other better developed games out there