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If I could pick the age I'd say the first one, but having had a traumatic childhood, I'll take the money and not relive some shitty things that I still haven't 100% worked through.


Yah its a fun hypothetical, but people picture life like a movie montage. Imagine having your own brain and mind but being strapped into a carseat for 4 hours… School would be awful, how do you remake your old friends? Do you just go to College as a child genius, eventually they’ll realize your just a normal adult. It just overall sounds horrible, sitting around waiting to buy some bitcoin when the year comes.


And in this scenario you can't even do Bitcoin if i'm understanding the restrictions properly. It says no investment that you wouldn't have already done.


Id say the age one only if I could pick because otherwise my kids wouldn't exist or be the same. I could go back and get GameStop or Nvidia and easily make more than a million.


Did you even read the post?


I think in the context they were agreeing that the going back to birth part is what makes the first option not doable for them, like my comment they were responding to said.


Same 100%


This question always gets tricky because of how humans develop, but I'd still take the restart. 1 million doesn't go as far as it used to, and it would disappear pretty quickly once it was found out. If it was 10 million I'd take it, that 's definitely enough to disappear and leave some money behind for family/friends.


It would be so hard to be a child with an adult mentality. Having adults treat you like a kid and having no ability to relate to your peers.


Well, I was a weird kid and had trouble relating to my peers anyway, so not a huge change for me.


Part of that adult mentality is stress and shit to do. How would that change if all of that was just wiped away? Getting a young body able to play sports you loved all over again. I mean socially it will be slightly awkward. 🤷‍♂️ but you will get use to it.


I think the hardest part would be the first few years. Having a fully aware adult brain as an infant and small toddler and being completely unable to communicate, or walk, or do anything but lay I'm a crib for hours on end.


Honestly, I think some of the hardest years might be your teenage years. Social interaction is such an important part of your teens. That includes dating and possibly sex. You will have the mind of, potentially, a middle aged person or older. Trying to date/get with a 14 year old. For 99% of people, this would destroy your ability to date, which even if you were the popular kid the first go around, the next time could make you an awkward weirdo and really change the course of your life, unless you make mental concessions/do things that you may find reprehensible for the sake of appearing "normal" which you would to everyone else but would possibly cause irreparable trauma for the rest of your reliving. The first few years would be annoying, yes. But think of the alternative. You would be seen as a really well behaved, gifted baby. You would likely start talking earlier as your mind would already know the words, it is more a mechanical issue of getting used to using your voice and lips to make the sounds at such a young age. So once you started talking, your vocabulary would be great, though it might be annoying to have to intentionally hold back to not "give yourself away" so to speak. That issue would go away around age 10 by simply keeping a bunch of books in your room to make it look like you were reading *a lot* at night and that is why your vocabulary is so good. But those are more "grow out of the problem" issues. Yes it would be annoying but after a handful of years, not a problem any longer. The teenage year stuff though? That could impact your entire life.


When I was a teenage boy in the 90's I acted like a teenage boy in the 90's. I pressured my gf to do things she wasn't ready for, I objectified women, I was disrespectful. If I could do it all over again I would be a much better person. With the hindsight of an adult I don't think it would be that hard to avoid dating until you're physically a little older, just stay busy with extra curriculars.


I dunno would you have the same hormonal changes that go with puberty? Even an adult mind might struggle to stay rational. Not in a sexual sense, just in an overall decision making sense. Might be weird.


I know that 1mill doesn't go as far as it used to. But with 1 mill I could easily live off the interest from term deposits and still save extra/more than I do now. I see lots of people shrugging off a mill, but it would be totally life-changing and fix everything for me. And if I still worked a couple days a week, I'd be pretty well guaranteed financially stable for the rest of my life.


1 million as currently stated. BUT, if I could ensure that I have the exact same children and wife, I'd do start over.


They wouldn't be the exact same. They wouldn't have the same memories they have now, they would be an alternate version, like Marty's parents in Back to the Future. You'd never see the family you have now ever again.


Then, I could not take the deal.


So many of this WYRs are interesting until my wife and kids are involved. Than I can't go back in time because they wouldn't exist.


What happens to people makes people. When things happen it physically changes the brain, and a memory is storage of things that have happened. You take both of those away you can’t call them the same people anymore even if they are technically the same vessel. Why because every action you make after being reborn changes them in a different direction.


They wouldn't even be that. There's 0 chance there even have the same dna. Just like siblings can be extremely different, so would the new kids


I don’t even have kids and it just seems way too big of a risk to have your life change completely. While I’ve had some bad times in life, I’m in a good place now and the chance of having that change, no thanks.


The wife would have the same DNA most likely. (She would definitely if she’s older because he wouldn’t have changed anything yet) the children wouldn’t stand a chance.


Basically impossible. Procreation is one aspect where the butterfly effect hits hard. The guy climaxes at a different second, in a different position, his balls were a little warmer at work, he wacked off the day before, the woman gets up and takes a shower instead of laying in bed 5 minutes longer... bam a different swimmer wins the race and the kid's genetics are a completely different.


You’d probably have a different sperm impregnate your wife therefore making your kids into potential bums


That's exactly what I thought before I opened comments. I couldn't live a different life if I didn't have my wife and kids. I wouldn't be able to be happy.


Basically same. I wouldn't restart because I'd lose my family, but might do it if I could get that guarantee. And I actually DID buy Bitcoin early on, so I could do so again and just buy more and keep it longer. Also I had bought a few stocks around the time I bought my first iPod, so it would be within reason I could have bought APPL at that time as well. More importantly, I could stop my mom from going through so much trouble with Melanoma (she survived, but it was a long road) and warn my sister early about her breast cancer she just finished dealing with. I would also try to raise my second son a bit differently in his youngest years because he is a handful right now and I wonder if we could have done things differently when he was a toddler to help with that. Plus a bunch of other small things, like not diving into the pool that day when I broke my front teeth off, not breaking my arm and messing up my swim season, etc.


This. I’d change how I acted toward my wife in early marriage


Imagine being an infant with all the knowledge of a full grown adult? It would suck to have to hang out with a bunch of other babies with actual baby intellects. Maybe this is what happened to Stewie Griffin.


I'd be king of the babies


You’d try and they’d just find you insufferable


No no. You do this by maximizing fun!


You'd also be self aware. Be frustrating as fuck the first 2 years until you can speak and actually walk. Hardest part would be hiding reading capabilities. A 3 yr old reading at a college level... That would completely fuck up your life. First 12 years, you'd have to pick and choose when you let you know your true knowledge known.


Breastfeeding is gonna get weird.


Money. The restart option would end my kids' lives, and even assuming I could somehow change my life significantly and still meet and marry my wife (doubtful), it would mean not seeing her for 29 years. Plus the money is money.... (makes Mr. Krabs sounds).


Yeah like you make one little change and then a different sperm hits the egg and your kid's a different kid?


Money. I have no desire to relive the past.


Especially if you can't really benefit from it since you aren't allowed to invest in anything that could make you rich.


Knowledge. Knowledge will allow you to benefit. You just can’t cheat the system says nothing about carving out a new path. Could easily make more than a million that way if you blew your first chance.


Go through school without having to study (as much) and still get better grades, more scholarships, easier internships. Have more comfortable understanding of your field's internal workings so you're able to be more comfortable during interviews, get promoted quicker. Getting higher income earlier means your 401k, etc. (OOPs restriction is in things like "I go and invest in Amazon back when it was a book store!" not things like general ETF funds or other mutual funds) are larger earlier. For me, I could have started my career a decade earlier and been way better off if I knew what I know now. A decade of investing with my field's income ranges would easily outpace a million in 2024.


Priorities would be different, for sure. All the frat and house parties I attended in college got me drunk and sociable, but did not get me dates or some of the life experiences I really needed. Would have spent more time going to better events even if I didn't have a good budget -- and also would have known that my youthful dreams were really, REALLY fucking stupid.


I definitely have no desire to be trapped in a baby's body for years. That shit would send you insane.


Plus being treated like a child and forced to socialize with children on top of over a decade of the same schoolwork.


Well, if you retained all your knowledge, I guessing they'd skip you a lot of grades. You'd probably start an accelerated high school course when you turned 8. Like Doogie Howser.


"Sorry, you only scored 8/9 on the planet naming test, no grade skipping for you".


Ahh the good ol days when Pluto was still a planet


Same. Whenever I see these "relive the past" questions, I'd rather not. It took a lot of grinding to get into the good situation I'm in today. I want to keep moving forward and face new challenges, not redo everything again.


It would be hard to be precognizant and go through life as a child again. How could you handle kindergarten if you had a graduate degree level reading ability? How could you deal with your parents and your peers treating you like a child with an adult mentality?


Simple, you become one of those kids who graduates high school at 8, file for emancipation in college. The worst part is waiting until 18 to restart your sex life.


Even in that scenario it would be a struggle to form relationships with people in your age group once you hit adulthood if you were well past 18 when you took this deal. I'm in my 40s and I would not enjoy hanging out with people in their late teens/early twenties with my current maturity and mentality.


You’d be just as immature though, with an undeveloped brain and teen hormones. You’d take bigger risks because your brain would reward them vs reflecting on what you’ve done in the past. Essentially nothing would change from your first time around outside of intellect and a distant memory of a previous life.


If I can’t go back and invest I’m just gonna take the million.


Says invest in things you normally wouldn't - that's quite a loose term. I tried to invest in bitcoin early but couldn't figure it all out properly (early teens) So I would normally have invested in it if I could figure it out so does that mean I can invest in it? Gold was another one I bought and sold, so can I invest in gold (but use my knowledge and not sell it until its at its all-time high)


Let's reboot this MFer!


All in on Apple, Microsoft and nvda.


I would pay $1 million to restart my life just I'd rather restart at three or four


If this was an option (pay for restart). I would make 1 milion happen within handful of years. Currently broke but that would be some hell of a motivation.


Million. My life and choices, no matter how painful, fun, sad, scary, exciting and terrifying have meaning to me which cant be valued.


Money, don’t want to go through all that again. Wasn’t a bad life, just a Meh one.


Restart life. I’ll just have my dad invest in those things.


Weeeey, found the loophole!


Restart. But money would be secondary, I really just want to spend time with my Dad again.


One million would clear all of my debt (student loans and mortgage) and still leave me about 500k. I love my life. My wife is awesome and my job is great. We have a HHI of 200k. So yea if I could just get rid of my debt and throw the rest investments then I’d be perfectly happy with 1 million.


I mean restarting could have heaps of benefits. But are we talking about going back in time or simply restarting from now. If the former you could make all the popular social media’s, spotify etc, predict environmental disasters. Probably take the $1m if it was the latter though.


Start over everytime.


Go back for sure. Can I gamble? Honestly, just having knowledge of future events would be enough to do okay even without investing.


Money now. I have a son. Not taking the chance of losing him. I could make more if I went back but he's worth more than that. a million is plenty enough.


Restart my life and retain all my knowledge and wisdom. I keep a pretty good track record of my investments and purchases I didn’t make. Along with that there would be so many things I love to redo and make a better impression and choices than I did before.






1m easy. I would miss my wife and kids too much


Restart life for sure. I invested in bitcoin but had it all stolen, so this time I'd just make sure I get it secure and locked up. But that aside with a redo I could live a near perfect life and also save a few people from dying.


It would be incredibly difficult for someone with adult knowledge to go through the childhood process for 15 years. Even being able to kill it in school, you’d probably be getting in more trouble due to rebelling.


The money. Cause realistically, what could I do with all that knowledge? I’m a kid, no one listens to kids. I may know that cell phones will happen, but it don’t change the fact that I have absolutely no clue how they work or how to make one. Putting money into certain stocks that you know will skyrocket can be an option, however you’re still a kid. Be a 7 year old and try to convince your parents to put your money in stocks, I doubt they’ll go for it. So yeah I’ll just take the money. I don’t even wanna be alive now, restarting would be torture 😂


Straight to the bank, baby! I dont have the energy to start over.


I would restart. It means I will have to relive my traumatic childhood but it is a sacrifice I will make gladly if it means I can save someone that was dear to my heart and irreplaceable... Also since I did invest in Bitcoin but sold too early it wouldn't run foul of the rules stated. In fact I would triple the amount I bought originally. The financial gain would really just be a bonus to above and even if I couldn't get any kind of financial gain my choice would still be the same.




I would be fucked. 1. Restart sound horrible, imagine your parents boinking near you thinking you don't understand. A lot of yours likely did. 2. I'd still have druggy parents and the memories associated with my abuse that turned me into what I hate about myself. 3. If anything went off course I would have to live knowing that my brother might not be born, my daughter likely wouldn't be born, lot of my friendships will turn sour and how unavoidable a lot of deaths are for the people I cared about. A million or memories sounds like a shit deal.




$1 million easily.


Is one single family home considered an investment? Basic 401k? I think I’d choose to relive it and treat people and myself better.


Restart, my family will likely have more than 1 mill before I hit 18, and everyone will be way better off.


Money. Going back means I get to change my major and maybe avoid some bad relationships, but it also means having to relive a childhood with my abusive sister who I haven't spoken to in years. Even if this is dollars and not pounds, it's still enough to change my life.


Money. I wouldn't do anything to risk not having my husband and kids. Don't get me wrong - I've had the "do-over" fantasy, and there's lots of things I'd do differently, but I'd never *choose* it.


Honestly, the temptation to restart is pretty compelling. When I was 15 I had the choice to move across the country with my mom to a bigger city, or stay where I was and move in with my dad. I stayed. I don't necessarily regret my choice, but I'm really curious how things would have gone if I'd moved.


The money. If you would have asked me 6 months ago, I would have taken the restart.


Money. If I tried reliving my life and fixing it, I would just screw something up and turn out even worse.


Money easy. Restarting everything sounds awful, and if there's no guarantee I'd meet and get together with my wife I'd rather lose both my legs and an arm than restart.


Restart my life Not even for the money I could make just to see some people who I can’t anymore Don’t really care for the financial gain


The money. The other option would be a bad thing, so many things can get screwed up, psychologically I'd be fucked up. Have to go through the pain of losing certain people all over again. Would never be able to date someone because no one could ever understand me not even once I reach adulthood. Dating before I'm well into adulthood would be gross and unethical an adult mind in a child's body so that would especially be off the table. Can't warn my sister away from the assholes she dates because I can't risk doing anything to prevent my nieces and nephews from eventually being born. Can't connect with any of my old friends that I met when we were kids. Overall I see absolutely zero real benefit to the second option. So yeah give me the money


1 mil.


Oh start over for sure. I could play it all out the same with the added benefit of foreknowledge. I pay close attention to stock markets, crypto, etc. my career is great and all but I could recreate everything up till meeting my wife and then go make millions over night.


No kids and I’m divorced, so let’s just try this again with knowledge of the big stocks I can buy and crypto. I’ll be rich by 30.


Let me reset, I can confidently say that I will make a lot more than a million dollars more in my life by preventing abuse (mine and others) and different life decisions without some outrageous investment. There are a few bets I could make that would be nice along the way.


1 million. The only reason I'd start over would be to try to make more money with better career choices in my twenties. A million now would solve that.


Restart....I'd do things so different.


Relive and not take the physical damage that has piled up over the years


Restart. I could make a whole lot more than $1 million with the information I have. Also, my kid is adopted, I know who the birth parents are, and I wouldn’t be doing anything that would change her being born. I know plenty of enough info about my wife to win her again, so I wouldn’t be worried about that.


A million. I'm not doing all this again!


Restart my life. Learn from my previous mistakes and make changes. Come back to this question. Take the million dollars.


I'd take a do over. A million bucks is going to change my life in a meaningful way sure. But assuming I'm restarting the timeline of earth, I just casually start investing in a handful of companies when I'm 18. Mine a bit of bitcoin in my early teens. Not enough to disrupt things a tonne, but enough that I'll have a few million by about 2024. I can meet my wife again. I know how and when to find her.


Restart life




1 million. My life is great, I wouldn't change much about it.


1 mil easy


If it’s just money, you can restart and invest in bitcoin and be a billionaire…


Restart. Easy.


I would restart my life for sure


Memorizing the stock market and winning lottery numbers would get you far more than a measly one million. Reboot period.


I’m old, a restart sounds more fun than 1 million.


$1M, 100%. If I restarted, I think the only thing that would’ve changed is maybe a better relationship with food & being more active + in better shape.


I'd hit that reset button and never get Catfished on RuneScape for 12b. Also would hoard phats. And I guess do some more meaningful things with my life maybe.


Restart. I’d just learn a bunch of skills and such. A million now sounds like I’d piss it away but if I became a polyglot and got some high paying job as a translator or worked in sciences and invented some patents you’d make that several times over Personally I’d probably live abroad. Avoid places with natural disasters or help assist them in being prepared for it when it came






Restart my life with all the trauma and issues but as a kid and still fuck everything up all over again? No thanks.


I’d start over in a heartbeat


My life has sucked so far. Why would I ever choose going through it all again over making my current life way better in an instant?


Start over and i will do all i can to prevent my growth spurt


I would like to restart my life.


Restart life. There is a certain girl I wanted but she ended up slipping away.


Start over. Family won't change. I can find friends I care about. No kids - that's biggest risk of a restart - so don't have to worry about playing sperm lottery to get a specific spawn lol.


Before my daughter.... start over. Now, $$$$$


Restart my life


Restart… plod along, hit 18 and start making “startlingly good” investments.


$1m I have made spectacularly stupid mistakes in my life, but I'm astonished at how much more stupid they could have been. I'd never want to live life over. My current knowledge and "wisdom" will probably help me make even bigger cockups.  Just gimme the cash




Restart life But before I do, I look up a winning lotto number for a large one that happens after I turn 18. Once I have that reset me. I started playing the lotto occasionally after my 18th so this fits.


1 Million €. Handsdown. I never really had a knowledge problem, I have an energy problem.


I’m pretty sure the IRS would have some questions about how that much money hit my bank account. Give me the money. Having the wisdom and knowledge of an adult trapped in a baby and toddler body sounds like torture.


Restart. I'm single with no children or wife to worry about.


Does it count as “fixing a mistake” or does it go against the no investment rule that I tried to buy $50 worth of bitcoin in 2010 as a joke but it was too complicated so I gave up? I’d take the do-over either way, at the very least could save my parents from a couple mistakes that seemed like the best solution at the time and ended up putting them in a terrible place. I was too oblivious at the time to see how I could have helped the situation if I had been aware and proactive about it. Though I wish I could start a little later, had a great childhood and would hate to do anything to mess it up. Though reliving it wouldn’t be bad either so long as I could actually keep things on track.


Easy choice, I would restart with existing knowledge.


If you couldn't invest it there would be little point. Even keeping it in a bank account would be a kind of investment.


Restart life. I could live a very different life knowing what time know now. Just worried about finding my online friends again as I don't think it would be possible.


Can I ensure certain parts of my life stay in place? If not gime some cash. If I can, Bitcoin billionaire status here I come


Restart life because adding 30 years to my lifespan is priceless


Go back in time. Alot of my life mistakes were the 'fuck around and find out' type, so avoiding all that would be nice. And I'd invest hard.


I hit the lottery with my wife and daughter so I’ll take the 1 million.


Imagine being born and coming out of your mothers vagina with all of your adult knowledge and wisdom Bro wtf


A millie for sure


Yes no question


restart easily. there's no contest and you could be a billionaire just by investing in apple, amazon, bitcoin, shorting the market in 08, etc. nevermind getting to fix mistakes and enjoy the highlights again. edit: THE RULE IS BAD SO HAS BEEN IGNORED.


Restart my life -- I would eat less foods high in saturated fat so my heart wouldn't have plaque on it.


I wouldn’t need to invest in anything crazy to have made some better generic financial decisions, like what to study and pursue as a career that would have probably worked out better for me. And even if I can’t invest in apple or Microsoft or Facebook or bitcoin, I could still probably time things right to get an inexpensive house.


If I wasn't married or had kids I would restart my life.  But, I have those things so I'll take the million bucks.


One million dollars with the rules as stipulated here. I have some physical disabilities and my mental health would **not** be helped by being stuck as a newborn, then toddler, than everything else, for a long-ass time. Yeah, I can learn more languages and I can change my epigenetics to be healthier/better since I'd be an adult with more perspective, but when I go back in time in my head there's always "how would my life be different if I didn't/wasn't \[x\]," and just knowing things wouldn't have helped with my alcoholic father.


So I’m a baby with 51 years of knowledge and experience. Since there’s no particular reason a baby can’t talk except that it doesn’t know how yet, at 6 months I’m talking about superposition and quantum computers. I then become a sort of digital soothsayer for the types of inventions we will have in the coming years, thus inadvertently bringing about their creation right on schedule, which would have always been the case. Notice that steep slope in tech from the 70s to now? That’s me! But since I don’t know how to actually make the stuff myself, it takes years of experts trying to decode my ideas. And here we are, present day. Paradox solved. Now I’m 51 again at which point my fate is to answer a Reddit post and go back to 1973 to start the entire process again.


Restart. 1,000,000 is still a lot of money, but not exactly immediate retirement if you're not 40+. It's 14 years of the median household income, or an extra 25k/yr over the course of your working life. Fantastic, but not making you ultra wealthy. Fixing some of my mistakes could easily net me 1M over the course of my life. And even if it couldn't, there are things not measured in money I would like to change.


Bitcoin plus making up for past regrets? Back in time please.


Who will take care of me? Same parents?


Restart, the first 3-4 years would be shit, I might have the memories but the body won't be up to much.


Restart. Rules say no investing, but they didn't say anything about betting.


The million. My childhood was hell, no way I want to repeat it


Money. I'm to tired of living and shit


Restart my life, there are a lot of issues I want to fix


restart 1 mill is nothing to what a baby that can speak will profit


Restart life, in the same timeline I already did.


Between Bitcoin and stocks I would have a lot more than 1 million by now w option B. There's also some shit I'd like to do differently. Easy pick.


Start over. I miss riding my bike all day


restart life, i know what date to buy btc and what datetto sell, also NVDIA and all other stonks stocks by 24 I am already a trillionaire


If I can’t invest there’s almost no point in me going back. Only like 2 changes I might make and even then I like how things went about. I’ll take the money.


I was already going to pick the million, because I don’t want to lose my family, but I certainly wouldn’t pick the second option if I couldn’t get rich from stonks.


I'd restart my life, with what I know I would have many million dollars. More than 1. Plural. Millions.


Restart. I know exactly where to be to meet my wife and I can make sure I’m rich.


1 million bc of wife and kid. If no wife and kid, go back, absolutely. While not being able to invest would stink, knowing what industries will balloon will be really advantageous to guide area of study. Also, being able to ace all my courses and get into a top university would be huge. The ultimate windfall would be way more than a million. It would be boring af to go through everything again tho.


Restart life 100 percent


I would start over, and make wildly different decisions.


I’d take the million, even with everything I know now, there’s a chance I could Eff my life up worse than the one I lived so far!!


I’ll take the restart.


Start over, even if it's all the money in the world, and absolutely no hesitation about it too. Time on this world is the most valuable commodity. I would take extra 38 years I get to basically live again for all the money in the world. Even if I were to have a life that isn't all that much different (and I had it rough at times.. most times). Most people picking money over here argue about loosing their families. I have it easy, single no children, don't want any of that.


Start over and invest in all the right stocks


I would restart my life. There are a couple decisions i made to make others happy that would have changed my life if I chose things to make me happy.


i’d take the million. while regrets are a sign of self reflection and growth, they are also a burden. no matter how many times i started over, i’d always have regrets; therefore, nothing would change overall. i’d still wish i’d done things differently, even if i’m in a better position.


1 million. My life's to good to risk starting over.


How the fuck would I act exactly the same with all my knowledge? What changes then? I have always been a lazy person, coasting on talent. Does that change?


Wait... So... If I chose to restart my life,I'm literally ONLY allowed to fix my mistakes? I can't do anything else such as getting a different job or anything?


What's the point of the knowledge of you can't use it?


Bruh, if I could go back and put a couple hundred into Bitcoin when it was just a 4chan meme stonk at 10c, I would take it. This isn't even a question.


That rule makes it almost impossible for me to get any money lol I'm choosing a million.


If it weren't for that last caveat, I would pick the do over. 1 million please.


Restart. I assume I'd be able to invest normally - just not stuff like Bitcoin and meme stocks. I also assume my actions aren't going to create weird timeline problems. I'd do just fine correcting wasteful purchases, buying index funds, and rebalancing before and after pivotal moments like market crashes. I'd also use my wisdom to avoid a couple shitty jobs along the way but overall keep the bulk of my life the same.


Restart. I would be the richest man in the world.


Give me the million, in no way do i want to relive childhood.


One million dollars is less money than most people realize. If the restart means going back in time, I'll take it in a blink.


Restart is worth more than a billion.


million. i have no desire to relive my life


So whenever this is posted I conclude that if my wife and remared and had kids they would be different kids, genetically, because there's no way everything would end up exactly the same. So I always conclude that the question is sort of asking if I'd exestentially murder my children for a new lease on life. The people whom I love, who I owe the most to, morally, being just sort of poofed out of existenfe because I wanted to relive my glory days and buy Bitcoin.


1 million. I've worked for 20 years now after 13 years of school and I'm just tired. When is it enough service yet? Why do only the rich get to enjoy being alive? I just want to be free and relax for a while. Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if my country gave people of my common status vacation time, but no. If I take more than 3 days off a year I'm a worthless terminated employee incapable of having an income. All this said I don't even entertain the notion of having a family, even though i want one. I'm not a slave, technically. I'm not physically abused nor am I mistreated, it's not fair to compare myself to a slave. But none of this changes the fact that I don't feel FREE.


Restart because I have nothing 


Uh I was breastfed and I don't want to go back to the day I was born with all my knowledge amd wisdom because that would mean that I'm more aware then a normal baby amd I don't want that memory so I'll take the million.


I'm a shut in loser so I'd like to go back and change this miserable life lol


Sign me up for a restart.


Money, there's basically no benefit to going back if I can't use it to get ahead of where I currently am in life.


Money, there's basically no benefit to going back if I can't use it to get ahead of where I currently am in life.