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Buy it back and turn it into a trail rig


That was always the goal, but then life happens. Maybe this is a second chance. Anybody know about getting a salvage title in NY? I dont even know where to start


Heartbreaking, but it looks like you gave it a fulfilling life. I'll take a moment of silence in honor of your loss.


Thanks zooms, the feeling was mutual. That thing carted everything from dogs to furnature, then kids and everything in between. It's like losing a friend of the family, so bummed.


Glad you’re ok and sorry for your loss Is the fame bent? It’s looks like it was near to needing some rust treatment


I am not sure yet. Its at the collision shop now for the estimate. Living in the rust belt, it was due for some love for sure, but everything was solid prior to today. One of the engine mounts broke and everything is out of wack, stick shift is shoved off to the right.


Criminals!! Hold them CRIMINALLY LIABLE for Jeep murder! Don't let them get away with killing that beautiful Jeep! Just don't....


F$CK that idiot Uber driver!!!


start saving every add for an LJ on line that you can find. You can dispute the offer, but you'll need backup. This is a rare car for just LJs and they are worth quite a bit. Use dealership listing's if you can. They will be more expensive and they all list the VIN. GOOD LUCK


Replying to you so it may be easier for OP to see with context! 2005 Jeep Wrangler LJ/TJ (Reduced price) https://boston.craigslist.org/nos/cto/d/salem-2005-jeep-wrangler-lj-tj-reduced/7757935566.html 2004 Jeep LJ https://westernmass.craigslist.org/cto/d/belchertown-2004-jeep-lj/7753952543.html


Thanks for the advice! Ive been comparing kbb value (~8k) to what is available within 300 miles of me and they are going for at least double that, if not more. Im afraid that with so many miles on it that they will use it against me, but the engine ran strong and i bet could have gone another 200k


You will probably have to be patient and persistent. They are going to offer you KBB to start. Just email a polite reply with links and save the adds as PDFs. The car may be sold by the time they are writing the offer. I had my XJ rear ended out from under me last summer. Took a couple of months, but their initial offer was $3400, I ended up with $8600 and I kept the Jeep. Ended up buying an LJ with the proceeds....


Fear this everytime I go naked. Side note: be interesting to hear how it turns out for that Uber driver. Most of those guys don’t have proper insurance for that kind of work


To be honest, it doesn't look too bad minus the airbag deployment. You'll probably be able to buy it back for pennies. I'd buy it back and get to work.


I'm glad you are ok! I lost my 15 Willys while the doors were off a year ago. I tried to put the doors back on while it was at the shop but I couldn't get them to close because I was rear ender so bad. My insurance company gave me a lot more than I thought they would but it still hurt losing my buddy. Sorry for your loss!


Man I was riding around with my doors off just yesterday and for the first time starting thinking about what it would be like to be in an accident without them on. Looks like you experienced just that.


Honestly, its so wild. As the airbag was deflating and i was spinning back to see the contents of the trunk scatter across the road, i remember thinking to myself, "i can't believe im not hurt right now." The passanger side took the brunt of it, but im sure glad i wasn't dangling my foot out the door, just in case. I think if i was the one being T-boned it would have been a much different story


BAAAAH that will buff right on out