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I recently started watching Jim Crockett Promotions' Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling, going over what the territory had to offer starting 1981 (I'm now going through 1982). One thing I noticed is how many moves that every other person executes today were finishers back then. So by today's standards, Hogan's Leg Drop might be a shitty finisher, but comparing it to a Knee Lift used by Jake Roberts back then or Ricky Steamboat ending a match with a Dropkick, then you realize it was actually a good finisher for its time. Over the late 80s and the 90s Wrestling really saw a boom in finishers being used, with wrestlers using fancier and flashier finishers.


The DDT in the 80s used to be one of the most dangerous finishing moves and was so over it was chanted for. By 98 it was a transition


It was still over in ‘98. We used it on the trampoline all the time


I actually happened to see the first ever record of a DDT being used while watching JCP. Apparently it used to be just a signature move but Jake Roberts flipped it and his finisher so the DDT became the finisher and the other became the Signature move


lol with the way Cody kicked out of that burning hammer, it'll be the next transitional move


Shame because the Burning Hammer was one of the most protected finishers of all time and only used about seven times in Kobashi's career? It was the be all, end all.


A few months ago Austin Theory ended a match with a drop kick I believe and people thought it was a horrible ending. Makes you realize how different today is.


Was it a top rope drop kick?


Overinflation. Same thing with violence in movies.




That's just natural progression in sports/life, Tony Hawk was the coolest skater in the world but his best tricks are now basics(not literally, but yknow what I mean)


i get what you are trying to say but that's a really bad example. the 900 is a basic move now? not even 10 people in the world have done it since tony hawk did it in 1999. a better comparison would be maybe rodney mullen who boggled people's minds with the ollie, kickflip and a lot of other tricks he invented and are now the bread and butter of every street skater.


Similar to the nba dunk contest.


Well, Finishers get buried if you don’t protect them. Shawn Michaels would put up a sign that said “No Superkicks” if he was on the card because he wanted Sweet Chin music to be special. Stone Cold when he came back for the match against Owens was the only one using furniture that night. It’s one of the reasons (imo) that AEW is in decline. How many Canadian destroyers do you see now? How many slams through a table? They blow their load on every show and they don’t build to anything meaningful, that strategy only works for a limited time.


People just hate on high flyers.


Vanilla midget workrate merchant Hogan was such a charisma vacuum


I recognize all those words but that didn't make any sense to me.


Hogans work rate was epic at one point since McMahon had him open and close many shows


Hogan can cruiser-wait, brother.


"Hate" is a strong word. For those of us who remember pro wrestling, they sure do look stupid, though. Especially modern high fliers, whose whole style literally conveys "wouldn't last five minutes in a playground fight."


He did beat Andre the giant with that move


All the more impressive when you realize that Hogan tore every muscle in his back, blew out literally every disc, and shatter 7 vertebrae when he slammed Andre. And he STILL dropped the leg, brother!


And poor Andre died the next day 😭


RIP Big Dre


AND in front of 10 million people in the Pontiac Silverdome AND wrestling his 700th day in a single year in between touring with Metallica


I gave a kid one in grade three and it definitely hurt him. Legit points +1


I gave my friend one in our “teenage backyard wrestling” and hurt my own ass and tailbone. We are clearly not the same.


Well that's because you did the move right and didn't drop all your weight on your friend's chest, like this lad did to that 3rd grader, no wonder he doesn't get booked, unsafe worker/s


He sounds truly the Nia Jax of the teenager amateur circuit


You’ve got to be a bit of an idiot to start hating on historic moves.


It says a lot about Hulk Hogan’s understanding of in-ring psychology. He was able to get a simple leg drop over as the finish to a match. He was able to work over the crowd and build them up to that moment when he would hulk out and make his babyface comeback. He knew how to have a live crowd eating out of the palm of his hand when he hit that leg drop and get the 1-2-3.


Simple finish you can do to anybody, it’s almost perfect, outside of the hip and back issues it caused Hogan after using it so much.


"It absolutely destroyed the spine and hips of the person delivering it and led to excruciating pain and QoL problems, but other than it's great!"


This is why Matt Hardy hobbles around like a baby taking its first steps.


"Great" in terms of the audience perspective. Hogan dropping the leg was the best exclamation point in pro wrestling in his day, mostly because of how well he'd brought the audience along to that point. It counters into some other good spots, as needed. You get the audience pop with him signaling for it, then finally landing it, and the building went nuts because he kept them involved in every moment, in terms of energy and momentum with his interactions with them. If someone kicked out, it was a major occurrence. It's hard to imagine another move paying all that off quite as well as the leg drop.


Even Hogan has admitted that it was a dumb finisher (mainly due to his back issues) and that since his pythons were a big part of the gimmick, he should’ve just kept the Ax Bomber.


Where is there hate? I mean people weren't doing insane finishers back in the 1980s.


It gets made funny of occasionally, mainly when other people try it.


I think for the time it was still an odd finisher for a guy with 24 inch pythons to then do a leg drop. You’d think it would be something coming from his arms and upper body like a body slam or suplex seemed more fitting for the time and his persona. Obviously Hogan knows better than I could ever and got over with it so was the right finisher.


It seems silly in todays standards. It’s a simple move so many people started doing it and it hardly does damage to an opponent, making Hogan’s look very fake. Like people can’t get up when Hogan does it, but get up after like 1 second after Rikishi does it even though Rikishi was heavier and faster.


It seems silly because modern fans have been conditioned to hate the art of wrestling. That said, I reckon if you banned me from using any move or gimmick type invented after 1950 and put me on national TV, I'd get it over more than half the guys currently on national TV are.


The Atomic legdrop brother


Wrestling was so much better back then. One leg drop from hogan, or an elbow from a macho man could light up a stadium. But now idiots are out there no selling pile drivers on steel steps.


>You take a man's entire body weight on your throat and that's gonna hurt. all of hogans body weight is in his right leg?


Specifically behind his right knee


His left hand and his butt.


Still better than Warrior’s running grounded splash…


I dont think his finisher is criticized because It's a shitty finisher. It is criticized because It's attached to Hogan. No one shits on Macho Mans finisher. Where top rope elbow drop was pretty common move in 2000s and 2010s. Then it became so tame and normal it isn’t even normal move now. Once doing the move are those 2010 guys.


Tbf to Macho his elbow always looked so good which helped. It’s hard to make a leg drop look good. 


Hulk Hogan had good height on that leg drop


I know and I think the leg drop was a great finish for his character especially as a follow up to the big boot. I actually agree that it feels more like hate for Hogan than the finisher itself, like no one complains about Jake Roberts finisher being a DDT because he’s still popular. I just meant that for Macho an elbow and especially his was a lot flashier than the leg drop imo which has helped it stay popular 


It looked impactful as hell, and from watching shoot interviews with 80s guys, Savage wasn’t shy about landing hard on guys.


Macho mans elbow drop is very good though its much more appealing than the leg drop


Hogans leg drop was over. Simple as. See plenty of dudes nowadays with mad finishers that get kicked out of constantly that don't get much of a reaction. Protect them finishes guys.


they don't, it just the smarks that hate it


I think it’s a move that logically make sense…but has overtime looked increasingly less dramatic. Additionally I often saw leg drops being used as just a transitional move that others did - which killed its prestige. Kinda like how a super kick is viewed now compared to sweet chin music.


I don’t get the hate for it either. Folks LOVE the People’s Elbow beating all their old favorites, but a Leg Dropped on your throat is too unrealistic? lol ok.


It's an iconic move like the Rocks people's elbow or Big shows choke slam.


What hate? It's a classic! It destroys your spinal cord though.


Better Hogan’s spinal cord than mine


It was combo finisher not just leg drop but big boot and leg drop. I haven’t seen ppl criticizing his move.


Legit 300lb man dropping on your throat. Sorry that happened for real your not getting up any time soon.


I'm pretty sure that when that move comes crashing down, it's gonna hurt inside.


Also don't understand how this move gets so much hate but people go mad for the attitude adjustment which sucked, loved the attitude era but the over use of finishers has weakened the effect of them, used to be that you hit a finisher and wrestlers were taken to 'hospital', now they hit 3 finishers and kick out at a 1 count


Statistically it’s almost unbeatable, something like a 98% success rate.


Hulky drops on his ass first , then legs ...so its obvious the damage is not taken....being in the front row you can see that he doesn't drop always on the juggler either.


That’s because he’s a great worker


Well, that was his favourite circus act.


His backs tho


Don't worry brother dude, the Hulkster has flown to Japan so many times he's actually about 15 years younger than you think he is.


Great finisher, any finisher that takes longer then five seconds to set up is terrible.


Iconic but not as the AXE BOMBAH


I think he mainly used that in Japan. I wish he used that finish more. It was sweet


He used it only in japan, ichiban hulk hogan was probably my favourite ever (he and TNA Angle)


Most of the weight goes to hogans hip, that's why he walks like that now


The best leg drop I ever saw was Dynamite Kid's. Thing of beauty


And the Undertakers apron leg drop


That doesn't work for OP,  brother!


Every time I see it I wince for his tailbone, hips, and lower back. I can’t believe he can still walk. 


Honestly, realism stopped being a concern in wrestling in about 2002. Like, my guy, let me shoot DDT you. But first, let me shoot 450 splash you. I promise you you're only standing straight back up after one of them, and it isn't the flashier one.


His first finisher was a bear hug. The leg drop was flashy, for the time at least.


Ya but is it a 970 neck driver from the rotating ceiling fan??? That or bust


Its a good finisher for the time, an easy to do move, executed very well. Tge problem is partially down to the indie "get my shit in" mentality. When you do everything and midcard people kick out how could you justify a dropkick from the top ropes as a finisher.


A finisher move must have buildup if it’s on the ground.. The people’s elbow is just an elbow drop. Hogan later down the road built up the leg drop after the hulking up 123 big boot.. anything standing must get the crowd involved to get over.. Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels are the only wrestlers who could do a finisher out of nowhere and also have buildup.. it may be others but those are the names that come to mind


I get it. But it’s a leg drop, not an ass drop. Ain’t no way you’re channeling all your weight through one leg. Now if he landed brown eye to blue eyes, yes his full body weight fell on them.


Everyone knows this is lame ass finisher. It only got over because Hogan was over.


It sucks brother


I mean yes it gets the job done in that era but when you grew up in an era where awesome finishers like Stunner, Pedigree, Tombstone Piledriver, Swanton Bomb, RKO are the standard it makes Hogan Leg Drop look like such a bad finisher. That's why most fans today had such a hard time to go back and watch 80s/90s wrestling


Honestly a 250 to 300 lb man coming down on your throat does seem devastating in the real world while the Stunner and RKO didn’t so much but looked flashier. Either way, Psicosis was the king of the leg drop to me after I saw the guy jump almost 3/4 of the ring from the top turnbuckle to hit one. It made sense he had to jump from the top buckle though since he was half the size of Hogan.


Hogan should have used the Canadian Destroyer on Andre


Not enough flippy shit


In its era it was pretty devastating. Sometimes he would get some height and just drop it heavy on ppls chests or necks. I think the one from mania 5 was pretty good. He dropped it heavy then transitioned into pin position in one motion. Idk its like rockys elbow. Hes done it really good with some stank on it but hes also done it kinda bleh too.


He’s got a point


I don't hate it. I find it practical. I think the times change and people no longer understand things the way they were intended. It's why I like the Belly to Bayley or is it the Bayley to Belly.


Lol, this is one of the worst finishers in the history of pro wrestling and people still try and put it over. More like a though to the upper body ooohhhh, dangerous


Considering everyone does it in a real fight, that’s a very good question.


It’s the only actual wrestling move he did for the last 30 years of his career


Hogan said it himself that he regretted the move. He kept on about his huge arms and he felt like he should've done a move with his arms instead. Also, landing on your ass from 3 or so feet all the time really fucks up your spine.


We got too used to superkicks, suicide dives and all the rest of that flippy floppy shit. Now we don’t appreciate anything. Especially the simple stuff like this which put more arses in seats than any Indy shit on display today.


Is the hate really the leg drop? Or the no-selling of his opponent’s finisher prior to. 1) YOU!!! 2) Slam or big boot 3) Leg drop 4) Pin


Wouldn’t he be better off just kicking or stomping their throat instead?


Well, hogan said he's regretted the move because doing it 300 times a year for almost 20 years is the reason he's in a wheelchair now. He thought about it and said he was a muscular guy, so any submission hold would have been better. He singled out sleeper.


But you wouldn’t. Their body weight would fall where their ass lands. Honestly the back of the knee is exactly where you would wanna get hit because it arches just a little


I always felt like the scorpion death drop was absolutely embarrassing for the great Sting to call and use that as a finishing move. Literally 90% of wrestlers use that as a regular minor move since the 2000’s. It’s not wonder he adopted the name Scorpion Deathlock for the Sharpshooter as his other finisher


This is a lil bit of hyperbole but any move can be on that level if it’s used by the right takent, given reverence and is protected.


Partly because he himself said his gimmick was having big arms, why would he finish with a leg drop? Fwiw I agree that it was fine and good for its time. But logically, he is right. And it would've served his hips and spine better.


It's dumb even in the kayfabe sense. "I'm gonna drop a tiny part of my body on you instead of literally all my weight."


Because it's just a normal move


Realistically it's a super non dangerous move? It could mess you up if he dropped his ass onto you or a knee into your throat, but a leg like that won't hold a lot of his weight, coupled by the fact it's the crook of the knee which forms a protective pocket. 


Well, a leg across your chest or throat is not someone’s entire body weight. So, let’s clear that up.


Easy, it's pattern recognition. For a long time people have seen many wrestlers use the leg drop as a regular maneuver used wily nily. So unless there's a good reason people are not going to accept it as the finishing move. Example- Alexa bliss' knockout punch. Girl is like 4 foot 5. I'm supposed to buy that her punch knocked someone's lights out?


It’s a leg drop not a knee drop.


Because it's a product of it's time. This is why it's not really realistic to pit old against new. At the time, the leg drop was basically the flashiest move in Hogan's arsenal and in general. Add to it being the finisher of the biggest stat in wrestling and you get an over and iconic finish. In today's light though, it's very very basic and that's also a fair assessment.


Objectively his entire body weight would not be falling on you with a leg drop. His center of mass is still over his ass so the mat is what is taking the majority of the impact even if he was legit trying to hurt the guy. It would hurt but there's a million better ways to get the effect of jumping on someone and landing with your whole body.


His entire gimmick was his arms, and his finisher was a leg drop. What a dumb fuck


I'm guessing it's because it causes injury in the long run. Even Hogan said he regretted using it. Source: [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/hulk-hogan-says-using-leg-191000910.html?](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/hulk-hogan-says-using-leg-191000910.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABzGd6AiOs55eoqlB3pYP9Tl08ueeZvaNc3TK3jWEgmEc9eiL9AH2UV__VdRS-zvjm_l8J-nsmRGCCelj00OXnzojNPvpB4EZH5YThYXp1EUTDjfr-uMGmg1iS5l0Hon2BkDiIeNhTvhobyawJBVuCCz_-o-Xq9wQE47P-Zk2zI6)


It sucks cuz people leg drop from top rope now. It sucks cuz it's an easy move everyone does.