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Damn this community is so fickle.


*...as Daniel Bryan once said*


Absolutely loved heel Daniel Bryan. Was all too brief.




Oh believe he'll be next if he even sniffs the World Title picture. Sometimes I really don't get the fans. BTW, didn't y'all call for Hangman to be stripped of the title and that Punk deserves it? Oh wait, you really wanted Mox to win it. No, actually Kenny's back and I missed him and the Bucks ruining (sorry *running*) AEW so I want him to have it. Why can't we sign Will Osprey? He always gives me a 5 star match. Kenny was at his best in (insert year I lost my virginity). I was in AWE. Speaking of AWE, I was shocked that Adam Cole came to AEW. I hope we get a reDRagon reunion and TK signs all of my favorite (read: wishlist) wrestlers from NXT/WWE. Oh, he did? Now why aren't they doing anything with Darby Allin? WTF why are they booking Hangman to lose to Punk? You see now Punk always whines until he gets his way. And I'm sick of Adam Cole. In fact, since he's been out for some time I hate him even more. And where the hell is (wrestler fulfilling their indie/Japan/AAA dates)? Why aren't they being pushed? They deserve better. Oh, they're back now they should be champion by their next match or we riot! Now who should take the title off (insert: my now successful popular wrestler I no longer relate to)? ...^(fickle) ....fickle # .......FICKLE!!! #


Fuckin love this. I just think you summerised perfectly what wrong with AEW at the minute. Just to add to that, I feel like a portion of AEW fans & talent are also just very smarky & snarky, which is why they're currently in the situation they're in. It just oozes late-90s WCW ego, which was ultimately WCWs undoing. I think MJF was right when he called Tony "a fucking mark". Theres shades of 2011 CM Punk pipebomb foreshadowing going on there, because I think thats part of the problem. Tony is aloof & passive, but also oddly defensive & passive agressive - to the point where he allows self-important EVPs to run riot. Tony needs to book with his head rather than his heart. Cut the "fantasy booking" because it makes *him* pop. I just think more ruthlessness, organisation, and restructuring by Tony could sort out this whole mess. I think a portion of AEW fans are smarky because they know that some wrestlers backstage are smarky as well. So, if Tony got his act together to cut the shit, then the fans likely will in-time too. Tony isn't totally to blame, because Punk/Elite both have chips on their shoulder, but at the end of the day Tony is in charge - so... he should, take charge. Jfc, I hate to make the comparison because its been overdone to death, but for all the shit WWE has gotten over the years - gah'damn, the wrestlers & fans aren't nearly as smarky; and the company is more organised as a result. Say what you will about the quality of WWE shows, but theres no denying that they're well organised backstage & corporately. Makes you wonder why Cody left in the first place.


What's really sad is that TK really is doing his best, but he's experiencing the same thing that Dixie Carter did with TNA/Impact. Like Punk said, it's a learning experience. It may feel like that "last days of WCW" and honestly the only people that can see the writing on the wall would be the guys who were there to witness it first-hand, Schiavone and Sting namely.


They turn on anyone in a second šŸ˜¹


Exactly. I've seen some tweets about people getting mad at HHH for the main event of Clash at the Castle.


I was mad about that, as a Scot of course I wanted Drew to win the belt at home but it's done now and we all move on. No point staying mad or you'll never he happy even when something great happens


Thanks for saying you are a Scot. It allowed me to read this in an accent.


Me too!


The thing is. Drew was never winning that title. Roman is only dropping the belt for one person and that is Cody Rhodes. Whenever he comes back. If Cody iscready by the Rumble, he will win it and face Roman at Wrestlemania and win the title


*Hollywood dwayne


Yeah it wasn't the result I wanted to see as Scotsman, but can't have them all. You win some, you lose some.


I wasn't pissed but I was disappointed. What can Drew do now I joking said he should retire and get a degree in accounting because he can't comeback from being the babyface who failed his whole country.






Finkel is Einhorn


Einhorn is Finkel


Einhorn is a man!




Didnā€™t you see the Cody thing at WM a month or two before that people were bashing him saying he was overrated and a ā€œmid carderā€ and then he debuted and people were like ā€œhe has to dethrone Reignsā€¦make him the top guyā€


Its impossible to keep people online happy


People were orgasming ORGASMING I tell ya when Punk returned last year, now they say he's not as good as he thinks he is.


Itā€™s almost like Punk is a heel and we arenā€™t supposed to like him


Yup. He's pointing out the obvious and people are pissed because its true. There is a reason Punk has been brought in. He brings the audience. The EVPs don't and their continued ego wont let them so they resort to spreading rumours in the dirt sheets to stay relevant.


The Young Bucks are the most overrated assholes in wrestling


This was inevitable. There have been rumors that the EVPā€™s have had it out with people in AEW, leaking false stories, rumors, etc. but none were as big as Punk. Punk hears that the EVPā€™s are burying him in the press. He cuts a promo on the EVPā€™s to the press where no one can twist his words. The unfortunate thing is there were rumors Punk is a cancer, heā€™s walking out of AEW, heā€™s pissed about thisā€¦.if all of those rumors were made up by the EVPā€™s then his behavior with the Scrum and the melee still doesnā€™t make him look good.


We need to see who threw the first punch. Yes he invited conflict, but that doesnā€™t mean he was the one to respond to that conflict with violence. Someone was defending themselves here. I remain firm that Punk has been the best thing to happen to AEW, but that all parties involved with the backstage brawl need to be put on hiatus and go through mediation before they return and spin this all into one hell of a storylineā€¦ time will tell.




I've always thought CM Punk is overrated. If this was any other wrestler with this lame ass gimmick then they would be back on the Indies.


They cannot think for themselves. Dirt sheet says hate punk, so they must hate punk.


Expecting a lot of downvotes for this one and as much as I think Punk is overrated, him going against the Bucks and Page (darlings of this community it seems) who seem to feed their drama to the dirtsheets like Meltzer et al has turned this community against him. There werenā€™t many (if any) bad posts when he came back, during his feud with MJF or before he was injured. Everyone was riding the gravy train. At the end of the day, Punk is a huge star regardless of what you think of him and I can see the reason why he would be sensitive to some of the shit thatā€™s been said over the last month or two. Especially coming from the Bucks/Page. Bucks are not my cup of tea for reasons Iā€™m sure are the same as others who say the same and Page while a great babyface wasnā€™t as well known before AEW. If Page really declined advice and Bucks are running to Meltzer to talk shit, that reaction in the scrum was (half) justified. Edit - thank you for the gold kind stranger!


What's the back story on Page refusing advice?


Enjoy! https://www.ringsidenews.com/2022/08/17/adam-page-admits-hes-too-stubborn-to-take-advice/


Such a vague comment. You don't know what advice, if it was good or bad and from who.


It could be a combination of seeing it firsthand and then reading the public comments. It's far from Punk only feeling the way he does. JR isn't just ornery on commentary for the sake of it. He's a former head of talent relations that signed the biggest names in the history of the business. He's obviously frustrated by young guys not listening. He's just been mindful to not bury the company in public interviews or his podcast. Notice he never says, "so-and-so's" match was good. He'll say things like "so-and-so has a lot of talent". He's probably pulling his hair out that that talent can't be channeled into even better matches. I'm sure plenty of the producers that have actually proven themselves to an audience 5x bigger than AEW's feel similarly. TL;DR Punk isn't the only one frustrated by the young guys


Exactly, if Punk is complaining publicly then that means more people are complaining and going to him with their grievances behind the scenes. There is a clash of styles in AEW. There are clearly two separate camps with differing styles of wrestling, promo, psychology or lack-thereof. Iā€™m biased, Iā€™m not a fan of the Bucks and Omega. While I can recognize their talent, I like wrestling with rules, logic, and cohesion which I tend not to get with segments they are involved in. There were rumors for a while that there was drama with the EVPā€™s and Cody. Cody wanted to grow the AEW brand and compete with the WWE, the other EVPā€™s wanted to continue the current trajectoryā€¦Cody left. Here we are a few months later and Punk is in a similar situation.


Lol yeah seems like something weird to get hung up on.


Probably MMA advice


Iā€™m with you on the half justification. I think he was out of line airing Coltā€™s personal life. Colt has not (yet) participated in this beef between Punk and Bucks/Page. Even if he is the subject of the beef, he hasnā€™t done anything to fuel this feud so itā€™s just unnecessary to grind him like that. If the Bucks are legit feeding the dirt sheets the dirt on this feud they are totally out of line as EVPs. Totally unprofessional and unfit to run a multi-million dollar company. Settle this shit internally and between yourselves. Airing this to the public is a chicken shit way of turning the court of public opinion against your enemies.


I agree that the Bucks (who I canā€™t stand) and Page were also in the wrong. That being said Punk as the veteran should have come up to them, schedule a damn sit down with them and Kahn. But when the world champ. The face of the company. The guy that is supposed to be the locker room leader, acts like a hurt 16 year old, and no matter what question was asked he kept going back to that, just shows why AEW will never be the top company.


I agree with all of this. I think Omega is a genuine star, the Bucks have talent but I think are massively overrated, but I'm someone that is 100% fine with other people liking different wrestlers and different types of wrestling. For most of their run I think the Bucks have been good for AEW. I also think there is some truth to Punk being famously difficult to work with, and Punk is over 40 and is not the GOAT wrestler of all time that I think he somewhat believes he is. But I also think it's a long term problem that a few of these indie-originated wrestlers in AEW appear to wield disproportionate back room power, and continually use the Meltzer information channel to push their perspective. I think at the end of the day the healthiest thing for AEW is going to be **Tony Khan running AEW**, for the simple reason that you can't let talent run the promotion. The more Tony is willing to step up and let it be known he's in charge, the better. I think if the Bucks are really throwing around ultimatums because they are mad about Punk, whoever is right or wrong in the Bucks vs Punk situation, it's ultimately toxic for a promotion for the talent to be able to give the promoter marching orders. It's what literally killed WCW.


It was fightful reporting most of the heat not even meltzer people bashing him only because he likes the elite lol


To turn the thread title on its head, Punk is their major money making star and the Bucks are nowhere near as good as they think they are.


ā€œWhy is Punk on top?ā€ Because he generates more money for the company than just about everybody on the roster. Itā€™s not hard to see why, and it would be silly if TK didnā€™t recoup his investment.


Generates more money for the company than just about everybody on the roster COMBINED Iā€™d reckon


Thatā€™s what I wanted to say but was scared of the reaction šŸ˜‚


You should never be afraid to voice your opinions, especially if you think it goes against the grain. It stops threads from being echo chambers. But if you care about downvotes just don't say that on r/SquaredCircle


Good news is, I don't care lol. Don't get me wrong, the Bucks are very athletic and all, but nothing they do in the ring looks convincing. Even when you know it's a work, wrestling works best with guys who allow suspension of disbelief, and the Bucks stuff is just flippy bullshit.


My favourite part of any movie is when the actors all stop mid scene to remind me how fake the movie is. /s


They fully believe their shit doesnā€™t stink


Maybe, but their wrestling sure does. šŸ˜‚


Absolute state of their segments and promos too, it's just terrible cringeworthy melodramatic bullshit but because it's a storyline that's dragged out over a long time idiots on here think they're geniuses even though a toddler could write the plot.


Fuck the balding bucks


Anytime they wrestle I have to accept itā€™s going to be a finisher fest, flip fest, and a great display of acrobatics and gymnastics, with great knee slaps.


I canā€™t stand them. That is all


I don't know which Buck is which. I only know them as Balding Buck and Buck Hogan. Heel Buck Hogan makes the dumbest fucking faces during promos and backstage segments, I don't know how anybody could take him seriously.


If the Bucks or Omega showed up on RAW tonight they'd get a modest pop. If Punk showed up the roof would come off the place.


Maybe now he is their top earner. Every time he gets in the ring he looks worse and worse. Everyone's like ' well he never was that great in the ring anyways!'. That may be true, but you need to look convincing in some capacity and he will continue to look worse. His best bet is to find the top stars who can make him shine but that ship may have sailed. I can't imagine they let him walk around with the title every week and then have Danielson being called the best wrestler in the world. It will just diminish the title and Danielson will destroy him in the ring. Can you imagine Punk trying to keep up? He'll be gassed in 5 minutes. I really didn't want any ex-WWE guys but Danielson has proven he still has it. My opinion may be mute because I really only care about what happens between the bell with an emphasis on technical ring work, so the minority. But at some point the in-ring work has to matter.


Wait really? The bucks aren't as good of wrestlers as punk? Punk is being carried in every match. Mox didn't even bleed for that man.


I've been chewing on this and trying to remove my bias. Punk is my favorite wrestler of all time so it's hard for me to not be on his team here. But honestly it comes to a place of power imbalance. If the Bucks did leak the info and of what Punk alleges comes to be true then I see why he's pissed. The Cabana rant was awkward and unfounded. But it comes back to TK imo. He's let wrestlers cosplay like they're in charge for too long. He needs to formally define structure , build talent relations and make sure his company has a plan to move forward. He sat there smiling like a dope while Punk burned the place to the ground. And man those title changes made 0 fucking sense. The Jericho interview was really telling about how fundamentally broken this has gotten. Now there's the like 30% chance this is some sort of work I don't know who this helps. This is some Russo shit. Mox was super over especially after his "this is just what I do" promo they should have left well enough alone.


This to a tee. Right, wrong, or anything in between between all these talent, is mostly irrelevant. Talent will always work to get themselves over, including playing politics with Twitter, Dave Meltzer leaks, backroom politics etc. That's basically the reality of how it works. What's important for a good promotion is the talent can't run the show, they can jockey for influence all they want, but at the end of the day TK needs to assert that he, and only he, is in charge. Many people (myself included) feel a big part of what caused WCW to be run into the ground is so many powerful talent had accrued too much power in the company and undermined every aspect of it. WWE has had a rocky decade in many respects (not financially, but in creative / fan support etc), but one thing never in doubt there is who is in charge. I think you need that to make one of these promotions work.


And thats kind of the issue with the so called EVPs being top guys on the card so often. They're in theory the bosses. It makes the wrestlers have to choose to upset their boss or follow a stupid plan. Then the boss gets to throw a temper fit and they have no structure to report back to and defend themselves. It's like that saying goes "nobody is going to look out for you except for you". Of course the EVPs pull that shit but damn does that look bad when they stumble into an ego like Punk.


Iā€™m with you. Punk gave page a receipt in public because page went into business for himself. Itā€™s wrestling 101. Bucks tried to play the shadow game and turn the IWC marks against punk and it worked hard lol.


IT's not that Punk is bad, It that his Ego can really sometime get in the way. Yes, he has an ego.


Sorta like the ego of the EVPs to not do what's best for business and drop the tag belts to FTR?


Youre right. The elite are a bunch of pussies and everyone turning on Punk for nebulous, ill defined reasons are fickle internet dweebs.


The elite are cancer. There's a reason they were stuck on the indies because like booker and rvd said they were unprofessional twats


Stuck on the indies? HHH tried for a year to to sign them and Kenny. Called them every week to talk. But live your fantasy dream.


So much bitching for a win win situation If this turns out well for Punk you can enjoy a storyline where real life blends with kayfabe If it turns out bad for Punk you can smugly pretend you thought he was overrated from day one


The same people that were cheering punk are now saying ā€œI always thought he was overratedā€ lol I hate the IWC


Just because ur were sucking punk dick since 2011 doesn't mean everyone was u can feel free to check my post history I never liked him since day one.


Ratings disagree. Do locals need a reminder who was focus of the lowest rated segment of the last two Dynamites? Hereā€™s a clue: Trios


Buck marks donā€™t get that theyā€™re not a draw in the US and their shtick is only funny to the most enfranchised of wrestling fans.


Not a bucks fan, but over the last couple weeks I'm a huge mark for omega. Dude is so explosive, how could ppl not enjoy the trios match? Ospreapy omega is just insane.


I dig Omega but donā€™t really care about the Bucks. I just started watching AEW in April and had never seen Kenny before his return. The guy just seems like a star. Heā€™s got that aura about him. The Bucks do not imo.


He does man, he just has it. I really wonder what triple H would do with him, bury or mega star?


Thatā€™s the thing. I donā€™t love his work but the fans react to him like heā€™s a star so heā€™s a star


Do you need a reminder AEW got their best ratings ever with Omega as world champ?


Can't hate on the guy who has had the best AEW feuds this year with Kingston and MJF.


The irony that Eddie's 1st promo in that feud basically touches on everything that's going down now is too delicious.


I like him šŸ¤·




never seen him in wwe , his wrestling in aew not so great mic skills blew me away , and i understood his appeal . but if this guy is hated bc he shoots straight those people are fkn clueless . i just became a huge fanā€¦.itā€™s about entertainment and iā€™m entertained again watching this circus


His mic skills will never fade. He is definitely past his peak physically. I'd say he was at his absolute best around MITB 2011 - Undertaker at WM30. Edit: WM29, not 30. My bad.


Iā€™m with u :)


Damn way to get worked brother, +BITW


Exactly what punk said. The niche audience is this community, who turns on anyone with the second. Cm is bigger star, hands down. Is he as good as he was in 2011? Not by a long shot. But still relevant than the elite.


Yea and the young bucks are such big draws


Hahaha yeah jettison CM Punk in favor of the Young Bucks. Delusional.


In terms of drawing power, yes he is. The bucks albeit talented in what they do, weā€™re never particularly known for drawing the crowds that punk to nor make anywhere the money he does. Never have you heard of the bucks drawing a million by themselves in any capacity. That ainā€™t delusional thatā€™s common business sense.


I was being sarcastic and agreeing with you.


Oh my bad man didnā€™t know lol


Heā€™s literally the best thing on the program. What other matches were you looking forward to last night?


Just one person's opinion, but I mainly watched hoping to see Athena dethrone Jade and to see if MJF returned. Could not have cared less about the main event. It was very obvious that they were going to have Punk go over in Chicago, even with the awful build that was meant to make him look like an underdog despite being pushed strong from the beginning. Again though, that's just me. Everyone has their own interests when it comes to it, but some of us were looking forward to other matches and some of us did not care for that one.


Well to each his own. I didnā€™t order the PPV because Punk/Mox didnā€™t appeal to me at all.


Tony said "the fans are always right" and the fans tune in when Punk is on, and they change the channel when the bucks are on. not the case in this community, but if you follow the ratings like networks and advertisers do, this is the case . They could turn this into a great angle with Punk, Page, and/or Omega. I hope Khan can hold this thing together


When did he say that part about the bucks


Merch numbers and ticket sales would indicate otherwise. But ok.


Guyā€™s a fucking star. Deal with it. Edit: thanks for the award dude whoever you are.


He left for 7 years and the first 2 months he was gone, yā€™all thought it was a work. Not everything is a work. The fact that yā€™all think heā€™s still wrong after he looked DAVE MELTZER(who is buddies with the elite and got his ass chewed by Dax earlier this year) in the eyes and told him off as well and he couldnā€™t utter a A WORD says all you need to know but even with all the info, you sit there and say dumb shit because ā€œwe hate Punkā€ is the trend now


The wrestling community is trash. Everyone hates Punk and ā€œhe doesnā€™t do enoughā€ when literally months ago everyone was talking about how great he was. Now everything is different because unsubstantiated rumors from online news.


He does seem like a dick tho


Doesn't make him wrong.


I've never liked him tbf. But I suppose there'll always be outliers. Just came across as a bitter little prick who bought too much into his own hype for me.


A bitter little prick draws money. People love someone that's outspoken. Look at Conor McGregor. Look at Floyd Mayweather. The heel persona draws interest. The bitterness taps into the feeling of the average joe sick and tired of being walked on. Calling out the "EVP's" for spreading rumors against him was a joy to watch. It's exciting. It's drama. It's money.


Months ago there were dozens of posts of how he has a great time with everybody. Now everybody always hated him and it's true because ahh... Eddie Kingston said it in a promo...


Heā€™s right though?


CM Punk the type of guy to interrupt your private conversation just to insult you than apologize because "sorry I just speak my mind"


Funny. Everyone loved Punk until he ā€œcrossedā€ the Elite and now everyone hates him. Ok guys. šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


Yeah right. Heā€™s a legit star and calling out the fake pussy cosplayers. Heā€™s doing pro wrestling a service. The Indy marks are too blind to see the truth.




Facts, itā€™s time someone put Omega and Young Cucks in there place


I don't understand the hate for Punk after this press conference.... Everything he said about Colt Cabana he can legally prove. Cabana went around the indies for 7 years spreading his narrative, you gotta think about that, Punk moved on from wrestling and Cabana was still traveling around the world saying "Phil Brooks fucked me over" Of course the Bucks, Hangman- and whoever else have this predisposed view of Punk. I'm not knocking them for believing Cabana or sticking up for Cabana, but when they have executive roles they have to think whats best for the company. What they should have done is approached Punk right when he signed and gotten his side of the story if it really bothered them that much, and gone from there. I believe Tony Kahn did and he personally moved Cabana to RoH after learning how everything went down. The whole situation is a mess and has blown up into immature antics on both sides. This isnt something to get fickle over and take sides, this is a situation that has nothing to do with any of us and it being reported to us to influence us to take sides is the "f\*\*\*ing embarrasing" thing Punk is talking about.


Punk has done the best TV AEW has had. I actively skip any time I see the Bucks or Kenny talking because they come across phony any time they speak on TV. Iā€™ll watch Kennyā€™s singles matches at least, but if itā€™s Punk has to go or the EVPā€™s go, then the EVPā€™s gotta go.


I think Punk will be better off once he leaves AEW however I still fell they need him more than he needs them. Punk is a big draw, possibly the biggest in the professional wrestling today. In AEW alone his segments have the highest viewership. If TK wants to succeed with AEW on television he needs a guy like Punk. Is he overrated? I believe so but that doesnā€™t negate the fact he is still the biggest star in the company right now with nobody really even close to his popularity. Everything revolves around CM Punk because thatā€™s where there is money or be made. I remember Tony found an interview a while back saying they were still losing money. Cashing in on Punk is the best way to get some of that back. Think of all the ex WWE guys who have come in whoā€™ve lost their buzz since joining the company. Whether it be Mox, Miro, PAC, Jericho or even Danielson just donā€™t really seem to feel as special as they once felt upon jointing the company. Punk is the only consistently booked performer who still feels like a big deal. AEW keep trying to push The Bucks, Adam Page and Omega but the indie guys wonā€™t be on Punkā€™s level anytime soon and thatā€™s just purely based on his major exposure to all media outlets. Most fans knew who Punk was before theyā€™d ever heard of the Bullet Club and thatā€™s not necessarily their fault.


What the fuck? Did people watch a different interview than I did? Hangman lied about Punk, and Punk called him out. Who the fuck gives a shit about Colt Cabana anyway?


The vitriol I saw in this community about Punk supposedly being the reason Cabana was assigned to ROH was hilarious. What the fuck did Cabana ever do in AEW besides Dark matches and stand in the background for Dark Order promos before Punk even signed with AEW? He wasn't used before Punk was there, and he certainly wasn't going to be after they signed much better talents like Danielson, Cole, Cesaro...


The company would recover if the EVPā€™s stepped down, theyā€™ve driven everyone out and bury anyone who stands against them. The shoot interviews someday are going to be wild and then the internet will turn on Kenny and the Bucks lmao


jesus wrestling fans are the absolute worse


Look at how much attention and how much of a draw Punk is and how Full Gear will be sold out and probably one of AEWs highest selling PPVs just because people want to see Punk lose. Punk as a heel with this current persona/character is absolutely phenomenal and an absolute money maker.


Unpopular opinion : punk only came back to pro wrestling because he failed at everything else . I hated when he said he ā€œnever lost his passionā€ because he talked multiple times about losing his passion lol


This is my opinion on his since he left WWE. Constantly steering shit up on Twitter bc he's completely irrelevant without wrestling


We turning on Punk now?? Perfect, I've thought he was overrated since his WWE days


AEW would be better off if the EVPā€™s left


Boo hoo


You people are not wrestling fans šŸ˜‚


Mate it's CM punk ffs, guys one of the biggest names in the industry why wouldn't he be a big focus?


Stop lying


Found another mark lol


Wrestling fans in this thread blindly picking sides in a fight like they have a matter in things. Just watch the shows and buy the merch, marks.


Put the bucks in this picture instead lol


Heā€™s the best in the world. Stop your yapping. Maybe the EVPs shouldnā€™t be such dorks


Let someone post this with Omega's picture and watch Meltzer and the neckbeard defense force come running


Heā€™s pretty great. Heā€™s got you all hot and bothered ā€¦


Only real star they have.


Holy fuck you guys are something


This is a meme subreddit goddammit


Without Punk, yā€™all would be getting Kenny Olivier and The Young Cucks frotting in the middle of the ring while Dave rates the cumshot. Marks.


your probably a mark huh , how do people turn so quick in this community i gotta say the IWC is so weird or as this comment thread said (fickle) , just face it Punk is a draw he brings in viewers he brings in money he brings in ratings , yes he is no longer as good as when he was the real best in the world in 2011 , but still he is able to deliver high quality matches with a really good story and he is doing what he does best which is delivering promos that makes the fans feel and believe in what he is doing , is he worse than how he was back in the day , yea , but he is still better than most and he is a draw , and as always in this business who is the biggest draw has a say in the outcomes and the story.


God damn can yā€™all just chill out and watch the show without constant granular takes?


Everything he said was facts though lmao


Iā€™d rather see Punk and Danielson than any of the trampoline cowboys.


Total opposite, aew would be better off without the elites influence on the product.


This is a bad take. Get rid of the Young Bucks and Omega or at least take away there executive status.


I find it even more funny that the bucks would rather threaten to walk out of aew and like act like children than to face the issues head on. Itā€™s just furthering punks point after the scrum.


Let them walk. The Lollipop Guild needs their fluffers back.


My god Punk is right


Hahaha keep telling yourself that


So many fans wanna be behind the scene producers so bad , just watch and be a fan, who cares what happens backstage


He looks ill. I really wish those real fights he had in the UFC had made him more humble.


Heā€™s the most entertaining one


If you want Punk gone because he's old and out of shape you better want Jericho and Sting gone too, don't forget the Hardys. You've just lost all your "Old school draws" and AEW is solidly the undercard to WWE. You all need to understand there's more to these old guys than their in ring work. It's brand recognition.


I fucking hate this community. You guys have really made this whole situation worse than it needs to be. The way the majority on here can turn on anyone at the drop of a hat is mind blowing. I find nothing wrong with Punk standing up for himself. You may not like the tone he uses or the way he speaks about it, but too bad. It's a private issue between two former friends that got so severe that it had to be brought to court 8 YEARS AGO. If I was at my job and my coworkers were spreading false rumors about my legal issues at my workplace I would be pretty pissed off too. Stop being marks. Wrestlers are human beings with their own lives. The IWC has done this no favors. AEW caters to us. They listen to us, or try to at least. Just stfu.


How is nobody going after the Bucks for this? Like, if that's true, then the Bucks should be getting shit on for starting backstage drama. Instead, Punk speaks his mind openly and you have a bunch of baby bitches on Reddit shit talking him like he started it. Page started it with Punk, apparently the Bucks did too and Cabana DID come after Punk in court.......I'd be fucking furious too! What it is is that fans were looking for a reason to shit on Punk and they got one......despite the fact that he's probably right, he said mean things about wrestlers who put on good matches and therefore he is a bad guy.


Go stick with WWE and Roman kiddo




Oh, you're wrong about the Bucks and Page and Colt. They could certainly draw a 500 seat gymnasium and probably sell it out without issue, If you put Punk in that same gymnasium though it would be shut down because over attendance. People are insane. Punk weather you like him or not is the biggest star and probably the overall biggest asset AEW has right now.


Heā€™s working you all so good. Prefect heel


Hey guys itā€™s a work because my reliable source u/hi0039 told me so


No chance. Heā€™s the top guy. Heā€™s hulk hogan in 1994. You donā€™t fire your top guy. You do what needs to be done to make him happy


Get a load of this guy


Him, MJF, and FTR is all that AEW has going for them


Plus Bitchy Punk is way better than Happy to Be here Punk.


The most disrespectful part of this is that Adam Paige isn't qualified as a wrestler or anything else to go into business for himself on national television. Especially to a star and about a backstage issue no one cares about even now


The community has turned heel again.


The Elite fan base is truly only on the internet lmao. These comments are hilarious. This is why TK has to snatch WWE people up to stay relevant to the actual real world




I knew this was a controversial topic when thereā€™s more comments than upvotes


i bet op was watching rampage when he came back


It's the truth though.


When you sign Punk, you know ( or should know) what you are getting into. Tony Khan has basically proven he's still not at a level where he can really manage talent and seems to be managed by them at times. All that said, this could easily be a work. TK is a big WCW fan and seems to be leaning into car crash creative more and more


Bruh weā€™re all getting worked by TK so hard right now.


i imagine that Kenny and the Bucks are the type of dudes who like to fuck girls together, and are less interested in the girls than they are in performing for each other i don't know why that occurred to me just now just call it a hunch


Kenny....fucking girls? I have some news for you my guy


This is probably as accurate as anything Meltzer reports.


Anyone saying this is dumb as fuck. Danielson and Punk are 2 of the only legit draws they have.


He was never as good as he thought he was


Heā€™s a draw so I donā€™t think getting rid of him is best for business but right now heā€™s sure making AEW look like a dumpster fire internally.


Well, he can always go back to mma šŸ˜‚


I wouldnā€™t go as far to speak negatively about anyone whether it be CM Punk, Hangman or the young bucks. However, one thing for certain is that their locker room drama should stay in the locker room. At this point Tony needs to be the actual boss and stop being everyoneā€™s friend, in order to take control over this situation.


The guy is a problem. Thatā€™s great that the fans like him and he helps ratings but if heā€™s toxic to the whole company, eventually it will fall apart. Gotta look past bias in this one and judge his actions.


Especially after his ufc career


While he is a legend, the current phill will never be as relevant as Cody after Cody main events wrestlemania and defeats Roman.


This has nothing to do with in ring, cm punk is a cancerous drama queen cry baby prick whose run is solely based off of nastiagla of his WWE character, his Babyface schtick is trash, people only like his anti hero persona and the guy thinks he's hot shit for being the only memorable thing from WWE 2011-12 and he takes his ball and leaves whenever something doesn't go his way


Love everyone involved, but Tony needs to suspend all of them. Itā€™s terrible for morale and sends a bad message to the rest of the locker room and makes them have to choose sides. If any decide theyā€™re walking out because they got suspended. Fuck them.


Didn't you guys chant his name in the arena and wait for his return


people finally realizing what I've been saying for a long while


He's not a wrestler he's a wrestler-ish


Bruh even Cornette wouldn't agree whit that one .


He aint no Kenny Omega thats for sure!


Plot Twist: Tony Khan brought in Punk to drive out Page, Omega, and the Bucks.


Honestly Iā€™ll just take Plumber Moxley over this shit any day.


Im on Team Punk


But folks are actually paying attention to the product. Did Punk get hired for his lackluster work rate or his volatility in the mic? Be honestā€¦


There is a photo of Punk, but thatā€™s not Kenny Omega?