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The whole Event: Tap T T T T T.


And I ate it up anyways


Yeah I don't really get why they set it up this way to be entirely autopilot.


The old 2D Sonic games basically just made you hold right until you beat the level and people still ate those up back in the day. Sometimes just looking cool while moving fast is fun I suppose.


I enjoyed it, it was fun going super fast


probably just like the rest of the release: had to be rush out the door. And it's also probably to gauge where the audience is at. If its too hard it might just be a turn off, especially for mobile players. But yeah, it's too easy. Its fun in the way that the game movement and animation is fun, but gameplay wise its entirely automatic and boring. Hopefully next event is more challenging.






For me it’s C C C C because T is annoying to use for tools.


I've mapped it to my fourth mouse button. So I use my thumb.


Crying in mobile. Move camera, tap "rope icon", search the next, move camera, run, Put the camera forward, tap "rope icon"


and ill do it again


Not great but not bad. Quick easy astirites and mats. Nice change of pace though


Its oddly braindead easy. Like the default backflip challenge was harder. The parkour "dont touch ground" challenge was substantially harder and more interesting. I expected something among those lines. No dumb "spread enough grapples for autoplay". Just give us an urban area and give a target to reach with same "only roofs" rule. Freeform speedrun would be much more fun. This was basically Trackmania "play without pressing forward with proper booster tile placement" type. My Waves were not Wuthered by this experience.


Agree - there was no wuthering of waves here, it aws really just an autoplay experience, and while the rewards were VERY low, so was the amount of brainpower required to do this challenge so I can't really complain. I'd like for some bigger rewards but harder / bigger events. Make me WANT to play the game via events too, y'know. The Genshin route in here is the way, where you make the asterites all be rewarded on the lower levels and then give out a bunch of extra mats on the harder ones for the people who actually want to try-hard a little on these events imo.


With Gacha Games events main focus is give you some materials and some currency for pulls, that make it so you have to make it as accessible as possible so the biggest % of the active player base can participate and get the rewards. That's why most events difficulty is very very low or if they have a more difficult mode it only gives a very small reward.


The only good thing about it was fast astrites. The illusive realm clears and it’s not close.


It's not a competition y'know


It felt like it was made with mobile limitations in mind. The idea is cool but woulda been neater if they were more challenging but idk how they would do it.


It sounds harsh to say, but games like WuWa are bound to not dare much because of mobile


not to mention they dont wanna be like genshin and take up 50GB


Yea, It was very mobile accessible, as someone who has a gaming PC yet the game runs better on mobile for me, I appreciated it


A gaming pc that is worse than a phone? That's not a gaming pc.


Wuwa is just horribly optimised on pc


But If you have a real gaming PC, there is no way it runs better on phone.


It could be the PCs fault or not, It runs more intensive game's than WuWa fine, yet stutters with WuWa and even crashed a couple of times, It ultimately ran better on my phone so instead of continuing to hassle in order figure out what's wrong, I've decided to just play on phone


Say what? The game is far away from horribly optimized. I never had a single crash or stutter in the game. That sounds like lack of VRAM or even RAM. You can't compare this game to Genshin which has worse graphics and runs on unity, not like WuWa which uses unreal engine 4 which is far better optimized than unity or Unresö Engine 5


No, it's a game thing. It happened to me a lot early on and to many people I know who all have good builds. My PC runs Helldivers 2 on near max settings yet this game stutters a good amount.


The graphics difference between genshin and wuwa as far as performance needs go is heavily overstated. While I like WuWa models better there isnt much else going on that taxes the gpu more than genshin would. The game still needs a few more performance passes by the devs.


It was quick and painless which was fine.


That last race should have been the first with the difficulty increasing from there, but that probably would have been challenging for mobile players without the controller support.


Agree, the last two races felt well done, the first 4 felt really phoned in. You can't expect content content that's too difficult in a mobile game, especially as a first event, but a course that lasts 20 seconds just isn't enjoyable.


I play on phone and it isnt that hard lol i wake up at 5am everyday pick up my phone half asleep and just finish the race first try


I didn't really enjoy it sadly..extremely short, no brain power required literally whatsoever, you just ran forward and press grapple, it even moves your camera for you so you can do it all one handed Completely forgettable, if you got to admire the views that would've made it better but with the autolocking camera you couldn't even do that


Sums it up perfectly. If what you want is a quick and simple event to take a 10 minute break from farming, then this is it. Other than that, this hardly even counts as an event. You could place a couple more backflip challenge npcs around the map and it would effectively be the same thing.


If I am being honest, It's pretty in line with the first event of every gacha game ever


Understandable. But i think its designed so that people can quickly be done with it. I don't mind really simple events like this one every now and then. Its relaxing


They can always make it a bit harder to get the max rewards while keeping the better rewards to the lower scores for whoever want to play casually and be done with it quickly. If you notice, the only tiers that gave astralite (the true reward) was the first and second tier of points, the last tier was other random stuff like xp for weapons and ascension mats, which while nice, wouldn't really hit the FOMO if you couldn't get it.


just like genshin events


Just like a lot of events in many gacha games


many gacha games require stamina though, worse one locked behind power level


This barely an event and moreso "something to keep player busy and give them some bits of rewards" while they're launching up second half and preparing for 1.1.


It was tooooo easy


The guy said it won't be as easy next time, so we can look forward to that.


I actually enjoyed how easy it was considering how difficult doing a lot of parkour can be on mobile lol


Mfw it was just challenging enough with those with stutters *sad cat thumbs up emoji*


Depth of illusive realm is hands down the best, seeing big numbers and practicing dodge/parry is where it's at


IR is a lot of fun, excited to see future versions of it


If you wanna practice dodge/parry go to the challenge boss Thundering Memphis diff 4. By far some of the best content in the game, difficulty wise. I've pulled off some *cool* shit trying to beat that boss tonight.


İt was fun,nothing more 6/10


The tracks are way too short, you can't really get satisfaction from the parkour due to how quickly and unchallenging they are. I mean, if the tracks are gonna be easy, at least let me enjoy the movement for a bit longer. Doing easy but cool stuff is fine as long as you can actually play for a meaningful amount of time.


You've gotta be overexaggerating, no?


I am not, I actually enjoyed this event. I hope it gets expanded


It's literally just extremely watered down parkour


Some people don't really enjoy playing games with their brain on. It was a great auto-pilot event to do while you're watching a movie or something. Can't even call it parkour when all you had to do was press T and some rare times glide to a platform.


simple & easy doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable. It was a nice relaxing event, didn't take much time, was different then the normal daily grind, decent rewards. Only con is that is that I would of like more.


Sure, but 9/10?


OP can enjoy whatever they want. It just really surprises me when people say "one of my favorite events in any gacha so far." Like, that's a wild statement for such a simple and low-level press T simulator. Obviously it's their opinion but it also feels like the standard exaggeration of tiny details that has many going on after the original backlash that the game recieved.


Solid 3/10


Nice way to just gift free gems.


I love the idea that they want to tell people „Hey! We have super cool movement mechanics!“ But the event itself just sucks. Hold W and press T. Even the frckn Camera moves itself when you use a jumppad…. WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?!?!? Makes me feel that the content was made for people with no reflexes whatsoever


I think it's a good event but poorly timed. This should have been an event pushed once they launched controller support for mobile. It wasn't hard, but it's just really annoying to try and do maneuvers with touch controls.


I hope they work it out on mobile, I actually only played the stages on PC now that I think about it. And I usually grind echos on mobile too


I use mantis sporadically, so it's not that big of an issue, but nothing will beat dedicated controller support. My dream is a PS port, but i'm sure that's far off if even in the works at all.


Its chill rewards needs a buff tho


I mean, it's ok i guess? it's short and straightforward. I like it better if we do parkour on a roof like that [one](https://game8.co/games/Wuthering-Waves/archives/456293) quest. No timer, and some rules.


The stages in the city could be enjoyable if it wasn't so laggy.


Fun enough but also short and not all that intricate. 6/10.


Meh event Not what I would choose for 1st event. But it's no Uber Eats Extreme Delivery that we got in Genshin Don't mind it at all because movement in the game feels good, but also not rememberable


I was conducting my genocide campaign against Tacet Discords when the event came out. It was relaxing. Definitely not much of a challenge, but I understand the game has to cater all types of players.


I'm glad they made the cutoff scores lenient, because the timer doesn't pause while you are stuttering


It’s giving Mario party / Genshin events. I hope they put more effort into the next ones


It's alright. A bit too little and too short. Not to mention braindead. Combat is the best thing about this game. If they go down the path where they don't take advantage of it and just do mini games, why even design it.


Slightly disappointed in the difficulty. Highest rank rewards are just a cherry on top, it wouldn't have hurt to make them harder. Otherwise it was very fun though. A welcome breath of fresh air from echo farming the map.


Good event with easy rewards.




THe Biggest event of this patch is some photo taking one, lol. Only 1 event will be a combat one. THet's why I find it hilarious that Genshin haters latch in to this game like it will be any different.


No? Alloy smelt is supposed to be the biggest event of the patch. Wuthering exploration was a last minute addition to the patch. And how do you even know it's a photo taking event?


We already fight everything man my fingers are tired


It would have been cool as a tutorial, but as an event, it's very middling. The "gameplay" is like 1 minute each day, and the rewards were very middling. I'm not expecting a full blown event with story and whatever right out the gate, but this really didn't feel like anything special.


Cool small event but nothing special. Its clear to me this was just used to make sure that everything was working as intended and nothing more. I bigger and harder event like this would be quite interesting though. Like racing against NPC's, much more difficult paths, etc.


I almost liked it but it was way too easy for my taste.


They should have used the existing terrain. There's no point in making all that map just to add some weird blue platforms and hulahoops and trampolines over it.


it was whatever. It's clearly balanced for mobile, so me playing on pc made it very simple and boring. Though I would love to have more jump & run content.


I wish there were longer tracks with more of those boosters and more obstacles that require srrategic airdashing. Could feel like a halfway decent 3d sonic level.


We need a leaderboards for it


The last one was fun, the rest were meh


I get that they were trying to think of mobile players hence why it's easy (not to insult mobile players' skill, controls are just generally harder there), but I hoped they took the difficulty further bc the movement in this game has so much potential. I loved the "floor is lava" parkour minigames in Jinzhou bc you can clear it with either movement techs or patience and creativity. I wish we get an event like that soon!


This felt like a movement tutorial rather than an event


My frustration with the event courses is *all* of them are inferior to the city courses in the Overdash tutorial questline. Where the quest courses required some actual platforming and maneuvers, the event courses are grapple-centric and almost auto-runners. I would’ve preferred using the glowing constructs as full environments to play in rather than super linear tracks.


Better than whatever kuro could cook on pgr (hopefully no more menu spam and shit like 10 pages instructions).


It was alright. A bit of fun and clearly meant to be on the lower end of the difficulty curve. Which is fine. Plenty of more challenging things out there. Sometimes a bit of chill running about is a nice change of pace.


Grossly disappointing. At first it was fine, I even thought I was cool, until I saw the whole thing was just gonna be "Press button, sit back and watch." Some of them you don't even have to run much less sprint to get through it and get the full score, yes I tested that. Next time I'd like to be able to have more autonomy in the movement. 1/10


I have learned my lesson with Genshin; if the community applauds these kinds of events then Mario Party games will be the future of WuWa too. I would rather see limited-bosses that no amount of spending will compensate the level of skill required to complete. Echos/weapons could be locked behind low-tier completion; however, high-tier rewards like cosmetics, or mounts (cope), should be an exclusive feat for the best of the best to enjoy; give players something to strive towards.


I wish they incorporate terrain in endgame combat


Event aside (decent ig), that godly art had me seriously regretting getting male rover T\_T


I like simple events like that. I understand why some of the players didnt like it but honestly if you cant do a really good job with events (Most of the time gacha game devs cant) just make them short. Its better that way.


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I can’t enjoy this because of my Lenovo Ideapad with a Nvidia MX360 always occasionally thermal throttling.


The event so far are okay if u want free mats and some astrites, but other than that it was buggy for me.. my Yapyap got shoved in a jumpy mushroom, missed couple of coins sometimes and had to restart the run. I will say that I laughed a lot while playing so 8/10.


Was this supposed to be an event? I thought it was just a cute side diversion to get some rewards.


I would have enjoyed it better if there was controller support on mobile!


Simple, easy reward event. But that wallpaper is awesome! Female Rover is HOT!


Personally I like a quick event at launch, have a lot of other things to do in the game so over dash taking only like 1 minute is a blessing


You can do a parkour event with one hand, I think that says enough.


I want them to reward us the art in our ingame mail or in our mission items so I can view it anytime I want


This event is just like the events in genshin. Very quick, simple gameplay that u can play for 5 mins to get the rewards, its nothing remarkable for me


I feel it would have been more fun if they just did more of the don't touch grass challenges (or anything that actually needed some thinking). I previously would have blamed the ease on needing to cater to mobile players but after watching the gigachad megajump showcase performed on mobile I feel I've been basing my assumption of mobile gamer proficiency off of my own mobile gaming proficiency (which is 0).


Pretty basic event with very stingy rewards. I'm not gonna complain because they gave us 2 selectors and a lot of stuff from compensations but if every next event do be stingy like that we'll have a huge problem


It was alright.


It's meant to be a cursory showcase of in-game mobility mechanics. It's honestly a good event to start with, telling your audience that your competitors don't have this and this is what sets the game apart. But was it fun? Not so, but still a good decision. A solid 5/10.


Short and didn't require much attention. A good first patch event. Imagine they focused less on the rest of the game to make the event better.... Nah I'm ok with a middle of the road first event.


It was alright. If this was the only event for the entire update cycle I would've been pissed, but if it's just used as a small filler event in between the big ones it's fine and I would like to see it return.


All of the tracks combined should've been track 1. It felt very dragged out, not very intense or crazy, and each track only took like 30 seconds.


It felt like a super short and weak event to me sadly. It was fun but I wanted more


Need cover art ;-;


I actually like mini games a lot so for me events like this are fine


not challenge enough WASD simulator.


I got a bit of lag when doing the parkour runs but went away after doing the event. I admire that it also gave something to maneuver around during the race like the slow areas. Although it could have been more difficult. I would suggest a parkour event where we don't use our grapple since we already have vaulting, jumping away from the wall, wall running etc. like in actual parkour. It could be in more item crowded areas and maybe traps? But could get difficult if the lag is still there.


8/10; easy and fast; need more events like that


felt like pretty throwaway garbage. not to sound too harsh but there is like nothing to engage with and felt like no thought was put in to.


I thought it was okay at best. I actually love the movement in this game, but a lot of it comes down to all the animation cancels and stuff you can do. This evetn felt very easy and basic. I want an overdash challenge that's actually challenging where most of the surfaces are really small and it requires really precise movement. Unfortunately, I don't know if it would be feasible for mobile players.


Found it fun and helped me get used to the exploration functions


Feels like movement tutorial with rewards if anything else. Kinda fun, but it's just 1 minute of fun each day so it didn't amount to anything much.


I thought it was pretty fun. I was okay with the rewards too, with it being such a light event. I hope Kuro will first get everything in order with the base game, get the new voice director in asap, and then scale up future events to be larger in scope.


While it's nice to get easy astrites, it's way too easy. And this is from me who play on mobile. The overwold cruisewing challenge though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Surprised no one talked about how good looking the artwork looks


Hope we can create our own track in the future. Similar to GI Teapot? I guess


Event itself: incredible. Utilizing one of WuWa’s strengths, **the parkour** The rewards though… I just hope that’s not a standard (and it seems like WuWa agrees hence why we’re also getting an event that gives 800 astarites)


bro … it was lame 🥲 but it’s okay, they’ll do better in the future. i’ve played .. another certain game that 4 years after its release , continues to put out garbage events and give out lame rewards for SO MUCH TIME WASTED 😭 i love everything else that they’ve done with the game it’s a solid 9/10 overall , minus a point bc they censored scar.


It was a nice login event.


I know a lot of people don't like it, but I do. I do feel like I won't like it, though, when they make it more difficult since I can only play on mobile.


Fun idea, but I hope future Overdash events are more challenging


Love the image, but not much of a challenge considering I played in PC.


Unfortunately for me, it was lame. There wasn't anything exciting or challenging about it. I didn't feel like there was a lot of interaction, and more of something where you just find the location and just go for it sort of mission.


Quick and easy asterites with no talking. Thats how I like my non-combat events


An oddly genshin event in a game that is trying its best to not be genshin but is slowly becoming more and more like genshin as time goes on.


Buggy, I got teleported several times in different places in one of the dashes


ehhhh was a easy way to get matts and stuff thats all shame they didnt go crazy. wish it had more special stuff.


Better than any Genshin or hsr event ever. I talked to the tutorial guy. Hit skip. Immediately did the course. Rinse repeat. 10/10 I love that I don’t have to listen to every npc tell me their life story in this game.


It means all rover needs is to get bit by a radioactive spider now to be a super hero


nothing special and nothing too difficult, but fast and i liked it.


I liked it, I think it was a good way to show off the kind of movement that’s in this game, how to move, and how you should move going forward. It was a nice crash course of everything. Good for new players to the genre. Also some of you are too harsh, game just came out and some of you are acting like it should’ve been a masterpiece event right from the get go. Chill.


I wish they were more lenient with going off the intended route. A couple of the challenges I tried to do shortcuts on to get a faster time after I got the rewards and I ended up getting teleported back onto the track


Restrict it to just one short race per day made it unenjoyable. Plus the bit of lag when you obtain the coins makes it feel even worse. Mediocre rewards too. Cool artwork though.


What I find funny abt this event, is that there's already a quest that's just better at what it's attempting.


Didn’t mind it as we’re all busy delving into the other aspects of the game upon release. Had this event came out during the lull between major patches then it’d be disappointing


The side quest where we get rid of sandstorm/red flower field is more interesting. 


It respects my time, quick and easy


Did not feel good, in total was like 7 minutes of gameplay? easy asterites that's cool about it but felt pretty meh


free asterites tbh


free asterites tbh


I thought it was really fun honestly. The rewards were lackluster and there wasnt much to it but I loved running the courses. More content and more intricate events will serve this game well in the future but it was a decent first stab at something.


I think it was a good 1st event. People are preoccupied with exploring and experiencing everything this game has to offer so it’s a good idea to go with a quick and basic event for a 1st event and save the bigger stuff for when people are ready to fully enjoy them.


Easy except for the last day, that one was kinda confusing because i couldnt really see the path sometimes, but after a few tries (and one clip trought a building) i got it nice


Kinda lame


I liked the idea of it, but I didn't appreciate the execution. I was hoping it would be way more hands off, like the last part of the overdash world quest but maybe even more difficult. Then you could speed run different ways to get across and you'd have to actually come up with your own path.


It was kinda eh but I wont complain about getting easy extra mats and astirites and it's not like it was terrible or nothing by any means.




It’s a neat distraction but certainly not worth an entire event for. I would however love to see this with an unlocked camera and actual mechanics beyond jump and press the gadget button, say for example, we got an event that was this but you needed to navigate a tightly packed space using only context clues while fighting off hoards of enemies to collect a specific resource which in would be a currency for exchange. Give the player a set number of said currency to fin and farm per “run” and then let people go.


Could be a bit more, could use less grapples and auto aims. Yknow what would be nice? Parkour like this with a monthly or weekly leaderboard and regularly changes tracks. And has rewards based on which top numbers you're placed at(top 100, 1000, 10000)


It's fine. Free stuff. The game literally just came out. Let them cook.


It reminds me a lot of certain challenges in Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. They were fun in that game too.


In general good idea but they played it very safe. Wouldn't mind this event to return with more creative and challenging routes


I love me some platform/parkour mini games


just nice for a short event. there will probably be a mix of short n long events in a patch if it follows pgr. hsr's events are also sometimes ranging from "can clear in 2 hours" to "i have to sit for 8 hours of yapping"


From your profile your only gacha is tof lmfaooooo no wonder...


I found a lot of the track maps challenges in the overworld provided more engagement but this was still mindless fun.


It was fun as the mechanics of movement are satisfying. I honestly wished there were more tracks


It was alright for this games first event


Pretty decent for one of the first events. I think the earlier challenges were a bit too fast and easy. I want it to come back for sure with more elaborate pathings.


I like the event, but i would have like fancier courses instead of the "walk to a random spot on the map to do a parkour in the air that has nothing to do with the terrain there. I like the last one as that one used the mountain for an interesting track.


it was okay


if its for fun harder stages, if its for casul its fine


Its fine yea


Whaaaaa!? I’m shocked to hear negative reviews. I loved it. It was a refreshing, simple little side event.


It's nice and easy. I already used to this kind of event because of Genshin. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


Man...Female Rover is such a baddie...goddamn


When it’s not a combat event I prefer it to be quick and easy like this one tbh.


It’s meh and pretty similar to one of the quest where you have to play the floor is lava. Grappling hook is fun until you have to do 7 times in a row


it's alright for the first event of the game


nice event theyre just flexing wallrun and grapple and you can't prove me wrong


Short n sweet, more like this plz


The grapple target spam ruined its potential to highlight how good the movement is in this game.


It was cute and I'm assuming it's just there to help players practice mobility or something. Easy astrites so I'm not bothered. If they ever bring it back I hope they actually make it a challenge to race to the end. Maybe they could make it optionally pvp?


Jesus christ its literally jus a ez fun event, why does everything they do have to be put under a microscope


I'd say for a starter event it was pretty good. Really easy in terms of time you have to invest and difficulty, giving some knowledge for the "parkouring" part the game has to offer and rewards you with quick materials and premium currency. Good starting point imo, since I would assume especially at launch there are a lot of casual players that would be scared off if they started with a super sweaty combat event. Just my two cents though. Definitely looking forward to future events that pack a little more punch though.


The actual overdash event is awful. It's boring baby's first platformer stuff. The little over dash tutorial guy when you basically play the floor is lava In the city was WAY more fun. I was hoping it would be more of that.


10000 times better than the marvelous merchandise event in genshin impact 1.0 and slightly better than the elemental crucible event


Not enough rewards imo


I liked it! It was a great showcase of what the mobility can do in this game. It wasn't hard but not everything needs to be to be enjoyable. I'd give it a 8/10


As a mobile player, I was dreading it. I was so afraid I'd not be able to complete it because I have proprioception issues that affect fine motor movements like a lot of the quick movements needed to adjust the camera and keep moving and opening the glider at the same time. And then I did it the first day. The camera moving for us at just the right time, turning to show the next grapple point, even just this one tiny accommodation for it made me so relieved, I could have cried thinking "oh thank god, I can actually do this event." Just that one thing made the rest of the event actually enjoyable to me and made me actually want to jump and climb things more. (I'm sorry jianxin for the immediate fall afterwards bc I didn't realize I hadn't tapped the glider button until you were almost on the ground).


Fun enough, easy rewards, but not at all difficult. If it wasn't an interesting concept (I think it is) it would be borderlining a daily chore They just needed to make it difficult and remove the hand holding. No grappling the whole way, no coins, just a timer, a start and a finish, and a few possible routes for us to decipher the best one.


The next version should have longer tracks with monsters blocking the path. 


For a mini event i vote for this short n sweet time to get the reward. no need to get draggy, no need to get grindy, no bullshit difficulty. just good enough to fill up the daily activity if u have nothing to do. mini event tend to be forgotten anyway. that reason alone i give 7/10. they did say want to continue the next overdash so let see


I wish the courses were longer and more intricate with actual obstacles and they should've made the spiderman web Slinger unusable