• By -


Another one I really liked was the eternal melody (?) Or the music themed quest around Nostalgia Isle. That one had me genuinely curious + the ending and learning the full story was so good 😭 I also enjoyed the quest chain around the Giant Banyan + getting rid of the spore infestation. Hella fun. It wasn't too tier storytelling but my god it was fun I really like, most of all, how even the side quests change the world. My giant banyan is covered in pink blossoms, the violet banyan has pretty moons, and the retroact rain isn't plaguing nostalgia isle anymore. The sea of flames isn't damaging, and the Aix's mire isn't swamped in rain and mist. The lighthouses/radars/etc are all repaired and sometimes I catch midnight ranger NPCs having down time and relaxing and I feel like huh the world is getting better There's also this one mail/supply guy you can help kill things for (he keeps getting cornered by exiles, TDs etc) and eventually he makes it from the Aix's mire to the rearguard base and that was nice to see Lastly the stupid court of savantae ruins puzzle — I am so fascinated by what those structures are. Like I really want to know who built this and why there isn't one in main-area jinzhou, yknow? Why the ruins?


I just did the piano one in Nostalgia Isle! 😥 that was pretty good The ending of the "find all the lighthouses" quest was also interesting


God the ending caught me off guard. It was looking hopeful then bam, sharp left off the cliff


It's so tragic 😭 though it seems like a story that occurred before Jinzhou was a safe region to be in so that makes sense


True. Reminds me of the quest to repair the robot, given it's implied the exiles off'd the guy


I told the robot to remain in eternal stand by instead of telling it that the user was not coming back. I don't know if I made the right decision. Great side quest


I did the same. It felt better than telling the poor robot who can't understand grief that his friend wasn't coming back


The eternal melody, this echo quest and the lighthouse quest came outta nowhere and hit harder than my asian dad after I got an F. I did not expect them to be so good and was pleasantly surprised. Kuro needs to get the side quests writers to write the main quests lol.


Not a quest, but similarly to how the lighthouse story punches you in the gut, the [notes you can find scattered in the corroded ruins](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d57251/corroded_ruins_diary/) are absolutely heartbreaking. I'm really enjoying the world building so far. The world feels alive, dynamic, full of all kinds of neat little details. I can honestly forgive Kuro the typos and bad grammar because the game is so fun and enjoyable otherwise. It's the same with PGR. Their games have so much potential, they are just lacking a little polish.


Yes absolutely!! There's a sincerity in the development of this that makes it easy to forgive errors in polish, especially since I bet most of the developers aren't native levels of English fluent


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The exploration quests are definitely s-tier, and they don’t make you read a novel of nonsense like Genshin does with its story quests.


I did this side quest and it almost made me a lil teary. Great writing tbh


This was a sidequest that made me go WHATTTTT??? In the first and second part I was like, give it up dude she's not into you and then the third quest came. Mind blown.


Yeah I did not see that end coming at all. 


A few days ago, something something a post with over 2k upvotes about skipping every single dialog of a daily quest because they can't stand the old man with alzheimer who keeps insisting on staying with his comrades. You know the quality of the playerbase regarding lore and story and what's not...


😅It's sad. But yeah. Not many posts appreciating the story 


There's barely any story discussion at all for WW across all communities outside the main story (unskippable). Not surprised if like 90% of players skip anything they can. Probably not going to change in the future either, with Kuro making more stuff skippable due to, I imagine, popular demand. The playerbase generally seems to only really care about combat and character designs/animations.


I think that's because half of the quests have such a bad translation, they are almost illegible (looking at you, Tiger's Maw quest Part 2). People are not going to search for gems in a puddle of shit, when the quest to kill Lampylumen Myriad reads "Defeat Kaguya Army"??? Or a shitton of wrong inflections and forms of words, or NPCs being called 3 different names. I love some of the side quests (for example the one with the mountain-climbing girl), but if they want people to care, they have to step up their game


Devs "rewrote 90% of the story" very late into development and on release all localisations into non-asian languages were somewhere between "unreadable" and "lower than average". No wonder playebase wants to skip everything, since devs also think that their story isn't worth caring about I never skipped reading any quests in TES games, tales of games or any other rpg (open world or not), I watched every "endless eight" episode of Haruhi. WW was the first time I ever completely gave up on the narrative of a game that I am playing


It's a Chinese game... Can't expect much from the translation... I can understand both Chinese and English. So putting the VA on Chinese and the subtitles/game on English really helps understanding the lore of the game while also easily understanding the mechanics of the game through English.


The funniest part of this is that even the chinese parts are fucked up. Some better more coherent cn content creators have called out the confusing vocabulary even in their own native language. Thats a level of fucked up that no other game has achieved. Stop making excuses for them.


Why does WW being Chinese matter? Arknights is made by Chinese dev. Is it language flowery? Yes, but it's actual coherent English Are MHY Chinese? Yes. Are their games VERY wordy? Also yes. But the also somehow managed to locate a mythological creature known as Chinese-to-English translator Why are Kuro special? Did every single translator hide in a closet when Kuro were looking for them?


"boo China bad give me upvotes"


It doesn't matter. I juz meant that changing the VA to Chinese (if U can understand it, makes U understand the game much better. The story is much more accurately on point in Chinese VA)


if they could understand chinese, they could just use the chinese subs in the first place the entire premise is that they cant, whats your point? I use chinese VA, doesn't make english subs (the entire point here) any better


I am sorry that I can read in 3 languages and none of them is Chinese. I'll do better in the next life


I expect at least the quality of the game they're literally copying. Which is also made by a Chinese company. Imagine defending this shit...


I'm not defending anything.... I'm juz recommending to change to Chinese VA if U understand Chinese, it makes the story/lore better. (If U wanna blame, blame it on their translators...)


I need more skip buttons so I can brag about skipping all the dialogue and then make posts complaining about the story that I skipped and pretend to know what I'm taking about. Also if I lose the 50/50, the character is bad and everyone who pulls for them is a noob.


It's very sad to see. Gameplay is awesome, but while the main story isn't perfect (though it had some pretty good moments, and lore is cool), from my experience so far, side quests (exploration, character and even smaller quests, including daily) are actually pretty good. I know this is probably a very hot take, but I think skip button should be reserved only for repeat quests. You can't really know if what you're skipping is boring or interesting, so being able to skip freely will likely make less people actually invested or interested in story/lore (aside from making people more lazy). Of course, keep skip for repeat dialogues, like some daily quests (if they repeat, though I haven't encountered one like that yet), or NPC interactions that don't disappear.


Good. The playerbase is actually composed of gamers! Imagine that 🤔 having "gamers" play your "game"


>The playerbase generally seems to only really care about combat and character designs/animations. I'm here to blow things up with flashy animations. If I wanted to read I would pick up a book or find a novel.


a good story is a good story, the medium doesn't matter. in retrospect i realized that the one advantage of video game stories (specifically old RPGs) over books is that you can read through a book without understanding or remembering anything. old RPGs? it will stop your progress until you "git gud" at understanding what you're reading, and remembering what you need to do. it doesn't even matter if you use a guide because understanding a guide requires comprehension; whether as to what you need to do, or how to follow directions carefully.


Wuwa/Genshin/HSR story are all garbage. They have mediocre prose, shallow character growth, poor pacing, and serious failures with show don't tell and word bloat. They aren't bad stories because they're in a gacha game, they're bad because they are objectively garbage. And any idiot who thinks "good writing is my opinion" failed to take English writing classes in college. If I was your English teacher grading an assignment with Wuwa/Genshin/HSR storywriting you would all fail my class. You're free to waste your life eating garbage and while tricking yourself into thinking it's the best food in the world. It's your loss in the end.


ok teach'. it seems i would hate to be your student too. i had a couple of arrogant teachers in College who think their way is the only way, and anything outside of what they say is objectively wrong and bad. good luck to your students i guess.




Look... Only story that I skipped was the Lampylumen one. It was the only one that couldn't retain my interest and just did the unspeakable and started skipping the story (I almost never skip). It had a difficult time grasping my attention in the beginning and it had an even more difficult time trying to get me to care. All the other stories got me hooked but not this one... Nope. Didn't help that it had a time-based pause in-between stories.


Lemme guess, you only starts the quest to rush open Shiyang's store ? Correct ? If so then understandable, it's the dev's fault for locking incentizing rewards behind time-based quest chains.


Incorrect, I read through the dialogue and there wasn't enough to keep me invested. The quest started out uninterested (Just grab stuff). Afterwards, it just threw me into a quarrel (That I wasn't a part of). I lost interest when it got to the point of me reading long articles. Not enough interest to keep me invested 'til I got to the second half and it was only there did I start getting a little interested at what was happening *But sadly, I finished that quest unsatisfied* Now comes the other Exploration quest and how it instantly got me hooked (In order): We Promise, We Deliver - Went in the quest and got hit with an NPC that should've gotten a unique model. (Seriously, this feller is way too unique to just use an ordinary NPC model. *You know who I'm talking about*) When The Forest is No Longer Dim - Monke helper, that's it. That's all it took to get me hooked. Loved that fella Stygian Lacrimosa (This quest was after the Lampylumen quest) - Got me slightly curious but went into the quest not caring much. I was about to tear up from how beautiful it ended. All the other quests got me hooked from the get-go and had enough dialogue that it kept me invested. The Lampylumen quest however didn't.


100% agree with you on that, among all the quests that's the only one that didn't grab my attention at all, I get that they tried to do something with the old guy having survivor guilt or something and how coexisting with echoes should be handled but honestly Stygian Lacrimosa managed to convey the second part better and the dude trying to get and give closure was really wholesome. I tried really hard to care about the Lampylumen one but it lacks something to hook you in, felt more like one of those wordy quests in Genshin that you know won't matter later.


Nah, I didn't skip but the Tiger's Maw Mine exploration quest is easily the weak one story-wise. There's a lot of tell not show just to result in killing a boss TD at the end. It doesn't have some particularly interesting reason for being there like the Inferno Rider or Aix, or the character connection that the Dim Forest one has with Lingyang. At no point did it actually make me care about the mine characters involved in the story. 


I suspect that the good side quests might be hold overs from earlier states of the game when the tone was darker. The side quests are way more grounded towards the suffering of the world and people while the main quest is mired in overly complex mysteries and mythos.


Tbf, that daily was annoying. But the fact that *that* kind of attitude was uncalled for is still very valid.


>It's funny really, I always start the quests in the game by skipping as much as I can. Then something will happen and I will be like "Wait a minute. This actually doesn't seems boring?" Then I will end up loving the quest. Same experience. I had it with the Inferno Biker/ Sea of Flames world quest. At first it was like "another boring ass courier quest". But then I stop skipping when the girl NPC explains her backstory and why she's so dedicated to her delivery company's mission. I don't fully remember the details but it was something like: The girl's parents were soldiers who died on the battlefield, left her a doll as a present before they died, but she was too young and in the chaos of war made it so they lost track of her identity. The delivery company never gave up on their order and finally delivered that present to her many many years later. Now she work for that company to pay it forward. And from that point on I was locked into the quest. Very solid writing.


TBH she seriously annoyed me during the quest for her suicidal nature and forcing things to the point where she might get herself and other people killed but when she explained her story, suddenly she does not seem to be that annoying any more. Still needs some mental help (which she is obviously not going to get in a post-apocalyptic world) and needs to throttle back and think about alternate solutions but at least now you know that she was not being stupid deliberately but it was some form of obsession due to events in her life.


This post just made me glad that there are people who actually read the story


I try to read everything and some of them are actually pretty nice, like this one and the Banyan quest. I am not in a rush to finish everything immediately so I give them a chance. It seems like people have an awful attention span or just don’t care, which is fine that’s why we have the skip button. It does annoy me though how often there’s typos and bad translations lol, you’d think it’s not that hard to ask some proper English speakers to look through it.


Same here I am taking things real slow and enjoying the quest rather than rushing through them (that will definitely lead to burnout) . Also yeah the quality of Eng translation is pretty bad tho I use Jp dub voice over the meaning of the sentences said in JP and the text shown below sometimes are completely different or inaccurate . I wish Kuro hires some good eng staff for translations and stuff


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I think the story readers just don't post all the complaining of the skippers. But we're here. 


My personal favourite quest was the one in whining axe's mire, I find out kinda romantic how a man who had lost his lover tried to find himself and what to do by solving another so called couples' loss.


Yep Stygian Lacrimosa and Lollo's logistics are both amazing, not to mention that I felt actually involved, not like a observer but part of it, nothing felt forced the times we fought felt like they fit the quest and good lord that ending was sad but beautiful.


The part where he realized he didn't need a flashy echo and won her over again with his turtle was also peak


It's the little things in this game that punch you in the gut. In JiYan's story quest there's a girl, an npc. Entirely insignificant to the quest. It's even optional to talk to her. She snuck out of her home to watch the fish race competition because that was the last time she saw her dad before he "Went off to fight the TDs" and she thought that "He won second place last time, so maybe he'll be here again too!" Jesus Christ. I haven't felt the horrors of war through a game like this since the old modern warfare games. Kids are getting orphaned, and soldiers willingly take last stands to defend their posts because they know their family is behind them. This game man. Fucking hell.


This one and the >!piano!< Sidequest are my favourites so far.


That spoilered one you mentioned actually made me teary eyed by the end 🥲


Same! I really enjoyed it to the point I asked for more side quests like it in the survey (along with asking for qol, optimisation and more masc characters lol)


Are you me? Haha! I asked for basically the same lol


Yeah, some of these side quests have way better writing than the main quest line or the character stories. I'm hoping as Wuwa progresses further, the writing will become better. For me, I need both the story and gameplay to be good for me to play in the long run. If it doesn't, I'll probably just drop Wuwa for Arknights Endfield.


To be fair the main story feels bad due to how much it changed from the original while trying to keep the plot. Not saying Kuro isn't responsible for the fuck up since the original story critique wasn't unwarranted (everyone was acting like a huge PoS towards the MC) but it's actually quite impressive that they managed to get it to make sense to begging with, but you can notice that something feels odd about some dialogues and scenes. I don't know why Chixia had to be so mean considering that we are supposed to like the characters but Kuro last minute 180 turn isn't much better.


That’s sweet. Reminds me of how Yinlin’s companion story was *this* close to being really good. Yinlin herself was really good. Liked the triple agent approach with her. Where the story fell short was with her villain. Having a more complex/interesting villain would give Yinlin more to work with and make her character that much more interesting. Iirc, the dude is still alive so hopefully that’s addressed in future stories.


That and the fact that she backstabs you then flips and helps you repeatedly so often and for minimal reason that you wonder if the writers just wrote in a backstab because it was pre-planned rather than it making any sense.


Isn't it to make her into an anti-hero character? And the backstab part is >! another ploy to keep the true antagonist trust on her, so she could backstab him at the right opportunity. She still helped Rover in the process too.!<


There is a huge difference between being an anti-hero and flipping like a pancake at random. The main problem with her story is that she flips at the most random of times without any type of planning or reason, which was why I said that the story seems to just need having her to do a "double backstab followed by a triple cross" rather than having a coherent plan to it.


Hmm, still, when she did turn on us, it make sense, no?   >! The first is when she imprison us. She gave us the tablet (or at least, that's what the story suggested to us) so we would call for help. It raised the awareness of the patroller about the Puppet Master. And before that, she did brought us to the Puppet Master and had us "examined", which we need as well. !< >! The second is when we're going to meet Puppet Master. She betrayed us because Puppet Master is currently watching us. It is a ploy to make the Puppet Master lower his guard and enable us to strike when the opportunity appeared. !< >! Now, I'm just following the story without analyzing it so deeply. But i feel it still makes sense as it is XD !<


The question remains to why she then played nice in the middle? Won't it be safer for her to maintain her persona as the Puppet Master's 2nd in command all the way to the end rather than flip again in the middle? And don't forget, they ended the entire story without giving Rover the antidote to what they poisoned him/her with! lol.


> The question remains to why she then played nice in the middle? Won't it be safer for her to maintain her persona as the Puppet Master's 2nd in command all the way to the end rather than flip again in the middle? >! This is after the first betrayal, I believe? Maybe the Puppet Master wasn't watching Yinlin by then. So Yinlin is free to do as she pleases. Since she's planning to betray the Puppet Master, I was assuming she wants to get Rover's trust (by playing nice) and let them know what's really going on in their place. After all, pretty much everyone in there got their own tragedies, and the antagonist here is mainly the Puppet Master himself (and maybe the Fractidus who wanna make use of the puppets for their own nefarious end).!< > And don't forget, they ended the entire story without giving Rover the antidote to what they poisoned him/her with! lol.  >! I'm...afraid I don't remember that part XD. Is it during the first betrayal when Rover got knocked out? I thought they got electrocuted instead.!<


While s/he was unconscious, they had the doctor poison him/her to blackmail Rover. The doctor himself confirmed it.


Oh okay, I just rewatch it on YouTube. Yeah, that's a bit weird. What I can think of to explain it: 1. The poison wasn't real. Yinlin and Doctor Wusheng lied on behalf of Dollmaker (just remembered now, not Puppet Master XD).  2. Rover was healed offscreen, since there's an interval of time from the Dollmaker secret base to Jinzhou. It would be great if they explained it, though.  3. The most logical one is that the writer is simply forgot about that tiny detail XD.  Still, the rest of the story is quite understandable, was it not? Besides, it's just a game. No need to overthink it XD. 


3 is my answer too, too many re-writes in too short a time, understandable if the writers lost track.


True. I was hoping that >! the Puppet Master is a more complex character, like maybe after Yinlin's parents passed away, he took care of Yinlin and raised her. And during the final confrontation, Yinlin is struggling more to take down someone she considered as her adoptive father or brother. But from what I watched in the quest, the Puppet Master feels like just an acquaintance to Yinlin. And she doesn't have much trouble betraying him.!<


Giving you a tutorial and the feels is one heck of a combo on this quest


Yep, I love it too. Best tutorial quest ever.


I guess that's one masterpiece I'll never get to experience because my ass skipped all the dialogues in every side/exploration quest💀


😅😅damn yeah. The exploration quest in this game were definitely pretty interesting 


it was okay if you’re into the old chinese storytelling I guess, grew up seeing this cheesy same old format so it was kinda boring to see Kuro adapt it 1:1 here, felt lazy and just copied in for a cheap attempt to tug at heartstrings


This game has a lot of great stories like this. My friend and I were deeply uncomfortable at first, but when we realized she is his wife and she forgot him and there was foreshadowing showing other instances where she was having issues with her memory, we loved the story after.


Yeah when you realize he got rejected 13th time you start wondering about the line between courageously and plain creepy and potent threatening.  Thankfully the the twist was great 


This quest was pretty good, most of the exploration quests are pretty ok , compared to the Main story that is trash


Some quests get to feel a bit janky/wordy for me and it throws off the feeling of the story, like the world quest in Tiger's Maw. The English translation is pretty bad tbh compared to other WQs I've done and I had a hard time really caring about the content. But the other quest I did recently (Mourning Aix WQ) was pretty good and kept me drawn in. And playing through the silver echo trainer quest was pretty great. I definitely thought the old man was a creep at first, saying he'd never give up on her even if she said no a thousand times. But as I played more, I began figuring it out, and then I felt pretty bad haha. I would say that quest series is one of my favorites.


There was a quest goal called Defeat Kaguya's Army in Tiger's Maw and I was taken aback by it thinking that I stumbled upon a new quest when in fact it was the same quest that someone put a wrong goal in.


a lot of the side quests and world quests in wuwa is very good tbh.


I almost started skipping through the dialogue because I thought the guy was an idiot. Once I realised what was happening, I wished the start had been written differently. If I had known from the outset that she lost her memories and they were partners, I would have been much more invested from the start. Overall it's a good story, but I almost missed it because of frustrating writing.


no voiceover = not important = me skip


Old miner quest is also good even if sad.


The side quests are so so good. One thing I have noticed, too, is that a bunch of them have themes of remembrance, memory and growing up/getting old. The Eternal Concert, Shadows of the Past, Stygian Lacrimosa, We Promise We Deliver, Lost History, No Response Tonight, Photos of Jinzhou, The Past if The Future, When Moonlight Shines in the Forest, When The Forest is No Longer Dim, Jiyan's and Lingyang's companion stories... All of them, in some degree, touch on those themes. From regrets and guilt about the past, to forgetting those you knew and loved as you age, or how the Lament wiped out so much history that is now lost to time. I mean, the whole theme of it all *is* pretty much about how past, present and future are intertwined, to the point Jinhsi's name is a word play about that. But I didn't expect to see how it seeps into the side quests, and how playing them changes the actual environment. The ending of When The Forest is No Longer Dim was just... man, I was in *awe*. Or Stygian Lacrimosa's ending! I cried so fucking hard when I finished it, and saw that one scene. It has it's issues with translation, which is a pretty annoying issue to have, but story telling wise it's top tier.


Damn, that's actually a really good story, I didn't read it and skipped through it cause I thought it would be another bad one since the only other one besides the late main story which I enjoyed so far was the mourning aik


Damn rip I pressed skip through all of that - thought it was just an echo tutorial


this was my favorite side quest ngl




Indeed, it's just like what you said. They are actually capable of making amazing story. It's just having to rewrite 90% of the story because the playerbase is not satisfied making the main story seems rushed. I also hope 1.1 will be better!


I feel like that and other side quests and notes about people suffering may have been written back when the main story was also going to be darker.


I also liked this quest. And there's surprisingly plenty of senile people in Jinzhou. There's the grandpa we keep doing daily quests to deliver his flowers to a grave.


It's almost like a post apocalyptic city ravaged by war is full of people damaged by tragedy or with outright mental health problems. 


Yeah I think the main story really failed in bringing up the Darkness 


One thing I realized that I like about the overall story (or perhaps setting I guess?) is that the world actually does feel apocalyptic. The trailer for Jinhsi told that story as well. There is an imminent threat that feels much more real than the threats in Genshin imo. Tacet discords are everywhere, people are actively threatened by them, and clearing them out as a resonator isnt pointless. The retroact rain is also a very intriguing threat. The Silver Echo quest highlights this threat and the impact it has on the people fighting it as well. So it really just comes down the execution and presentation. I think from what I heard of the CBT story that got changed, its tone would have been better for a western audience. I kept expecting the characters to not trust Rover after finding them, but they were immediately accepted for no reason, and it felt very off. Turns out that was one of the major things changed in the story.


Jiyan sidequest got a lotta feels. It also has one of the most beautiful shots in the game. The back to back in the field of flowers **MWAH** *\*chef's kiss\**


I liked the ending but by the time we got the revelation I was a bit fed up of his requests. I think that quest could have benefited from being a bit shorter (as in, not in 3 parts), so people get to the revelation before they mentally clock out


Ever since i did that lingyang quest ive skipped everything i could its just so trashhh


Is this one actually good..? I mean, we all know the issues regarding the story and storytelling and the writing, so I'm kinda surprised if I should just jump in on this one?


I played this quest and I started to get the feeling that he was her husband before they revealed it. It was such a touching twist. It was especially nice how she rejected him while saying that she only loved one man and that no one else could compare to him. People who just skip dialogue in a story heavy game like this are really doing themselves a disservice. For every boring quest, and there are some, there are also some real gems.


While I agree that there are really good side quests and the main story picks up the pace, I don't see anything wrong with people skipping the story. I mean Kuro main selling point was the combat and some people just want to play a game, being honest these are just nice surprises but when I feel like watching or reading a good story a gacha game made in China isn't the first place I'll look for it.




I don't skip dialogue (even on Genshin and that says a lot) and not letting people do it is just a dick move, if someone doesn't care about the story what makes you think that forcing them to press a button a couple more times is gonna change that? The thing that Kuro figured out what Genshin still hasn't, the product they're selling is a game, Kuro let's you skip the story and has a banger gameplay, Genshin let's you skip the gameplay and forces you to crawl all the way through the story no matter how much useless filler it has. I'm gonna be honest, if 3 years ago you would've told me that Genshin was gonna force me to click my way out of the 5-6 hours of aranara bullshit I would've skipped the game. Wuwa advertised itself based on the combat and so far that has delivered, the story being really good in some cases is a bonus for me, Genshin on the other had advertised itself as an ARPG and they ain't delivering on it that's for sure.


Yup you are right. Having skip option is good. But they should provide a little summary if we skip for better understanding of the story. In genshin skip button in story/world quests we maybe get or not but in daily quests we definitely should have a skip button.


The summary is being added on 1.1 in the form of an archive, those interested or regretting the skip can check that.


All praise the skip button.


Eh I skipped this one because the quests themselves were not at all front loaded with anything interesting. It was like a tutorial for the first two quests and I'm not into that lovey dovey old people crap anyway. Nice to learn what happened but still don't regret. Also you should spoiler this post bc people who haven't done it and want to will straight up be spoiled by reading your post.


it's ok. most of them are ok with sob stories mixed in to reel you in but honestly you barely know those npcs beyond their 'please do this shit for me' so the emotional pay off often feels flat. it's a common problem with this game unfortunately.


Wow now I feel really bad about skipping through it😭


The sidestories have cool ideas and I really like how they affect the world around you (getting rid of spores, fog, or the retroact rain). But my immersion gets damaged hard by the translation quality, it feels like I'm reading Chinese spelt with English words way too often. Hope Kuro improves there


Skip, skip, skip, skip i don't like the quest in gacha games, not only wuwa, is just so hollow and Boring, just give me the reward and let me explore.


Skip button exist for a reason sorry


You missed the most important part of the quest: the existence of sealed tube simulation rewards. I thought this quest would open it up permanently but what a disappointment. Really tainted an otherwise alright questline.


Welcome to side quest in gacha games. Same thing happens in Genshin and Star Rail, the side quest are way more entertaining than the main quest.


Like Genshin, the world quests are some of the best in the game. Too bad people skip them because they're allergic to reading.


Nah, if there is no voice acting I skip


Too bad voice acting is not a good indicator of quality when it comes to wuwa’s side quests.


Actually just like Genshin, many of the best stories are actually within the non-voiced one. They seem to be more ‘brave’ with the story’s theme there (maybe cause the censorship isn’t as tight there?)


Maybe. I definitely noticed a lot more darker and sad tones in many side quests. But like in a good way. Felt like they were much more willing you tell a story so yeah they probably were less reserved with them.


rookie, i even skip the voiced ones


I skip everything, if I want to read a good story there are thousands of free books and novels online with way better stories than either Wuwa or Genshin. If you actually care about voice acting, there are plenty of free movies/dramas with 1000 times better acting.


Well, ironically, hopefully, anyone who cares to do it doesn't click your post. Yeah, I presume most people did it for the Gems in the event page that tells you to do it. BUT almost all of the players who did it skipped every dialogue in that quest. As such I will go on a small rant, Kuro made another Genshin BUT is trying to market their game towards Genshin haters, who are just players who actually hate open world exploration story games, meaning once those players get out of the honey moon phase they're gone, essentially there is a reason Genshin and despite Genshin haters loving hsr, it also doesn't have a skip button, why because these story are vital for world building and drawing the type of players who will stick around pass the honeymoon phase of a gacha game built around lore and explore . By now, Genshin and Hsr 1.0 were spamming emergency food and trash can memes, but as you probably see, there are no wuwa memes based on ingame dialogue being spammed by the community(other than typos). All this to say, wuwa is going down a bad path, and kuro have no idea what they're doing by having a skip button in their game. The fact so many wuwa players trash Genshin is a sign that wuwa is in deep trouble long term because eventually those players are going to realize they're playing Genshin, and get tired of echo farming and because they have 0 investment into the games lore and main story those players will be gone forever once they quit. TL;DR Kuro made another Genshin, but is trying to cater to players who hate open world story heavy games and added a skip button, which completely destroyed the world building of their game. Kuro is targeting the generic gacha players who have 0 desire for a quality gaming experience, those players just want auto play, 2d waifus with trash animations and a skip button, instead of going for the normie gamers that actually like open world games.


I agree with you to an extent. I don't think it's that people hate open world structure. It's just that the dialogue is overly wordy and verbose. Plus, you'll most likely never see these characters enough to actually care about them outside of these superficial moments. There's no true depth to it anyway. Some quests just kind of need to get to the point. I've played genshin for 4 years, and mashing x has been the norm since Sumeru for me, since, 97% of the text isn't relevant. The characters that actually need diving into, actually don't ever get it either, so, it's doubly pointless to pay attention. Characters also don't really change, which compounds the issue. I didn't skip anything concerning Venti's first quest because I cared about the character. Without looking it up, around inazuma especially, it feels like writing teams switched up, because genshin wasn't overly wordy early on and knew how to actually have nuance to their characters besides "anime trope #45".


I mean. HI3 has a skip button and it isn’t one limited like in Wuwa for example.  You can actually completely skip everything without a problem.  Yet story wise, all HI3 players are absolutely in love with the story. At the same time. Whether a skip button exists or not. People who are not interested in the story will find way to skip. Like just letting in auto and smashing the X button when things stop. I personally did this a few times in World quests. Meanwhile here while I did skip at first I started getting interested and read.  Basically Whether a skip button exists or not. Those who were going to read the story will still read while those who were going to ignore the story will still ignore 


My tip to you is to read someone’s history before engaging with them. Cause you’ll then realise your wasting your breathe


Lol I generally don't do this but damn dude seems to be obsessed with trying to prove wuwa will not last long or that people will quit 😅. Anyway thanks and yeah I will stop engaging 


i'm in the minority i guess. i played a month of HI3 before jumping to PGR during GL launch. the one thing i disliked about HI3 story was that i felt like it was one big love story with world-ending threats on the side that they take care of when they get around to doing it. iirc i stopped around the part of the story where i got transported to the past, fixing/helping the village, and the shrine maiden. it also felt like a prototype of APHO, with the running around and exploring, which eventually turned to GI.


Ah samsara. Yeah the earliest chapters of HI3 had a certain flow not enjoyed for everyone.  If you are interested I think you should try again but focus on the main story. Samsara is a side story focused on Yae Sakura and Kallen. Ideally I say try reaching CH 9 of HI3. If after ch 9 you aren't hooked up I doubt anything will interest you


i actually played the recent Chapter at the time, the puppeteer Herrscher, and saw Kiana transform to Flamescion. i honestly thought it was fine. although i played that first because it was about to go away, then went back to the early Chapters - maybe that was the problem for me. and i regard myself a (sorta) patient guy when it comes to stories. a lot of people complain about the "slow and boring/totally unnecessary" early Chapters of PGR but i liked it because it focused on world-building. on the other hand, i felt like HI3 ignored world-building (at the time) and just focused on Kiana and her relationship towards the people around her. tbh i only tried HI3 because of Raiden Mei, which I'm sure doesn't need an explanation lol. i actually pulled HoT and her weap in 20k gems. it was fun facerolling content until i got to the 2 endgame modes.


> all HI3 players are absolutely in love with the story. HI3 storyline is above average by gacha standards. Because Kiana is an actual protagonist who undergoes meaningful challenges and character growth. Something which 99% of gachas including Wuwa/Genshin completely fail at. But HI3 writing is just as bad as Genshin's with endless technobabble and yapping.


The fuck you mean including Wuwa? how? the story just released how are you expecting growth in a character that we don't even know yet? On Genshin is fair because the plot barely moved in 4 years and I feel like the few changes the traveler undergoes are forgotten really fast, but how on good conscience can you say Wuwa is the same? Not saying it couldn't happen but it hasn't happened yet. You should turn yourself in for your crimes, you might have not committed one yet or may never do but other people do, so why should we give you the benefit of the doubt? see how ridiculous that sounds?


>the story just released how are you expecting growth in a character that we don't even know yet? In 6 acts I have not seen any character development. I have not seen any basic character flaws. I have not seen any moral conflicts or stances. Rover, just like Traveler/Trailblazer in HSR/Genshin, is nothing more than another generic MC with zero significant personality flaws and zero likelihood of future growth. The plot is just a thing that happens to them, they make literally zero meaningful moral choices. This is a very basic writing mistake. Good stories do not have protagonists with no personality, no motivations, and no flaws.


If you're okay kuro having a level of audience and income as hi3 then yeah that's great. Youre delusional if you think most who skips the first few interactions are going to try to understand what happens later. Spam clicking in Genshin and hsr gives you time to see a couple words to have a vague idea of what's going on, while in wuwa the entire interactions is skip so you have 0 clue what's going on, and once you get into the rhythm of skipping, then it's over That skip button killed all the dialogue lore and memes in this community. I force myself to not skip whenever a sentence gets too wordy or repetitive, because I know these voice less quests are vital to me enjoying this game, and many players don't understand that, especially generic gacha gamers.


Absolutely wild trying to defend spam clicking instead of having a simple skip button.


Heh. I guess the future will show whether it was right or wrong. 


>If you're okay kuro having a level of audience and income as hi3 then yeah that's great. *Oh noo,* maybe they'll have to keep adding QOL features and being generous to try to retain and build the playerbase unlike Genshin who took 4 years to raise the resin cap because people pay them regardless. And who will we play with in our *singleplayer* rpg if the playerbase is small. 😔


Yo, Hoyo is *not* gonna pay you for this. Please find better ways to spend your time bro, we can all read your post history. It's just sad.


My guy, I'm not a genshin slurper. No idea where you got that from. Early Genshin did have superior writing and this is factual. If it was how it is now, then, I would've been dropped it sooner.


I don't think he was trying to talk to you. Rather the one above 


It's not factual. Early Genshin got raked over the coals for being boring as shit.


This is some extraordinary concern trolling. You must have practiced a lot


Good lord you are one sad individual.


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Don't tell word "beautiful" to mobile players


I hated thsi quest.. Why are we helping some nobody old man.. He should stay in the hostipal and get old peoples care.. not constantly running out into the wilderness to find his death (killed by a tacid or exile) Only good thing from the quest was when he said "Shinning tortoise! I choose you !" Only amusing part o the quest. If only the turtle started dancing, then that would of been the best laugh. I'd probably change my mind on the quest then.


Guess getting your wife back is optional for you too lol. There is a reason why he's doing that.


not my problem. Let him show her documentation, or the wedding ring lol. A bit of communication could of gone a long way without him trying to impress her by showing off echos I catch..... I ve got important stuff to do.. Like defending Jouzou from TDs/Exiles and Theridon threat. Dont need to babysit old men wondering around the wildness trying to get themselves killed and trying ti impress ladies . So glad it was over with. Worst quest in the game so far.


I pity whoever gets married to you lol.