• By -


Does anyone wanna do a hidden achievement together? PM me pls.


How the hell do I get into that compound near the remnant residence? It seems to be tied to a quest but I can't see the quest anywhere, everytime I go there, an NPC teleports me back out


In terms of waveplate energy to union XP, what's the best way to use waveplate energy to gain the highest union XP? I'm trying to power level to 40


1 Waveplate = 7.5 Exp, everywhere. Just do the double drop events when they're on, like currently. They give double exp as well.


Thanks! Do you mean the Tacet field double drop that's currently on?




It doesn't matter afaik, you get a fixed amount of XP per waveplate spent.


I am awfully low on she'll credit, so I was thinking of farming them on simulation. Is there any other way to get them


If you're exploration has already reached 80-85%, then yeah that's the only option. Else go explore some more, you'll get a decent amount that way without having to use any waveplates.


Nothing aside from that. Thankfully we'll get compensated about the absurd cost of leveling echoes and chars in 1.1


Ok Btw do we know approximately how much we'll be compensated?


Changli X Jinshi https://preview.redd.it/1ei1bytn218d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a5c4bc65853daba5f31abfebcd728e03718770


Which team is more fun to play? And which team is stronger? a) Jiyan, Mortefi, Verina b) Calcharo, Yinlin, Verina


Calcharo is harder to play. He also loses more damage because of improper execution, and it's not very impressive to begin with compared to Jiyan. Fun is up to you.


For the tower you would use both teams as you need 3 teams, for world farming, exploration, etc, i would use jiyan mortefi because that way you wont find any inmune enemies to your team, when i used calcharo yinlin myself and found electric inmunes or resistant it was really annoying.


Jiyan is stronger and fun is subjective.


Is anyone else experiencing fucking awful ping issues? Specifically on the East Coast. I have already thoroughly tested my internet. I am not dropping packets. It's gotten worse over the past 2 days. Usually it has been a stable 25 ms, and 2 days ago it was literally going from 25ms to 70 ms to 150 ms, then drops back down. Currently now, I sit around 25 ms but it also spikes to 500ms and sits there for a couple seconds. Again, I have tested my own internet and I do not drop packets anywhere. I am ethernetted. I am not interested in hearing fixes, I am just wondering if anyone else is experiencing it.


I have no main quests left but I'm only UR31. Have I missed something? What is the current last main quest available in the game?


You need to do the world quests too if you want to rank up more


UL21, Act 6 - I forget the name. If you have Havoc Rover, you're done.


How do I see my completed quests? I want to see if the quest you mentioned has been completed or not


I don't think you can. That's why I said check to see if you have Havoc Rover. If you >!climbed the giant floating platforms to enter the rock giant and fight the Dreamless!<, then you're done.




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i never asked for a refund at all, and i never even topped up for lunites. the only top up i did was to buy the battle pass. how can i ask for a refund on something i never even bought?? and now my lunites are minus?? hello wuthering waves???!!!! they said i can't login if the lunites don't return to positive?? what the hell wuwa??!!! does anyone know how to fix this? https://preview.redd.it/uxjr1rixn08d1.png?width=1791&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f95550c095ad8843d435d51627dc50b0fa18ac7


Check [https://play.google.com/store/account/orderhistory](https://play.google.com/store/account/orderhistory) if there's any purchase there on your account.


how many corals (both kinds) do you get per pull?


looking for a support group for those who haven't gotten their 5* standard weapon from the banner yet. i feel like all my friends have at least one copy and some even have 2 for some fuckin reason lol. anyone wanna join my emotional support group?


I have 2 accounts and 1 didn't get any 5\* standard from banner so I'll join your emotional support group with that account


thanks, we'll have some tea and oat cakes to commiserate


~~can't relate, i got mine at 5 pity and 0 pity on two different accounts~~ I'm sorry for your loss.


fuck u :( this game has not been kind to me


What's the highest data bank level you can currently obtain?


20. DB 21 will be coming in 1.1 and will boost the 5\* rate to 100%.


20, if you're UR40. Which is the highest DB level currently in game, 21 has been announced for 1.1 but not available yet


How do you get the Star Flake recipe?


Do world mobs scale with character level?


No, with SOL-3 level. Which your character level is also pegged to.


Thank you


Anyone noticed how there is a fraction of a second where we couldn't move/dodge just after countering our opponents attack? I noticed this after fighting and dying to the fckin mosquito for the past weeks, and this issue literally costed me a couple of my closest runs


I built my Calcharo but the damage seems off. Am I missing anything in [my build](https://imgur.com/a/G3gjJuA) ? Not trying to flex its just the return on 400 tuners investment seems to be off.


In future, take all your pieces to +20 before taking any one piece to +25. The build is ok, just make sure you're doing your buffs correctly for full rotations.


is there a video for correct rotations? cause to be honest i have no idea what that term means


It's the right order of things to do so all right buffs are on at the right time and you ge better damage, and then you repeat the whole process again. It's going to depend on the team and sometimes the enemies you are facing. Look up the Genshin Scientist on YouTube, or read up on prydwen.gg, wutheringlab.com.


thundering mephis is really bad you'll never get all 6 casts off without getting interrupted/dying other than overworld stuff


Well it is alright, usable at this point but you should ideally get better echoes down the road. Your three costs have a lot of bad rolls. Ideally you would want 60+ percent cr and 200+ cd but this would do for now


The poor stat rolls on the Flautist and Heron are definitely a factor.


I am surprised no one has done a deep dive on the value of saving the afterglow corals. A back of the envelope calculation seems to suggest they double or even triple the value of pulls, assuming a 50/50 pull rate to get a dupe. Is anyone else getting these numbers? Am I missing something? I guess it might be that jiyan and yinlin's big power spikes happen later in their S(#), but do the devs have a track record of this always or do they eventually bait some dolphins by putting a big spike earlier like hu tao or Raiden in genshin?


They're only valuable for whales since it makes getting to S6 faster. There's a hard limit of 2 per character. You're wasting a potential of 60 gold pulls to get 2 dupes. It's a really bad deal for F2P who want to get more chars. But a good deal for whales, it saves them a lot of $$$.


Getting pulls is basically only better if you don't care about getting dupes to make units stronger, it costs 45 pulls for 1 dupe worth of currency which the dupe will basically always be better value.


Kind of. J's first dupe is trash from a damage perspective, but his later cons are eye popping. That's why I asked what's the Dev's track record for later in the game when the dolphins have finished pokimoning the characters and looking at dupes. Do the devs then make some lower numbered dupes good? I am basing this q on my hu tao experience, or more recently what I have read about furina, the best team damage character in the game who gets big bumps at C1 or C2.


How do I solve this puzzle? https://preview.redd.it/siezfffx808d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8034d28911e6849386e7819d119bf7fa21925b




Any attack with a big enough AOE will hit all four.


Looks like you have to hit all 4 at the same time. Bellborne echo can probably do it.


Does anyone else have a bad lag spike for about the first 5 minutes after getting into the game? I have a higher end PC, and after those first few minutes, the game runs fine and has no issues, but that initial boot-up is horrible.


Yeah, after getting through the loading screen I have to wait for a few minutes before the game actually loads up. After that it's fairly smooth at this point, aside from some areas. Pretty mid laptop, gtx1650, 16g ram, i5 9th gen


I just started playing. Got lingyang as my random 5*. Saw that he is not very good. :( Should I reroll or just keep him.


if you don't like him then reroll, it takes less than 30 minutes to unlock convenes


Just keep him, you get to pick the next limited character on the selector banner + you have the selector ticket You’ll end up with all the standard characters eventually just from losing 50/50 on the limited banners


Should Mortefi be using an energy regen or a fusion damage set? I've got a pretty decent fusion set for him right now, unsure whether it's worth farming a new one


Energy regen (Moonlit Clouds) if you want quick rotations. If you have a decent Fusion set it is aight though. Extra damage always good


Has there been any announced event that I should be saving my solvents for? I thought the tacet field boost this week would be unlimited but it's only 3 tries a day. Anything like a permanent union exp bonus or an event along those lines coming in 1.1?


It’s highly unlikely any kind of unlimited event like that would ever happen.


So in other words spend away? Lol


Pretty much


Is there any announcement about the new battle pass content for 1.1 guys? More about the weapons


I see no reason the weapons would change.


Will there ever be a character rerun???. I just lost my chance to get Jinlin because I got a dupe of Calcharo and just to get a chance I need to get more than 70 pull in less than 4 days. I want to know


Most likely but won't be back probably for at least half a year to a year or more. If you're less than UL 30, might be worth rerolling to get her with all the free rolls you get


I'd reroll for yinlin if i really want her, and if i don't have jiyan and didn't invested money on my acc In 1 day you can get her, then you have all the permanent content wishes available (exploration etc like 150 pulls) and avoid any beginner mistakes u made in original acc They haven't announced anything on rerun


I have a stringmaster and cosmic ripples. I use Yinlin and Encore. Which weapon should I put on who?


If they're on same team, use stringmaster on your main dps If separate, stringmaster on both


Is there an in-game way to know which side quests are not done? I don't want to use maps from guide sites because I don't know which quests are done and which are not from these maps.


There is none rn. It will be implemented next patch


Just hit my 35 and by the blessings of the gacha gods, ended up getting 2 5star broad swords. Im leaning towards using one on calchero and one for jiyan(didnt get his sig). Between combining them or having 2, 2 is always better right?


If they're on same team or you wanna avoid 5sec changing their weapons, then 2 ok But if not, you can ascend 1 weapon to rank 2 Also consider cost of leveling up both


yes leave them separate for now, the boost for combining them is really small. because you can move weapons around between ToA floors, they can share the 1 leveled copy. main reason to have the second copy would be future potential teams with 2 broadblade users. or just the convenience of not having to swap equipment.


Very good point, shit we could have a dual broadblade team if jihnsi is a better healer than my e1 verina. Only time will tell! Its my first ever double five star weapon drop and ive been playing gachas 5 or so years at this point, usually multiple at a time, my gf thought something bad happened i was yelling so loud lol


Any good sites or discords for theorycrafting info?


I have 64 3cost echoes for the healing set and only 1 of them has energy regen main stat. No way it's *this* rare, right? I have multiple energy regen echoes on other sets but i can't seem to get it on the healing one.


half-flex: i didnt check my total but the other day i tried building verina. I already had an er 3 cost randomly and then it took just half a day of killing world elites to get another one. Now i tune one, first roll er%. Second one, put 3 tuners to yolo, 3rd roll er. Now this is unholy luck. But none of this was needed if only i had the variation rectifier. Literally everyone seems to have that and its the most op ass 4* wep. So yeah, you win some you lose some Its also rarest roll


If you see it with other eyes, you're being so lucky lol In my case i have found avg amount


I havent gotten a single and i have about 40 myself. Edit:thinking about it, i didnt even realize er was a main stat until i saw a random build. 😂


Bad RNG my friend. Unlucky.


Band RNG for 63 drops sounds like a terrible joke


Is it faster to reroll and try to get a 5 star, or to make one account and grind it for 2-3 days and get it to 80 wishes and see if u win the 50/50 or not.


Yes, 1 or 2 days and you can get lucky Grinding is basically spending limited wishes Ideally best situation is rerolling and get character in first 10pull for example, so you have all content (astrites) for next characters you might want to pull for


yeah that would be the ideal f2p strategy. or better yet, if u paid someone for an AR5 account with both limited character and limited weapon. That is like increasing your limited wish count by 210 \[cuz 70 avg soft pity divided by 66.6% (50% chance + guaranteed after) multiplied by 2\] subtracted by however much pity it took for u to get both the character and weapon. Then the next step would be to maximize your characters so you can start getting max astrite from the tower.


> Is it faster to reroll and try to get a 5 star, Fastest way is to buy char + sig for $7-15, AR = 5 from rerollers


Yeah, I wasnt sure if the reroller do reroll at UL5 or if they play through the game until they reach pity and sell you a rerolled acc.


I think it's faster to spend that time creating some kind of value in the form of goods/services that you trade for currency, and then spend that currency on the game


I am not old enough to work in my country.


Rerolling for limited seems tiresome Rerolling for a standard is pretty fast


agreed. I was asking specifically for limited characters. I want to make a new f2p account when Jinhsi comes out. The chance of pulling one or more 5 star in 45 pulls is 30% but then u need to win a 50/50 so you get 15%. that means roughly 6.7 rerolls on average, but u could be really unlucky and end up rerolling, 10, 20, 30 times and not get one, or you could be lucky and get it on ur first try. Another thing is the opportunity cost. Sure each reroll only takes 35 minutes (total 4 hours for 7 runs), but if you just play on an account and grind it, once u finish grinding it, that is something u don't need to do anymore. If u reroll until you get an early 5 star, that means u still have to take that account to UL 30, max out ur data bank, do all the story quests. At the end of the day, what are you gaining when u get an early 5 star? That means u basically saved 35 wishes at most (80-45) which is worth 5600 asterite. (granted that's assuming you win 50/50 on ur first 5 star). That advantage can easily be negated by losing one 50/50 compared to an account that didn't get an early 5 star at the start of the game but won their 50/50 on their next 5 star. Also when u think of how many runs you need to do on average. being 7 runs. you are essentially sacrificing 35 minutes of your life, in order to save 800 gems per attempt and that's assuming you're not unlucky and don't get one until your 15th or 20th run.


You get 30 event wishes as soon as you unlock convene and you can usually use the wish currency to buy 10 more. It's probably faster rerolling


I have already rerolled a few accounts, on average I'm getting 45-46 character wishes using the currency, but no luck with getting a limited 5 star. If I spend 24 hours grinding (which is very tiring collecting everything all over again), I can usually get to the 5 star and it's guaranteed, so idk, maybe I just have bad RNG and just never won an early 5 star.


So I got 11 Gold echoes today with the double reward bonus at UL43. Does anyone have idea about the regular drop rates for echoes?


Trying to figure out the controls and realized that the button for locking onto an enemy and having the camera follow the enemy you’re locked onto is missing. Does anyone know of a fix?


I can't beat the last difficulty of Illusive Realm. Am I too bad at the game? Should I just quit now before I invest even more of my life into a game I can't even play right?


If you have already unlocked all buffs from that tree with the drams coins and still can't beat it, then yeah, you're too bad


I knew it. I truly am a worthless piece of shit because I can't even beat a fucking gacha game. Imagine.


It's the Aix, right?  He has a laser move that is basically instant death.  Practice on the hologram version so you know how to recognize it. Speaking for myself, this was the move that kept killing me so fast I'd see the score screen before I even knew I was dead.


I've only beaten the first difficulties of the holograms because I'm, you guessed it, trash at the game.


Don't lose hope, it is pretty difficult especially if you don't use a really strong build or get a difficult boss as the final one. I recommend geochelone, break every rock and always go for fierce struggle to get as many white cats as possible. It took me several tries but finally beat it with lv 60 yinlin with geochelone, upgrades focusing on getting more effects from geochelone (mostly ice + some electro), focusing on shield effects and damage when shield active + resonance skill/liberation damage + the fire metaphor that casts meteor on continuous attacks and the aero metaphor that reduces enemy defense when hit by echo skill. I think you can get all the shop rewards just by spamming lower difficulties, the only thing for highest difficulty is 15 extra astrite I think


Doesn't Memory of a Deathmatch get you more cats than Fierce Struggle?  Or am I tripping?


I'm not sure, I think it depends which map you get for fierce struggle. But point was to pick the doors that lead to metaphors rather than doors that lead to character upgrades/other stuff, so deathmatch is also good


You're in good company, but I wouldn't give up hope. I think I died to the final boss 3-4 times before I cracked it. (Part of it is depends on who you fight as well, since the final battle is random and some are harder than others.) For what it's worth, for me, part of the formula was to really prioritize defenses. For all of the lower-level difficulties, I basically always went for damage output and ignored defense. For the top difficulty, I felt like I needed both. In other words, I'd recommend the ice turtle for your echo - build around shields (and always take Verina for healing). As long as you're not super unlucky, there should still be ample opportunity to (also) boost damage output. Finally: Keep in mind that many of the levels may have breakable rocks which can give you an extra cat - or more of the dream shard thingies. (I didn't realize this until several runs through; maybe it's obvious and I was just late to the party.)


This is a returning event I think. It's alright if you can't beat the last stage, most can't yet.


Bullshit. I was seeing people beating the last stage during the first week of release.


Something to keep in mind is the inherent confirmation bias of videos posted online and professional streamers.  Most people don't post their 3 hour long failure-reel, and most streamers practice video games like its their job (because it is their job).


Bro. People were beating Illusive Realm, ToA, and difficulty 6 holograms week one. I've had a month of leveling and echo farming, and can't even get past the second ToA stage, final IR stage, or difficulty 2 holograms. Hell, I can't even beat level 70 Dreamless.


Hey I'm not trying to interrupt your pity party but you're still comparing your entire learning process to a stranger's highlight reel. Unless you know they are a regular person and were sitting in the room when they filmed those videos, just assume they cut out all the struggling and save your self pity.


And yet I also saw a bunch of posts here about fully clearing ToA and Hologram 6s week one.


I said "most", not "all". If you're like me and don't play every single day for long hours, it's only natural you can't beat that stage yet. If you wanna try to beat it anyway, go build your characters properly. Get proper echoes.


Builds don't matter in Illusive Realm, that's the whole point of the game mode.


And if you want easy mode, use baizhi with inferno rider and mortefi. Focus on buffing her basics.


Tried it. Failed.


What level is she and what level is her weapon?


70 and 70. All skills maxed.


Max level is 90....


Your weapons, level and talents do matter. So level them.


Guess what? They are leveled. So like I said, I'm just so trash I can't even beat Illusive Realm with twice the levels and talents of people that beat it week one. I ask again: Should I just give up on playing this game before I waste more time on something I won't be able to succeed in no matter how hard I try?


Max level is 90, not 70 afaik.


Yes I saw your other message.


You really want someone to tell you to give up, don't you? Would that make you happy to read?


Someone already did. Do you agree with them? Illusive Realm is supposed to be the easiest content because you don't need Echoes, so everyone should be able to clear it easily. It's a 1.0 event, not even an "endgame" piece of content. It's supposed to be like Overdash Club or Second Solaris.


I think you came here looking for a way to externalize some bad feelings you have about stuff that I would guess has nothing to do with the video game and aren't really interested in hearing what other people say.


Which weapon from bp is worth it guys? I already have jiyan's weapon and yinlin's weapon. I plan to get 5star sword (lvl 45) and in weapon selector banner, the pistols As we can share builds for toa, i don't see any weapon that could be better than 5star


Broadsword/Stonard/Augment seem the best strangely there isn’t an energy regen weapon You could just sit on it


Yeah i thought so :(


how importand is yinlin signature weapon should i try to get it or save for more characters? also can someone tell me how the weapon banner pity works?


The weapon is very good for her.  Weapon banner has no 50/50 in this game.  None of that epitomized path bullshit either.  Hard pity is 80 and you get it, that's it.  No idea if there is soft pity but if there is it's probably not significant. The weapon banner is so much better than Genshin that to me it makes it almost a given that I'll be saving for characters plus their weapons moving forward unless it's really bad.


I'm no expert, but I think there's a ton of value in prioritizing a top-tier weapon of each type for your 'top' characters. In other words: I think that Yinlin's weapon is objectively the strongest weapon of its type in the game and is absolutely worth targeting if you're using Yinlin or Encore - and if you can muster 80 pulls (at max). The permanent weapon banner provides an avenue for a best-in-class sword and gun. That leaves broadsword and fists. I don't care about any of the fisting characters, so I'm not too worried there. But this does mean that I'm on lookout for a top-tier broadsword next. And I supposed I should further clarify: I'm on the lookout for a top-tier broadsword that features Crit%. After that, my priorities will swing back towards characters.


I have no idea if the weapon banners have a soft pity like the character banners do, but I imagine it's the same. The hard pity is at 80, so if you do eight ten-pulls, you're guaranteed to get the weapon. As to whether it's worth it or not is up to you. Cause guaranteeing getting the weapon costs a *lot* of resources, but it is a guarantee. If you're spending money anyway and getting Yinlin duplicates then you might as well, but if you're free to play than it's really not worth it at all.


19 quest items in backpack, even though quest tab's empty. Am i supposed to take these somewhere..? "Abandoned Data Chip from Tigers's Maw" for example mentions that the theater storyteller collects these, so i tried taking it to him, but nothing. [Quest items in question](https://prnt.sc/wZw9vwaqoxmN)


There’s 3 or 4 (can’t remember) in Tiger’s Maw. When you collect them all, a quest will appear (basically just give them to the storyteller). Gives a few credits and some XP (can’t remember if it was echo, weapon or character EXP)


good to know, thanks


Its just what you got here and there. You are not supposed to do anything with them.


so memorabilia. feel like these things should be kept somewhere else, but oh well. thanks.


what to do after beating main story? I finished the whole thing, unlocked all the inhibitors, and now I'm unlocking new characters... but now it feels empty, any advice?


Exploration % Echoes


There is many side and world quests to do, also there is tons of exploring (chest and puzzles)then there is echo farming then doing the tower and holograms and fsrming recourses. The main story is gonna be 5% of everything you do in this game for until the game is shut down so if you are expecting story driven gameplay sorry to disappoint thats how gachas are. Short version : farm astrite pull for characters then farm to build characters and repeat thats the main gameplay loop


Who else is kind of stuck at 98% completion on most areas? I'm using an interactive map and running around getting all the chests using loot mappers along with actually checking the exact location and marking them on the interactive map. I am absolutely certain than in both Whining Aix's Mire, Jinxou, and Wuming Bay that I have collected every chest that exists, done every puzzle, yet i am stuck at 96-98% supply chests on all of them... Anyone got any suggestions other than brute force redoing the entire region?


When I went to clear my last percents, I usually check the chests in the interactive map that doesn't spawn until you break a rock/finish a puzzle first, because that's usually the culprit (since the ones that spawn directly are usually already found through the in-game chest detector).


yeah but I have gone to every chest possible on the interactive map, only to still only get 98%, perhaps 1 chest somewhere I didn't check carefully enough? Even so once you reach say 95% they NEED to give you some expensive way (like sonance casket radar) to find the remaining chests in the region...


I have every area at 100% with the interactive map aswell maybe you have missing quests? Some times quests give chests and those count towards the exploration


should i be using my 3/3 clears on dreamless, turtle, or poker player ?


These drops are used to upgrade character skills. Check their skill trees to see what they need.


Depends on who you are building and which of the 3 resources they need check your characters and make a decision lol


how does the pity work. Lets say i use 40 pulls on yinlin banner but don’t pull a 5 star, will i have pity on jinhsi banner in at most 40 pulls?


Yes, the pity stays within the same kind of banner.


It will carryover to the Jinhsi banner and your pity will be at 40.


Can someone explain to me why the Bellborne turtle isn't shown in the 4 cost echo list when I try to equip my Verina with Rejuvenating glow? I have several pieces and no 4 cost is shown in this set filter. Do I make a mistake or is it a bug of some sort? Databank says it's part of the set.


Are you sure the turtle is Rejuvenating glow? It also can drop as Moonlit clouds set.


Yes 100% sure. But I just read further down that it can either be healing set or moonlit. Didn't know that and was clearly unlucky. The set drop is random.


How much defense should a DPS Yuanwu have?


With full invest at level 70 you wanna have 3,500 or more, I *think* you can hit 4,000 on him but don't quote me on that.


What about the rest of his stats like crit rate, dmg and energy regen look like?


Honestly I just know the 3,500 number from other discussions, I haven't built him up myself yet. But I do think [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG50TPoS804&t=341s) is a good one to watch cause it seems like the guy really knows what he's talking about.


Is realme 8 good enough to play this game? (6 gb ram, around 35 gb empty space, mediatek helio g95 processor)


Honestly, probably not without some serious stutters, but you might as well give it a shot since it's free to play anyway.


Do you know how much data the game consumes?


Best way to get data bank leveled up


* in data bank menu you can see the list of all echoes and the highest rarity you’ve discovered them at, so go to the bottom of the list and track those echoes that you haven’t got at high levels. * In guidebook do milestones and you’ll get chunks of db xp. * Do events like alloy smelt, wuthering exploration and illusive realm to get “malleable echoes” which will unlock a specific echo at 5* rarity and give xp for discovering it * Kill red mist enemies in the overworld


Who would be a more valuable addition to my account--Jianxin or Encore? I have Yinlin, Calcharo, Jiyang and Verina already.


You could also use Rover as mainDPS in addition to Calcharo and Jiyang, and that might make Encore less appealing even if you want three ToA teams. I think a lot of people started valuing Jianxin higher after already having three solid DPSes and then looking for supports to fill three teams. I like Encore a lot, and having a spread of elements is good. But now we are getting plenty of DPSes, so I understand the dilemma.


If you pick up Encore, you could ensure Yinlin as a subDPS for Calcharo and still have three mainDPSes for ToA. Also a great Fusion DPS. Jianxin is a good support and can help with crowd control. If you just want to make one team better, or don't want another mainDPS, she may be better for you.


With LVL 45 Comes a free 5 ⭐️ Weapon, I spent almost all of my Credits on the Double Tacet Field Rewards event. How much credits would it take to LVL up a 5star weapon from 1 to 70? https://preview.redd.it/g7e03mkgfy7d1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcc089abe7ee85629abb7752a9071ceea2bb355


615,000 according to [wutheringwaves.gg](http://wutheringwaves.gg)


You have an official comic series (Wuthering Waves Official Comic Series | Secret Tunes [Jiyan]) and I would like to know the name of the font. Help me please! Please tell me the name of the font "secret tunes" !!!!!!


Since I already have Jianxin, is it worth pulling Yinlin specifically for Calcharo? Or numbers won't be that different between Jianxin and Yinlin in Calcharo team?


Having jianxin doesnt replace any other support character you still need verina and yinlin for calcharo and probably most future sub dpses/healers released as jianxin isnt really a powerhouse or someone who does her job well she is just a “i have no one else to replace her with” type character so yea keep going for yinlin Now what i said is completely meta/efficiency based but if you like her as a character personally then use her but if you really care about meta she will probably be a filler character for teams that lack a 3rd but never an actual best option for any team


Yinlin is a huge asset to Calcharo, moreso than Jianxin. I run these 3, and only really bring out Jianxin to gather enemies (if it's really hard, I try to build up Jianxin's shield, but in most situations this is way too slow) Weaving between Yinlin and Calcharo is fantastic, and I can't give you exact numbers, but I think Yinlin off-field contributes like half the damage Calcharo does if you can keep Punisher's mark up. Yinlin is great with Calcharo, true, but yinlin is also great sub dps to many other chars. (in much the same way Mortefi is fantastic with Jiyan, but still has great utility with others)


how do you beat illusive specimen lvl 70? i use yinling got crownless to max, last stage was biker and I was not able to more than half his hp in the time.


Spam “Fierce Struggle” doors, use the scanner to Find hidden cats around the map, Always get Resonance Skill DMG bonus, Always get the meteor that does 900% dmg, Get the turtle echo to be immortal, get any upgrades that give you a shield, get the upgrade that give you two ults, goodluck king 👑


Didn't know there's hidden cats around the map. Thanks for the info!


The scanner works in illusive realm? 😱 TIL, such a good tip.


The turtle echo at the very beginning is the safest bet. the damage potential is also insane when you have shields. im gonna assume you're talking about depths of illusive realm, ignore me if im wrong.


Is 1500 atk/ 66 CR/ 250 CD enough for Yinlin? I still have 3 echoes at +20 so technically the stats might be improved further. I am so sick of farming for the Electro set already lmao.


Your crit ratio is good since you want more cd than normal because of her 15% crit rate on skill. I wouldn't +25 an echo you have a good chance of replacing in a month unless you are inches away from tower/hologram clear or something. You will spend years seeking max substat royal flush echoes so 250cd 1500atk seem like great breakpoints to stop at for now.


lol that sounds better than enough, sounds ideal - you've got the general aim of 1 crit rate to 2 crit damage. 70 cr to 140 cr dmg is what I aim for, and you've got 66 cr to 150 cr dmg, unmaxed. i might be wrong, but I believe Yinlin also has Cr/Crdmg on higher level skill upgrades?


Does base level give a damage multiplier relative to enemy level? I’m trying to decide if going 60/70 to 70/70 matters as much as just leveling up their skills/ult etc


I don't play a lot of gacha games, but is there typically a way to get older characters whose banners have expired. Like will Jiyan come back at some point or is he just gone now?


They're very likely to come back at some point, but when is complete guesswork.


Reruns happen. It might take a while (the game did just release) but Jiyan will come back eventually.


did yall build sanhua as dps or as moonlit clouds holder? using her with encore atm and shes like the weakest link in my team.


I use her with moonlit just cause I can't use moonlit anywhere else lol. but i think this is actually good as well, it's tough to use Sanhua as a main dps when you have other dps.


did you go crit ER ER atk atk or glacio damage? cause goddamn she really cant hold her own vs mortefi.


I should go ER, I had glacio because that was default in my head, but lol ER would make her rotations faster.


oki thank you. i shouldnt concentrate on her damage that hard then just make her rotations faster. wish there was a cadenza equivalent to swords.


scale slasher: >cadenza equivalent to swords. sanhua is really good. Her outro is near instantaneous alongside of course the moonlit being an op ass set. But yeah i think these characters are kinda reliant on the concerto weps. Not having variation for my verina really hurts. they are the favonious series but like twice as good I got 21 in toa and couldnt have done the lower floors with unbuilt danjin+rover but unbuilt sanhua rov somehow did it pretty easily lol


scale slasher... was this in jinyans weapon banner? if yes then time for me to die 😭😭😭😭 i just slapped emerald of gen on her because mortefi was already shredding it with just cadenza and EoG would probably be useful down the line. she really makes encore shine even though its just a few seconds.


With wuwa rewarding skill, you can still overcome Sanhua's classification as a sub dps and just play her as a main dps if you want. You can literally ignore meta. i do this with chixia as main damage dealer, just haven't built her up yet


im pure f2p so resources have to be a spent super wisely for now. i tried to do that with danjin but encore and jiyan really surpass her damage for me. Once ive built the three main teams i have rn ill probably start messing with different characters. just missing jiangxin for the 3rd team unless i build taoqi for shields but shes slow for my tastes. but i plan to do taoqi and chiaxi main dps when i can afford it


Are there any Echo builds that's beneficial to both Spectro and Havoc Rover?


Well you can use Atk set and Atk% on 3 cost echos or even go 44111. Obviously it won't be as good as having elemental damage on 3 cost echos with proper elemental set but it will do passable damage for bouth Spectro and Havoc.


I guess I'll just wait till an Echo loadout is implemented into the game.