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80 pulls to lose 50/50 to Verina, and now I've done 50 more pulls. Not looking great, although I will 100% dump all my coral on the last day for last-ditch pulls.


Thats what I had to do, I currently dont have much time to farm the overworld for astrite


I feel yea lost as well to verina but got yinlin on next 70 pull :)


After losing 50/50 your next drop is guaranteed to be featured character. Your chances are good.


At least it was Verina, her s2 is crazy good.


Took my to 65 till I got her after 50/50


Same. I lost to Verina as well. Now at 20 pity.




you got this!


Please post your last pull on this banner, win or lose.


Good luck to you. I hope you get her within these last 11 tides!.


Dont give up. I'm a f2p player and lost my 50/50 Calcharo at around 75 pulls. After that I just started pulling on the banner every time I had enough for a single pull. Lo and behold 20 pulls later - a single pull gets me Yinlin. Now I have a Calcharo dupe and a yinlin in 95 pulls. So yeah even those random 5 shards you get matter guys keep grinding!


Well, its not a matter of giving up or not xD


That’s hilarious. I had the same thing happen. Literally 20 pulls after Calcharo


is there a way to know how many times you spin for a banner?


From the banner screen there is a stop watch looking icon in the bottom left.


Oh no big sad... 111 and im out of astrite and ways to get more (except paying)


Daily activities give you 60 astrites. So you will get 1-2 chances more.


Wait homies, I decided to use those 10 on last ditch pulls, till then i can get some more, let's hope🥲


i lost on 50/50 but I keep grinding as f2p and was able to get her at 130th and I got her weapon at 56. now I am grinding for changli. Good luck!


oh god you got her weapon?!! idk should i try pulling for her weapon or not cuz next week im not able to play cuz busy (travelling), been 40 pulls, gotten yinlin in 110 pulls ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31619)


I'm 60 on weapon but doubt I get it in time.. Saving it for some new op weapon wouldn't be too bad though.


Everyone got this!.


Let us see you're happiness and unluckyness 😤😤


Might be a bit demoralizing to lose progress but I actually kept re-rolling accounts until I got Yinlin within the 30 something premium pulls the game gives you! It’s worth it if you refuse to pay money 😂 the added skip button to the monologue-heavy story beats helps so much






Yeah youre finished. Best to sit this one out


Yo! Guys check the update


I have 12k Astrite rn which i'm saving for Jinshi. The amount of people who lost Yinlin 50/50 scares me. Might be me on Jinshi.


I lost my Yinlin 50/50 to Lingyang. Didn't play for 2 days straight after that. Though God decided to bless me later I guess, cuz I got her in the 17th try after the reset.




Would you have played those 2 days if it was any other 5 star?


If I had got Encore instead, I would. She was pretty fun to play in some of the events where she is available as a playable character. Now, I only lack Verina and her. I have all the other characters.


I'll feel absolutely devastated without verina, who did you pick on the selector?


Jianxin. She is quite powerful now that I have built her up. She can also create shields which heal too so she works as a great support unit for my Jiyan/Havoc Rover/Calcharo who are my main DPS.


Yea that makes sense, though for me who focuses on abyss, I need all the healers I can get. I have verina for jiyan, baizhi for calcharo and now jianxin for jinhsi when I get her


Happened to me, also stopped playing, so far I got like six Aaltos... hate that guy... probably will miss Yinlin... emotional damage...


For there to be winners, there must be losers. So just be a winner.


Should be about 50%


As someone that lost 50-50 but then got her later and also got stringmaster: Hang in there. She will come. Exploration does have enough resources to pull her again and pull stringmaster too (unless you pulled jiyan's banner in which case you'll need some luck).


How is string master for her dmg?


Stringmaster has an insane amount of crit and will probably be bis for rectifier DPS for the next several patches at least. None of the upcoming characters we know of appear to use rectifiers. It's good.


Got it at 150th pull No I have to win 50/50 for changli


good luck!


Wishing you the best man. Shit happens to me all the time in gacha games. You got this!


I got her just thanks to my brother, since he has insane luck. I had just started, and since jyian banner was almost over I decided to pour my resources into yinlin banner, did like 40 rolls but nothing, then I asked my brother if he wanted to do a 10x and he immediately got her for me.


Got her on 160 But now got like 900 astrite ....noway I am pulling changli /jinhsi next patch 😭😭😭


110 F2P pulls bro, You'll get one of them, don't worry May all 50/50's be won on our accounts


Thanks bro 🙂‍↕️🫡


Is it 110? I thought its only 92 for f2p?


And then they're giving 10 more come july 4th


just reroll most compensation will end on 28th june, so 6 days left


Hey sorry, could you please tell me which compensation ends on 28th june? I heard the initial compensations you get on reroll will last till next year?


[https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/m/en/main/news/detail/827](https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/m/en/main/news/detail/827) Previous link was wrong one


Yep & can easily get UL15 in one session with minimal side quests.


this, I previously had an acc with 50 50 lost on jiyan's banner to Jianxin and hard pitied to yinlin, ended up rerolling when Yinlin banner came out and got yinlin plus her weapon and Jiyan early and I grinded out for his weapon.


Damn, all 3 is CRAZY luck


I was 80% plus exploration and ul 37 on the 1st acc abandoned it after I got early jiyan


Yeah they should've just rerolled from the start if they wanted her badly, 2 weeks of progress lost is nothingburger. I rerolled during the 1st day of her banner; got her from the 30 free pulls, used up 70 pulls for the weapon and still guaranteed jinhsi or changli


How are you guaranteed Jinhsi even after pulling 70 for the weapon? I'm pretty sure that's not possible f2p


I got a total of 200 pulls for starting 2 weeks late, 100% all the quests and map. 90 pulls have been used on yinlin and her weapon. The 1.1 patch guarantees at least 90 pulls, 60 or more of it is acquirable in the first half.


Not an option if you play since day1 with over 100h in, though we also have over 160 pulls by now so yinlin is guaranteed unless you pulled for jiyan.


I’ve done 57 pulls on her weapon banner so I can get something good for her and Encore, but I still don’t have it… I’m currently grinding astrites, but if I fail I’ll have to buy pulls from the currency you can exchange for wavebands…


Don't feel bad about that, it's worth it to get the weapon over a waveband because you can use the weapon on more than just 1 character, buying wavebands with corals is mainly for whales going for resonance 6. Id argue having 45 pulls is more valuable than a waveband simply because it's 2/3 of the way to hitting pity on a new character or exclusive weapon, which as a f2p is better imo.


I've spent 140 pulls on her and she's nowhere in sight, I've depleted all my corals too. I guess this is the sign to give up. On the bright side I've got a guarantee next banner and changli si looking hella cool


Tbh you should've rerolled. I didn't get her, on my 5th reroll got her in 1 wish. Each reroll takes only 25 mins


You only get like 30 pulls or smth


Nah it's 38 with shop + primos. It's about 26% to get 5 star in that many pulls + 50/50 so reasonably you can get a 5 star in that many pulls every 4-8 rerolls on average. Ive done 8 rerolls so far, 3 accounts got a 5 star in 11, 1, and 20 I believe


I considered it but I don't think it's worth it since I spent so much time already


Lost my 50/50 after 74 pulls to Lingyang. 40 pulls later finally got her and a bonus Encore.


70 pulls to lose Verina and then 140 pulls total still no Yinlin. A few days after I tried to do single pulls. Got her in 2 pulls so total 142. Don't lose hope.


You need to lose 50/50 to win a different red-haired mommy. Changli, my sweet, i'm waiting


is she that worth to get besides the fan service stuff?


For me personally she is super fun to play. Didn't get her for booba. I always liked summoners so maybe I am biased though.


Nope 79 + fail , I ain't spending more resources on this .




Too many days now too many dailies and events prob not gona br worth restarting


Managed to get her this morning. Although it took me farming at least another thousand astrites just to trigger the soft pity


Good luck to you all, sending my Yinluck 🫴🍀


Is she worth it if you have her weapon? I really want Jinshi aswell and can't get both


Each character is significantly stronger with their weapon. Stringmaster is also bis weapon for Encore, if you happen to use her then that's another reason to go for it. If not then just go for Jinhsi. I got Yinlin but I'm skipping on her weapon so I can go all in on Changli. But I also have no interest on making a Calcharo team and would much rather have the Phoenix lady so that makes my decision easy.


I believe in you guys. I'm f2p and managed to get her twice. Once on 50/50 pity and again in my 110th roll. Don't forget to roll for Stringmaster; that weapon's crit rate is crazy good. If you manage to pull Taoqi more than 3 times as your epic for this banner, I highly recommend trying her out.


I stopped trying


Same. I'm building a second team to do the tower


Unfortunate that the last event is double rewards not astrite.


I lost. Grinded hard and won. At the expense of all my astrite


Lost my 50/50 to Lingyang and some how managed to pull yinlin 6 pulls after


Lost her to Lingyang…not mad, I’m not mad.


I lost the 50/50 pity with Jiyan on the first banner. Pulled Yinlin through the full pity. I’m now 60/80 pulls on her weapon banner. I have not pulled an SSR outside of pity. It’s very frustrating considering how limited currency we get.


I feel like I’m getting more with less somehow, I play Solo Leveling Arise and I've done 1000 pulls as they're pretty generous with wishes but if they're all mostly shit it's no fun.


After getting Node 1 Lingyang I'm suffering from a severe lack of motivation to play... Yinlin was all I wanted, the upcoming characters don't interest me much


Precisely because of that i'm always writing to Kuro in my feedback posts to change the 50\\50 system to 100% guarantee for base 5\* character and only then add 50\\50 to gain profits from spenders. There is no reason to have 50\\50 for base 5\* because if you're non-spender you're forced to just skip 1-2 characters per patch because currency is NOT enough from pure daily quests and exploration currency in most cases already exausted. We have 2 waifus on the horison after yinlin and to be fair, if you're non spender and wasted everything on yinlin, you have almost 0 chances to get changli because you don't have currency to pull AND if you're unlucky and lost 50\\50 you wont get jinshi too. To all who scream "BuT dEvS nEeD tO gAiN mOnEy To GrOw ThE pRoJeCt, WuWa Is A bIg GaMe!!111!1" - Kuro already surpassed the development costs of the game in 1 month. I think they totally can spare their community from idiot 50\\50 system that G-game introduced. Imagine how many support they'll gain by just doing that.


same scenario with the weapon, all I have now is the daily pull, means 6 more chances


Was really unlucky having to go to hard pity and loosing, I caved in and spent the premium shop currency( the one where u can buy wavebands) for 22 pulls and luckily got her, although I originally wanted to safe those, other option for me wouldve been to swipe


I believe in you! Do it for our queen 👑


143 pulls for yinlin and 75 for her weapon. She was indeed really hard to get


I assume this is mostly people who also rolled for Jiyan or haven’t been able to play much? Exploration/achievements/events/compensations have given more than needed to guarantee her (160 pulls)


ill prob use the currency at the shop to get more weapon currency for yinlin weapon


You guys got this! I just got her from my 76th pull not too long ago and got upset to the point that I spent money lul.


True, at first I was gonna skip her, but then I built my calcharo and tohught oh fuck I need her, then spent all 60 pulls I saved still didnt get her, and now currently on 65 pity, but now I wont spend a single astrite on her anymore since I want Jihnsi with her weapon and initially I was saving for her so I have a solid pity now hopefully I will get her in next 10 pull.


Just got my yilin on 87th attempt. I just want her landing skill T\_T Current team Encore+Verina+Rover


i only 8 pity left for guaranteed after lost my 50/50 on jiyan banner. i think i gonna roll on jinshi. bye red hot elf.


I blame myself for this, I kept going until I had jiyan e1 and his weapon… I mean he’s strong af but.. yinlin..


Keep trying brotha she’s worth to get🤤


Lost her at like 78 pity, grinded a few days, got her at 73 pity Not proud at how much pulls I needed to spend but at least I got her I guess 😔 I'm just waiting for Phrolova now


Don't be sad if you can't do it in time, changli is coming


Got her at 124th pull 😑


I lost my 50/50 on Yinlin too, do you guys use rainbow corals to buy premium pulls? Or use them for wavebands/dupes? As f2p, I think its worth it to have more characters than dupes since 1 increase wont make that much difference (maybe from 3*, correct me if Im wrong). I've used all my Astrite too, currently 30 pulls into Yinlin again.


She's tough to get. Got her on 75th pull I think.


I need zapstring's kink harness


I got her at 146 pull, in this kind of game losing is like my routine (this is curse honestly), that why i didnt pull anyone untill i got guaranteed, or just save enough for one pity but never hope getting one. But we got so much pull and all standard banner are still on the same level as premium character yet, so dont feel bad about losing (except it useless resonance chain lol)


I have exactly two 10 pulls left for her now. I just don't know if i should roll for her now or use my guaranteed for someone like Changli or another cool character. I didn't get Yinlins weapon as well.


You’ll get her!! I’m currently saving for Scar and his weapon so I’m not worrying about other limited 5*, but I know how bad it must feel to lose on the character you want


Lost 50 50 and got her on next 70th pull


Tried to get her for my Calcharo, but lost 50/50. Oh well, not really end of the world. saving my guaranteed for next new husbando


I lost my 50/50 to Encore, I ended up having to speeend a little money to get her


I do have Yinlin but can’t remember what pull I got her on. But I got 2 copies of her weapon in the same 10 pull so that was pretty great 👍


Homie, I rerolled for her and got her on the first ten pull when I finally did. If all fails, try rerolling. They basically give you 30 pulls for free rn. You still have a week, it took me 6 hours but I did it, which gave me enough time to get her weapon and I still have BANK saved for Jinsi


I GOT HER SO CAN YOU!! Keep trying guys!!


I got her and her weapon. Sending my luck to you OP, you got this


lost 50/50 at hard pity, got her at hard pity. can't be worse. Aiming for Changli but hopes are low


Will my luck to you for now, as I got her w6 last night and don't need it anymore.


Lost the 50/50 at 60 pulls got her 20 pulls later. All in all, not all that bad


gave up after the first loss so I started pulling on the weapon banner because it is guaranteed


Hahaha, I lost 😅


My luck is usually quite horrible as well, but I got Yinlin and her weapon within 30 pulls. Never going to happen again, but you know..if I can get lucky like this, your time will come.


Got her on my 2nd account... Nice synergies with calcharo, DMG is of a sub dps but very fast and aoe unit... She deletes those 1 star thrash mob


Her banner will eventually come back 🤷‍♂️


Lost 50-50 to verina, now saving for jinshi since at least this way I will have main dps for 3rd team


I somehow got her on my very first 10x pull lmao. Her weapon on the other hand.....yeah...my soul is dry from grinding so much astrites


Then there is me who restarted the entire game, rerolled 38 accounts to get her early so I could go to pity on her weapon as well. Worth. Maybe. Probably.


I managed it just fine, did buy the season pass tho.


I've started playing this game just to get her, so I was pretty confident, cause this game just gave so much tides and gems, but I've listed for an Calcharo Waveband, for me this is nothing useful, but I've tried and got the Yinlin afterwards, but gl if you still trying, she will come home to ya.


Same lol, I'm 13 pulls away from 80 for her. I'll try the next 5 days to get 13 pulls so I can get her.


Just got her on my first ever pull on the banner. No idea what the odds are but I am a lucky man. Best of luck to you boys!


Lost 50/50 got her at 75 and then got weapon at 2


Got her in 30 pulls on my 2nd account for fun.


I got her 2 times, she hits hard and love her aoes! Only took 40 wishes


Meanwhile my first 10 pull I get firefly on HSR... so... you win some you lose some?


Lose the 50/50 to Verina at 80 pulls, but got her yesterday at 15 pity


I somehow got lucky and got her close to my 80th pull, i was like thank you rnjesus 😭


I'm so sorry for you guys. I've gotten yinlin 3 times so far(without spending money on wuwa). I hope you get and enjoy her! :)


Same here :( Very said I lost my 50/50, I got to like 50 pity and still haven’t gotten her :(


Man, I feel really for you guys. For some reason my luck in Wuwa is hundred miles better than Genshin


I got her...my first limited...and also first 50/50 lost in this game...


Got her in 1 10 pull so.. good luck everyone!!


60 pulls got... encore


I lost her to Verina RC1. Not so disappointed I guess. I am hitting hard pity beck to back is kinda upsetting though. (79 - Jiyan, 77 - Verina).


Dont give up i was able to go to hard pity twice to get her


I thought you get her after 80th try no matter what? Am I missing something? Got mine before the 80th but that was my thought from the event information.


My rule before rolling on an event character or weapon: Make sure to have or be willing to sacrifice what it takes to acquire the amount of pulls you need when calculating with the worst luck possible (hitting hard pitty).


I got her on 140 but got weapon on 20 pity


80 pulls on s1 calcharo... I will start saving till her next rerun


It’s me


I'm on the same boat...


I got a calcharo 😭


She came at 69 Pulls after losing 5050 at 69 pulls ( total 140 pulls)


I got super lucky and got her at 20 pity after i lost 5050 unfortunately have an extra cooy of encore rn and i havent even built her yet. However I've been doing everything I can for her weapon but it seems I'm just barely going to make it to the start of soft pity when the banner ends :(


I managed to pull her AND her weapon within this time limit, it's possible y'all! You don't have to go into debt to do the thing!


I got her on 160th...


I pulled yinlin and her weapon on a reroll I did just to see if I could get lucky, if someone wants it you can have it.


80 pulls for yinlin but got encore... im still trying


i lost 50/50 on jiyan and instead got yinlin


I got 2 of her + her weapon in less than 120 wishes.. gl everyone else and sorry I stole ur luck


I lost 50/50 to Jianxin, but with a alot of exploring, I got her at 32 pity, and her weapon at somewhere above 20 pity.


did you pulled for yijan ?


Me who is pulling for Yuanwu sequences... Hello


Hope you get her!


i already give up, lol. mommy yinlin does not like me


Im so close to her weapon but i dont have any content left


i've had to reach 72-76 pity for every 5 star so far (including hitting pity on the beginner's discount banner and currently 60 pulls on the targeted convene) and have lost 2 out of 3 50/50s on the limited banner. thankfully i lost to verina three pulls after my guaranteed jiyan who came home at 74 pity — she's been my only early pull. i'm currently at 40 pulls for yinlin who i was initially most excited for but i think i might just wait for jinhsi. her marketing is getting to me. i have a friend who got jiyan and his weapon across 10 pulls and yinlin and her weapon across 20 pulls and it's crazy to think it took him 30 pulls to get what is currently taking me hundreds of pulls.


i still didnt pull any banner😂 wish me luck for jinhsi


Lost 50/50 at 70 pulls and got her 20 pulls later. So 90 something in total isn't the worst it could have been. That allowed me to at least store 60 eishes up until now for jinhsi/changli


Well I lost on Jiyan, but still went to hard pity on yinlin unfortunately


bro 80th spin i got calcharo again😭


Yall, I did a random 10 pull for shots and giggles and got 2


Guys I lost on yinlin and has 50pity but I've stopped pulling cause now I feel like saving for changli. I don't know if it's right choice cause I've s1 calcharo. But I feel I won't get enough pull and luck to get both.


I had 50 pulls and a dream. Still haven't seen gold. Lol


the game is already fine he should upgrade his device..can't expect it to run on evry devices


I lost to Encore but I wanted her for Calcharo. Luckily got her now but I don't have a weapon for her because the only Rectifier I have is Variation on my C1 Verina, so i might as well try to get her weapon too. I'm not gonna pull for Jinshi/Changli next patch so I got nothing to lose. I can go all in.


I made 65 pulls on Jiyan's banner just so I could avoid 4*s on Yinlin's banner. And after doing those 10 pulls on Yinlin's banner I got the furry boy. I still went all in(unfortunately hard pity) for the Stringmaster as it's guaranteed. For my Encore. And even if I have enough pulls to get Yinlin I don't want her. I'd rather have Sanhua and Danjin copies(Bet I'm gonna get plenty of YangYangs...) in the upcoming banner.


80 pulls to lose the 50/50, currently at 76 and about to double the pity. I'm at the point of debating if she's truly worth it or if I should cycle into the next banner.


i didnt get yinlin in my both accounts dont you guys think the banner pith has problem cuz in genshin our 1st banner wish was granted ....in wuthering wave they give us unwanted character and they dont have customer service for complains![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Lost 50/50 to Encore, another 40 pulls in with no luck. I gave in and did a reroll. Got her in the first of the first 10 pull. Also got Shadebinder in around 20 pulls. So def think about rerolling as the closing time draws near, given that it takes time to get the Convene option.


After 77 pulls she came home along with StringMaster...right after Jiyan and Verdant Summit. YINLIN also came w/a +1 ....Jianxin. Jinhsi and Age of Harvest....YUR NEXT P.S I'm sorry if I sound like I'm bragging and offended anyone. But I have lost SO MANY 50/50s and weapon banners in Genshin+Star Rail that I just wanna share this One victory that I FINALLY GOT😭😭🥹 after so many years of losses.


I didnt even rerolled and end up with a Yinlin S3, i did like 70% of the world exploration, im saving up to her rerun lol which probably is going to be in...6 months i guess?


Update: I got her now, thanks to TOA hazard zone reset, I finally reached the hard pity and to those who commented not to give up. ❤️


ive missed 2 50/50s i dont wanna be here anymore


I'm done with the game, I didn't get Yinlin, I'll come back if she ever returns and when I'm willing to spend money on this sort of game(never did)


I got her on the 15th pull on the last day, then lost a 50/50 on jinshi 😭